#sibyl crawley
essayfox · 10 months
Yes, if it wasn't clear, I love parallels and yes I will now make a post explaining why Catelyn Stark an Cora Crawley are the SAME person
First of all, they are the 'foreigners' of the family: they left their birthplace at a very young age to get married, being welcomed less than kindly into their new home (Violet despised Cora, the northern lords frowned upon Cat)
They married two noble men and heads of families out of convenience, eventually falling madly in love. Let's face it, Robert is the grumpier, ball-breaking version of Ned (but long live Cobert and Nedlyn)
They made choices misunderstood by the rest of the characters (more Cat than Cora in this case)
They have children they don't fully trust (long sigh of disappointment): Robb won't listen to Cat even if they threaten him, Edith won't turn to Cora on the Marygold issue
They both have a somewhat hopeless younger brother who is always getting into trouble.
They have both seen a child die before their eyes, in two of the most traumatic scenes that exist in the cinematic and literary world (I defy anyone not to lose twenty years of their life to the red wedding and not cry at Sibyl's death)
Their names both begin with 'C' (sorry that last one was bullshit but it's worth it)
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verymuchablog42 · 2 years
i would like to know. your downton abbey thoughts.
oh em gee i have so many thoughts
for anyone who has not seen the downton abbey series, there will be spoilers!! watch ouT!!!
where to start?? i just really adored this show and how organic the storytelling was. i have yet to see either of the films, though they are on my list. i'm just gonna start spouting out random stuff and hope it's coherent lol
My ranking for the sisters: Sibyl, Mary, Edith (tho i did like her little journalism plot, overall can't stand edith. she reminds me of my oldest brother LMAO)
favorite ships: i loved matthew crawley very very much, loved him with mary. i always thought the relationship between lady and lord grantham was very sweet. i was very moved when carson and mrs hughes got married. i think mr and mrs bates were such a good pairing. i remember watching the first season and thinking sibyl and the handmaid she helped get a job had tension lmao (not really a ship, but worth mentioning)
favorite chracters: VIOLE, TOM, george and sibbie, isis, mrs hughes, cora (my mom actually named our dog cora bc of lady grantham lol), mary, matthew, anna
one moment of the show that always comes back to me is when george and sibbie reunite. i love the little hug they have, it's just so sweet. i'm a sucker for little kids in general, they're just so pure
i cried at several different points during this show. matthew's death hit me hard. isis's death also hit me pretty hard. i loved all the different weddings we got to see, those were also moving. i remember crying when Carson was sick and mary was visiting him and he was talking about how she's a good person at the end of the day and just how perfectly that moment summed up their whole relationship
i think violet crawley may be one of the greatest characters of all time. she was so witty and perfectly written and performed. big fan of maggie smith!!
this show was able to pull in a lot of different story plots and highlight tons of different people without ever feeling convoluted or rushed or fumbled, it was so well done. overall it's one of my favorites!!
this is so all over the place and none of this makes any sense </3 but i hope you like this lol
thank you for asking me about my downton thoughts rj, please talk to me any time you need to talk about downton abbey!!!
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Crossover n°34: Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby), Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders), Sibyl Crawley (Downton Abbey) & Peggy Carter (Agent Carter)
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Imagine those four characters meeting during a party at Gatsby’s mansion.
Gatsby: Greetings, ladies and gentleman! I hope you enjoy the party!
Shelby: Yes, thank you. You know how to greet your guests.
Sibyl: I’m always ready for a nice party, Mister Gatsby!
Peggy: Well, I came because... A little party never killed nobody!
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likehandlingroses · 5 years
killing Sibyl and then immediately afterwards implying she knew Thomas was gay (and he knew she knew)
the wasted potential...the home of phobia...
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xsavannahx987 · 6 years
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metataxy · 2 years
I need a Downton Abbey x Harry Potter crossover, featuring the Crawleys as members of the Sacred 28.  The servants could be wizards of no particular lineage who were too poor and/or not powerful enough to attend Hogwarts.  
