#shynmighty gets asked
shynmighty · 3 months
From the OC relationship asks: Care, social circle, and meet strange for Vhespasian? :)) (~Dina)
Ooh yay! An ask for Vhespasian!! Thanks so much, Dina!!! 😁
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Answers under the cut for extra suspense! And for those interested, I'm still answering asks for these!!!
Care: How does your OC engage in self-care, if at all? If they don't, why not?
Vhespasian is not great at taking care of himself, he's very very work-oriented and is the type who feels he's going crazy if he's not being "productive." "Taking care of himself" (to him) is making sure he's hygienic and well-groomed. If he indulges himself, it would only be very briefly, and probably very expensive. A fancy meal, maybe some new cologne...if he were feeling daring, maybe he'd take some time to read a few sentences in a book. He would then get bored or antsy and quickly go back to whatever clandestine mission he's working on.
(On a side note, someone needs to come along and take proper care of this man!!! 😂)
Social Circle: What's your OC's social circle? Are they obligated to spend time with others in their circle, or are they happy to be there? Has their social standing and social circle ever changed, and if so, how did your OC feel about it?
Vhespasian intentionally doesn't have many friends. He socializes only on a very superficial level, and only for work or to keep up appearances. He enjoys it, and often craves it, but his fear of letting anyone too close often overpowers those feelings. As a result, barely anyone sees the real Vhespasian...and he prefers it that way, for the most part. He often finds himself quite lonely, but he feels safe in his loneliness. Spending time with people professionally is about as deep as it gets with this guy, and he works very hard to keep it that way. A fluid social circle is more conducive to his effectiveness as a spy, or at least that's what Vhespasian argues.
There are a few people whose company he enjoys, and when time permits he allows himself a few brief interactions with them. Vector is one, the two are about as close friends as Vhespasian will permit himself, but he tends to keep conversations centered around Vector rather than himself. Lokin is another, because he finds the doctor challenging and intriguing. But definitely not close friend or confidante material. Temple tries to get close, and while Vhespasian likes and respects her, he cannot bring himself to return her affections. Kaliyo and SCORPIO are tolerated...barely. Vhespasian is polite to them only as far as getting them to do what he needs.
Among my other characters, Vhespasian has the strongest connection to Kalixei, and they have a bit of a will-they-won't-they affair going on...whether he allows himself more remains to be seen! He gets along fairly well with his cousin, Falx, but keeps things very professional with his Jedi cousins, Aeony and Aeseca. He is very wary of Jedi after Ardun Kothe. His relationship with his sisters is pretty sour, but he is polite to them. Honestly, the more polite Vhespasian is, the more he probably dislikes whoever he's talking to.
Meet Strange: What's the most memorable way your OC has ever met a new person? Was it a good experience? Bad experience? Just plain weird? How's their relationship with that person now?
Vhespasian has a long an storied career for meeting strange people. He would say the strangest was probably Watcher X, and that was probably because Watcher X is the closest anyone's ever come to getting under Vhespasian's skin...or in his head, for that matter. One of his greatest fears became ending up like the Watcher.
Hope you enjoyed! 😁
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cryo-lily · 1 year
For the ~couple questions~! How about 1, 14, & 24 for whoever feels like answering! 😁
Thank you thank you for the ask @shynmighty! Gunna answer these for Issie & Lana as they are the SWTOR brain rot currently infecting my brain lately ^-^
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These two will be the death of me one of these days, and I would die happy.
1. What do they think of each other's family? And how does the family feel?
Well with what little is known about Lana's parents, I can only hope they would at least respect Isadola if not like her. In the very least from Isadola's side of things she would respect them, but probably not trust them completely as they were highly respected entrepreneurs (and how they got to be such being up in the air, that detail would be key tho), and until she got to know them better she wouldn't know what to feel about them depending on the kind of relationship Lana had with them, assuming they were still alive.
On the flip side of things, Tilera (assuming she was still alive) would love Lana. She would probably hit it off with her and love seeing how happy Lana makes Issie. It wouldn't out of the picture for Tilera to just immediately accept Lana into the family. And on the other hand I think Lana in the very least would respect Tilera, and the woman she is/was. Lana would also probably even hit it off with her as well, as each of their own ways of a Sith aren't totally different and would easily talk philosophy if given the chance.
Now Issie's father, Donovan, on the hand... He just views his errant daughter as a mistake & complication that needs to be "fixed" or taken out of the picture. He doesn't like Lana in the slightest and the feeling is mutual. With what little Lana knows of the whole situation, and as she learns more, it's matter of when she tries to kill Donovan, for everything he has put Issie through and continues to put her through as time goes on as he eventually comes back into the picture later. And Lana now being in the picture, it complicates his plans in trying to remove his daughter from the picture as he tried & failed to do years ago.
