#side-chained bass? hell yeah tho
Inktober 2019
1 – Ring
I love you. I always have and I always will. And I love you enough to be sure you’re my one. I want you by side always and forever. But I won’t make the same mistake twice: I won’t buy you a ring. I won’t trap you in a promise, promises can lead only to disappointment. I love you and I let you free to love me back unconditionally. Because I know you will.
2 – Mindless
“Don’t think, just obey.”, that’s how you prefer them right? When they is so high and gone they can’t say you “no” anymore. Well, too bad for you I’m not like them, I can’t stop my train of thoughts even if I wanted it – and trust me, I want it, so bad. I can’t be the mindless slut you’d like to fuck in the club’s bathroom. But here’s a secret: just pretend that you love me and I’ll be yours.
3 – Bait
Once upon a time there was this gorgeous rose in the garden. I smelt her heady scent first, taking deep intoxicating breaths. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, and her carmine petals was lips I wanted to kiss forever. I was in love – so I thought. One windy night I was fascinated by her dancing with the moon, and my body suddenly moved to hers, against hers, to share this dance. But I had forgotten the truth about roses: the most beautiful, the deathliest their thorns.
4 – Freeze
The water’s blue, the ice is cold, when I see you my heart sees gold.
I don’t know what to write today, my mind is like an ice cube. I need some warm human flesh to make my body anew in motion. Thank god it’s Friday!
5 – Build
How can I build anything when I have no strong foundations to begin with? How can I make today a beautiful day after such a wonderful party who left me happiest but so empty? I'm the opposite of Persephone, with no strenght to rebuilt the day what I destroyed during the night.
6 – Husky
I love being on all fours, showing you everyting you want to see from me. I’m obedient, I follow orders. But don’t make the mistake of thinking I won’t bite you.
7 – Enchanted
First beat of the song and I’m already under its spell. The drums, the basses, I let myself go and lose every control; my body is not mine anymore, it belongs to the dance-floor, and I’m chained to the rhythm for the night. Being one with the melody, making love with every sound, expressing freedom during hours. This witch is my favorite to be controlled by, and her name is sooo thrilling: the Dance.
8 – Frail
It takes a lot of strength to own ones weaknesses, a lot of courage to be vulnerable. That’s all.
9 – Swing
Turning myself from one bed side to another, having my mood going up in the clouds and below the ground, feeling time through hopes and anxieties, living in contrasts and instability; I introduce to you: the Fall Depression \o/
Fall, what a great synonym of autumn; yeah it really feels like everything dropped.
10 – Pattern
Ok today I won’t talk about bad feelings – even tho it would be soooo easy.
Patterns. I love them, I look for them, they makes me feel safe. When I understand and predict, my Capricorn mind can finally relax. This is why I love astrology: with their chart I can have an approach on people, an insight in their mechanisms and anticipate their reactions, and so behave accordingly. I feel like I can be a better person with them – while knowing that like all beliefs I can also be wrong and do bad stuffs. But I least I know it, and I try my best eh.
11 – Snow
Christmas yeah, holidays why not, but THIS, this is the reason why I’m waiting for winter with so much excitement! To open the stores and see everything so white, so pure, so pristine; to feel like a child again, far away from the muddy wars and the melting ices; just to breath a little and feel at peace one more time.
12 – Dragon
In every Magikarp sleeps a Gyarados, be careful who you underestimate.
And every Gyarados had a Magikarp life, don’t assume they’re always strong.
13 – Ash
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”, we are nothing at the scale of the Universe. Life started way before us and prosper way after us, and there is nothing we can do that time won’t erase. But it doesn’t mean there nothing we can do: we can meet people, because it’s in people’s heart we can be remembered. So let’s fall in love, let’s create happiness, let’s bring joy to everyone around. I want to believe that love will last longer than hate, I want to believe y’all will forgive me for the pain I caused, and remember be for the love I brought.
14 – Overgrown
Well Instagram won’t let me talk about my dick soooo…
Being invaded by the Nature… picture it. No more power to charge up our phones, no more wi-fi to connect to others, no more anything just the primal green like millenniums ago. This is what could happen if we lose the fight against the Earth that will take place during the next decade. But what does it have to be a fight? Why can’t we just make peace and work hand in hand with our environment? so there will be only winners. I’m just saying. Because I’m sure if we battle, one way or another we will lose.
15 – Legend
My biggest fear is dying forgotten, is that one day everyone I know don’t even know my name. I’m not looking for fame, I just hope by my time here I can do enough to have a nice legacy, and proofs for the next generations I existed, I mattered, I was someone.
16 – Wild
For those who don't know me, I can get a bit crazy: I have to get my way twenty-four hours a day, 'cause I'm hot like that. Every guy, everywhere, just gives me mad attention, like I'm under inspection. I always get a ten, ‘cause I'm built like that. I go through guys like money flying out the hands. They try to change me, but they realize they can't. And every tomorrow is a day I never plan. If you're gonna be my man understand I can't be tamed. If there is a question about my intentions, I'll tell ya: I'm not here to sell ya, or tell you to go to hell – I’'m not a brat like that. I'm like a puzzle, but all of my pieces are jagged; if you can understand this, we can make some magic – I'm wrong like that. I wanna fly, I wanna drive, I wanna go, I wanna be a part of something I don't know, and if you try to hold me back I might explode. Baby, by now you should know I can't be tamed. Well I'm not a trick you play, I'm wired a different way; I'm not a mistake, I'm not a fake, it's set in my DNA. Don't change me: I can't be changed, I can't be tamed.