Lord Grantham and Mary definitely went to Slytherin.  Since Cora’s new wealth and old Lady Grantham treats her as a parvenu, I imagine that she’s halfblood in addition to being American.  Thomas Barrow is halfblood and DID go to Hogwarts on a scholarship and was also in Slytherin, but had to leave for reasons.  He was actually supposed to be expelled for practising dark arts in his third year, but Dumbledore allowed him to leave ‘voluntarily’ after Barrow threatened to blackmail his brother.  Ooh, maybe Barrow = Tom Riddle?  
Oh, and Edith could have gone to Hufflepuff or Slytherin, but Sibyl was definitely Gryffindor, and Tom Branson was definitely a Muggleborn.
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Downton AU Snippet #1
Set in the opening scene of 3.05, Richard’s been Matthew’s valet since abt 3.03
Returning to his dressing room after his sister-in-law’s false labor pains, Matthew Crawley felt a twinge of guilt at seeing his valet still awake.
“It’s nearly two in the morning, Richard. Have we kept all the servants from their rest this evening?” Matthew asked, trying to keep his tone light but unable to hide his genuine concern for the staff’s welfare.
“It was no trouble at all, sir,” Richard responded, conveniently not answering Matthew’s question, “Is everything all right with Lady Sybil?”
“Clarkson says everything is as it should be, and given that I have no experience on the topic, I am going to trust his judgement.”
“In your defense, sir, most men our age have no experience in this particular field.”
“You can say that again. I’m nearing my twenty-eighth year on Earth and I’ve never been around a pregnant woman!”
“A natural consequence of being your mother’s only child, sir. And you should count yourself lucky. When I was younger, I overheard the rather unpleasant experience of a friend of my sister. Believe me when I tell you it’s all I needed to know about the subject.”
“Oh? What happened to her?”
“Her parents were so concerned about her that they shelled out thousands for a huge London doctor to come and treat her. I think he even had a practice on Harley Street. It was all the neighborhood could talk about for weeks. But, during the birth, I guess he missed the symptoms of some disease or other, and she died.” Richard explained, forcing away the growing feeling that he had said too much.
“That’s horrible,” Matthew said, attempting to console his friend, “did you know her well?”
“Not very, though she had been very close with my sister,” Richard said.
“Still, quite tragic, especially for a young woman. Do you remember who the doctor was?” Matthew asked, not knowing what had prompted this sudden curiosity about such a small detail of Richard’s story, but nearly being swallowed by the feeling that it was of paramount importance that he know.
“I could never forget it,” Richard said with a chuckle, “The village was so furious with him, I thought they’d form a mob and storm his practice with pitchforks. It was a Dr. Tapsell.”
Matthew’s blood ran cold, and suddenly he could hear his heart beat speed up.
“Good God,” he breathed, “you don’t mean Phillip Tapsell, do you?” he asked, praying he was wrong in his assumption.
“Yes, sir, it was him. What’s wrong?” Richard questioned when he saw the horrified look on Matthew’s face.
“That’s the doctor Robert has hired for Sybil. I have to tell him right away!”
“I shouldn’t have mentioned it,” Richard said quickly, trying to take back his words, “I wouldn’t want to cause His Lordship any undue stress before his first grandchild’s birth. I’m sure he’s a fine doctor who just made a mistake.”
“Trust me, Richard, if something happens to Sybil, and Cora, my wife, or, god forbid, the Dowager, finds out I knew this information and withheld it, then my war injury will no longer be the most painful thing that’s ever happened to me. I have to tell Robert as soon as I can.”
“If you think it would help, sir.”
“I do, immensely. And I owe you a debt of gratitude for the warning, God only knows what might have happened otherwise. Goodnight.” Matthew said, retreating to his bedroom.
