jamest-kirk · 7 years
for the writing prompts, how about mckirk + different ways to say I love you? that's always something I love to read about ^^
It’s past midnight when Bones finally makes his way into Jim’s quarters. Not that the day- and night cycle are that obvious on a space ship, but judging the tired look on Bones’ face he knows full well he just worked a double shift. “Why aren’t you asleep yet?” he asks Jim, who simply shrugs. “I was going through important messages,” he replies, and Bones huffs. “Liar. I can hear Doctor Orion MD from the speakers of your PADD,” Bones replies, letting himself fall down on the couch next to Jim, and Jim happily pulls him in closer. “Hm, what can I say? I have a thing for sexy doctors.” "You know that show is painfully inaccurate?“ Bones comments while they both watch a little further. “Who cares? It’s about the sex, the lies… it’s fascinating.” Though as the screen shows a couple of panicky doctors rushing to save an unknown alien race’s life, Bones frowns. “That’s not even how you use that tool! They can’t even hold it properly.” “Okay, Doctor Bones MD,” Jim says, placing his PADD down and crossing his arms, “you tell me how it works, then.” And honestly, Jim couldn’t care less about how these tools and instruments work. Though seeing Bones, animated and passionate about his profession, Jim listens to him fondly.
Bones finds Jim tired and stressed after a 4 hour long chase from an alien ship. The Enterprise suffered damage, though nothing Scotty can’t fix with enough time and manpower. Jim is still going through messages, making sure every crew member is alive and accounted for. “Are you alright?” Bones asks when he enters their quarters, and Jim nods. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he replies, leaning back when Bones places his hands on Jim’s shoulders, “how are the wounded?” “Mostly fine,” Bones says, “a few stay overnight, but they’ll be fine in a day or two.” “Good,” Jim sighs, smiling lightly when Bones pulls him up. “C'mon, you need to rest,” he says, “but before we sleep, I have something for you.” “Oh?” Jim asks, immediately interested, “is it sex? Because I’m pretty tired, but I think I can-” “No,” Bones interrupts him, “look what I found, though?” “Scottish whiskey?” Jim asks when Bones pulls a bottle out of his bag, “is that- Scotty’s?” “Why, yes,” Bones says, filling two glasses and sitting down next to Jim, “figured you needed a bit of relaxation after today. Scotty won’t miss it for a while.” Jim laughs, taking a sip and almost instantly relaxing in good company and a strong drink. “What would I do without you?” “Probably overwork yourself,” Bones replies, and Jim smiles. “You know what would make this perfect?” “Are you going to say sex? It’s sex, isn’t it?” Bones asks, and Jim grins. “You know me too well.”
There are times where they pass a nebula or other space anomaly, and it colors the sky around them in beautiful blues, purples, and pinks. They pass one at night, too, before Jim and Bones are both asleep. Initially just quietly talking, huddled under the warm sheets. Jim’s attention is instantly taken by the beauty of space, staring outside in awe. “D'you see that? It’s beautiful.” “Yes,” Bones agrees, though he finds himself staring at something else entirely.
Jim is furious. Furious because Bones wanted to join on that away mission even though Jim told him not to. He’s furious because Bones deliberately ignored Jim calling him to retreat when the battle around them got a little too heated for Jim’s liking. He’s even more furious when Spock drags the doctor out of danger afterwards, hurt and unconscious. He wants to yell at Bones so bad, but it doesn’t feel fruitful when the other isn’t awake enough to hear him, and so Jim sits at his bedside quietly, going over his argument in his head countless times until he’s perfected the way on how to scold Bones. The moment Bones opens his eyes though, he’s forgotten all of that. “You’re an idiot,” Jim simply says, leaning in to rest his forehead against Bones’, fingers cupping the doctor’s cheeks, “don’t you dare scaring me like that again.”
"Are you well supplied?” “Yes.” “And you’re certain there’s enough fuel in that shuttle? Because I swear to God, Jim, shuttles are fragile.” “Yes, Bones.” “Well, at least make sure you wear that seat belt properly.” “Bones,” Jim interrupts him, “I’m going to be fine. It’s just a long weekend.” “You’re traveling in a shuttle,” Bones counters him, “do I need to remind you about the dangers of traveling in small shuttles?” “Please don’t,” Jim replies, leaning in to press a kiss on Bones’ lips, “I’ll be back after the weekend, and I’ll be fine.” Bones smiles at that, arms sliding around Jim’s waist. “For the record, I’ll miss you, too,” he says, and Jim huffs. “I never said I’d miss you.” Bones laughs, arms still steady around the other. “You didn’t have to.”
