I will 4ever believe that JJ and Sarah are siblings like they are perfect in every way and I love them
They both had issues with their dad.
Both lost their mum(notice I don't say mums)
Both have blonde hair
Both are sarcastic
Both are loyal
There are so many scenes where they are looking out for each other and I love it
My favourite is the motorbike scene in s3 when Sarah hugs JJ - total CamBank moment❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also did anyone else notice how only Sarah and JJ were suspicious of John B when they all reunited and JB was lying about why he'd gone to the museum with Big John
The fact that Madeline cline also loves the CamBank theory-aaaaaaaaaaaah
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isthisyoursnack · 7 years
On Practice
I don't know what you know about sibling theory, but in my admittedly limited experience, first babies look substantially different than second babies. Though it is not necessarily an indication of how they will look as adults, firstborn children are fairly ill-formed. Amorphous. Uncertain. Their features landing wherever they fell on a large planar face. Everyone unsure of how to be a nose and maybe if I hover blobbily like this I could be mistaken for a mouth, but I better not commit. First babies like their first mothers reflect ambiguity, hesitation. They're here - they've done it - but is it right? Second babies are another matter altogether. If you have known a second baby you will know what I mean. They are so sure of a nose, mouth and ears that they come out looking like caricatures. Cartoon muppet babies. So acutely cute, so specific, so sure. My eyes aren't just eyes, they're so eyelike that they're imitations, ideas of an eye, the very definition of eye. Ceci n'est pas un oeil. It is as though the mother's body has veered from tentative to precipitous, show-offy: oh you want to see some lips I'll show you some lips I'll show you the GD cutest lips you've ever seen.
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