#sighh i love when idiots are idiots
kepnerandavery · 4 months
My favourite quotes from When He Was Wicked..
1. “Francesca turned to Michael, her eyes startlingly blue, even in the candlelight. Or maybe it was just that he knew how blue they were. He seemed to dream in blue these days. Francesca blue, the colour ought to be called.”
This is the first moment that makes you realize just how deep Michael’s love for Francesca is ❤️
2. “When she smiled at him he couldn’t say no. And he certainly wasn’t strong enough to deny himself an hour in her presence. Because her presence was all he was ever going to get. There would never be a kiss, never a meaningful glance or touch. There would be no whispered words of love, no moans of passion. All he could have was her smile and her company, and path. All he could have was her smile and her company, and pathetic idiot that he was, he was willing to take it.”
Sigh.. My poor child. I wish I could give him a hug and tell him he’s going to get everything he deserves (soon-ish) 😅
3. “He turned and looked at her, his strange, silvery eyes catching hers with an intensity she knew he didn’t often allow to rise to the fore. “And then it was gone, and he was himself again”
Little does she know, that the Michael that she thought she saw here for a second is his real self. It’s just that he’s pretending to be someone else in front of her to mask his feelings 😢
4. “Francesca?” he gasped. “Frannie, Frannie, what is—”
When he called her “Frannie” for the first time, my heart exploded ❤️ I also noticed that he only calls her that in "somewhat" serious situations 😭
5. “She was still there, and she was still the Countess of Kilmartin, and even if he was the earl, with no questions attached to the title, she wouldn’t be his countess, and he just didn’t know if he could take the irony of it.”
My man really had to go through all seven stages of grief about three times over before she fell for him huh? 😢
6. “He didn’t try to finish the sentence for her. She wished he had; for years she wished he had, because maybe then he would have said the wrong thing, and maybe then she wouldn’t have leaned into him, and maybe then she wouldn’t have allowed him to hold her.”
I feel like this moment is so important for them both. It’s the first time where they stepped out of the familiarity of their relationship, and failed to figure out who they were to each other. And that’s pretty good news, for Michael. Down the road, I mean, cause right now, it really sucks 😂
7. “He was a brave man; he’d proven that countless times, on and off the battlefield. But he was an honest man, too, honest enough to admit that the prospect of facing Francesca was terrifying in a way that no French battlefield or toothy tiger could ever be.”
Ahhhaa 😭
8. “Do you have any idea how long it takes for mail to reach London from India?” “Five months,” she answered promptly. “Four, if the winds are kind.”
Are we really gonna gloss over the fact that she knows this? 😏 Frannie, you’re not coming across as indifferent as you’d like to seem 😂
9. “He’d needed her to step away, to move out of his reach. She was going to have to set the boundaries. Because he wasn’t sure he’d prove up to the task.”
Sighh.. I can’t understand how he kept all of his feelings to himself for six years 😢
10. “There was something different about her, something entirely unexpected. Something that shook him down to his very soul. It was a sense about her—all in his mind, really, but no less devastating. There was an air of availability, a horrible, torturous knowledge that John was gone, really, truly gone, and the only thing stopping Michael from reaching out and touching her was his own conscience. It was almost funny. Almost.”
God, Micheal really is an angel when it comes to her. The fact that he doesn’t even ponder the possibility of a relationship with her is just so.. 😭
11. “You, my lord, need a wife. Immediately.” “Oh, really? And why is that?” “Because in your present state, you are clearly a danger to unmarried women everywhere.”
Is he a danger to other woman, or to you Francesca? I’m pretty sure it’s the latter 😋
12. “She had remembered how he took it—milk, no sugar. For some reason this pleased him immensely.”
Gahhhh 🥰 Small victories for him 😊
13. “But soon. You’re not getting any younger. Michael just stared at her in shock. “I can’t imagine permitting anyone else to speak to me in such a manner.”
Haha 😂 He’s such a sweetheart, and no one can convince me otherwise
14. “And then of course there was the small matter of his skin crawling, which was his general reaction to the thought of Francesca with another man.”
How much more could he take? 💔
15. “He was Michael. He was… well, it seemed difficult precisely to define what he was to her, but they had an unbreakable bond, they two, and it seemed that four years and thousands of miles had done little to diminish it.”
YES!!! 🙌
16. “And even in those early days following John’s death, when she’d hated him for leaving her, even when she’d been so angry with him that she wanted to cry—she had taken some comfort in the knowledge that he was alive and well, and would return to her in an instant, if ever she asked it of him.”
Micheal was living with a broken heart in India, but little does he know that half the work to make her fall for him has already been put in by his past self 😋 All he had to do was be himself 🥰
17. “She reached out and took his hand. “We will get through this,” she said. He nodded, and then he closed his eyes. But just when she thought he was asleep, he whispered, “It’s better with you here.”
Sighhh ❤️
18. “He had never seen her wake up, he realised. He wasn’t certain why he found that so strange; it wasn’t as if he’d been privy to many of her private moments before. Maybe it was because in all of his daydreams, in all of his fantasies, he’d never quite pictured this—the low rumbling from deep in her throat as she shifted position, the small sigh of sound when she yawned, or even the delicate ballet of her eyelids as they fluttered open. She was beautiful. He’d known that, of course, had known that for years, but never before had he felt it quite so profoundly, quite so deeply in his bones.”
Michael Stirling deserves the entire world, and this is precisely why. No one could ever love her as much as he does 😭😭
19. “It was something in the way she moved. Something in the way she breathed. Something in the way she merely was. And he didn’t think he was ever going to get over it.”
And I will never get over how he feels about her 😫
20. “I have no wish to hear about your amorous exploits,” Francesca said stiffly. “Funny, you used to ask about them all the time.” He paused, watching her squirm. “What was it you always asked me?” “I don’t—” “Tell me something wicked” he said, using his best trying-to-sound-as-if-he’d-just-thought-of-it voice, when of course he never forgot anything she said to him.”
The fact that he tries so hard to pretend like he doesn’t care about her too much 😭 Also I love that he’s slowly starting his to let down his guard and use his charm on her 😏
21. “I knew there was a reason I loved you so well,” he said dryly. “One really needn’t worry about falling into the sin of vanity with you about.”
Look at him, casually throwing in the world “love” concealed in a joke. I see you Michael 🥺
22. “Where’s that new earl of yours?” My, she was blunt. “He’s not my earl,” Francesca pointed out. “Well, he’s more yours than anyone else’s.”
Lady Danbury knows best. Come on, Francesca! We know this!! It’s best not to argue with her, and go along with whatever she says 😂
23. “It was like a sickness with him, a sixth sense. He couldn’t be in a room with Francesca and not know where she was. It had been like this since the moment they’d met, and the only thing that made it bearable was that she hadn’t a clue.”
I just.. 😭😭
24. “A man would have to be a fool not to want to marry you.”
Oh my god. My child, I can’t even be mad at him for not telling her how he feels because of how respectful he is 😢
25. “Michael snorted with disgust. Anyone who took the time to really look at Francesca’s eyes would have realised that they were quite their own colour. As if the sky could even compare.”
Haha, what an adorable lovesick puppy 🥰
26. “How did you know I was in the garden?” she inquired. He didn’t say anything. Or maybe he would have done, just not quickly enough to suit her. “Were you watching me?” she asked.His lips curved, not quite into a smile, not even into the beginnings of a smile. “I’m always watching you,” he said grimly.”
