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fallenangelflonne · 11 months ago
i'm copying and pasting this from a comment i made under sigewinne's drip marketing because i think tumblr needs to hear it, too:
sigewinne is a grown woman and wriothesley treats her as such.
sigewinne is the head nurse of a prison, meaning she more than likely has a medical degree or some other high-level certification.
sigewinne only looks the way she does because she's a member of a fantasy race based around sea bunnies, and most, if not all other members of that race you encounter throughout fontaine are homeowners, such as mamere and the other residents of merusea village, and/or have full-time jobs, such as the aquabus operators, front-desk workers, and even police officers, meaning they're all adults and are widely regarded as such by the people of fontaine.
sigewinne is not a child just because she's short and has exaggerated moe proportions. she's 500+ years old.
wriothesley is not sigewinne's surrogate dad; he's her coworker. sigewinne does not need a father figure, much less one she's known since HE was a teenager. please stop infantilizing her.
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feroluce · 1 year ago
Melusine hands make it difficult to write, which is why they all use stickers to mark their items. Despite having human-like hands and fingers, Sigewinne is still very much a Melusine, and she participates in this culture. She puts stickers all over Wriothesley and his gauntlets because that is hers.
Wriothesley doesn't learn this until after he and Sigewinne are together, but he's doing the mental math and he's pretty sure she was stickering him even before they started dating. He tries to bring it up subtly, like oh, so I overheard- or someone mentioned to me the other day that- because. Surely there must be some other meaning behind the stickers, other than just declaring ownership of belongings. Surely that doesn't count for people? You wouldn't mark a person as your property. Right?
And Wriothesley has his back to Sigewinne as he says this. But he turns to face her, and she's smiling at him just as sweet as ever, but her eyes are just a little different, in a way that has nothing to do with appearance. Looking in them feels the same as the first time Wriothesley descended into the depths and then looked out at the bottom of the sea. All the breadth and oppressive weight of an entire ocean, and miles and miles of unfathomable dark and all the things that hide within it.
Sigewinne smiles and tells him no, he understood it correctly. The stickers are how they mark belongings. There is no other interpretation and no deeper meaning. Sigewinne has staked her claim. Wriothesley is hers.
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fridkefyrrih · 8 months ago
AUHGJGJ FINALLY A SIGEWRIO SHIPPER... YAWESES you are a god send i fucking love your art
thanks!! :D
i'm not really a sigewrio shipper though, i just find that ship and it's shippers really cool
with sigewinne i'm more of a yuri enjoyer 🤫
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chengfagshi · 11 months ago
yk what? i didnt even shipped sigewrio in the first place but now sigewrio shippers opened my eyes. love our little melusine and her big bad wolf husband!
but urgh i wasnt aware that diluven had become 'problematic' somehow?? i thought this was the 'safe healthy nonproblematic' gay ship for diluc?
Sigewrio is so good. I honestly wanna go back to Genshin just for Sigewinne but I already returned to HSR again for Sparkle and Aventurine so Idk if I can focus two gachas at once, lol.
And it's mostly people minor-coding Venti, despite Venti being much, much older than Diluc. And a lot of people are like "Well Venti's form was taken after his friend who is a child" even though I don't think that character's age was ever stated. But they love minor-coding Genshin characters. They do the same for Aether and Lumine. It's so exhausting. Like not our fault antis see kids in *everything*. Short character? Kid. Baby face? Kid. Small chest? Kid. Omfg stfu
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hydrachea · 1 year ago
big titty goth Wriothesley and pastel goth Sigewinne who helps him with his makeup even though he actually knows how to do it himself, it's just another one of their bonding times I miss wriosige
A wonderful mental image! And one I could see too, since she seems interested in makeup to the point where there's stuff on billboards about it.
Sure, Wriothesley can do his own makeup... But Sigewinne lacks people to test things on down in Meropide and there's a nice sort of intimacy to letting someone else do your makeup (even more so letting them try stuff out on you).
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feroluce · 1 year ago
Love how Hoyo left Wriothesley's origins a mystery (Schrödinger's Fontainian, as @/hydrachea put it), and love even more how Wriothesley's voice line for this is to joke about finding out by diving into Primordial Seawater just to see what would happen snzkxjndm but. I feel like that's such a delightful setup for suspense, too, which is my fave ♡
Just love imagining Sigewinne, unconscious and sunk at the bottom of so much Primordial Seawater where no one can get to her. And she's a Mélusine; she won't drown, because she was made able to live underwater. But that doesn't mean that Primordial Seawater isn't dangerous, even to her. It slowly begins to eat away at her.
And stuck up on the surface, Wriothesley paces, and paces, and paces, asking for the sixth time where the hell is Neuvilette, or even Lady Furina, how much longer til they get here, what if they don't have that long?
