#siberian blueberry
winteryqueen · 1 year
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my year old honeyberries have flowers. I'm so excited to see how many berries we get 💖
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bjekkergauken · 4 years
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Berries part 1
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thehikingvalkyrie · 4 years
The perfect Sunday 💚
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Slept in till 10:30am then went for a nice long hike the pup and boyfriend then went over to my parents for dinner and raided their berry bushes! Was able to get half a gallon of raspberries and half a gallon of blueberries 😍
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halleehalfgallon · 2 years
Do you grow much of your own food?
yes, where we can! between our house and the family garden up there road, this summer we’re growing lettuce (butter crunch and may queen), spinach, kale (lacinato and siberian), mustard greens, swiss chard, lots of carrots (danver half-long, new kuroda, kyoto red), tomatoes (cherry, slicing and paste varieties) scallions, green and yellow onion, slicing cucumbers, husk cherries, a few varieties of strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb, nasturtiums, yellow potatoes, turnips, rutabaga, purple top and icicle radishes, howden pumpkins, sunshine kabocha squash, blue hubbard squash, fairytale squash, zucchini, summer squash, sugar pie pumpkin, eggplant, tomatillos, cauliflower, storage cabbage, peppers (both bell and hot), thyme (elfin, wooly, lemon, red creeping, german, english), mint (strawberry, grapefruit, cat mint), orange balm, lemon verbena, basil (sweet, classic, thai), parsley, sage, fennel, dill, oregano, chives, anise hyssop, echinacea, feverfew, wild bergamot, a few apple trees, and plenty of other things that family members are likely to contribute down the line!
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lifblogs · 3 years
Tagged by: @dilfyoda Thanks, Jana!
name: Lif (I guess... people will call me by my birth name, and I'm like, "whomst?")
nickname: Li (pronounced Lee)
height: 5'3
languages: English, have failed at learning French, Polish, and Chinese
nationality: American
favourite season: Fall! And winter!
favourite colour: green, and blue
favorite fictional character: lol I have too many, but right now it's definitely the entire Ghost crew from Star Wars: Rebels, and I also love my space blueberry Thrawn, and Darth Maul. Also love Sam Winchester to death, as well as Jack Kline. There's Lucifer from Lucifer, and Mazikeen. The 11th and 12th Doctors from Doctor Who. Clara Oswald. Literally the entire fellowship in The Lord of the Rings, especially Frodo Baggins. I could go on forever, my dudes.
tea, coffee, or hot chocolate: ALL OF THEM (though I'm a priss with my coffee and like to have it with three to four spoonfuls of sugar, flavored creamer, coffee syrup, and caramel swirl)
average hours of sleep: lol
cats or dogs: CATSSSSS (have ptsd from a siberian husky, dogs terrify me, and literally haunt my every moment, including sleep, but I did manage to befriend a golden retriever since I've known her since she was a puppy)
blankets I sleep with: currently, just my sheet and my comforter
place of origin: still... America. But to be more specific, New England.
dream trip: Look, I want to go everywhere. Washington, Alaska, the Great Bear Rainforest, Scotland (where part of my family comes from), Portugal (where most of my family comes from), China (but maybe only rural, or maybe to meet some Buddhist monks), to the Adirondacks (for the millionth time because I miss them so much), and NEW ZEALAND TO SEE ALL THOSE LORD OF THE RINGS LANDSCAPES, BABY
number of followers: 537
random fact: I can do an impression of a dolphin and have been doing it since I was a baby. I have an identical twin. My son is a cat and literally made me feel like a teen mom in high school because of how high maintenance he was and all the sleepless nights. I'm adopted by my dad. Recently found out that I'm actually Latino and my family's heritage has been pretty erased which is why I was ashamed of it and didn't learn much about it growing up. Can't remember learning to read music, just feels like I've always been able to do it.
Tagging: @felix-the-white-wolf, @suncaptor, @vanilla-chip-101
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systlin · 5 years
For those of you who have killed plants and feel bad because of it; an incomplete list of plants I’ve killed. There’s more I just don’t remember them.
1. Scentsational rose. Murdered by the polar vortex a few years back.
2. Mister Lincon rose. Eaten by japanese beetles and black spot.
3. 2 shasta daisy plants. A daylily flopped over on them and smothered them.
4. A wolfberry plant.
5. Something like 6 blueberry plants. I have given up; blueberries just will not grow for me, in pots or in the ground.
6. 2 holly bushes. They don’t like my alkaline soil.
7. A pineapple mint. It was eaten by the chocolate mint. RIP.
8. An azalea. Also hated my alkaline soil, however pretty the flowers were.
9. A navel orange tree. Knocked over and torn apart by the cats.
10. A lime tree. Also a victim of the cats.
11. A potted Maid of Orleans jasmine. Left it outside too long and it was killed by an early frost.
12. A dragonfruit cactus. Was next to the Maid of Orleans jasmine and suffered the same fate.
13. A little fuzzy looking cactus that I overwatered.
14. Several zuchinni. Were murdered by squash vine borers before I remembered to use the Bacillius Thuringiensus spray on them.
15. Several clove pinks. Were eaten by the sweet autumn clematis and smothered.
16. Many, Many lavender plants
17. Many rosemary plants.
18. A siberian iris plant, by accidentally jamming a shovel through the bulbs while digging a hole to plant something else.
19. A meadowsweet bush. I still don’t know why that one died.
20. 3 primrose plants that the hostas shaded out.
This is simply the ones that I remember off the top of my head.
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
This is a pudding hamster
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I’m not kidding, that’s what it’s called. They’re also known as sunfire hamsters for their color, but I think pudding is better. Most of the time if a hamster is being sold with a cutesy-poo name (teddy bear hamster, blueberry dwarf, etc) that’s just what they’re sold under to entice the public and they’ll have a proper name too (for instance, my hamsters are chocolate Syrians, but would be sold as “teddy bears”) but in the case of pudding hamsters, they do not! This is because they’re a crossbreed between two dwarf hamster breeds, the Campbelle’s dwarf hamster and the Djungarian or Siberian dwarf hamster (often sold as “winter white” hamsters) I have no reason for sharing this besides the fact they are CUTE AS FUCK
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trashmenofmarvel · 4 years
Branded - Chapter 18
Pairing: Demon!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky makes breakfast. Reader has a proposal.
(This is a fan AU of Falling’s Just Another Way to Fly by @araniaart​ . Please check out this incredible series for all of your demon Bucky needs.)
Chapter Warnings: Quick references to past abuse, internalized guilt
Word Count: 5.5k
AO3 (Now with fan art!)
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This wasn’t the first time Bucky had been startled awake with a warm arm draped securely over his chest. It was for that reason that, before he was fully conscious, every muscle in his body froze and his heart lurched in his chest.
But then the soothing smell of petrichor and the subtle scent of the penthouse flooded his nostrils, and Bucky slowly relaxed from his panic-stricken state.
He was safe. No HYDRA soldiers to come rattle his cage and leer at his naked body. No Fairbanks with his grasping hands and lurid smiles. No Lukin taunting him, mocking Bucky for daring to believe he could escape.
It was her. Just her.
Bucky had to focus hard to deepen his shallow breathing, take in enough air to calm his frantic heart. He opened his eyes and stared up at the sun-drenched ceiling, a further reminder of how far he was from that nightmare. Deep in the bowels of the Siberian fortress, sunlight had been a rare luxury, kindness and comfort even rarer.
His human hand was resting on the arm slumped over him, and Bucky lowered his gaze to follow the limb up to its owners face. The rest of his anxiety quieted at the sight of her, the strange girl who never ceased to surprise him.
