downbad4yoongi · 2 years
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Namjoon x reader
First Responder AU
Word count: 7156
Friends to lovers
Warnings: mature, smut 🔞(choking, vaginal sex, blowjob, fingering, edging), fluff
Summary: Namjoon's clumsiness proves to be your saving grace.
Thank you, @colormepurplex2 for the banner and the cheerleading.
The blue curtain partitioning off this emergency room bay from the others pulls back, the metal hooks jangling against each other as you lift the tablet in your hand to greet the newest patient to come into the ER. With a few swipes, you access the patient information causing you to stop short and snap your head up.
“Really, Namjoon! Again?” You look down at his lounging form, dressed in black joggers and a cream shirt, on the hospital bed cradling a heavily bandaged hand to his chest. At least he has the decency to look ashamed. You rest back on your hip, the tablet braced against your waist, “You couldn’t have made it five more days before ending up here again?”
Before he can respond, a fellow nurse walks up and silently holds their hand out. With an eyeroll and sigh, you reach into the pocket on the front of your scrub top and pull out three neatly folded bills and slap them into their hand. They smirk at the two of you before spinning with a loud laugh and heading back to the nurses’ station.
The chastised look on Namjoon’s face has morphed into a small frown, “What was that about?”
“That was about you not being able to go another week before ending up in my ER again.” You draw the curtain closed and move to his side, looking down at the tablet to review the information provided by EMS. You blink a few times at the screen before lifting your head to peer at him, “Nearly sliced your thumb off… how?”
You’ve known Namjoon two-thirds of your life seeing as he is your older brother’s closest friend. Ever since they were thrown together for a science project in middle school, they have been thick as thieves. In all that time, you don’t think you have ever seen Namjoon turn as red as he is turning right now.
Eyes cast downward and mumbles, “I was tryi-”
“Speak up for the class. I can’t hear you.”
With a roll of his eyes, his head flops back on the pillow, “I was trying to cook dinner, and turns squash is more difficult than I thought to cut through.”
Your lips purse, cheeks inflating in an effort not to laugh. The urge is a terrible pressure building in your chest; you turn, giving him your back, hand smacking across your mouth to muffle the laughs that do manage to escape. Tears prick your eyes in your effort to exercise restraint. Several beats pass with you taking in deep lungfuls of air before you spin back around to face him. “So, terribly sorry. That was unprofessional of me.”
“Quite. Don’t think I won’t tell Teddy about how poorly his sister treated me when I was in need.”
“Whatever. It’s not like he’d expect anything else.” You set the tablet down on the rolling tray and wrap your fingers around his right forearm and pull it towards you to get a better look at the hastily done bandage wrap. You can already see that blood has started to seep through the final layers of the gauze. “I’ll be right back. I need to gather the necessary supplies to clean the area before the doctor comes to stitch you up. If you’re lucky, you won’t need surgery.”
You walk out of his medical bay, leaving his curtain open, and head toward the locked supply cabinet. Using the key on your lanyard, you open the doors and pull the needed items out before relocking it, and making a stop by the nurse's station to ask them to page the on-call doctor. Leaning against the desk, you giggle at a joke your coworker makes as she reaches for the phone to page the doctor. Before she can complete the action though, you feel the body heat of someone next to you, standing way too close to be appropriate. Your shoulders stiffen as the newcomer leans on the desk next to you, his left hand moving to lightly cup your waist. 
“What’s so funny?” he asks.
Straightening abruptly you step away, jaw tight as your eyes fill with anxiety. “You would have had to be here to understand. I’m going to finish prepping the patient, and then he’ll be ready for you.” You turn abruptly and make your way back to Namjoon. Your breath leaves you shakily as the items in your arms clatter onto the metal tray.
“What was that?” he asks, his chin tilting to gesture toward the desk, concern laced in his voice.
Shaking your head sharply, “Nothing.” You slip your small hands into the nitrile gloves as you angle to face him, “Now, let’s get you prepped.”
His frown deepens, but he holds out the injured hand out to you. Bracing his arm with one hand, you slowly start to unwind the gauze wrapping his injury. After a few minutes, light is finally cast upon the damage. The note about severing his thumb was a little extreme, but was a close description. You hold his hand closer to you, looking at it from all angles; a few more centimeters, Namjoon would be getting scheduled for surgery right now and you tell him as much.
“Stop being ridiculous,” he scoffs.
“I’m not being ridiculous, Joon. A few more centimeters and you would have severe nerve and muscle damage that could only be repaired by surgery and a lot of occupational therapy. So next time, buy the pre-cut squash, ‘kay?”
Your eyes flick up and catch his wide eyes, his face a bit ashen as he takes your words to heart and nods. 
The corner of your mouth turns upward as you start cleaning the wound and treating it with a numbing agent in preparation of the doctor. Light chatter is traded between you both as you work. The banter comes to an abrupt stop as you feel a heavy palm against your back.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by Namjoon that your shoulders tighten and jaw perceptibly clenches as you are joined by the ER doctor on call. You avoid looking at Namjoon as the doctor introduces himself to Namjoon.
“Hello, um, Namjoon Kim. I’ll be the doctor attending to you this evening. I’m Dr. Brogan Rothport. Looks like you are here because of a severe laceration?”
You can feel Namjoon’s eyes flick between you and the doctor, who’s hand is still resting on your back. You hurry through the remaining cleansing and slide out of the way as soon as you can possibly manage.
Dr. Rothport moves into the vacated space looking down at the supplies you already have ready for him. He hums under his breath, “Sweetheart, can you grab me a pair of gloves?” He turns to you with an overly– unwanted– smile. “Then we can get started.”
You yank two gloves out of the box on the wall and drop them unceremoniously on the tray, “Not your sweetheart.” You shift out of reach of the doctor, moving to the other side of Namjoon’s bed.
“Don’t be ridiculous. You know I don’t mean anything by it, you’re just my favorite nurse,” he quips nonchalantly.
Before you can respond, Namjoon intercedes his free hand snaking around your waist, pulling you closer. “I don’t think she’s being ridiculous at all. After all she’s only one person’s sweetheart, isn’t that right, jagiya?”
You fight every instinct in you that wants to react and push Joon away from you. Instead you lean into his hold, your own hand gently sifting through the black strands of his hair, “You’d be correct in that, aegi.” You look down at him, and force yourself to smile at him and pray that it looks like a smile one would give to their significant other.
A sharp clearing of a throat breaks your gazes. “Oh, I wasn’t aware you had a boyfriend. I assumed you were single.”
You force a tight smile, the hand at the base of Namjoon’s head flexing a little, “Well, you know what they say about assuming.”
The doctor’s eyes narrow as he glares at you, “Why didn’t you tell me you were with someone?”
“Well, I tend to not talk about my personal life at work, and I am sure I’ve mentioned my love to you before. You’re just so busy that it’s probable it slipped your mind.”
You watch the doctor force a smile of his own as he gloves up, “This is  wonderful news, regardless.” He threads the needle and glances at Namjoon, “Well, you should definitely come to the holiday party I’m throwing for everyone this weekend. I’d love to have you.”
A smile naturally spreads across Namjoon’s full lips as he meets the doctor’s gaze, “Of course I’m coming. I was so excited when she told me it was happening. We’re just quibbling over what to bring; we hate showing up empty handed.”
You ease to a stop in front of Namjoon’s apartment building and shift your car into park. Since you were at the end of your shift when he showed up, you agreed to drop him off at his place rather than him calling your brother to pick him up. The entire twenty minute ride was a stifling silence with a soundtrack of throwback hits.  You shift in the driver’s seat, clearing your throat, “So how are we going to play this?”
Namjoon stills before shifting back to face you. “Play what?
“This fake relationship we are suddenly in.”
“We don’t have to play anything. Just tell you coworkers we broke up or I got sick or something.”
A sardonic laugh filters into the silence as you shake your head. “Yeah, no. You started us down this path, so you need to commit to this path with me.”
His brow furrows, “I don’t see why we would need to do that. No one is going to really care.”
“Joon, what do you think will happen when I show up to that party alone and Brogan realizes I am alone?” You shift your body to face him head on. “Ever since Brogan transferred to this hospital he has been invading my personal space, asking me out, and calling me ‘sweetheart.’ For six months, I have been dealing with this and I am at my breaking point.”
With wide eyes, “Wait, six months? Have you reported this to anyone? Does Teddy know about this?”
“I cannot have my brother storming into my workplace and assaulting an attending. I don’t need his good intentions to inappropriately escalate things. I reported the behavior to human resources a few weeks ago, but nothing came of it. Everyone at that damn hospital falls for his charisma.”
