#sickie taemin
darl-ingfics · 17 days
Sicktember Day 8: ALT - Hospital Bed
Fandom: SHINee
Sickie: Taemin (exhaustion)
Caregiver(s): Minho
Word Count: 574
Notes: I wanted to play around with different hurt/comfort scenarios, and while there may be loads of medical inaccuracies... ta da! Also, I really wasn't vibing with "The closest doctor is probably hours away from here," so let's go ALT prompts
Consciousness found Taemin slowly. Eyes still closed, the first thing drawing his attention was his breath, the rhythm of his chest rising and falling steadily. It was almost as if he could feel the air circulating from his lungs throughout his body, flipping switches, waking up each limb in turn. 
That led to sensation number two: his body felt heavy. His arms, his legs, his back, even his neck felt as if there were sandbags weighing them down. No, as if they were actually made of the sand used in sandbags. A dull pressure, anchoring him down. 
His ears turned on next. Immediately near: a monotonous beeping. Further away: the faint squeak of shoes, a squeaky wheel on a cart, the ding of an elevator. Suddenly, quite close: the scrape of a book page turning. 
Someone was with him here in… wherever this was.
The realization that he actually had no idea where he was hit Taemin like a bolt of lightning. The rest of the switches in his brain began to turn on en masse, scrambling to piece together the clues his body had gathered. His working memory was still foggy; there was nothing before this moment right now. 
And Taemin hadn’t even opened his eyes to see where now was. 
He didn’t even realize he’d made a noise of distress until he felt the surface he was lying on (soft, yet foreign; recognizable, but not somewhere he’d been before,) dip beneath him. A warm body pressed against his back, arms embracing him. 
“It’s okay, Taeminnie.” All of the tension evaporated out of Taemin’s body at Minho’s voice. “You’re okay, buddy.”
Taemin had so many things to ask, so many gaps his brain couldn’t fill. All that came out of his throat was another sound, somewhere between a whine and a sigh, as he dropped his head back to meet Minho’s shoulder. He had yet to open his eyes.  
Minho’s hold around him tightened just enough. “I know, I know, you’re confused. Probably overwhelmed.” Taemin nodded ever so slightly. “You’re exhausted, Taem. You collapsed after our concert. You’re in the hospital right now.” 
“N-no, I…” Taemin’s voice was soft, raspy with disuse, distracted, “remember the stage…”
“Yeah, you performed like a fucking beast on that stage.” Minho chuckled softly. “But now you are in the hospital. The good news is that all your tests came back normal. You’re just really, really tired, and your body demanded a break. So we’re gonna make sure you get it.” 
Taemin cracked his eyes open. He had to blink a few times to see clearly, and as soon as he could do that, he squirmed and shifted his body to see Minho face to face. “Break?”
Minho smiled. His smile looked a lot like home to Taemin. “I know, a foreign concept, huh?” His hand carded lazily through Taemin’s hair. That felt like home too. “The better news is that as soon as the doctor clears you, you get to go rest back at home. We’ve set up a rotation so you don’t have to be there alone, and so you can’t sneak back to work too fast.”
Taemin blinked. “When will they clear me?” 
“They said whenever you woke up we could press the button.”
Taemin considered that answer. “Can we cuddle here a bit more first?”
Somehow, the smile on Minho’s face grew even warmer. “Of course we can, love. Of course we can.”
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cuddlepilefics · 10 months
Sprained ankle (short)
Fandom: Shinee/SuperM
Sickie: Taemin
Caregivers: Minho & Jongin
No one’s POV.:
How long had they been practicing? Taemin didn’t know, couldn’t possibly remember. Since all their groups had different schedules, him, Baekhyun and Jongin hadn’t been able to practice with the other SuperM members. While Baekhyun was away on solo promotions, Taemin and Jongin tried to catch up to what they had missed. They had recording sessions, squeezed in between their individual schedules and earlier that week, a choreographer had taught them the new dances, well aware that the two could practice by themselves after being shown the choreography. He also gave them a recording, so they could watch and teach themselves whenever they got the opportunity to.
Taemin and Jongin had met up outside their official schedule almost every night to practice the new choreographies. They were the main dancers of their individual groups, so they had a reputation to uphold and if that meant sacrificing their sleep in order to perfect their dancing, so be it. Taemin’s head ached from the lack of sleep and he had seen Jongin down two painkillers earlier too, though the younger didn’t mention what was bothering him. The endless hours of additional dance practice left them both incredibly sore and their groups had already started go worry, though they knew that sometimes this hard work was what it took to achieve their success.
Having completely switched to auto-pilot, Taemin executed the moves from muscle memory, his mind blank. It seemed like he was looking at himself in the large mirror to monitor his dancing but he wasn’t actually aware of what he saw or did. Only an intense pain shooting up his leg and his vision tilting sideways brought Taemin back to focus, though not in time to catch himself. “Shit! Are you okay, hyung?”, Jongin gasped, dropping into a crouch next to his friend. Gritting his teeth as he sat up, Taemin forced out: “Ugh, yeah. Think so.” The younger offered Taemin a hand and pulled him up, only for him to stumble immediately.
“Fuck!”, Taemin hissed, clinging to Jongin’s shoulder for support, “I hurt my ankle. Just realized when I tried to put weight on it.” Suppressing a curse of his own, Jongin helped the older limp over to their bags where he sat down and dropped his aching head back against the wall. While Taemin dried his face and started to unlace his shoe, Jongin offered: “Do you want me to call anyone? Any of your members or your manager?” – “None of the members”, the other groaned, studying the already developing bruise around his ankle, “I hope they’re asleep ‘cause our schedules have been tough. Maybe my manager or one of the company drivers? It’s already starting to swell, so I should probably get it looked at maybe have an x-ray taken.” – “I’ll call your manager”, Jongin nodded sympathetically, “He can take you to the hospital and adjust your schedules depending on the diagnosis.”
While they waited for Taemin’s manager to come and pick him up, Jongin got a bottle of ice cold water from a vending machine and poured it onto his friend’s towel before carefully draping the cold fabric around his ankle, hoping to dull the pain a little. “Thanks”, Taemin panted, “I’ll text you once I know how serious it is. Hope it’s just a sprain.” Jongin hummed in agreement, contemplating whether he should continue practicing on his own or call it a day to avoid injuring himself due to his exhaustion.
When Taemin had left with his manager, Jongin took a bathroom break to make up his mind and assess just how bad his exhaustion was. On his way back to the practice room, he ran into Minho, the older not yet having headed home. Jongin quickly told Minho about the accident and the other advised him not to keep practicing or else he might hurt himself too. Once they parted, Minho called their manager and agreed to meet them at the hospital.
Surprisingly, the waiting area wasn’t as packed as Minho had feared it’d be and he joined their manager, taking a seat in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs. There were no updates yet but they distracted themselves from the wait by discussing the possible changes that could be made to the groups schedule to accommodate Taemin’s recovery. Eventually, Minho looked up to see his dongsaeng hobbling towards them on crutches.
“Just a sprain”, Taemin announced with a tired smile, “What are you doing here, hyung?” – “I ran into Jongin and he told me what happened, so I wanted to see how you’re doing and if you need help”, Minho explained, “If you want, you can stay with me for a couple of days. I can help you out while you’re on crutches.” The younger felt the need to refuse, not wanting to burden his hyung but he was also exhausted to the bone and tired of being alone. It was especially at times of overlapping schedules and physical injuries that his mind questioned why he was doing this to himself and if it was the right path. Maybe he’d go with Minho, if just for the company and comfort he provided.
“’m so glad they gave me something for the pain”, Taemin yawned as they got into the car, “I can still feel it pulsing but my head feels better.” – “What about your head? You didn’t hit it when you fell, did you?”, Minho frowned worriedly. The younger shook his head before resting it on Minho’s shoulder, breathing: “My head was killing me earlier. Probably why I didn’t pay attention and tripped myself in the first place. The headache’s gone now though.” – “You’re unbelievable “, the older sighed, “You should’ve rested before it reached that point, you fool.” A sleepy smile played across Taemin’s face because he could hear the fondness in the other’s voice despite the scolding.
Taemin must have fallen asleep on Minho’s shoulder somewhere along the way because the next thing he knew was his hyung shaking him, encouraging: “Come on. Let’s get you upstairs and I’ll fetch you an icepack for your ankle before you’re going to sleep. Can’t let your exhaustion make you even clumsier and get you into more trouble.”
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tum-like-oxygen · 4 years
I want you do depend on me. Part II
Hi my name is mel and I like to draw out nausea as much as possible. Sorry this is long as fuck bit I die for this scenerio. This is such a guilty pleasure for me this was also done on my phone so excuse any errors please.
Tw here and in tags for emeto (vomit) and general stuffed upset belly and sickness. This is make x male also. Shipping is highly implied. If that's not your thing please click back.
Minho moaned as Taemin's hand massaged his sloshing belly. The pangs of nausea came strong in waves. He didn't care that Taemin saw him like this, his troubled tummy was in need of soothing more than his pride. "Urrp... Hurk* "oohhhhh" swallowing hard, his cheeks grew hot and rosey. "s...sorry. my tummy is really upset.." Taemin shook his head. "It's alright hyung, I'm sorry you don't feel good. I'll be here to take care of you until you want me to go."
"Don't.." Taemin's eyes widened as his hyung touched his arm with his strong hands. Was he wanting him to stay? "Stay with me... Please. Don't go." Minho was never one to show weakness. "Hyung... Are... Are you sure .. I'll go get my sleeping bag." Minho shook his head, becoming more overwhelmed by nausea each moment he was only able to utter "no... Bed" his breathing became more shallow, worrying Taemin. He looked so sick. He brushed some of Minho's hair off of his forehead, that was now seeping with sweat.
The gurgles coming out of Minho's insides began to grow more violently audible. He could feel the saliva pool under his tounge, face distorting with discomfort. He knew no matter how long he nursed his upset tummy, he wasn't going to be able to keep his massive meal down. Shifting on the bed with a bit of difficulty, his stuffed tummy jiggled, basing a sickly burp to escape. He covered his mouth. "m..Minnie.." he swallowed hard, and layed his head against the headrest. "I'm going to be sick...."
