#sigh i need a Foul Legacy to lay on top of me like a weighted blanket
if you’re someone who gets aches and pains a lot, Foul Legacy will absolutely help massage your joints. he’ll gently press his knuckles into your back, kneading carefully as you sigh in relief, or pausing when you tense up over a particularly knotted muscle. whenever you stretch and pop your back Foul Legacy’s fur poofs up in alarm- have you been working too much? are you stressed? your bones shouldn’t be that stiff!!! he’ll make you take a break at least, laying you down on either your bed or the couch and snuggling against you
he does the same thing for smaller joints as well. cracking your knuckles? Foul Legacy will gently squeeze and roll them to loosen them up a little. shoulders sore? he’s nipping your fingers until you relent and allow him to give you a back rub. if you ever have a pinched nerve anywhere, he’ll help you carefully and slowly stretch to relieve some of the pain!! he wants you to be comfortable!!
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luna-paradoxz · 3 years
Summary - In the world on Teyvat, you receive a soul mark when you also receive a vision from the seven archons. A gift from the gods they call it, a mark that Eula treasures, a mark that Childe doesn't care about.
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Eula had gotten her vision, something she did not expect after all people hated her so much, she couldn't believe the archons would love her. It had soothed her heart, it made her believe in the ideals that old outrider had thought her, that she needs to be herself before she can please others. To love oneself before others love her. It was a hard battle, a battle she kept fighting every day. But she plans to reach there, a place where she can carve out her own happiness and it seems the archon are helping her since they even gave her a tattoo. A mark that was reddish grey, a mask-like thing with blue blades protecting it. It was beautiful to her and had become precious to her. She did find it lucky though it was on her back, her shoulder blade a place that easily covers up with her cape. It is also something she can find only when she wants to search for it.
Eula has been born and brought up in Mondstadt, her hometown for forever. As she grew up, she learned about its history, present and its future, to be thought to hope for the past to become the future again. She rejected it, the more she learned, the more she wanted to forget the past and forge a new future for Mondstadt along with the people who long it now. Still, other people do not see that, her name carries too much weight for people to forget it. They hate her for the atrocities that the members of her family in the past had committed in the past, the anger they have still carried from that they hate her for that and want someone to remove their anger on them. She is their scapegoat as she entertains talks with them instead of just looking down on them as her family people. Since she joined the Knights of Favonius though things have become better though, Still, they hate her, they hate her family and will probably carry that anger for more generations to come.
It is something she has become used to, she has always but learned to live with it. To protect the freedom of Mondstadt outside of the city walls, in the wild is where she must defeat their enemies. For most days she is strong with promised vengeance and teachings instilled in her blood, she can carry herself simply fine. She held high and her steps firm, she does not show weakness to anyone in the city. She remains vigilant, carries out the duties bestowed to her and the ideals she herself carries as a noble of the city. On usual days Eula is fine but on certain days she is not.
Such as when she had to arrest her own uncle and throw him in the cell on charges of treason and attempted terrorism. The Lawrence clan is truly despicable, rumours obviously fly, and she decides to retreat out of the city today to keep away from listening to their words filled with venomous anger.
A tent is all she needs as she camps out near the old temples of wind. She sighs as she sets it up, the fire is lit and she starts her cooking, food is generally good for her. Years of practice has made her good at cooking and it is one of her skills that she was proud of. She eats for a bit and is going to sleep soon when she hears disturbingly sounds from the temple that sounds like battle sounds. She gets up and heads out with her claymore in her hand.
Childe believed only in himself and Traitsa, other people only interested him when they posed an actual challenge to him in a fight. As such someone who only craved god fights and to become stronger, he was not the happiest when he got his vision. Hydro vision is known to heal people, he was the opposite of that, he did not care much for his loft vision. The lesser for the non-interesting mark it bore him on his left shoulder blade, he does not care for notions such as soulmates or so. It did make his siblings happy so there was that and his vision did allow him to play with them especially Teucer, so he did not really mind it so much, it took a bit of honing, but he was able to develop it enough that it worked in his battles. It was when he got his delusion that he felt strong, he loved the badge, not for his nor but the power it brought to him. It also made him feel closer to the archon he believed in the strong warrior Tsaritsa. The mark forgot, just as it was in the distant lands of wind.