You watch Namjoon struggle to control his emotions, his jaw tense and his tongue stabbing a sharp dent in his cheek. You remain silent, letting him process. You glance back at him as his hand reaches over and cups your own. “Well, nae sarang, what are we bringing to his party?”
After a brief argument in the car about who would carry in the spiced cider, an argument you won after asking if he was trying to end up back in the ER if he ruptures his stitches, you step out of the warmth of your car into the chill winter air. You wait for Namjoon to join you on the walkway, your eyes tracing over the obnoxiously large house with a huge expanse of manicured grounds idyllically decorated with snow.
“Good lord, his house is as garish as his personality.” You start up the cleared walkway and approach the black front door with an ostentatious gold knocker and wait for it to open after Namjoon knocks. With a deep breath, you both slip into your roles as the door swings open.
Namjoon’s arm curls around your waist, you easily lean into his hold and paint a smile on your face as Brogan greets you and invites you inside. Namjoon’s hand slides to the small of your back ushering you inside before him. Brogan smiles at you, barely acknowledging Namjoon’s presence beside you, as he shuts the door. “So glad you could make it. You’re looking beautiful as always.” His eyes trace along the collar of your off-the-shoulder green sweater. “Really love your sweater… It's so festive.”
You suppress the shudder that begs to be let out. “Well, we are happy to be here. She talks so much about her coworkers, I can’t wait to finally meet them all!” You watch as Brogan finally looks away from you and nods his head in greeting at Namjoon.
“We are looking forward to meeting her elusive partner.” Brogan turns back to you. “Can I take that for you?” He motions at the spiced cider you’re holding.
You quickly give it up, eager for him to be away from you. Your shoulders relax as Brogan turns away from you, Namjoon’s hand rubbing soothingly against your back. “Let me take your coat for you.”
“Thanks, Joon,” you accept dropping your arms to your sides for him to slide your coat off. You straighten your dark green knitted sweater, waiting to the side for him to hang your coats up.
“You ready?” You can see the worry in his face that he is failing to mask.
Your fingers lace with his, “Let’s do this.”
You pull him behind you as you move from the foyer into the gathering area. This time a real smile dawns your face as you start greeting your colleagues. Namjoon easily falls into step beside you and plays his role to perfection. He knows exactly when to be an active participant in the various conversations and when to let you shine, interjecting cute anecdotes, witty remarks, or thoughtful observations. 
He is currently in the middle of telling an embarrassing story about you from a few years ago, when a set of arms circles around your waist from behind. You know exactly who it is without evening needing to look. A soft smile chases away the blush that was heating your face as you lean into the hold. “Hey, when did you get here?” you ask over your shoulder.
Hoseok rests his chin on your shoulder, “We just got here. Someone,” his eyes cut to the side pointedly at Jimin, “wanted to swing by the hospital. He insisted he needed to check in on his patients in the NICU.”
You giggle, “Did he? Let me guess, that side adventure took an hour.” Jimin pouts, crossing his arms, telling you all you need to know. Jimin has always gone above and beyond as a nurse in the NICU of your hospital. In fact, that is how he met his husband, Hoseok, who is a nurse two floors down in pediatrics. Your giggles grow louder, accompanied by Hoseok and Namjoon’s laugh, drawing attention from folks not even in your small circle. 
Your laughter fades because one of those people is Brogan. You stifle a sigh as you are pulled out of your comfort bubble. In your excitement to have your very close friends here, you didn’t notice the odd, surreptitious glances others have been giving you as you remain in Hoseok’s hold. You straighten and step out of Hoseok’s back hug and closer to Namjoon.
“What’s with the vibe change?” Hoseok’s eyes bounce around the circle.
Brogan clears his throat, “You seem awfully handsy with someone who has a partner. Last I checked, Namjoon doesn’t like that.”
“Also, she told us that this was the first time her coworkers were meeting Namjoon,” someone else throws out.
Hoseok and Jimin turn as a unit to look at you and Namjoon. You can feel their eyes take notice of the way his hand rests on your hip. In sync, they both slowly blink at you before turning back to the group. “Well, this may be your first introduction to Joonie here, but Hobi and I have been friends with both of them for years.” Jimin delivers with his signature smile.
Some of the tension bleeds from your shoulders as relief washes over you. You were worried for a second that Hobi or Jimin would inadvertently blow your cover. You lean into Namjoon’s side, his hand idly rubbing your hip, and smile because you should have never doubted that your close friends wouldn’t go along with your plan. 
“Still Namjoon, you seem completely fine with Hoseok being all over your woman,” Brogan brashly throws out, staring Namjoon down.
Namjoon smirks, rising to the challenge, “One, she is her own person; not an object to own. Two, who she does and does not let into her personal space is her own choice. Three, why is this any of your business?”
You turn into him slightly, a huge smile on your face, “And this is why I keep you around.”
Namjoon’s head tilts towards you as he gives a conspiratorial wink, and you can’t explain what comes next. It almost feels like an out-of-body experience as your hand reaches up to cup his jaw, you go up on your tiptoes, and kiss him. You feel his fingers flex on your hip where they rest, before he relaxes into it and kisses you back. His hand slides to the small of your back, pulling you closer as his lips move against yours. Holy shit, you are kissing your brother’s best friend!
A clearing of a throat breaks you two apart, your eyes slowly open taking in Namjoon’s own bewildered gaze. You settle back on your feet with flushed cheeks and a soft smile, your fingers brushing against your lips in a daze. A hint of pink dusts Namjoon’s cheeks, your head turns back to the group and Namjoon leans close to whisper in your ear, “That was pleasantly unexpected.”
You capture your lip between your teeth as heat creeps up your neck. Not even Brogan’s piercing gaze can steal that moment from you. You catch out of the corner of your eye, Jimin discreetly throwing you a look of surprise. You give a tiny shake of your head and mouth a ‘later.’
Brogan claps his hands, his face stony, “Well while that was riveting, shall we move on to the gift exchange?” With hums of acknowledgement, everyone starts moving to grab the presents they brought. 
Namjoon turns to you with a question in his eyes. You pat his chest, “Don’t worry about it. This was a staff exchange only.”
“Hm, that’s good seeing as I didn’t bring anything and was going to piggyback off your gift.”
You roll your eyes, “I would expect nothing less, Joon.” You head back to where you left your tote and pull out a gold gift bag with a sparkly red ribbon tied around the handles. “Since I am so gracious, this can be from both of us.” His chuckle resonates from his chest as he takes your hand again and leads you to the last open seat, plush chair next to the hearth. Namjoon takes the seat and pulls you onto his lap. You can’t help the small gasp of air that escapes you as he pulls you down with no resistance; rolling your lip between your teeth as his hand naturally comes to rest on your hip to hold you in place. 
Across the grouping of chairs, Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows at you. You shake your head diverting your eyes so as not to encourage him. Unfortunately, your gaze lands on Brogan and you catch him staring at you with narrowed eyes, jaw tense. His glare makes your skin crawl. You shift on Namjoon’s lap resting against him more, his hand soothingly rubbing your side as he catches your gaze. “Are you alright?” he whispers.
You gently knock your forehead against his, “Yes, because of you.”
The edges of his lips tilt upward. “Glad to be of service.” His eyes flick down to your lips and back to yours. You remain still as he leans in and brings your lips together, your eyes shuttering as your lips move with his. Quicker than you probably wanted, you pull back and brush your thumb along the edge of his thick bottom lip.
The eagerness of Jimin’s voice brings you out of your private bubble. “Gift time! I want to go first.” He reaches down to the side and picks up a lovely wrapped present and holds it in his lap. “I am sure you are all hoping that I was your Secret Santa  because who wouldn’t. Lucky for me, though, I was given someone who I already was shopping for. Yeobo, Merry Christmas!” Jimin turns to Hoseok and slides the present from his lap and onto Hobi’s.
Hoseok’s whole face lights up with a brilliant smile. “What! How did you keep this from me?”
“One doesn’t reveal their secrets.” Jimin leans in and pecks Hoseok’s cheek. “Hurry up now and show everyone my amazing present.”
Hoseok resembles a little kid on Christmas morning with the way he attacks the wrapping paper. In seconds, a white box is revealed and from across the way you see the Louis Vuitton insignia embossed on the lid. Hoseok is practically bouncing in his seat as he pulls open the lid and lets it slide to the floor. Reverently, he reaches in, eyes wide, and pulls out a black on black crossbody sling bag.  
Hoseok tears his eyes away from the gift to look lovingly at Jimin, “Sweets… I don’t even know what to say.”
Jimin smiles fondly at him, “A thank you and kiss would suffice.” 
Hoseok laughs and leans in kissing Jimin softly, pulling back he presses their foreheads together, “Thank you.”
