i-like-the-eyes · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: The Corinthian/Original Male Character Characters: The Corinthian (Sandman), Vitus (OC), Dream of the Endless Additional Tags: Hero!Dream, Sidekick!Corinthian, Villain!Vitus, Smut, sidekick x villain, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to Lovers, Superhero!AU, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers Summary:
"The Nightmare" - sidekick of the local super hero - get's kidnapped by one of their enemies - "The Demon" The two had fought and flirted in the past whenever they had met. Now being at the mercy of the pretty villain the Nightmare is struggling between his attraction towards his enemy and the loyalty towards his boss...
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talentforlying · 7 months
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"Hm." The remade Corinthian has stopped, looking at Constantine in the dark as if transfixed. "Your eyes..." [ i just want to see john refuse to examine this any further. but also thinking about these two working together after constantine spent however long getting TORMENTED by the first one is very funny to me ] @nightmarecountry
the shimmering foil film that's crept over the dark center of each bright blue eye vanishes like flash paper when they roll in exasperation, head falling back with a groan so loud and absurdly heartfelt that it could only have been drawn up from some uncharted depth of his soul so choked with revulsion that even the briefest release is enough to drain the system entirely.
' christ on a cocksucking zeppelin, not you too. ' which, HE figures is a clear enough refusal to entertain whatever the christ the nightmare's going on about to get them back on their way; except, the new corinthian doesn't look ready to budge, and like hell is constantine turning an unprotected back on that one.
he drags his feet about it, but oh-so-begrudgingly comes to a stop of his own — several paces off and with his back securely to a wall — balled-tight hands planted pissily on his hips and chin jutting defiantly out of the shadows cast beneath two shrewdly-assessing, lamplight eyes. ' y'know, it's right about now that i'd tell ye to buy me dinner 'fore you start gettin' lost in me vast oceanic gaze, f'i didn't think i'd wind up recognizin' the main course. '
see, originally he sort of thought it would be NEAT, right? to watch dream of the endless cook up a nightmare from scratch ... fuck, what garden-variety mortal busybody ever gets to see something like that in their lifetime?
now, though? with the way these things seem to come right out of the kiln with a lust for eyes? he's starting to pick up an uncomfortably queasy feeling that maybe — just maybe — whatever it is that powers the mysterious maker mechanism of the Dreaming is a process that he ought to be steering a-a-a-all the way clear of. and that just means he has as few fucking answers as to what goes on in the mind of this nightmare as he did before.
still, at least he's not the only one in the dark, now — at least dream'd had the sense to pick all the psychic pieces of the old one out of constantine's brainstem before starting in on the fresh template. it'd be right fucking embarrassing if the new-and-improved multi-mouth could actually feel the brief, sharp spike of panic that their sudden interest speared through the central branch of his limbic system — that just around the edges, like, felt a whole lot fucking similar to that OLD DARK SHARD.
what's already right fucking embarrassing is that he can find it in himself to be really, truly pleased about the blissful silence that's usurped the bad dreams — about the fact that his recycled sidekick stands as testament to the fact that a living thing, creepy bastard or no, was undone and remolded like it had never earned the right to exist in the first place. like the only proper punishment for strolling off of dream's assembly line was to pulp the fucking thing with hammers. right fucking embarrassing, because constantine knows all this, now, and he is ACTUALLY inclined to just let that slide.
those shiny moonstone pupils blink out again as he pinches the bridge of his nose, blowing air out in a half-growl. ( and, only because they're still stood round in the dark and he thinks he won't be seen, his fingertips ghost out to press down gently against each closed eyelid; verifying, just in case. ) only a minute ago, he'd felt just like himself — just how he'd been all those years ago, when dream first turned up at HIS DOOR for help. just proud enough and curious enough that fear and trepidation could take a backseat to the journey new at hand.
now, though, he's starting to feel more like rachel: convalescing aimlessly in the blissfully ignorant bubble of her bedroom, starving herself on grains of blind idealism while the slime of collateral damage coagulates just outside the door. and this time, dream's not the one walking with him.
' ... hhhh fuck. i'm settin' a new ground rule, alright? you start goin' ga-ga about my sodding eyes, sunshine, and i call up bloody lord build-a-beast to fix me up a new sniffer dog. we understand each other? ' christ, that feels low. ' ... or i get in a free punch, somethin' like that. quit bloody starin'. '
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If you not a good in fanfic writing, but you have imagination in own dreams.
When you go to a snob party with your perfect escort. Champagne is flowing, caviar and fairy dust are everywhere. Best food, best drinks. You two, like predatory animals observing the terrain, who fits and who doesn't. Guess it doesn't matter... He in a creamy Alexander McQueen suit, you in a white Dior dress studded with Swarovski crystals. When a frenzied Can-can starts playing, you unleash hell with your knives. The music plays intensely and spurs you to action. When it's all over. Can-can ends, on the final tones, you kiss passionately, Even though you're both covered in blood. He will pick up the eye trophies in a hurry, you will take a good bottle of champagne from the bloody floor and get hurry into his mustang convertible together. Your heart is pounding, it was almost like sex, almost. It's going to be very wild in his home, the perfect end for an amazing night.
Dear Corinthian, don't you need an little crazy sidekick, who is also good with knives?? Please 🥺
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nunesbytko · 2 years
The Sandman, Season one, Episode 3- “Dream a little Dream of me Review
Meera Syal as a priest- Niiiice!
  Johanna doesn't give a shit about Dreams authority at all. He's all like, I'm dream of the endless" and she's like Really? Tell someone who cares. I don't think Dream's ever experienced that before.
  "It wasn't because your boyfriend was beating us, it was because the sandman was coming" John. The FEELS!!!" Who else thinks that John might have been visited by someone else in the past?
  Johanna's been through a lot. With the way she says "Love, fucks you up"
I Did feel sorry for the princess, watching your groom getting killed like that and turn into bloody orange peel. That demon was HUGE!!"