He has been sent to Mondstat for some work, Signora went back so he is left to pick up her slack, how truly annoying. But being the loyal follower of Tsaritsa, he can't reject her orders. He finishes some paperwork and decides to head out in the wild so that he can leave out some steam. He walks down the wild areas and comes around some ruins where some ruins guards must be present, his blood sings and he run around finding them. He came across one that looks in the middle of a temple, an ancient ruin that doesn't matter to him. He pulls out his bow and aims straight for his eyes. The fight raged on as he jumps from pillars to pillars to avoid its missiles and with a maniacal grin. It is then when a glow brightens and a woman lands with her claymore aiming straight for the head, breaking it cleanly and lands elegantly in front of the breaking machine. Her pale blue hair shines in the moonlight but it angers Childe, she stole his prey.
He frowns, trying his best to retain his blood lust as he jumps down and confronts her, the woman dared to take his prey, "Why did you take it out, milady?" he is smiling but he is feeling anything but blood lust, anger to take out this swordswoman to take away his prey for him.
She turns, her posture elegant and confident as she flips her hair and looks down on him and it makes him angrier if it's plausible. "You were destroying the ruins, as a knight, I can't allow any of our ruins to be destroyed by the likes of you." So many sharks and it makes his eyes twitch.
"I was just taking out a danger, milady it would cause problems for the archaeologists that might come tomorrow in the morning."
She frowns, "That is the job of the knight. I must ask you to stay within your borders. You must be aware Fatui," she says with a sneer, "You are not welcomed in Mondstadt. So, I would be careful to maintain the weak support that keeps you here."
He smirks, ok this woman is interesting she just seems to not hate Fatui, but also look down on him, he can use this. He was itching for a fight and being a knight, she should be at least giving him so entertainment. "Then make me milady."
She smirks as she takes a pose, "I would love to throw you rats out of our city of Freedom."
His blades are frozen as she quickly passes cryo through her blade and applies it on his blades, he smirks as he jumps back, throws his blades on her as he jumps on top of the pillars and aims his bow, the water focuses, and he shoots his arrows. Little hydro made arrows pierce her and she aims her blade above to push her cryo to cover as she tries to dodge as many of them as she can. Some of them cut her pale skin but she cares not as she waits for the arrows to finish and jumps after him, but he has already moved and takes cover on the opposite, sniping her as much as he can, and she must keep applying her cryo to cover her weak spots as she tries to run after him. He is a sneaky rat alright. They chase after each other as she tries to aim cryo arrows at him, but he is flexible enough to dodge her and frustrated she decides to use a large attack, she infuses cryo in her blade, gets as close and makes a wide swing as it cuts his chest and he jumps back, grinning manically. She is far stronger than he had thought. Oh, he is having fun alright, even more than travellers fights recently. He does not notice, but a small cryo sword hangs behind her back, she is slowly infusing with large cryo as he pulls out his swords again and gets close to her to aims at her spots, she does her best to avoid and make sure he does not notice her trick. It takes a bit of them, injuries that she could have otherwise avoided and then she releases the pent-up energy, and it blows in his face. It pierces his skin and cuts him away, freezes his skin and injures him enough to put him on his knees but his grin does not leave his face and it only makes her scared a bit. It is then he decides as he pushes his own hydro energy and activates his Foul legacy.
The electro pulses around them and she understood the danger so she moves, running making sure that they will get out of the ruin. Their survey will get disturbed especially since this is Barbato's old temples, a national symbol of Mondstadt. She runs, running through the trees avoiding his electro arrows. She applies cryo to her back as she runs across the field, jumps down the path and lets out some cryo to push the monster towards him to make sure he gets disturbed. She jumps and turns around circling the mountain and then starts climbing, as fast as she can. She runs around, making sure no one is around before she places herself in the middle of the Snarsnatch cliff making sure he will follow her. She pulls out little potions she had made to increase her cryo power and power her up as she closes her eye, relocates her powers, and feels herself smirk a little as he floats near, and they start dancing again.