“That kind of feels unfair that you got your husband as your person, but whatever,” another pediatric nurse quips. That has everyone chuckling as the gift exchange continues. It’s not long after the plush rug is littered with paper and empty gift bags as it gets down to the last few people who need to hand out their gift.
You bounce a little on Namjoon’s lap, “I want to go next!” You give the bag on your lap a little shake, “I was really excited to get this person as I have been wanting to buy this for them ever since I saw it in the store.” You slip off Namjoon’s lap and cross over to Jimin. “Merry Christmas, Chim!”
You can’t miss the way his eyes light before making your way back to Namjoon. By the time you have settled back down, Jimin has already pulled the gift out. His hands gently stroke over the cream cashmere scarf in his hands. “Oh, this is beautiful.” He sends you a fond smile and wraps the scarf around his neck, “I love it. Thank you!”
“Only the best for my bestie,” you shoot back cheesily.
“While it has been a joy to watch all of this, it is my turn to give my gift.” Brogan stands up and picks up the flat silver-wrapped box at his feet. You figured out after the halfway point that Brogan was probably your Secret Santa, and you have been dreading it ever since. You sink back into Namjoon as Brogan approaches, he offers the present to you with an uncomfortable amount of eye contact. 
You gingerly accept the box, setting it across your lap. Namjoon strokes your hip attempting to ease the tension running through you.  He props his chin on your shoulder and watches you take apart the wrapping paper to reveal a white box embossed with the name La Perla . Your back stiffens and you can already feel the heat crawling up your neck; Namjoon’s hand tightens on your hip as he watches you lift the lid off. Your lips purse tightly as you reveal the black lace corset lingerie nestled in tissue paper. Your hands grip the box edges, your body vibrating with a riot of emotions leaving you unable to speak. 
Namjoon, sensing your turmoil turns his steely gaze on Brogan and gives him an overly-saccharine grin, “Didn’t know you were so thoughtful, Brogan. While I am perfectly capable of purchasing my love lingerie, we will definitely put this to good use.” 
Finally getting a semi-handle on your emotions, you look up in time to see Brogan’s face tighten in anger, his cheeks tinting red. You lean back into Namjoon, head resting back on his shoulder as he reaches in to pick up the lace lingerie to show it to the group. “Yes thank you, Brogan. Despite it being very inappropriate to buy a colleague lingerie. I’ll make sure to wear it for my love; hopefully, it’ll make it through in one piece, Namjoon can get a little wild sometimes.”
“Lovely,” Brogan turns on his heel and walks out of the den. It feels like everyone releases the tension they were holding during that exchange and looks over at you, a mix of emotions displayed on their faces.
You cover your face with your hands, “What the fuck.”
“Mm, very quality.” You slide your hands down to peek at Jimin who’s gingerly holding the corset up and appraising it. “Don’t give me that look. He is a creep, but he does have relatively good taste.”
You snatch the garment from him and stuff it back into the box, slapping on the lid. “That is so beside the point.” You stand up and turn to look at Namjoon, “I’m ready to go. Are you?”
He nods and stands up taking the box from you as you quickly hug Jimin and Hoseok good-bye. Namjoon does the bro hug thing with them and then you’re in the foyer putting back on your layers. With one last wave, Namjoon opens the front door and jumps back, shouting in shock as a  pile of snow rushes in through the open door.
Other guests start trailing in to see what the commotion is about as you look out the door and see piles and piles of snow have accumulated over the last few hours. Something that no one had realized because Brogan had drawn all the drapes to hold out the cold.  “You’ve got to be shitting me,” you huff.
After an hour of arguing in circles, praying to a higher power, an almost brawl, and checking the weather reports, it's determined that you are all stuck for at least the night. You’re currently settled in one of several lounges in this overly large house with Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin. 
“Did I do something terrible in a past life?” You throw the question out as you lay on your back across one of the sofas, your legs draped over Namjoon’s lap. 
“Mmmm, probably. I always thought you did something devious in your past life. Maybe something like an interrogator or an assassin. Sometimes your looks can kill.” Jimin laughs as he catches the throw pillow you toss at his face.
“That was a rhetorical question.” 
Hoseok clears his throat, “So are we not going to talk about the elephant in the room?”
Namjoon’s hand rubs soothingly up and down your calf, “Like what a massive asshole Brogan is?”
“Yes, and that apparently you’re dating your best friend’s little sister.” Hoseok eyes the both of you.
Namjoon catches your eye and shrugs one shoulder at you, leaving the choice up to you. With a sigh, you shift to a sitting position but leave your legs on Namjoon’s lap. “I would have told you if I was really with Namjoon. He is helping me keep Brogan at bay.”
Jimin straightens up, “What did he do?”
You divert your eyes, worrying your lower lip. Namjoon gently squeezes your calf and answers, “I was at the ER–”
“Again?!” Jimin interjects.
Namjoon ignores the comment and continues, “I had cut my hand pretty badly and she was assigned as my ER nurse. I witnessed Brogan inappropriately try to flirt with her and invade her space.” He looks over at you, “She was clearly upset and uncomfortable, and so I acted on instinct and pretended to be her boyfriend to get him to back off.”
“It threw me for a moment, but I went along with it and grabbed that life preserver with both hands.” You look at Namjoon, your expression relaying how grateful you are for his intervention.
Hoseok snaps, “Can’t believe that prick still works at our hospital.”
“Money talks and Daddy’s money talks even louder,” Jimin quips sardonically.
The three of you nod solemnly. Hoseok softly claps his hands, “Let’s stop wasting our time thinking about that asshole. I’d rather discuss how your fake relationship somehow includes very real kissing.”
You duck your head, cheeks heating, “Um, I don’t really have an explanation for that.” You glance at Namjoon, “It just felt right.”
Namjoon’s dimples appear as he laughs softly and nods. His fingers crawl up your leg to snag your fingers in his. “Pissed Brogan off didn’t it?” Namjoon says as his eyes fill with a contradicting message.
Your hands grip the cold edge of the marble countertop in the bathroom and take a few deep breaths. Your mind is a mess and can’t seem to settle on any one thought. You’ve really managed to stick your foot in it this time and now you have to sleep in the same bed. 
Was he just playing along? 
Did he actually want to kiss you?
Will he be expecting more after those kisses? You‘re not ashamed to admit you like what you’ve experienced thus far.
Do I want more? You lift your head and stare at your reflection. Worrying at your lip, you think about the consequences if you do what you want to versus what you should probably do. You release the pull you have on your lip having made your decision. 
Namjoon is idly scrolling on his phone as he lounges on the mound of pillows on the king-size bed when you open the bathroom door and casually lean against the doorframe. The light from behind you perfectly framing every dip and curve of your body in the expensive lingerie that was gifted to you. You know you look amazing; the corset is perfectly cinched at your waist providing just the right lift to your breasts, the lace briefs highlighting everything it needs to. 
Namjoon’s eyes flick over and then back to his phone but quickly snapback, his phone slipping from his hands, as he fully takes you in. You can’t suppress the smirk that lifts your lips as his eyes trail down your body.
He slowly sits up, “Um, what are you doing?”
“What feels good.”
He blinks slowly at you, his mouth still gaping.
“It would be a shame to waste all of this, no?” Your hand trails down your side from just under your chest to your hip.
Namjoon stands up and stalks toward you, the intensity of his gaze ensnaring yours. He comes to a stop, leaving just a breath of space between you. He lightly runs his finger along the thin strap of the corset, it’s more like a whisper of a touch actually. “It would be a crime to not take advantage of the generosity provided to us.”
Your breath shudders as that whisper of a touch teases along the top of the corset, teasing you. “Absolutely,” you whisper.
Namjoon’s lips crash against yours as he yanks you against him. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, arching into him as his tongue sweeps into your mouth. You slide one hand into the hair at his nape, the other gripping the back of his shirt as you meet him with equal vigor. He slides his hands down your waist to your hips before sliding around to grip your ass and lifting you into the air. You don’t hesitate to wrap your legs around his waist, your tongues dueling with each other.
A grunt forced from your mouth into his as your back collides with the wall, his hips pinning you to the hard surface as his hands navigate back to your waist. You nip and pull at his thick bottom lip as his fingers dig into your ribs. He dives down to your neck, his tongue leaving behind a wet trail before settling on a spot and sucking. 
Namjoon presses his forehead to yours, his breath gusting against your face, as he pauses the frenzy. He gently squeezes your waist, “Are you really sure? If we cross this line, there’s no going back.”
Your tongue traces over your lips and you nod. “I am very sure. Ever since that first kiss, I haven’t stopped thinking of the possibilities.”