  Jenna is freaking beautiful, dream just has chemistry with everyone he meets.
  John's reaction when he saw the Amulet!
  No John after the stunt your mother pulled, you can never start again. That's why your mother is there......
Poor Raven Matthew, he only died a couple of hours ago, shit!
  When poor Johanna is mortified, left alone in her dream with a half of Astra's arm. Could you imagine having that dream every night????
Is dream making jokes about the mess her flat  is in ??? lol
  Dreams getting upset when they were talking about Burgress. Ugghhh the PTSD!!!!
Johanna's bollocks was sooooo cute!
  Why did Rachel buzz her in without knowing who it was? Is she magic as well
  Matthew getting jealous of Jessamy after only being his Raven for a couple of hours.......I love the competition
What the hell did the sand to do Rachel????
God Ethel what have you done???
  Giving John the amulet was NOT the answer!!! ]
OMG!!! Corinthian is like GPS tracker for fellow evil!!!!
Corinthian, so diabolical, yet extremely sexy, how does he combine the two so well????
Matthew determined to be a sidekick , then freaking out about going to hell!!!
  Off To Hell They Go!
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paragonrobits · 2 years
Sandman episode 3 thoughts! I'd like to open up my thoughts by saying that if I had a nickel for every Time a wisecracking sidekick proved to have been a human in a previous life that regrets their actions and serves as a moral compass, well... I would probably have more than two nickels. But Matthew reminds me a lot of Morte from planescape torment. I've been excited to see him ever since episode ones teaser and he does not disappoint. I'm a sucker for worldweary wisecracking sidekicks that feel put upon
I should note that I'm not that familiar with Constantine as a character, beyond his appearance in the original comic, general vibes in the greater DC universe, and that one animated movie where king shark was his ex. And that live action movie with Keanu Reeves but I think most agree its a in name only thing. Nice adaptation though.
Its been a while since I read the issue this episode takes a lot from, but the horror elements are seriously downplayed; there's no rooms made of meat that uses to be someone. I woukd factor this up to a case of benefit of retrospect; I've been told the original angle of the comic was horror, but that went over time. Personally I think it works fine, even if that was a stark moment in the comic
Johanna works great as a character, with a lot of the beats the character should hit; without having to do an origin story or give you the broad strokes, you get a sense of her as someone working spooky stuff with a bad habit of relationships going awry and is plagued by regrets. It really did remind me of the Constantine movie, I don't know if that's bad or not of me.
The stuff with the Cripps is very good at conveying a lot of history without having to tell you a lot; you get a real sense of their problems with each other without them having to clarify that much. I am curious what john did with the ruby, which sounds incredibly nightmarish the more you think about it. I suspect the bit about effectively retconning Dream out of existence is going to be important, AND an extremely bad idea.
So that talisman of protection, huh? That's an effective means of protecting, splattering anyone who tries to harm you. I actually assumed that Ethel cast a spell on ol' chompy eyes last episode to splatter him!
I am very scared for john and the more I we how friendly the Corinthian is being with him I want to yell PLEASE RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW. The coat thing feels very prelude to murder. Or it might be genuine? Mr 'i bite with my blink' is hard to read.
We see more indications that Dream is kibd to people, just very wary and fed up with human arrogance, and the stuff with john I di area he may have a point there, but at the same time, abandoning those in need is not good for him to do. We see him do a good thing by relieving others of chronic nightmares and sleeplessness, problems likely caused by his imprisonment. We see him fulfilling his function!
Matthew really is ride and die at first sight.
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durrzerker · 4 years
Taskmaster: The Line. Chapter 5: Secrets
The old Masters of Evil headquarters was still intact. It had not burned down, been bombed, or been swarmed by supervillains. There weren't even rats in the walls.
That was the totality of the good news.
Everything else, in summary, had completely gone to shit.
It was a ragged party that crossed the threshold of Baron Zemo's former home. Laura and Black Ant were leading the pack by now, as they were the only ones who weren't limping or nearly collapsing with exhaustion. Black Ant had caught up with the group shortly after shrinking down to escape the chaos that he had spawned during the Bagalia Freedom Festival, and it was a good thing, too; Akeja had silently collapsed a quarter mile from the gargantuan mansion, and the other children weren't faring much better. Carrying Akeja and Mara across his shoulders like a pair of sandbags, Eric had been uncharacteristically silent as they stopped in the dank foyer of the abandoned building. "Amazing no one's taken this place over yet," he finally said.
"They've been trying." Taskmaster was favoring his wounded rib a bit more now; without time to rest and with the increasingly desperate pace that they had set to finish out their journey, he was in a good deal of pain himself. "I hadn't decided what to do with the place, so I've been letting ol' Tessie clear them out to keep her weapons in good shape. An idling warbot is..." He trailed off; he couldn't even finish the joke. The spot where Laura had stabbed him was throbbing in the way only an adamantium blade could, the same way it had when she'd gored his hand a year back. It was like every nerve had been cut in half with molecular precision. Pulling off his dirty cloak and setting it into a pile against the wall, he collapsed against it. "Role call..."
Laura, whose healing factor at least allowed her to remain in peak shape, set Malakai down on a huge old Corinthian leather couch. "Everyone's here. I've been keeping track. You don't look so good, Taskmaster."
"No shit? Maybe it's because you fucking stabbed me." He wasn't mad about it. Really.
"I'm not going to feel guilty about that," Laura replied, her ears visibly burning. "You had done nothing to warrant the benefit of the doubt, and you left Black Ant behind to ambush me."
"I left him behind to ambush the person -stalking- us," Tony countered. "How was I supposed to know it was you? How long had you even been following us, anyways? Didn't you see us -helping- the fucking kids?" Tony closed his eyes behind his mask, even as he argued. To Laura, it still looked like the ghoulish visage was staring her down.
"...Truth be told, yes. But from where I was, it just looked like you were fighting over them -- and you did crash their vehicle."