Damnn 😏 This, right here is the moment that we all knew it was about to go down. There will be no more facades from this point forward. We’re about to witness the charming, smooth-talking Michael Stirling in all of his glory 😍
27. “Good God, he was staring at her toes. Her toes. What had his life come to?”
*screams internally* 🤣
28. “Now that it had finally happened, now that he had tasted perfection, he was in more agony than ever before. Now he knew exactly what he was missing; he understood with painful clarity just what it was that would never be his.”
Oh god. Someone get this man a whiskey, or a hug, and maybe a therapist 😢
29. “You do realize, Kilmartin,” Colin said, his voice so soft it was almost chilling, “that there is no reason you can’t marry her. None at all. Except, of course,” he added, almost as an afterthought, “the reasons you manufacture for yourself.” Michael felt something tearing in his chest. His heart, probably, but he was growing so used to the feeling it was a wonder he still noticed it.”
Colin Bridgerton, what a godsend. I honestly don’t know why he bothered with becoming a writer when we all know that matchmaking/counseling is what he was born to do 💁‍♀️😂
30. “He might not ever have all of her—her heart, he knew, would never be his—but he’d have most of her, and that would be enough.” “It was certainly more than he had now. And even half of Francesca—Well, that would be ecstasy. Wouldn’t it?”
He’s waaaay too good for this world. Am I biased? Maybe. Do I care? Not one bit 😋
31. “I will give you children,” he said softly. “Or at least, I will try.”
Ohhh GOD 😭❤️
32. “Who would have thought, after all his years of bad behavior, that he’d emerge such a hopeless romantic?”
Pstttt. As if he hasn’t been a hopeless romantic since the day he met her 😂
33. “There was nothing she valued more than a cool and clear head, and Michael had managed to steal that from her with a single kiss. And then he’d done more. So much more. She was never going to be the same. She was never going to be sane.
“You look distressed,” he said. She wanted to strangle him. He cocked his head and smiled. She wanted to kiss him.”
Haha. Cuties 🥰🥰
34. “Dream of me,” he said softly.”
Aww ❤️ I’d be very surprised if she was able to dream of anyone else 😋
35. “He told her about India, and she told him of her childhood. She gave him her opinions about political matters, and he actually listened. And he told her devilish jokes that men were never supposed to tell women, and women certainly weren’t supposed to enjoy. And then, once the bed had stopped shaking with her mirth, his mouth would find hers, a smile embedded on his lips. “I love your laughter,” he would murmur, and his hands would curl her to him. She’d sigh, still giggling, and they’d begin their passion anew.”
This is my favorite part of the book. It sums up their relationship to a single paragraph, and it’s just so beautiful ❤️❤️
36. “Why? It’s because I love you, damn me to hell. Because I’ve always loved you. Because I loved you when you were with John, and I loved you when I was in India, and God only knows I don’t deserve you, but I love you, anyway.”
Oh god, finally! I can’t get over how he told himself that he was never going to tell her any of this, but he just absolutely had to do it when he thought he was going to lose her forever. It’s so tragic 💔
37. “If this is to end, you will have to do it. You will have to walk away, Francesca. Because now… after everything… I’m just not strong enough to say goodbye.”
If my future boyfriend isn’t even remotely anything like him, I don’t want him. Who cares if it’s irrational? From now on, Michael Stirling is the gold standard of men 😭
38. “Six bloody years, all lost in a single moment. All because he’d thought he might actually have the right to feel happy.”
*screams* You do deserve to be happy!! 😫
39. “I don’t care if you’re barren,” he said, his voice hot against her ear. “I don’t care if you deliver a litter of puppies.”
I can’t. How can he be this.... perfect? 😭
40. “His heart had always skipped a beat when he saw her across a crowded room. Anything more, and he didn’t think the organ could take the strain.”
Sighhhh 🥺 I swear, the number of times I sighed while reading this book is striking 😅
41. “It’s not nothing,” he murmured. “When it’s you, and when it’s me, it’s never nothing.”
Oh my god ❤️
42. “This thing between them, this bond—it wasn’t just passion, and it wasn’t wicked. It was love, and it was divine.”
Hallelujah!!! 🥳
43. “She didn’t have to love him. But she did have to feel free. Free to be happy. Because if she wasn’t happy… Well, that would kill him. He could live without her love, but not without her happiness.”
He’s so damn perfect. It’s almost infuriating. Almost! Does Julia Quinn actually think that we won’t be stupid enough to look for this in the real world? Because I will. I am certainly just that dumb 😅
44. “You have to say it,” he said. “If you feel it, then you have to say it. I’m a greedy bastard, and I want it all.”
45. “For the rest of my life,” he vowed, “I will love you. For the rest of my life. I promise you. I will lay down my life for you. I will honor and cherish you.”
What a perfect ending to a beautiful book. I was rooting for him since the first chapter. He finally got his happy ending 😇 And Francesca deserves every bit of his love 🥰
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moldy-flowers · 24 days
Here's my Naruto character tier list... please don't kill me.
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going through all my reasons:
My boy: I cannot physically fucking breathe if I am not thinking about him at all times sometimes its genuinely painful how much I love him I love sasuke so FUCKING much
Would kill myself for them to even spare a glance in my direction: Sakura, im gonna be honest I have a pink bias... and also girlboss she's so amazing we love a saviour complex. Hinata, I put here there for more for the nostalgia, when I watched the show at 7 she was always my favourite and i would rant to my friends about her. Sighh what I would do just for a hug :(
They'll always have a place in my heart: what can I say? They're silly little guys :3 I don't think this one is too controversial (uhmm they werent in the tier list I used but Mikoto and Fugaku are here too)
Goofygoober :): put this here last minute cause I liked these ones more than the others but I didn't like them to always keep them in my heart. Karin so high is probably gonna set some people annoyed but eh she's a gal :3 how can you hate a gal :3
Sillys: they're silly. I like the sillys
What an idiot (affectionate): theyre idiots. And i like them. Okay, I know. Kakshi is very low. I just... idk I've never felt that love for him. He's a guy and i like him, but uhm. I think that's it. I've genuinely tried to love him but i just like him.
What an idiot (derogatory): they're idiots. And I don't like them. No strong feelings about them really, wouldn't turn my nose away if someone drew some good fanart of them or if they were in the main plot of a fic. I'm still traumatized from that one comic where hashirama killed tobirama for madara idk I just can think of him the same way again...
Ermm...: what the freak :/... (I'm sorry)
I know what you are: I'm running out of things to say I just feel anger towards them idk.
Get AWAY: I don't think this is to disagreeable.
Im prepared to get burned at the stake I don't care i stand by this tierlist
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Rem, I follow you on Twitter and I hate that people who are hating on you so damn much🙄🙄 especially that one girl who keeps @ing you and the others.
I'm not one to comment on Twitter because these people are absolutely fucking crazy, you're not doing anything wrong, you're absolutely amazing, I blocked all those people who are hating on you and your friends(so far because you know there's always gonna be idiots on the internet especially Twitter which is the breeding ground for a lot of psychotic fools).
I know Tumblr is bad because I used to be on a blog for answering not just law of assumption stuff but mental health stuff but Twitter is genuinely hell.
You're extremely smart, sweet and have A LOT of common sense, I sent an ask a few days(two days ago??) I hope you got it but it's okay if not. You keep being amazing because that's all you've ever been and all you'll ever be.
These girls love calling others "bullies" yet they're basically the human embodiment of this:
"I like pancakes,"
"so you don't like waffles???"
