#shy blushy chubby doc ftw
blackberry-gingham · 3 years
for the hc requests… so this is extremely specific to me and my fav fanfic trope, so ignore if you’re not into it. but. otto and reader he’s into but isn’t dating (yet). and some vague excuse for them to give him a massage/rub his back. and he’s embarrassed bc he’s a little too into it. idk me and my chronic back pain will go away now please and thank you love your work :)
Bro, if this isn't me 😭✋🏻 My upper back has been hurting soooo bad lately, like... My muscles feel like guitar strings 💀😭😭 but yes... We can absolutely give the big boy a rub 🥺🥺😩 this kinda turned into a mini fic but here you go lol
Ok, so I'm imagining like an after hours at the lab type thing. The doc is toiling away as he usually does, and you're still here helping finish up some stuff, despite his numerous attempts to get you to go home and rest.
The doc collapses into his little office couch at long last. Taking the cue, you grab a chair and do the same. You talk a little, but you can't help but notice the way he keeps rolling his shoulder. It takes some doing to get the truth out of him, but... His back has been killing him from all this running around and lifting in the lab.
Oof, you know how that feels... Naturally you offer to rub his back for him. It's no big deal, besides it'll help, you assure him. You nearly have to fight him for it, but... Eventually he agrees.
You join him on the couch and, slowly, he turns to present you his back.
Truth be told, he's very nervous. Not only because he has something of a crush on you and this is a rather intimate exchange, despite your efforts to downplay it... But also bc, well... He's rather self conscious to have you touching around his back.
The doc's not proud of it, but he is a fairly large fellow. There's quite a layer of pudge protecting the muscles you're about to attempt to rub. Well, if you can get at them, that is.
It's takes a little extra kneading... A bit more finger tips and knuckles then palms and heel of the wrist, but you get on with no trouble.
Otto can feel the skin and chub moving back and forth before your fingers. It does little to relax him at first, but... Once those aching muscles start to twang and release. Oh...
The doctor heaves a sigh, falling a bit forward to brace himself on the arm test. His muscles are so tight, he can't help but twitch now and then as you work your magic. You ask if he's alright. Otto nods fervently, it's all he can do to not beg for more.
Oh, but you know....
You get up on your knees for a better position, laying some extra pressure points into his back.
He hisses and arches into your fingers. Damn that feels good. You laugh, but keep it up as you work your way out from his spine.
Again he apologizes for the noise, but... You don't exactly mind. Working down now, you massage right around the base of his ribs. If he wasn't before, the doctor is certainly blushing now.
The squish around his back isn't exactly flattering, but it's better then what's sitting around the faint remainder of his waist.
You don't mean to embarrass him though. Just a few long kneads out along his ribs and you're moving back up to his shoulder blades. He's grateful for it, but that's not to say his tummy bothers you.
After a little more, the twitching stops and the doctor can just enjoy. He makes a deep, rumbling sigh, like a great big pur as he leans back, melting into your touch. You have no idea how long it's been since he's had human intimacy like this...
You're doing a bit to support his weight right now, but he's so happy... You don't mind holding him up for a little longer.
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