#side note that writing galladrabbles really makes my week ❤️
blue-disco-lights · 1 year
Galladrabbles: Chore (#2)
How do we all feel about furniture assembly? Such a chore... Thank you @lupeloto again for our @galladrabbles prompt this week!
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“Hello, um, I’m looking for Iggy Milkovich?”
“Who the fuck is this and what d’you want with Iggy?”
“I hired him on TaskRabbit to come over and assemble some IKEA furniture for me…”
“IKEA?? Who the hell is this?”
“I’m Ian. What’s your name?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Can you help me assemble it?”
“Depends. Dumb move trying to hire my idiot brother for this.”
“I texted you a picture. That’s the box I need help with.”
“What the… you didn’t have to pose with it!” 
“So? Can you help me?”
“You’re lucky I got a thing for redheads. Address?”
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