Tony could tell that she didn't like when she had to try and get a bead on how he was feeling. The man's airtight costume blocked his scent from her, and he could alter his body language whenever he liked; it was one of his most useful skills, the kind that wasn't as obvious to people as other applications of his photographic reflexes.
"Well, whatever," Tony replied with a grunt. "The Hub's agent ain't here and I need to sleep, alright? Wake me up when they arrive -- I think we could all use a little rest."
"I don't think we should..." Laura pursed her lips and stopped when she heard the crinkling of a wrapper behind her. Eric had finally found use for his remaining honey buns he'd swiped earlier. He was passing them out to the assorted Scions, who had piled together on the couch in the living room. While Akeja had gone right to sleep, the others' hunger had won out - they voraciously assaulted the treats with the kind of shamelessness only starvation could inspire. "...Yeah, alright. Only for awhile though, Masters." She turned around and headed towards the kitchen with that, likely to look for more food for the children.
Tony watched her go, but before she'd even made it out of the living room, the mercenary had passed out. He dreamed of the Scion children.
He was in the middle of some kind of nightmare in which all six of the children were surrounding him, throwing accusations that he couldn't understand in their unique language. He wasn't quite sure exactly when he woke up, because when he did, the children were arguing loudly in that same tongue.
"Hey, hey!" Eric called out. "Come on, people are trying to sleep here -- namely my very ill-tempered partner."
"Fuck you, Man of Ants!" Shouted the sixth child that Tony had never heard speak yet, and now it was evident why; a girl with red hair and a deeply thick brogue, she was barely understandable even when trying her best. "Y'think ginna scrap o'fud makeus even?! Not a'er what you did, nay, him neither!"
What him and Eric did...? Taskmaster didn't move from where he was, kept his breathing slow. His perfect control of his body's actions came in handy here -- especially when Laura joined the conversation, returning to the living room to figure out what the big screaming match was about. "What's going on? What -did- you two do, O'Grady...?"
"It's none of your business, Wolverine." Eric's voice was surprisingly serious, more harsh than almost any time that Tony had heard it before. "If these brats really want to tell you, I can't stop them; but I'm not turning on him like that."
There was a pause. Tony opened his eyes, opting to keep his mask's optics dimmed in the process; all part of how he could easily pretend that he wasn't paying attention, even to Wolverine's highly enhanced senses. Laura was pacing, glancing to the gathered children and then stopping before Eric. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this one way or the other, but I'm curious; why -do- you do this, O'Grady?"
"What do you mean?" He snapped back defensively.
"Why do you follow Taskmaster? I've seen your relationship. You call yourself his partner, but he treats you more like a sidekick. You were an Avenger once; you were a hero, even if you had your problems. Why follow a jerk like Masters?"
Clearly trying to deflect, Black Ant turned away from her. "Keep your voice down, huh? You're gonna wake him up."
"He's completely passed out. I'd be able to hear it if he was up."
Realizing he wasn't going to get out of this, Black Ant hesitated, then explained, "Look...you don't know him like I do. I -don't- follow Taskmaster."
"--Stop. You want to know? Then let me talk." Eric stepped forward, accusingly prodding her in the chest. "I don't follow Taskmaster, I follow -Tony-. Even when he trained me back with the Initiative, I could tell something was different about him compared to other supervillains. He -got- what it was like, you know? To want to do one thing, but to feel drawn to another. Then, when I was with the Secret Avengers, I found out about everything...his memory problems. His -wife-."
"He's got a WIFE?" Laura nearly shouted, then covered her mouth. Taskmaster's breath nearly hitched, giving him away. It took all of his self-control to maintain the illusion that he was asleep, doubly so when Eric turned to look his way.
"Yeah, he does; and he doesn't even know it. It's The Hub. You know, the lady who's supposed to be sending our fucking -help-? The way his powers work, every time he copies someone new, like he did to get your stupid foot claws, he loses everything else. As far as most people are concerned, Taskmaster's all that's left; the mercenary, the guy who will kidnap anyone or fight anyone for hire; but when you work with him like I do, you -see- him every day...it becomes obvious that ain't the case."
"Bullshit," Maya snapped, sounding wounded.
"...It's true," Eric insisted. "Look, don't get me wrong! Tony -- not Taskmaster -- isn't a saint. I'm not saying he's some kind of heroic good guy underneath it all. But you don't realize how -easy- he goes on you fucking people," the mercenary accused, glaring at Laura as he started to anxiously pace in a circle. "Did you know that? He'd rather let himself get stabbed through the hand than actually risk really hurting you, because even though -he- doesn't understand it...this is self-flagellation. He's punishing himself every time he takes a job, and his fucking wife LETS him! He doesn't know any better! He's in...factory settings, as he calls it!"
Falling silent for a moment, Laura pressed her hand to her mouth in thought. When she finally responded, her tone was somber and disbelieving in equal measure. She wasn't buying this at all. "So, what. You're saying he wasn't -trying- when he attacked my sisters and I? He shot them in the head!"
"No, I'm saying that he was trying -- to commit suicide by superhero. Look...I've seen him when pressed, okay? He does -not- go down easy, and there's a reason that he's actually feared so much in Bagalia. He doesn't half-ass it here; you piss him off, you're dead. You do something he finds distasteful, you're dead. If you were watching us, you saw how we shut down that Jason Waterfalls jerkoff. He'd never fight like that against you, against Spider-Man, against any of you 'hero' types." Slumping down onto the couch, planting his palms against either side of his helmet, Eric took it off. A mess of unruly red hair, a to-the-atom perfect replica of the appearance of his original body. Tony knew that he'd often questioned if he was the 'real' Eric, or some kind of facsimile created in his image. Tony had always argued the former, maybe against his better senses. He just wasn't sure that he himself liked the alternative. Was that selfish? He considered it before focusing his attention on his partner's continued speaking.