So all in all... just... complicated all around 😅
14. What little things remind them of each other?
For Lana, certain types of musics & crystals always remind her of Isadola. She has caught Issie more than once just lost in her Artifice crafting humming or singing to herself to some obscure music not typically played in most cantinas they've passed or been in amongst their travels. Whether it's how the certain shine or glow from some crystals that always seems to light Isadola's face up whenever she sees one, seemingly always captivated by them. Or how pleasantly lost in her music Issie gets when she's alone always brings a certain lightness to Lana's heart whenever she encounters her in such situations. Reminded of all the lighter moments of Isadola being unburdened by her responsibilities, allowing herself to let the facade and walls she's built up drop, being able to see the real woman underneath that very few beyond Lana herself have seen.
As for Isadola, she was never one for poetry or poetic literature but seeing how Lana sometimes unwinds with it, and being able to see how calming it can be for her made Issie develop an appreciation for it even if it still isn't a favorite form of literature for her personally. And even when Isadola away from Odessen/home, away on a mission or away from Lana, Issie always takes with her some poetry to read, to keep her mind occupied in any downtime she may find herself in. No matter the subject matter her mind can't help but drift off sometimes to moments she's seen of the softer, more serene side of Lana that she only allows Isadola to see in her moments alone or in private.
24. How did they fall for eachother?
For either Isadola or Lana, both truly fell for eachother back when they began to grow closer on Rishi years ago, despite being drawn to eachother since their first meeting.
In Lana's case, seeing & getting to know Issie beyond the Jedi titles that drew her into the Revanite plot they each found themselves in, is what really made Lana fall for her. Seeing how fiercely Issie cares for others, for better or worse, even those she doesn't know, and strives to do what she believes is right despite the possible cost to herself most of the time. But never failing to take a step back and thinking pragmatically about things before acting on situations without knowing as much as she could. Even if it means taking lives for a greater good, seeing Issie not as bound to the Jedi code that most other Jedi she's run across.
As for Isadola, Lana turned out to be not like any other Sith she's encountered or heard about, but getting to know her more as they worked together really struck something in Issie down to her core. Though not always agreeing on things, something that really caused her to fall for Lana was having a similar or like mind to talk to when trying to figure out anything or a problem out. Also easily working together to save both sides from worse machinations, not to further one's personal gains, but just because it was right. And just working together helped Issie break through the binary definitions of things drilled into her by the Republic & Jedi when growing up. Isadola could possibly spend the rest of her life trying to list the reasons she fell for Lana.
Thank you thank you for the ask again! Sorry it took me a bit to answer!
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sullustangin · 9 months
Six Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @starknstarwars ages ago!
tagging @certified-anakinfucker @vexa-legacy @shynmighty @callavia @sheyshen @ermingarden
Six sentences or six of.... something in art -- whatever works for you! No pressure tags as usual
"Since your liver is doing its thing, most of the medications we’re using on you are taxing your kidneys instead.  We’ve got close tabs on that, but to help things along – nothing too high in salt.  Be mindful of what proteins you consume –”
“Does this mean I don’t get hospital-issue bacon?” Eva asked him, a little petulantly.
He raised his eyebrows a little. “I would consider that a blessing rather than a ‘loss’, Captain.” 
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izmagicallulu · 2 years
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I saw this post on @swtorpadawan blog and I decided what the heck!
This is from one my fics that is currently unnamed! It’s going to be a fluffy and smut fic.
“Have you had wine before?” Raziela asked as she poured the red liquid into both glasses ``Yes, and I recognized the brand. It’s Alderaaian Red Wine. My favorite.” Raziela passed a glass to Jaesa ``It's my favorite too” She took a sip of the wine and embraced the sweet and sour flavor on her taste buds. ”How did you get your hands on this? It’s very expensive” Raziela looked at Jaesa with a grin “I stole it” she watched as Jaesa’s eyes widened with shock.
“Really?” Jaesa murmured, as Raziela grabbed her chair and put it next to her partner. “No, of course not” Jaesa rolled her eyes and playfully elbows Raziela’s side, as she giggled. “Very funny Raz,” Jaesa said, a little irritated, and Raziela placed a hand on Jaesa’s thigh “Hey, you know I wouldn’t steal from anyone right?” She raises an eyebrow and takes another sip of her wine.
Jaesa rested her hand on top of Raziela’s hand and gently squeezed her hand while letting out a sigh “I love you. You red-haired fool” Raziela smiled warmly and leaned in close to gently kissed Jaesa’s neck “I love you too” she muttered under her breath and grabbed Jaesa’s waist to bring her a little closer. She can feel Jaesa’s body tense up slightly before she can feel her slowly relax.
Tagging: @davidoodles @grandninjamasterren @shynmighty @cryo-lily @fatheriimaginedyoutaller @ladytirall @abbee-normal @shabre-legacy
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abbee-normal · 2 years
No Grophets on the Bed!
A tribute to @shynmighty Chrysander and Lana
Otis made what can only be interpreted as a whimper, if grophets even whimper. “Does my little empress want on the bed?” Chrysander said sweetly.
“Absolutely not.” Lana said as she closed her eyes in frustration. “This bed is for you, and it is for me. That's it. In here, I get your attention.”
