#sidespart replies
sidespart · 3 years
Ooooh callback or wedding?
Oooh good one!!
If I was in Thomas's shoes I would have gone wedding no question, especially if it was close friends like Lee and Mary Lee, but I probably would have tried to find a compromise - like skip the ceremony but arrive for the reception if that would let me get to the call back on time.
one of the most frustrating things about SVS for me is that they never even try looking at ways to make the day work for both. Like right near the start patton suggest they call the callback people and ask to change the date and roman and Thomas quickly tell him that that’s not an option - but they don’t actually try?? And even if they couldn't change the date they could have asked to have the earliest/latest possible time slot. They don’t have any kindve conversation about practical solutions. Or talk to L and ML. 
And! From a character / story line point of view that totally makes sense. Janus deliberately yoinks them out of their typical discussion roles and makes it a trial where there has to be a winner and a loser. He’s not after a compromise - he doesn't particularly care about the wedding - he just wants to put forth his ‘acting in self interest is more valid then acting in the interests of others’ agenda. And that’s all fine and good but left me sitting there going can someone PLEASE talk about the journey distanced between the callback place and the wedding venue?? IS THERE A BUS ROUTE THAT GOES BY BOTH THOMAS??
like ultimately i think the audience is deliberately not given enough info to make an informed choice over which is better - Patton says L and ML are close friends who have always been there for Thomas, but the audience has never heard of them before so we’re not attached like we might be if it was character joan’s wedding. and we don't know what their stance on weddings IS (or thomas really) like would they care?? are they just doing it for tax reasons or do they see it as an extremely sacred ceremony?? What is Thomas's roll in the wedding - is he just a guest or have they asked him to speak/sing/make intros between mutal friends like???? We really dont know how they might react to him skipping (in this ep)
Roman says Thomas is super excited and determined to go for this audiation, but we know Roman gets super excited about EVERYTHING and doesn't think bout ‘what would this really be like’ (like when he’s convinced Thomas really wants to get back together with the ex boyfriend even though ultimately Thomas does know that’s not what’s best). Logans say’s there’s a very low probability of Thomas moving on to the next round of auditions - we also dont know very much about the project - we know character Thomas loves theatre acting and is very anxious about change in general and being away from friends in particular - if this is some big budget film project that isnt really what he wants, career wise AND takes him away from home for shoots would he even take the role if he got it??
We dont know!! Because the whole episode is Janus quoting racists and making everyone dress up in outfits and that is fine and valid but also arghhhhhhhh THIS IS WHY YOU DONT BENCH YOUR RATIONAL THINKING
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writing-thuri · 6 years
Happy Birthday to the wonderful, incredible, amazing @sidespart​ whose art is the best!!! Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Logince Words: 850ish Warnings: Self-doubt Summary: Editing can be rough
“You can’t have him say this,” Logan frowned, pointing down at the page in front of him. “It doesn’t fit.”
Roman sighed internally, forcing a bland smile in place of his much preferred frustrated groan. “Say what?”
“You can’t have Thomas appreciating Virgil’s presence in college, when we’ve only established him doing so as of last summer. It doesn’t fit the fictional timeline.”
“But it’s the only way to actually make sense of this flashback,” Roman sighed, running his hands back through his hair for what felt like the thousandth time this afternoon.
“Then we’ll have to alter the flashback,” Logan said simply, shrugging. “It was your decision to have Thomas’s internal struggles with us be placed within the past two years instead of the last decade. Now that the audience has been given that context, we can’t…”
“Oh, shut up,” Roman groaned, pushing himself back from his desk and crossing to the window. He rested his forearm against the frame and leaned his forehead against it, looking out at the rainswept fields of the imagination--a fitting atmosphere for his current mood, if a little too on point.
It wasn’t Logan’s fault. He was only doing his job, pointing out inconsistencies, helping Roman to refine his ideas. Helping to improve them, truly, and Roman was on the whole grateful for that.
But his supposedly never-ending well of ideas felt perilously close to running dry, and Logan was rejecting them more quickly than he could replenish it. How long before there was nothing left? Before Logan looked at him expectantly, ready, waiting for content to refine and produce...and Roman had none to give?