WHAT THE FACK. (I wrote it like that because that's how I say it when I yell it😂).
They call others bullies, saying shit like "oh but this person said this or said that so is this not true," USE YOUR FUCKING COMMON SENSE BRUH.
sighh I hope this message isn't angering nor makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry if it is.
I hate when people deny affirming from lack does not exist. There's a reason people who affirm constantly that they tire themselves don't get what they want because it's supposed to be easy and enjoyable.
I don't like the "affirm and persist" shit either, I thought this was the law of ASSUMPTION, it's ASSUME and persist.
There's that one girl who literally called you out in a tweet and I got SO PISSED from it. The girl who said you have the same vibes as a fanatic religious person and as someone who knows MANY people like that, you are NOT.
Also people who say manifesting has no rules are so wrong. People in this community mistake rules for limitations. Don't LIMIT yourself, rules are here for guidance like I've said in past asks.
To end with this.
I absolutely love and adore you and as I've said before I'll always be in your corner no matter what app I'm on. I got Twitter mainly because of Hera(I miss her🥺) and you(I adore you😌), you're an icon on Tumblr regardless of whatever tf happens on Twitter, the amount of people you've helped on here and made feel better on here is nothing compared to the way they're acting on Twitter. One again I adore you and I hope the rest of your day is better because wtf.
it truly is just so frustrating over there how people act like you’re not allowed to post YOUR opinion on YOUR OWN account. if only they weren’t stubborn enough to actually try states!! but oh well, maybe someday 🫶🏻
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missmorosis · 4 years
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anonymous asked:
I’m BEGGING for a hc where zuko and sokka like the reader and get jealous of one another. Plot can be anything! :)))
anonymous asked:
oomgomg Hii u replied to me earlier 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 LOVE THAT YOU LOVE SOKKA!!! I love zuko too but sokka needs more appreciation imo.
Would u ever write an zuko and sokka x reader or oc where they both like the same person? Because I find myself conflicted between who I like more because they’re great for totally different reasons! Idkk but anyways looking forward to reading more of ur work!! And happy early valentines dayyyy 💕💕💕💕💕
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please this prompt makes my true beauty heart go 📈📈📈
Pairings: Sokka x Reader x Zuko
Warnings: fainting and sickness (sighh yes yes i wrote another sickfic IM OBSESSED) & it may be the worst thing ive ever written-
Summary: a sick y/n is caught up in a love triangle... which boy is better?
Word count: 1.4k :)
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The doorbell rang, and Y/N rushed to answer it. She opened the door to reveal a smiling Sokka. He was your best friend, so he normally showed up unannounced once in a while.
"Hey, Y/N!" he said.
"Hi, Sokka! What brings you here?"
"Knowing you, you probably haven't had dinner yet?" She nodded with a laugh. "Wanna get something to eat?"
It was past dinnertime, and she still wasn't hungry... In fact, the thought of food made her nauseous. Y/N nodded anyways, and Sokka smiled, getting his car keys out of his pocket.
Driving past the streets, the two blasted music out of the car's speakers, and Sokka sang along to all of the pop songs on the radio. Y/N laughed at the silly expression Sokka had on his face, even though the music was way too loud; it was honestly giving her a headache, but it was okay. She looked out the window to see Zuko, another close friend, heading out of the Jasmine Dragon. He must've just finished work...
"Oh, it's Zuko!" she chirped, giving him a wave. Sokka said nothing, his singing quieting down to silence, but he pulled over anyways to say hi. He parked his car, and the two hopped out.
“Y/N!” Zuko ran over with a huge grin on his face, waving his hand as a greeting. “Nice to see you again! Oh... hi Sokka.” Zuko’s cheerful smile slowly morphed into one of distaste when he noticed that she had been with Sokka.
“Hey, Zuko,” Sokka acknowledged. Y/N turned to see that Sokka’s face also fell when his eyes met Zuko’s. Sokka slung an unnecessary protective arm over her shoulders, and Y/N cleared her throat to clear up the growing tension. Shaking Sokka’s arm off, she opened her mouth to speak.
"Is it cold out here or is it just me?" Y/N blurted, causing Zuko and Sokka to look at each other worriedly. Sokka pulled off his jacket to throw it onto her. He zipped it up, and met her eyes.
"It's not cold at all... you feeling okay?" Y/N nodded slowly, signaling that she was okay, so Zuko and Sokka dropped the subject. She could have sworn it was chilly out.
"Anyways," Sokka continued, heading into his car, "wanna go grab dinner together or something?” The other two nodded, also following Sokka into the car. Y/N hopped into the passenger seat, and Zuko was stuck in the back seats. She could tell he wasn’t happy with her sitting next to Sokka, but she ignored it. They were just being plain childish, and it was giving her a headache.
“Oh, Y/N,” Sokka started. “I went to-”
"Sokka, go left," Zuko interuppted. Sokka sighed and turned the wheel, following through with Zuko’s command. 
As the car turned, it pushed Y/N to the side of the car, forcing her to lean on the car door. Deciding not to get up, she nuzzled closer to the car window, her warm breath fogging it up. She blinked, trying to stop the growing sleepiness clouding her head. 
Y/N heard Sokka ramble on about his day in the background, and her eyes closed for a second... just a second. She was just so... exhausted...
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"Hey... Y/N? Are you asleep?" Sokka's voice asked softly. He poked her side, making her slightly stir awake. She tried to lift her heavy eyelids. Wow, she felt so sluggish.
"What, is Sokka boring?" Zuko laughed, as Sokka gasped, offended. "I should have been the one driving next to her."
"Y/NNN- how could you fall asleep in the middle of my story?" Sokka shook Y/N awake with his free arm. "Come on, you can't leave me with Zuko."
"Hmm?" Y/N hummed quietly, letting them know she was awake. Her voice was raspy; she had a sore throat, but the boys seemed to wave it off as a symptom of sleepiness.
"Am I too boring for you?" Sokka asked.
"No, of course no-"
"So you're saying you'd be with Sokka rather than me?" Zuko accused.
"So you'd rather be with Zuko?"
"What? You guys are arguing for no reason," she mumbled, but the two boys ignored her.
"Of course she'd rather be with me; she's just too nice to say that to your face," Sokka argued, his voice increasing in volume.
"No, then why would she fall asleep while you were talking? You're boring." Zuko's voice was also loud.
"Please stop," Y/N whispered, rubbing her temples, and this gesture didn’t go unnoticed. Sokka and Zuko froze at once, watching her with concern.
"You have a headache? Are you sick?" Sokka asked immediately. Y/N sighed and nodded.
"Is... that why you fell asleep- because you were sick?" Zuko added, and Y/N nodded again weakly, and sighed. Sokka reached out next to him and put his hand on her forehead.
"Y/N, you're burning up..." Sokka gasped.
"Let me see," Zuko mumbled, placing his hand on her forehead. He sighed. "Y/N, you feel really warm."
"I'm so sorry for waking you up- it would have been better for you to stay asleep," Sokka apologized.
"No, no. It's my fault." She shivered, pulling Sokka's jacket tighter. “If I knew I was sick, I shouldn’t have come with you guys.”
"Here, have my jacket, too." Zuko wrapped his jacket over her as well, draping it over her shoulders.
"She doesn't need more than one, Zuko," Sokka scoffed quietly. "Anyways, we can go home if you'd like?"
"Oh, no, don't worry about me! We can go get dinner or something, it's just a headache. It'll go away," she reassured them.