“You were in your dressing room so long, I was beginning to worry.” Mary said when her husband finally appeared in their bedchamber.
“So sorry, darling, but I promise it was for good reason. I was having the most enlightening chat with Richard.”
“I’m glad to see you and your new valet get on so well. Molesley was nice, but I sometimes wondered if he’d ever interacted with another human before.”
Nodding in agreement at his wife’s comment, Matthew began to recount Richard’s story for her.
When he’d finished, she looked nearly as panicked as he had when he’d heard it.
“And this is the doctor Papa has hired to treat Sibyl?” Mary nearly screamed.
When Matthew shook his head “yes”, she took it as permission to continue spiraling into fear for her sister.
“We have to tell him, and the earliest possible opprotunity!”
Putting his hand through his wife’s hair in a calming gesture, Matthew tried to soothe her worries while panicking himself.
“Darling, I couldn’t agree more. We’ll find Robert tomorrow morning, as soon as he wakes up. Don’t worry, I’m certain the second he hears what Richard told me, he won’t let Tapsell near Sybil. I’m certain Clarkson won’t mind stepping in at the last minute.”
Her worries not quite gone, but recognizing there was nothing she could do until morning, Mary fell into a restless sleep.
Meanwhile, in the servants hall, Richard was replaying his conversation with Matthew in his head when His Lordship’s valet walked in.
“Mr. Barrow,” Richard greeted the man whom he’d taken to calling “Thomas” in his head. Her Ladyship’s maid had pulled him aside his first week on the job, and told him that, as one of the longest serving staff members, getting into Thomas’ good graces would help him advance at the Abbey. Richard hadn’t needed to be told twice, and he was glad that he’d taken her advice. Thomas was now his closest friend at Downton (and if he spent a good chunk of time gauging if more than that was possible, that was his own business).
“Mr. Ellis,” Thomas greeted in return, “how are you?”
“I might have just gotten myself in a bit of trouble with His Lordship.”
“You? What could you have said to get yourself into trouble?”
“I was chatting with Mr. Crawley earlier, and I ended up telling him about a friend of my sister’s, who passed in childbirth. It turned out the doctor who failed her is the same one His Lordship hired to treat Lady Sibyl.”
When Thomas burst out laughing, Richard’s concerned expression turned confused.
“What is amusing about that?”
“I’m sorry,” Thomas said, catching his breath, “It’s just that, His Lordship forgave me for literally stealing from him numerous times, is currently fighting to overturn his valet’s conviction for murder, and his wife has a maid who would be more at home as one of Notre Dame’s gargoyles. I truly doubt that his son-in-law’s valet warning him about a potential threat to the life of his beloved youngest daughter is gonna be the straw that breaks his back.”
Realizing from Thomas’ words that he was being a tad ridiculous, Richard sighed.
“I just didn’t want him to stress out unnecessarily”
“I promise, when Mr. Crawley tells him your story, he’ll be grateful to you.”
The following morning, both Matthew and Thomas’ predictions from the previous night came true.
Mary and Matthew had corned Robert the second they saw him, and told him everything. Robert cursed, made them promise not to tell his mother, and cancelled Sir Phillip’s services immediately, and asked Cora to telephone Clarkson, which she happily did.
And, that afternoon, Richard jumped to his feet when the Earl of Grantham himself appeared in the servants hall.
“Your Lordship,” he greeted.
“Ellis, I wanted to come down and personally offer my thanks. Your conversation with Matthew yesterday evening may have saved my daughter a traumatic experience, and I am very grateful.”
“Thank you, Your Lordship. I’m glad I was able to help.”
This is my first attempt at any type of fic since my ancient Wattpad account, and it is probably very bad, but I hope it was at least cute. Possibly more snippets from this au coming if anyone likes it
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Labyrinth is not good but Katie looks great, she makes the best out of the script she has to work with and her role plays to a lot of the strengths she had as Morgana. I think it’s one of those things you maybe should watch just once as a Katie fan but I don’t think you NEED to and I cannot stress enough that overall Labyrinth is not good.