Chrysander frowned a little bit. “Yeah, that's fair, Lana.” He got out of the bed and carried Otis to her sumptuous bed. It was even nicer than his own. It was piled high with furs, had a canopy with little twinkle lights on top. He tenderly covered Otis up with a shimmersilk blanket. Lana rolled her eyes in the background and went back to reading.
“Could you bring me another cup of tea while you're up, love?” she asked.
“Anything you desire! I'll be right back!”
Not one minute later, Otis was back at the side of the bed, whimpering. This time on Lana's side. “No, don't give me those eyes. I will not fall for your pathetic groans.” Otis sat down, tummy flopping on the floor in a puddle of flesh. She cocked her head side to side while looking at Lana. “Go. You have your own bed, which I graciously allowed to be in the bedroom. That's all you're getting.” Otis laid on the floor, front legs crossed with her head laying on them, looking up at Lana. Lana huffed and went back to reading. Shortly after that Otis trotted off to the kitchen to see what Chrysander was doing.
“My dear, I brought some of those chocolates you love. I forgot to tell you I found them when I was on Coruscant last time!” He placed a tray gently on the bed and poured Lana some tea. "I hope spice tea is good for tonight?”
Lana smiled and reached out to caress his hand. “You are so thoughtful, thank you, love”
Otis sat down with a thump next to Chrysander, he reached down and gave her scritches. “Such a sweet girl. Lana, look at her. She wanted to make sure I was ok so she came to check on me. She is so smart!”
Lana smiled tightly and nodded. Chrysander inhaled sharply, “I forgot something! I'll be right back!” As he hurried away, Otis put her front feet on the side of the bed, snuffling around and gently bumping Lana's elbow, looking for attention. Lana reached down and patted the animal on the head. “It's a good thing I love your owner, you know.” Otis wiggled her body excitedly and made little squeals of joy. “It could be worse, I guess. Chrysander could have picked up a kowakian monkey-lizard.” she shuddered. “I detest those things.” Otis grunted quietly, nosing Lana's elbow again.
Chrysander picked this moment to walk in. “Oh! You're finally making friends with each other!” He grinned so widely and did a little dance as he came back to the bed. “My two best girls, even if I did think Otis was a boy at first. I should have known though, look at those sweet eyes” He reached down and picked Otis up, cuddling her to his chest and swaying back and forth. “You're so special, oh my sweetheart, you're so special, as special as can be!” he sang to the animal.
Lana smiled, this was what attracted her to him at first, his unabashed ability to just be himself, all of him, no matter what others might think. Even falling in love with a Sith lord, wholly and completely.
“Okay, little empress, time to put you back in your bed,” he said sadly. “Cuddle time is over for tonight.”
Lana sighed internally and put her data pad down. “She can sit on the bed with us while we have our tea, I suppose. But she has to sleep in her own bed, am I clear?”
Chrysander's smile could have powered all of Odessen base for a month. “Lana, you are the greatest woman in the galaxy, two galaxies, the universe! I love you!” He kissed her then put Otis gently on the bed. “Behave and don't upset the tea!” he said sternly.
Otis wiggled herself down in one of the blankets at the foot of the bed. If a grophet could look smug, Lana swore this one did.
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vanaglori-ah · 2 years
thanks for tagging me @mercedesdecorazon
(i also didn’t get the notification for some reason? i got it in my emails but not on the actual tumblr app/website)
Rules: List eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
i don’t really watch tv shows 😅 but here are some of my faves
honorable mentions: what we do in the shadows (2019), the boys (2019), peacemaker (2022), paper girls (2022), ms. marvel (2022), star wars: the clone wars (2008), the mandalorian (2019)
08. swarm (2023) - would be higher, i just finished episode 4. it’s really good so far and it will most definitely move higher on the list once done! (i also don’t get how the show is confusing so far? like the story is pretty straight forward)
07. what we do in the shadows (2019) - big fan of mockumentary stuff. also i never laughed so hard at certain things.
06. a league of their own (2022) - here for the gays and the theys. it’s such a shame that it’s only getting a 4-episode second season to wrap everything up. some bs if you ask me.
05. doom patrol (2019) - brendan fraser made me SOB during this show. it’s weird asf like the comics, but i’m absolutely in love with it. and it’s such a shame that it’s on its last season.
04. game of thrones (2011) - despite the shitty 8th season (and like slow descent into trash), i love this show to death. tyrion lannister and theon greyjoy will always have my heart.
03. house of the dragon (2022) - only higher than got because it has potential to not end in a dumpster fire. i have faith in it! (but i also have my own issues with this show too and its fandom)
02. abbott elementary (2021) - i don’t think i need to explain why this show is so good. i especially love s2 because of ava’s character growth. she was really frustrating for me in s1 because of how she treated the teachers and it’s great to watch her grow to appreciate them in s2.
01. reservation dogs (2021) - quiet sobbing in the back
tagging: @certified-anakinfucker @shynmighty @afabficbeach + basically anyone else that wants to do this
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shynmighty · 3 months
For Taijax! OC relationship asks For Good, Mentor and Meet Strange
Aaaah an ask for my sweetest, bluest, most neglected boy!!! 😭
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After I answer this I'm gonna make a concerted effort to finally get him off Tatooine! 💙💙💙
Anyway...now that we've established that...