As the last words leave your lips, his hips kick forward grinding your lower back hard against the wall as his hands wedge between to start popping open the fastenings on your corset. Your head falls back against the wall, his mouth leaving a string of purple bruises down the column of your neck. A surprised gasp is pulled from you at the sudden pressure of his teeth biting down on the skin of your collar bone. You arch into it, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
You feel the deep timbre of his laugh more than hear it, “Mmm, you liked that huh?” He unhooks the last fastener, your chest spilling free as the tension of lace falls away. You hold eye contact, your teeth digging into your own lip, as his large palm cups you and slowly starts to squeeze. The rhythm of your breathing falters with the slow increase in pressure around your tender breast, drawing a whimper from you. His eyes dart to the mottled skin around his fingers as he maintains the harsh grip he has on you. “There something you want to tell me?”
He releases his grip, the pressure from his hold leaving behind a dark reddish-purple ring around your breast. You buck your hips as much as you can as blood rushes back into the area. “Take my mind off tonight. Make me forget everything. I won’t break…but it never hurts to try.”
You can see the sparks ignite in his eyes as his lips collide with yours, this kiss punishing and intense. Before your body can fully react to it, your grip on gravity is yanked away as you sail through the air and land with a bounce on the plush bed. You lay there for a beat, heart racing before leveraging up onto your elbows. Fortunately just in the nick of time because you get a front row seat to Namjoon stripping off his clothes as he stalks toward the bed after you. The last piece of clothing, his boxer briefs, join the rest of the clothes strewn across the floor; your eyes can’t settle on any one thing to look at. 
Namjoon is a fucking adonis. Your eyes run from his broad shoulders to the taper of his waist down to follow his v-line straight to the thick cock framed by even thicker thighs. A startled sound escapes you as he grabs one of your ankles and yanks you to the edge of the mattress, stepping in between your spread legs. His hand cups your cheek, his thumb brushing along your jaw before tilting your head back and meeting your eyes. His fingers slip back to cup the back of your hair, your body tensing in anticipation. Suddenly his grip on your hair tightens, yanking your head back sharply, “Tap out if it’s too much.”
You’re barely able to nod your head before being pulled forward and having your lips spread open by his cock. You roll your eyes up to watch him watch you as his hips continue their slow press forward only stopping when his tip is nestled at the back of your throat. He stills for a moment just taking the view in, but it’s not long before you become impatient. You flutter your lashes at him and that turns out to be the perfect thing to set him off.
His hips draw back and snap forward, his hand holding you in place as he starts fucking your mouth. Your fingers curl and hold onto the blankets under you as he uses your mouth. You can’t help but moan around him with the way his cock is perfectly stretching your jaw wide and coating your tongue with the taste of him. Your deep moan has his hips kicking forward even harder, his cock sliding down your throat. Your eyes sting with the pricking of tears as his pace intensifies, your body flushed with need as he takes what he wants from you.
“Fuck, your mouth. It’s so perfect,” he moans, head falling back on his shoulders before rolling to look down at you. “Just look at you taking my cock so well.” His pace slows until with one last deep push he buries his cock deep in your throat, your nose almost touching his pelvis. He keeps you there for a moment, your throat spasming as you choke on the meat of him.
Your seconds from needing to tap out when he pulls you off him, a thick trail of your saliva tethers you together before snapping when he releases his hold on your hair letting you collapse back on the bed. Your throat burns as you suck down air while simultaneously giving in to the urge to cough and clear your throat. Namjoon stands over you watching you patiently. It’s not too long before your body calms and you look up at him, face wet with tears and slick with your spit.
You give a raspy laugh, “Never better.”
“Who knew you were hiding this side of you? How much more can you take?”
You bite your lip and lift one of your legs to slide your foot up along the hard planes of his abdomen. “I contain multitudes.” You slide your foot down until your toes are lightly ghosting down his length, “All of it.”
A visible tremor runs through you as Namjoon gives you a devious smile and glides his hands down your legs to the lace edges of your lingerie. He balls his fist in the front panel and yanks, ripping them from your body. Your hips are jerked off the bed with the force of it. A deep pulse throbbing within you at the aggression.
You can feel the weight of his gaze between your legs, you watch as he bites his own lip before sliding a finger through your swollen, wet lips. His finger dips in teasing you before he plunges two fingers into you. You arch off the bed with a gasp, your body clasping tight around him. 
His fingers quickly work you into a frenzy, a deep heat coiling in your belly that has you yanking on the bedding around you. You're ready for the explosion of pleasure that is about to happen when his fingers yank free of you. Your eyes snap open, “What the fuck?”
He straightens and shrugs, “I don’t think you earned it just yet.”
If looks could kill, daggers would be piercing his chest right now. As is, he just chuckles at your frustration, grabbing you by the hips. He flips you over onto your front, your hips curved right over the edge of the bed. A ringing sound echoes through the room as a sharp sting blooms along your ass. His hand soothingly rubs the sting away before he grips both your hips and tilts you just right. 
Your breath shudders from you as you feel his heat glide between your aching lips and teases your tight bundle of nerves. He repeats the motion again and again until you’re a mewling mess in front of him. Tears prick your eyes in frustration, your body desperate for more when the heat of his body leaves you for a brief moment before connecting back with you. His pelvis slams against your ass as he buries his cock inside you.
You don’t even bother to smother the scream that escapes you as he splits you open on his thick cock. You’re writhing on the bed, unsure if you are trying to get away or get closer to him. He waits patiently until you’ve calmed and have relaxed back into the mattress before moving again.
The slow drag of him leaving you pulls moans from both of you, your walls clinging to every inch of him. It’s only the tightening of his grip on you that gives you a warning as he snaps his hips forward again. The pace he sets is brutal as he fucks you into the mattress. Your hands desperately grapple at the bedding needing to hold on as he fucks you into another universe. The skin of your ass burning with the intensity of his thrusts driving you higher and higher.
You cry out as his fist wraps in your hair and yanks you backward, pressing your back to his chest. The tip of his cock hitting you at just the right angle has you clawing at his arms, your eyes rolling back in your head. One hand remains on your hip as he keeps pace, the other sliding to curl around the front of your neck pushing your head back to rest on his shoulder.
The cries you were letting out are swiftly cut off as his hand squeezes down around your throat. Your walls tighten around him as he slowly increases the pressure from just restricting your vocal chords to cutting off your air flow completely. The speed of his thrusts slows as your pussy clamps down tighter on his cock. A few more deep thrusts has your nails biting hard into his arms, leaving deep red crescents. He releases his grip on your throat and the rush of oxygen back into your lungs along with the waves of pleasure crashing through you has you seeing stars.
You’re almost completely out of it as Namjoon rams deep one more time and spills into your depths. You both fall forward onto the bed, Namjoon just manages to catch himself on his left arm so he doesn’t crush you. You’re unsure of how long you remain like that as you come back to earth, but soon he is pulling out of you and disappearing into the bathroom as you lay there eyes closed.
You jolt back to awareness when the warm softness of a cloth strokes between your legs. You squirm as he brushes against your sensitive pussy before settling back down when he tosses the cloth toward the bathroom door and helps you shift to lay fully on the bed. He shuffles in next to you and pulls the duvet over you both.
You curl against him, resting your head on his shoulder as you loosely wrap an arm and a leg around him. You nuzzle at the skin of his bare chest, “Mmm, so how are we going to break this to Teddy?”
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shoot7ngstars · 2 years
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::: Project Tae {tae x ???} :::
#artificialintelligence Based on auto-generated pic-prompts: AI + Barista + Car + College Namjoon, Seokjin, and (member w) are a team that created Project TAE, a car that has an AI-integrated system. One day, TAE disappears after a small malfunction that allowed TAE to make his own decisions. The always so-curious AI, ventures himself outside, seeing the world for the first time. In his own distraction, TAE almost runs a person over. (Member x) is a college student that works in a bar near the campus to afford his studies, even though he has a scholarship. But juggling studies and work, especially with his thesis due date approaching, leaves him stressed out. Because of that, he loses track of time in the library, and he runs out to go to work, knowing that if he arrives late once again, he might get fired. In his haste to reach it, he crosses the road without seeing the car approach, almost getting himself ran over.
MAIN IDEA: The story will not start as Tae x (member x), it will rather be a romance between Namjoon, Seokjin, and (member w), and later on, have a small focus on Tae x (member x)!
I'm still unsure what member should be paired with Tae. The commissioner can choose between Yoongi, Jimin, or Jungkook.
Namjin have a complicated relationship, because they're stepbrothers and in love. Tae is Namjoon's biological brother.
The other team member also gets involved with both of them. My first thought was Jimin or Jungkook, so depending on who commissioners choose to be with TAE, one of these two will be part of a throuple with Namjin.