Sounds like a recurring theme in several of Katie's roles, unfortunately. I really hope someday she gets a well-written role that will really bring out the best of her acting chops and draw out her potential.
In the meantime @lena-luthor made a supercut of Katie's Labyrinth scenes (what a hero), and I've been debating whether or not to watch it, especially cause it seems rife with AU aesthetics. I did see some gifs (the ones from that stable scene are probably tattooed in my brain now). Thought briefly about watching the whole thing, because she and the actress who played Sibyl Crawley were sisters in that right? But now that I'm hearing it's not good, I think I'd better stick to the supercut.
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dream-about-dancing · 3 years
I can’t write so I really hope someone would do it for me. Please!!
Okay, imagine an AU in which Thomas and Mary are siblings. Not only siblings but twins. There are dark, gorgeous, bitchy and live pretty much with the motto “we two against the world.”
Mr. Carson adores Mary and doesn’t see that she can be a vicious bitch.
Mrs. Hughes loves Thomas and even through she sees his bad decisions he will always her precious little boy.
Her parents love them but their are an Earl and a rich wife with a nanny.
Edith is for Mary something like the perfect victim and the scapegoat for everything and Sibyl is too young, too innocent for them to really play a role in their world.
But Thomas and Mary have each other and they know each other. That is enough. They shared the same womb. They shared toys and now they share secrets and troubles.
As Thomas realized that he wasn’t normal he went full of panic to Mary and talked with her. She was the one who said it was okay. That they will find a solution. That she would protect him.
As she almost got weak and let herself almost seduced from a charming Turkish politican he was the one who saved and rescued her.
She was the one who helped him as an Duke broke his heart and he was the one who helped her as she realized that she wants more from a husband than only money and a title.
They only ever need other but then their parents organized a party. Nothing big. But during that they met him. Or more like Mary met him.
Their cousin.
Middle class.
A lawyer.
But funny and gorgeous and charming and somehow Mary and him felt in love.
Thomas was happy for his sister. He understood why she felt in love with Matthew. It was the first secret he kept from his twin. That he also felt something more for this gorgeous man. That he also struggled with this feeling. That he also thought he only was a poor lawyer but soon saw the funny and gorgeous man underneath. But he kept silent. He was happy for Mary, for the second part of his soul. She deserved all the luck. Both deserved all the luck.
But then he made a mistakes.
He said one comment. One short comment as he wished her all the luck before her wedding.
Only one comment about Matthew.
During her pre-wedding nervousness Mary didn’t think about it. She was too happy to finally wed Matthew.
But then… then months as she still couldn’t believe that someone could really love someone so much as she loved Matthew her husband said something too.
Again it was only one short comment.
One comment about her brother. Her twin, the second part of her soul and she was like … huh.
She remembered what Thomas said before her wedding about Matthew and now Matthew said something about her brother.
Her brother and her always shared everything. Would this be so different?
Especially if this could make her brother happy? If this would her husband happier?
So it was an easy decision to ask if her husband and her twin had time to talk. She had a special proposal for them. It wouldn’t be easy to keep it secret when her brother visited their marriage bed but the end results will be worth it. She is sure of it.
She only needed to convince them but she didn’t worry.
She is Mary Crawley.
(Also the perfect ending is as she got pregnant with George and they became a perfect family.)
(Thomas will stay unwed because his parents aren’t stupid and want him happy. George will become the heir.)
(Pretty sure some of the servants like Anna catched them in the bed and they are the major gossip in the servant area but they don’t know it. Also Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes didn’t allow talk about their children… eh Masters even if their shocked that they share a bed and a man.)
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Ten of my favourite fictional women for women’s history month  
I was tagged by the ever lovely @valentinaonthemoon! Thanks so much lovely! :)
The following is in absolutely no particular order. 