For Good: Is there anyone in your OC's life who had an undeniable positive impact on who they are as a person? How did knowing this person improve your OC's life?
Taijax would not hesitate before naming Aeseca. They were close as Padawans, and her friendship got him through some tough times in his childhood when he felt very alone as the only Chiss in the group. Into adulthood, they share a very strong (very platonic) bond.
Mentor: Does your OC have a mentor? Have they ever reached out to anyone for guidance or teaching, or been taken under someone's wing? How does your OC get along with their mentor?
After Aeseca left Tython, she introduced Taijax to Master Yuon, and convinced her former master to train him as well. Taijax became quite fond of Yuon, and she of him. He enjoyed learning from her, and he was a good student. Without the whirlwind of drama that surrounded Aeseca's training (and the aftermath with the plague) Yuon was able to really focus on Taijax and guide his development as a Jedi.
Meet Strange: What's the most memorable way your OC has ever met a new person? Was it a good experience? Bad experience? Just plain weird? How's their relationship with that person now?
Taijax grew up very sheltered, and didn't have many new experienced until he finished his training and joined Aeseca's crew. He's still exploring the galaxy and seeking out those strange, new experiences!
(Which is my fault, I haven't hopped on him and really spent some quality time with his story and development! I definitely am going to noodle on this one when I go back to him!!!)
Thanks so much for the wonderful ask!!!! ❤❤❤❤
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shynmighty · 1 day
❗️for anyone you feel like talking about. I miss hearing stuff about your characters, it’s always so interesting!
Seriously, it means the world to me that you think my characters are interesting. I always worry that I'm boring people with them. 😬
I've been gnawing on Aeija lately, so I'm gonna toss this ask to her!
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Aaand since I tend to get long-winded about her (and her trauma, so...fair warning!) I'll put the answer under the cut...
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
She's seen some legitimately scary stuff as a spy, but to this day the scariest moment for her was when Ardun Kothe activated her mind control for the first time. Feeling locked and helpless within herself, unable to fight back, none of her rigorous training coming to her defense...that experience terrified and changed her. The Republic, up to that point, had been a nameless, faceless enemy. Ardun Kothe and his team made it personal. Her idealism was snuffed out. She was not going to take down her enemies quickly and painlessly. They had to suffer.
Those events irrevocably changed her. She had always been a bit of a softie on the job, sparing lives where she could and going out of her way to help those in need. Her ruthless new outlook had her seeing enemies around every corner, even second guessing the loyalties of her own crew. It took a long time after her revenge was taken for her to start finding that softer side of herself again. It was still there, but buried deep beneath her fear and hatred.
As the leader of the Alliance (She exists in an AU of my legacy where most of my characters don't make it, or at least that's what I've decided for the time being, so no Aeony here to lead the Alliance) she is pragmatic and often harsh on her enemies (particularly the Republic) but tries to do right by her allies and Valkorion's victims. It's often a struggle for her to see her way to mercy and benevolence, but she's doing better at getting there. So it affects her, but she's trying more and more actively to not let it take the driver's seat when important decisions need to be made. Recovering from her trauma has been a long, slow journey.
Again, thank you so much for the ask!!!
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shynmighty · 3 months
14, 20 and 39 for Aeseca and Rass? Never participated in an ask game before and too shy to interact off anon 😭🤣
Anon, I love you and you made my day with this!!! And I totally get what you mean (shy is in my username for a reason!!!) Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Okay! Here we go with some Raseca! From these asks! I am grinning so hard right now.
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THEM!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
Okay...without further ado...digging in under the cut!
14. What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
They definitely argue-banter near constantly, but it's usually just smaller issues...like crashing shuttles. 😂 Aeseca eventually becomes comfortable enough with him that she just rolls her eyes and playfully smacks him upside the head whenever he brings THAT up. And Rass eventually sees the playful smack coming and dodges, grinning.
20. Who handles the spiders? Who screams directions in the background?
Aeseca hates bugs. She's the one standing on the chair shrieking while Rass takes an opportunity for some target practice. His aim is usually thrown off from laughing at her too much, though, so the process takes a LOT longer than it should. And Aeseca knows very well by now that she will be teased mercilessly. It's okay, she teases him right back.
39. Do they dance? If so, who's better?
Aeseca doesn't do much dancing, but she would probably be okay with a little practice! Rass isn't a big dancer, he usually just pretends he's too cool when really he's too big a nerd, but he can hold his own for a slow dance...
...and now I have all these images and scenarios in my head!!! Ahhhh!!! They would be so cute dancing together, I can't handle it!!!
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Maybe I should write about it? Or draw it?? 🤔
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shynmighty · 3 months
1, 12, 19, 43 for Taijax/Nadia, if you have them developed enough, bc I love your blue boy (you can sub in someone else if you need to <3)
Yay!!! One of these asks!!! It makes me so happy that you love my blue boy. 🥰 And I need to develop Taijax/Nadia, so this is actually really helpful!!!
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Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of him and Nadia (yet!!) because I've been all over the place leveling everyone up. This is actually really motivating me to dig back into his story!