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bookscandlesnbts · 6 months
Jikook have the Most Dance Chemistry Bar None
I’ll admit, I do pick my battles sometimes on social media. And one of those battles that I will always die on is that Jikook chemistry on stage dancing is UNMATCHED not just in BTS btw but the entire industry. No one does it like they do. There is a mildly harmless y/n Jimin and JHope biased account that I follow. I say she’s a y/n because I think she has a crush on Jimin and thinks he’s bf material (she’s not wrong) but she doesn’t do or say anything overtly weird. Ya’ll know y/n’s are right up there with tkk for me. She makes mostly cute edits of Jimin. But she just lost me and I couldn’t scroll past it without engaging. She posted a kind of suggestive partner dance between two dancers with intricate choreo and claimed that this would be perfect for JiHope and that their chemistry is unmatched. Now, J-Hope is an EXCELLENT dancer. He’s one of the main dancers of BTS for a reason. His technique level is insane and he is a powerhouse on stage. But his chemistry with Jimin unmatched?? Really?? If his chemistry with Jimin dancing is so palpable why didn’t he lift Jimin in the pas de deux for MMA 2020 Black Swan? Tell me, I’m waiting. If his chemistry with J-Hope is unmatched then why haven’t they done duo stages like Black and White? Why didn’t he do the Own It choreo with Jimin? I think this girl is an aspiring dancer or something, and while we love that and we love having biases, sometimes you have to be subjective. JiHope doesn’t even hold a candle to the level of Jikook when it comes to dancing on stage. I don’t have to take dance lessons to know that. I cited my sources with no response other than agree to disagree. I can’t help but feel like this is another instance of Jikookphobia and downplaying their chemistry. I’ll leave you with this masterpiece to ponder. Oh and keep in mind that chemistry aside, Jungkook was the ONLY member that could technically do this lift. Oh and fun side note, it’s official that I will be getting a tattoo on my trip to Korea this summer done by none other than PolyC and it may be inspired by a certain event that happened during this stage. 🤭 Sorry, couldn’t help but share because I’m so excited. And if you are one of those that wants to act like getting a tattoo by PolyC is an invasion of privacy, then drink some water, touch some grass, and grow up. I’ll gladly block you.
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seoul-bros · 7 months
Jikook Week 9 Complete ✔️(06/02-13/02/2024)
Their ninth week and the second month in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this major milestone with a look back at this week in 2021.
This was the BE era. Between 31/01 and 06/02 BTS member notes were published on TwiX. RM introduced Life Goes On, Jin and JK introduced St ay, Suga introduced Telepathy, JH & JM introduced Dis -ease and Tae introduced Blue and Grey
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On the 09/02/21 Run BTS Episode 128 Hello 2021 was released. It was filmed while Suga was out of action with his shoulder surgery but they made sure he was still represented.
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This is a really enjoyable episode with a huge number of memorable moments, only a few of which I have included here. It was a studio shoot where they played three games: 1) Liar; 2) Harmonica Song; and 3) Red Light, Green Light.
Liar - All the members except one had the right word and the sixth member is the liar. They all had to ambiguously describe the thing and then everyone had to decide who was the liar.
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In Round 2, Jin, king of comedy, had Jihope rolling on the floor.
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In Round 3, there was a stalemate and they decided to call Suga to choose between RM and Jimin as the liar. Jimin knew straight away that Yoongi would pick him and he was right. Unfortunately, Jimin was not the liar and we were treated to a JK victory dance.
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Harmonica Song - JK was first and as usual Jimin couldn't help but comment on his cuteness.
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JK's ear for music reigned supreme throughout the game and he easily guessed Mic Drop when it was Jimin's turn.
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At the end of the round, RM and Jimin had to do the penalty and Jimin got the worst of it as RM the God of Destruction struck again.
Red Light, Green Light - This whole last game was a blast. J-Hope went first and JK managed to steal the photo but his victory was short lived. He's so adorable when he gets the giggles.
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Jin and V gave us this moment....
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...and Jimin who went last was assailed on both sides by Tae and JK.
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Tae made a grab for the photo, and it looked like it was all over, but Jin had other ideas.
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Great entertainment all round and it reminded me of why so many people became fans of BTS during the pandemic. They were out there spotlighting the group's unique dynamic and spreading laughter and positivity just when it was most needed.
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On the 11th February, BTS released its New Year Greetings. They always look so good in hanbok and this year was no exception.
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Credit to original Twix posters
Post Date: 13/02/2024
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM ‘FACE’ Music Show Promotions Sketch 
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
So yeah, yesterday just 4 days before JK's single Seven is about to land, after JK's concept photos and clip were released showing us a clear bias and after the BTS book pages about Jikook's Tokyo trip surfaced, surprisingly (or not so much) this BTB was released.
Cannot help but wonder if this was a scheduled release or one of those pieces of content they had waiting in the vault to release at some point, not necessarily yesterday.
Not that I am complaining that we get more JM content, not at all, it's just the timing that feels a little sus to me is all. You know, with the heavy on Yoonmin and little Jihope we got there.
And again, let me make myself clear here. I'm not complaining us getting the content. Both members did visit JM on set to support him and it's great to see this in the content. It's the timing, the editing and on top of that, what we didn't get in past BTB that has me a little on edge.
So, Suga, as we know, came to visit JM on set.
To support him on his first show.
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But this.
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What did Yoongi mean by this?
"And to build up a good reputation of us".
It's not about JM's performance, it comes straight after he says the reason he came was it was JM's first performance. This is another reason he came - build up good reputation...?
To show they are supporting each other?
Was this said seriously or jokingly?
I'm still not understanding it.
I do have thoughts as to what he meant by it, and I wouldn't put it by him to mean that too, but still hoping it's not that.
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Someone else also knows that, I can assure you. Same someone that found his way, with or without the company's approval (let's be honest here, it's without their approval and his way of kicking back) of supporting and promoting JM as publicly and as loudly as he could.
Same person that made a point to comment and let us know on JM's live after his last performance that he did want to come and see JM while recording.
And then we have this:
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Yes, this is me bitching. I decided to get all of the shit out of the way before I get to the positive.
"Suga who knows Jimin better than anyone when it comes to performing"? Really? Pushing the Yoonmin a little much aren't we?
He knows him better than Hobi when it comes to performing?
Actual dance leader.
He knows him better than JK when it comes to performing?
The man that literally said this:
But seriously, this is the person that spent hours on end practicing with JM. The person that seeks him out on stage. The person that knows his every move, knows when he's in pain, knows when he is struggling.
Yeah, no matter which what way you spin it, Yoongi is not the one "who knows Jimin better than anyone when it comes to performing".
Wait, be patient with me. I have one more little thing I have to vent about before moving on.
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I can only imagine the talk down his bf gave him at home after this. "We're all grown ups, what are you doing?..."
Just like here:
Start at 0:49 seconds. JK talking about JM's live, not listening to Unholy.
I'm with you on this JK.
The need to apologize or pre-warn fans about a little touchy choreography with a woman, god forbid (oh, and btw, in the Korean side of this choreo the men were not touching JM, cause that's way worse, right?).
This is something I would love JM to get over, grow out of, but to tell you the truth, not holding my breath.
Ok, now that all my complaining is done with, let's move on to the fun part.
Now is the time to appreciate the 2 hyungs who came to support him. Yoongi for his first recording and Hobi for the last show.
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Hobi's letter. That man is the sweetest man ever. I love him so much and miss him terribly. Can't even imagine how much JM and JK are missing him (I'm gonna add Tae here too, their bond is really underestimated).
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And JM's reaction to it all. Priceless. Man cannot allow himself to get emotional on camera. The level of deflecting going on, lol.
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We don't see too much of the work process but it's clear that JM pushes himself, most likely too hard (time to mention once again the time restraints that had him over exerting himself). And by the end of it you can see that his chronic pain is playing up, with the visible taping on his arm and shoulder.
I actually think it was way worse. He was REALLY suffering.
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Do you notice what he's doing there with his left arm?
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The level of dedication and work ethic...
Man is absolutely stunning.
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And an angel to top it off.
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I truly love this young man.
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Whoever gets to be with him has won the lottery.
Oh wait, we already have a lottery winner.
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not-goldy · 2 months
jihope reigns supreme 🫡 . They’re the real soulmates
Vmin is one sided 😷
McDonald’s fries but no muse screenshot?