Even now, he wondered why she was still here. Maybe that would change once she woke, but for now, Bucky was going to let himself be selfish, to believe for a moment that this was… was…
Normal was too generous a word for what this could never be. Even if he didn’t take the demon side into consideration—a big fucking if—Bucky was too damaged. He had given her a tiny glimpse into what HYDRA had done to him. Before his heats had returned, Bucky hadn’t had sex or fed from anyone since he’d escaped HYDRA. And if it wasn’t for the feedings, he doubt he’d ever have sex again. He was too broken to be a decent partner to anyone. The idea of someone putting their hands on him used to turn his stomach inside out.
And yet, here he was, unable to get enough of the simple, intimate touches of sharing a bed with someone. As much as he wanted to push her away, put some appropriate space between them, her closeness was intoxicating. It was all he could do to stop himself from burying his nose in her hair.
He shouldn’t linger, it was cruel and unfair to both of them, but… what was the harm in staying just a few minutes longer…
Bucky turned his head toward her, closing his eyes and breathing her in as the strands of her hair tickled his face. There was a twist in his chest, knowing he was stealing this moment, but it had been so long since he’d had something like this.
The only person he’d ever been this close to was Steve, and Steve hadn’t known… hadn’t fully understood what Bucky had been becoming. Back in the cold muddy trenches and war-torn towns, scouring all of Europe for signs of HYDRA and their occultist laboratories, Steve had helped Bucky through the confusing and terrifying new feedings as much as he could. It had even had the upside of finally letting Bucky admit he’d had feelings for Steve as long as he could remember.
Steve had always been more religious than Bucky. Still believed in God long after Bucky had lost his faith, and he had no delusions what Steve would think about him if he knew Bucky was still alive. When Steve had last seen him, Bucky had been normal, for the most part. The only thing that marked him as no longer human from Zola’s first round of experiments had been his tail, much shorter and smaller in those days.
If Steve saw him now… Bucky knew he’d be the #1 monster on the Avengers’ list.
All these dark thoughts flew around his head, because he needed to be reminded why this could never be a reality. That Bucky’s first priority should be to find a way to break the bond and let her go, back to her life where she could one day recover from everything he’d done to her.
Bucky would never deserve normal. He’d lost that chance a long time ago.
And yet… why couldn’t he pull away?
A muted tune rang from across the room, startling Bucky, his muscles tightening on learned response. Carefully pulling her arm off his chest, he quickly got up from the bed to his dresser where the phone was still chiming away. It went silent before Bucky could reach it, giving another beep as a message came up on the screen.
Mom – 1 Voice Message
Guilt poured through Bucky’s insides. It was nearly noon and people were probably wondering where she was. She had a life to get back to, one that didn’t include him.
Bucky glanced over his shoulder toward the bed, surprised to see the noise and jostling hadn’t woken her.
He knew from observing her over the years that any little noise seemed to startle her awake. Sometimes in his more paranoid moments, Bucky had wondered if she could somehow sense he was there, on the adjoining rooftop of her apartment building, unable to see past the curtained window but feeling her clearly enough. Always watchful, always waiting to see what escaped demon would make its way back to her, and then intervening and killing it before she was ever the wiser.
In hindsight, Bucky was an idiot for not suspecting the bond’s existence. Not when he could find her so easily, sense where she was at any given time, and even felt when she was frightened or angry.
But Bucky had been in complete denial, chalking it up to his powers that he didn’t fully understand.
Remembering what he had promised last night, Bucky carefully picked up the stuffed toy and carried it to his study, an overlooked room that branched off from the foyer. Inside was a safe, and within that safe contained his contingency plans.
After everything Bucky had survived, and after seeing HYDRA nearly return several years ago, he was prepared. Falsified passports from dozens of countries, currency from those same nations, and keys for various vehicles he had stashed around the state.
These weren’t just fake IDs for Bucky; there was a second set made for the girl, just in case HYDRA ever found out about her. As obsessed as they were with demon lore, he knew she would be a target if they ever knew how Bucky came back from the dead.
But now, he wondered. Had the bond been influencing him all this time and he had no idea?
Bucky still didn’t know. Sometimes… he felt like he couldn’t trust his own mind.
He returned to the main living area, casting a sidelong glance toward the bed. She was still tucked under the covers, now hugging a pillow tight to her chest and burying her face into the fabric.
Knowing it didn’t mean anything, Bucky headed toward the kitchen to make himself useful. The least he could do was cook her a decent breakfast before she inevitably left.
Pulling the ingredients from the fridge and cupboards, Bucky tried not to think about how he wanted her to stay, and the disappointment settling in his chest at knowing she wouldn’t. It wasn’t fair of him to feel that way. He didn’t deserve to want anything.
Bucky would give her a few days, like he promised, but then he was going to Strange. This had already gone too far, and he should have gone straight to the sorcerers after the first feeding.
Maybe he couldn’t be blamed for the first time, but everything after was on Bucky.
Steeped as he was in his grim mood, Bucky didn’t realize she was awake until she was already in the kitchen. He looked up from where he was cooking pancakes on the stove, warmth spreading in his chest at the sight of her disheveled appearance. Her hair was a mess and she was rubbing her cheek where it was still wrinkled from being pressed against the pillow.
She was also wearing a sweater. His, specifically; an old grey one he’d almost forgotten about.
“Was cold,” she said by way of explanation, shrugging self-consciously and plugging at one of the baggy sleeves. “Sorry. I can take it off if you want.”
Bucky bit the inside of his cheek. Of course the memory of the night before rose full force in his head, and he suddenly loved the idea of her just taking everything off. Writhing on his bed, this time fully naked as he dragged his tongue up her stomach, between her breasts and latching onto her throat—
He cleared his throat and struggled to speak past the lump there.
“Borrow all the clothes you like.” At least his voice was passably steady. There was no reason for her to think he had any filthy thoughts running through his head. “Sorry for waking you, was trying to be quiet.”
“I needed to get up,” she responded, almost sounding… cheery. She took a step forward, seemed to think better of it, and remained hovering near the island counter.
Bucky forced himself to turn back to the stove, his tail flicking back and forth with interest, and he was tempted to swat at it with the spatula. With her here, in his kitchen, in his house which had been cold and empty for so long, it felt painfully domestic.
He shouldn’t get used to it, he told himself. It was temporary.
“I’m making blueberry pancakes, if you want some. I know you like ‘em.”
Bucky winced. Fucking fantastic. As if she needed to be reminded he’d been watching her for years like a goddamn stalker.
“If you want to eat them before you go, I mean,” Bucky hurriedly added, wanting her to understand she could leave at any time, that she wasn’t a prisoner.
Strangely, he heard her breath hitch as she gave a small, “Oh.”
She almost sounded disappointed. Bucky was imagining it, wishful thinking, because of course she wouldn’t want to stay, especially if she knew how tempted he was to toss the spatula, turn off the stove, and carry her right back to bed where he wouldn’t let her leave for the rest of the day—
What the fuck was wrong with him? He’d just fed last night! There was zero reason he should be this fucking hard up for sex again.
“What about you? Do you like blueberry pancakes?”
Bucky had been so distracted he hadn’t realized she’d snuck up on him, standing at his elbow and looking up at him curiously. Somehow, he managed not to flinch aside from a slight shifting of his wings.
His tail started to reach out to her, so Bucky tightly coiled it around his leg. Stupid fucking thing.
“Uh…” He blinked down at her, not knowing what to say.
“Because until now, I didn’t know you even ate food.” She scrunched up her nose, giving him a funny little smirk. “I thought you lived entirely on sex.”
A snort was startled out of him and he had to fight not to smile, pressing his lips firmly together. Only she could joke about something like that.
“That’s only the demon side. The human part of me still has to eat.”
“Mmm, I see.”
God, was she teasing him? He could have sworn there was a lilting edge to her tone, but that couldn’t be right.