1. Leslie Knope (Parks and Rec) 
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A very passionate, very kind and amazing and hardworking but who is also flawed and can let her passion blind her to the truth sometimes, and her habit of digging her heels in can sometimes get her in sticky situations. I love her lots and lots and the level to which I relate to her is probably not good. I often say I am like the English Lit Leslie Knope with bonus anxiety. I love her lots. 
2. Skye/Daisy Johnson (Agents of Shield)
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A badass queen who I love SO MUCH. Honestly her arc in AoS is just one of my favourites of all time. She is funny and passionate, but also headstrong and determined (sometimes to a fault). I love that she is not perfect, that she is flawed, and has been through so much and still chooses to be good. I love her lots.
3. Jemma Simmons (Agents of Shield) 
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A wonderful science queen. She is just SO fundamentally good. Her curiosity and wonder for the world (and universe) is just so inspiring to me, but again her love and passion (esp for Fitz) can sometimes blind her to the reality of a situation but I still love that about her (it’s a very human trait to have). It has been an absolute privilage to watch her go from this very bright eyed, naive and curious young woman, to a passionate, badass, yet still so fundamentally kind and caring woman. Again, one of my favourite character arcs ever. I love her sososo much. 
4. Peggy Carter (Agent Carter and wider MCU) 
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She is nothing like me and yet everything I aspire to be. What an absolute badass. She’s so intelligent and just such a role model to me. She stands for no shit and never sacrifices an OUNCE of her femininity to do it. Before coming across her I had never seen a character who was like that, who could retain this utter solidly badass personality and still keep this femininity, who liked having her hair done, who wore lipstick and skirts. I struggled so hard in my teenage years with reconciling, particularly femininity and intelligence, I wanted to be taken seriously but I never thought I would be if I was in a dress, and Peggy was the one who really changed that for me and I started embracing more traditionally feminine things. I just love everything about her, she has a temper, she lets her anger get the better of her sometimes, SHE IS NOT PERFECT (are you noticing a theme) and I just love her so much. 
4. Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) 
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Again, a very formative character for me. She was working class, she was amazing and smart and sassy and most importantly for young me, SHE WAS BLONDE. I had grown up with the dumb blonde stereotype being put on me (despite never really being unintelligent) and hadn’t ever really seen a blonde character who didn’t slot, at least partially into that stereotype. She is fierce and firey and can give anyone exactly what’s coming to them. She is brave and wonderful, and so incredibly human. I love her lots and lots. 
5. Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing) 
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My snarky love. You all know how much I love Much Ado right?  Her “Oh god that I were a man” speech is just one of my favourite pieces of writing at all time. I could write multiple dissertations just about her, she is so endlessly fascinating to me in all of her iterations. A woman scorned and holy shit she’s gonna let you hear about it. One half of the best (SUSPECTED) lovers to enemies to lovers. She’s so INCREDIBLY witty and sharp and she’s just so BITTER about whatever the hell it is that Benedick did to her and ugh I just love her so much. 
6. The Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
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I cried at every single episode in her first season because I was so happy and so overwhelmed that The Doctor was FINALLY a woman. She is intelligent and quirky and just wonderful, whilst still retaining that really deep seated anger and kind of fury that The Doctor holds within them self. asdfghjkl I love her so much. 
7. Anne Eliot (Persuasion)
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My soft, quiet, pining queen. Wants snuggles but only gets struggles. Pines for nearly a decade for the same guy (a full mood) and MARRIED HIM IN THE END BC HE ALSO PINED FOR HER FOR A DECADE!!! Underappreciated by her family who are arseholes and deserves so much better than them and Jane Austen gave it to her and we cannot help but stan for that. I love her so very much. 