I think I threw up a bit in my mouth
Not you trying to slip in a free ad for your ship😹
All invited to the cookout
Vmin can sleep on the couch in the basement
Hope they run-out of electricity on a cold winter night
By they I mean you Tae
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
totally agree with ur last ask, seen lots barely even mentioning the travel show or jikook at all but only tweet about “I hope it’s more vminkook” and even seen lots saying they think yoongi will be in it too:/ jikook erasure all over lmao people can only handle them when they’re not together it’s so weird
if they want vminkook traveling together or for yoongi to show up, just go watch the hours and hours of bon voyage and in the soop. like please. at that point we have half the group.
i've also seen some discussion around how jikook are harder for people to digest because they do seem so real but simultaneously ambiguous. everyone loves vmin, they're soulmates. yoonjin, jihope are roommate duos! namgi are musical contemporaries. jinkook are very brotherly. these "tropes" cemented in bts lore.
but jikook don't have a title like that. or an obvious indicator to boil down their dynamic. (obviously every duo is nuanced, but jikook often show a variety of sides to their relationship that isn't always obvious in others.)
plus, with how much of their recorded history could be framed as romantic, that scares people too (some due to the prospect of a possible relationship and internal conflict over real person shipping, homophobia, or preference for other member dynamics).
i don't even really know what i would call jikook, i wonder if they have any names like this that i just haven't seen. (i personally like soulmates more for them then vmin, don't kill me please. i just really feel like jikook are each other's person and they have such good chemistry on stage, as a comedic duo, as vocalists, as friends and support system. no matter romantic or platonic, that's soulmate material).
so food for thought as the show starts airing! i just can't help but feel so spoiled we get this show and grateful they decided to share these experiences with us :').
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🐥🐿Pretty little bros💐💐
Play On the Street for bg music, please.
The friendship that puts all others to shame.
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These men are #friendship goals.
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When I first got to the fandom, I noticed what surrounded Jimin. I'm Jimin centric. But there wasn't much chatter about Hobi's presence in Jimin's life. But at time passed, it became more obvious that Hobi and Jimin were close. And were getting closer. There is no denying that these men are soul mates.
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Looking back at old content, jihope always had a stable relationship. A roommate and dongsaeng&hyung bond. Hobi did a lot of instructing and Jimin respected him.
And they both respected and complemented each other's position in the group. They still do.
But as time passed, their bond appears to have grown and stabilized to a degree where you can really say they are brothers, best friends, soul mates.
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And it's important to say that sometimes your soul is still growing until it's ready to match with one of its mates. Such is the case with jihope.
Perhaps their bond doesn't need such labels.
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Through our screens, we are able to see the respect and admiration they have for each other, though.
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We've all been witness to Jimin's journey. He wrote an entire album of this. And now, that he is on the other side, Hobi is still with him. That says a lot.
Not everyone decides to stay with you until things are better and you don't allow everyone to accompany you on your journey.
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The same can be said for Hobi. During dark times, Jimin has shown up for him. During happy times, Jimin is still there in Jimin mode for his Hobi hyung.
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In Latin America, Hobi is nicknamed "Solecito", little sun. And he has proven to be that to Jimin as they have continued their friendship through the hard times that we've seen and the probable hard times that they've kept from us.
Their friendship is balanced by the fun times and adventures they have decided to share with us too.
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At this point, I think we all want to be their 3rd wheel and play sand castles with them.
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In an era where "posting for each other means nothing" Hobi constantly shows Jimin support with his cute comments on instagram.
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It was Jimin who supported Hobi during Hobipalooza and had a little freak out when he thought Hobi had spanked a dancer's butt.
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It was Jimin who was pumped for Hobi because he got to meet his idol, J. Cole.
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It was Hobi who took Jimin purple tulips and a hand-written note when Jimin had his debut stage in Korea.
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It was Jimin who was there when Hobi shaved his hair for military enlistment.
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It is Hobi, it is Jimin that have given us so many amusing and funny moments and sweet memories that we now hold on to dearly.
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It is Hobi, it is Jimin...this phrase can go for a while because their friendship and support is visible and ever so present.
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I hope we can continue being witnesses to a bond like this.
Jihope for life!
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
Kick in the door waving the coco hello it's me, your favorite omega here to request some consented somno for Jihope because energized and wired post-concert Hobi using sleepy and flushed eager to please Jimin has rotted a hole inside of my brain the size of lake Michigan. I love you. Did I mention I love you? Okay cool I love you.
OH HELLO LOVE OF MY LIFE !!!! this idea has also rotted straight thru my brain so thank u for sharing it with me and putting it in as a request so i can subject everyone to the jihope agenda 😭 this got soft af because of who i am as a person but i refuse to apologize!!!!!!!
~taking jihope drabble requests all month!!~
pairing: jimin x hoseok wordcount: 1k on the dot 💪 contains: heads up!!! this is literally member x member!!! so perhaps do not read it if that is not ur bag !!! POV switch bc i was feelin feisty, post-hobipalooza hehe, jihope have fucked before but they're not like together (but they Are in love), very small amounts of biting and scratching, anal fingering (w lube ofc), protected anal sex, consensual somno obvi, a little under-negotiated within the context of this specific scene but I HAD LIMITED WORDCOUNT OKAY everyone is FINE WITH IT i swear, dirty talk, overuse of the word hyung bc i'm me, and there are some lines in here that really punch me in the chest emotionally so uhhhh have fun !!
Hoseok can’t sit still.
He’s got that post-adrenaline energy running through him, giggly and stupid in the afterglow, and Jimin can’t keep up. Not with the bone-deep exhaustion that’s settling into him, his body thoroughly out of whack from waking up on the other side of the world this morning.
Jimin drops onto the mattress like a stone, and Hoseok pounces. He’s all hard angles, slimmed down from stress like this– knees digging starbursts into the duvet, sharp elbows and dainty wrists caging Jimin in as Hoseok covers the body beneath him with his own. 
They mouth at each other, Hoseok really laughing more than kissing. His teeth catch on the plump fruit of Jimin’s bottom lip; his breath comes hot in Jimin’s mouth.
Jimin sinks into the familiar warmth, the fireworks that pop in his gut when their hips slot together. His cock twitches in his pants.
“Jimin-ah,” Hoseok rasps, nose skimming the line of Jimin’s jaw. “This still okay?”
It hasn’t happened in a while. It’s sweet, Jimin thinks, that he asks, even after all this time. He answers with a sleepy nod.
“Tired, baby?” Hoseok croons.
Another nod, this one purposefully cute.
“Hyung’s keepin’ you up, huh?”
Jimin’s eyes blink open– when did he close them?– when Hoseok shifts a little above him. He catches glimpses, slips of honey skin, in the gaps between the buttons of Hoseok’s shirt, bought oversized and now enough to drown in.
This lingering feeling has been surging up in Jimin’s chest all night, and it hits him again with the way Hoseok’s looking at him: overwhelming, right behind his ribs, ocean-deep.
“Not,” he answers, voice mostly air– he’s made himself hoarse, he screamed so much at the show. Hoseok’s pretty painted nails are already dragging down the zipper of his shirt, pressing faint pink lines into the smooth skin they find beneath it.
Jimin is pliant, letting himself be played with. He lifts up enough for Hoseok to work him out of his clothes and tries to remember what he was even saying. “Want you to. I like it.”
“Gonna let hyung fuck you right to sleep?” Hoseok punctuates the question with another sweet laugh and kneels up to strip himself, efficient as ever.
Jimin’s own giggle flutters through him, face flushing a little. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
It’s true, they’ve done this before: just one of those things that happened, growing up together. Sharing cramped bedrooms and ruined sleep schedules and adolescent hormones; using each other’s willing bodies, fucking to shake off fear, adrenaline, jetlag.
With a grunt of effort, Jimin gracelessly flops over onto his stomach. His favorite way to take it. He’s sure Hoseok still remembers.
“‘M your fan,” he slurs into the pillow, the world already smeared at the edges when he tries to look back at Hoseok. “Your groupie, hyung. Let me watch from backstage, took me to your hotel room, so fuck me.”
“Aw, baby,” Hoseok purrs. “‘Course I will. You came all this way.”
Jimin can feel it now, the firm outline of his own cock, filled out and pinned beneath him. He thinks he feels Hoseok’s hands, too, warm on his thighs, guiding them apart.
There’s a click– probably the travel-sized lube Hoseok keeps in his meticulously organized toiletries bag, Jimin remembers that from the last tour– and it’s chased by the warm, wet stretch of Hoseok’s fingers slipping past his rim.
“Fuck,” Jimin breathes. “Feels good, hyung.”
“Just relax,” Hoseok murmurs, pressing deeper, rubbing at his walls. “Open this pretty little ass up.”
Jimin means to answer, but the dark blue pull of sleep weighs his tongue down thick in his mouth, and then it drags him under entirely.
Jimin’s hot inside, squeezes the head of Hoseok’s cock so right that it works a rough whine out of him.
Hoseok sinks himself in to the hilt and stays there. Barely thrusting, mostly grinding, letting the vice grip of Jimin’s tight little hole suck his mind blank.