“Do you need any help?” she asked, slightly leaning forward to the stove. Without thinking, Bucky put a hand on her shoulder to gently pull her back. Last thing he needed was for her to get hot vegetable oil burns.
“I’ve got it covered. Thanks,” he said, internally wincing at his stiff response.
Bucky looked back down at the pancakes, focusing very hard on the simmering mixture, but the warm presence at his elbow didn’t go away, and instead leaned closer, begging to be paid attention to.
Goddamn if it wasn’t working.
He had pancakes to flip. He couldn’t think about how cute she looked right after waking up, or how seeing her dressed in Bucky’s clothes made him feel something he couldn’t quite explain to himself.
“So…” she drawled, “I have questions.”
“Uh-huh?” Bucky answered noncommittedly. It seemed she hadn’t forgotten his promise they could talk in the morning, so he kept his entire attention honed on flipping, scrapping, and transferring a cooked pancake to the plate before adding more batter.
“Living in a clock tower isn’t exactly what I’d pictured for a demon’s natural habitat.”
Bucky said nothing, stubbornly waiting for an actual question to be put to him. Probably a mistake on his part, because she propped herself against the counter, leaning back just far enough that he couldn’t avoid her eye.
“Okay,” he said, flat, staring at the pan as if his life depended on it.
“I’m just curious how you wound up in a multimillion dollar penthouse in Brooklyn.”
Bucky released another soft snort. That question, at least, was one that was easy to answer.
“It’s not mine. It belongs to the Masters. The Sorcerer Supreme, specifically, and the last one was… generous enough to let me stay.” A small tug pulled at the corner of his mouth as he added, “And the current one hasn’t decided to kick me out. Yet.”
“That’s Strange, right? I mean.” She sheepishly winced. “Strange the man, not… strange as in…”
“Yeah, I got what you meant.” Now it was Bucky’s turn to turn a playful smirk in her direction. “That’s his real name, did you know that? He used to be a surgeon not that long ago. Permanently injured his hands in a car accident and went searching for the sorcerers for a cure. And then he never left them.”
Bucky could tell this piqued her interest. She seemed fascinated with that kind of thing, to his eternal dismay. He would have thought after being attacked by an Alp, and then a heigore, and having to deal with Bucky himself, she’d want nothing to do with demons or magic.
“Neat,” she said, confirming his suspicions that she wasn’t the least bit interested in forgetting about occultism and that she lacked a serious self-preservation instinct. “I mean, not neat that he got in an accident—“
“I know,” Bucky repeated, his smirk forming into an actual smile.
It felt… odd on his face, rusty and not as bright as his smiles used to be, but he couldn’t deny it was nice. Couldn’t remember the last time he’d smiled like that.
Bucky caught sight of the look on her face, staring up at him with such raw, unfiltered wonder that he had to immediately duck his head again, cheeks suddenly going hot.
The hell was she looking at him like that for?
“Okay, so, next question,” she said, apparently not noticing the borderline panic-mode Bucky was in. “How did you end up with the wizards? I know about the portal business, but you haven’t really told me much about what happened right after.”
Bucky bit his lip. This area was a little more… difficult. It was a time he really didn’t want to think about, and considering all the fucked up memories he didn’t want to remember, that was really saying something.
But he’d made a promise, and he was actually planning on keeping it, for once.
“They knew about the portal. Sensed it themselves or through their weird magic shit, I don’t know, but they went looking for the demons that came through. They also went to the origin of where the portal appeared. Your house,” he clarified when she remained silent and gawking.
“My… house?” Her brows were furrowed severely. “I think I’d remember wizards at my house.”
Bucky lifted his brows and gave her a long look, pleased with himself when she became flustered and looked away.
“They probably disguised themselves,” Bucky continued. “Police, pest control, city maintenance. They try not to shape or alter memories when they can. That kind of thing has a lingering effect.”
If Bucky was scraping the spatula a little too hard against the frying pan, she didn’t comment on it, and he was relieved to see the batter was almost gone. One more batch should do it.
“I… think I remember pest control people, yeah. They were in my room a long time. Said I had termites in my closet.” She let out a snort. “Yeah, I definitely remember that, because I thought they were a bunch of liars. Told my mom and she scolded me for being rude to strangers.”
A slow smile made its way onto Bucky’s face. He could see the scene all too clearly. Even at that age she’d seemed fearless.
His smile faded a little as he recalled what happened after. He could still see the glowing orange glyphs in the dark alley, feel the fiery ropes around his wrists and ankles as they restrained him.
“The sorcerers caught me in a trap. It was… bad.” He worried at his lip, wings shifting and his tail tightening around his leg. “I wasn’t myself. After where I’d been, I barely remembered what it was like to be human. It took me a long time to remember who I was, and they helped me with that. I owe them a lot.”
Too much, he thought. And he’d never be able to pay her back. The Ancient One’s death had come as a shocking blow, and Bucky wished more than anything that she was here now. She’d know what to do, how to actually handle the bond, unlike the goateed prick.
“Really?” she asked, curiosity back in her tone. “Because I got the impression you didn’t really like the wizards. Not that I can blame you. I was this close to strangling Strange with his own cloak.”
And just like that, the dark thoughts edging in were chased away, and Bucky was trying not to smile again.
“The Masters had a different leader back then. She was… kind. Terrifying, in a quiet kind of way. She had to kick my ass a few times before I got the hint that I wasn’t going anywhere.”
He looked down at the pancake, flipping it over with a small, soft pull at his lips. “It didn’t take me long to realize she wasn’t HYDRA. She never hurt me. Never forced me to feed. In fact, she created the first version of the replacement potion. Apparently, no one knew how to do it, but she figured it out, somehow…”
Bucky trailed off as he caught the strange expression on the girl’s face. She was looking pointedly at the floor, her mouth drawn into a tight line with her brows at a troubled angle.
“She sounds like she’s important to you,” she said, still refusing to meet his eye.
“She was,” Bucky agreed, eyeing her a moment before turning back to the pan just long enough to flip the pancake onto the plate, joining it with the full stack. “She was killed two years ago.”
He didn’t have to look at her to know the guilt would be all over her expression, replacing the jealous Bucky was pretty sure had been there a second ago. Now, why she would feel jealous, Bucky didn’t have the slightest idea.
“I’m didn’t know. I’m sorry.” She rubbed her arm as if cold, the long sleeves of his sweater hanging past her fingertips. “That must have been hard on you.”
“Yeah. It was.” Bucky paused, bracing his hands on the counter after turning off the burner. He allows his tail to unwind from around his leg, having to be careful not to bang it against the cabinets in its agitated state. “I wanted to track down her killer myself, but by the time I knew what had happened, Strange was the new leader and the bastard who had killed her was dead.”
It was unfair of him to hold that against Strange, robbing him of his chance of revenge. But Bucky had been so angered by her death, angry at himself he couldn’t prevent it, and no one who seemed to care or understand. Wong was a decent guy, but he wasn’t exactly the drinking buddy-type, and Strange was… a pompous jackass.
Master Drumm would have been Bucky’s first choice of someone to confide in, he’d always been kind to Bucky, but he’d been killed in the attack too. Bucky hadn’t felt that alone in a long, long time.
He could still remember it so distinctly. That sharp pang of losing someone, of being left behind. Of being lost. It should have been a familiar feeling, something he was used to, but it hurt with the same amount of devastating pain every single time—
There was a gentle warmth on his bare forearm, drawing his attention down to it, then up to the girl’s face. Bucky hadn’t even realized she’d moved.
“Bucky,” she said in a quiet voice. “Are you okay?”
Such a simple question shouldn’t have left him reeling, but it did. He stared down at her, having no idea what to say, especially to her. Why was she asking Bucky if he was okay?
“I’m fine,” he said, the lie sticking in his throat. He turned toward the pancakes, hoping she would get the hint. “You should eat before—“
A startled noise made its way out of him when she wrapped her arms snuggly around his chest. She maneuvered under his arm to lay her head against his shoulder, firmly attaching herself to his side.