"I've seen him pin his boot to Captain America's face. He had him dead to rights. But when the time came, he didn't finish the job, even though he could have. And if you corner him about it, he'll claim it's because he doesn't want the 'heat', or he'll make excuses, but when it really comes down to it..." Eric looked up at Laura; Taskmaster was too far away to see his expression, but his tone gave away everything that he needed to know. "...That's Tony in there, under The Taskmaster. People don't see Tony, he hides it so well. They see that stupid fucking costume, that ridiculous cape...and a grim echo of the guy I know who taught me; who's ignored every rule he sets for himself for my sake."
"Why, though?" Laura asked, sounding skeptical. "It's easy for you to make these claims, but have you ever considered that he's lying to you? That he's just pathetic and lonely, and keeps you around so he has control over someone?"
"Shut the hell up," Eric snapped back at her, nearly rising. "I'm not the only one who knows this. He'll pretend he's forgotten, but Cap does, too; can you believe Taskmaster still admires him? Hell, have you ever even SEEN him copy a supervillain's moves? I've seen him throw like Bullseye, like...once. But day in, day out? It's Rogers. Daredevil. Black Knight. Hawkeye. -You-. And you wanna tell me he's faking it, when he tries to be like you on a level even he doesn't realize?"
Laura looked ready to bite back, to respond to Eric's accusatory tone, but after a moment she simply stopped walking around and regarded the children. While they still looked annoyed, still seemed ready to argue with Eric, they'd all shifted to listening intently. For some reason that Tony couldn't fathom, they were invested in this. What did Black Ant know? What wasn't he telling him?
"He wants to be the best, and I don't just mean at fighting. Every time, before he forgets, he becomes a little more like you, a little less like Taskmaster," Eric murmured, barely loud enough for Taskmaster to hear. "And then he goes back to it, gets his next job; but I'm not stupid. I've been watching people who were better than me my whole life. When he -really- has a reason to fight, you can almost see Tony in there, like a reflection in a lake. And then he has to copy someone new, or gets pushed further than his mind can take, and --" He mimicked a popping sound with his finger in his mouth. "...The next pebble drops, and it's gone."
The room fell silent for a little while, interrupted only by the sounds of the Scions grabbing the food that Laura had brought them on a tray and starting to dig into it. Looking conflicted, Wolverine finally threw her hands up. "So, what? You're saying that I should trust him? That he's 'not so bad'?"
"No," Eric replied coolly, putting his helmet back on. "I'm saying that I'm keeping my cards to my chest for a reason, and that I'm not telling you about what happened with these kids for the same reason I'm not telling -him-. Like I said, if they want to share? I can't stop them; but you won't understand why things went down like they did. What I will tell you is this: You need Taskmaster to save these children. Even they know it; it's the only reason they haven't ratted us out already. And if he finds out what he did...he's gonna run. He'll snap, he'll disappear, and then we're all fucked."
"He can barely move. He's hardly going to carry this team." Laura's tone wasn't proud, just factual.
"I'm not talking about fighting," Eric replied vaguely. "Just...don't trust me, okay? I don't give a shit. I don't even like you, Logan had better hair. Talk to the kids if you want, but I'm done explaining myself." He started past her, only for the smaller woman to plant a palm on his chest.
"This isn't finished, O'Grady," Laura warned. "Not by a long shot."
"I know," he responded, "...And I'm sorry, I spoke out of turn. Your hair is -amazing-." Taskmaster couldn't see them anymore, but he heard the distinct sound of Eric attempting to lean in and smell her -- and Laura punching him in the stomach.
After that, the group scattered. The Hub's agent -- the agent of his wife, Tony forced himself to try and internalize without much success -- was still not here, and everyone was occupying the time they were forced to wait differently. Eric was playing on his phone, Laura checked on the Scions and then went to explore the enormous mansion, and the Scions huddled together, finally well-fed and trying to catch up on their immense lack of sleep.
For his part, Taskmaster had a lot to think about now. Waiting another half hour or so before 'waking up', he finally rose and staggered out of the living room, heading for the armory. When he'd been working as Zemo's prison warden, he had stashed some equipment here, including of the medical variety. He could patch himself up a little better, get fighting fit again.
He'd barely opened the door of the safehouse and stepped inside when he heard footsteps approaching; small and quick. Grabbing a kit full of strange syringes, his personal supply of advanced first aid from his on-staff scientist Albino, Taskmaster turned in time to see one of the Scions approaching. It was the last he didn't recognize, all fire-colored hair and intense features that he quickly recognized as a strange mixture of Chinese and Scottish.
Tears in her eyes, she stepped forward, fearlessly grabbing for the first weapon she could find - a Desert Eagle, already loaded for haste's sake in case of emergency, barrel pointing straight at Taskmaster's forehead. When she finally spoke, it was through tears. "D'ye really not remember what ya did to us?" She asked him accusingly.
He didn't know how to answer.
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nirja523242 · 5 years
Best Wishes For Wedding
Wishing a few congratulations is as a rule a verbalization people join into their wedding welcome. It fills in as a solid similarly as celebratory way to deal with tell the couple they worked splendidly finding their ideal accomplice (awh.) Saying 'very much done' is fitting it wouldn't fret which side of the walkway you are roosted on once the capacity starts. Notwithstanding whether you've been nearest associates with the woman of great importance for a significant long time and have as of late met the spouse to be or know the two social affairs incredible, you can never turn out severely with a genuine wedding well done message. Seek after stage one from above and pick a standout amongst your most adored all around done messages underneath or add them to your own one of a kind words to start on your wedding card.
Well done to the marvelous both of you!
This calls for well done and no doubt champagne.
I trust amid that time you become far prevalent associates and offer each possible kind of delight life can bring. Congrats.
May your marriage be stacked up with all the right fixings: a heap of love, a dash of preoccupation, a spot of assessment, and a spoonful of cognizance. May your fulfillment prop up until the end of time. Well done!
Your enormous day may travel all over, anyway may your love dependably create. Well done to the perfect couple!