An old fear, but one in no way dulled with age.
Logan’s chair legs scraped softly against wooden floor, and Roman heard his footsteps as he crossed to join him at the window. But he said nothing.
Roman glanced to the side, to see Logan looking not at him, but out at the rain, at the scattered trees with their limbs thrashing in the wind. “Ah,” Logan said, softly. “I apologize, Roman.”
Roman snorted softly. “Why? You haven’t said anything that isn’t true.”
“Perhaps not, but there are ways things can be said that do not lead to...to internal turmoil,” Logan replied quietly.
“You mean that?” Roman asked, jerking his chin toward the storm. “A dark and stormy, ah, mid-afternoon is simply inspiring, it’s nothing to do with--”
“Argh, fine!” Roman pushed away from the window and turned his back on it, looking back into the room. The cozy fireplace, the writing desk, his still unmade bed, soft white rumples of fabric framing an inviting space he’d prefer to just go back to. Drag the blankets over his head and hide away until...until...until when? Until this all went away? It wasn’t going to.
“Fine,” he repeated, more softly, running a hand back through his hair. “Perhaps the weather is not simply...atmospheric.”
“As I thought. I am more than willing to listen, to help in whatever way I can, if you wish. However, I know I’m not the most comforting,” Logan said quietly. “If you would like me to fetch Patton for you, I would…”
“No!” Roman said, quickly, shaking his head, hating the uncertainty that came into Logan’s voice, the self doubt Roman could identify with all too well. “No, Logan, I don’t...I don’t want you to leave. I only want…” He closed his eyes and swallowed. “I want what I...what I create to be good enough. For it to impress you.”
“I know, that’s perhaps a ridiculous goal, it’s your job to refine things, to be certain that they work, but I…” Roman was cut off, as soft lips pressed against his own, as Logan’s arms came around him, as he was drawn against Logan’s chest.
Logan finally pulled back, after a long, long moment. “You impress me,” he said, his face flushed. “And your ideas do the same. Roman, I wouldn’t work half so hard to refine them, to help connect them, if I weren’t inspired by them in the first place.”
“You...oh,” Roman murmured, still breathless from the strength of Logan’s tone. “Truly?”
“Yes,” Logan said firmly, releasing Roman only after another gentle yet endlessly reassuring kiss. “Come along, all this can wait for now. If you’re experiencing this frustration, you need rest...and distraction. Perhaps the answer will come to both of us if we give ourselves a chance to, ah...recharge.”
“Recharge?” Roman asked, raising an eyebrow, feeling himself smile when Logan’s face reddened. “Logan, are you suggesting we go watch TV until we feel better?”
“Consumption of the content of others is very important to refilling creative batteries,” Logan said primly. “And we’ve only watched the new Steven Universe episodes once--there’s still much to analyze.”
Roman laughed, tugging Logan to him and kissing him once more, feeling ridiculously lighter. “All right then, love,” he agreed. “Since you’ve suggested so logical a course, who am I to deny it?”
“Precisely,” Logan said, taking his hand and squeezing it as he laced their fingers together. “And Roman?”
“You will always be good enough for me. Always.”
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leesacrakon · 7 years
(Fic) Is This Okay?
Inspired by: https://sidespart.tumblr.com/post/165590763521/could-you-do-patton-huggingholding-virgil-please by @sidespart
This takes place before Virgil’s arc and before the others knew his real name. So, he’s not close to Patton yet, and he’ll be referred to as Virgil in the description, but called An/Anxiety by the others. 