They stay injured as they lay opposite to each other panting heavily and wincing from their wounds. they both had fallen at the same time, the winner has not been decided but they can't carry on their fight, so they lay there not sure what to do but also not ready to give the other an upper hand.
The wind caresses their wounds, and he gets up, adrenaline pumping his blood, "I didn't know knights had such a good fighter in them. I thought only their grandmaster was worth a fight."
She frowns, springing up regardless of how hurt she was, "Knight's safeguard Mondstadt, the ones are chosen out of hundreds to protect the city. You will do well to not look down on us Fatui." She flips her hair, "To insults knights and me. Be forewarned vengeance will be mine."
He smirks his blood pumping, oh how would he love to fight with her again. "Oh, lady I would love to see you try that."
She frowns, "stop calling me lady, you would call me by title, I am Eula the Spindrift knight of knights of Favonius."
He nods and smirks. "I am Childe, the 11th harbinger of Fatui."
It was two days later when she ran into harbinger again. Childe with his annoying smile as he slides across her with a pint of wine in his eyes, glares. Drinking is one of the few pass times that help her relax after an exhausting day of work, most of the time no one's shares a table with her and that does sadden her but other times she is glad to have a little bit of silence to herself and enjoy her own company without having to worry about others opinion of her. Today she wanted to be left alone since she was tired from work and recovering from the wounds, he gave her. So, she needed a good drinking time to herself, but it seems the damned= Fatui didn't get her message and he still refuses to budge even after she and many others are giving him all kinds of glares and look.
He ignores them as he with his annoyingly honeyed voice says, "Hello there Eula you look as beautiful as you always do." If she was not a noble lady, she would have smacked him right there and then. I
instead, Eula tries her best to ignore his presence and keeps on drinking, but he doesn't care and continues the chat, starting to say things about one of his adventure or another, she cares not but he is close to her so hears, nonetheless. It was something about taking on some monsters and enjoying the fight. She sighed, what was up with this man, she just couldn't figure it out. She finally relents and replies to him when he is talking about his siblings and ice fishing and she just losses her lips and smiles a little, amused as she says,
"How foolish to fall in the sea in Snezhnaya of all places." He smirks when he hears her reply and she groans, oh the drinks are getting to her. To ensure she doesn't make a fool out of herself, she gets up, pays her money, and tries to leave, he blocks her exit.
Diluc's shift had just started as he clears his throat loudly and glares at him as he asks her, "Is everything ok here?" Childe glares back but she pushes him away, thanks Diluc and leaves. The chilly wind calming her down as she quickly makes her way to her dorms.
The man won't leave her alone though and instead is hell-bent on talking to her, she 'coincidentally' runs into him many times even on her routes to take care of work.
She finally gives up when he is waving at her while she makes way to observe a treasure hunter group. "Oh, hello milady, a coincidence to run into you here again." He says so innocently.
She glares at him as she sighs and moves around, "I will not tolerate if you interfere with my work. " She moves not waiting to see if he follows and heads to the site, she was given information about.
She slowly creeps down to a nearby bush and stations herself there, he takes a seat beside her and turns to her, "Why are you hunting these weak ones."
She sighs, "Why do you keep following me if are not even interested in my work."
"You are the one in quite a while who made my blood boil in a fight. I haven't fought with someone who made me injure so much in quite a while. I would like to spar with you again."
She gives a flat look; did he seriously follow her around because she fought well? How stupid. "I would rather you leave right now," she says seriously but he ignores her,
"I would like to spend time with you, I want to know who my opponent is."
She glares at him, trying hard to hide her slightly flushes cheeks. This is foolish, he is an enemy, someone they will expel from the city eventually. So, she ignores his words and decides to do what she had come here to do originally to monitor the treasure hunters' group and gather intel if they were up to no good. She glares at him from a side-eye as she listens to them. He smirks. oh, he hasn't been this curious in a long time, he decides to let her work this time later they can spar again. They focus on the men, few feet away from them. They are talking about some of the ruins that are being excavated recently, she notes as they continue wondering if they will get any treasures from it, she notes this as she keeps intently listening while Childe observes both groups and it was then when the sun hits right above them and her headpiece glints, one of them catches it and in few seconds, everyone springs to action.
