#sigh i am confident to tag everyone here ig
gregorybacon · 2 years
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Yaay!! Happy Valentines to everyone ♡♡♡
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jccnwoos · 5 years
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hello all !! hope you’re doing well, i am pandora, and i’m so so excited to be here !! this is my newest kid kang joonwoo, otherwise known as above’s leader, main rap & self-proclaimed dad ! you can catch him stressed 98% of the time, but he’s a true sweetheart and wants everyone to be happy ! i have yet to make him a plot page, but you can find some trivia and wanted connections for him below. if you want to get a thread started, like this and i’ll come give you love ! i’ll be drifting around for the rest of the night, i can’t wait !
background !
so he’s from a seoul, south korea ! he appreciates the countryside so much & loves the peace and quiet but he’s a city boy through and through !! it’s his home for life !!
son to a mother, kang chorong ! known for her roles in k-dramas ! she was quite the 80′s star, playing the pretty backstabbers lol !! her roles switched to more mature ones eventually, until she decided to call it quits and step out of the limelight. it shocked everybody because instead of marrying a fellow celebrity she fell back in love with her high school sweetheart ! who was....not famous oidoiewjfoe
so much of her life had attention focused on her, so now she wanted to live a quieter life ! so she was a little older to just start having children but she was like f it ! at 40 she got a surrogate mother to have her baby and boom ! joonwoo was born !
this is how he got to be so nurturing ! being an only child to a wealthy family, he was covered in love and ever since has vowed to pass it on to others !
she was kept out of the spotlight for a little bit, but the second they heard of him they were like ooh ?? hollywood’s next film baby !! so this began the spiral of his high expectation’s & people-pleasing tendencies !
her legacy was over, but to chorong, her son’s was just beginning ! so there began her attempts at introducing him to the acting scene ! 
it was quickly evident he was much, much more interested in music ! when he’d be sent to auditions as a kid, he’d just spend his time listening to his favorite songs as he waited !
his mom started picking up on this, and at 15 she started getting him into vocal & instrument lessons ! all that was good & he knew she meant well but he wanted to rap more than anything and he was like mom...i don’t like attention like that !!
but ?? she didn’t really listen to that part ! flash forward, and he became a trainee for abve ent. at nineteen. he still thinks a lot of it has to do with his mom being famous & that she pulled a few strings for him, so when he got there he kept that part as lowkey as he could but !! word spreads quick. anyways he was v interested in showing his talents opposed to letting his family name get him places.
worked v hard until debut !! a very nurturing personality even when he was a trainee, so they saw that and named him leader ! debuting with above was...surreal to say the list but he was so v excited to make his own name for himself !
things have been going great, but joonwoo really really wants to start to step out the spotlight. sure, he loves above and performing, but he was always more of the brains & more than anything wants to become a lyricist / producer ! also reeeeally wants to go to college since he never did after becoming a trainee sigh
onto his personality / lifestyle !
he is....a very loving soul ! be it platonic or romantic, he cares a lot for anyone he meets v fast ! sure it gets him hurt a bit but he believes everyone deserves care and has made it his mission to deliver it to anyone who never got it.
he can be loving, but when it’s work-time he’s in grind mode ! very passionate about whatever he does so even though he likes to have fun, he knows when to focus.
he can also be a bit serious ?? more towards his members, but when he knows their out of line he steps in as the parent like everyone stop !! asks everyone when they’re going out & for how long, probably gets called overbearing / a party pooper behind his back but it’s because he caaaaares ! 
you can catch him always striking up conversation with staff & the other members !! very talkative & thankfully has not caught that rude celebrity bug
he is over-ambitious, and with that comes a load of people pleasing !! he just wants to make his family proud because he’s a momma’s boy and loves her v much so he wants to make her proud by getting famous ! often he overestimates his energy which is never good but he’s trying his best !
he can speak korean, english, & is sadly attempting at chinese and japanese ! he’s native in the first, near fluent in the second, and wants to learn the last 2 to better connect with international fans. 
has baby & puppy fever omg !! he’s so soft for them and for sure is the type to get all giddy when babies are brought to fansigns ! also he has a white puppy suni who he treats like his true daughter ! when they’re promoting she stays w / his parents !
sidenote - his niece, eunah, is always in ig pictures with him lmao !! she’s like a little sister, tagging along & he’s such a kid person so he’s always like yay !! 
the fanservice type for sure - he’s so okay with the boyfriend personality they market him with so he’s always doing vlives and talking to the cameras all sweet & doing cute little things ! he’s genuinely thankful for their fanbase bc he never expected to have like a “fandom” of his own so !! super stoked.