"I don't know..." Zuko said. "Maybe we can get something to eat at your house?" Sokka turned around, heading back towards Y/N's home.
"I agree, you need rest." Sokka looked at her in the mirror. "Sorry to break it to ya, but you don't look so good."
"Okay... if that's alright..." she said, and Sokka smiled.
Everyone arrived at Y/N's house, and Zuko helped you out.
"Shall we?" he asked, gently grabbing your hand.
"C'mon, Y/N," Sokka said, glaring at Zuko. He grabbed your other hand, and pulled you along.
"Y/N," Zuko muttered.
"Zuko, let go of her," Sokka said, warningly.
"Who do you think I am? I don't have to listen to you," Zuko snapped back.
"You guys are driving me insane, can't you both just shut up and get along?" Her voice now matched theirs in volume, and the two stopped arguing, looking apologetic.
Boy, were you lightheaded all of a sudden. She staggered on her feet, and she buried her face in her hands. Not now...
"What's wrong?" Sokka's voice immediately asked.
"Are... are we scaring you? We promise it's not going to get too serious..." Zuko sounded concerned. She could feel both of the boys' arms hovering around her body, trying to protect her, catch her if she fell, or give her reassurance.
"No, no..." she breathed. "I'm.. fine..." With that, she promptly passed out.
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Both boys rushed to be the one who caught Y/N. Zuko scooped her up into his arms, and he carried her into her room, leaving Sokka alone.
Zuko gently laid her down onto her bed, pulling the blanket over her. With a swift kiss that he was tempted to do all evening, he got up and headed out the door.
"Well..." he said, glancing at Sokka. The atmosphere was now awkward, and neither boy was going to leave for a while...
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Y/N woke up, and judging from her headache and how warm she felt, she wasn't any better. Groaning, she got out of bed, expecting to be alone, but she was wrong.
She opened her eyes to see two boys asleep on the couch. They had stayed...
Medicine was laid out for her on the counter, and she gladly took it.
"Y/N?" Zuko's voice croaked, making her jump.
"Oh, hey... I wasn't expecting you two to stay..." she said, and he rolled his eyes.
"Of course we stayed... you feeling better?" Concern was written all over his face.
"I still feel like trash..." she answered truthfully.
"Maybe I can kiss it better," Sokka said with a small, playful smile, now awake as well, and she laughed.
"Anyways, thank you both..." She gave a quick kiss on both of their foreheads, making both of them blush. "Now, get some rest at home... I'll be fine."
"No way, I'm staying," both said at the same time. Y/N sighed; there was no way of getting rid of them, and she loved them for that.
"Do you need anything?" Sokka asked, getting up to get her some water.
"Nah, I'm alright... we can watch a movie, though?" She flopped onto the couch, in between the two boys. She turned on the classic Meet the Robinsons and laid back.
Both boys rested their heads on her shoulders, and she laughed.
"You two are idiots, you're going to get sick." They shrugged, and she smiled.
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this is totally unedited too IM SORRY
taglist (send an ask to get added!) @urmomoness @zuko-is-the-sun @busyforkuvira @appa-gaangnam-style @xxspqcebunsxx @akiris @welovediaaxx @ray-ofmoonlight @sokkaandzukosimp @u-4iia @sunnimochix @kaylove12
Zuko taglist: @duh-dobrik
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wantaichi · 4 years
karasuno as guy best friends
all platonic over here, folks. 
[reuploading due to tagging problems grr]
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SUGAWARA KOUSHI made you swoon the first you met him and no one could blame you - ‘hii i don’t think we’ve met, i’m suga :)’ cue hand shake and soft hand squeeze and pretty eyes staring right into you melting your insides.. he’s just naturally sweet towards everyone and you learn this eventually. loves giving head pats and asking about your day and telling you to ‘take care text me when you get home!’ you‘re always telling him whoever he’d end up with would be the luckiest person on earth and you’d never forgive them if they hurt him. the type of guy best friend who spams your profile pic with comments - ‘wHO IS SHE’, ‘ohhh she glowin!’ - and acts all surprised as if you hadn’t just asked him to choose that photo for you. has a sixth sense for you that’s always so on-point he could tell when you’re faking a smile and would drag you out of the room discreetly saying ‘c’mon lets talk’
DAICHI SAWAMURA acts as the parent/legal guardian throughout your friendship, always reminding you to drink your water and to drop instant noodles from your diet. he has your birthday penciled into his planner and phone calendar, remembers your hyper-specific coffee order from starbucks, and knows all your pet peeves - from slow walkers to being told to ‘chill’ because it invalidates your feelings. the best friend you can trust to do your yearbook write up for you because he knows all your best qualities and remembers all your achievements by heart. doesn’t seem to be aware of his own popularity - his mental age surpasses that of people his age - and couldn’t be bothered with anything concerning romance so you’re always trying to pimp him out set him up with friends and friends of friends who are dying to date him
ASAHI AZUMANE’s always seen as the understated friend in the group just quietly soaking up everyone’s stories in the background but actually has a comedic streak only you and few others know about. it’s easy to miss because he’s too shy to say his jokes out loud so he mumbles them to himself, and they’re so insanely corny - delivered with a straight face - it had you tearing up from laughter the first time you caught him. you love that his brand of funny is free from any kind of attention seeking and feel lucky to be one of the few to witness this side of him. his sense of humor shines best when innocently poking fun at his close friends like doing accurate re-enactments of suga smizing at his reflection or daichi holding his screen 10 inches from his face, or when you’re expressively telling a story and he goes “do that face again” so you do it and he’s like “one more” and idiot you does it again before realizing bitch is trolling you ugh
NISHINOYA YUU is your wild card friend - you never know when he’d show up to things, but when he does, everyone knows. the friend you wished upon a shooting star the way Lilo did and ended up getting a gremlin smh. he’s the spark plug for spontaneous action in your life - would randomly text blast everyone on a weekend to hangout and watch that rooster fight in his neighborhood or go feral at the batting cage downtown, and you’re like wtf...game. deep conversations aren’t really his thing but you’re always so down for anything, to ride along with all the shit he enjoys and listen to his ramblings and it’s that rawness he loves about your friendship. the best friend that has a tendency to go missing in action all of a sudden and no one knows where he is but will randomly hit you up at 10pm to grab ramen with him or those ghetto ass meals ($0.80 rice burgers ftw) on the sidewalk that give you both diarrhea
TANAKA RYUUNOSUKE tried to shoot his shot with you the first you met; now cringes whenever reminded about it because you’re a sausage to him now, as sausage everyone else on the team. the best friend who’s down to hang out literally from morning ‘til dawn, have friends over for a week, go out for late night visits or spontaneous road trips - really anything that serves an excuse to be with the bros (including you). you’d joke about growing sick of each other’s company but deep down you know he’s the one person you could never tire of and run out of fun things to do with. the best friend you could simply be drinking grapefruit shochu with or eating cup noodles and it’d still be one of the most memorable moments with him. the most reliable especially when you’ve gone through a messy break up or when it’s red season - will come over with a whole bag of instant ramen, some takoyaki and some ibuprofen (regardless of the situation)
you and HINATA SHOUYO hit it off within the first hour of meeting each other. you’ve screeched talked about everything there’s to know about the other - volleyball, school life, mutual friends, music taste, siblings, irrational fears and childhood traumas - added each other on facebook, followed each other’s instagram, made plans to watch that game in another school; all within an hour. there’s just something about him that makes it easy for you to open up about anything. the friend that gets you all flustered at the start because he’s so touchy and always poking and hugging you every chance he gets (turns out he’s an accidental flirt). he’s your number one fan and cheerleader and has a way with words that always lifts your spirit, but also definitely the best friend who always gets you sent out of class because your thumb wrestling match or game of tic tac toe got over competitive
