#side note it’s definitely tein that saved him
sunshinechay · 1 year
This is something that I (and the rest of the audience at large) have been wondering for a while. Exactly what is La Pluie trying to say about soul mates. My take away from the show so far is that, soul mates, at least romantically, are not born, they’re made. The soul mate connect experienced in the show is often believed by society to mean an instant and everlasting romantic relationship, but isn’t always necessarily the case. Tai and Tein’s parents are a really good example of this. They tried a romantic relationship, for a really long time, had beautiful sons together but in the end, their marriage and romantic relationship did not work and they split up. In contrast to them, Patts and Tai’s relationship IS romantic and has the potential to be something that lasts for the rest of their lives, if they can work through their issues together, if they communicate and remain open and honest with each other.
I can’t remember exactly who said it, but I do recall someone mentioning in a post that Tai and Patts’s relationship does not work because of their soul mate connect, but in spite of it. They each have their own issues (one of the biggest ones being Tai’s hangs ups about the connection because of his parent’s split).
Each side is presented. Tein and Bow seemingly both in the camp of believing soul mates are meant to be romantic, with Patts also falling somewhere into this category (although where exactly is a little more murky) and Lomfon being the opposite. He doesn’t believe in the soul mate connection is romantic. Lastly, Tai being somewhere in the middle of the two beliefs.
The latest episode had me wondering though, if the rest of the world falling more or less in the middle. That thought came with the idea that “soul mates as meant to be romances” could very well be a largely recent ideal. Likely something that came up in the second half of the 20th century (mostly likely along side and perhaps influencing the idea that engagement rings need to be a thing™️ a man gave a woman when they got engaged and that it had to be a diamond. Or when weddings became to grow into the large commercial industry it is today).
Building on that, there has to be people for whom the hearing loss connection is inherently platonic with no way of it becoming anything else. Other than the fact that many people believe the soul mates are meant to be a romantic connection, very little else has been explained about how and why people are connected. What happens if the two people who are connect have no way of being in a romantic relationship with each other. A good example is what happens if the two connected are opposite genders, but are only attracted to those of the same gender as they are, ie a lesbian and a gay man are connected. Or when both parties are attracted to the same gender, ie a lesbian and a straight man, or a gay man and a straight women. And even this is a very simplified version of the ways in which a soul mate connection would have to be platonic.
I’ve seen some people say that they think Tai’s father is gay and if so, it does help to explain why his parents connection could not work as a romantic relationship. They got married years ago, in a social conservative country. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility that Tai’s father repressed that side of himself or didn’t realize it until later in life. But what happens to those in todays world, for whom it’s entirely possible that they have figured out their sexuality or gender prior to hearing their soul mate for the first time, or them meeting in person.
I have so many questions and no way of answering any of them. Half of them don’t even make sense or have probably been answered by piece of the show I’m forgotten but god damn do I have questions that I’m probably never going to get answers too.
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