It’s so good, Jimin’s body beneath him so sweet, softer and rounder at the edges than he was the last time Hoseok had him. Jimin’s complained about it nonstop, threatened a diet when he gets home, but Hoseok likes him so much like this, with hips that beg for the kiss of fingertip bruises and an ass that jiggles.
“So pretty like this,” Hoseok groans, not even sure if Jimin’s still present enough to hear him, saying it anyway. “Jiminie, baby. Taking hyung’s cock just like he taught you.”
Hoseok drops down over Jimin’s frame beneath him, watching the steady rise and fall of his breath, until his nose brushes at the stretch of Jimin’s spine.
He’s riled up, has been all night, all week, and he can’t keep himself from babbling, the way he always does when he’s close.
“Did that whole show, just thinking of you. Really did mean it, baby. I was in the dark and you, fuckin– pulled me back. Don’t think you even know. What you do to me. Everything’s easier.”
That cord of arousal in his gut pulls tighter, and Hoseok chases the feeling, watches the whole of his cock disappear up inside Jimin on every thrust. Laying all sweet and open for his hyung, cheek smushed into the pillow.
Hoseok grunts, dips to smudge a kiss to the nape of Jimin’s neck, and it's enough. He’s coming, giving a final ragged gasp as he spills into the condom.
It takes a second to get his breath back, and then he withdraws. His legs shake under him as he slips into the bathroom to clean up.
Fuck, at least he’s finally starting to feel tired.
Jimin has rolled over when Hoseok gets back, away from the wet spot– there’s space in this king-sized bed. A luxury from how it used to be, twin dorm bunks with no sheets.
Little miracles, Hoseok thinks, and then Jimin stirs.
“Sleep. Said I’d make you.”
And, well. That feels like a miracle too.
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dearweirdme · 4 months
I was thinking... I know this blog is about Taekook only and other members from time to time, but I want to know what do you think of the other ship? For example yoonmin and Namjin? Or even sope.
For me I simply think there is nothing currently but I can't help but think about the possibilities of them having a possible crush on the other.
I think yoonmin have had something in the past. I'm probably wrong but when I watches their past content, I could just see it. Or even the recent ones. I won't say there is a relationship going on but probably a simple crush or whatever.
Namjin was one of my ultimate ships when I was a baby army. Spending four years into this fandom actually made me think I was wrong all along and that the possibilities of Namjin being in a relationship is probably the lowest one between all the other ships. Back then, I could see some tension but today, I see nothing. They are both important for each other, for sure. But I see nothing.
Last, for some I actually never thought they were ever in a relationship. I don't think they are now. But sometimes I do have the feeling that one of them probably had a crush on the other sown the road. But not something serious. Just a little crush. Today they just give me best friend vibe. Same as jihope.
Hi anon!
I love talking about the way members interact! When I started getting into BTS’s music what really made me become an invested Army is the way members function as a group. I absolutely believe the way they care about each other is real. If I has to choose a hill to die on it would be the hill called ‘BTS members love each other’. There’s probably not a word good enough to describe what they mean to each other, they’re friends, but also kinda family, but they have also spent way more time together than usual groups of friends or family probably do.. they have seen each other through many ups and downs and they know each other’s struggles and insecurities better than anyone else does probably.
I think every member brings something special to the group. I have a special place in my heart for all of them. I think that is how it works for them too. They have different connections with different members and ofcourse some duos are closer than others.
Aside from Tae and Jk I don’t think there’s another romantic/former romantic couple amongst them. I think many times a certain softness gets mistaken for romance and I think many times physical intimacy gets mistaken for sexual interest. Aside from that, with the exception of Tae and Jk, I think if you look at all the duos general interactions you will soon find that they are just close friends. For instance, I find many interactions between Yoongi and Jm very soft and sweet and I feel Jm definitely gets a side of Yoongi that other members don’t. But their overall interactions to me make it seen like they are friends who are each others biggest source of comfort and strength. I think Yoongi has been extremely important for Jm’s confidence and I think Jm gives him room to let down some of the walls he has built. What I love about Jm is that he is so full of empathy and he never hesitates to comfort the others.
I am so glad that Namjoon wasn’t the eldest in the group on top of being their leader. I think Jin being the eldest Hyung has been very important to the whole group, but to Namjoon specifically. I don’t really see more than trust, gratitude, friendship between them. I have to admit ofcourse that I wasn’t around for a huge part of time and I haven’t looked into Namjin/TaeJin/Sope/Jinkook/etc the way I have Taekook (and Jkk). That’s mainly because aside from Tae and Jk the other duo’s interactions just never click as potentially romantic to me.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I want to say something. I'm a pjms so I don't ship jikook and taekook. Anyway, I noticed that this fandom hate jikook, in fact everytime there are jokes about them married or boyfriends, army get mad. But if you talk about yoonmin or taekook or namkook or vmin, they don't have problems with these ships. So, why all this hate?? Maybe it's jikook fault, if you think about it. Jikook are not the other duo, sometimes they act awkward (for example, the bb where jungkook met jimin, it was really weird to watch it, even if they were holding hands, jungkook was really cold with jimin), sometimes they act close, sometimes they act like strangers. Now they're in hiatus era, it means they're private. So people don't understand their relationship. They're close or not? If they were that close why they don't see each other? So maybe they were faking it etc.? Why Jungkook made some things for Jimin only but sometimes he seems he is refusing him?? Why Jimin always mentioned Jungkook and not anymore?
The problem is that jikook are weird so people don't like what they don't understand.
Are u an insecure Jikooker pretending to be a none shipper? You better not be. I'm watching you
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Okay. Here is where an anon and I talk about why JK behaves the way he does with Jimin Vs other members. And here i talk about JK Vs the camera.
When it seems awkward its because it is. That BB had like really bad editing actually. How many times did they say goodbye? JK was on the left side already saying he's leaving while they hold hands..there's a cut and he's on their other side still saying goodbye. How long did they do that for exactly??
Jimin checking his man out as he was leaving is everything though 🤭🤭
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Anyway, anon this is the first time Jikook were on camera together just them since chapter 2 started. For me it seemed like they're so used to just being them they forgot how to act on camera. The amount of times JK kept glancing at the damn thing. And we know he is only self conscious like that when its around Jimin.
Anon idk how else to explain tension to you. If u can't see it I can't help u. Like seriously I don't think its possible. Some things you have to pick up on yourself.
This fandom doesn't hate Jikook because they don't understand them. They hate them because Jikook scares them. It is easy to say Namgi real or Taekook real or Jihope real. Its easy to ask Jihope to kiss already and for all Armys to come together and laugh about it. It's easy to laugh about Namkook and their history. Because they know these people are not actually together. They give off normal bro vibes. But its hard to make jokes about a couple when they indeed behave like a couple.
You can joke with your friend for 'acting gay' but if he was actually gay then the joke wouldn't be funny and also it would be weird to do that because he is indeed gay. So you're just pointing out something that's true.
Jikook makes this fandom uncomfortable anon. Thats why they don't like talking about them.
P.s -> JK likes to be in control of situations. If he's the one intiating skinship its okay. Because he's in control. But when someone else puts him in that position it catches him off guard and it can make him look miffed. More so especially when its Jimin. Because with him there is something to hide and so it makes JK on high alert.
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harrowreads · 2 years
❣ Most of the content that I share is intended for folks 18+ only! Minors, do not interact!
❥ This is a side blog! I follow from my main blog @theharrowing.
❥ This is a safe space, meaning I will not discriminate based on sexual preferences, gender identities, race or ethnicity, accessibilities, interests, or any other trait and preference. Because of this, I expect the people that interact with me to be of the same mind. I will not hesitate to block folks who may seem like a safety hazard to myself and my readers.
❥ I read and share all kinds of content, including dead dove, yandere and mafia, and stories containing dubcon/noncon, gore, graphic violence, recreational hard drug use, etc. I want to make sure my readers are safe and comfortable at all times, but I need you to meet me halfway and only interact with content that you feel safe interacting with. Please read individual warnings before proceeding!
❥ I also read and share all kinds of relationships and dynamics, including member x reader, member x member, poly, etc. (If you read what I write, then you should know what to expect with what kind of content I will share.)
❥ I do not take recommendations, and I read for pleasure only. With a busy school schedule, I already do not have a lot of time as is, so my reading and reviewing might be really sporadic at times. Please do not ask me to read your fic or badger me about reading something unless I ask.
❣ If you find any links that are broken or lead to the wrong place, please feel free to let me know! This is a lot of shit to link and I am bound to make some mistakes.
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❥ View Master Lists with my favorites, by Member:
Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
Poly, group, threesome, etc. fics will be cross-posted to each member's individual list.
These lists are not extensive; they only feature current favorites and may be swapped out from time to time. To access everything I have written, use the member tags below!