Panicking for a moment Taemin stuttered. "d..do you need to go to the bathroom now, just in case? Can you get up?" Minho shook his head "Tummy hurts to much. I'm really nauseated but I don't think it's ready to come up... Please just rub my belly.."
Taemin nodded. "Here move up a little" he positioned himself behind Minho and wrapped his hands around to reach his bloated belly. He caressed the sides, and then began to rub in circles above his belly button. "You don't have to hide how sick you feel. You don't need to be strong around me... After all I love your soft side. " Shocked that he had said that, he blushed, hoping Minho was too fixated on keeping his food down.
Before he could respond Minho doubled over in pain. "Oooh... My tummy..." His stomach lurched. Instead of gagging he let forth a few deep wet burps. He got up and quickly walked to the bathroom. Shakily, he knelt in front of the toilet rubbing his belly. Nothing came up but gags and burps. A delicate hand touched his back. "Minnie... My tummy was upset before the eating contest. *Hurk* I... I don't want you to get sick ..." He spat into the bowl, his saliva becoming more frequent. "I just .. didn't want to lose . "
"Why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling good?" Taemin pressed with a bit more force into the rappers bloated stomach. Minho spat again, panting. He regretted agreeing to an eating contest. When he woke up he had an upset bubbling tummy, but shook it off as nerves for the audition be had that morning. Clearly it was a bug of sorts and he he had overfilled it to the point of misery. He could taste the spicy kimchi and savory japchae with each wet belch he brought up into the toilet. His vision blurred. Surely he had a fever. He was soaked in his own sweat.
After an hour of queasy burps and retching in vain, it was now 2 am. Taemin was worried to the point he himself wanted to throw up. He loved Minho and this was torture to see him so helpless. Minho's head rested against the back of the bathtub as he held his belly, burping sickly into his hand. "oooh.... I need to throw up..." Minho shut his eyes and rubbed his sick overfilled gut. He was sweating, but felt cold somehow. He didn't want to stand. Breathing heavily he reached his hand towards Taemin. "C..can you help me to bed?"
Back in bed, Taemin brought Minho some comfy loose pajama pants and a tank top that was a bit baggy. Ringing the excess water out of a rag he placed it on Minho's head as he took his temperature. "102.8.... you're definately sick. Let's try to get some rest."
Taemin changed into his pajamas, brushed his teeth, and got the rapper some Pepto and a glass of water. He brought along a sick bowl just in case. "Here" he handed Minho the pink liquid. "this should settle your angry tummy." Hesitantly taking the cup, he rank the foul liquid, it was enough to make him lose his stomach all over the bed with it's sweet taste, but he regained composure and took a sip of water. "Thanks Minnie... I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning."
Minho had no idea how wrong he was. Taemin stayed up as much as he could to rub the loud gurgling belly next to him. Every time Minho moaned he tried his best to comfort his sick stomach. Minho finally drifted to sleep, cradling his belly while Taemin rubbed it.
From the sounds inside his belly, this wasn't going to end tomorrow.
To be continued.
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shinee-fictions · 5 years
soup is for losers - lee taemin
taemin/reader fluff/drabble 577 words
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Taemin is not one to get sick very often.
To specify, Taemin does not get the type of sick where he has to be on bed rest for the entire day. Sure, there was a fever or a sore throat here and there; but Taemin is very picky on what qualifies as ‘sick’ in his book.
Today, he was sick.
“I’m not hungry,” he whines, wiping sweat off of his forehead with a cough. You stand over him by the bed, arms crossed after having asked him what he wanted for lunch. “I’m just gonna throw it back up anyway, so what’s the point?”
With a sigh, you fight back. “The point is you have to eat something so you can get better.”
Taemin groans much like a five-year-old and rolls over on his side toward you. He doesn’t want to do anything you suggest, no matter how many times you’ve gotten a sickness of this caliber. 
“You don’t want to eat, you don’t want your medicine, you don’t want to shower.” You emphasize the last word because Taemin is sweating all over the sheets and all you can think about is how you have to wash that damp cloth once he’s recovered. Fighting a laugh, the personified pain in your neck gives you a look that has ‘guilty as charged’ plastered all over it. “What do you want?”
Taemin perks up immediately. “You!”
“Nice try,” you snort, “but you’re not getting any mouth kisses when you’re in a constant state of having to puke.”
With this, Taemin pouts and you know he wants to ask you what the point was in asking. At this moment, you think that the only perk that comes with Taemin hating the doctor’s office is that you get to be the boss of him. Mostly because he’s so lightheaded from the virus coupled with the fact that he refuses to eat that he can’t stand up on his own without feeling dizzy and falling back onto the nearest support.
There is a moment of silence between the two of you before you chime once more, “If you have soup, you won’t throw it up.” This earns an exaggerated groan from the pile of germs on your bed, and you throw your hands in front of you defensively as he buries his head under the pillows. “I’m just saying!”
“Why can’t you just be my girlfriend instead of my mom?” Taemin complains, muffled and small.
“Why can’t you just be my boyfriend instead of a big baby?” You spit back playfully, plopping down on the mattress beside him, a hand coming down to pat his side. “Listen, I’ve got some soup on the stove that I just finished. I can heat it up and you don’t even have to finish it as long as you have at least half of it.”
Taemin peeks out from under the pillows. “So you asking me what I wanted for lunch was—“
“Just to see you act like a baby,” you giggle, crouching down to his line of sight and matting his hair back. “It’s not every day I get to see the Taemin whining and helpless.”
He scoffed, “You’re gonna miss me when I’m in boot camp.”
“I’ll deal with that when the time comes, honey. Scooch.”
Almost immediately, he squirms over to give you space as you climb into bed beside him atop the covers. “I’ll be the big spoon.”
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kpopsickiess · 2 years
Sickie: Lucas
Caretaker: Superm
(Set before Superm's debut) 
Lucas p.o.v 
There was a nervous and excited energy in the dorm. Me, Ten, Mark, and Taeyong were all waiting for the other three members of Superm. I knew I for one, was excited, and a bit nervous to be part of a group with some of the most respected artists in kpop. The four nct members hadn't had any schedules that day so we were able to move into the dorm before the others even got there.  
The nerves grew when I heard the front (and only) door of the dorm open. I jumped off of the bed I already claimed, and rushed to the front living area. In the doorway, dragging a suitcase behind them, was Kai and Baekyun. Taeyong was introducing himself, and then helping them with their suitcases. I went over, "hi, I'm Lucas'' I bowed at 90⁰ "hi Lucas, in Baekhyun, and this is Jongin'' 
"Nice to meet you Baekhyun sunbaenim. Baekyun smiled and shook his head. "Please, call me hyung, sunbaenim makes me feel old" 
"Yeah, same here," Kai said. 
The four nct members introduced themselves, and helped the exo sunbaenims unpack their belongings. I ended up helping Kai, and Mark, uncharacteristically shy,  followed behind me. 
"So, how are you guys feeling about the Superm project?" Jongin asked. Mark seemed too starstruck to even form a proper sentence, so I answered. "excited! It'll be really fun to spend time with other artists from the same company. What about you?" 
"I'm excited! I already know Baekhyun hyung because we're in a group together, and then Taemin and I know each other pretty well too. But, I don't really know you guys, so I'm excited to get to know you better" I nodded, unable to fight a smile.
There was a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in!" The door opened, and Then was standing on the other side. "Do you guys mind if I hang out in here? Baekyun and Taeyong hyung are being all mature and leadery." Jongin laughed, "Baekyun's just showing off, he's really a big dork. But yeah, you can hang out with us". Ten smiled and sat down on the floor next to us. Jongin smiled, "you guys can sit on the bed, I'm sure it's more comfortable than the floor" he smiled, I couldn't believe this is the same person that literally is the dance machine, with unmatched stage presence. To be honest he more reminds me of a giant teddy bear. I stood up and climbed onto the bed, flopping down. "Hyung you were right! It is more comfortable!" 
A couple of minutes later, the front door opened again, Mark and Ten both jumped out and left the room. I looked at Jongin, "are you gonna go?" 
"Nah, I'm gonna stay and finish unpacking, do you want to help me?" 
"Sure!" He waved me down from the bed. We started unpacking when Baekyun poked his head in, "Taemin hyung is here!" 
"Yep, we heard, but I wanted to get unpacked" 
"So you held Lucas hostage?" 
"Yes, I am a hostage" I dramatically pretended to faint. Both of them laughed. "Well when you can escape go ahead and introduce yourself, he's in the next room over." 
"Did he bring Tux?" Why would he bring a Tux? "Yep! Ten is playing with him in the living room" ok, so, Tux is like a living thing I guess. "Who's Tux?" I asked the older two. "He's Taemin's new kitten, only a few weeks old." 
"Aww! Cute!" I hoped the excitement I displayed could mask the genuine concern I felt. Sure, cats are cute, but cuteness doesn't stop them from setting my allergies off. 
There was a knock on the door. Taemin sunbaenim was standing in the doorway, an adorable black kitten with white ears in his hands. "guys look how cute he is" 
"Aww!" Jongin said, standing up and taking the kitten out of Taemin's arms. "Wow Jonginnie, no hi for me?" He said, pouting after. I laughed softly, but was sitting on the floor, feeling a bit awkward. 
"Hi Minnie" Jongin said, barely looking up from the kitten, Taemin rolled his eyes, and then it seemed like he finally noticed me sitting on the floor. He came over and sat next to me. "Lucas right?" I nodded, he smiled. "I'm Taemin'' I bowed, even though I was still sitting. "Nice to meet you Taemin sunbaenim" he laughed softly. "hyung is fine Lucas' ' I nodded, feeling a bit starstruck. Jongin sat down next to us. Baekyun explained he was going to go help Taeyong with dinner, before leaving. I waved at him, but the others were too fascinated by the cute kitten. 
"How'd you get the kitten away from Ten?" Taemin laughed, "it wasn't easy, but then Taeyong told him to give me my cat back, and I think that Ten is now complaining to Taeyong about not being allowed to have his cats over here" I laughed "sounds like Ten" 
Ten had spent most of last night and this morning begging Taeyong to let him have his cats here. But Taeyong rejected, under the claims that he wasn't sure everyone would be okay with having cats in the dorm. In reality I knew it had more to do with me being allergic, but really only Taeyong knew that, and I had asked him to not tell people because I didn't want them to feel like they couldn't have cats in the dorm. I mean, I'm fine, I just can't play with them. Or be in the room with one for a long time. 