She is sparing against one of the bulky ones while he takes her back and shoots down the projectile’s others throw towards them; she is trying her best to not rely on him, but she must admit it secretly that his help is nice since she hates the reactions they cause when they throw elemental projectiles at her. She focuses on taking the ones fighting in close counters, he is wielding a bow, so he needs her to defend him. She keeps a vigilant out for them, easily parring their blows when three of them jump together and she pulls him to swing him aside with her right hand while she twists herself and lets out a cryo energy as they hit her right on her upper chest. She huffs as she kneels and she looks up to see a dark murderous look come up on the fatui as he suddenly puts away his bow and makes a long lance with only hydro as he swings it wide, cutting them all down before he puts it away and goes over to her giving her a hand. She pushes away his hand, putting her great sword in the ground and pushes herself up.
They head to the only man left from the group and she glares at him and asks about their plans, and he confesses that they plan to sabotage the survey and steal all the treasures that might exist in there. She frowns and with a heavy hand takes the man and decides to head back to the city, when he tries to pull the man in his grasp and takes it from her as he turns to her while putting the limp man on his shoulder.
"Are you going to put him in jail?" He asks looking bored, and she is trying hard to ignore the pile of bodies and glares at him her hands crossed.
"Yes, you have already a mess, that I will need to explain, and I would like to decrease the count even by one."
He smiles, "Well I can't tolerate such wimps taking you out, milady."
She shakes her head and just starts walking back to the city as she laments the fact, he has gotten stuck to her because of the sins her clan must have committed. Truly, how annoying.
She finally decides to give him the fight he wants so much so would just stop following her around everywhere like a lost puppy. It is starting to not only worry her but others too, the incident from that day spread like wildfire, and Jean also looked worried as she stared at the duo standing in the HQ. Everyone obviously knew by now that he was part of the Fatui so rumours have started flying considering it has been only some time since the last incident with her uncle so everyone had become cautious, and she would like to crush the rumours before they became a problem, so she gives him a look as she gets him out of the city and finally says.
"We will fight, a proper one until one of us wins and everything is allowed." His whole face lights up in excitement, like a dog that was given a bone, she doesn't get him, his eyes are always so dead and his feelings so fake and yet whenever they spar, or he fights someone he looks genuinely happy. It makes her curious of what kind of person he is to be so happy with only fighting and yet so uncaring of everything else, even his own life. She continued her declaration, "On one condition."
That straightens up, cautious as he asks, "And what will that be milady?"
"I want you to leave Mondstadt once we have decided a victor."
He smirks challenging, "We fatui haven't received orders to leave so I must decline that condition unless Traitsa herself orders it. I will not remove my men and betray her highness."
She sighs, knowing this, in the weeks he has been following her she has learned his undying loyalty to cryo archon. A city without any archon to rule, she didn't understand that devotion, but she knew well that it surpassed his need for strong fights, "Then I will ask at least you a harbinger to leave, it would make it easier for us to keep an eye on the Fatui." He gets that and anyways once he fights, he can leave he was forcefully staying here even though he has already gotten orders to return to Shenezaya to discuss their plans for the Electro archon. He smirks and agrees to the condition.
They decide on time and place and separate to prepare for the battle. The traveller arrives on time who gives an explanation to Jean and all for Childe's weird behaviour and helps her train against his annoying foul transformation that is something he has experienced too dealing with. The week comes quickly, and they both meet each other on top of Storm bearer mountains, ready to fight as they pull out their weapons, get ready and fight with only each other as a witness.