17 – Ornament
Makeup is not only embellishment, it’s also my way to build an armor I can go through life with: the most colorful I look, the most powerful I feel. And it would take me the same amount of energy to restrain myself by fear and shame as to be fully free and happy and my true self, so I prefer being myself sorry not sorry.
18 – Misfit
When I was younger I had hard times to fit in the society’s mold – still today. They said I was too small, to fragile, to fem, bla bla bla. As a kid I wanted to fit in, and I tried my best to be as they expected me to be. But today I don’t want to fit in, I don’t want anymore to be shaped as the way you want; I want to belong, no matter who I am, and mostly who I have the potential to be.
19 – Sling
You have the weapon. And this is your target. Just aim at them, and shoot. But be wise: you only have one chance.
20 – Tread
Just some airport memories: I’m back from the longest trip of my life and you’re waiting for me to take us home. I want to leave with you, but I have to get my luggage first. So I’m waiting too, we’re just standing there hand in hand, and the time goes so slowly we could fall asleep. But instead, we fall in love.
21 – Treasure
I’ve been sailing for many years to find you, but it was worthy and now I don’t want to ship away from you. I landed on the nice beach of your body, I caressed the sand of your skin, I tasted the salt of your foam, I listened to the echoes of your moans, I smelled that love was in the air. And I saw, I saw your beauty, and I still can see it when my eyes are closed and I dream to feel you against me. Shine bright like a diamond, shine bright like you.
22 – Ghost
We all know that story. Once upon a time there was this gorgeous person sending you a message. You talk, talk, talk, exchange secrets and hopes, make plans and promises. One day, you meet, and it’s one of the most fabulous day of your life, one you will remember for ages. You feel happy, fulfilled, confident for your future with them. But they is then nowhere to find, no more messages, no more secrets, no more plans, no more nothing. You are alone, haunted by all these brightest memories that now make you cry.
23 – Ancient
I think a lot about my grandma, how old she has become these last years, how sick, how less capable to live alone, and how alone. I know I should call her more often, I know I know I know; but I feel bad when I call, when she forgets her train of thoughts, when sometimes can’t even say my name. I remember these nights when she was dancing at the balls, when we used to play card games and domino, I still can hear her laugh. Why time had to run that fast?
24 – Dizzy
Weed, poppers, ecstasy, cocaine, or just this glass of wine before going to bed. I’d take anything to be just a little bit less myself. Sometimes I can’t stop hating who I was, hating who I am, hating who I could be but I’m not – I could change, but I’m lazy. Drugs are so much easier to take, they love my denial, they find home in my body, and I love them back for how they make me feel. I know I’ll cry tomorrow for each smile they offer me this night, but who cares of tomorrow?
25 – Tasty
You know I look good, but I taste ever better. My lips are always sugar-flavored, with this nice candy package hidden in my pockets. Sometimes I suck a lollipop, sometimes I chew a piece of flesh. Kiss me, lick me, bite me, and you’ll admit the sweetest truth: my name is not Flöra Délice for nothing.
26 – Dark
We all have a darker side and in our manichean world it’s in the darkness we can find the light, in the wrong we can learn to be right, after the lies we can accept the truth bla bla bla fuck you and fuck your binarity: embrace all the shades of yourself, open up to the nuances of humanity, deconstruct your black-and-white world where we’re all moving colors. There is no god or bad people, there are just people trying to do what they think it’s the best for the others or for themselves.
27 – Coat
A second skin up to my nails. A jacket I can put on whenever I want just because I can. The extra colors I need to feel myself.
28 – Ride
You’re like a roller-coaster: there’s some ups, there’s some downs, always moving and always fast; you make me worry before, you make me scream during, you make me breathless after; but I have to admit I always feel good adrenaline when I’m with you, and I lack your energy when you leave. In the end, it’s true what it’s said: the rush is worth the ride.
29 – Injured
Today my right leg is still hurting. Long story short I drank too much and danced more than usual – my body wasn’t ready. Nothing really bad I hope, but I’m still concerned as usual. I just hope I’ll be fine for Halloween, because missing a party because of a party is not my aesthetics. Not at all.
30 – Catch
Tomorrow, I’ll be yours and you’ll be mine. That’s all I’ll be saying, but how knows to how many people? I mean it’s gonna be the Halloween party, there’s gonna be a lot of monsters, and I’m gonna suck catch ‘em all!
31 – Ripe
Everything that starts has already ended.
The day has come. It is today that all rises to its end. The finish line, the last moments. Will we stay together tomorrow? I always wonder “what will be tomorrow? will it ever come?”, because I fear what’s coming, I fear these times of the year. But tomorrow is somewhere somewhere else, and it’s today that has to count, so let’s make the best it. Let’s be together.
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thebandforevr · 9 years
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hope u like arpeggiators coz this new song has a lot of them
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