"Lucas?" Taemin's voice brought me back to the present. I looked at him. "Do you want to hold him?" He asked, pointing at the kitten curled up on his lap. I shrugged. I didn't want to flat out reject them, because I was worried about being seen as rude.  Jongin held out Tux to me. "C'mon Lucas" I nervously looked around the room, trying to figure out what to do. 
"Lucas, you don't have to if you don't want to" Taemin said, sensing I was uneasy.  "Are you scared of cats?" Jongin asked, petting the kitten and cuddling it closer to him. I could see cat hairs floating in the air as he did so. I took a breath in, my nose tickled badly. I rubbed my nose and ducked towards my shoulder. I held my breath, trying to keep myself from sneezing. Knowing how quite loud my sneezes are. 
The door opened, "hyungs! Lucas! dinner's ready" Taeyong said, the others stood up, and left, Taemin took Tux with him.
"Yes, h-HeTCHU- HhTCHuh- HHkktCHU" 
"Bless you, please tell me you didn't hold the cat"  
"I didn't, I know better than that" I rubbed my nose. "Lucas, I feel like you shouldn't be living in a house with a cat, your allergies will kill you" 
"I'll be okay hyung, I just have to n-hhtCHU haaTChhU- nnKtCHU- *snff* not pet it, and like, wash my hands." 
"Lucas, did you pet the cat?" 
"And yet you're already sneezing"
"I'm alright hyung, did you say food is ready?" 
"Yes, c'mon, they're waiting for us" 
The two of us moved to the kitchen/living room area. The other five members were (very loudly) talking while eating. Tux wandered around the table. "Where've you guys been?" Mark asked. "We were talking," Taeyong explained, sitting down between Taemin and Mark. I sat on the other side between Kai and Ten. And it was like being in between two cat hair pillows. Both of their clothing was covered in the black and white fur from the kitten. My nose began tickling within the first ten minutes of dinner. I rubbed at my nose, I felt a kick on my lower leg, I looked over and saw Taeyong was staring at me, a look of concern plastered on his face. 
I rubbed at my nose again, I needed to sneeze, but with people on both sides of me, I couldn't turn away, so I buried my face in my arm, and directed my head towards the ground. "HhtcHU- atCHhu- hht-CHuH- nnKtCHU- hHngtcHHU" 
"Bless you" the others said, Jongin patted my back when I sat up. "Are you okay?" He asked softly, not allowing the others to hear. I nodded, rubbing at my itchy nose. 
Once dinner ended Taeyong and Baekyun said that they're going to talk about planning and 'leader stuff' . Tasking me and Kai to do dishes. Ten, Mark, and Taemin took Tux to the living room and began playing with him. 
"Lucas, are you okay?" Kai asked once it was just the two of us in the kitchen. "Yes" almost instantly after I felt the need to sneeze. I turned away from him. "HhTChu- HHH-HitCHU- HHNgtcHHU" 
"Are you sure you're okay?"   I blushed when he pressed his hand to my forehead. "Hyung I'm serious, I'm okay" 
"Well you don't have a fever, do you have hay fever?" I shook my head, feeling a bit self-conscious at how much the older one was worried. I began working on the dishes, hoping that Kai would drop the topic. Thankfully he did, and the two of us finished the dishes and went out to the living room where Ten, Mark, and Taemin were playing with the cat. 
"Hey guys!" Mark said, smiling at us when we came in. Kai ultimately ignored the comment and went straight to the kitten on the floor.  Taemin smacked him on the back of his head. "Jongin! Don't ignore them"
"I wasn't!!!" He said, indignation in his tone, as he pouted in an adorable way. The five of us sat together on the floor. I sat a few steps away from the others. Taemin seemed to think I was shy, because he smiled at me and grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to the others. Taemin passed me a small feather object. "He really likes this toy" I waved it around, and the kitten's ears perked up, "so cute" I said quietly, smiling softly at the cute kitten. I continued to wave the toy around, while the kitten batted at it. I couldn't help but coo at how cute the little baby was. "Isn't he cute Lucas?" Taemin hyung said smiling, gently petting the little kitten "he really is!" 
"Do you wanna hold him?" I hesitated, trying to think of the best way to avoid it, without straight out saying no. "I'd rather just play with him" I waved the toy around some more. At one point I waved it around, and Tux seemed to be so interested in the toy, that he hopped into my lap. "Oh! Hello Tux" I leaned my face away from the kitten. I pet him, and set him on the ground gently. I felt my nose twitch, and I quickly turned away from the others. "HhtcHU- aHhtchU- iiTCHuU" Tux mewled, startled by my loud sneezes. "sorry" I said, more to Tux than anyone else. "Bless you" three of them said, but Jongin said nothing and instead looked quite concerned. 
A few minutes later Taeyong and Baekyun came in. Taeyong went over to pet Tux. "He's so cute!"  he cooed while cuddling the precious kitten. "See hyung, I could have brought my cats!!" Ten said, a strong tone of indignation in his voice. Taeyong gave him a pointed look, but didn't say anything. 
It seemed Ten's comment brought Taeyong back to being a leader, because he moved back from the cat, and with a quick "I'll be right back" left the room. 
Kai p.o.v
I honestly don't know if I was more curious or just bored, but I decided I was going to follow Taeyong and see what he was doing. The first thing he did was wash his hands. And then he went to his bag and took a small bottle of pills out. I noticed the side had Lucas scrawled across in messy handwriting. He shook a few out, and then went back to the kitchen, grabbed a cup of water and set the pills and water on the table. My eyes traced him as he went back to the living room. He then sat down next to Lucas, and whispered something to him, who nodded and stood up. "I'll be right back" he said before coming back into the kitchen, where I had moved to, and stood by the counter. He took the pills and swallowed them. Cringing slightly as he did so. "Is everything okay?" I asked him, he flinched at my voice. "Geez hyung you scared me" I walked over to him, and ruffled his hair. He whined softly and rolled his eyes, smoothing his hair. I noticed how red his eyes were, and was even more concerned than before. "Are you okay Lucas?" 
"Yep!" I gave him a skeptical look. "What's the pill for? Are you sick?" He smiled and shook his head. "It's for my all-hh-ergies" he said, sneezing twice after. And then taking a napkin from the center of the table and blowing his nose. 
As soon as he said allergies, the pieces clicked together in my head. The sneezing, the not wanting to hold Tux, sneezing right after he jumped into Lucas's lap, the red eyes, the fact that Taeyong wouldn't let Ten have his cats in the dorm. "You're allergic to cats!" Lucas shrugged, "only a little bit, but the pill should help" 
"LUCAS!! Why didn't you say anything!? I've been smothering you with Tux for the last three hours" 
"Hyung! It's okay, my allergy is really mild. Taeyong is just worried about me" I didn't fully believe him, considering the fact that he had not even really pet Tux until like 15 minutes ago, and yet, he'd been sneezing all evening. "Are you sure?" He nodded, but contradicted his own statement when immediately after he sneezed twice. His sneezes had gotten quieter throughout the day. I assumed it was because his body was getting tired. My theory was proven true when he yawned right after. "Sorry, benadryl always makes me super tired" he yawned again, and rubbed at his nose. His eyes were still a shockingly bright red. The two of us went back out to the living room. I sat down on the couch. Which I knew would be fairly safe from Tux, because Taemin didn't allow him on the furniture. Then I grabbed Lucas's arm and pulled him to sit next to me. "Do you guys want to sit down here and play with Tux?" Ten asked, allowing the kitten to nibble on his fingers. "No, I already have gotten time with him because Taemin introduced me when he first adopted Tux."
"What about you Lucas?" Baekyun asked, wanting to make sure Lucas wasn't left out. "I'm good. I'll sit with Jongin hyung" 
"You don't have to," Baekyun said, intentionally making it seem like sitting next to me was a punishment. Lucas laughed, "yeah, but I want to" he threw a cheeky smirk in my direction. "He's kinda growing on me" I rolled my eyes, but I still couldn't help but smile. I was glad the nct members were warming up to us so easily. 
Lucas seemed to be fading fast. The Benadryl also seemed to be taking effect, he had only sneezed twice since we returned from the kitchen. Which received a wave of blessings, and a concerned look from Taeyong. But it also really did seem to be making him tired. It was only 9:30 when Lucas stood up. "I'm going to shower and get ready for bed" he punctuated the sentence with a yawn. "Already?" Mark and Ten said at the same time, both looking shocked. "You never go to bed this early," he nodded, yawning again. "Yeah, I know. I'm just really tired today" he stood up, and started walking towards the bathroom, when he stopped in the doorway, and braced himself against the wall. "hhhUTCHi- HHNgtcHHU- hTChU" he shook his head, and continued walking like nothing even happened. 
Baekhyun p.o.v 
My eyes followed Lucas as he left the room. I had grown more and more concerned about him throughout the day. "Hey, Taeyong?" Taemin spoke up. Taeyong looked at him. "Is Lucas sick?" Everyone looked at Taeyong, he looked a bit unsure of how to respond. After a few moments of silence, "no, he's not sick" 
"Then is he allergic to something? He's been sneezing all evening" I asked Taeyong. Mark chipped in with "yeah, I was kinda concerned too, I've literally never heard Lucas sneeze before." 
Ten chimed in with "I've heard him sneeze maybe once or twice, never this much." Everyone looked at Taeyong, but I looked towards Jongin, who had been suspiciously quiet throughout the whole thing. "Tux" was all Taeyong said, pulling my eyes away from Jongin and towards him. "What about Tux?" Taemin asked, picking up said kitten and putting him in his lap. "Lucas is allergic to cats" Jongin spoke for the first time since Lucas had left. Everyone looked over at Taeyong, who nodded. 
"Why didn't he say anything?" Taemin asked. Meanwhile Ten and Mark both were pretty much frozen in shock. "We have cats in the Wayv dorms" was all Ten said, a guilty expression plastered on his face. "Lucas did tell me his allergy was minor" Jongin said, suddenly looking towards the bathroom when a faint sneezing fit could be heard from Lucas. "It's not deadly, but I wouldn't say it's 'minor' either" Taemin looked very guilty. "I'm sorry" 
"It's okay hyung" Taeyong smiled at him. "You didn't know, it's not your fault" "I just feel bad for causing him to suffer." 