Bucky was solid stone, not even breathing. Nothing but static in his ears and a dial-tone in his head.
His traitorous tail was working just fine though, and it wrapped itself firmly around her waist as if to draw her closer.
Bucky’s face was on fire, and he wondered if he’d burn up on the spot, banished back to the demon realm. Wouldn’t that just have been a fucking kicker of a way to die.
When he realized she wasn’t about to just let go, he released his held breath and placed a hand on her head, not sure what else to do with it.
She’s not a dog! Hug her back, you goddamn idiot!
Hard-swallowing, Bucky lowered his hand to the back of her neck, settling his human hand there in what he hoped was a comforting way. She hugged him tighter, so Bucky took that as a hopeful sign.
He didn’t used to be like this, so awkward and stiff with affectionate touches and simple hugs. He hadn’t realized how bad it had gotten until…
…until her.
“I’m sorry,” she said, warmth breath tickling his neck. “You just looked so… sad. I don’t know what else to do.”
“I’m fine,” he tried again, having to clear his throat so it wouldn’t crack. “But... thanks.”
She eventually pulled away, leaving him suddenly aware of the chilly temperature of the penthouse. Not meeting his eye, staring fixedly on his chest, she said, “I keep doing that. I should be asking you beforehand, especially after what you told me last night. I wasn’t thinking, I’m sorry—“
Bucky carefully took hold of her hand, interrupting her from the spiral of apologies she was about to go down. He’d traveled that same road, after all.
She lifted her gaze to meet his, slightly widened and lips parted. Bucky had to swallow again, pushing back against the overwhelming desire to taste those lips.
“You can hug me whenever you want, how ‘bout that?”
Her eyes brightened, joyful and jubilant, which made his next words extremely difficult to say.
“But… only when we’re in private.”
Watching her expression dim made him want to reach out, take it back, but it was true. Strange’s people would be watching her more closely now, at least for a while, and they couldn’t know the truth. Not yet.
“Right,” she said, quiet as she looked down at their joined hands.
Hers were soft, so much so that he was afraid his sharp nails would scratch her, so Bucky held her with the faintest grip. It seemed to be how he touched her when he wasn’t feeding, careful to make up for the times he wasn’t. A large part of him was constantly terrified of hurting her, and that fear seemed to grow each day.
Needing to interrupt the heavy silence and find a reason to release her hand, Bucky said in a low tone, “Your phone rang earlier. I think they left a message.”
“Oh. Right. I should go check that.” She smiled, almost bashfully as she pulled away from his hand… and his tail.
Bucky had forgotten the stupid thing was still holding on to her, and he pulled it back quickly, coiling it around his leg again. It didn’t escape his notice that she ducked her head bashfully before leaving the kitchen.
Bucky blew out a breath as he got out the syrup and orange juice. He retrieved additional plates and glasses, unable to think of a time he’d ever needed more than one set, and he went to put them on the table. Couldn’t remember a time when he’d actually ate at the thing, either.
Bucky could hear her on the phone in the bathroom and tried not to pay attention to the words, though he couldn’t exactly turn off his unnaturally sharp hearing. But what did slip through was clearly a heated argument.
“—I didn’t forget, Mom! I’ve been busy! I haven’t been ignoring you, I just—“
Bucky winced guiltily. It was almost Christmas and he knew she usually celebrated it with her family. Just another thing Bucky had ruined for her.
Her voice eventually lowered enough that Bucky couldn’t hear the conversation, for which he was grateful. When the bathroom door opened, he expected to find her flustered and still angry.
Instead, she seemed nervous, avoiding his eye as she approached the table, chewing her lip in thought. She’d also taken the time to dress in her old clothes that Bucky had laid out for her, clean and dried.
He didn’t acknowledge the brief flicker of disappointment he felt.
“So…” She didn’t sit down, instead standing behind one of the chairs and resting her hand on its back. “I’m leaving tonight to go home for Christmas.”
He bit his tongue, wanting to say that was a horrible idea considering what had just happened with the heigore, but she seemed to have more to say, so he remained silent.
“And I won’t be back until after New Year’s.”
Bucky blinked. He couldn’t have heard right. “But that’s a week, no, more than a week you’d be away.”
“Yep,” she answered, tapping her finger on the chair.
Bucky pulled out another chair at the head of the table and sat down, bracing his elbows on his thighs as he rubbed his face. He hated to do this to her, but they had no choice.
“You can’t go. You know that, right? We would need to… There would have to be another feeding before then.”
“I know.” Again she spoke in that airy, anxious tone as she tapped her fingernail against the chair. “I know that.”
“So then why are you—“
“Come with me.”
Bucky stiffened. Then looked up at her.
“Repeat that?”
“I said, come with me.”
There was definitely a nervous energy in her voice as she spoke faster, almost as if afraid Bucky would interrupt.
“Come with me, back home for Christmas. I mean, it makes sense, doesn’t it? Whenever you need to feed, I’ll be right there. And if there are any more demons around, you’ll also be there to protect me. You can even tell that to the sorcerers. It’s a win-win for everybody.”
Bucky gaped in silence for too long, and she stumbled over her next words.
“I mean, unless you already have plans for the holidays—“
“No, I don’t, I—that’s not the—Are you serious?”
He was on his feet now, incredulous and floored at her for even considering this. “You do remember what I am, don’t you?”
Her eyes narrowed quickly, her brows thunderous as she took a step toward him, unafraid when Bucky practically towered over her.
“Yeah, you’re a demon. So what. You think I didn’t consider that beforehand?”
“Okay, you considered it the whole five minutes you were in the bathroom. What a well-thought out plan,” he said, dripping sarcasm. “Let me tell you something right now. You don’t want me, a goddamn demon, around your family—“
“—No, you don’t get to do that! You don’t get to decide what I want.”
She was standing in front of him now, a finger pressed against his chest, her expression absolutely fuming.
“Listen to me, Bucky. I know you, and I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt us. You go above and beyond just to keep me safe. I trust you.”
Her words robbed him of his own, and Bucky stood there in silence. She searched his eyes, her expression softening the smallest amount as her voice dropped into a more reasonable tone.
“You can make yourself look human. My family won’t know the difference, so why does it matter? The fact is, it doesn’t. It’s a good plan that’ll address all our issues, so all I ask is you stop and consider it, actually consider it, before you veto it.”
She took a step back and crossed her arms over her chest, squaring up like Bucky had seen Steve do in too many back-alleys.
“I haven’t seen my family in months, Bucky. It’s the reason I took time off work to begin with. I’m going whether you like it or not, so you can either come with me tonight.”
She lifted her chin in defiance.
“Or you come out to Boston in a few days when I’m in excruciating agony. Your call.”
She was out of her mind. A lunatic. A girl on a suicide mission with no sense in her head.
He’d never wanted to kiss her so badly in his entire life.
Bucky also crossed his arms to prevent himself from doing any such thing. “And how are you gonna explain it to your family when I show up on their doorstep?”
The fury evaporated off her face, and Bucky was curious to witness the sheepish angle of her brows return.
“I already told my mom you might be coming. She, uh… asked if you were my boyfriend, and I… didn’t correct her.”
“You didn’t…”
Bucky’s voice was faint, mainly because he couldn’t take a breath properly. This girl was going to be the death of him.
“Let me get this straight,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You want me to spend Christmas with your family, and not only lie to them about me being a demon, but that we’re also… dating.”
“Yes. Exactly.”
Bucky nodded. “This is officially insane.”
To his surprise, she actually laughed. It wasn’t a mean laugh either, but a warm, honest one, her head tilted at an amused angle.
“Bucky, this entire situation is insane. I mean, we’re having sex on a weekly basis so we both don’t die. It doesn’t get any weirder than that.”