Clorinde quizzes everyone present, but it's no use: everyone there is of Fontaine. It's not a matter of no one wanting to save Sigewinne, it's that they literally can't. They would all dissolve the second they were submerged, long before they could dive deep enough to grab her. The only one that they aren't sure is Fontainian or not is-
Clorinde looks back, and Wriothesley is standing close enough to tip into the sea, right at the edge.
"Wriothesley, don't."
He's staring down into the water. He doesn't turn to look at her.
"Wriothesley, don't-!!"
And Wriothesley dives.
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feroluce · 1 year ago
I'm brainrotting over the thing we see in Mamere's world quests, where each Mélusine has a "token" aka a small object that serves as their "proof of life" and is probably their single most important possession ever, because like. There's not really any human equivalent. So Wriothesley wouldn't really understand how/what/why Sigewinne considers this thing as almost as valuable as her own life, he just knows that it's important to her.
So I think if something were to happen, like Meropide springing a leak somewhere near Sigewinne's quarters, it'd cause a lot of distress for her. Everyone gets evacuated, because no, it's not pure Primordial Seawater like from the sluice gate, but y'know, it's still rushing water and still dangerous. A lot of inmates get banged up in the panic of evacuating and the flood, and as badly as Sigewinne wants to leave and go back for her token, she can't ignore it when her patients are hurt. So she swallows it down and blocks it out and tries to just get to work and desperately hope she can find it in the wreckage later.
They do a headcount and everybody but their duke is accounted for; someone remarks they saw him running towards the source of the water. Sigewinne is equal parts relieved and worried, because if anyone could at least temporarily stop the leak it would be Wriothesley, but also he gets reckless sometimes, so she really hopes he's careful about it.
It takes a while, but some of the inmates start yelling over by the rails, and when Sigewinne tells them to move over, she sees that Wriothesley is trudging his way back up to them from the lower level. The inmates are all so proud and excitable! That's their duke!! Wriothesley looks up and sees them all hanging over the rails, and from here Sigewinne can see that he's completely soaked. Wriothesley's skin is all irritated red and fever-flushed from the diluted Primordial Seawater, and he's littered with bruises and scrapes from the current battering him against the walls and the floors and the pipes and all kinds of debris.
Wriothesley looks up, but he doesn't say anything at first, he just scans his eyes back and forth over the crowd. Until finally, he locks eyes with Sigewinne, and raises his arm up.
And in his hand is the bag that Sigewinne keeps her token in.
And the inmates, not realizing what he's holding, take his raised arm as a victorious fist in the air and they all cheer haha. But Wriothesley doesn't look anywhere else, doesn't smile for anyone but Sigewinne. ♡
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feroluce · 1 year ago
Inmate #1: I used to always keep a bat by my bed.
Inmate #2: I used to sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Inmate #3: I used to sleep with a knife.
Sigewinne: Hah! The three of you are so cute.
Inmate #1: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Sigewinne: The Duke.
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feroluce · 1 year ago
Inmate: So I know now that you're fully Mélusine, even though you look like that. But are there any half-human, half-Mélusines, then?
Sigewinne: No...not yet, anyway! But I'm working on it! ☆
Inmate: Ah, I see.
Inmate: Wait, what?
(And somewhere in the depths of Meropide, Wriothesley gets a sudden chill down his spine sksjkdkd)
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feroluce · 1 year ago
I recently played through Wriothesley's story quest, and the ending was just so sweet? The first ever wedding in the Fortress of Meropide!
I feel like Avice and Faissolle would love to be married by Wriothesley, it just takes them a while to get the guts to ask. And well. How can he say no, after everything they went through (besides, I think he'd genuinely be pretty flattered to be trusted with such a thing haha)?
So Wriothesley gets officiated and everything-
((Wriothesley: Hey, can I marry two people?
Neuvilette: That depends. Is Sigewinne aware and alright with it. Answer carefully.
Wriothesley: ...Can I officiate a wedding, I mean.
Neuvilette: ...Oh! Yes, of course, allow me to find the paperwork for that.))
- just for the occasion. There's a ceremony and a reception and they even found someone to make a cake and everything!
And as he sits off to the side, watching everyone celebrate, Sigewinne spins into view after whirling around the dance floor with several of the guards and inmates. She sits in the chair nearby, decides that's not close enough, and then literally just hauls herself up to sit on the edge of the table right up against Wriothesley. Wriothesley leans his head against her shoulder. Sigewinne leans her cheek against his head. And then they just kind of sit there like that and watch everyone party, the bride and groom in the middle of the crowd.
Sigewinne eventually grabs Wriothesley's hand, and he asks her what she's plotting. Sigewinne tells him "Oh, nothing," as she rubs the pad of her thumb over his ring finger. "Just thinking."