KAGEYAMA TOBIO isn’t sure who or what exactly counts as a best friend but he knows which people to trust and which ones trust him back and accept him as he is. yours is a friendship where seeing and talking to each other might happen every few weeks (or even months) but knowing you can count on the other for support and encouragement. there’s never any pressure to be more expressive and he feels comfortable to just be his normal self around you; you’ve probably bonded over mutual interest like volleyball or just sports in general, something that made a lasting impression and led to keeping in touch. you can’t be there in all his games but you make sure to stay updated and send him a ‘congrats!’ or ‘you did your best!’ after matches. you’re sometimes mistaken for his s/o (with how comfortable he is with you), and though neither of you give a shit and even ride along with it sometimes, deep down you’re both thinking: ‘HARD PASS’
YAMAGUCHI TADASHI - timid and innocent, that’s the first impression he gives off to a lot of people. he seems hard to get to know at first but all it takes is a little kindness and authenticity for this boy to warm up to you. deep down he’s hemorrhaging with happiness whenever someone introduces themselves and welcomes him as a friend - he’s never really sure if people like him and he doesn’t like imposing on others. even on a best friend level you’ll learn that there’s so much more layers to him - that he’s loudest when nerding out on things like underdog athletes and comics and art, that he has an eye for aesthetic and beauty and is easily attracted to pretty faces and stylish dressers (but is blind to red flags sighh). he keeps you updated with the trendiest stuff like that milk tea store that just opened or that new release on netflix — always up to date with everything ugh
to TSUKISHIMA KEI, people are either strangers or friends. you could be talking or working together on a daily basis but he’d still consider your friendship superficial; inversely, you could be hanging out only once/twice a week but your conversations would always be interesting or challenging enough for him to keep you around. you’re most likely the louder one or always the one initiating conversations and asking to hang out with him; he’ll call you annoying but secretly appreciates your genuine interest in reaching out to him. you’ll know he acknowledges you as a friend when gives you song recs based on your music taste or asks for your opinion on things - should he get new headphones or that limited edition t-rex figurine? he’ll engage you in debate while studying, in talks about social issues and maybe some existential stuff and you’ll learn that the unforeseeable future led by your generation keeps him up at night
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a/n: because my guy best friends started messaging out of nowhere and i’m missing them more than usual.
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wowtobio · 4 years
Hi, could you please write hcs for tendou, Kuroo, and iwazumi helping their s/o who has horrible back pain. Like to the point of almost not being able to get out of bed( I am in that situation, but during school I’d have to take a bunch of pain killers to get through the day)
✧・゚: *✧・゚Kuroo, Tendou, and Iwaizumi w/ an s/o who has back pain・゚✧*:・゚✧
awwh i’m really sorry to hear that :( back pain is the worst, i hope the pains go away for you very soon ❤
my last post flopped haha :’) o whale
genre: fluff
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Alarm sounds jarred within the confines of your bedroom. Ignoring the searing pain in your back which was the true cause of your awakening, you slap your hand on the snooze button, silencing the most annoying sound in the world.
You sat up. Yup. Nope. Not today.
You collapse back into your pillows. The warmth and softness that welcomes you does not soothe the excruciating sting starting from your lower back spreading upwards. School is not worth enduring through combined with this. Gulping down some painkillers, you tell your parents class is a no go. And by the grim look you had, they allow you to stay home. 
Kuroo notices your absence immediately, and he pulls out his phone sending you a text. 
This boi will borderline spam your phone and will call you during break times at school. You appreciate the sentiment, but as you answer his fourth call with a tick mark on your forehead, he realizes that he should probably cut it out in order for you to get your beauty sleep. 
He thinks about you the whole entire day and is lowkey worried abt your well being awwwwh
Buys your favorite snacks and some painkillers on the way home, Kenma’s like “you’re so whipped kuroo oml” 
When Kuroo arrives, he just casually walks in. He’s been here before. Upon seeing your curled up form he sits beside you. No words exchanged as he lays his hand on the small of your back, rubbing it soothingly. His touch is familiar to you and you sigh with content.
You both end the day sharing and feeding each other the snacks and you listening to Kuroo talk about his day. He gives you the assingments he collected for you throughout the day and he offers to help you catch up on it. Of course, homework and studying is the last thing on your mind as you practically jump into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck, 
His arms encircles your body, his fingertips stroking your back in attempt to relieve the pain. 
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Groaning, you ignore Tendou’s phone calls. This was your morning routine, your adoring red-headed boyfriend would spam call you acting as your alarm, patiently waiting outside your dorm. Once you do wake up and get ready, you meet him outside and walk to your classes hand in hand. 
However, today was a different case. Your back decided to act up once again, normally you would bite your tongue and deal with it. It may have been the way you slept or your back just decided to be a little dickhead, either way you couldn’t even sit up due to the screaming pain you were feeling. 
Your ringtone going off and the text tones rapidly popping up did not help, your annoyance towards the middle blocker grew. Finally you picked up the phone.
“OI TENDOU COULD YOU QUIT IT PLEASE. I ain’t coming to class today so just go on without me” 
Before you could hear his dramatic wails, you push the red end call button and throw your phone on a nearby nightstand. Not even 5 minutes of peace go by as the door to your dorm burst open with your worst enemy aka your boyfriend. 
Thank goodness your roommate already headed off, but you silently cursed her for leaving the door unlocked. Ignoring the calls from Tendou you chuck a pillow at his face. For whatever reason he falls on his butt due to the force of said object and he spits out how cruel and cold you are. 
When you don’t retort back like you usually do and instead curl up into a ball crying a little in pain, the boi goes silent. surprisingly. This is not the first time you experience these pains, Tendou now reads the room and he waddles on over to your side. 
Poking your arm he c a u t i o u s l y asks if you’re okay. because he loves you ofc
“Nee~ (y/n)-chan. Are you okay? You’re no fun when you’re all grumpy like this”
No response again, he sighs before walking off. Your ears perk up at his short arrival. He brings back a heating pad and some painkillers with some water to down it. He offers it to you and you thank him shyly, a light pink dusting your cheekbones. 
You didn’t even realize how much time has passed and you frantically panic and shout at Tendou he’d going to be late for class. He merely laughs it off and wave off your concerns. 
“Don’t worry about it honey! I’ll be here for you, now lay on your stomach for me okay?” 
There’s no convincing him otherwise, so you sigh and lay down. He starts to massage your back and even do his cute little karate chop thing that always made you giggle (seen in the gif above^^ lucky goshiki). 
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sooo I have read a few scenarios in which Iwaizumi is your nextdoor neighbor and all I have to say is yes. I love it. So I am writing about it here too because I want too.
Alright, upon waking up you cry out slightly as you predicted. The slight uncomfortableness you felt before and during you slept has ended with a now terrible aching in your back and all you want to do it make the pain stop. 
Try to sit up? Haha no, you could barely turn over on your side to check your phone, sending your boyfriend who also happened to live next doors, a text message saying you won’t make it to school. 
About 5-10 minutes pass and you hear your front door open. When your bedroom door opens you jump which causes you to yelp slightly in pain. Iwaizumi clad in his school uniform, tsks. 