And just like that, the fight vanished out of him like hot air out of a balloon. He could actually feel his shoulders loosen and the frown on his lips fade away. It was hard to argue with her when she was staring up at him with that teasing fondness back on her face.
She was right. There was nothing safe or normal about any of this. Maybe Bucky was the one being a stubborn idiot.
At the moment, anyway. He was still fully convinced she had a death-wish of some kind, so it wouldn’t hurt to be able to have a cover story for being able to stick close to her side.
“You’re gonna regret this,” he grumbled as he pulled his hand away from his face, rolling his eyes. “No one’s taken me home to meet their parents in over seventy-five years.”
“Is that a yes?” The mischievous light in her eyes should have been a sign for Bucky to abort mission, but… he was quickly realizing his ability to refuse her of anything was diminishing by the day.
“It’s a yes,” Bucky sighed. Barely got out the words before she was barreling into his chest once more, wrapping him in an impressive bear-hug.
Having a sneaking suspicious she was figuring out exactly how to win every argument against him, Bucky found he didn’t much care if she did. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, his wings unfurling to droop around her without him telling them to do so.
Bucky had promised himself he wouldn’t let this continue, but being trapped in a house with her, allowed to be close and touch her and pretend he was something he wasn’t? It was going to test every ounce of willpower he had to let her go afterwards.
Bucky didn’t know if he would have the strength to do it.
Next Chapter
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barnesandco · 4 years
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (4/14)
Story Masterlist
The plum seller at the farmer’s market saves Bucky from being captured for the attack at Vienna that he didn’t commit, but is she really all that she appears to be, or are ulterior motives involved?
This is an entry for @star-spangled-bingo​ 2020. Word count: 2100. Square filled: “They’re on the roof. I’m compromised.”
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mild swearing (three sh*t’s to be exact)
A/N: Not really feeling this one, but okay. Please let me know what you think...
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The sound of sirens starts a chain reaction. Bucky hurriedly takes both mugs of hot chocolate and pours them down the sink, and she grabs her bag and hands him his before they run out of the back door. His heartbeat grows louder in his ears just as the sirens do. Police have no business for miles around -- they can only be here for one thing. Capturing them.
“Down the path, go straight through the fork in the trail,” she says, Bucky realizes she must have studied the map, and they stumble down the trodden track behind the cabin, displacing mushrooms and twigs along the way. Coniferous needles whip at his cheeks, cold of the night biting his nose.
“There’s no path going straight. Left or right?” He hisses through his teeth, coming to a dead stop at the fork. She almost bumps into him, and braces her hands against his shoulders to avoid tipping over. 
“That’s the point, Barnes. Go.” Taking the lead, she stomps into the thick foliage, looking back when she sees he isn't following. She’s about to emerge from the bush when he looks up at the inky sky, stars swimming in its surface. 
“Helicopters.” A thump sounds from the cabin, now at a healthy distance above them. Battering ram. That’s enough to convince him, and he joins her off the beaten path, but she has no time to celebrate before a searchlight skims over the forest, missing them by nary a hair’s breadth. 
“We need to get under deeper cover. They’ll start searching the woods soon.” She tells him over her shoulder, going as fast as the dense undergrowth will allow, littered with tree roots, blueberry bushes, and the occasional porcupine. Bucky follows closely, eyes on her swinging ponytail and the brief glimpses of her lip between her teeth as she tries not to fall. We can’t outrun them, he wants to say, keenly aware that they will have realized that they were in the cabin, and hence also deduced that they cannot be far off. However, he says nothing, permits himself to be guided deeper into the woods -- as if he has a choice -- trusting her apparent knowledge of the region.
For several minutes, there is no sound except that of the crunching twigs underfoot. As long as he blocks out the drone of the helicopters, that is. Even the crickets have gone silent, as if holding their breath for the intruders of their peace. 
Her breaths come in short pants as she navigates the terrain in front of them, until she stops, abruptly, and he has to grip her waist so as to not fall into her and push her over. That’s when he notices there’s something in her ear, and he can hear a male voice emerging from what he presumes to be a communications device.
“They’re on the roof. I’m compromised. Get out and mind the choppers.”
Before Bucky can ask her what the hell that was, and before he comes to his senses enough to take his hands off her waist, she has turned around and begun to look back towards the general direction they came from. Panicked, she takes her bag off her back. “Shit, shit, I’m an idiot,” she mutters furiously, dropping it and kneeling on the forest floor as she rummages through it. Bucky stares down at her and then looks back nervously, surveys their proximity, his mind initiating a countdown for when this pause will become dangerous. Eventually, she produces two cloaks, both a strange, camouflage material, dotted with holes. Something in his mind clicks as he remembers, but the confusion must show, because she rushes to explain.
“Anti-infrared fabric. It’ll keep us hidden from the thermal imaging cameras. Thank God I remembered in time.” She drapes it over her shoulders, and he mimics her, tucking his hair under the hood as they continue.
The green of the woods blurs into the sight of the same green fabric cloaking armored Soviet vehicles lying in wait for the enemy. Siberian snow contrasting against its green, him observing both in the cold of winter as the world would go quiet. Still, patient, watching.
Stubbing his toe against a tree root the size of his arm sends a lighting bolt of pain through his foot. The sound of his stumble prompts a curious glance from her, eyes falling under the shadow of her hood. She faces forward and marches on, picking up speed as the helicopters hover above the cabin, which is now barely visible as a speck of light between the forest canopy. Bucky thinks he can make out a few bodies, bustling like the anthills around his feet. Can imagine people talking into radios and contacting headquarters.
“There’s a cavern under a cliff half a mile further,” she murmurs, as if to herself, and Bucky’s about to ask her how she intends to get down said cliff when a chorus of barks tears through the forest, ensnaring them like a lasso.
“Sniffer dogs. Run,” Bucky says, grabbing her left hand in his right, metal one stretched in front of him to push aside branches and shrubbery, the downhill motion aiding their efforts. More barking ensues and their panting grows heavier, louder, drowned out by a helicopter soaring overhead. Bucky’s senses pick apart his surroundings, informing him that the other helicopter has also stopped hovering, and is headed east. The chase is on.
He spares her a brief glance between paces, their hands firmly clasped together, her eyes wide and fearful. Shimmering pools of determination, they meet his icy blues before returning to the path ahead. Her heart is pounding so hard she is sure it will break out of her ribcage, pulse roaring deafeningly in her ears, nothing break through but the barks of the dogs that seem to come ever closer. 
She gasps when they pass a landmark - a particular pile of rocks - and pulls them both to a stop. Bucky’s hand is clammy with cold sweat but hers -- just as slippery, calloused, perhaps from guns and knives like his, yet so much warmer and so soft -- does not let go of him. 
They turn to the left, but the faint beam of a flashlight shines past them. The dogs’ running is audible now, in addition to their barks; Bucky estimates at least six, a proper squad. Looking at each other, they know they can’t outrun them. She pivots on the spot frantically, searching for escape, her eyes lighting up at the sight of something. A chance at getting away.
“Come on.” She tugs at his hand, dragging him towards a large plant with purple flowers. “Get in.” He looks at her incredulously, as if to say you’re shitting me.
“Dead serious. There’s a gap right there. Try not to disturb the shape of the bush too much,” she says, practically pushing him in. The bush is spread around the base of a tree, and she crawls in after him, so they’re sitting shoulder-to-shoulder against the tree trunk.
Her whole side is pressed against him - he can feel her pulse throbbing through her body, panic tangible. Her profile comes into stunning focus as she leans across to see if the hunters have caught up. Cheek so close to his nose that he feels his exhale reflected back, if he dares to breathe at all. They are frozen in time, his eyes fixed on hers although she is not looking at him, then moving to the bridge of her nose, the movement of her bitten-pink lips as she breathes. 