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feroluce · 1 year ago
The inmates of The Fortress of Meropide sometimes have stupid conversations and play dumb little games, like "what's the best thing you've ever stolen and gotten away with." Getting their duke in on it is a wild card, because Wriothesley gives a different answer every time, and no one can tell when he's kidding or not. One time he answered "the position of warden" and well. That one's definitely true. So maybe he's not lying. Either way the inmates love listening to him, since they all adore Wriothesley so much. ♡
Sigewinne on the other hand is banned from playing anymore because her answer is always "the duke's virginity" and like. How do you compete with that. You don't. It's an automatic win HSKJZMXKSNSMDKD
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feroluce · 1 year ago
Wriothesley: You're fully Mélusine, right? Do you have any human in you?
Sigewinne: I don't. Would you like to change that-
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feroluce · 1 year ago
Sort of the same idea as this, but Sigewinne standing around playing with the inmates of The Fortress of Meropide, when Wriothesley happens to walk by and hears them competing for rarest haul that they ever stole and got away with. Wriothesley immediately declares Sigewinne the winner.
And they all turn to look at her, because. Sigewinne is literally like the only one down here without a criminal record? Even she looks confused???
Wriothesley, with a completely straight face: Because she stole my heart.
Sigewinne is, in spirit, doubled over on the floor, clutching her chest and coughing blood as tiny cherubs shoot her full of arrows. The inmates are so so happy for them, they really truly are, but also Your Grace, please, some of us just ate BSMZJZJJZNSMDK
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feroluce · 1 year ago
Hello!! I came here because I was informed you had some Wriowinne headcanons and ramblings to share? Would it be alright for me to ask for some 👉👈 (or as much as you want to share please I'm desperate for food)
I feel you anon, I've been shipping them like...since the PV. So I've been stuck in utter absolute hell, getting nothing but father&daughter content from the fandom (shoutout to @hydrachea for being able to dual wield and letting me talk ship to her, light of my life fr weh). I'm hoping now that 4.1 has been out for a little bit, we'll get some more of them, though. I've dug through our dms, and found a hc that takes place after 4.1. So spoilers for that archon quest, but no leaks are involved!
Anyway, I love thinking about how close they cut it at the climax of 4.1, and the aftermath of it all.
Sigewinne somehow finding out what happened down there at the bottom of Meropide while she was evacuating the inmates, and like. She knows what the stakes were. The Primordial Seawater could not be allowed to rise. Clorinde made the right decision in shooting the gate lock. Even if it had killed Wriothesley, it still would have been the right decision.
That doesn't mean it's not a bitter pill to swallow.
Sigewinne can usually put it out of mind during the day, especially when she's busy treating patients, but it's harder when she's asleep. She dreams of the evacuation, and the alarm blaring, and waiting and waiting and waiting, and Clorinde walking past, alone, with her head down and her fists shaking, until Neuvilette finally approaches. Wriothesley isn't with him.
And Neuvilette's face doesn't really show much. It never does. But Sigewinne is close enough to the surface that she can hear the absolute downpour raging outside as Neuvilette tells her that he's sorry, he's so so sorry, and he gives her a gray and black and red coat, so soaked through with Primordial Seawater that he'd been afraid to let anyone else touch it, and the fur collar is matted and wet against Sigewinne's face when she clutches it close-
Sigewinne jolts awake, grasping at whatever is in her reach, which just happens to include Wriothesley's arm. His eyes almost immediately fly open, slurring out a mix of what's goin' on and what's wrong, and then a do we need to evacuate and poor Sigewinne, she feels awful. He hasn't been sleeping as well since the almost-flood, every little sound wakes him up now.
(There are nights where she'll wake up alone, and if she goes looking, she'll find Wriothesley, still in his sleep clothes and looking exhausted, down under their secret passage and staring at Neuvilette's seal over the sluice gate. Like he's keeping watch over it, or just daring it to try and do something.
Whenever she finds him like this, Sigewinne tells him to come on, come back to bed, and he'll keep his eye on it until the last possible second, but generally Wriothesley comes when called, and he'll let her lead him away. On his worse nights, he'll tell her to go back without him, he can't sleep anyway, he's going to stay down here for just a little while longer. He'll be back later. And she does occasionally go back to bed, but most of the time she stays, because she doesn't like the idea of him alone down there. Sigewinne will tuck herself into his side, or she'll get him to relax his guard just enough to lay with his head in her lap, and they'll stay there like that until Wriothesley finally decides he can bear to leave it alone and go back to bed with her.)
So with all that in mind, when she accidentally wakes him up, Sigewinne quickly gets her breathing back under control and pets his hair until he relaxes again. She tells him it's fine, everything is ok. Meropide is safe. Their home and everyone in it is safe. Go back to sleep. He needs his rest if he's going to go up to the overworld for supplies in the morning. She'll go sleep in the infirmary, she just had a nightmare, is all (the truth), it was nothing, she barely even remembers it anymore (a lie).