"Hey, don't feel bad, I've been in his groups for years and I didn't even know," Ten said, sounding guilty. "It's okay guys, Lucas didn't exactly want you guys to know"  
Just then a loud sneeze was heard from the other side of the door. And then Lucas walked in. His hair was wet and he was wearing pajama pants and no shirt, a towel wrapped around his shoulders. "You'll catch a cold like that," Baekyun says, looking at the younger one. Lucas nodded and sat back down on the couch. "I thought you were going to bed" Mark said, picking the kitten up, then looked over at Lucas and set it back down. "Yeah, I got bored, and I could hear you guys talking so I just came back out" 
"We can quiet down if you want to sleep" Taemin said, I assumed he was feeling pretty guilty. "It's alright hyung" he moved from the couch and sat down on the floor. And reached out his hand towards Tux. "Here kitty kitty kitty" Tux's ears perked up, and he moved towards Lucas, when suddenly Taemin picked him up. "No no Tux, stay with your dad" 
"Aww hyung, I was trying to play with him"
"No Lucas, you just showered and got all the cat hair off of you, I can't have you having another reaction" he looked towards Taeyong. Taeyong held his hands out in surrender "technically, I didn't tell them, Jongin hyung did" he looked over at Kai, who shrugged. "Guys, it's very minor. It's more of a sensitivity than an allergy" he said with a shrug. "Lucas" Taeyong said, clearly going to contradict the younger, when Lucas held his hand up and buried his face in his elbow "hhhTCH-iu hhhAtChu hht-CHuH- nnKtCHU-"  
"Bless you" Lucas nodded, keeping his arm pressed into his elbow. "C-can one of you guys get me a tissue?" he nervously asked. Taemin stood up, and went to the kitchen, coming back a moment later with a box of tissues. Lucas thanked him, as his breath hitched and he sneezed again. He took a few tissues out of the box, and used the tissues to clean the inside of his arm off, and then he blew his nose. I cringed at the productiveness. 
"Lucas, are you okay" Mark asked, looking seriously concerned for his friend. Lucas nodded, rubbing at his nose. "Taemin, you should put Tux in your room, then everyone should shower, and get changed, then wash the clothes they're wearing now -bless you- Then we need to vaccum. Like the whole house." Taeyong explained. "Lucas, I think you should shower again, are there any rooms the cat hasn't been in?" He asked, the question directed more at Taemin and Ten. "Uh… Lucas and Ten's I think" Taemin said, but taking one look at the guilty look at Ten's face, I assumed that wasn't accurate. "How about the bathroom?" Mark suggested. "You're banishing me to the bathroom while we clean the whole house?" 
"Yep!" Jongin and Taeyong said together, Lucas huffed, and then sneezed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand, "can we do it in the morning? The Benadryl is making me really tired" he yawned. 
I walked towards the couch and sat next to the younger. "Buddy, it might be better to just get it over with, if we wait until tomorrow you'll be sneezing all night" Taeyong came and sat down on the other side of him, "Lucas, if you sleep in your room where the cat has been, you could very likely not be able to breathe" 
"I want to go to bed" he said, letting his head drop onto my shoulder. "Sleep in the bathtub" was Mark's (very helpful) suggestion. "Honestly, I'm tired enough I p-hhTCHu- hiTCHhu- *snff* probably could." He laughed softly, and took another tissue out and blew his nose. Lucas displayed no signs of wanting to move. But the other five, (I currently had a six foot tall baby taking a nap on my lap) began cleaning, Tux was moved up to Taemin's room. Taeyong and Ten went to Lucas's room, wanting it cleaned first. Lucas, did not end up sleeping in the bathroom, he instead ended up sleeping on my lap in the couch. The younger fell asleep within five minutes of laying down, the congested, (fairly loud) snoring, signified that. 
~~~~~the next day~~~~
Lucas p.o.v
The next morning I woke up in my bed, wearing a shirt that didn't belong to me. My nose was so stuffed up that I could barely even breathe. I sat up in bed, seeing that Ten was still asleep, I quietly moved out the door to the living room, where I saw Jogin and Taemin, sitting together on the couch. "Good morning hyungs" 
"Good morning Lucas, you feeling better?" I blushed and nodded. "Also, don't worry about Tux, Kibum hyung will be here within an hour or so to pick him up" 
"But hyung!! I'll be okay!!" 
"Lucas you spent like 5 hours sneezing your head off, and your face is still swollen this morning"  
"Guys, I'll be okay, I just have to wash my hands more and take Benadryl every morning" 
"No, hyung I'm serious, I know you guys love having Tux here, and like, I'm fine. But maybe don't let him in my room" 
"We can discuss this once everyone is up, but I'm not sure about that" 
Once everyone was up we sat at the table, eating breakfast. "So, hyungs.. and Mark, I know you guys want to get the cat out of the dorm because I'm allergic, but I'd like to make a proposition, I say we keep the cat-" 
"Lucas "
"No, please let me finish, so we keep the cat, but only in the bedrooms, except for mine, and like, maybe, if you'd be okay with it, maybe not in the living room. And! I'll switch rooms so that Ten can have a room with a cat" 
"I'm dead serious " the room went quiet. "Are you sure?" 
"Yes" Taeyong looked unsure, but eventually turned to the rest of us. "If we decide to do this, we also need to wash our hands, and when we can, change our clothes when we're around Lucas" 
"Hyung, that's going a bit overkill" I was embarrassed, but Baekyun shook his head. "No, no it's not" 
And, apparently, they really did agree on that, because for the rest of the time in the Superm dorm, I think I sneezed maybe three times. 
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kpopsickies · 2 years
The Taekai fic I wrote in 10th grade (but better)
(originally this fic was a exo/shinee crossover but superm has since then become a thing, so I changed it a bit to be just kept within the realms of superm)
sickie: Taemin
caregiver: (mainly) Kai (minor) Lucas
(not really a tw but germaphobic Lucas)
Taemin p.o.v
“can you just like, not breathe until I leave” Lucas says standing in the doorway of the room. “wow, thank you so much for your sympathy” I said rolling my eyes, but smiling “yeah no problem hyung” he says as he goes to the shared closet and takes a hoodie “why are you even here? I thought you guys went to the studio”
“they did, I was staying to hang out with you, I didn’t know you were sick”
“neither did I, I felt fine last night”
“maybe it’s a fast moving virus and you’ll be better by tomorrow”
“I sure h-h--etshu-hheshu-etesshu-I sure hope so” I said clearing my throat, which had adopted the feeling of eating nails. Lucas cringed, but I could see the sympathy in his eyes. “do you want me to call your boyfriend?”
“No, I’ll just wait for him to get back” He gave me a skeptical look. “alright. You should rest, you don’t want to get worse” He gave me a sympathetic smile, turning to a grimace when I coughed. “hyung, you should really cover your mouth” he said, sounding a bit nervous. I felt bad for my younger member, he clearly wanted to be helpful and I could tell he wasn’t trying to be harsh, I also knew that he’s always been a bit cautious and even nervous around people when they are sick. I apologized to the younger and gave him a reassuring smile, which he returned. “I’m sorry that you don’t feel good hyung, do you need anything?” I thought for a second. “can you grab the box of tissues from the bathroom?” he nodded and left the room, returning a moment later, tissue box in one hand, a flu pill and water bottle in the other. He moved towards the bed, sensing his nervousness I scooted over to the other side of the bed and turned away from him. He set the things down. “take the medicine and get some sleep” 
“thanks Lucas”
“no problem hyung” 
Kai p.o.v 
Taeyong, Ten and I were working on the choreography (kind of, actually it was a lot more of just messing around) Mark and Baekyun sat in the corner. Originally i think they had been taking notes on the choreography, but now they had turned their notes into paper airplanes, which kept flying over our heads, occasionally hitting one of us. There was a playful aura in the room. We didn’t have any schedules, and our comeback was still a few months away, currently we were just spending time (supposedly) getting some work done. The one, well actually two, things missing were my boyfriend and my “brother” they had stayed at the dorms. Taemin had still been asleep, and Lucas said he wanted some “dad and son bonding time” I brushed my sweaty bangs off of my face. “I’m gonna call Tae and Lucas and find out if they want to come hang out” 
“tell them to bring food when they come” Baekyun says as he lazily flicks an airplane across the room, where it hits Ten in the back of his head. Who lets out an annoyed noise. Taeyong and Mark both laugh at him. I find myself laughing at their antics as I go over to my bag and pull my phone out. My brow creasing in concern when I see a text from Lucas. “your boyfriend is sick. He doesn’t know I texted you. He said he was fine” I felt bad for not noticing the older being sick. I was in bed with him all last night, how had I not noticed?
“hey guys” they all looked over at me “Lucas just texted me, Taeminnie is sick. I’m gonna go take care of him” with just those words I watched Taeyong go full leader mode. “oh shit. text Lucas and tell him he can come here and that you are on your way” he didn’t sound panicked or stressed, but he did sound very concerned. I passed the information on over text.  “is everything okay?” I asked noticing how the three nct members all had nervous looks. “Lucas has always been super nervous about germs. It stresses him out when others, or himself are sick” 
“poor kid. I’m gonna head out, see you guys this evening” they all waved and said various forms of byes. 
Taemin p.o.v
“hey hyung, I texted Jongin hyung, he’s on his way home. I know you old be no to call him, but I can see you don’t feel at all, and I know I’m not being helpful”
“don’t stress it bud, it’s ok. You do what you need to do. If you want to head to the s-stud-iheh-dio with the others that’s f-fineh-heh” I stuttered between hitching breaths. I burried my nose into the crook of my arm and sneezed three times. Lucas cringed a bit, but not as much a before. “bless you” I smiled and thanked him, taking a tissue to blow my nose. I heard the front door open. “Looks like you’re free to go”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t more helpful”
“I’m serious Lucas, it’s fine, don’t worry.” 
“Feel better hyung”
“I will, thanks bud” He smiled and left. 
Kai p.o.v 
I had barely even gotten in the door before Lucas came downstairs, he had a mask on and went to wash his hands. I stood in the door of the bathroom. “hey kid” 
“I’m not a kid” I saw him roll his eyes through the mirror. I laughed and ruffled his hair. “How’s the sickie?”