She pulls back and covers her mouth with a now-free hand as the dogs run past them, then halt, turning on the spot, and yapping incessantly. Bucky feels he might vomit his heart out of his chest; his hands clench around the tree roots he’s sitting between and he bites his tongue, fear seeping into his mouth along with the taste of blood.
The dogs circle, moving in and out of sight, unsure whether to continue because the scent is right there. Bewildered, Bucky looks at her questioningly, asking silently why they haven’t been torn to shreds. She shakes her head, holds a finger against pillow-cloud lips in a hush motion, then point to the flashlights as the owners catch up to their dogs. The helicopter seems to have gotten the memo as well. The purple flowered bushes flicker, but don’t betray them, shielding against the searchlights. She pulls her hood tighter around her head.
The dog trainers are yelling to each other now, clipping on leashes as they patrol the area. One -- their leader, presumably -- speaks into a radio.
“We’ve lost the trail, but they weren’t definitely here. Dogs aren’t going mad for nothing. They can’t have gone far.” A colleague’s flashlight illuminates the words Joint Terrorism Task Force on his jacket. 
A dog stops a few feet away from their hiding place. Sniffs at the ground. Lifts it head and turns, smells at the air around, almost looking her in the eyes. She shuts them, and Bucky can hear her try to bring the crescendo of the drumbeat her heart is playing to a full stop.
“There’s nothing more here. Let’s head back to the cabin, regroup. Maybe try to get a tip out of one of the captain’s buddies,” the man in charge calls, so everyone pulls their dogs closer, and they begin to go back the way they came. Bucky looks at her as she opens her eyes, watering from how tightly she had closed them. She holds up ten fingers, hands shaking, and Bucky nods. Begins counting.
597, 598, 599, 600 seconds -- ten minutes -- later, and he lifts his head from where it had been resting on the tree behind them, and taps her shoulder.
“Why didn’t they find us?” He asks. She motions towards the purple flowers around them. 
“Bittersweet bush. Also known as woody nightshade. Poisonous if ingested for humans, but just the smell is enough to confuse dogs. It hid our scent,” she says. A leaf tickles her face and she wrinkles her nose while adjusting the bag on her shoulder. Bucky is dumbstruck, fairly certain the awe is as prominent as a neon sign on his face, as he watches her check her pockets. He has to physically shake the shock off him, as they creep out of the plant they owe their lives to.
“This way.” She starts moving. Ears peeled for threatening movement, he imitates her cautious footsteps. They can’t risk another dog chase, although she is certain they’re far enough to no longer be able to hear or smell them. The woods have fallen silent once again, and he thinks he can hear a nightingale’s song ahead.
He treads so lightly she has to look to ensure he’s still there, and she finds comfort when his eyes look back. 
As they draw closer to their destination, she holds out a hand to stop him. 
“Careful. It’s steep, and the rocks can come loose.” She points down, and he sees only darkness below.  They begin their descent slowly, steadily, kicking up pine needles and dirt as they move. It’s going fine until Bucky slips on a mossy stone, tumbles forward, and into her. She latches onto him as they fall, landing on top of him and they roll down. Instinctively, Bucky tucks her head against his chest with one hand -- the other belting around her waist -- and tucks his own chin down into his collarbone so neither of them split their heads open on a rock. Her small hands, now bleeding, hold his biceps as they fall, fall, fall.
Then, as suddenly as they started, they stop, coming to rest on a flat ledge on the steep mountainside. Right in front of the mouth of a cavern. He can’t believe their luck, feels the adrenaline bubbling in his spine after the night they’ve had. She pushes herself off of Bucky, coughing up soil and spitting out leaves. Chest heaving for air, he stays where he is, on the forest floor, bag digging into his aching back.
It’s a small shelter, sufficient for the scarce remainder of night, as it’s unadvisable to keep travelling right now, but rest is the last thing on his mind, while he gets up to join her where she is spreading out a sleeping bag. “Who’s talking in your ear?” He asks, gruffly, and she stops. Freezes, and turns slowly with a sigh. 
“Sam Wilson. One of the captain’s buddies.”
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observingherbs · 4 years
Detox Herbs 1-3-2021 (The Recap)
Observing Herbs
Opening Remarks: Detox Herbs
@nerdDNA - Red Clover,
@theartofcarty - Dandelion
@Theresep - Burdock Root
@NirvanaHerbs - Schisandra
@PierreBless - Sea Moss
@AmberHolmes - Ginger / Marshmellow Root
@Briana - Lemons
@UrbanMarie - Mullien and Black Seed
Be mindful that this is information, it's not meant to replace medication or cure any ailment. Please seek a medical professional for assistance.
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Here's a recap of some of the things covered.
The Natural Remedies Encyclopedia
Dr. E. Shook's famous course in herbology for home study
(Free Download Avl)
African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and non-Herbal Treatments
the SoulCraft Scroll the Prism Edition on Calisthenics, Isometrics & Cardiovascular Disease
The Eat Right 4 Your Type The complete Blood Type Encyclopedia
Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine
Optimal Wellness Book by Ralph Golan
The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More Book by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: 550 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments
Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients into Foods and Remedies That Heal
Tulsi Holy Basil: The "Queen of Herbs" in Ayurveda, TCM and Homeopathy
Planting the Future: Saving Our Medicinal Herbs
The Handbook of Clinically Tested Herbs
The Herbal Internet Companion: Herbs and Herbal Medicine Online
Question Asked: Detox herbs to get rid of heavy metals
wild blueberries
lemon water
barley grass juice powder
Atlantic dulse
green tea
Sources of Boron include Kale and Red Cabbage
Safe cooking tools that don't contain toxins:
Cast iron skillet
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Question Asked:
Herbs and foods for the scalp:
Mint and Eucalyptus
Burdock root oil
peanut oil
hemp seeds
turnip greens
Think about the thyroid when it comes to hair pigmentation and growth  - Kelvinfocus on your zinc levels - Kelvin
Check your showerhead for aluminum buildup - Briana
The porosity of the hair is determined by the PH of the product you're putting on your head - Mary F Jones
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Question Asked:
Where do you buy herbs?
Herbs of Gold -
Mountain Rose  -
Starwest Botanicals -
Smile Herbal Shop -
Glut Herb Shop -
Blue Nile Botanicals -
The Relish Market -
Bulk Herb Store -
Herbco -
Living Earth Herbs -
Herbs of Mexico -
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Question Asked:
What are herbs for detoxing mucous from lungs:
Marshmallow plant
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Question Asked:
Herb Good for Absorbing zinc:
QuercetinBromelain Papaya SeedStinging nettles
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Question Asked: Herbs good for Anemia
FloradixNettle ThymeChlorophyll
Food good for Anemia:
Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach
Sunflower seedsPumpkin seeds
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Question Asked: Herbs for nerve damage or leaky gut
Nerve Damage
Acorus calamus
Artemisia dracunculus
Butea monosperma
Citrullus colocynthis
Curcuma longa
Crocus sativus
Elaeagnus angustifolia
Ginkgo biloba
Mitragyna speciosa
Momordica charantia
Nigella sativa
anything fermented 
Leaky gut!
Ginger. A super-star spice, ginger can reduce nausea, stimulate saliva and bile production, soothe the stomach, and help ease motion sickness. ...
Bay leaves
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Question Asked:  herbs for anxiety:
Ashwaganda CBDAstragulus, Mullein, Burdock root
Eleutherococcus (Siberian Ginseng) DandelionNettle
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Stay Tuned for Upcoming Events:
Saturday, Jan 9, 2021
- Saturday Morning Herbs
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Sunday, Jan 10, 2021
- Observing Herbs: Coffee Alternatives
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Monday, Jan 11, 2021
- Herbs for a Monday: Quick 1 hour chat.