Loads of rambling under the cut!
Okay, so first a quick disclaimer about Taijax, he exists outside of the Consular story in my Silverblade headcanon, so his situation is that he is a childhood/lifelong friend of Aeseca's, and he joins her crew after he finishes his studies with Master Yuon (around the time when Aeseca is starting act 2). He meets and works with Nadia, but he is not her master/authority figure.
So now that that's out of the way, onto these delightful questions!!
Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Taijax is DENSE. Adorably so, but dense nonetheless. It takes Nadia FOREVER to get the message across that she's interested in him. Which Nadia actually finds cute, and she's a determined young lady. By the time he starts realizing that Nadia has feelings, those feelings have deepened quite a bit on Nadia's part. But then Taijax catches up and falls flat on his face in love with her. Their feelings are pretty equally matched by that point. And they stay crazy about each other ever since.
12. What is something their S/O does that makes them flustered?
These two fluster easily. It takes barely a glance from one or the other to make them start blushing and babbling. For Nadia it's any outward show of affection, particularly hand holding. She will start blushing like crazy, particularly if she doesn't expect it. Taijax is a bit more stoic, but if Nadia comes along with any small act of kindness...bringing him a datapad he misplaced, or making him some tea...blue boy gets flustered and thanks her way too many times and makes things awkward. It's very cute.
19. How good are they at communication?
Both are fairly articulate and communicative in general, so they tend to mesh pretty well. They may even overcommunicate. Taijax is a natural diplomat, so just about everything gets talked about very calmly and rationally. Nadia is a little more emotional than Taijax, but they are both very patient with one another...Jedi training comes in handy here.
43. Who gets up early? Who stays in bed late?
These two get up early together and are sickeningly adorable about making/eating breakfast together. And pretty much everyone else on the ship sleeps later than they do, so they wake up to the wonderful smells, but all the food is usually gone by then. Later on Odessen, this ritual continues for them, and they start making extra food so no one misses out.
Thank you again for this wonderful ask!!! 💖
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shynmighty · 3 months
For the OC relationship ask game!
1, 28 & 42 for the couple of your choice 💖
Ahhhh YAY! Thank you so much!!! 💖💖💖
(From these asks)
Let's see... I've had Aeony and Arcann on the brain lately, so I'm gonna toss these to them! 😁
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Themmmm 😍😍😍😍
Also, apologies in advance if my thoughts are kind of scattered, I have a seven y/o singing and bouncing around the room as I write this!
Okay... here we go!!!
Who fell first? Who fell harder?
The short answer is...Arcann. They were both attracted to one another pretty intensely from the beginning, but falling in love came a bit later (for obvious reasons). Arcann fell first, and fell hard... Aeony was a little slower on the uptake. Her emotions just aren't super accessible to her after years of working to detach herself from them.
Arcann started to fall in love while Aeony was imprisoned in carbonite, but it took several years for those emotions to become anywhere close to healthy. His feelings were intense, but he was definitely not in the right headspace for a long time. Aeony, on the other hand, was very tightlipped about her attraction to Arcann, even after he joined the Alliance and those feelings began to grow into something more. She only started to fall in love with him when he escaped Voss. The moment he turned around and she saw the blue in his eyes...she was pretty much done for.
28. Do they trust one another? Are they comfortable discussing their fears with one another?
There really isn't anyone these two trust more than one another, and that trust was hard-won so they cherish it deeply. Obviously when they were enemies, this wasn't the case. And Valkorion definitely did his best to drive a wedge between them early on...maybe he sensed their connection? So earning each other's trust was a long, hard road.
Since his healing on Voss, and the start of their relationship, Arcann has done his best to be open and communicative with Aeony. This definitely includes discussing his fears with her, because he is still quite fearful, especially of himself. Aeony responded to this act of trust by trusting him in turn with her own fears.
42. Who teases who? What about?
Aeony doesn't do much teasing in general. Sarcasm tends to fly over her head and she tends to be more genuine in her responses to things. Which is also, as Arcann came to discover, something pretty fun to tease her about. So every so often (he has to time it perfectly) a subtle jab will fly in Aeony's direction. Usually it pertains to her taking things too seriously...over-quoting the Jedi code...or the prolonged, scalding hot showers she takes because she has a weird thing about getting rid of dead skin.
Aeony is working on getting better at retaliating.
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shynmighty · 3 months
9, 82, 84, 99 for Vhespasian and Kalixei?
OMG my most chaotic couple!!! YES!!! Amazing. I am so happy right now. (From these asks!)
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Answers beneath LE CUT!
9. If there wasn't enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
This would heavily depend on the situation and the company. In public these two have a carefully crafted façade of not knowing each other all that well. In more intimate settings, around those they trust, they are more open. If they were in a public setting and there were no seats, one or the other would probably hover behind that seat at a careful distance. In a gathering of more trusted associates, those few who know of their liaison, it would depend on who was sitting down first. If Vhespasian was seated, Kalixei would go ahead and sit in his lap with an arm draped around him. If Kalixei were seated, Vhespasian would take the armrest. If there's no armrest, he would lean on the chair and maybe place a hand on Kalixei's shoulder. Neither would ever dream of sitting on the floor.