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zoetekohana · 7 years
Zutara, Jonsa, Hance
Whoa, this reply is going to be so much positive thoughts towards each ship. :D Putting this under a read more, as it became pretty long.
10 = One True Pairing (OTP). I will fight to the death for this ship.
To be fair, I can’t choose between Zutara and Tokka as my most favourite atla ship as I love them both so much. But Zutara was, for obvious reasons, the first ship I otp’d on this show. I think I started shipping it from the first episode? I remember thinking that the ship could have potential, but then in a later episode when he picked up her necklace, I highfived myself, “See! Potential!”
And I also love this ship for sentimental reasons. While Michi was the ship that got me into fanfiction and fanart, it was Zutara (and Avatar as a whole) that opened up more doors of fandom to me. I became moderator at a forum for Avatar and thanks to that forum I got into editing and actually made true online friends. So solely for that reason will Zutara have a special place in my heart.
10 = One True Pairing (OTP). I will fight to the death for this ship.
Oh man this ship... I honestly never thought I’d become this invested in a ship on Game of Thrones. I’ve liked (still like) ships on this show, such as Jorah/Dany, Drogo/Dany, Gendry/Arya, Ned/Cat and Tyrion/Sansa, but none of them as much as I like Jon/Sansa.
I actually always liked Jon/Sansa from the beginning? Before I knew about the R+L=J theory (I read about all that after I binged S1 in one night, haha), I had an inkling Jon wasn’t Ned’s son, and with the whole speech Ned gave Sansa that he’ll find someone worthy of her to marry, someone brave, someone gentle, I immediately thought of Jon as Ned would know he wasn’t his son. Plus I was intrigued by the dynamic that Sansa copied her mother and didn’t bother to interact with Jon, but never actually hating him like Cat did, and the idea of her eventually knowing better.
Then lo and behold season six happened and I actually got that dynamic!! I never thought I would, but I did and I loved every single bit of it. It became a them versus the world (”where will we go?”), Jon actually became her brave and gentle knight as he started a war to get back their home for her even if he wanted nothing but quiet at the time, and they became King of the North and Lady of Winterfell and no doubt in my mind that they wouldn’t be great at ruling the North together. And then it got even better when the R+L=J  confirmed, so they’re no siblings after all. I’m normally not a fan of incest, but I can let cousins slide in the world of Game of Thrones, as long as they’re happy and I do believe Jon and Sansa could be happy together.
10 = One True Pairing (OTP). I will fight to the death for this ship.
I can’t decide on my number one otp for Voltron between Sheith, Kallura (actually just Shallureith ot3) and Hance tbh. It keeps alternating because tI love all of these so much!
I love how comfortable they are around each other, because they just have such a solid friendship and trust each other with their lives. Not only that but they seem to have such a good understanding of each other as well. They genuinely like the other person for who they are (”he’s just an awesome dude to hang out with”). And I really really love this relationship they have. It’s a great foundation to potentially develop into something more imo.
send me a ship
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wulfhalls · 7 years
opinion on the new got trailer?
I died because the hypetrain ran me over !!! I’m so ready !!! I’m in love with every second I’ve seen !!
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wetslug · 7 years
heyo! I love your blog and I was wondering if you had any recommendations for star trek blogs to follow? (mainly aos & tos + tng) my dash is pretty much dead as I'm currently unfollowing a lot of inactive accounts + accounts that post stuff I'm not into anymore
no problem! im always happy to promo my faves :0 
here are some of my fave blogs that post all/mostly star trek! not in any specific order
@@jmkirk @readysteadytrek  @leifor @karlbourbon @themirrortribble @lovelytrek @karikes @prettykirk @defiantgalaxy @gaygaila @fearofdeathisillogical @transmankirk @beyondspock @stnetwork @bluembenga @zacharysquinto @trek-daily @tothestartrek @femspirk @classictrek @swishyspock @vulcannic @jimkiirk @plant-dad-sulu @greenjimkirk @galaxysexual @startrekedits @purringvulcan @vulcanbangs @commandtrek @get-trekked @jimtiberivskirk @demonicvulcan @rosegoldspock @jimkerk @vaikaya @spacekirk @cptnhsulu @bravemccoy @jameslcirk @prettyspock
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eowyn · 7 years
star wars!