Through the whirlwinds of life, may your veneration for one another be undaunted and strong. Wishing you rapture and bliss on your enormous day. Well done!
Well done on discovering each other! Your most essential experience has as of late begun.
Well done to you both on your remarkable day! May your wedding be stacked up with unprecedented memories you can love until the finish of time!
Well done on getting hitched!
You parents are extraordinary together. So bright for both of you!
'Two become one'- what a magnificent thing. Congratulations!
Impassioned congratulations.
Most sultry congratulations and love!
Well done on your huge day and all the best for a playful conjunction!
Feeling such a lot of bliss for both of you as you join your lives in marriage!
Seeing both of you make assurances and adventure forward into what's to come is so energizing and incredible.
Nice Wedding Wishes
After the administration when the couple opens their wedding cards they will value scrutinizing each card for various reasons, anyway most importantly, in light of whom they are from. Act normally as you are creating your wedding card and guarantee that your character shimmers. In case you are continuously accommodating, there is nothing awry with keeping your wants snappy and effortless. Essentially guarantee that you develop your well done and state something boggling.
Points of reference:
All the best!
We're/I'm so perky for you!
Wishing you heaps of fondness and fulfillment.
Wishing you a long and perky marriage.
Wishing you the best today and constantly.
So energetic to laud this day with you both!
All the best for an exciting future together.
Wishing you fulfillment of each dream!
Time passes rapidly and things change, anyway I wish that your worship for each other would stay unchangeable.
You've affected me to believe in cozy sentiment. Likewise, I believe my conviction will suffer dependably, in light of the way that it seems like you'll stay together until the end.
Formal Wedding Wishes
You can in like manner use your wedding wishes to mirror the theme of the capacity. In case floor length dresses, gleaming light installations and lavish features are two or three huge day nuances, examine using one of these formal wedding wishes to express your rapture for the woman of great importance and fortunate man.
Wishing you a lifetime of love and fulfillment.
May the years ahead be stacked up with suffering fulfillment.
All the best on this sublime voyage, as you gather your new lives together.
Thankful to you for allowing me to share in this perky day. I need you to appreciate all that life brings to the table as you set out on this extraordinary affiliation.
Wishing you rapture, love and ecstasy on your enormous day as you begin your new conjunction.
May the love and satisfaction you feel today transmit as the years advanced.
At the point when both of you are hitched as one, the two families and partners share in solidarity of their matrimonial affiliation; may this marriage be an expansion to usher fulfillment, agreement and flourishing.
As you adventure into another life as new couples, you become fortune to our district and the world.
Allow love to be the purpose of combination of your step by step life. May you find desire, congruity and trust in each other's arms.
Favored is the man who finds a mate. May the pleasure of your new home be stacked up with laughing, smiles, kisses, grasps, respect perception and reliability. Happy wedlock.
Engaging Wedding Card Messages
If you think an intriguing wedding card message will put a smile on the woman of great importance and fortunate man's countenances by then don't hesitate to make something laugh exemplary. Basically proceed with caution, you needn't bother with your wedding message to put on a show of being deriding or disgusting. Remember that a sentiment that may easily have all the earmarks of being a joke can be confused on paper. Everything considered, separate from jokes are far-off! Use your best judgment when forming your fascinating wedding wish and you'll be well on your way to deal with making the perfect wedding card with a side of smiles.
An obligation of appreciation is all together for inviting us to eat and drink while you get hitched. All around done!
Our marriage direction: love, regard and… scour the can.
Thankful for the free liquor. All the best on a long, sprightly marriage.
Marriage signifies the completion of a sentimental story and the start of a wrestling match. Wishing you the most flawlessly awesome of everything regardless.
I'll uncover to you the riddle of an energetic marriage. It remains… a puzzle to all! Needing you to appreciate all that life brings to the table of times ahead.
On your enormous day today, you have now ended up being two from one. Does that mean I will get two birthday presents from you both reliably?
As Bill and Ted expressed, 'Be incredible to each other.'
Getting hitched looks like going to demonstrate school. May there be more parody than show.
Marriage is so magnificent. You have finally found that one individual you get the chance to exasperate all through your life.
Today I comprehended that life isn't sensible for single people like me. Starting at as of late I expected to get you a present just once consistently on your birthday. Directly I have two birthday occasions notwithstanding a wedding recognition to buy presents for. Well done to my nearest friend on getting hitched.
Religious Wedding Wishes
Granting a religious stick to the woman of great importance and fortunate man can be the perfect technique to tailor your wedding wishes. Think about the couple's religious feelings and points of view before you begin making your card. Use their practices to coordinate your religious wedding wishes.
Points of reference:
May God support you and your affiliation.
May God give every one of you of life's endowments and love's enjoyments.
Love God first and it will be less complex to love your sidekick second.
We are envisioning finding what God has prepared for both of you.
Your marriage will be strong in light of the fact that both of you are strong in your certainty.
May God's veneration be the enchantment that ties your marriage.
We ask that God will support your marriage and guide you in your new experience together.
May the Individual who joined you support your marriage, improve your lives and broaden your fondness reliably.
'God has exhausted out his warmth into our spirits.' Romans 5:5
'Love is relentless. Love is attentive… Love never fails.' 1 Corinthians 13:4-13
Wedding Card Messages For Buddies
Your nearest partner is getting hitched? Wish that individual well on their new experience with their other half with the perfect welcome. When forming a wedding card message for mates you can be near and dear or keep things progressively wide. Again, the key is to think about your relationship with the individual being referred to and their life accomplice. If you remain with this, your friendship for these adoration winged creatures will emanate through your welcome.
I'm so happy to call you both my colleagues.
May you bring each other as much fulfillment as your association has passed on to my life– and anything is possible from that point!
Here's to love and cooperation.
We all in all need somebody to worship, care about and trust. I'm amazingly peppy that my nearest partner has found this extraordinary person. Congratulations on your wedding and may your concurrence be a steady uncommon first night.