82. Make their relationship into a list of A03 tags.
Ooh this is gonna be tricky for me, I think I can count on one hand the number of fics I've posted, but I'll give it my best shot!
Trauma/Mental health issues
Probably a bunch of the sexy tags because these two go at it like rabbits
84. Have they ever almost lost one another? How does it affect their relationship?
Their relationship is mostly brief meetings that burn very hot before they part ways and return to their lives, so losing one another for long periods is basically written in. But when Baras betrays and nearly kills Kalixei, Vhespasian goes absolutely ballistic. He pulls out all the stops to locate her and assists the Emperor's servants in seeking her out. Kalixei and Vhespasian definitely meet up in the aftermath and... you know. 😉 It's the closest Vhespasian has ever come to dropping his life as Cipher Nine and running away with someone. Kalixei has some important revenging to do, so she doesn't take him up on the offer. Nevertheless...he keeps closer tabs on her after that, in case she needs him for any reason.
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
Both. Definitely both. 😂
Thank you so much for the ask!! This was so much fun!!!! 💖
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shynmighty · 7 hours
🍒 Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet? for whoever you like
Aaah thank you so much for the ask!!!
I was gonna give this one to Aecenith and her bestie, Mako...but Vhespasian hijacked my brain and demanded I properly acknowledge his bff Vector. So Aecenith and Mako will get and honorable mention here, and I'll give this one to the boys.
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Answer under the cut! 😁
🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
Despite his charm and popularity, Vhespasian is very careful about forging deep connections with other people. He guards his feelings fiercely, and only a VERY select few can say they know him better than superficially.
Vector is one of these people. The friendship grew very slowly after his recruitment, and its development was never directly addressed. It just kinda happened. Vector never demanded more than Vhespasian was willing to give, he simply accepted Vhespasian's trust in the bits and pieces in which it came. And Vhespasian appreciated that. Too many times people would only use him, or expected more than he could give in return. Not Vector.
It helped that they shared similar views on things, and their moral compasses generally aligned. Vhespasian always prefers to settle conflicts diplomatically, if possible, and tends to err on the side of mercy. He believes the Empire should be more open-minded about aliens and alien alliances. Vector approves of his decisions, for the most part. Disagreements are often quickly settled with surprisingly calm arguments.
At this point, they have known each other a long time, and their friendship is very natural. Vhespasian was fairly young when his mission to dismantle the Eagle's terror network sent him to Alderaan. He was initially unsure how great an asset Vector would be, but Vector wound up proving himself. Later on, Vhespasian was responsible for recruiting Vector into the Alliance. It could be that their close friendship is what is keeping Vhespasian from leaving after the Alliance aligned with the Republic. At any rate, the two pals can be seen quite often chatting or walking together around the base.
Again, thanks so much for the ask!!! 💖💖💖
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shynmighty · 3 months
Break for Aeony, Alone for Taijin, midnight for Vhespasian, and Skin for Aeseca😉
Oooh!!! Asks!!! Beautiful asks!!! Yay!!!! 😆
Seriously. Thanks so much. Real life has been kinda stressful lately, so it's nice to get an excuse to ramble about my blorbos.
And I'm still answering these, if anyone is interested!
This will probably get long, so...
Let's start with Aeony!
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break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
It would probably be some combination of failure/loss/meaninglessness. Having everything she's so hard for go down the drain and not matter. Being unable to protect those dearest to her. Succumbing to darkness in such a way that everything comes crashing down around her. It might seem dramatic, but the stakes are high for Aeony, she's built a huge Alliance, found people she cares for, and tries her best to walk in the light.
If such a catastrophe were to strike, Aeony would probably look mostly the same but be completely dead inside. The closest she came to that kind of despair was when she was captured by the Emperor and was forced into his servitude. Aeony took it as a personal failure and that stayed with her going forward. Now and then she suffers from flashbacks and anxiety over it, but only those closest to her would notice anything is wrong. A very select few are privy to her allowing herself to fall apart completely.
Now for Taijax!
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alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Taijax is mostly okay with loneliness. He's the type of guy who prefers having four quarters to a hundred pennies when it comes to friends. He's not the most sociable guy, anyway. He will reach out to those close friends when he needs them. If, for whatever reason, they aren't there he finds solace in communing with the Force. He and the Force are BFFs, after all.
He doesn't tend to break down when he's alone, rather he draws strength from looking forward to seeing his pals again. It takes more than that to rattle him.
Here we go for Vhespasian!
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midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
You found the King of Insomniacs. If this man could get away with never sleeping, he would. All kinds of crazy nightmares seem to find their way to his brain when he tries to rest. Most involve mind control, or losing control, or being powerless...the things that really ramp up his stress levels.
He's tried everything. Nothing seems to keep him from waking up in a cold sweat, shaking. He'll just keep working until he passes out from exhaustion, relive the nightmares, and cope by getting back to work. In the small hours of the night when he should be sleeping, he can be found reading mission reports, drinking caf, and trying to forget.
