You know it's not the same
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As it was
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(This comparison has been living in my head rent-free for like a week)
Top gif is by @montabeau
Bottom gif is by @sidneycarter
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bisidneycarter · 2 years
GUESS WHAT I FINALLY UPDATED!! susie and bunty talk abt change, sid meets his newly found aunt, sullivan lies some more
he got on a train by himself, barely ten years old and he set off for London early in the morning, because he’d gotten it in his head, somehow, that he must be from the big, magical city the otherside of the country. Father Brown didn’t find him until the sun was setting in front of an old crummy fishmonger’s in a backstreet. Father Brown had tracked him down and knocked on all the doors Sid had knocked on. I’m looking for my parents , Sid said at each house. I’m looking for a boy, Father Brown would say to them all, hours later, my boy. This high.
hope no one minds me tagging its just i always post at random times so it doesnt get seen lol. @daydreamerbeliever @sidneycarter @sunflowersdaisies @regencypoet @rambling-in-purple
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partywithponies · 3 years
it’s been a wild night but if I’ve learnt anything it’s that everyone in the father brown fandom is very sexy and correct about everything...... these other people WISH they were as cringe as us
Honestly though I have actually gained new kudos and a very lovely new comment on that fic as a result of everyone making a big deal out of it so thanks for the free promo there lads sadfghjk
But like my favourite part was “op ADMITTED to writing it” like I didn’t already reblog that fic to my blog about 10 times in the first three days after I wrote it??? Like most of my followers don’t already know I wrote that one because I’m honestly very proud of it and haven’t stopped trying to get people to read it since? Oh no the person with a G.K. Chesterton icon is a Father brown fan, whoever could possibly have predicted.  😂
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blackthxrntree · 4 years
its 11pm I'm sitting on my balcony listening to frank sinatra looking out over the water on a nice mild night and it smell like holidays
is this contentment
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funnywiccan · 3 years
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Inspired by this post: https://sidneycarter.tumblr.com/post/666930093035257856/hear-me-out-sullivan-with-glasses-i-think-hed
Thanks to @sidneycarter, @kemblefordsfinest, @daydreamerbeliever and @sullivansemotionalsupportsid <3 surpriiiise!
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daydreamerbeliever · 3 years
Prompted by @sidneycarter 's magnificent post about the Inspector's height requirements, I present -
The Police File On The Inspectors
Honestly, he's not too bad. He's very chill. People get on with him very well. HOWEVER he does have a habit of sending in his cigarette stubs as evidence because he is constantly smoking at crime scenes (the files are atrocious) , and he also tends to smile and agree with you and then do something completely different. He lives by his own rules. Nice dude. Nice handwriting. Refuses to run 'on principle'.
Sullivan -
Broadly OK. Very meticulous at filing and storing evidence. Can be a bit of a pain as he sucks up to the management and none of the other men really like him. Also gets a lot of complaints for being 'rude' to the general public. Biggest issue was when someone framed him for murder and he went batsh*t crazy and absconded from custody. More regular issues include interrogating the family before the body is even cold and offending everyone in the vicinity by accident. Runs a little funny but better than Valentine, who tends to throw and shoot at people rather than giving chase. Needs a better social life; spends his day off cleaning.
Mallory -
DO NOT HIRE. Loyal to a fault, but can be swayed by almost anything. Law onto himself. Useless in all aspects of policing - the files are a mess, couldn't solve a case to save his life, the only person he ever caught in a chase was a 94 year old who stole a tin of sweets from the shop. Tends to lash out at people. Spits in the face of authority. Nightmare. We don't have a clue how he's made it this far. Probably because his wife makes amazing brownies.
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jxmieswxnter · 3 years
as fucking promised even if it’s a bit later that I intended but a drunk!Sullivan fic is finally here!!
tagging @sidneycarter @regencypoet @daydreamerbeliever since you all expressed interest in seeing this when it’s done (and also you @notfaulkingaround because I think you may like also)
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sidneycarter · 3 years
sid x sullivan, kind of pre-slashy, fluff, comedy, flirting?, evil sheep
Sullivan is surrounded by sheep with evil intentions. 