“And here I thought you were dying” He scowls slightly. 
“I am Hajime! Or at least my back is hmph” You pout at him. 
Iwaizumi only sighs before sitting on the edge of your bed, his backpack left on your carpet floors, long forgotten. “I was only kidding” he states matter of factly, his roughed up hands from his volleyball practices finds themselves tangled in your hair. His hand strokes and massages your scalp and you purr at his touch. 
Tugging on his sleeve, you give him the puppy eyes you know he cannot resist. Hajime coughs slightly, attempting to hide the growing blush on his face and you only laugh at his shyness. He denies your request, claiming that he shouldn’t skip school.
“Buuuut Hajimeeee, you’re smart so it’s okay if it’s just one day” Cue the same puppy eyes, but this time cuter. Iwaizumi didn’t even know such a thing was possible. 
Turning bright red once again, he pinches the bridge of his nose and groans before sneaking into your arms right beside you. Silently cheering out of joy, you bury your face into his broad chest and inhale his masculine scent. His strong biceps wrap around and massages your back, he hides his face in your hair and mumbles
“I’m doing this for you idiot, so be grateful” 
a/n: it’s confirmed that i have a thing for iwaizumi’s hands sighh but thanks for reading! i hope everyone’s healthy, happy and staying safe hehe
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24jnxh · 5 years
Life Story #364
Last night, there is this precious and biggest lesson, I have learnt something new. Sometimes hiding for temporary is okay, but will not be able to hide forever. When someone tells you that “I know everything, dear. I know all things. I just don’t want to say.” – You know it is a sign for you that you should pour it all out already, but you just tank and tank and tank, and probably the person also not sure what to do then you will share. But I shared, though the reply is tough to process, and I did not wrong in the term of processing, and in the end, I got you ignore me because of my character that I have. Last night, I’m asking myself “Joey, is this what you want? If not, work it out on your side. She is not wrong, but you think what mistakes you make to end up yourself at this state of depressive mood? Think about it, if you start sharing with her and not just tell her you taking break, and drawing away from things in life, but share with her what you going through, will you come to this stage of your life?” – I think through, it is so true. If I start sharing with you from the beginning, this will not happen but because I choose to run away from people, choose to hide away from you, I need to bear these consequences. But, right that moment I told myself “Joey, this cannot carry on. Need to change how you always do things. And stop hiding from her. What are the fears you have? Fear she will be like Jaelle and Holly? No, she is totally different. Jaelle and Holly they are soft-hearted, patient with love, thought through their words make sure you not hurt, but what you need? Someone knock your mind, to really break you down till there is nothing to hide, and that someone you can be real and vulnerable to. So, Joey, what you can do now is.. everything be accountable to her, tell her everything and not hide. And she is just a text away, not that she has showed you that she doesn’t care about you, in fact she cares so much and always waiting so patiently. You are the one that make her felt disheartened, you are the one made her felt that she is not a good friend, what you can do now? Mend it back, and share with her everything. Just be real and true to her.” – After speaking that to myself, I woke up myself. Here I want to say, I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart. I should not hide from you what I’m going through, in fact I should be true and just share with you about it. I’m sorry for not standing in your position to see how you would be feeling. Forgive me. I hope it’s not too late to do what I should be doing. I’ve stopped my ministry, taking a break from everything in my life, but I’ve never stop serving God in my CG. My GPA dropped to 2.5, I was so stress because my exam failed, then retest even you get the highest in the retest they will take the just passed that marks only. Then I’ve a project that I submitted one month later, because I cannot focus my school works, as my mum always been making me stress. Right now, she is storing into my mind that my dad doesn’t care about me, don’t care about this family anymore, don’t love me anymore, and don’t treat me as his daughter anymore. All of these, in the end I’ve been shaken, is it true of what my mum have said? Every night has to see her attitude towards me, need to see her black face, need to see her temper that is thrown towards me, I’m stress and yet I’m tired. I’m a child, why parents issue they want to involve me in? Parent divorce, the child always is the innocence want, but for me.. I’m the child that get involve and pressure with everything. Now, my grandma has passed on. I’m just like “What can I do?” – I’m weak, but how weak am I? Very weak. Why? Because I’m afraid of losing. I don’t want to lose my friends(physical leaving or because of death that leaving) both I also don’t want. That same as my family, but because I know it is part of life parcel. I’m busy all the time, did not have anytime for my grandma, not even finding her for lunch because my school work I cannot catch up already, I really no time, and some more I have work, as well. With all of these, I more pressure. Times, I’m asking “Who can I talk to,” even God told me “Go to her. She is waiting.” Though I know who He is referring to, I never because I’m afraid I will trouble you. But right now, I’m going to put that kind of thought at the back of my mind, and I’m not going to always have that thought anymore. I will make that changes, I will share every single thing with you that is happening in my life. I will not hide from you any single more. All I need is, your trust towards me. I will change till you think I’m okay. If there is any day, I’m not doing good enough, I will improve it and be good. As I will come to you all the times, and I will not hide. I will not even run away if I did anything to make you angry with me, but in fact I will stop doing things that will make you angry. Even if I make you angry and you scold me, I’m not going talkback to you, but I will just listen to what you say and make that change of it. This is what I can assure you, and this is what I can tell you as well. If I go drinking, if I never eat, or when I sick eat unhealthy food, you scold me or smack me, I’ll just keep quiet because I know I’m wrong, I’ve no rights to talk back or defend myself in anyways. I know, right now I have no rights to give you any promise, but I hope you can trust that I really mean it, with this promise I made to you. I guess, I should be the one stepping back. I truly not sure are you okay, are you still angry with me, but that feel I have from you is, you did not want to talk to me. I’m sorry for causing you irritation. I’m sorry for being so annoying. I’m sorry for being a burden. I’m sorry for being a trouble. I’m sorry for doing what I've done, and now want to do something about it, become a place where sense it was you did not want to talk anymore. I cannot blame you, I cannot blame anyone, all I can blame is myself. Even the heart is breaking, even it is cracking to pieces, feeling that you did not want to talk to me, holly not even replying me anything, everything come to me, I only can do is let it break, and just cry by myself. I’m sorry, not you break me down, I'm the one that broke myself.. I’m wondering, what kind of friend am I.. 4 hours, not a single word I could type it out for my report. What did I done? I done nothing for my project report. What can I do? Text my lecturer and tell him I will submit a little later despite knowing it will affects my GPA. I loss my grandma, a friend not replying me, a friend don’t seem like wanna talk. For quite awhile already that my grandfather is in coma, my mum just everyday attitude me, my grandma just everyday command me to do things despite my busyness, I felt I'm a robot, learning to deal but to press it in. I remembered there is a night, I could not take it, I take my bicycle key and I change my clothes and cycled out to a park, sit down there I started crying. Who can I looked for? I know I can look for you, but that is middle of night 1am, which idiot will call someone at that point of time? That day, I just looked at the sky, talking to my great-grandparents and my uncle. I cried like there is no tomorrow, I cried like a kid. Got one day before service, my mum argued me with so badly as well, that is mother’s day weekend, I cried throughout the entire service.  