Also, the details about Virge’s touch starvation may be a bit different than what is usually shown, but it’s based off my personal experience, so it’s still accurate. 
tag list:  @here-to-vent @fandomsofrandom @mylasagnaisraw @virgilsspidercurtains @justanotherpurplebutterfly @tiny-mudkip @romananalogicality @pattonpending @edgeworthsnoodle @lovely-chaotic-goddess  @aph-curls-n-dimples @the-babysitter @sunnyside12pershon @xix-leiloves-xix @cup-of-blue @thegeekgirl42 @the-potterhead-phandom @emupoppyjay  @introverted-slytherin-of-history @virgilmood  @uriteurite-likethatlikethat @shimmerthenerd@theawesomestofsauces @poisin-youth @juju--universe
Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, YouTube, Thomas Sanders
Warnings: Touch starvation, self-hatred, and crying 
Ship(s): Platonic Moxiety
Virgil watched as Patton wrapped Roman in a warm hug for what seemed like the one-hundredth time that day, and he felt his stomach twist and churn into knots. Envy unfurled in his heart as Roman giggled and buried his face in Patton’s shoulder, letting him thread his fingers in his hair and tell him how proud he was of the fanciful side for how he’d helped Thomas that day. Virgil’s eyes burned and he quickly turned up the music on his phone, shoving his hands in his pockets and sinking into the mind space’s living room. He flopped onto a couch and stared up at the ceiling, his hands behind his head. 
Why didn’t Patton ever hug him? Patton liked everybody, didn’t he? So Virgil didn’t really see why Patton wouldn’t hug him. Unless...Unless he was too different, even for the kindhearted trait. Virgil’s hands clenched slightly and pulled at his hair, somewhat snapping him back to reality. He sighed turned over so he was on his side and facing the tv. Of course being different was the reason. Each of the sides was positive and did something to help Thomas, and all Virgil ever did was tear him down and keep him from doing things he wanted to do. Virgil blinked back tears and sighed, curling up slightly. He’d been alone all of his existence, so why wasn't he used to it by now? 
“An? You in here, kiddo?” The dark trait jerked slightly at the sound of Patton’s voice. it was different. It wasn’t happy. It was worried. Was Virgil the reason why Patton was worried? 
Oh, my God, I made him upset, oh my God-
“Anxiety? Kiddo, what’s wrong? You’re shaking!” Patton exclaimed, finding the other man trembling on the couch, his eyes squeezed shut. Patton rested a hand on the other man’s shoulder, and his eyes flew open. He quickly sat up, nudging Patton’s hand away and trying to ignore the pleasant, almost electric feeling that had raced through him when Patton had touched him. 
“‘m fine, Pat. Just tired I guess-”
“Really? You’ve seemed kind of off all day today. Thomas has been worse than usual. I thought maybe something was up with you,” Patton interrupted. Virgil blinked, his cheeks tinged with red (he wasn’t blushing, there was no way on earth he was blushing). Patton actually sounded like he cared. 
“I-I...” Virgil hesitated. He couldn’t lie to Patton, not when he was finally showing a bit of compassion towards him. He sat up and patted the spot next to him on the couch, and the fatherly trait sat down next to him with a smile. Virgil took in a shaky breath. 
“I just....You’re always hugging Roman and Logan, and telling them how amazing they are, and how much they help Thomas, but you...but you hardly ever even talk to me! We hardly have any normal conversations! Is it because I hurt Thomas all the time? Or because I’m too different?” Virgil found himself rambling, waving his hands in the air and nearly hitting Patton in the face. The latter man listened patiently, swallowing and biting his lip as Anxiety rambled on about how he was always showing Roman and Logan affection but never him, and that he was sick of it. 
“Anxiety. Anxiety, calm down,” Patton said softly, grabbing Virgil’s wrists. Virgil jolted, immediately shutting up and staring down at the hands wrapped around his wrists as if he were in awe. Patton could see that his hands were shaking and he was biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. The bespectacled man removed his hands from around Anxiety’s wrists and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him into a tight embrace. 
“Is this okay?” Patton asked nervously, listening and watching for any signs of discomfort in the other. Virgil had frozen, his eyes blown wide and his breathing stuttered. Patton was so...so soft, and warm, and...and he smelled good, like sugar cookies, and...and Virgil wanted to hug him back so bad but he didn’t know if he should. He didn’t know how hugs worked. Would it be over in a second? Would Patton pull away from him and leave? But no, he stayed with his arms wrapped around Virgil almost protectively and his chin resting on Virgil’s shoulder. The other sucked in a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Patton’s shoulders, shivering slightly and resting his head on Patton’s shoulders. 