A/N: this all happened bc @daydreamerbeliever was talking about sullivan being a city boy and how we need the father brown writers to give us sullivan vs sheep. my mind wandered and i ended up with this. sorry. 
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notfaulkingaround · 3 years
Hey, I was wondering if you have a good quality pic of Sid and lady F standing next to each other in The Face Of The Enemy. I cant find one anywhere.
(sorry for my bad english)
Hey! I’m having the same struggle as you, I could only find a few! Someone I know will have more of what you’re looking for is @sidneycarter and I’m sure they’d be happy to help! But these are the only two of them together I could find -
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I posted 542 times in 2022
That's 10 more posts than 2021!
35 posts created (6%)
507 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 202 of my posts in 2022
#sister boniface mysteries - 37 posts
#sam gillespie - 19 posts
#sid x sullivan - 18 posts
#sister boniface - 17 posts
#father brown - 17 posts
#sam + sister boniface - 16 posts
#di sam gillespie - 15 posts
#cabin pressure - 15 posts
#new brotp - 13 posts
#the sister boniface mysteries - 12 posts
(I guess that's what I get for quick reblogging so many things...)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Credit where it's due, hair and make up did an excellent job of aging Father Brown up. And Mark Williams can play an older version of the Father very well too.
But it breaks my heart seeing him look visibly older than how I've come to know him in his own adventures
It's like when you stop to notice how an elderly relative has been affected by the passing of time and it doesn't line up with your mental image of them
16 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Not to be horny on main or anything but I would really love it if DI Sam Gillespie rescued me from the clutches of a murderer and then proceed to gently rub his hand on my shoulder in little circles to comfort me while apologising for letting the situation happen to me in the first place
16 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
DI Sam Gillespie
Needs reminding of peoples names almost immediately after meeting them
Messy desk
Naps in the day
do I detect ADHD Detective?
17 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
DS Felix Livingstone really went from calling Mrs Clam a lunatic in episode one to joining her at bell ringing, looking out for her wellbeing during her involvement in a honey trap operation, and comforting her in her grief for Cyril in episode three
I just love that for him
18 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How have I only just noticed that Sullivan’s tie at the end of The Laws of Motion is a very similar shade of green to Sid’s Chauffeur’s uniform?
Matching bfs be matching
24 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bisidneycarter · 2 years
I NEED to hear your NSFW Syd/Sullivan headcanon about the race thing!!! (Pretty please?)
helloo it is actually @sidneycarter's headcanon!
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fatherr-brown · 4 years
Just rewatched 3x4 Sign of the Broken Sword, and here is what I noticed:
Do I even need to mention the car scene? Where Carter & Sullivan gaze at each other through their windows for a second too long for it to be a competitive look?
“One look at Carter and you’ve sized him up” - he seems to be agreeing with the Liutenant that he shirks his duties, but really he was interrupting him from slating his boyfriend (in a particularly suggestive way)
“Carter” “Sullivan” - The Look™️ Also I’m 99% sure Sid glances at his ass for a second as he walks away
When Carter’s having the faceoff with the Liutenant at the shooting range, Sullivan is like “let Carter fight his own battle” - totally believes he is capable and can prove him wrong and wants to see him win on the assault course (a real shame he missed it)
A wonderful point (made by @sidneycarter ), abt the interrogation: “if I knew I’d need a witness I’d have asked for his name, rank and badge number.” He wouldn’t name drop Sullivan but... were they perhaps in the Rolls??? Much to think about
Absolute fave moment is when they all sneak in to the office, and Sullivan turns up, blatantly wanting to do some snooping himself, not being allowed to investigate on this case (but of course would never admit to working on the same side as Father Brown, passing it off as not wanting to miss them arrest him)
Also in this office bit when Sid says “what do you want” to Sullivan, then immediately walks straight up to him, what was that about?!!