8. Darrell Rivers (Mallory Towers) 
Doesn’t have a gif :(
Mallory Towers by Enid Blyton was my favourite book series growing up. I have read it more times than I can actually count. My copies are the most loved books in my collection. Darrell was the first character I ever remember relating to. There’s a passage in the first book where she sits down with her teacher bc her marks aren’t very good and they talk about how some people, like her friend Alicia, can muck about in class and be silly and still get good marks, but other people, like Darrell, need to focus and concentrate in order to do well, and that HIT HOME with 7 year old me. She has an awful temper and says things in spite and anger that are really quite awful, but always feels bad afterwards and really is just a good egg. I love her lots. 
9. Sibyl Crawley/Branson (Downton Abbey)
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An all time fav. An absolute SWEETHEART but will absolutely tear you a new one if need be. It’s been almost ten years and I am still absolutely DEVASTATED by her death, we were absolutely robbed of seeing her as a mother, she would have been absolutely incredible. Part of one of my favourite romantic plotlines of all time, they shoudl have had their own show, Julien Fellowes fight me. I have so many feelings about Sibyl I could not possibly do them justice in just one small paragraph. I love her SO MUCH. 
10. Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
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A sassy queen who is stubborn and benefits immensely from admitting that she was wrong. One of my favourite characters of all time, Jane Austen knew how to write characters SO INCREDIBLY WELL!! I think we have all met someone like Elizabeth Bennet in our lives. Declares she will never marry for anything but love (we love to see it) even if it means she will either be a spinster or destitute (probably both). I love her so much. 
I will tag (if they would like): @besidemethewholedamntime @springmagpies and @acetoshikosato​
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edthcrwly · 3 years
VERSES (mobile friendly) (wip)
pre - series
anything that takes place before 1912. the forgotten crawley sister ; NOT HALF SO CHARMING AS MARY OR PASSIONATE AS SYBIL. head over heels for patrick crawley, who is in turn head over heels for edith’s elder sister, mary. TURNED BITTER by being so constantly passed over for her lovelier, wittier, more desirable sisters and dreading the thought of being the UN-MARRIED SPINSTER of the family while her sisters find happy marriages & lives. has not a thought of the war on the horizon.
series one
1912 - 1914. left HEARTBROKEN after beloved patrick dies aboard the titanic, edith feels as ADRIFT and OUT OF PLACE as ever. it seems her EVERY ATTEMPT is bound to fail in some manner ; the heir to the grantham title, matthew, is taken with MARY ( history is doomed to repeat itself ) despite edith’s attempts to gain his interest. the jealousy within her has crystallized into something SHARP & UNKIND - specicially regarding mary, though that is not new - perhaps that is what drives her to WRITE TO THE TURKISH EMBASSAY REGARDING THE AMBASSADOR THAT WOUND UP DEAD IN MARY’S BED. it was unthinking ; the scandal would surely harm her prospects, too. heart breaks once more when MARY wards off a suitor edith has been falling for, SIR ANTHONY STRALLAN.
series two
1915-1919. spans the time of WORLD WAR ONE & the year after, though no one knew to call it that yet. it feels wrong to worry over being wed when so many of the men edith has known are off at war, fighting & dying. so she finds OTHER THINGS TO DO. she learns to drive with the aid of TOM BRANSON the chauffer. she spends time with the soldiers who arrive at the abbey when it is turned into a convalescent home, TAKING CARE of the wounded & recovering. AFTER THE WAR she attempts to restart a relationship with STRALLAN, who was badly wounded in the war.
series three
1920 - 1921. EARL’S DAUGHTER JILTED AT THE ALTAR! how much further can humiliation mount? edith had thought there was a PATH THROUGH LIFE ; married to anthony strallan. instead he turned her down at the altar & fled. a terrible year can only be made more HORRIBLE when baby sister SIBYL, kind & lovely & smart sybil, dies. it feels as though grief will ENGULF THEM ALL, edith included. so she heeds sibyl’s advice - FINDING SOMETHING TO DO. it comes in the form of a regular column in a magazine and, beyond that, in the form of MICHAEL GREGSON, the editor of the sketch. he is MARRIED but his wife has been in an asylum for years. THEIR LOVE IS DOOMED, edith knows this, but oh - HOW SHE LOVES HIM.