“am I wrong?”
“technically, no” He laughed drying his hands on a towel, he headed towards his room where he changed. “are you going to head to the studio?”
“If you don’t mind, I think I will”
“That’s fine, I also am curious, do you know how long Min’s been feeling sick?”
“he said he felt fine yesterday, but I did notice that last night he looked a bit pale”
“He did fall asleep really early” I said out loud, but more to myself than anything. Lucas shrugged. He dried his hands on a towel. “I’m heading out now. See you later. Tell Taemin hyung I said feel better”
“I will. Thanks for babysitting my boyfriend”
“no problem hyung” he smiled and left. I went up to my boyfriend’s room. He was curled under the blankets his hair messy, his cheeks and nose a flushed pink, his eyes looked glassy. It was then that I began questioning if he was actually older than me. He looked so young and innocent. 
“hey baby”  I sat down on the bed next to him, running my fingers through his hair. He smiled and curled into my chest. “how are you feeling” I tipped his chin up so he could look in my eyes. “not great” he said quietly, turning away from me and muffling a cough into his shoulder. He sounded weak, felt how rough his breathing sounded. “are you hungry? thirsty? do you need anything?”
“right now I just want to cuddle with you” he said burying his face into my chest I smile and his cuteness and pull him closer, kissing the top of his fluffy hair. His breath soon evened out and he grew quiet, soon after I heard soft congested snores coming from the older. I felt quite warm, my sweatshirt still on from being outside, plus having my boyfriends feverish body on mine. But i couldn’t move. I didn’t want to wake him up. I knew with his fever he would be cold. So I just held him close and hoped that my body heat could warm him without raising his fever. 
After only about 20 minutes he began stirring. He whimpered softly, and whisper-called my name. I brush his sweaty bangs off of his face. “I’m right here Minnie” I kissed his warm forehead. He pressed his face into my chest. “’m cold” he whined, coughing with his face pressed to  my chest. I ran my hands up and down his back. “I know you’re cold hon, but I don’t want to raise your fever.” He whined again. “I know, I know, I’m so mean” I said kissing his sweaty hair. He shook his head. “not mean, good boyfriend” he said I felt his lips brush over my skin. I smiled. I instinctively pulled him closer. “I love you” 
“hmm. love you too” He said softly. Curling into my chest again and falling back to sleep. I soon fell asleep with him. I was woken up a bit later to harsh sounding coughs. Once I was fully aware of my surroundings I saw my boyfriend doubled over coughing, attempting to muffle it into the blanket. I sat up behind him, gently placing my hand on his back, which I could feel tensing with every cough. His coughing seemed like it wouldn’t stop, every time he tried to take a deep breath he would choke and begin coughing again. I took the water bottle from the bedside table, handing it to him when he had a small break in the coughing. He gave me a grateful smile and took it, gulping it down greedily. As he did I gently brushed his bangs out of his eyes and placed my hand to his forehead. “I’ll be back in a second”
“where are you going?”
“I think your fever has gone down a bit, so I’m going to get the thermometer so we can check”
“if it has can I wear one of your hoodies”
“First I’ll have to see if your temperature is low enough” I kissed his forehead and he nodded. I rummaged around the bathroom and still couldn’t find it, eventually I gave up and texted the group chat, where Taeyong informed me it’s under the bathroom sink. I looked there and sure enough there it was. I pushed the door open. “hey baby” he said, his voice growing raspier from his coughing and sneezing. “Hey hon. I found it” I sat in front of him. I placed the thermometer under his tongue. My hands placed gently on his thighs, rubbing gently. After the thermometer had been in for about half the time necessary when suddenly his nose wrinkled. He rubbed his nose around the thermometer. As soon as it beeped he pulled it out, handing it to me. “hetchu-hesstchu- estchu-sstchu-esstchew-” I ruffled his hair checking the thermometer. ‘100.3′ “It’s gone down quite a bit” he rubbed his nose and sniffled. “can I have your hoodie now please” he gave me sweet puppy dog eyes. I laughed. “how are you older than me?” he pouted, “you’re mean” smiled and rolled my eyes, and placed a soft kiss to his forehead.  I went to the closet. “which one?”
“the red one” I should have known. It’s my favorite, but I think this is the first time I’ve had it in my possession since dating Taemin, he’s obsessed with it. “I don’t know, that’s my favorite hoodie” but I took it out and placed it on the bed in front of him. He smiled and pulled it on. It was already big on me so it practically swallowed him. He looked like a baby, drowning in the soft material. “cute” I said kissing his forehead an sitting on the bed next to him. He instantly clung to me, curling into my chest. “I love you” 
“love you too” 
“do you want to watch something? Or do you want to sleep?”
“I may be your baby, but I’m not an actual baby, I can only sleep so much” his voice had a light teasing tone. “do you want to watch something?”
“Can we watch singles inferno” (it’s so good. I’m actually obsessed) 
“sure thing honey” We curled in bed together I set up my computer.  He curled in closer to me. “I love you so much, Thank you for taking such good care of me”
"I love you too. I’m happy I could be here to take care of you” I kissed his forehead. 
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feverishbangtan · 4 years
about me
I never did anything like this so lemme do a lil 'about me'!
okay, my pronouns are she/her
this is embarrassing but i'm actually 25 (i feel so old, i don't like telling people my age but i think it's important on social media)
english is not my native language (i think i'm quite good at it but i notice mistakes i make when i write so that makes me doubt myself lol)
i love to travel and try to travel as much as possible! i've been to quite a few places now already lol
i'm bisexual (looking for a girlfriend, pls how do i get a girlfriend?)
okay now some more specific things
i've started stanning bts in january 2018 (wish i had found them earlier but i feel like every army that started stanning them around that time says that lol)
yoonkook are my biases (first it was yoongi only and then jungkook joined him) but i love all seven of them so much
i also stan got7, taemin, txt and sunmi!
i listen to all kinds of groups and artists tho but i don't stan them lol
to get a lil more into the sickfic aspect (which is what this blog is about after all lol)
my favorite sickies are kook (wow, who would've thought?? 🙄) and tae!
my favorite caretakers are yoongi, seokjin and jimin
my favorite kind of sickfics are general sickness type of things (like the flu or something like that) and emeto
i'm not really interested in snz tho and i don't like scat and those type of things
i also like whumpy things tbh
i don’t like the whole (romantic) shipping thing, it makes me a lil uncomfortable but i don't have a problem with it in AUs and despite that i do have ships that i like (my favorites being namkook, yoonkook, sope, taegi and vmin). i don't really mind it in fics either as long as people realize that it's not real... i hope i'm making sense here and y'all understand what i'm trying to say?
aaand here’s a link to my fic masterlist!
uhmmm yeah idk what else to say so that's it? idk i'd say you can drop an ask if you want to know anything else but i'm really not interesting so 🤷‍♀️
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darl-ingfics · 1 month
Hello! So excited to see a K-pop sickfic page with love for older groups!!!
May I request of you a shinee fic for Key or Taemin (no preference tbh) but with something snz related if you would mind 😊
Thank you! Love your posts 🫶
Oh boy!!! So happy to have another older group lover here, and it was so fun to write this for you, if you can't tell from the word count. I decided to just include both Key and Taemin cause why not? Sincerely hope you enjoy!!!
Finish Your Glass of Whine
Fandom: SHINee
Sickie: Key/Kibum, Taemin
Caregiver(s): Onew/Jinki
Word Count: 2,102
Notes: Title comes from Dua Lipa's "Blow Your Mind (Mwah)." It just feels like it fits, because there is a fever-induced, stream-of-consciousness rant section towards the ends.
Kibum did not feel good, and that a tragic reality he was struggling to deal with. When Taemin had called him crying two days ago, sick as a dog and unable to get ahold of his mom or Jinki, he hadn’t expected to end up just as ill in less than 48 hours. He’d been so safe about it too: always masked up, constantly cleaning things, drinking extra water. The one thing he was refusing to acknowledge, however, was how Taemin basically clung to him the entire time so all of those precautions were null and void. But what was he supposed to do? 
So here they were, confined to Taemin’s apartment, wasting away together.
When Kibum had woken up on the couch an hour ago, coughing like his life depended on it, unable to sit up at first because his legs were tangled with Taemin’s, he’d seriously considered crying. He wanted to just snap his fingers and be well again. No more fever, no more coughing, no more sneezing and sniffling. Just healthy. But he wasn’t a wizard, so he’d just have to suffer it out. Kibum had decided he had the energy to take a shower, and prayed that would relieve some of the awfulness. And the shower had helped him feel marginally less congested, but he still overall felt icky, and that just made him even more upset. 
While deep in his self pity hole, Kibum trudged back into the living room and nearly screamed at the sight of a man turning the corner from the kitchen. His sharp gasp caught in this throat, triggering a coughing fit that had him bent at the waist. Warm hands surrounded him, one holding onto his arm and the other supporting his back until he was finally able the fit subsided. Standing back up, breathing steadily, Kibum made eye contact with Jinki and nearly melted on the spot. He had entirely forgotten that Taemin had put in another call to both Jinki and Minho, and the older of the two had promised to stop over later, finally free from the solo schedules that had kept him away from his phone over the past 48 hours.
“Hyung,” he whined in spite of himself, shoulders slumping as he was pulled into a hug. Kibum closed his eyes, attempted to breathe in the familiar scent of his friend’s clothes, but coming up short. 
“Kibummie,” Jinki replied, running a soothing hand up and down the younger man’s back. “Tell me how you’re feeling. What can I do for you?” 
“I feel like shit,” Kibum answered. He tightened his hold on Jinki’s waist, deepening the hug. This was what he needed, someone to take care of him. Not that Taemin hadn’t been doing that, but it was hard to really do much when you were both so out of it. 
When he didn’t say anything else, Jinki laughed, the vibration of his chest coursing through Kibum too. “I’m gonna need a bit more than that, bud. Why don’t we get you back to the couch first?” Kibum nodded against Jinki’s shoulder, and reluctantly released him from the hug. He scrubbed at his nose, lurching away from the older man with a violent, “Iitchou! H-ikt-choo!” 