Sigewinne doesn't even make it out of bed, though, because when she tries to go, she finds her wrist suddenly caught. She turns back and Wriothesley is squinting up at her face, human night vision isn't nearly as good as a Mélusine's. They sit there like that for a moment, until she can see through the expression on his face that he's come to some sort of decision. Wriothesley pulls her back in and Sigewinne lets him, lets him rearrange them into something more comfortable. It's easy to give up when it's him, she didn't truly want to leave anyway. By the time he makes a satisfied little huff into her hair, Sigewinne is tucked under his chin, her face against his chest, one arm wrapped around her to keep her there. She pats his side and tells him ok, ok, she gets it. She won't go anywhere.
Wriothesley buries his face in her hair and sighs at that, something deeper and more content that hilariously reminds Sigewinne of a dog asleep on the floor. "Good." Wriothesley sounds like he's already half-asleep again. His arm still tightens around her waist though, just to make a point. "How could I sleep, when I know you're off somewhere crying alone?"
Sigewinne touches her cheek, and sure enough, it's wet? She has tear tracks. No wonder Wriothesley had been staring at her so hard. She hadn't even realized. And she opens her mouth to protest because she wasn't crying, some tears in her sleep doesn't count, but. Wriothesley is already asleep again, breathing slow and deep and even, and his arm is heavy and warm around her, and his sleep shirt is soft and comfortable against her face, not at all like the fur-collared coat in her dreams.
Sigewinne gives in again, curls into all that warmth and wraps herself up in it, until it lulls her back to sleep.
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feroluce · 1 year ago
This idea came from @hydrachea but the inmates of the Fortress of Meropide all adore their duke, and I could totally see them trying to hype him up like this when he's around Sigewinne as soon as they learn sigewrio are dating skzjkskem
Wriothesley goes down to the infirmary because he hurt his hand in a boxing match and in the short time that he's in there with her:
One inmate comes in to say that the Hydro Archon Lady Furina herself came down to give His Grace a medal for saving that poor orphan from a dangerous rogue gardemek, but don't worry, they told her to just put it with all the rest.
A second inmate says a reporter from the Steambird came down to write an article about Fontaine's #1 most popular hottest man ever by popular vote, but don't worry, they sent them away since they know His Grace is too kind and humble for that.
A third inmate says suppliers from the overworld sent down their hottest sales associates to tempt His Grace into some business dealings, but don't worry, they turned them all down for him, since they know His Grace is a man of loyalty and integrity.
Sigewinne: Oh, my. Should I leave you kids alone?
Wriothesley: All of you. OUT.
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chengfagshi · 11 months ago
fun story but I used to be friends with someone who became an anti for a short period of time
It was a mutual friend, they weren’t close to me but to my best friend. We all connected over one thing: genshin
my best friend, me and our mutual friend we all like Diluc x Kaeya as ship. The English translation isn’t the best tbh, it describes the characters as adoptive brothers but in non western fandoms (and especially in china) they aren’t seen as that
we were shipping those two entirely fictional characters for ~2 years at this point when one of the characters got a “hangout” story in which he specifically mentions the other as “his brother”.
Before that this friend didn’t care one bit about what antis thought, but it suddenly changed with this quest. They wanted nothing to do with an “incest ship”, were ready to get rid off all the merch they bought and made themselves and the worst was that they then told my best friend that they should stop being friends because it made them uncomfortable
Like… imagine saying this to someone you consider a friend over pixels on screen. It was just mind boggling! And this person isn’t a teenager or something, they’re around 20-30 years old.
But like adults they are, my best friend and the suddenly turned anti friend talked it out and were able to mend their friendship. kind of
after this debacle, it wasn’t the same anymore and every time I’m in the same call as them (in discord), I feel uncomfortable. Naturally I’m not treating them like dirt or something like that. They also kind of lost interest in Genshin overall, even after finding interest in other ships.
and ever since then they’re also like 5-10 minutes in a call before they go off to do something else or hang out with someone else. Which is their right to do but it just makes us feel like we’re super boring. And whenever we want to do something with them too, they just don’t care.
so the moral of the story is - don’t treat your friends like this if you care about them, and especially not over something as so irrelevant as fictional ships
Omg, I feel so bad for y'all. Like I couldn't imagine treating friends like that over a fictional ship. Like I'm not too into Genshin anymore but I like Neuvifuri and Sigewrio. And antis have been absolutely atrocious with those ships. Even though they're all adults and not related. Like I saw an anti one time say that people shouldn't ship Neuvifuri because they're "incest-coded" because they have the same hair color (???) Even when a ship isn't "problematic" (like Kaeluc for example), antis will still find a way to make it problematic. Like a character could say "You're like my brother" to their best friend and if you ship them from that point on, you're an "awful incest glorifying freak". People need to calm the hell down over some pixels.
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