“This...Is this what they’re all like?” Virgil whispered, clinging to Patton so tightly he was bunching up the back of his shirt in his fists. Patton didn’t know how to reply to that. Anxiety sounded so innocent, so helpless. Had Patton really been rejecting him so badly he didn’t even know what a hug felt like? 
“Yeah...yeah, this is what most of them are like. Aren’t they nice? I love hugging people! You know you can hug me whenever you want, right? Just come up to me whenever and give me one. You don’t even have to ask,” Patton said kindly. Virgil trembled harder and squeezed his eyes shut, burying his head in Patton’s shoulder and wishing this moment would never end. 
“Can I? Really?” Virgil asked, his voice muffled against Patton’s shoulder. The other trait smiled and one of his hands moved to Anxiety’s head, massaging it gently and running his fingers through his hair. 
“Yeah, really,” Patton whispered. He’d make sure Anxiety never felt like this again. 
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sidespart · 3 years
Could I request Logan with a little bonsai tree or a small plant? I think he deserves a plant friend
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Bad day? Talk it out with you bro-sai
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sidespart · 3 years
romantic dukeceit for the sketch prompt thing?
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He’s both a boyfriend and a form of pest control 
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sidespart · 2 years
(Offers a shiny pebble) You make amazing art!
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sidespart · 3 years
A happy Roman? He deserves it
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Happy Roman a rare and beautiful sight
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sidespart · 3 years
Doodle idea/request: platonic Logince. Maybe Roman teach Logan to use his sword or something?
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sidespart · 3 years
Sanders Sides is pretty much the only fandom I'm in right now, so that please?
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Any excuse to draw my boy Roman is appreciated ❤️❤️
Send me a fandom and I’ll sketch my favourite character (/ guess which is my fave character if idk the fandom)
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sidespart · 3 years
Parental moxiety or anxceit? For the doodle requests ☺
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Do kittens go ‘rawr’?
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sidespart · 3 years
I just realized that these are a set
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I should have looked at the first one more before I drew the second one tho, i screwed up the ratio and now the light side boys look like a shorty squad XD
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sidespart · 3 years
For the fake fic title, the fall of king romulus
EDIT: SO. Because I have no self control, I decided to turn this into an actual fic. This ‘fake fic’ summary works as a prologue so you should read this first. Chapter one is linked below!
Fairy Tale /Fantasy AU. TW: Curse of obedience, some angst, Cretaivitwins and either platonic or pre relationship LAMP 
Romulus and Remus are twins born to the king and queen of a cold northern kingdom. At their christening, representatives from every other kingdom come to bestow gifts upon the two princes, including the fae. The first fae gifts them with melodic voices and handsome features, the second gives them creativity and strength and the third gives them obedience and honesty.
Unbeknownst to the court of course, the final fae is a deceiver. One who fought wars against their family many generations ago and who’s gift was in fact a curse.
Crown Prince Remus cannot tell a lie. He causes chaos in the kings council meetings by blurting out every thought in his head. He almost brings the kingdom to war by telling every diplomat and ambassador exactly what he thinks of them. As he gets older, his passing thoughts get darker and more disturbing and he shares them with anyone who will listen: he scares his subjects and his court. Still, no matter how much his parents beg, or how many lessons in charisma and diplomacy he is forced into, he cant seem to control the flow of words.
Prince Romulus on the other hand, is a perfect prince. An obliging and obedient child who follows every instruction unquestioningly, and seems to exist to sooth the ruffled feathers Remus leaves in his wake. They don’t realise there is anything particularly wrong with him until an instructor jokingly tells him he needs to practice his lute until his fingers bleed in order to master this song – and they find him half a day later with blood staining the instrument and tears in his eyes. Prince Romulus cannot disobey an order, no matter who it’s from.
This first thing their parents decide is that Remus cannot know about Romulus’ curse. Romulus could easily be exploited by anyone who chose to use his curse against him and Remus, quite literally, cannot keep a secret. They separate the pair, telling Remus that as crown prince he must now have different lessons to prepare him for his future and telling Romulus, in no uncertain terms, that he must never tell a soul about his curse.