Hours pass as she dodges another of his arrows while jumping and trying to cut him down, he pushes back, butting out his blades to parry her and it tuns again into sword fights. He uses all the weapons in his arsenal while she must keep up with his changing ways of fighting. She hates to admit it, but he is the superior warrior, so adept, so agile, and so honed to the art of fighting. She knows it's a matter of time as the wounds cover both, their pants filling the mountains, all the wild have since left them alone and both humans move only with their willpower. Her arms are heavy, the claymore too heavy for her but she swings it regardless as he puts away his bow and instead takes the lance to fight knowing well, he needs to give his all. The fight is coming soon to a close and she wonders when he will bring out his delusion, but he doesn't, and her leg falls as it gives up on her finally and he takes the moment to take the jump on her. He pushes her to the ground, taking hold of her hands, placing both above her as he stresses right in her face, so close their eyes glaring at each other as one grins maniacally while the other tired. They pant as his lance is kept near her neck and she knows it's her defeat.
It makes her angry, but she swallows it with her dignity and says, "I lose." The lance disappears but he stays there, and she stares into his dull blue eyes, and he stares back in her pink-hued ones, far brighter than him. The silence and wind flow between, neither says a word but something passes between them as they stare further into each other and engrave this memory in each other's minds.
He leaves after that day, and it lets go of one of her burdens. The whispers don't fade right away but they soon disappear and is all well again in the city of freedom. Or at least it should have been but as she sits alone again in Angels share, she feels lonely. She doesn't want to admit it though, after all, you feel lonely for people you care for, love. She does neither for him, but she misses him, his too buttery smile as he slides across her seat and chats continuously about all kinds of things especially his three siblings – Antonio, Teucer and Tonia. He always spoke happily of his siblings, for them they were his greatest pride, she had siblings too, but she hardly ever met them since she joined the knights. Her family never mattered to her if they hold on to their old beliefs but for him, they were his entire world. She misses his constant presence as he hovered around her everywhere, it worried her but now it had become a daily occurrence in the months he had stayed. She hates to admit it truly but she mises Childe, she missed spending time with him. He always accompanied her and made it even easier to ignore the scorned voices, the loneliness, the need to always be on the edge to make sure she will not be taken over. It was tiring but with him, she could be safe that her back will be protected, that the voices will quiet down, and the darkness will recede from her.
She changes another glass of red wine from Shenezaya to drown her feelings alongside the feelings he has left in her.
He twirls an ice charm in his hands, a gift he got from her. She had been making them to please some kids, to gain some brownie points with them. An extra was left so she had handed it to him. He had at that time had decided to give it to Teucer when he goes back home but now as he sails back home, he can't help but keep it close to him. He acknowledges his feelings quite quickly, the loneliness she has left in him is something curious and striking. He has not felt this in a long time, he misses his siblings, but it is not the same as that, it was different stronger, a feeling that he can't let go just like the ice charm that twirled gently in his hand. It was for the ae reason he had refused to use his foul transformation; he dint want to leave her. He didn't want to leave the girl who had broken herself to his heart, a place deep buried in the darkness of his mind, no one has entered since that frost day when he had felt into the abyss.
He leaves a smiling breath, the lady doesn't want him though, so he has left, and he refuses to acknowledge it feels the same as leaving his home behind after all he is heading back to his home.
It is Tonia who points out the similarity that the charm possess. She says with wonder as she puts down Teucer's favourite soup in front of all of them as she asks about it that he has always kept around him, "Doesn't that look similar brother? Where did you get that?" She asks and it triggers an image in him that he has long forgotten. He doesn't show it but as soon as dinner is done, he all but rushes back to his room to confirm and it stares into his face and calls him an idiot. It is similar, far too same as his soul mark, the same insignia she always wore around on her hip, his mark was the same. The pale blue of her ice calling him foolish as he traces and hands-on it gently, he had forgotten it for so long, not caring about it but now it all makes sense. His uncanny attraction to her, his feelings that blossomed so strongly only after knowing her for few months, the feeling of home he had to leave behind. Oh, it all makes sense now.
She was his soul mate and he had fallen in love with the girl who spoke vengeance when she wanted to express her love.
He loved Eula. He smirks as he makes his way to the ice fortress, he is heading back to Mondstadt, he refuses to let her go now that he knows about their future. He refuses to ever let her go; he promises he will be being a beautiful lady to his siblings as he boards the ship back to the city of freedom.