❥ View reblogs of everything, based on tags:
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Here you will find an extensive list of every author I have shared content from
↳ Member Tags:
Namjoon x Reader, NamJin, NamGi, NamSeok, NamKook
Seokjin x Reader, 2seok, JinMin, JinKook
Yoongi x Reader, Yoongi x Original Character, Sope, YoonMin, YoonKook
Hoseok x Reader, HopeKook
Jimin x Reader, MinJoon (aka MiniMoni), JiHope, JiKook
Taehyung x Reader, Vmin, Vmon, TaeJin, TaeGi, Vhope, TaeKook
Jungkook x Reader
OT7 x Reader, Rap Line x Reader, Maknae Line x Reader
Ship Info: Ship tags are listed in fanchant order under the name of the member that is first in the ship. All two-person ships have been listed but if one is not yet a link, then there is nothing that I have to link to (yet.)
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Note: A bunch of the reviews were originally done on my main page, @theharrowing.
Some of my older reviews are a little scarce and short, while others are more long-winded with in-depth praise. My goal is to start leaving longer reviews moving forward, but if you see something that is nothing more than a keyboard smash and 5 words, know that I was literally just living my best life.
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❥ Non-BTS Content:
↳ Stray Kids Member Tags:
Bang Chan
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 10 months
I just realized that jikook in Japan does not arouse strong emotions in me, 1-2 years ago I would have been excited about it, because it is a symbolic place where gcf in Tokyo was filmed. But now I approach everything with cold blood and wait for more information and moments to draw my own conclusions. A lot has happened this year and I've learned to take everything with a grain of salt.
I romanticize my own life and relationships a lot. I really do. I look at my friends and family like this *___* and I talk about them the same way. I keep letters from 15 years ago, I keep cinema tickets, I keep the piece of paper where my little sister wrote my name for the first time.
I used to be the same way about BTS, and jikook. Now I'm not anymore. I don't really have any reasons to romanticize jikook or Jimin's relationships with anyone else. I guess I had reasons to look at it in a lovelier lighter when I thought there was something different about them, but I don't see anything different now and I haven't seen it since for a couple of years. Like, okay. They're fun and have good chemistry together. I'm old enough and I've dated enough to know that you don't build a relationship with only fun and chemistry. It needs more, and I don't see that "more".
I even said months ago that if the only time we saw them together was on filmed, official content, then I'd side eye tf out of them. And I said it because I had a feeling that was how it was going to be. And that's how it is. I'm not comfortable with knowing only idol Jimin and idol Jungkook. It doesn't get more "idol" than this: filming a reality tv show. That's why it also doesn't feel as natural. This is them doing a job, being idols. I'm sooo sorry (not) that I don't have it in me to romanticize them filming a reality or whatever, when I'm fully aware this is literally the first and only thing I've known of them together in years.
The funny thing is, I don't romanticize any friendship in BTS. I think this year Jimin has been inseparable from Hoseok, he said it himself when he went to Fallon that Hoseok was the closest member to him. I'm not making threads and writing essays about how amazing jihope are together. But jikookers and taekookers want to literally crucify you if you don't say they're the most romantic perfect couple to exist. I'm sure not even BTS look at the in-group friendships like that.
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jkjmbtsarmy · 2 months
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Got my mom V’s photobook (for her Christmas present from me)
My mom is OT7 (like I am) but Taehyung biased (Jikook and Yoongi wreckers for her, where I’m Jungkook biased and Jihope wreckers (❤️3J) for those that don’t know) and ya’ll….she a big thick bitch book (Used one of my stepdad’s packs of cigs for comparison cause it was right there and it’s something everyone knows the size of)
So if anyone is Taehyung biased or OT7 or knows anyone who is and needs a gift for them here you go.
On a side note: my mom is V biased but she’s a Jikooker. (How many of you just had a heart attack?)
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
Kinktober Day 13
JiHope - Daisy Chain.
Anal, Vaginal sex
"This should definitely be interesting," Jimin comments as he kneels naked on the bed.
You lie in front of him, legs spread thinking there could have been a better time to small talk. Hobi crowds behind the singer, still stood to the side of the bed. He runs his hands over the blonde's shoulders massaging firmly.
"Personally I think this is one of my best ideas yet." Hobi grins at you lying on the bed "I have such a great view from up here."
You make a kissy face at the rapper and he winks back at you. Jimin shakes his head at the two of you but starts to move into position anyway. As he lines his cock up to you, Hobi smacks his ass jolting him forward. The singer grumbles and turns his head to showcase his displeasure but the grimace is quickly kissed away and the annoyance is forgotten. Hobi places a few quick pecks on Jimin's lips before allowing the blonde to revert his attention to you.
"Are you sure you fully prepped for this Jimin?" Hobi asks, grabbing onto each of Jimin's cheeks and pulling them apart.
"Always prepped for you Hyung," Jimin nods. "Are you ready for me Y/N?"
"Always ready for you Jimin." You mock his tone. 
In response to your cheeky answer, he pushes all the way in without letting you adjust completely. You groan as he bottoms out, only regretting it slightly. Jimin smirks at you, gloating. A look that quickly fades as he feels the cold sting of lube hitting his hole. Jimin's body freezes as Hobi lines himself up.
"I thought you were ready Jimin-ah?" Hobi teases. 
The older man hovers with just the tip pressing against Jimin's hole. He's never been known for his patience and so he pushes back against Hobi, almost begging the man to enter him fully. His cock drags slowly along your walls as he fucks himself onto Hobi. You fidget to acclimate yourself to the motion. It's agonising waiting for him to fuck you properly.
The men rock tentatively against one another, testing the way they feel together, all the while Jimin's tip threatens to slip away from you completely. You whine to regain their attention and immediately have two sets of eyes peering down at you.
"Getting impatient angel?" Hobi asks "Need me to fuck Jiminie harder so you can feel him too?" 
He punctuates his sentence with a harsh thrust, pushing Jimin forward, and subsequently forcing his cock back inside of you. Hobi starts off slowly, with shallow thrusts that only provide you with a little friction.
"Please Hobi, want you to make Jimin feel so good." 
"I feel good baby, I definitely think it's you getting impatient...." Jimin says with a smirk.
"Fine, fine, I admit it. I don't want to wait any longer... I need you desperately, please fuck harder."
"How could I ever say no to that?" Hobi grins.
He thrusts harder and faster, propelling Jimin forward and deeper into you. You moan in tandem as the rapper sets a relentless pace. Hobi grabs Jimin's hips, pulling them with him every time he pulls out. Finally, Jimin collapses against your shoulder panting as Hobi does most of the work. The blonde bites into your skin as he finishes, unable to stop the movement and forcing him into overstimulation. Jimin whines deep in your ear, driving you over the edge.
Hobi isn't far behind, littering kisses across Jimin's back as he cums deep inside of the dancer.
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strawberrycub · 5 months
I’m 22 so I’d only feel comfortable with 18 over!!
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓~~ WRITING~~🍓🍓🍓🍓
I’m Semi-lit.
I try to match my RP partner's response!
No one-liners, please.
I know sometimes responses are shorter but at least give me something to work with!!
One of my rp responses :D This is only a small snippet of a much LONGER response
(it’s from a 5 nitro message on Discord)
“........."Yes, you are! even your Name min is princely! I don't think I've ever met another Min before, " Taehyung pointed out. "Your entire being reminds me of a prince." He stated, "soft and pale...just how princes should be. It shows how you've spent days inside, lounging and spoiled -" He touched his cheeks with just his fingertips."Even your hands are soft...shows they haven't had a hard day in their life..."He brings his boyfriend's hand up to his lips to kiss each finger and then the center of his palm. "You even got a nice round face, too. it means a prince well-fed. Princes should always get their full. " He looks at him, waiting for him to respond." Isn't that right, Prince Min?" He asks him with a sly smile…….”
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓AUS I ENJOY🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
Idol verse
Coffee shop
fake dating
single parent
Friends with benefits
Royal au
Fantasy(vampire/werewolf/witches, etc.)
I love all ships!!
I would happily rp ot7 !!
Please I’m kind of desperate for all seven of them in love.
OTP - Taegi
But I am open to every ship but these are the ones I’d be the most excited about!
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓MEMBERS I PLAY🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
I will also do Seokjin and Jimin too! but I’m not the best about being Namjoon.
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓smut dynamics🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
I really enjoy it when the couples switch! It’s always more fun when it’s that way but if you lean one way more than the other I can work that!
I ONLY rp on Discord. Please just send me a friend request on Discord because this site is terrible about letting me know I got it!!!
also, side note: whenever you see this. doesn't matter if it's been months, you can message me !! as long as my discord handle is here, I'm open for it!!
Discord: strawberrycub
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