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Please check out some of our popular contributors on IG:
Check out
@Micopeia's Immune Supporting Tea:
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Check out
@NerdDNA's Herbal Smokable Spliffs
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 Check out @Theartofcarty 's The Five Senses of Herbs Class
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Check out kelvindanteevans 's Light Body Herbals
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Check out terranlewis's company herbneden
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winteryqueen · 1 year
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The red currants are coming in and there are tiny honeyberries already forming on the blue sea variety. At first I thought nothing was happening then I realized this type of berry grows further into the bush.
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This is the blue moon honeyberry. It doesn't seem to have as many berries as the other but it flowered slightly later so maybe it is still getting going.
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sumsmasterpiece · 5 years
Sneak Peek with Future Fanfic
I am currently plotting out a ShinKami Fanfiction and I wanted to share what I have so far Shinsou and Kaminari. Comment or message me and let me know what you think about what I have so far~
this story will most likely be mature or explicit when the first chapter is finished and is uploaded. so please keep that in mind while reading the content of examples and backstory.
These are also based on my Headcanons for each characters.
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Denki Kaminari:
birthday- June 29, height- 5’6”, blood type- O Age- 19, eye color-gold yellow, hair color- blond with a lightning streak on his left side that’s black (our right), likes- trendy stuff, hamburgers 
Father:quirk- surge, job- electrician, hair- wheat yellow, eyes- gold
Mother:quirk- thunder detection, job- weather forecaster,hair- dark brown, eyes- brown eyes
Kaminair flirts with anyone and everyone because he likes the attention (never really got great attention from his parents as a child. Denki was a handful as a child with his ADHA tendensies and when he would get stupid after using his quirk. 
Kaminari and Jirou are childhood friends and dated for a year before Jirou met Momo
Had a relationship after him and Jirou broke up
Denki felt pressured to do a sexual act when he wasn’t fully ready. Still haunts him.
Kaminari began to play the guitar because someone told him it would help him pick up chicks but then he fell in love with the instrument
Kaminari is in Jirou’s band (even after they broke up) as a guitarist (other members: jirou [vocals and guitar], bakugou [drums], Momo [keyboard], tokoyami [bass], Kirishima, Sero, and Mina)
Kaminari tries to help Kirishima and Bakugo get together (since Kirishima is like a brother to him 
Kaminari has a thing for purple hair
Kaminari hates when it storms (afraid to short circuit and hurt someone)
Kaminari uses a fidget cube when he doesn’t have Ojiro tail
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Hitoshi Shinsou:
birthday- July 1, height- 5’9 ¾”, blood type- AB Age- 21, eye color- amethyst (dark purple), hair color- indigo, likes- cats and biking
Tattoo- crocus wrap around the cross (rebirth & rising from failure) [on chest], quote on his side, blueberry blossom around forearm with other intricate designs, a large panther along his entire back
Father: Hajime Shinso, Quirk- No Sleep, job- doctor, hair- plum, eyes- dark purple, height- 6’1”, likes- coffee and wine
Mother: Mihoko Shinso, Quirk- manipulation, job- HR, hair- lavender, eyes- violet, height- 5’8”, likes- blueberry anything
Accidentally killed his mother on his 5th birthday in a car crash when he accidentally activated his quirk
His father abandons him because he blames him for his wife’s death
His father finds him years later and blames him still (causing him to have an anxiety attack)
Shinsou was in the hospital until they could contact his uncle and he took him in (uncle is a low time thug who works with villains and uses Shinsou when he gets a little older and more control of his quirk)
Shinsou was bullied in school (being called a freak, villain, and homo/other gay slurs)
Shinsou was the rebellious type (when he was 13 his uncle was caught and sent to prison and shinsou was sent to a foster home) began to think that he’d never be able to become a hero because of his quirk and people using him to do evil (he drank, smoked, and did drugs [just pot])
Shinsou made friends with the wrong people
One night (when Shinsou was 16) he got arrested for assault after he beat up one of his buddies who was going too far with a drunk girl
Naomasa Tsukauchi calls up Aizawa (local hero on call in the area) and after talking with Shinsou for a bit he decides that he will make a deal with him and take him in) (Aizawa knows how the system works)
Aizawa gave Shinsou something to believe in again and taught/train him how to be a hero
Aizawa tells Shinsou about his (Aizawa’s) childhood 
His dad was a pro hero and was watching in acknowledgment when his quirk was activated and couldn’t use his quirk to protect himself
His mother was afraid of him but lied and said she loved him
Hizashi Yamada and Aizawa Shouta are married
Adopted Eri and Shinsou
Shinsou and Eri both own cats (Shin named his Gus [Siberian long-haired cat = white with black patches] & Eri named hers Apple [calico])
Aizawa has an old cat from when Shirakumo saved the kitten named Sushi (tabby cat)
Oboro Shirakumo is dead
Aizawa mourns his death (actually had a crush on him before he died and feels responsible for his death)
When he opened his own agency he first started off as homeless
Shinsou took up drawing as a hobby
Shinsou loves storms, it calms him down. (Especially the sound of thunder and rain)
Shinsou and Midoriya dated for a while (like 5 weeks) but it was mostly a rebound  relationship after Midoriya and Bakugou had a falling out (ending mutually)
Shinsou has a thing for blonds. Had a crush on Monoma and Ojiro
Realizes that monoma was using him for his quirk
First, notice Kaminari around the college campus and found his dumbness amusing and cute as hell
Kaminari is failing in his college courses so Aizawa and Hizashi ask Shinsou to be his tutor
Saves Kaminari from Mineta during a Halloween party
Begins to tutor Kaminari in November
Shinsou is kind of the counselor to midoriya (he has a gay panic moment for Todoroki)
Shinsou runs into Kaminari at a club and is turned on by Denki’s leather pants
The first kiss for ShinKami was during one tutoring session in Kaminari’s room and both were done for the night. Kaminari was showing Shinsou his favorite music sharing headphones.
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cinkyara16 · 4 years
The fourth episode the second article
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Eating a little barbecue, we are going back to the city
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There are many such old cars in Russia, which are very retro. Local people are very keen to drive slowly in these seemingly worn-out cars.
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Passing by the small manor, I happened to meet a couple who had finished picking blueberries. They picked them all morning and harvested more than ten kilograms of wild blueberries
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We bought a pound from them, 300 rubles, more than 30 yuan. It tastes sour, sweet and good
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Out of Chita City, this is the big road, which basically entered Russia, until it went out from Viborg and entered Northern Europe. It was all this kind of road according to the rhythm of getting dark.
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The scenery along the way is basically like this. Siberia, she is actually just because of legend
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During the afternoon journey, Lake Baikal began to flash a corner along the highway frequently. It really deserves the title of Siberian blue eyes
The blue of Lake Baikal is really killing you at first sight
We also had an incident and met the world-famous Russian police
In the evening we were about to enter the Irkutsk city on the side of a highway. We encountered the legendary Russian police for the first time since entering the country. Although I had "confirmed my eyes" with the Russian police many times before, but It was the first time I was stopped by them. At that time, I was driving fast, and I saw a fat policeman whistling at me. With a black and white baton in his hand, I understood--it was time to come, and it seemed that I should hide and go over.
After they stopped me, they said that I was fined 1,000 rubles for the glass film problem. Sure enough, hehe. We can talk for 10 minutes. Anyway, I will talk to him softly and ask for money, but the attitude is very good! In the end, he might stretch himself, smile and say the sentence in the picture below to my translation software. What can I say, no problem! Quickly take out 2 bottles and prepare them in the country. Niulanshan Erguotou will be served. People gesture 4 fingers, no no no, we have 4 brothers!