Probably.. in this season of my life, I cannot be a friend anyone of you want me to be like in the past, because I continue give, I'm draining myself more and more. I’m not a robot, I've my own emotions and feelings, I will feel hurt and pain as well, why people just like to treat me as a robot? I guess, my heart is just breaking and all of these comes out bah. I’m sorry for not being a good friend, not being a good daughter and grand-daughter to everyone bah, but this season I need is understanding and not treat me as a robot, scold and command me to do things. I’m tired as well, I need my rest as well. Stop imparting that thoughts of my dad don’t care about me, don’t love me all these thoughts into my mind anymore, can! One day, not you gone crazy first, but you will drive me crazy in mind. I want my peaceful life back, can you stop doing this to me? I don’t want to care what’s between you and dad, I just want to go my own life, do what I want. You always do all these to me, tell me don’t share, don’t share.. I'm not like you can tank and tank, I will break down want. It’s my life, can just let me do what I want? I share my problem, not yours. Stop telling me to hide all my thoughts and emotions to myself, don’t train me to be like this, because I'm already in that thoughts of depression, and you are already driving me crazy as well. Is this what a mum should do? For my buddy, I'm sorry if I cause you did not want to talk to me, or did not want to reply me. I really no idea why I have such feels that you guys don’t want to talk to me, but I will learn to take a step back as well. I’m sorry that my family have drives me crazy already. I want to get my mind back on track, but each day all these happens, my mind is already crazy. I’m sorry for not earlier come to you, buddy. But, whatever things I did, I need to bear the consequences.. it’s hurting and pain, I felt that you did not want to talk to me, but I guess if I step back helps you, I will do so. I’m deeply sorry, buddy.  For my friend, I guess I have no words for you because you always don’t want to reply me. Towards you, I'm seasoned. I guess this is one good thing about you not being my buddy, because I will always get hurt by you, not break the wall that I build, but the hurt you always giving to me.. never mind, I accept it because this is what I have to do to accomplish my mission from God. You can ignore all you want bah, that is just you being you. Sighh.. Life Story World – XH Ng Time Check: 23 July 2019/137pm
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leearosa · 8 years
today i was pushed to my limits. my one friend that i’m pretty close to is really testing my patience and understanding. he is scaring me... so stupid.. it’s kind of sad to see some of my friends so far from God.. so messed up and twisted.. and yeah, i know everyone’s messed up in their own way, but this is just too much. i’m just so mad i could probably punch him so hard that he breaks his face. God... i’m so effin pissed that i don’t want to pray for Him, but God, i really believe that only You could fix someone so messed up like that. he literally has no hope except for you.. God please ease this anger.. i’m so taken aback like.. so freakin self righteous and narrow minded. humility, Lord.. give us humility please... humanity drives me nuts (including myself sometimes). when will You come Jesus.... i do not know how You deal with us idiots.. and u love us unconditionally so much too sighh
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:6) “Are God’s blessings in your life today good enough for you, or do you want more now and not willing to let Him work through you in His time?” 
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8
They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112: 7
OMG STEADFASTNESS! steadfastness has been a recurring theme in my life.. my hope and goal is to become steadfast in Christ.
God, calm my heart.. purify my heart.. help me to fully trust in You, that i will NOT be shaken.. that i may do Your will.. that i may draw others to You... jjalsdkfjaslljkh
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arigatouiris · 5 years
revenge is a fool’s game // arthur morgan — [07]
pairing: arthur morgan x female!reader
word count: 2274
warnings: strong violence, mentions of period and blood; emotional distress, mentions of torture, rape and sexual abuse, explicit sexual references, a whole lotta angst, cowboy stuff;
notes: so sorry about the late update! life has not been too kind. Sighh. Hope you like this chapter, somethin’ important happens fosho~
not following a taglist for this, i can’t seem to keep track of people who ask so just check on my masterlist~
masterlist in bio~
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Chapter Seven: Love Ain’t No Easy Ball Game
“Arthur, come here,” Dutch said, gesturing to him.
Arthur blinked before going over to him, wondering what the deal was. There was a peculiar tone Dutch used whenever he had something in his mind, a peculiar tone that he used just now. Arthur knew enough to know that Dutch was planning something.
“What’s up, Dutch?” The twenty-one year old sighed.
His eyes quickly drifted to Riley, who was feeding the horses. John was helping her, and sometimes Arthur wondered if John was simply making a guess or if he knew Riley was a woman. Arthur didn’t know if Riley was even her real name and because she was so secretive, he often believed it wasn’t who she was at all. He watched as she fed the horses with a soft smile on her face, and he wondered how she would look like underneath all that disguising. Some part of his heart went out to her, curious as to what brought her down that path she was on.
“Are ya’ listenin’, boy?” Dutch slapped the back of Arthur’s head, causing his eyes to widen.
“Jesus, Dutch! Yeah, yeah! Something about a bank.”
“No. I wasn’t even talking’ ‘bout no bank!” Dutch turned to where Arthur was looking and saw only Riley on the other side. “What’chu starin’ at Riley for?”
Arthur’s face turned beet red before he coughed a couple of times.
“Whatever, listen. There’s this scammer in Peach Farms, near Blackwater. His name’s somethin’ German, bring him to the camp. I’ve written to him already, and all ya’ gotta do is go over there and be a transport. Make sure no one’s followin’,”
Arthur rolled his eyes before thinking, Finally, a job worth doing. Nodding, he turned around to leave as Dutch said something that made him press his lips together.
“Take Riley with you. The boy needs to get out more.”
Letting out another sigh, Arthur walked over to where Riley was before patting her back twice. Immediately, Arthur recoiled in horror before bowing down lowly and apologizing. Riley glared at him before getting up, pushing the man backwards a bit, and sending him a nasty glare. She cocked her eyebrow at him, asking him what he wanted through gesture alone.
“Dutch is sendin’ us on a mission.” Arthur said, looking everywhere except at Riley.
Riley rolled her eyes before turning on her heel and walking to her tent to get her belongings. Arthur stared at her from the back and looked down to his boot. He felt like an idiot all of a sudden, not sure if he had to treat her like a woman now that he knew her truth, or if he had to play along since he had decided to keep her secret.
When the two of them mounted their horses and were a bit away from camp, Riley turned to Arthur before snapping.
“What’s the matter with you?”
“I may be an outlaw, but I ain’t no manhandler. I shouldn’ta come at ya’ like—”
“Come at me like what?” She snapped once more.
Arthur groaned, “I… I patted yer back without—”
“Arthur,” He could hear her take in a breath before continuing, “You chose to keep this a secret for the time being. So please, for the love of God, play along.”
“Is yer name really Riley?” His question caught her off guard, but she chose not to answer.
“Where are we goin’ anyway? Is it another stupid town where I might need to beat someone up?”
“You won’t need to use them scrawny hands to beat anyone up when I’m with you,” She shot him another glare, causing him to chuckle, “We need to bring in someone Dutch wants to see. All we have to do now is to make sure we ain’t followed. It’s a town called Peach Farms—”
Arthur’s eyes widened all of a sudden, as if he suddenly realized something. His abrupt pause alerted Riley as well.
“What is it?”
“Peach Farms is where Eliza’s at.” Arthur muttered, before scratching the back of his head.
Arthur turned to Riley before frowning, “What’s the matter with you? Why’re you so grumpy?”
“Why’re you so perky?”
“Perky?” Arthur backtracked a bit, “Who’re you callin’ perky? Should I warn you that I know somethin’—”
“Resorting to blackmail? I shouldn’t expect anything less from an outlaw like you.”
Arthur was stunned by her words. He turned back to his route, chose not to respond. Riley believed she went a bit far by insulting him the way she did, but with the way things were moving, she had no choice. She didn’t want to befriend Arthur just because he knew her secret. She wanted to maintain that distance so it’d be easier for her to leave. She didn’t want to make him an additional burden.