wanted connections !
besties ofc !! he needs someone to joke with and confide in !
a messy friend ! someone who joonwoo has to always care about just a little more bc they’re always getting themselves in trouble. let him parent you !
a fling, give me the on-again off-again tension !
exes, maybe even as trainees ? plus if they’re staff for above & have to always be around each other !
joonwoo’s such a lovebug so a crush would be great !! 
performing buddies !! someone joonwoo can always look for to practice with !
childhood friends perhaps ?? as a reference he’s from seoul !
someone please take hm out so he can de-stress
roomies ? roomies !
competitors ! either they’re often compared or they’re just at each other’s throats all the time, somebody who would make joonwoo not-so-nice would be great !
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A/N: So this is one of the requests I’ve been meaning to write! I’ve finally got it finished and honestly, I’m proud with how it came out. This was requested a while back by @clairebear322. (For some reason I can’t tag her? I’m thinking maybe she changed her username since it was requested.)
Author: Becca (@totallysupernaturaloneshots)
Word Count: 1,743
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean, Castiel
Pairings: Sam x Reader
Warnings: self body hatred, mentions of fat shaming, jealousy, nudity(no smut), fluff
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; }
Summary: When Sam finds out how the reader truly feels about her looks, he does everything in his power to make her feel beautiful.
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Life as a hunter wasn't always easy. Hell, it was never easy. Always on the lookout, always in potential danger. It was a life one could never escape. You felt doomed for the rest of your life. That was until you met the Winchesters.
You backed away from all of the bodies spread out across the room. Every single one of your friends you hunted with were dead, taken out by a nest of vampires. It was down to you to take the remaining vamps out. You and your group had managed to take out the first five, but the other ten were a lot stronger and managed to take out your entire group, except you. Ten on one wasn't an easy task, but you managed to take out four of them all on your own. The last six were hard, they were more powerful than the other nine you took out, and they ended up cornering you. You felt your heart pounding in your chest as they got closer to you. Each step they took, you prepared yourself for your life to end. But right as they were about to attack, the entire room lit up and each vampire fell to the floor, completely lifeless. You looked up in shock, watching as three figures made their way over to you.
“Hey. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” The taller, shaggy haired one asked gently.
“N-no,” you shook your head. “But... But all my friends are dead.”
“Yeah. We uh, we saw when we came in.”
Tears welled in your eyes and you shook your head once more.
“We thought we could take them out on our own, but... God, they ripped their throats out... I had to take them out on my own. I took four of them out, but the last six were a lot harder. More powerful.”
“You took four out on your own? That's... That's not bad, considering the circumstances.”
You nodded your head, taking a deep breath before looking up at the three men.
“How... How did you guys take them out like that?”
The shorter, gorgeous man chuckled, pointing to the one in the trench coat.
“Our buddy here is an angel.”
“Like... a real angel? Angel of God?”
“I am,” he smiled with a slight nod. “My name is Castiel.”
“Amazing,” you breathed, looking at the angel in complete awe. “I've never met an angel before.”
“We rarely ever came down to Earth before this, but once we heard of the demons plans to spring Lucifer free from his cage, we had no other choice. And we've been here ever since.”
“I remember that. He was stopped though, right? He's back in his cage?”
“Oh yes. He's very well locked away again. And wanna know he we know?” The shorter man chuckled.
You only nodded in response.
“We took him down ourselves.”
“Really?” You smiled.
“Mmhm. We're Sam and Dean Winchester. I'm Dean and my brother over there is Sam.”
“Wait... You're THE Sam and Dean Winchester?”
“Yes we are.”
“Holy... holy crap. I've heard so much about you guys. I've been training to be just as great a hunter as you guys.”
“Really? Well, you're pretty much there. You took four vamps down on your own. Not everyone can do that. Especially with the odds you had,” Sam grinned.
You looked down with a blush, biting your lip.
“Well, thank you. That means a lot coming from you.”
You smiled at the memory, glancing over at Sam from the corner of your eye. Ever since that day, you had a longing for Sam, but never in your wildest dreams did you ever expect him to ask you on a date then ask for you to be his girl. To say you were the happiest you'd ever been would be an understatement.
Sam looked over at you, a smile lighting up his face. You blushed and looked down with a smile. Dean noticed the small actions and rolled his eyes.
“Could you two not eye fuck right now? We have a nest of vamps to take out.”
This time you rolled your eyes and threw Dean the middle finger.