In this way, after 4 bottles of "Chinese Whiskey", they were satisfied and let me go. The policeman knew that I was hiding under the trunk lid of my car when they took my wine. Obviously, it was to avoid being by the side of the road.  The surveillance probe photographed. I would like to suggest that all car friends, if you encounter a "robbery" by the Russian police in Russia in the future, you will panic. This is normal. They only want to knock you some money. If you can give it to you, don’t give it as much as possible. It is easy to spoil these policemen and make them feel that the Chinese people are too good to cheat. But you must have a good attitude, and you can go head-to-head with the police. You can really give some Chinese local products such as Erguotou and Fengyoujing. They are still willing to ask for it.
Episode 4 Let's do this first. Continue with tomorrow
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deadpanwalking · 4 years
blueberry, please
Blueberry: if you could travel anywhere for free, where would you go?
Ride a luxury train on the Trans-Siberian Railroad for an indefinite number of years.
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EXO as Hybrids
Requested by @equesasprokishi​
Master List
Xiumin- Norwegian Forest Cat
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He's way too pretty for this shit
Spends like 4 hours a day just brushing his tail
Big ole bottle-brush tail
People think he's a squirrel
He will then proudly point out his big fluffy ears
Adores being pet
and complimented
seriously, you want him to fall in love with you,
do one of those things
When he's stressed or anxious, he pets his own tail
Mom's his friends a lot and blames it on his cat instincts
Hisses if you piss him off
He's not social
but not exactly anti-social
mostly just doesn't like humans
He's probably never gotten in trouble once
Everyone swears he should be a model
but he's actually a writer
doesn't like big public meetings or gatherings
so no one has ever actually met him
likes to brush Jongdae's tail when it's full of mud or burrs
hates that Jongdae can get him to purr so easily
Luhan- Deer
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No one was actually sure what he was when he was a kid
now that he's older he's got these kinda small horns that poke out from his hair
sometimes he lets them grow out
but hates when they get too long
Has the littlest tail that sticks out above his pants
His big eyes mean he can con anyone into doing anything
not a pushover, just a pacifist
and a really damn good one
has spreads in magazines from Wildlife to GQ and Elle
Avid Vegetarian
Which makes him super wary around the predator breeds like Suho and Tao mostly
Not so much Chen and Chan
cause they're scavengers, technically
and idiots
close to Sehun and Lay, as fellow prey breeds
Not around a lot
Travels a lot for work
Suho- Wolf
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Is pretty much just a very large, fluffy dog
Is 100% a momma dog
an alpha by nature
but the only wolf in his pack
he gets a little ashamed of the fact that Baek and Chan are derived from his species
Makes a lot of threats about “eating the idiots”
But his fluffy ears and tail give him away
Really likes red meat
but won't eat it around the prey types
Looks intimidating
but wouldn't hurt a fly
unless they hurt his pack
Is actually only scared of DO
For good reason
He has scars from that kid
Lay- Ram
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Looks really scary
You know, with the spiraled horns that wrap down by his cheekbones
Always has jewelry on his horns
He's a bit of a scatterbrain, but not stupid
likes to make things brighter by making jokes
like that he only hangs around predators to look punk rock
he just genuinely enjoys their company
Is the most fun to be around
his presence is super soothing
he has so many rock climbing stories?
Like more than you think he should
People call him a sheep in wolfs clothing
-Baekhyun- Corgi
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Its so easy to tell what he is
He's tiny
did you say the cutest smile ever?
Lil bit of pudge to his cheeks
no tail
so when he's excited his butt wiggles
He's a battery
just full of energy
loves attention
once got kicked out of Ikea because a kid started petting his ears and he fell over onto a display
adores kids
never says no when one of them asks to pet his ears
loves being pet
preens worse than Xiu
gets into trouble with Chen and Chan but can cute his way out of any situation
“The cute one” is his official position
no one can take his anger seriously
D.O. Likes to make fun of him
but it never sticks
even though he's an older member all the others watch out for him
way too trusting
its hard to make him mad
when he gets upset his ears flop down
Chen- Fox
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Mischievous little shit
He has a tendency to just scream
Which makes his tail bristle and stick straight out
Always laughing
and his laugh is super contagious
Always looks like he's up to something
usually is
then does nothing
which is worse
Uses Chan as a scapegoat a lot
Likes being pet
A lot
Probably more than he should
Loves petting Xiu more
Cause he can't purr, but he likes making Xiu purr
Chan- Dingo
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Usually  has a goofy smile on his face
not dumb
just oblivious
He's got big blond ears
So he gets mistaken for a corgi a lot
but he is always quick to point out his tail
and that he's way too tall to be a corgi
he's like freakishly long
people used to joke that the ears were fake
he was actually a giraffe
considered a protector
cause so intimidating
but he's a puffball
plays a whole bunch of instruments
is a video game designer
spends  most days in a dark room working on things on his computer
Introverted, not antisocial
D.O. -Black Cat
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A whole ass Eboy
wears all black, all the time
and has black hair
and black ears
has a couple of gold rings in his ears
and a tear in one
claims the tear is from a fight
But it was just his earring getting caught and pulled out 
Kai once bought him a studded collar as a gag
but now he wears it all the time
looks super intimidating
but has the cutest smile
won't admit it:
Loves being pet
Gets into a lot of fights with humans
constantly getting reprimanded by Suho
low-key enjoys being babied
if he purrs because of you
and you bring it up to his friends
he will ignore you
cause he's punk rock
and punk rock kitties hate pets
and they don't purr
Tao- Siberian Tiger
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What is black and white and fuzzy all over?
Has the most beautiful black and white stripes
and only wears monochromatic clothing (same)
is actually a model
considered a “Rare Breed Hybrid”
his fur is crazy soft
which keeps him warm
he still lives for winter
has like 400 winter jackets
another member of the #intimidatinguntilismileclub
likes to joke about eating Sehun the most
but straight up couldn't
he tried once
for real
but he just couldn't
Kai- Red Panda
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People usually think he's a cat breed
but his tail is much longer
also, his tail never touches the ground
unless he's really upset
its usually either in his hands
or wrapped around his leg
occasionally he'll entwine it with D.O.s
just to see the kitty blush
D.O. Hangs around him the most
Kai swears its cause he's too cute to ignore
but its actually cause he only acts dumb sometimes
another model
part of the preening club
likes to climb things
doesn't sit normally in chairs
usually sits on the back of them
has a collection of cool rocks
Sehun- Rabbit
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Sassy lil bastard
Calls Baek, Chan and Suho all “Doggos”
Xiu and D.O. Are “pretty kitties”
when people get mad at him he just pouts
and how can you say no when one of his ears flops down and the other one stays up?
Answer: you don't
He and Luhan bonded over their tiny tails
easily annoyed
always snacking
everything from blueberries to whole sandwiches
usually in places, he shouldn't logically have food
like airplanes or police stations
works at a daycare
Every kid's favorite teacher
refers to his apartment as his burrow
sleeps in a burrito
Owns a full blood rabbit that matches him
calls it Boba
I don’t own the gifs used. Sorry my dudes
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talkingrefined · 5 years
Music Tag Game
You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping!
I was tagged by @andrewhoezierbyrne, thank you :)
Here we go!
1. Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing by Chris Isaac
2. Waste the Night by 5 Seconds of Summer
3. 15 Step by Radiohead
4. All I want for Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth) by Spike Jones (😂😂😂)
5. Prisoner - The Pretty Reckless
6. Canned Heat by Jamiroquai
7. It Will Come Back by Hozier
8. 7 Rings by Ariana Grande
9. Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry
10. Siberian Nights by The Kills
Tagging a few people that I’ve seen around or interacted with - @perfectpiety @chilledlavender @high-five-hozyair @expired-blueberries @geekydreamy @brendacriedpower @howlingoutsideyourdoor @harryandhozier @the-heat-that-drives-the-light @eurydicelullabye
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