“I’m sorry. I just ain’t feelin’ right today.” She said, going against what her mind was telling her.
“That’s alright,” Arthur said, looking ahead. “Peach Farm’s a few hours from here. Hope you’ve got the ride in ya.”
Riley smirked, “Care for a race to find out?”
Arthur chuckled, “You don’t wanna race me, ma’am.”
“Try me.” Riley whispered, causing a shiver to go down Arthur’s spine. He turned to look at her ride off ahead of him, and he had to blink a couple of times to come back to where he was.
He really couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it before. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen that Riley was a woman.
After a few hours, Arthur understood that they were a few miles away from Peach Farms now. He remembered the route from having come here almost a year ago, when he had met Eliza. She was a sweet girl, too young to be eighteen. Arthur felt nothing short of regret in taking her when he kept Mary in mind, but wouldn’t ever deny that Eliza was a sweet girl.
“So Eliza’s a flame o’ yours?” Riley asked, now looking at Arthur.
Their horses were walking side by side now. Arthur took a breath before choosing to reply. There was no harm in telling her this, he thought.
“Yeah, well. She… She’s a nice girl, that one. But, it ain’t love or anythin’ like that.” Arthur said, thinking of Mary.
“Why not?”
Riley chuckled, “Why ain’t it love?”
Arthur groaned, “It can’t happen to many other when you love someone else, can it?”
“You can’t say for sure, you know?”
Arthur laughed bitterly, “So yer sayin’ you can love more than one person?”
“Possibly,” Arthur repeated, scoffing. “It’s time I got over Mary anyway. That’s what the world keeps tellin’ me.”
“Who’s Mary now?”
Arthur and Riley chuckled at her tone.
“Mary’s… Mary is… Mary was, I suppose, Mary…” Arthur struggled.
“She’s still in yer head, Arthur. Clearly. How long has it been?”
He took a second to think about it, “Close to two years—”
“Two years?” Riley said, surprised.
Arthur looked at her and blinked. He wasn’t sure what that response meant.
“Arthur, don’t beat yerself up. There’s only so much you can do. Maybe, you can meet Eliza once more while we’re there and you can talk to ‘er and see if you can like her. Sometimes, we can settle for those that love us because when we feel love, we can love too.”
Arthur took her words in like a sponge. When they reached Peach Farms, Arthur’s stomach was hurting a bit as they went to hitch their horses. Riley went back to being quiet now, but Arthur had figured out a faster way of communicating with her when she was running her disguise. He had no choice but to put past the fact that she was a woman when she was playing a man.
He leaned down to her ear and whispered, “He’s called Strauss. Dutch gave me his card ‘ere.”
Riley put her ears next to his and whispered back, “You don’t have to whisper me to, you know.”
Arthur pulled himself back and felt his heart rate accelerate a bit. Her breath hit his ear and Arthur tried hard to not show that it had an affect on him. Clearing his throat harshly, he waited for Riley to say something.
“Let’s split up. You go to Eliza. I’ll find Strauss.” She whispered, and Arthur sighed.
He grabbed her arm and gave her a look. She smiled at him and nodded once. She placed her hand on his before slowly pulling away.
Arthur sighed before turning on his heel and following his memory. He knew where Eliza’s house was, and from where he was standing at the moment, it wasn’t too far off. Arthur walked to her small house before standing in front of the door, not so eager to knock. He began to think it was a bad idea, whether it wasn’t fair to Mary, whether it was right or wrong.
Sometimes, we can settle for those that love us because when we feel love, we can love too.
Perhaps, it was her voice that caused him to remain standing there. When the door opened and he saw Eliza’s face, Arthur felt nothing but a strange calmness. He knew he didn’t love the woman in front of him, but Riley’s words made him believe that maybe, he could learn to.
“Eliza?” Arthur asked, taking his hat off.
The woman in front of him looked simple. Soft blonde hair and full lips, her eyes were brown and her skin a soft pink.
“Arthur…” She said, her eyes wide.
“I’m sure you ain’t glad to see me.”
“N-No. It ain’t like that. Come on in.” Eliza said, letting him come inside.
Arthur stepped inside and noticed how normal the house looked. Eliza worked as a waitress in the only local saloon, and made her living off that. However, there was a smell in the house that wasn’t quite there before. Arthur couldn’t tell what it was, but he was sure he had smelled it before.
“I was just passin’ by—”
“Arthur, I really didn’t mind you not knowin’ this,” Eliza interrupted him.
Arthur noticed her twiddling her thumbs and standing in front of him, clueless. He blinked before tilting his head a bit, wondering what this could be.
“Didn’t want me knowin’ what?”
“Didn’t want you knowin’ about Issac. I didn’t mind, I’ve always wanted someone to take care of. Keep me away from this loneliness… After I lost my brother, things have been so hard on me, I was makin’ a living but had no one to share it with—”
“Eliza, you ain’t making no sense. Who’s Issac?” Arthur asked, frowning.
She suddenly looked afraid. He stepped in front of her and placed a calm hand on her shoulder.
“After you left a year ago, I… I had a baby, Arthur. It’s… It’s yours.”
Arthur’s eyes widened and he recoiled away from her. Eliza sighed before shaking her head, rushing into another room in the house. He stood there for a long moment before Eliza brought out a baby, just a few months old, and Arthur's heart almost stopped beating.
“That’s… “ He didn’t know what he had to do.
“You don’t have to stay.” Eliza said, worried.
Arthur shook his head before brushing a hand through his hair. He breathed heavily before looking at the baby once more, his eyes filling with tears at the thought of being a father. There was no way he could leave her alone after this, there was no way he could go back to Dutch. But, he knew he had to. And so did she.
“I’ll do my bit, Liza. I will.” He sounded exasperated.
“I can’t… I can’t stay here, but I’ll… I’ll visit. I’ll do my bit. You don’t have to worry about that. I ain’t someone who’ll just leave. I... “ He thought of wanting the same thing with Mary, “I’ll visit.”
Eliza came forward and handed him the baby, but Arthur wasn’t too sure if he could carry him at the moment.
“I have to go right now, Liza. I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, Arthur—”
“You’ve got nothin’ to be sorry for, Liza. Not to me. Not to anyone.” His voice broke at the end, but he meant it.
Rushing out, Arthur stilled near his horse. In the distance, he saw a man approaching him. He wore glasses and he looked old and wrinkled, and Dutch’s description fit him perfectly. For some reason, Arthur felt like he was staring at death right then.
“Are you Arthur Morgan?” He had a funny accent.
“What’s it to you?”
“My name is Leopold Strauss. Dutch must have told you about me. Your kid friend sent me here. He had some business to take care of in the saloon.”
Arthur rushed to the saloon and left Strauss standing by his horse. Once inside the saloon, his eyes widened and his heart fell to his feet.
There in the distance, near the counter, Riley stood. Her back was facing him, and in front of her was a man in a chair, bleeding all over, and in Riley’s hands was a knife with blood in it. He looked around and saw four other men, shot to the ground. He took the scene in and then looked at her.
“Riley? What the heck—”
“Let’s go.” She said, throwing the knife down and walking out.
It was right then that Arthur discovered something about her. Arthur's eyes widened when he realized why she was in disguise. Not because she's done something, not because she's running, but because she's chasing. And to do the chasing, a disguise like that seemed appropriate.
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