mabelsguidetolife · 9 years
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sideshowhayden replied to your post: ive never watched or been super intere...
Yeah Star kinda reminds me of Mabel but as like a 14 year old princess from another dimension
why are disney girls so relatable for me lately????
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javvbones · 9 years
Hello I'm Fry fictionkin and I'm questioning for Leela
Holy shit!!!
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describeyourotp · 9 years
My OTP is a bitter rich old man and his homosexual assistant
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kin-positivity · 9 years
Since you gave me Lisa positivity on the last ask, could you give me Nelson Muntz positivity (if you don't watch Simpsons to know who he is just do Homer)? School has made my anxiety and anger levels rise up to an all time high.
I’ll admit I’m not too familiar with the character, but I’ll do my best! You seem like a good person, someone who can be trusted once you’ve gotten to know them. You’re very determined and brave, too! I hope things start getting better for you.
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kincalling · 9 years
I'm Simpsons kin and have some fictives from that canon (my main kin being Lisa). I have some friend systems with Simpsons characters but it's hard to find people kin with characters outside of my family
Here goes nothing! Hope all goes well!
- mod Prince
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eugeniabelcher-blog · 9 years
Omfg you and Dia get even cuter with every time you two mention each other
thank you :’)))
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ripthesoff · 9 years
Homoe & Frapp for the ship thing? (I know you love those ships and you are the reason I ship both of them... help)
Oki doki…this will be long, i hope you’re ready.
Who dominates at Mariokart and who’s the sore loser who sulks after they lose?: None?
Who becomes a human baby when they become sick and who plays sickness off? Moe n Homer has to take care of him cus he’s his only close friend.
Who surprises the other with flowers and a date? Homer but ends eating evrything before to give it to Moe.
Who uses crappy pickup lines? Both
If they had kids, who would be the stricter parent? AHAHAHAHAHA
If they were to go to the beach, who would lounge under the sun, and who would actually swim? Moe would be under the sun cus he doesnt want pople to mock him 9.9
Who tells the other to quit bouncing their leg? Moe to Homer (of course he does it accidentally… OH I THOUGHT IT WAS FOOD)
Who falls asleep on the other? Homer
Who loves to take pictures? Homer of course, but Moe isnt that sure of his looks
Who gets onto a health kick and forces the other to go on runs? NONE JFC
Who jams out to music the other hates? Moe, moe hates everything.
If there’s a chance to pull practical jokes, who takes the bait? Homer to Moe??
Who starts a pillow fight? Homer of course.
In the morning, who’s the early riser, and who pulls the other back to bed for cuddles? *IM TOO EMBARRASSED TO REPLY THIS *
Who watches horror movies and acts tough, only to be freaked out at night later? Homer of course.
If the other was hurt, would they seek revenge for one another? yes
Who’s more prone to jealously? Moe.
Who would be the one to suggest dining and dashing when going out to eat? mmmmmmmm i dunno
Who gets up and makes breakfast for the other in the morning? Homer
Who’s better at comforting the other? Homer of course ,even if his suggestions arent the best,
Who will pin the other down and tickle them after a fight? *AAAAAAAAAAADFJHDJF*
Who dominates at Mariokart and who’s the sore loser who sulks after they lose? FRY , sinc Zapp sucks on videogames he would be like BUT I FLIGHT A SHIP IRL, WHY THIS
Who becomes a human baby when they become sick and who plays sickness off? Both would be the baby XD but Zapp is more annoying cus he loves give orders
Who surprises the other with flowers and a date? ZAPP TO FRY,OF COURSE :’D
Who uses crappy pickup lines? Zapp pls
If they had kids, who would be the stricter parent? Zapp….yes hard to believe.
If they were to go to the beach, who would lounge under the sun, and who would actually swim? I love how Fry doesnt know how to swim…so both would be under the sun
Who tells the other to quit bouncing their leg? Fry to Zapp ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Who falls asleep on the other? Fry on Zapp
Who loves to take pictures? Hard to believe but Zapp 8D n he uses hashtags n these huge annoying emoticons on fb jfc
Who gets onto a health kick and forces the other to go on runs? NONE, BOTH ARE LAZY
Who jams out to music the other hates? None, both love 80s
If there’s a chance to pull practical jokes, who takes the bait? Fry to Zapp
Who starts a pillow fight? depends of their mood, but Fry
In the morning, who’s the early riser, and who pulls the other back to bed for cuddles? Zapp n Fry is like DONT GO TO JOOOOOB
Who watches horror movies and acts tough, only to be freaked out at night later? Zapp XD
If the other was hurt, would they seek revenge for one another? YES ;;
Who’s more prone to jealously? Fry :v
Who would be the one to suggest dining and dashing when going out to eat? Zapp loves to take Fry to fancy restaurants
Who gets up and makes breakfast for the other in the morning? Depends of their mood…but Kif (?
Who’s better at comforting the other? Fry
Who will pin the other down and tickle them after a fight? Fry???