series four (PREGNANCY TW)
1922. their love is INDEED DOOMED. michael gregson goes MISSING in germany, where he had moved in order to be able to divorce his wife & wed edith ; not before edith falls pregnant with his child, out of wedlock. from the harm her spreading word of mary’s INDISCRETIONS with the turkish ambassador had caused edith knows for certain that such a thing will be a DISASTER for the family. STILL - SHE WANTS THIS CHILD. SHE LOVES MICHAEL AND KNOWS SHE WOULD LOVE HIS BABY. a plan is hatched by aunt & grandmother to go off to geneva & have the child, leaving it with some childless family there - against edith’s initial plan to give the child to some of the tenant farmers at downton. she does go to switzerland and have the baby ( MARIGOLD ) but cannot MOVE ON after returning without her. it is as though a part of herself is MISSING ; something has been torn from her heart with her daughter & MICHAEL, who is gone. it is good the drewes still want for a child.
series five
series six
the middle daughter of the earl of grantham & his american wife, lady edith crawley is getting a touch OLD to remain unmarried. her elder sister MARY is more desirable, with her sharp wit and raven hair - younger sister SYBIL more amusing & daring. lady edith is oft the one with an empty dance card and something sharp glittering in her eyes as she lingers on the edges of ballrooms & tries, perhaps a little TOO BLATANTLY, to catch the attention of some suitor. (follows much the same beats as pre-series and series one)
a successful magazine editor & mother, EDITH CRAWLEY-PELHAM is quite the stylish figure these days. (to be expanded. series five & six inspired)
dragon age
one of lord robert crawley’s daughters, edith is a human noble of a somewhat minor fereldan house ; the world is in a terrible, constant state of change. edith’s notions of the world are SLIPPING into the chaos & she has not quite decided what she believes ( in origins, sides with the crown & loghain until the landsmeet proper. in da2/dai is not sure if she stands with the templars or the mages, seeing valid ideas in both sides of the war )
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much-brighter-ink · 4 years
Part of me wants to rewatch Downton now but the rest of me knows that once we lose Sibyl I will care significantly less -Patroc
I loved her... everything just got so grim after she died (like Julian Fellowes went down a rabbit hole of “oh, we’ve tortured the audience and the Crawleys, time to fill up the plot with endless pain and suffering”)
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rusticsims-blog · 5 years
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#DowntonAbbey es decir la majestuosa #HighClereCastle ubicada en Hampshire,  mansión de campo victoriana que formo parte de la vivienda de Lord y Lady Grantham , quienes tuvimos la oportunidad de ver esta maravilloso melodrama de época de 1910-1920s recordaremos a los miticos y famoso personajes Lady Mary, Lady Edith, Lady Sibyl, hijas de los Lord´s quien Lord Robert Grantham es Hijo de la Condesa Viuda de Grantham , Violet y el heredero final de Downton Abbey , Matthew Crawley. Este es un Teaser en los #sims4  donde los invito a sentirse cómodos con una tasa de té ambientados en este fantástico vídeo que prepare para ustedes . 
ID: rusticsims 
Créditos: Todos los muebles son contenido personalizado 
The Jim07 
Ropa: Happylifesims
Rugs Brazenlotus 
Sims4studio http://sims4studio.com/thread/4378/ir... 
 *Producción Musical cortesía de JarochoBeat : https://www.facebook.com/pg/jarochobe... 
Música Original: The Chamber Orchestra of London and the producers of the show
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anneclaudemay · 5 years
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The Crawley Sisters: Mary, Edith and Sibyl - Downton Abbey
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likehandlingroses · 5 years
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Like tell me this woman isn’t a gay icon
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xsavannahx987 · 6 years
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