Who I will protect at all costs: obi wan, rogue one, padme, Who deserves better: obi wan, padme, rogue one team, Who was killed off too early: tbh the whole rogue one team + prequel peopleWho I used to hate but now I love: i used to dislike han solo.. i don’t really love him but i don’t actively dislike him anymore… i also used to dislike rey.Who I used to love but now I hate: i don’t think anyoneWho needs to be killed off asap: hu/xWho is unfairly hated: finn… like, why??? would you hate him?Who is unfairly loved: hu/xWho needs to sort out their priorities: anakin, Who needs a hug: bodhi rookWho needs to get out of their current relationship: um, there aren’t that many relationships that i can think of besides an/idala or han/leia, neither of which i really shipped that much.Who the writers love: white female protagonistsWho needs a better storyline: chirrut imwe and baze?? they should get their own series.Who has an amazing redemption arc: anakinWho is hot af: leia, rey, padme, cassian, poe, etc.Who belongs in jail: ky/lo, hu/xWho needs to be revived from the dead: padme, rogue one, anakin too tbh
send me a movie/tv show
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qiyansluvr · 7 years
I’m 10 followers away from my next hundred
If you all would be so kind as to reblog this and help me get to my new hundred before my finals (which start June 9) I’d be oh so grateful. And i might do a little something, after my finals maybe a blograte or a follow forever, you can tell me what you want! 
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lostboys1987 · 7 years
2, 6 and 26? :D
2: top 3 villains/antagonists
khan (from tos NOT aos), darth vader, and idk another i don’t really pay much attention to antagonists tbh
6: top 3 friendships between characters
jake & charles (b99), jim & bones (st), leslie & ann (p&r)
26: top 3 obscure series/movies/books i recommend
oh man i have to choose?? i’ll say brooklyn nine nine (no one knows about it/watches it still PLEASE watch it), hot fuzz (a movie which i am currently rewatching), and the chaos walking books by patrick ness
send me top 3s!
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prideluke · 7 years
3, 20
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
dctv: hartley rathawayprison break: fernando sucreteen wolf: scott mccallcheck, please: william poindexterriverdale: jughead
20. would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
hogwarts, always!
send me a number for an answer!
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👸 + I'm gonna go with Uhura!!! And Sansa Stark because she's my all time favorite. And also Ahsoka Tano :) I can't choose only one! I love badass ladies.
yesss, Uhura!
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciraicon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira (the blog opens in mobile so...)mobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?: yup! :D
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karanmatsu · 7 years
cherry, blackberry and blueberry lemon? those asks are very cute ;o
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?coffee!!! i don’t really like tea for some reason >.@bones-mccoy@alyssphantomhive and @cinasaucemake me laugh really hard all the time - i’ve definitely laughed so i hard i cried bc of them - and i love them
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?well, obviously the squad up there^^ and all my mutuals but i can’t think of any blogs that i like, check regularly or anything
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prncefinn · 7 years
what's your opinion on kit fisto appearance-wise?
i mean…..tbh…honestly……… to be honest……ngl……… depends. 
are we talking about-to-wreck-a-clanker, kinda-lopsided-facially kit fisto (6/10)
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or are we talking underwater, shirtless, no nipples!??!?! i-match-my-lightsaber-colour-to-my-skintone, smirking kit fisto (8/10)
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or are we talking majestic, dual-wielding, idgaf, my-head-tentacles-r-better-than-urs kit fisto (100/10)
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or are we talking shit-im-about-to-go-down kit fisto (4/10)
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wulfhalls · 7 years
the greyscale Aesthetique... plus we share many fandoms :)
ahh yes that aesthetique™ that is what I am all about lol
anonymously tell me why you follow me
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virgogonegirl · 7 years
your new icon is so cute :3
Hey Sag!
Aww, thank you so much! You’re so sweet!
I just came home from watching GotG2, which was amazing, and I had to make a new icon and update my mobile theme.
I love your icon too! It looks great!
I hope that you have an amazing rest of your day and that things are going well for you!
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cheesymovie · 7 years
20, 21
20. Do you fall in love easily?
YES is my gut answer, but when i rly think abt it i dont think so? ive never rly romantically been in love, but the thing is i do Long for it all the time which is probs where im getting confused. i think, i dont necessarily Fall in love easily, but once i do i love hard if that makes sense? but platonically i LOVE all my friends w my entire heart!
21. Favorite word?
oh i dont think i rly have one off the top of my head? if i wanna be fake deep id say bliss but tbhi do like nonplussed bc the definitions contradict each other and i think it’s funny
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eowyn · 7 years
shywookiee replied to your post “rose tico’s full name was revealed and all the urls are taken and none...”
sometimes I hate people who hoard urls
even though I am technically one of those people
yeah, i feel you... 
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I really love your new url wow
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! i love it too :3 
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