We've been sidekicks since youthfulness and who may have felt that we in general would be hitched one day. Nevertheless, it happened and today is your marriage! Wish both of you trust and getting, perseverance and love.
We're so eager to laud this superb day with you both.
Of all the immense life events we've celebrated consistently, today beat the once-over.
The gem gazer we found in Vegas was right. You met the man/woman you had constantly needed. All the best to you both.
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thenightling · 6 years
Why Wanda (original Sandman) is a better Trans representation  character than Echo (Now defunct version of The Dreaming comics)
I realize Echo gets “Bonus points” for having been created by an actual Trans woman but the character, herself, is not that great.  So here’s the comparison. 
Wanda = Created by Neil Gaiman.  And Echo = Created by Caitlin R. Kiernan. 
Even though Echo was created by a Trans woman, I feel there are distinctly... I dare say “problematic” elements to the character.   Observe.
Wanda:  When we meet Wanda she’s in a shared apartment with her friends Barbie, Donna (AKAK Foxglove) and Hazel (who are a couple), Thessaly and creepy old guy (I forget his name).   She is very outgoing and helpful.
Echo:  When we are first introduced to Echo she is identifying as a man (and the Wikia goes out of it’s way to say “Echo was a Man until she became a Nightmare.”   No, when you’re Trans you were ALWAYS that gender, it’s just your body didn’t reflect it).   Echo is the sidekick of a blind serial killer who is a surviving victim of The Corinthian (The nightmare creature who escaped The Dreaming and hosted a serial killer convention.) 
Backstory: Wanda:  Wanda grew up on a farm of very conservative and religious parents.  She related heavily to the characters in Weirdzo (Bizarro) comics. She ran away to the big city where she could finally be herself and explore her gender identity in peace.  She changed her birth / dead name from Alvin to Wanda.  She believed her family thought of her as dead except for one aunt who still talks to her but misgenders her and “Prays” for her.   Echo:  Abused by her father so she decided to start wearing woman’s clothing.   Met a surviving victim of The Corinthian and went on a killing spree together...
Wanda:  Wanda has a little bit of a chip on her shoulder as she has spent so much time only being able to rely on and trust herself but she’s fiercely loyal to her friends.  She’s outgoing and helpful.  She just puts on a tough facade.   Ultimately she is actually noble and even saves someone who hadn’t been very nice to her.   Wanda is terrified of surgery. She has transitioned via clothing, electrolysis hair removal, and hormone treatment and she hates when people tell her she’s not “really” a woman because she hasn’t had the surgery yet.    Echo:   Echo is a serial killer but is like totally being persecuted by Lucien, Matthew, and the Corinthian, and how dare they!   They’re like so mean to her!   Why can’t they just let her go on her killing spree?  It shouldn’t matter to them!  Seriously, check out how the DC Wikia entry has it....   
She’s homicidal, cold, but she’s really, really strong willed and like super powerful and can resist possession and she’s Soooo awesome!   
I’m trying...
___________________________________ Purpose in the story:
Wanda:  Wanda is left behind to guard Barbie’s body while her friends go on their adventure in The Dreaming.  This is partly because of Thessaly, The witch’s, Transphobia as she believes her spell will only work on “Real” women.  (There’s nothing to indicate Thessaly is right, she’s just a bitch.)  The magicks used induce a hurricane and the house is destroyed but in that time Wanda actually tries to rescue someone and dies heroically.  After her death, her soul is  seen waving goodbye with Death at her side. She finally has the form she always wanted.
Echo:    Echo is a serial killer henchperson (apparently I’m supposed to say she was a henchman before she transitioned but this feels wrong to me.).  She dies when The Corinthian comes after her, and she gets to remain in The Dreaming as a Nightmare entity with the female body she is more comfortable with.  Here she gets the job of third Corinthian (yeah...) after The Corinthian gets temporarily banished to Earth to live as a human as a form of humbling.  (Because that totally is a good idea!)  Later she gets possessed by the collected consciousness of The House of Secrets (Because... Reasons!) and as “Dread of The Endless” (No, really...) goes on a rampage, causing a civil war in the Dreaming.  In the end she gets a new job elsewhere in The Dreaming.  
I realize I’m not “Supposed” to prefer Wanda as she was created by a white cis man but for God’s sake, look at Echo and tell me that’s a “Good” representation of anything!  Holy Crap, that was a bad character...
Note: I’m still bitter for being called Transphobic for not liking Echo...
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hellyeahheroes · 7 years
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Hell Yeah Teen Super Heroes Awards 2017: Best Book With Young Characters In A Supporting Role!
FAREWELL 2017! FUCK 2017! I don’t think there is any point arguing against the idea that books exclusively about child, teenage and young adult protagonists are a minority in Marvel and DC Comics. However, there is always a good number of books about adults that feature them as sidekicks or in other supporting roles. And this is where we pick the best of those titles
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@ubernegro :  Detective Comics and Deathstroke. Okay. This is a tie and it is an interesting in that both of these comics are in because of the opposite reason. Batman and Slade Wilson are terrible parental figures and even worse adult role models. They are sort of the same, but differnt, and those differences are reflected in each of their respective comics. Detective Comics have served as the Batfamily comic as they usually take the reigns of focus. Batman's diligence and commitment to these kids is shown in how he treats them and cares for them. He is not patronizing, but protective, and actively helps and supports them. Then there is Slade fucking Wilson. Slade is a socippath and asshole. The comic goes out of it's way to make sure you know Slade is not a good person. From sleeping with his son's fiance and using his daughter as a tool and pawn, and even manipulating Kid Flash to join his team and submit him to ridiculous tests of aptitude, Slade is very much the anti-Batman in this case.
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@keeper-of-the-lore :  Priest's work on the Deathstroke book continues to be fascinating. He did the impossible and made me a Terra fan despite the odds. Getting some good Wally focus was surprising but welcome. I'm looking forward to the real fall of Defiance in the future.