It's Aeseca's turn!
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skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Aeseca never lets herself feel comfortable because she can't stop comparing herself to others. Her feelings of inferiority have dragged her down her entire life. The biggest problem is that instead of acknowledging her issues, she thinks she's just fundamentally flawed. She works tirelessly to excel in the hopes that her next accomplishment will be the one that finally frees her from feeling like she'll never be good enough.
She has yet to face this part of herself, and she may never be ready to...but it'll happen, sooner or later.
Thank you so much for the ask!!! This was so fun!!! 😁
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shynmighty · 2 years
Aeseca & Rass #19 for the kiss prompt if you'd like! (I hope I got the ship right. If I didn't a ship of your choosing!)
For this prompt list! I'm still happily accepting prompts for this, too!
BTW, This ask made me SO HAPPY!!! I have never been more excited to write something! Thank you so much for asking for Aeseca & Rass because I LOVE THEM!!!! And sorry it took so long!!!
Anyway, enjoy a little Aeseca and Rass pretending they aren't crazy about each other!
19. ...For Luck By Shynmighty Pairing: Aeseca/Rass Ordo
              The military wing of the Alliance base was always a major hub of activity. The flow of constant movement and cacophony of voices lent it the appearance of a machine or an organism, at least Aeseca thought so from where she stood near the entrance.
              She was actually more focused on one solitary figure, around whom the clamor seemed to blend into white noise. He was standing near a shuttle, datapad in hand, and a small furrow in his brow as he perused whatever the contents were. No matter how many times Aeseca attempted to readjust her view to the goings-on in the periphery, her gaze seemed to fall magnetically back on him.
              He tipped his head to move a strand of black hair when it fell across his line of sight. For some reason, that made Aeseca smile a little.
               You came here to talk to him, so talk to him. The thought, meant to be encouraging, sounded almost reproachful and caused her to hesitate. Again. She had been trying to walk across the wing to talk to him for nearly ten minutes. Luckily, he seemed too absorbed in his datapad to notice her standing there, staring at him like a moron.
              This really should not be that difficult, she thought. She had faced far more terrifying situations than speaking to Rass Ordo. Somehow, that fact did not help much.
              She took a deep breath, letting the air in her lungs propel her feet forward at last. The temperature in the massive room seemed to climb exponentially with every step, particularly around the tips of her ears.
              He noticed her approaching. He was looking up from the datapad now, his bright brown eyes focused on hers. He smiled, and the momentum that had carried her so far faltered. She stopped in her tracks before she stumbled, rearranging her face into what she hoped was a casual smile.
              “Hey,” was all he said.
              Several thoughts converged, collided, dispersed, and realigned themselves in Aeseca’s mind over a matter of seconds. Most of them were either self-deprecating or pointing out a number of his attractive qualities. None were terribly helpful.
              “Rass,” she finally managed. She bought herself a little time by clearing her throat, hoping to try again, perhaps a little less lamely. “I heard you were leaving.” She carefully left out the part about how that was why she was in the military wing to begin with – a strange compulsion to speak to him before he left Odessen.
              Rass’ smile diminished a little as he nodded. “Yeah, just got word from Shae, there have been some sightings of the Hidden Chain out in the Outer Rim. Torian and I are going to scope that out, and maybe see if we can’t flush them into the open.”
              “I see,” Aeseca replied, “sounds like you’ll have your hands full.”
              “We’ll see,” Rass shrugged. “Still got to get a lecture from Jekiah headed my way. Only reason I haven’t taken off yet.”
              “Nothing serious, I hope?”
              “I mean, if you ask Jekiah, he’d probably tell you it’s all very serious.” The corner of Rass’ mouth turned up again. “Don’t worry, I’ll survive. Probably.”
              Aeseca tried to summon that cool, relaxed attitude that had come to her so suddenly and unexpectedly on Ruhnuk. Whatever it was that had allowed her to talk to him with such ease had mysteriously evaporated around one day later, when she had been forced to admit to herself that she found him attractive. All she could muster was a bit of a forced laugh.
              “Who said I was worried?” It came out sounding less like the banter she had hoped for and far more defensive.
              “You mean, you don’t lie awake at night concerned for my health and safety?” Rass, as usual, did not miss a beat. “You wound me.”
              He wasn’t totally wrong – but his health and safety were not the reasons why the thought of him kept her awake at night.
              “I don’t—” She began.
              “Relax, I’m just teasing.”
               “Again.” Aeseca sighed, but she couldn’t stop the small smile that his teasing brought to her face.
              Rass chuckled, “Admit it, you love that I’m a pain in your—”
              Aeseca and Rass turned towards the platform, where Jekiah Ordo stopped short of striding over the edge, his eyes narrowing at his younger brother.
              “We need to talk before you leave,” Jekiah said, crossing his arms over his armored chest. Without another word, he turned and walked away.
              “That does sound serious,” Aeseca admitted once Jekiah was out of earshot.
              “Like I said, I’ll be fine,” Rass replied. “This is far from my first reprimand from him.”