“Ha ha. Real mature, Y/N. Seriously, this is the biggest nest of vamps we've ever come across and you two are going to stare at each other like that?”
“What, Dean? Never been in love before?” You teased.
“Oh shut up,” he grumbled.
You smirked to yourself before taking in a deep breath.
“So, are we going to get this show on the road or what?”
“Yeah. Let's do this.”
“I need a damn shower,” you mumbled, trying not to gag due to the smell of your blood soaked clothes.
The hunt was a success and yet another vamp nest was no more. It felt great to rid those suckers, no pun intended, from the world. They, along with the werewolves, were the worst.
Sam chuckled before walking over and pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Go shower, babe. I'll be in the room waiting for my turn.”
“Okay,” you grinned, giving him a quick peck on the lips before walking toward the bathroom, not too far away to miss overhearing Dean mutter a “Why don't you take a shower together.” You threw your head back and laughed at the comment. Dean may have gotten on your nerves a lot, but he still managed to make you laugh.
You reached the bathroom and took a nice, long hot shower. It was honestly the most cleansing shower you've ever had. You felt the stress of the hunt wash away, along with the thick blood coating your skin. It was freeing. You let out a long content sigh, your face lighting up with a smile. You truly were a great hunter. You were confident in everything you did, except, there was one thing you weren't confident about. Your looks. You were bigger than most other girls. Especially the girls Dean brought back to the motels. You'd look at them when you first saw them and just wonder how they looked so much better than you. You hated it. All you wanted was to feel beautiful for once. To just look at yourself and not think a single negative thing about the way you looked.
You knew you would never lose enough weight to look the way those girls did. You were considered a “thick” girl and being big was sorta frowned upon in other societies. There were pictures all over the web of fat shaming and it never made you feel any better about yourself.
You felt a few tears slip down your face and you snapped out of your reverie to wipe them away. You shook yourself back to reality and finished your shower. You finished pretty quickly and squeezed the water out of your hair before getting out to wrap your towel around yourself. You headed back to yours and Sam's room, your wet feet padding along the tiled hallway floor. When you reached your room, Sam looked up at you with a smile.
“Hey. You took a pretty long shower. Everything okay?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Everything's fine,” you smiled, lying through your teeth.
Sam raised his eyebrows, a small frown forming on his face.
“Y/N... I can clearly tell that you're lying. Please, tell me what's wrong. I'm sure I can help.”
You shook your head, tears forming in your eyes.
“You can't. There's nothing you can do about this,” you mumbled, motioning to your body.
Sam widened his eyes at your response, quickly moving so he was directly in front of you.
“Y/N... Don't ever think so wrongly of yourself.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms.
“Sam, I think this way everyday. I just can't help it.”
“Y/N, you are beautiful just the way you are.”
“Seriously? All the girls Dean brings back to the motels are always ten times hotter than me. You can't tell me--”
Sam cut you off with a kiss, his arms gripping you tightly. You kissed him in return, a gasp escaping your lips. You pulled back slightly, your forehead resting against his.
“What was that for?” You whispered.
“I want to show you just how perfect you are.”
“Shh. Just let me.”
You contemplated for a moment before finally letting out a sigh and nodding. Sam smiled at you, grabbing the towel and removing it from around you. You watched as he dropped the towel to the floor, a light blush forming on your cheeks. You met his gaze, noticing how his eyes had glazed over with adoration. You bit your lip, your eyes fluttering shut as his lips found your neck.
“Mmm,” you hummed, tilting your head sideways to grant him better access.
He slowly backed you towards the bed, pushing you down with a light push. You looked up at him, watching as he crawled his way up the bed and pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder. You closed your eyes, letting out a breath as he caressed your sides and placed small kisses across your shoulder and down your arm. He trailed his way back up and made his way down your chest, kissing and nipping at your skin.
“You're perfect...” Kiss. “In every way possible...” Nip. “I love everything about you.”
He continued his way down your body, praising every inch of you he possibly could. The way he was making you feel was not a feeling you were used to. He was making you feel like a Goddess, like you were the most perfect woman on the planet.
“I love you, Y/N. Always have, always will.”
You felt a tear sting your eyes, a small sob escaping your lips. He looked up at you, concern in his eyes, but you only shook your head with a smile.
“I love you too, Sam. I don't know what I'd do without you. No one's ever made me feel this way before.”
A grin spread across his face and he only tilted his head to the side.
“Well, looks like I'm going to have to do this more often then, huh?”
“That would be perfect.”
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