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@majingojira :  USAvengers or Deathstroke - While the adults in both these series may be the leads, the kids within get compelling stories all their own. I couldn't choose between them.  
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Admin - I’m not going to be a Corinthian for the sake of it, so I have to go with others here - Deathstroke is without a doubt the best book in that category and one of the best books in general. Since Honorable Mentions here seemed to develop into a full-on secondary choice, I will also name mine - Nova, an amazing, beautifully written and beautifully illustrated book that weaves together mythologies of Richard Rider and Sam Alexander and builds a new friendship between them. While calling Sam’s role a supporting one is somewhat unfair, as he is as much of a protagonist as Richard and the book focuses equally on how both of them deal with the new situation, it is hard to fit this book into any of our categories. That being said, while excellent, Nova was sadly short-living and that’s what in the end made it share the place with Deathstroke on the spot.
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Jesus and Sinterklaas (The Dutch Saint Nicholas) : Examining the uncanny similarities...
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 1. Both were from the middle East (Jesus was originally from Israel, Sinterklaas (aka Saint Nicholas) was originally from Turkey). 
2. Both depicted as having long hair (though Jesus didn’t have long hair in real life, he has been depicted as having long hair in artwork for centuries. Curiously, most, if not all, older depictions of Saint Nicholas have far shorter hair than the current Dutch version).  
3. Both depicted with white hair (In the Book of Revelation, Jesus appears with white hair in a vision (Biblical references will appear in the sources section).
4. Both depicted as having a beard.
5. Both depicted as white (even though in real life they weren’t. Jesus was a 1rst century Levantine Jew, while Saint Nicholas was originally from Southern Turkey).
6. Both depicted as wearing red (Jesus wears a robe dipped in Blood at the battle of Armageddon).
7. Both ride a flying white horse (Jesus does at the Battle of Armageddon).
8. Both accompanied while on horseback (Jesus by an army at the battle of Armageddon, Sinterklaas by Black Peter (in some versions, there are several Black Peters that accompany him).
9. The army of Christ takes part in the judgment of the Antichrist and his armies. Black Peter punishes bad kids.
10. Both Jesus and Sinterklaas are immortal.
11. Both were said to have died and yet are alive again.
12. Both have supernatural powers.
13. Both restored dead children to life (Jesus raised Jairus’ 12-year-old daughter (Jesus was being figurative when he said that she was just sleeping. Pay close attention to the retelling in Luke 8).  Saint Nicholas aka Sinterklaas restored 3 mutilated boys to life.  
14. Both bring food (Jesus gives the bodies of the antichrist’s soldiers and horses to wild animals for food. Sinterklaas brings sweets to kids).
15. Both reward the good (Jesus both resurrects and gives immortality to the righteous, as well as making them both priests and rulers in the Millennial Reign. Sinterklaas brings toys and treats to good kids).
16. An angel of the Lord (and thus of Christ) binds Satan, the worst of all sinners, with a chain and takes him to Hell. Black Peter rattles a chain at the worst kids, even threatening to put them in a bag and kidnap them. In some versions, some very naughty children are indeed kidnapped by him, and turned into a cookie).
17. Just as kids look forward to Sinterklaas’ arrival on December 5th (Saint Nicholas Eve), Christians look forward to the second coming of Christ.
18. Just as kids don’t know exactly when Sinterklaas will visit their house, Christians don’t know when Jesus will return.
19. Both have a holiday in December named after them (Sinterklaas has Saint Nicholas Day, Jesus has Christmas).
20. Both are from the Christian tradition (Jesus is the founder of Christianity, Saint Nicholas was a Christian Saint).
21. Both are associated with a cross (Jesus was crucified on a Cross. At times, Saint Nicholas wears a hat with a cross on it).
22. Both have a book with people’s names in it. In In the Book of Revelation, there is a book in Heaven called the Book of Life, which has the names of those who have Christ as Lord and Savior. Anyone whose name is not found in it goes to Hell. Likewise, Sinterklass has a book that has the names of both naughty and nice children. This decides who gets rewarded and who gets punished on Saint Nicholas Eve.
23. Sinterklaas brings gifts to the children of the world: Jesus brings the gift of salvation to the world, to all of God’s children. In the future, he will also usher in the Millennial Reign, which will also be a gift to the world, to all of God’s children. 
 Matthew 9:18-26, 24:29-31, 36-51, Mark 5:21-43, Luke 8:41-56, 1 Corinthians 11:14, Revelation 1:12-18, 19:11-20:6, 11-15
“The Biblical world: An Illustrated Atlas” by Jean-Pierre Isbouts, 270 
“At Home in Holland” By The American Women’s Club of The Hague    168
“Legends of Santa Claus” By Harry Paul Jeffers, 56
“Sweet Treats Around the World: An Encyclopedia of Food and Culture” By Timothy G. Roufs, Timothy G. Roufs Ph.D. and Kathleen Smyth Roufs, 238
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kade22806 · 6 years
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I can’t believe 2 years ago today we brought our sweet Eberhardt {Eby} von Wolfstal home. Cash is her favorite sidekick and Brent is her favorite human. She is every bit of a Corinthians kind of love for our family and like they always say, we don’t deserve the love and loyalty dogs give us every single day- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” ❤️❤️❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5gGR4hV-u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17g436m8uut9o
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jtam · 7 years
Wonder Woman
Ok, finally went and saw Wonder Woman.
Look, I know I’m gonna get crucified for this, but…
…I kinda didn’t like it. I really, really wanted to, but I kinda didn’t.
I mean I didn’t not like it, but there were problems. There were problems with this movie. The whole time I kinda felt like I was watching one of the Star Wars prequels. Bad pacing, bad direction, bad writing, subpar acting. It may have been the best DC movie to date but it isn’t remotely in the same league as the Marvel films. I didn’t hate it, I just … was disappointed.