“Bless you.” Jinki snatched a few tissues from the box on the side table, passing them to Kibum before moving towards the couch. “Aw, Minnie,” he sighed at the sight of the youngest curled up there, a tangle of blankets, one of Kibum’s hoodies, and ridiculous bedhead. He instinctively moved towards him, but was startled back when Kibum grabbed him by the shoulders. 
“Don’t wake him! He’s sick!” Kibum hissed, physically trying to pull him away from Taemin. The youngest was by far the lightest sleeper in the group, but had the ability to sleep through an earthquake when he didn’t feel well. A simple tap to his forehead wasn’t going to wake him up by a long shot. But now that Jinki was focused on Taemin, Kibum was too, and his fever-addled brain had switched itself back into caretaker mode, so that wasn’t a battle Jinki was willing to fight right now. 
“Yes, I know, and so are you.” Jinki pressed a hand to Kibum’s forehead as if to check the fever he’d already felt earlier. “And you’re burning up, my friend. Which is why you both need to be medicated.”
Kibum huffed, stepping back so he could petulantly fold his arms over his chest. “I’m fine compared to him.” The sneeze that bent him at the waist after that statement said otherwise. 
Jinki rolled his eyes. One crisis at a time. “Whatever you say.” The leader turned his back on Kibum for the moment, kneeling next to the couch and gently shaking Taemin’s shoulder. The younger man groaned quietly. “Taeminnie? You gotta wake up for a minute, buddy.” Bleary eyes cracked open. 
“Hyung?” His voice was rough, hoarse and gravelly from sleep and sickness. 
Jinki pushed his bangs away from his face, unmoved by how sweaty they were. “Hey there, love.” 
“When did you get here?” 
“You called me this morning, remember?” Taemin just blinked at him, his brain still waking up. “I got here maybe fifteen minutes ago? I brought food, meds, and tea’s already steeping for you both. You should definitely drink that and take more medicine before falling back asleep.”
Taemin nodded. “Okay.” He rubbed at his eyes and started to wriggle into a sitting position as Jinki ruffled his hair. The older man got back to his feet and headed for the kitchen. 
“Sit.” He pushed Kibum gently towards the couch. The other man pouted. Sure, he wanted to be taken care of more than anything, but he also hated being told what to do. Especially when his head was hazy with fever. It was a conundrum his members were, fortunately, familiar with.
“Hyungie, sit,” Taemin repeated, patting the couch next to him. Kibum huffed, opting to slump into the recliner instead, pulling his knees to his chest. There: he was sitting, but on his own terms. 
“Okay, it’s been sitting for a few minutes so it should be perfect to drink,” Jinki announced, carefully carrying in two steaming mugs. He placed them both on the coffee table, then turned back to the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Taemin asked. 
“To get mine, silly,” Jinki answered with a smile. “I’ve learned not to try to carry three mugs at once.”
“I’m genuinely shocked you got two without spilling,” Kibum replied, reaching for his mug and savoring the heat of it between his palms. He took a careful sip, and felt tears spring to his eyes at how good the hot liquid felt on his sore throat. Jinki had always had a way of making tea exactly how people needed it; extra sweet on a lazy morning, cozy and creamy before bed, honeyed and fruity when sick. “It’s like a superpower,” Kibum declared, unaware he was speaking aloud. 
“Huh?” Taemin blinked at him, taking a sip from his own tea.
Kibum blinked back, totally confused. “What?” But he was saved from having to explain himself as Taemin pitched towards his left arm with a desperate “Ht’choo!”as he thrust his right arm holding the mug away, trying not to spill. Kibum instinctively grabbed the mug from him. “Ht’choo! Hah-ETchu!” 
“Bless you.” Jinki settled onto the floor in front of the coffee table, creating a triangle. 
“Can’t even enjoy tea,” Taemin moaned, collapsing back against the couch. He accepted the mug back from Kibum, sniffling miserably. “I hate this.”
“Me too.” Kibum raised his mug in solidarity. 
“I hate it for you both,” Jinki added, mimicking Kibum’s toast with his own mug. 
“Tell us about your project,” Taemin prompted, eager to think about something else for a while. Jinki happily obliged, explaining the concept for his next mini album, the ideas for the title track MV, and all of the recordings he’d been working on the past week. Taemin was entirely focused on Jinki’s stories, and while Kibum was also listening, he found his mind beginning to wander as he reached the bottom of his mug. 
Their current situation, Kibum had decided (and was now unknowingly explaining aloud to his suddenly captive audience of two,) was not Taemin’s fault. No. Their current situation was entirely Minho’s fault. As most things were when one really thought about it. (Jinki and Taemin exchanged a glance, one Kibum didn’t notice at all as he was currently sporting the miles-long stare reserved for the deeply drunk or terribly feverish. They opted to let Kibum continue rather than interrupt him like he’d interrupted Jinki). 
Taemin had been spending majority of his time this month practicing and promoting with the SuperM boys, so obviously he’d caught this cold from one of them, probably Mark, cause that kid was sick all the time, but that was a conversation for another day. Regardless, Taemin gets sick from SuperM, and then he has two days of solo filming, much of it outside, in this weather, only making things worse. And when he’d spiked a fever and tried to call his mom at 1:30am two days ago, she didn’t answer. And then Jinki, his next call, hadn’t answered either, which they knew was because Jinki himself had been up and busy working on his own solo filming, thankfully inside. So Taemin had called Kibum, now significantly more worked up, and how was Kibum supposed to ignore his dongsaeng when he was crying? So obviously, the blame fell entirely on one person. Choi Minho. Because where even was he? Their maknae was in trouble and was he anywhere to be found? No. Because he was ashamed to show his face after causing them such strife in the first place. 
Jinki, who had been listening with the patience of an absolute saint as Kibum narrated all of this, smiled to himself as he nodded along. The line of logic had completely dropped off, but Kibum was still going, waxing poetic on all of Minho’s supposed cirmes. The leader decided a while ago to let Kibum talk himself into exhaustion,  questioning if the cold medicine he’d slipped into the tea earlier was actually the drowsy kind or not, considering that it seemed to be having the opposite effect on Kibum. 
Which couldn’t be said for Taemin, who was already falling back asleep sitting up when he innocently asked, “Are you done?” Kibum paused. Taemin didn’t look annoyed, but genuinely curious. 
“What?” the older man asked, confused. 
“Talking. Are you done talking?” Taemin clarified, completely unaffected. There was something so genuine and harmless about the question that even Kibum couldn’t snap at him. 
“I mean… I guess,” the older man shrugged. “Why?”
Taemin held out an arm. “Come cuddle with me?” Kibum blinked, suddenly aware that he was extremely tired. His throat hurt a little less, his head felt a bit less stuffy, but the desire to sleep was immediately overpowering. Without a word, he stood and practically fell forward onto the couch, latching onto Taemin. He could never deny Taemin anything. 
“Hyung, will you come cuddle with us too?” Taemin asked as he shifted to more comfortably accommodate Kibum’s presence on the couch. 
“Maybe later. It’s probably best if one of us stays healthy,” Jinki smiled back at him. 
“Minho would cuddle with us,” Kibum grumbled in response. It took everything in Jinki not to burst out laughing at that. “And you have a better immune system than him anyway.”
“Minho really lives rent free in your brain, doesn’t he?” Jinki asked back. Kibum tried to hit him despite the presence of an entire coffee table’s length between them. Jinki laughed, grabbing a blanket that had fallen to the floor and carefully wrapping it around the pair on the couch. “Get some sleep, and we can call Minho so you can nag him when you wake up.” 
“Ooo, Minho-hyung would love that,” Taemin sighed, only retaining the part about calling Minho. Jinki chuckled again, patting each of them on the head.
As the leader collected the now empty mugs, Kibum pointed out, “Hey, you never gave us medicine.”
“Oh no, I did. It was in the tea.”
Kibum blinked. “What?”
“I mixed the extra strength cold medicine I knew you were gonna fight me on into the tea.” Jinki shrugged. “I’ve been doing it for years. You and Minho fought me too much early on, so I adapted.”
Despite his eyes dropping closed, Kibum pouted. “You bastard.” 
“Love you too, Ki. Now get some sleep.” 
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darl-ingfics · 21 days
Sicktember Day 4: “Great. I Got a Cold for My Birthday.”
Fandom: SHINee
Sickie: Minho, Onew (cold)
Caregiver(s): Onew, Key, Taemin
Word Count: 2,399
Notes: The idea for this came SO fast, but it took me SO LONG to actually write out. SHINee's December birthday bros were too hard to pass up. Also, the little ending piece being in a text-based format just happened, and I had already spent too much time on the first part to want to spend more trying to elaborate/extend the end.
December 9
Minho jolted awake to the sound of knocking at his door. He groaned. Body achy and head foggy and just as congested as when he’d passed out, Minho cursed whoever had forced him back to consciousness. Another knock sounded at the door, and Minho groaned again, louder this time, triggering a fit of coughs that tore at his throat. Breathing hard, his hands sifted through the clutter on the coffee table in front of him, desperate to find a water or abandoned mug or something. Thankfully, there was still one sip left in a plastic bottle on the floor by his head. Swallowing that sip swiftly but carefully to keep himself from coughing again, Minho grimaced as a third, more insistent knock sounded at his door. 
“Shut up,” Minho grumbled to himself as he pushed himself into a sitting position. From there, he vaulted to his feet, arms out to steady himself. The walk to the door felt perilously far. He didn’t bother checking the peep hole, simply unlocking the door and swinging it open. In a shocking twist of events, standing before him were his bandmates. 
Minho blinked. Shook his head. Blinked again. “What are you doing here?”
“Happy Birthday!” Taemin yelled before slipping a party horn in his mouth and emitting the customary shrill sound. Minho flinched at the noise. 
“I thought I canceled our plans today…”
“You did, but we decided that birthdays were uncancellable,” Taemin explained. 
Minho turned his eyes towards the two older members standing behind the maknae. Kibum, the only one wearing a mask, sighed. “Taemin decided birthday plans were uncancelable, and Jinki and I figured you would be upset if he came over by himself.” Taemin bounded happily on the balls of his feet. 
Minho looked back and forth between Jinki and Kibum again. “I refuse to be held responsible if any of you get sick.” 
Jinki shrugged. “We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t accept the risk.”
“Well…” Kibum shifted his weight between his feet. 