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theothersideshowmel · 9 years
Lisa, Homer, Bart, and Milhouse (which are all me) for the character meme?
sure thing! memes under the cut:
1: sexuality headcanon polyamorous pansexual2: otp: don’t think I have a ship for her actually! Lisa/Nelson is kinda cute but Im not rly invested3: brotp: Lisa&Bart, Lisa&Sophie4: notp: Lisa x Milhouse5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Lisa does meet Mr. Bergstrom again - he’s a professor at her college, they reconnect and he’s so very proud of her and how far she’s come!6: favorite line from this character: oh man, I can’t think of my *fav* line from her since she’s a main, but I love her moments with Homer! like when she called him a baboon when she was upset and he started acting like one to cheer her up, that was cute ;;7: one way in which I relate to this character: we’re both artistic!8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing i can think of, except maybe what’s become of her characte rin recent seasons (though that goes for the whole show)9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll!
1: sexuality headcanon: bisexual2: otp: Homer x Marge3: brotp: Homer&Moe, Homer&Karl, Homer&Herb4: notp: idk5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Homer still has the chair Herb bought for him, they didn’t have the heart to throw it away after it broke down  so it’s in the attic and it smells a little weird from the dog having an accident on it (as Homer tells it).6: favorite line from this character: “I’m not gonna lie to you, Marge…. *walks away without explaning a thing.* it’s funnier in context xD7: one way in which I relate to this character: we both like bowling~8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: oh gee a lot of things, sometimes they write him so as ridiculously clueless9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? despite it all, he is a true cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon: bisexual2: otp: bartxmilhouse3: brotp: bart&milhouse, bart&lisa4: notp: idk5: first headcanon that pops into my head: he starts a band with milhouse in highschool – he does vocals while milhouse attempts guitar and in the end, it turns out pretty lame, but hey, gotta try everything once, right? 6: favorite line from this character: again, can’t pick a fav, but I’ll always be touched by how he broke down when he couldn’t achieve an A on Ms Krabapple’s test, even after studying so hard :( it was a genuine, relateable moment…7: one way in which I relate to this character: we’re both fans of krusty :08: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: i unno! im still weirded out over the fact that they showed his actual penis in the movie, like wtf??9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? somewhere in between but closer to a cinnamon roll lol
1: sexuality headcanon: bisexual2: otp: milhousexbart3: brotp: milhousexbart4: notp: milhousexlisa5: first headcanon that pops into my head: he got contacts in middleschool and enjoyed a brief period of increased popularity, but it faded pretty quickly6: favorite line from this character: Everything’s coming up Milhouse! - I quote this a lot lol7: one way in which I relate to this character: we both wear glasses8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: his awkward romantice advanceds towards Lisa + that time he got a gf and all they did was kiss in Bart’s treehouse @_@ so awkward…9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll !
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poke-kin-blog · 9 years
Is it fine if I apply for the network though I have an alter who's kin with Pachirisu and I have a fictive of Bonnie from the Pokemon anime? They don't want to be left out because they're not me (the host). I'm not entirely sure if I myself am Pokekin.
its totally welcome for them to appy!
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cirilee · 9 years
You or Mel need to draw a fusion of my Simpsons OTP (Lisa and Nelson of course) for the AU. I already know Lisa's gem would be a yellow sphalerite but idk about Nelson
gollygeemel look we have a new puzzle to our au! squeee :D I’ll definitely get to drawing that I just hope I find the time to - I think sphalerit is a really pretty choice for Lisa, concering Nelson, we kind of think he could be the equivalent to Amethyst? XD I think it’ll look cute ouo
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filiaclone-blog · 9 years
44 (You're so adorable tbh)
THANK U here you go
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kin-positivity · 9 years
Can a homoflexible aro spec Lisa Simpson/Nelson Muntz get some positivity? I just found out my best friend (who is male) wants to go out with me and I'm kinda stressed.
Lisa Simpson is an amazing person! You always stand up for what you believe in, and you’re a very smart person. You’re very compassionate, and I think that those are all amazing traits! I’m sorry I can’t do both your kintypes, but rest assured, they are both valid!
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psychictwinsrph · 9 years
Icons/gifs of younger Elle Fanning & AnnaSophia Robb? (For example, in the film Because of Winn-Dixie)
A please would’v been nice there. I will add both to my to do list.
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eugeniabelcher-blog · 9 years
Me for the first impression thing? :3
1. First impression: cool person to rp with2. Truth is: awesome friend !!3. How old do you look: like 12-13 lol4. Have you ever made me laugh: ye5. Have you ever made me mad: i don’t think so6. Best feature: being super nice :>7. Have I ever had a crush on you: no8. You’re my: bestie9. Name in my phone: n/a10. Should you post this too? yeah !
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theothersideshowmel · 9 years
Imagine Bart & Milhouse in Gryffindor together. Bart got in that house because of his bravery but Milhouse just wanted to be with his bf
I approve of this!! aww at Millhouse asking the sorting hat to place him in slytherin so he can be with Bart~ I bet he would’ve been hufflepuff otherwise
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sideshowhayden, that headcanon of yours was already accepted the first time you submitted it. I just have a lot of stuff in my queue now (it’s great!). Expect to see your original submission later this week. :D
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