#sidenote I’m upset that they aren’t real and I don’t actually have two jayfeather plushes.
museoftheprophet · 2 months
I had a dream last night that I found two Jayfeather plushes at a thrift store. I was ecstatic… one was in perfect condition, all fluffy and new looking. The other one was faded… its fur was sort of matted, and the stuffing had all been packed into his extremities, leaving his torso all empty and floppy… I noticed some of the seams were coming undone. I thought “someone must’ve replaced their beloved childhood toy once it started to break, and got too fragile to hold or play with...”
When I looked closer at the tags, I noticed the shiny new one was a “fake”/ reproduction— but the old one was real.
I bought them both, I didn’t think about how they ended up in a thrift store until I woke up. This dreamt up previous owner had gotten rid of them both, after going through all the effort to replace the original…
I think my dreams are speaking to me in cryptic symbolism again.
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