“Okay, Taemin and I wouldn’t be here if we didn’t accept the risk. Kibum was peer pressured into this, and cannot be held to such promises.” Jinki rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face never faltered. 
Minho shrugged, waving the group forward as he turned and trudged back to his living room, coughing roughly into his sweatshirt sleeve. Taemin immediately trotted after him, humming a bit to himself as Jinki and Kibum followed. 
“So what are the plans for this party?” Minho asked, settling back onto the couch, this time vertically at least. “Cause I’m not really in the mood for games.” Taemin followed close on his heels, sitting crosslegged on the floor on the far side of the coffee table. Jinki rounded the corner into the kitchen to drop off the bags he’d been carrying, then sat opposite Taemin on the floor. Kibum stayed standing, leaning against the wall as far from the couch as he could get without getting called out for being antisocial. He was also the only one who didn’t try to hide the way his eyes scanned the room, taking stock of the sorry state of Minho’s normally pristine living room. Minho tried to not let that bother him. 
“Well, we brought cake and some movies, so we figured we could do that?” Taemin suggested, pulling a few DVD cases out of his bag. “And Kibum said he would make dinner?” 
“As an excuse to be away from me, I get it.”
“Hey! It’s good enough that I’m here, okay?” Kibum snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Your reluctant presence is the only thing I wanted for my birthday this year,” Minho stated dryly. 
“Can’t imagine you’d want me more than a bottle of Nyquil.”
“Oh, there are few things in this world I want more than you, and if you come a little closer, I’ll prove it…” Minho puckered his lips over dramatically at Kibum.
The other man scoffed. “Don’t make fun of me!”
“But it’s just so easy…” 
“Okay, okay, I call this a draw.” Jinki jumped to his feet, clapping his hands together. “Taemin, you help Minho pick a movie. Kibum, I’ll help you start dinner.” Taemin nodded as he set about spreading out the DVD cases from earlier, seemingly unbothered by the mess of the coffee table. 
“So we have a large variety,” he began, waving his hands over the cases. “Some wholesome Disney, adventure and action, holiday shit, ironically bad fantasy films… Only thing we don’t have is horror cause that’s not the vibe today.”
“Gee, I can’t imagine why you and Jinki-hyung couldn’t pick a horror movie…”
“Hey! You don’t like the either!” Taemin snapped. Minho laughed. Unfortunately, he laughed a little too hard and ending up bent over, coughing hard. Taemin frowned, leaning forward over the table, unsure what to do to help. “You good?”
“Yeah.” Minho rubbed at his chest. “Drugs are wearing off.” His eyes scanned the coffee table, but now that last bit of water was gone and the only pills he could see was an empty blister pack. “Must’ve left them in the bathroom…”
“I’ll go grab ‘em.” A glass of water appeared in front of Minho’s face, courtesy of Jinki, who disappearing down the hall right after. 
After Minho had drank about half the glass, Taemin popped to his feet. “Hyung, come check out the cake!” He began to reach for Minho’s hands, but thought better of it, simply motioning for Minho to follow him instead. Minho took a shaky breath before following him. 
The cake was cute: a six inch circle covered in a light orange icing. Spots of red, yellow, and white decorated the top, with the words “Happy Birthday Minho!” piped on in a gradient of blues. The sides were a beautiful swirl of the red, yellow, and orange, with flecks of blue. As if the whole thing were a smoldering flame. 
“I suggested the fire, and Kibum came up with the final concept,” Taemin explained, pointing to the little details Minho had already noticed himself. “Jinki agreed to all of it, and paid for it, and picked it up, so it was a group effort.”
“I love it,” Minho whispered, smiling at his friends’ thoughtfulness. 
“Good, cause we also had a momentary freak out that it was too cheesy,” Kibum added, turning away from the stove for a moment. 
Taemin carefully picked up the box and held it out to Minho. “Hold it for a picture?”
“I’m not sure that’s…” He was cut off by a sudden, desperate sneeze that he was luckily able to catch in his sleeve away from his friends. 
Taemin frowned. “Come on, please?!”
“Menace behavior,” Kibum muttered. 
“I don’t wanna drop it!” Minho pleaded, sniffling hard against the urge to sneeze again. 
“Or sneeze on it,” Kibum added.
Minho pointed towards him. “Or that.” 
“You guys are so dramatic!” Taemin pushed the box into Minho’s hands and pulled out his phone. “One picture will not hurt anyone.”
Which was the exact thought process that led to Minho sneezing openly towards the doorway at the exact moment Jinki walked through it. 
“Oh shit!” Taemin gasped. 
“Hell-o…” Jinki’s voice was strangely calm, his body stock still clearly in shock. Minho was also frozen in place, eyes wide and mouth agape. Taemin’s jaw was also dangerously close to the floor. 
Kibum marched over and grabbed the back of Jinki’s shirt, pulling him down the hallway. “I TOLD you! I told you both! Goddammit!” Kibum’s voice grew fainter and fainter until it was cut off by the slam of the bathroom door. 
Minho turned back to Taemin with eyes wide as a deer caught in head lights. They held each other’s gaze for all of three seconds before Taemin snorted and burst out laughing. Minho couldn’t help but laugh himself as he collapsed into the chair across from Taemin. “What is wrong with us?” he gasped, in the throes of hysterics.
“Everything,” Taemin giggled back, wiping a tear away from his eye. 
Minho rested his chin in his hands, staring off at the hallway. “Oh my God. I feel horrible.” 
“Well, you’re sick. That’s normal.”
“Not what I mean, Taemin.” Nothing but a shrug from the younger man. “This is the worst birthday ever.”
“Aw, don’t say that. This has gotta be one the best nights you’ve had this week,” Taemin replied. Minho looked at him, one eyebrow cocked sarcastically. “I mean it. We’re all here, spending time together, laughing together. What’s a birthday without a few shenanigans?”
Minho thankfully didn’t have to respond to that as Jinki walked back into the kitchen. The rapper pushed himself out of his chair and wrapped his arms around the vocalist, burying his face in his shoulder. “Hyung, I’m so sorry!” 
“Babe, I’m gonna need you stop apologizing.” Jinki’s arms squeezed him once before letting Minho go so the elder could look him in the eye. “I told you I accepted the risk. And given the amount of bodily fluids I’ve been drenched in over the years from all of you…” Jinki shook his head. “I really don’t care anymore.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“Cross my heart.” Jinki dragged his thumb in an X across his chest. Minho felt like crying. “I’m just happy it was me and not Kibum.”
Minho smiled as Taemin barked out another laugh. “Oh, that would have been SO much funnier, though.”
“He thinks this is all a bit.” Minho jerked his thumb in Taemin’s direction, rolling his eyes for emphasis. 
The comedic vibe immediately evaporated when Kibum walked into the room, unintentionally commanding everyone’s attention. He made eye contact with each member. “I’m sorry for being dramatic,” he announced. “I think I am overly stressed about other things in my life, and I took that out on you all, and that was not fair. So I apologize.”
“Wow. A Kim Kibum apology. I think that might be the best birthday gift I’ve ever received,” Minho replied. 
Taemin laughed. “And the best birthday gift you’ve ever given Jinki was your cold, right hyung?” He realized what a stupid thing that was to say when Minho immediately burst into tears. Jinki shot the youngest a look over Minho’s shoulder as the rapper collapsed back into his arms. Taemin held up his hands in surrender, mouthing a ‘sorry’ that should not have been as heartfelt as it was. 
“Taemin, you really are a menace, you know that?” Kibum stated, moving closer to the birthday boy, rubbing his back gently. 
“Heyyyyyyy! I didn’t mean it! I thought we were all joking around.” Taemin pushed himself away from the table and threw his arms around all three of his hyungs, creating a group hug. “We were just laughing about it like a minute ago.”
“Yeah, to be fair, the medicine’s definitely worn off,” Minho forced out a laugh as he pushed away from Jinki’s shoulder, scrubbing at his face and sniffling harshly. “I don’t really know why I’m crying. I think my body’s just giving up.”
“Then let’s stop wasting time.” Kibum nodded. “Dinner’s almost done, then we can re-drug you. Taemin? Stop being the worst and go start up the movie.” Taemin whined something about not being the worst, but went and did as he was told. Kibum gave Minho’s back one final pat before returning to the stove. Jinki cupped Minho’s cheek affectionately before taking his hand and leading him back to the couch. 
“I love you,” Minho said as the leader draped a blanket across his lap. He peeked around Jinki at Taemin, and then back to the kitchen at Kibum. “All of you.”
“And we love you,” Jinki replied, kissing the top of Minho’s head before snuggling in next to him, pulling Minho’s head onto his shoulder. “Happy birthday, love.” 
December 14
Minho would openly admit to punching his pillow in frustration when he woke up to the Good news! text from Jinki that was attached to an image of a digital thermometer that read 38.3º. But he didn’t admit it at the moment, instead texting back: 
Minho: Happy birthday??? D:  Kibum: You wanna postpone dinner? Jinki: Please? Minho: I’m SO SORRYYYYYY Jinki: I will accept no apologies  Jinki: and because it is my birthday, you have to listen to me  Kibum: You also got him sick, so that means you have to listen to him EXTRA Minho: 😭 😭 😭 Taemin: THERE WILL BE NO POSTPONEMENT!!!!! Kibum: Reread Jinki’s last message. Please and thank you.  Taemin: 😡 Kibum: ✌️
That had been nearly twelve hours ago. In the intervening time, both Minho and Taemin had separately decided to show up at Jinki’s house at the original time anyway, just as they had done for Minho. Which was how they got the picture of the two of them outside the door of Jinki’s apartment that Taemin sent with the caption: 
Taemin: Better news!!
Kibum still had yet to respond when Taemin sent another photo, this time of Minho and Jinki cuddled on the couch, with a thumbs up from Taemin in the corner. To this one, he added the text: 
Taemin: They won’t let me cuddle 😡 Minho: Cuddles are only for those with the right antibodies 😘 Taemin: The only body I am anti right now it yours  Minho: 😝
At this point, Jinki, who was reading the exchange on Minho’s screen, asked why they were texting if they were in the same room.
“For Kibum’s benefit,” the rapper replied. To which Taemin texted: 
Taemin:  Kibum, you can come over after your schedules if you want!