They grow up. Remus becomes more and more volatile and disliked by the court, whereas Romulus is held up as a shining example of everything a young lord should be and is loved by the people for his reputation, even if his actual public appearances are very few. The twins become distant from each other, Remus resenting Romulus for his popularity and Romulus resenting Remus for his freedom.
One day, the King falls ill. His council is faced with the very real and frightening possibility of Remus ascending the throne and throwing the whole kingdom into disarray. And then the kings closest advisor (one who knows about both boys curses, having studied for years trying to find a cure) thinks: there is a perfect prince just waiting to be king, if only Remus could be gotten rid of.
Prince Remus is unnaturally strong, his gift from the second fae, and although he is erratic he is not stupid – even getting close enough to kill him would be impossible for anyone he didn’t trust.
So, this advisor goes to Prince Romulus and says: “The next time you lay eyes on your brother, kill him. Let no one see you, let no one suspect it was you. Tell no one about this conversation. This will be the rise of King Romulus and you will lead our kingdom in strength.”
And Romulus nods and returns to his room and the next morning he has vanished without a trace.
Exploiting the curse requires very precise phrasing – Romulus will not be compelled to kill his brother unless he ‘lays eyes on him’ and so, he chooses never to see him again. He runs away, taking only his lute and what little money he can lay hands on.
Several years later,  a talented and obliging bard calling himself Roman has begun traveling with a motley group of adventurous – an unlikely looking mercenary named Patton, an apprentice-scholar-with-no-master named Logan and the worlds sulkiest half elf: Virgil. His three friends do not know about his past or his curse (even if he did trust anyone enough to tell them, his parents order never to tell a soul is still in effect) so when Logan announces that their next quest will take them North, none of them understand the panic in his eyes.
Edit: WHOOPS ITS AN ACTUAL FIC NOW. Go read chapter one here 
Magical Road Trips ™, angst, curse of obedience related problems, why is our bard not refusing to play another song when he is clearly exhausted?, why does our bard kiss everyone who asks for a kiss even when he’s clearly not that into them?? Are bards just Like That??? Why does our bard have such ridiculously courtly manners and why must he show them off in this hovel of a tavern we are stuck in??????, eventually of course the rest of them find out what’s going on and then its Quest to Find The Cure, and also ‘oh God, have we ever ordered you to do something you didn’t want to do, oh god how do we talk to you now, oh god okay sorry you feel patronised but this is A Lot ™’. Meanwhile in the background: Remus and the Kingdom: now that’s what I call Chaos.
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sidespart · 3 years
same i literally had to block the succession tag bc it was causing me so much mental whiplash aaldjdhoakfjshfjfk
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lines which could work for either roman - and yet they expect me to tell them apart???
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sidespart · 3 years
Infinity train?
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No clue what this shows about but google tells me there is a corgi
Send me a fandom and I’ll sketch my favourite character (/ I’ll guess which is my fave character would be if idk the fandom) PLEASE DONT SEND NEW REQUESTS.
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sidespart · 3 years
If you get the chance, can you ramble about your dark/light switcharoo au for a bit? I found the tag today and it looks super interesting!
oooh okay. I haven't thought about this one for a while so this is a bit haphazard/half remembered:
(First if you haven't seen it already @sher-soc-the-famder wrote this awesome fic inspired by the first drawing and a lot of the world building-y stuff below was inspired by that :D)
· So the 'dominant sides' are Repression (AKA Patton), Ruthlessness (AKA Logan) Self-indulgence (AKA Roman)
· Thomas doesn't have contact with any of the sides except maybe Repression and doesn't realise most of the others exist
· he's not as reflective of a person in this au loll
· Thomas decided to stick with chemical engineering and ended up working for an oil/gas company, eventually pivoting to the more business side of things. He's profit and power motivated guy and a bit of a slimy wheeler dealer
· All the plot of this AU takes place in the mindscape/equivalent
· This is basically a big old castle/fortress with a surrounding city
· the fortress is mostly Repressions domain, Ruthlessness has his own observation tower and the city is mostly under control of Self-indulgence who uses it as a playground that he can twist into whatever takes his fancy
· Courage and Self preservation (Virgil and Janus) don’t have their own domain and basically hide within the city limits, trying to avoid the others and also trying not to get sucked back into the subconscious
· R&R are smart enough to realise that completely destroying Virgil would have a negative impact on Thomas ( as he makes up a lot of Thomas’s caution etc) and since they don’t see him as any sort of threat they let him scratch out an existence on the outskirts
· They don’t know about Janus, who they believe disintegrated back into the subconscious a long time ago.