              “Even so,” Aeseca stepped closer to him, taking advantage of a small wisp of courage while she still felt it. Before he could reply, she lifted herself onto the tips of her toes and brushed a quick, feather-light kiss against his cheek. Her lips tingled with the memory of his stubble as she stepped back again. “For luck,” was all she said. She cast one final, small smile his way before she turned and hurried quickly out of the military wing.
              Rass blinked a few times at the retreating figure of the Jedi, trying his best to not focus on the sway of her hips as she disappeared from view. It was becoming more difficult not to do so with every encounter they shared.
              He grit his teeth, forcing his gaze to the floor. Aeseca was a Jedi, an honorable warrior. Objectifying her that way felt wrong, and deeply offensive somehow. He knew their Order was very clear about not forming those sorts of attachments.
              And yet there was a strange, warm sensation on his cheek where her lips had touched only too briefly moments ago. It was already starting to fade. He found himself wishing it wouldn’t.
              “Rass,” Jekiah’s voice was closer now. His elder brother’s boots had come into view in front of him and Rass looked up, quickly erasing the lingering shock on his face.
              “Okay, Jek. I’m ready. What is it you needed to yell at me about?” He asked.
              Jekiah’s face was unreadable. His arms were still crossed over his chest like an impenetrable wall. It was the stance he usually took when he was about to talk about something he would brook no argument about.
              “It’s about you and that Jedi…”
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shynmighty · 2 years
…to distrat: Lana, Chrysander and grophet?
For this prompt list! I'm still happily accepting prompts for this, too!
Thanks so much for the ask @abbee-normal!!! And I got it done just in time for Valentine's Day! 💖
Anyway, enjoy a little Chrysander/Lana fluff!
17. ...To Distract By Shynmighty Pairing: Chrysander/Lana Beniko (featuring Otis the grophet!)
              “This can’t be happening.”
               Chrysander strode about the small living quarters, taking measurements. For a moment, Lana was unsure if he was too absorbed in his task to respond. “I can’t help it if Otis likes Buddy,” he said, finally.
              “We’re way past ‘Otis likes Buddy’, Chrysander,” Lana crossed her arms over her chest, as though that might contain her growing annoyance. “We’re at ‘Otis is actually female, and our base is about to be overrun by grophets’.”
              “Isn’t it great?” Chrysander’s head popped up from behind the chair he was measuring. His grin wilted only slightly under Lana’s glare. “Aeony thinks it’s great.”
              “Aeony doesn’t sleep in this room,” Lana countered, “And Aeony’s…” she stopped herself from saying “mangy”, “…grophet isn’t the one giving birth.” She also resisted reminding him that he was the reason Aeony had a grophet in the first place.
              “It’s going to be exciting!” Chrysander was under the table now.
              “Not the word I would have picked,” Lana sighed.
              “Lana,” Chrysander rolled out from under the table and got to his feet, brushing some dust off his clothes. He approached her with an outstretched hand that she could not resist taking. His green skin was warm through the fabric of his gloves and his gaze was focused on her with his usual devoted tenderness. “Let me paint you a word picture.”
              The moment was gone.
              “No.” Lana pulled her hand away. “I’m going to tell you exactly what to do with your word picture…”
              “Over in that corner is going to be what I’m calling ‘the grophet enrichment space’,” Chrysander was already gesturing toward the chair in the corner of the bedroom. What came next was an all too detailed description of his plans to transform their bedroom into a menagerie for baby grophets. For some reason, it even had a library.
              And sometime during Chrysander’s overly lengthy “word picture”, Otis herself waddled into the room. She grunted and made her way to the chair in the corner, where she sniffed the legs and headbutted the cushion before turning to Chrysander with a plaintive snort.
              “There’s my princess!” Chrysander cooed. For a moment, Lana was almost grateful to the creature for being the only thing that could interrupt his diatribe. “Did you want to get on the chair, beautiful? Is your center of gravity changing and you can’t jump up by yourself?”
              Lana had trouble imagining that the stout creature ever had the capability to jump on the chair. In fact, she and Chrysander -- and Otis -- had cohabitated long enough that she was certain the grophet could not jump at all. She continued to keep her thoughts to herself. Chrysander busied himself making a small palace out of seat cushions, with his precious Otis enshrined in the center. When he was done, he turned back to Lana, grinning proudly and gesturing for her to admire his handiwork.
              Lana sighed again, this time with as much fondness as exasperation. And that exasperation was directed at herself almost as much as her partner. Somehow, she had fallen hopelessly in love with the goofiest Jedi in the galaxy.
              As Chrysander animatedly resumed his “word picture”, Lana drifted across the small space of the bedroom, closer to him. He was still talking when she reached up to cup his cheek with one hand and did not stop until her lips were pressed firmly to his.
              She could feel his plans for his “grophet enrichment space” drop away around the same time as his surprise. His arms found their way around her waist, pulling her closer. For a few moments, there was nothing in the galaxy but the two of them.
              “What was I talking about?” Chrysander was smiling blissfully as Lana drew back.
              Lana shrugged. “No idea.”
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