The speed of Kibum’s reply was genuinely shocking. 
Kibum: I thought we cancelled the plans today.  Minho: Well, I recently learned that birthday plans are ‘uncancelable’ Taemin: Kibum, you can come over after your schedules if you want! Kibum: You already said that, Tae Taemin: Because I MEAN IT!!! Jinki: I won’t get you sick.  Jinki: I’m better than Minho. 
Taemin burst out laughing while Minho pushed a giggling Jinki off his shoulder. But it was a very light push and Jinki was cuddled back against him almost instantly. 
All three of them gasped, then cheered when they received a final text from Kibum:
Kibum: Of course you’re better than Minho, hyung. I’m already on my way. Wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world <3 Minho: Best news!!!
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kpopsickies · 2 years
Yes to Tae/Kai please please I’m begging
sickie: Taemin
caregiver: (mainly) Kai (minor) Lucas
(not really a tw but germaphobic Lucas)
Taemin p.o.v
“can you just like, not breathe until I leave” Lucas says standing in the doorway of the room. “wow, thank you so much for your sympathy” I said rolling my eyes, but smiling “yeah no problem hyung” he says as he goes to the shared closet and takes a hoodie “why are you even here? I thought you guys went to the studio”
“they did, I was staying to hang out with you, I didn’t know you were sick”
“neither did I, I felt fine last night”
“maybe it’s a fast moving virus and you’ll be better by tomorrow”
“I sure h-h--etshu-hheshu-etesshu-I sure hope so” I said clearing my throat, which had adopted the feeling of eating nails. Lucas cringed, but I could see the sympathy in his eyes. “do you want me to call your boyfriend?”
“No, I’ll just wait for him to get back” He gave me a skeptical look. “alright. You should rest, you don’t want to get worse” He gave me a sympathetic smile, turning to a grimace when I coughed. “hyung, you should really cover your mouth” he said, sounding a bit nervous. I felt bad for my younger member, he clearly wanted to be helpful and I could tell he wasn’t trying to be harsh, I also knew that he’s always been a bit cautious and even nervous around people when they are sick. I apologized to the younger and gave him a reassuring smile, which he returned. “I’m sorry that you don’t feel good hyung, do you need anything?” I thought for a second. “can you grab the box of tissues from the bathroom?” he nodded and left the room, returning a moment later, tissue box in one hand, a flu pill and water bottle in the other. He moved towards the bed, sensing his nervousness I scooted over to the other side of the bed and turned away from him. He set the things down. “take the medicine and get some sleep”
“thanks Lucas”
“no problem hyung”
Kai p.o.v
Taeyong, Ten and I were working on the choreography (kind of, actually it was a lot more of just messing around) Mark and Baekyun sat in the corner. Originally i think they had been taking notes on the choreography, but now they had turned their notes into paper airplanes, which kept flying over our heads, occasionally hitting one of us. There was a playful aura in the room. We didn’t have any schedules, and our comeback was still a few months away, currently we were just spending time (supposedly) getting some work done. The one, well actually two, things missing were my boyfriend and my “brother” they had stayed at the dorms. Taemin had still been asleep, and Lucas said he wanted some “dad and son bonding time” I brushed my sweaty bangs off of my face. “I’m gonna call Tae and Lucas and find out if they want to come hang out”
“tell them to bring food when they come” Baekyun says as he lazily flicks an airplane across the room, where it hits Ten in the back of his head. Who lets out an annoyed noise. Taeyong and Mark both laugh at him. I find myself laughing at their antics as I go over to my bag and pull my phone out. My brow creasing in concern when I see a text from Lucas. “your boyfriend is sick. He doesn’t know I texted you. He said he was fine” I felt bad for not noticing the older being sick. I was in bed with him all last night, how had I not noticed?
“hey guys” they all looked over at me “Lucas just texted me, Taeminnie is sick. I’m gonna go take care of him” with just those words I watched Taeyong go full leader mode. “oh shit. text Lucas and tell him he can come here and that you are on your way” he didn’t sound panicked or stressed, but he did sound very concerned. I passed the information on over text.  “is everything okay?” I asked noticing how the three nct members all had nervous looks. “Lucas has always been super nervous about germs. It stresses him out when others, or himself are sick”
“poor kid. I’m gonna head out, see you guys this evening” they all waved and said various forms of byes.
Taemin p.o.v
“hey hyung, I texted Jongin hyung, he’s on his way home. I know you old be no to call him, but I can see you don’t feel at all, and I know I’m not being helpful”
“don’t stress it bud, it’s ok. You do what you need to do. If you want to head to the s-stud-iheh-dio with the others that’s f-fineh-heh” I stuttered between hitching breaths. I burried my nose into the crook of my arm and sneezed three times. Lucas cringed a bit, but not as much a before. “bless you” I smiled and thanked him, taking a tissue to blow my nose. I heard the front door open. “Looks like you’re free to go”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t more helpful”
“I’m serious Lucas, it’s fine, don’t worry.”
“Feel better hyung”
“I will, thanks bud” He smiled and left.
Kai p.o.v
I had barely even gotten in the door before Lucas came downstairs, he had a mask on and went to wash his hands. I stood in the door of the bathroom. “hey kid”
“I’m not a kid” I saw him roll his eyes through the mirror. I laughed and ruffled his hair. “How’s the sickie?”
“am I wrong?”
“technically, no” He laughed drying his hands on a towel, he headed towards his room where he changed. “are you going to head to the studio?”
“If you don’t mind, I think I will”
“That’s fine, I also am curious, do you know how long Min’s been feeling sick?”
“he said he felt fine yesterday, but I did notice that last night he looked a bit pale”
“He did fall asleep really early” I said out loud, but more to myself than anything. Lucas shrugged. He dried his hands on a towel. “I’m heading out now. See you later. Tell Taemin hyung I said feel better”
“I will. Thanks for babysitting my boyfriend”
“no problem hyung” he smiled and left. I went up to my boyfriend’s room. He was curled under the blankets his hair messy, his cheeks and nose a flushed pink, his eyes looked glassy. It was then that I began questioning if he was actually older than me. He looked so young and innocent.
“hey baby”  I sat down on the bed next to him, running my fingers through his hair. He smiled and curled into my chest. “how are you feeling” I tipped his chin up so he could look in my eyes. “not great” he said quietly, turning away from me and muffling a cough into his shoulder. He sounded weak, felt how rough his breathing sounded. “are you hungry? thirsty? do you need anything?”
“right now I just want to cuddle with you” he said burying his face into my chest I smile and his cuteness and pull him closer, kissing the top of his fluffy hair. His breath soon evened out and he grew quiet, soon after I heard soft congested snores coming from the older. I felt quite warm, my sweatshirt still on from being outside, plus having my boyfriends feverish body on mine. But i couldn’t move. I didn’t want to wake him up. I knew with his fever he would be cold. So I just held him close and hoped that my body heat could warm him without raising his fever.
After only about 20 minutes he began stirring. He whimpered softly, and whisper-called my name. I brush his sweaty bangs off of his face. “I’m right here Minnie” I kissed his warm forehead. He pressed his face into my chest. “’m cold” he whined, coughing with his face pressed to  my chest. I ran my hands up and down his back. “I know you’re cold hon, but I don’t want to raise your fever.” He whined again. “I know, I know, I’m so mean” I said kissing his sweaty hair. He shook his head. “not mean, good boyfriend” he said I felt his lips brush over my skin. I smiled. I instinctively pulled him closer. “I love you”
“hmm. love you too” He said softly. Curling into my chest again and falling back to sleep. I soon fell asleep with him. I was woken up a bit later to harsh sounding coughs. Once I was fully aware of my surroundings I saw my boyfriend doubled over coughing, attempting to muffle it into the blanket. I sat up behind him, gently placing my hand on his back, which I could feel tensing with every cough. His coughing seemed like it wouldn’t stop, every time he tried to take a deep breath he would choke and begin coughing again. I took the water bottle from the bedside table, handing it to him when he had a small break in the coughing. He gave me a grateful smile and took it, gulping it down greedily. As he did I gently brushed his bangs out of his eyes and placed my hand to his forehead. “I’ll be back in a second”
“where are you going?”
“I think your fever has gone down a bit, so I’m going to get the thermometer so we can check”
“if it has can I wear one of your hoodies”
“First I’ll have to see if your temperature is low enough” I kissed his forehead and he nodded. I rummaged around the bathroom and still couldn’t find it, eventually I gave up and texted the group chat, where Taeyong informed me it’s under the bathroom sink. I looked there and sure enough there it was. I pushed the door open. “hey baby” he said, his voice growing raspier from his coughing and sneezing. “Hey hon. I found it” I sat in front of him. I placed the thermometer under his tongue. My hands placed gently on his thighs, rubbing gently. After the thermometer had been in for about half the time necessary when suddenly his nose wrinkled. He rubbed his nose around the thermometer. As soon as it beeped he pulled it out, handing it to me. “hetchu-hesstchu- estchu-sstchu-esstchew-” I ruffled his hair checking the thermometer. ‘100.3′ “It’s gone down quite a bit” he rubbed his nose and sniffled. “can I have your hoodie now please” he gave me sweet puppy dog eyes. I laughed. “how are you older than me?” he pouted, “you’re mean” smiled and rolled my eyes, and placed a soft kiss to his forehead.  I went to the closet. “which one?”
“the red one” I should have known. It’s my favorite, but I think this is the first time I’ve had it in my possession since dating Taemin, he’s obsessed with it. “I don’t know, that’s my favorite hoodie” but I took it out and placed it on the bed in front of him. He smiled and pulled it on. It was already big on me so it practically swallowed him. He looked like a baby, drowning in the soft material. “cute” I said kissing his forehead an sitting on the bed next to him. He instantly clung to me, curling into my chest. “I love you”
“love you too”
“do you want to watch something? Or do you want to sleep?”
“I may be your baby, but I’m not an actual baby, I can only sleep so much” his voice had a light teasing tone. “do you want to watch something?”
“Can we watch singles inferno” (it’s so good. I’m actually obsessed)
“sure thing honey” We curled in bed together I set up my computer.  He curled in closer to me. “I love you so much, Thank you for taking such good care of me”
"I love you too. I’m happy I could be here to take care of you” I kissed his forehead.
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