· Janus is still able to hide himself form the others and would be able to hide Virgil too if he didn’t insist on constantly trying to break into Repression’s fortress, where he believes he will be able to talk to Thomas and exert some influence on him. Or at least do enough to annoy R&R and disrupt their plans
· Janus and Virgil have had many, many arguments about this.
· On one reconnaissance mission into the fortress, Virgil finds Remus.
· Once upon a time, Repression and Ruthlessness decided to split Thomas’ fanciful side in two. They were planning to keep the confidence, self interest and enough creativity to help in his job, but get rid of all the silly childish stuff like the fantasies and the need for attention and the Disney obsession.
· They hoped the less desirable traits would fade away but instead they unexpectedly ended up forming another side, with the body of a child: Self- Expression (AKA Remus).
· Remus was kept chained up in the fortress dungeon and never allowed to grow, until he was eventually found by Virgil.
· Virgil had to convince Janus to come with him to actually rescue Remus and get them all back to their safe house, and during this mission Janus got spotted by Self-Indulgence.
· Virgil thinks Remus is the key to regaining control of Thomas. He has similar creative powers to Roman and could help them get into Repression’s fortress. He is also a part of Thomas that clearly still has the potential to grow and change, not locked into whatever roles the others have ended up with.
· Janus thinks this is an insane idea – Remus barley has any control over his creative powers (he tried to conjure a rose like beauty in the beast and ended up with a hammer). And is, for all intents and purposes, a kid – they should be protecting him not throwing him to the lions.
· Virgil agrees Remus isn’t ready YET but it still determined to train him for the right time, all whilst keeping his strange little family safe
· Lots of big brother Virgil and mom friend Janus. Remus is just absolutely beside himself happy to be out of the dungeon.
· Self – indulgence meanwhile desperately wants to see the man with the beautiful scales again. Self-indulgence is used to getting what he wants.
· Even though self- indulgence is on paper the most powerful side, what with his creativity reality warping powers, he hasn’t ever been much of a threat to la resistance as he is more concerned with himself than anything else and is too busy conjuring up gorgeous men to peel grapes for him.
· Now he’s interested in finding them, and the city they know is shifting and changing quickly as he searches.
· Meanwhile meanwhile, Repression has upgraded their threat level significantly and is also hunting them down. Like Virgil, he recognises that Remus is a significant threat to his rule, which is why he put so much effort into keeping him contained in the first place.
· Virgil still remembers when Thomas was younger and Repression had a different name. He’s convinced that if they can just rip his mask away, it will reveal all of Thomas’ true feelings that he’s been keeping down and revert Repression back into Patton.
· So, even though he doesn’t want to put Remus of Janus in danger, Virgil can’t help but be excited that Repression is being drawn out of his fortress and into the city to find them. This could be their chance!
· MEANWHILE meanwhile Janus’s scales are spreading. He’s convinced it’s a sign that he finally is disintegrating and fading away. Since they now have two out of three ‘light’ sides actively looking for them, he’s using all the power he has to keep himself, Virgil and Remus hidden and it’s making him weaker and weaker. He wont be able to keep his condition secret from Virgil for long…
· Meanwhile meanwhile MEANWHILE, Ruthlessness sits in his observation tower, watching the mind palace descend into chaos.
· He hasn’t left the tower in years, since they split Creativity, preferring to communicate with Repression though his head set when he needs to
· His tower is freezing to the point where when he does stand up, the ice on his throne cracks and splinters.
· The chaos in the mindscape is starting to impact Thomas in the real world, leaving him confused and anxious.
· Time for Ruthlessness to take back control.
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sidespart · 3 years
May I has a cute anaroceit (romantic if you don't mind) doodle please?... 🥺👉👈
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They’re tired after a long day of being dramatic 😌
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