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blackthxrntree · 4 years
Sullivan's War
I'm reposting this bc the first one refused to appear in the tag (also I posted at like 3am so nobody saw it)
anyway @sidneycarter made this so I decided to write my own hcs about Sullivan's past
What was his service like? Traumatic to say the least but he got out the other side
Which force was he in - Army, Navy, Air Force? Not army that's for certain, I feel like hes got the cocky facade needed for the RAF (and hes hot so that lines up) but has a bit of a Royal Navy vibe. I'm inclined towards RAF Sullivan
What rank was he? So we're saying he was in the RAF I'm thinking either squadron leader or wing commander like I woildnt say he ranked higher than that
Did he serve throughout the war? Wg Cdr Thomas Joseph Sullivan served 1940-1943, joined the police as soon as he left the RAF and worked for the Met through the end of the war (that's how he got the non-operational service medal)
Was he injured? It was a medical discharge that forced him home. Took a bad landing after a dog fight with an inexperienced luftwaffe pilot (he won, might have gone down hard but the german went down harder)
If so, was it a physical injury or a mental one? It was his shoulder from the landing and shrapnel in his leg from german bullets ripping through the cockpit that sent him packing in the end but he certainly had his share of mental trauma
Did he suffer from shell shock/ptsd? He saw for too many friends gunned down by bf109s not to suffer from ptsd.
Does the war still affect him? By God it does. His mind is loud at night, it's different during the day when hes working, he can compartmentalise to close a case (and who has time to have trauma when you have a crime solving cleric on your back all the live long day). But when he's all alone at home with his memories, that's when things get tough
If he was injured, did he heal fine or does it live with him? The leg doesn't bother him much but the shoulder still clicks every so often to remind him
And the mental effects, does he have nightmares? He wont fly, cant bring himself to get up in the air again. Almost every night, the only comfort he gets is from a certain petty thief's deceptively strong arms holding him tight as he sleeps.
Flashbacks? Every so often, if a car backfires maybe. He stays inside on halloween and Fawkes night if he can help it, the fireworks certainly dont help him. An airplane or a helicopter flying just a bit too low sets his teeth on edge, often making him think of where bet to dive for cover.
Did he lose people on the front lines? Many a wingman gunned down beside him, lost some friends, lost someone he loved. Sometimes he wished to have gone down with them.
Did he lose people at home? His mother died in London during the Blitz in march 1941. Then his sister, just 16, who was sent to an aunt back in Ireland because it was safer was killed when a rogue german bomber attacked two months later in may. He lost his father a little after that too, when he got back to the man who nothing was ever good enough for he was blamed for the deaths of both his mother and sister, all because he wasnt there. His father worked in the Foreign Office so even after his return from war his father rarely spoke to him, despite living under the same roof, as they both kept rather odd hours.
Does he talk about the war or does he never bring it up? He's a naturally private person who takes awhile to warm up to people, but one day after a particularly awful case involving the death of a teenage girl (whose long dark hair reminded him awfully of someone he lost once) he confided in the most unlikely of listeners. He and Lady F swapped war stories, she spoke of her time in MI6 (along with a few sordid tales involving a few high up RAF boys) she could understand his trauma to some degree and when he wasnt up to talking had plenty of her own tales to tell all over a whiskey neat from Monty's topshelf stash.
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daydreamerbeliever · 3 years
Story: Don't Make It Personal
@sidneycarter @remmyswritings @logicallyprincely
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becklane · 7 years
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With painter Sydney Carter #sidneycarter #sarasota #sarasotaart #georgia #geogiaart. #jazz #jazzart #alvinailey #alvinaileydancers #color #colorfulart #figurepainting #oilpainting
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sidneycarter · 3 years
a @badthingshappenbingo​ fic for @queensantiagoofthe99​!
Father Brown (2013)
Hotpot for the Soul
sid x sullivan 
forgetting to eat, fluff, kind of pre-slash? 
Sullivan is in need of a square meal.
A/N: i hope you enjoy it! i feel like this could be a lot better and im not 100% happy with it but i had lots of fun writing! 
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