The city is just as he remembers all those months back and he steps out of the harbour, letting his subordinate's take his luggage as they try to please him, but he ignores them and heads out, leaving the city behind and heads to the wilderness. The trails she leaves are easy to find as he heads to the thousands wind temple where they first met and finds her camping out again today. He finds anger simmer under him, but he ignores it as he makes way to her smiling slightly as he wonders how she will react. He quiets his feet down as he comes near her, pulls out his bow and with precision aims it right at her, and as he expected she jumps back, turning with that grace she no naturally possessed. She glares at him, her blade ready to attack him and he smirks, oh gods she is incredibly beautiful as he pulls out his own blade just in time for her to recognize him and he attacks her. This is the dance they both are familiar with now and fall in step quickly, it takes few jabs from her before he collapses on his knees in front of her and she puts her sword on his neck, and he submits to her with a smile. Oh, he will always submit to this beautiful woman. She is panting as she puts at him and puts away her claymore to glare at him, but he stops her as he gets up quickly and takes her hand in him, guiding to her another familiar once he remembers seeing her practice and she flushes as she falls in step, her body remembering the steps too well for it not fall alongside him. Their hands placed properly, and she stares at him in mix of emotions.
"What is the name of seven archons are you doing here?" She asks, her thoughts too jumbled and the sudden changes of actions by him.
He grins as he sides steps and pulls her along, they are dancing in the empty temple surrounded only by wind, "I missed you my princess, so I came back."
She flushes as he tightens her hold on his shoulder and sweeps her leg back as they twirl around, "Have you gone further mad? What are you even saying?"
He laughs as he spins her and pulls her back in his embrace, oh even her coolness warms his heart, "Well, I will say these feelings are kind of madness but yes I mean every word I say. I did miss you princess and even if it meant breaking my promise to you. I wanted to see you again." He says as he stares into her eyes, and she notes that his dead eyes look more alive now. It affects her heart, and she tries to push, but his grip is tight, his eyes determined as he steps with her in perfect rhythm, like this dance was always meant to be danced with him.
"You are a fatui, my enemy."
His gentle smile doesn't leave his face, as he places his hands on her waists and picks her up to spin her and she does as gracefully as always, her feet land light as he gives his answer, "I don't care, I wish to stay by your side no matter what."
"You will leave the Traitsa for me?" She asks, she hears beating anxiously waiting for his answer, as she clicks her toes, and they move straight among the pile of rubbles.
"No, I have sworn my loyalty to her," her face falls, "But I shall give all my left-over time to you." How selfish of him to swear his loyalty to two women but Eula is not surprised as she looks up to him, a smile not leaving her face.
"You are truly an insufferable man, aren't you? To ask me to take your loyalty while knowing well how much I have to lose." She quips even with the gentle smile, she is sad, so scared everything she has built will fall if she takes his hand.
As if he knows this very well, he uses his last weapon, the dagger stabbing in her heart just like he wanted, "I love you, Eula." He pulls her closer as the words sink in her, "I am your soul mate and I want to spend our future together," He slows down, they rock with each other as the winds slow down, the silence far too loud around them as the words linger in the wind. He is so selfish and yet she knows the truth has been spoken from his lips for the very first time and she obliges as she closes her eyes and places her head on his neck, trying to gain what warmth she can from him. It chills her bones, the feelings she holds but she knows the words that express them are not false and they came far easier as the sun sets on them.
"I love you too, Childe."
Years later an eternal bard will sing about a forbidden love between two enemies, fated by gods to be together as they fought the world's hatred towards them and stayed together until their end of time. He would smile gently as he would sing about their eternal dance among the wind and snow.
A/N - It is a rare pairing, but I love it, and I love their ship. The discord server is lovely and if anyone wishes to join us feel free to drop a message. I hope you guys like it and I am working on the same concept for some other genshin couples too mainly my OTP Xianyu. so, look forward to that.
If you like my writing and wish to support me in some way, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi, /luna2572, or you can also commission me. You can dm me or visit my Tumblr to get the details.
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Xoxoxo, Luna.
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