Gal Gadot’s Diana is strong, self-assured, fearless, resolute, and principled. She is a well-realized character, for the most part, and is by far the best thing about this movie. My main criticism of the characterization is she has this constant “sexy pout” thing going on, which doesn’t seem to fit with the character (but may be Gal’s natural expression?), and there are places where her actions don’t seem to line up with her motivations.
But that latter bit is largely due to my primary criticism of the movie – that Diana, Wonder Woman, is not the prime mover. She triggers the action scenes, but the plot is largely carried by Chris Pine. The story is constantly placing her in situations where her agency is stifled, and other than her “hear me roar” moment in No Man’s Land, her choice to “do her own thing anyway” invariably complicates the situation rather than showing that she did the right thing (as is usually the case when the hero goes off-book). This is a very strange choice for a movie that is supposed to be about Wonder Woman – to show that the man is usually right.
Indeed, the only reason Diana succeeded at all was because of men. The only reason she even got to face Ares is because he decided to show up where she was and taunt her – sure, she beat him in the end, but she wouldn’t have had the chance to fight him at all if he hadn’t allowed it. It wasn’t her training, it wasn’t her strength, it wasn’t her smarts or even her divine nature that led her to Ares – it was Ares’ own ego. And she was ultimately only able to beat him because a man told her that he loved her.
Terrible writing.
And the love story, God. Anakin and Padme. Totally unnecessary, for one, and very poorly executed. Chris Pine spends most of the movie annoyed with her and trying to hold her back, keep her down, get her to “act like a woman” – you’d think she’d be more likely to break him in half than take him to bed. That she never expressed so much as annoyance with his constant manning is just unbelievable. And she spends the entire movie endangering him and his men with her actions, and suddenly he falls in love with her? Bullshit. The entire arc detracted from the overall story and reduced the message of the movie to “yeah, all men suck, but on the other hand, sex.”
The three sidekicks were totally superfluous. I don’t even know what they were doing in the movie. None of them actually accomplished anything – the sniper was completely useless, the Native American stereotype’s action was all off-screen, and … uh, what was Samir’s thing again? A con man? Super useful on a battlefield, that. Like, first of all, Chris Pine was supposed to be the party face. And once you’ve found the chemical weapons factory and talked your way in, maybe you want a demolitions guy, a heavy hitter of some kind, to help bring the place down?
“We have to get that Armistice signed.” “I want that treaty signed.” Again, I’m watching Phantom Menace over here. Ares’ motivation was unclear at best – he wants to restore the world to a pristine paradise garden by … giving mankind weapons of mass destruction? Hey, buddy, take a look at Syria if you want to see how well that’s gonna work out for you. The thing about “endless war” is it tends to make a mess. And if you’re so eager to get the Armistice signed, then … why forbid the heroes from going after the gas bombs? Why inspire the gas bombs in the first place? And for fuck’s sake, why blow your cover? You’d think a “God of War” would have some sense of tactics and strategy. You want Diana on your side? Give her twenty, thirty years of seeing the horrors men can come up with. Let the patriarchy wear her down, then make your pitch. Don’t unmask ten minutes after you learn she’s in play.
Ok, on to some technical nitpicks. The No-Man’s Land scene. Sure was useful there were only two machine gun nests that could be brought to bear on her, and that they didn’t shoot her in her unprotected legs. Lucky there weren’t any more nests to the left or right along that four-hundred-mile-long front. Shields are great but they don’t have 360 coverage.
There were no metal aircraft in WWI, and there were certainly no four-engine biplanes. WWI-era planes were wood and fabric because the engines had a poor power-to-weight ratio – airplanes didn’t become metal until industrial quantities of aluminium became available in the twenties. A four-engine, all-metal bomber with an internal bomb bay and enclosed crew compartment was fifteen years in the future. Also, biplanes didn’t have the range to reach London – London bombardment was achieved by zeppelins, which would have been way cooler anyway. Missed opportunity, movie.
“It has hydrogen, it’s flammable.” No. That isn’t how chemistry works. First of all, you don’t want chemical weapons to burn – makes it hard to make bombs out of them. Second of all, just because a compound contains hydrogen doesn’t make it explosive, which is a good thing, otherwise water would be a real problem for us.
And on the subject of gas, how is it that Diana is unaffected by it? How is it that the citizens of the town are just dead, and not all dissolved like the gas mask was? Chris Pine gets a little whiff of it and just coughs it off – which isn’t how real mustard gas works.
Diana’s invincibility is inconsistent throughout the film. She takes a bullet early on, grazes her shoulder, and she’s cut and bleeding. Sure, she heals fast, but there’s no indication that she is any “sturdier” than a mundane. Yet, later in the movie, she’s unfazed by a mortar shell bursting six feet away from her, the gas doesn’t bother her, and she eats a faceful of explosion with nothing more than a ringing in her ears.
I could say more but I’ll finish with this: I don’t see how this movie is somehow free of the “male gaze.” The Amazon’s boobtastic battle armor is profoundly impractical – no epaulets or greaves? No helmets? Just chest and shins, huh? Come on. It isn’t armorkini-level revealing but it isn’t far off. The Amazons are basically Hoplites, so kit them out accordingly – linen cuirass with shoulder pads, leather skirt, greaves, Corinthian helmet. That’s how you do armor. Armorkinis are male gaze.
A couple changes would have made the movie so much better – for example, setting it in World War II. Ares’ plot fits much better with the Manhattan Project – a real doomsday weapon that really does give humanity the ability to destroy itself, and the development of which really did lead to endless war. The novelty of setting the movie in WWI doesn’t really carry over when you fill your movie with anachronisms.
And if you can’t do that, then at least let Wonder Woman actually carry the movie. Show her physical prowess, sure, but also show her tactical mind. Show her strategy. Show her coming up with solutions that work better than what the guys come up with rather than making things worse for everyone. Let her lead, not just tag along. And put her in some better armor.
I dunno. I’m glad I guess that so many people found this movie empowering and kickass. For me, though? It was kind of a letdown.
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