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asktheevilgeniusesson · 19 days ago
Starter as requested by @shxdesofchaos
Zero was mortified. Scared to death and still alittle shaken up after everything. The tiny jackal was struggling to understand and accept what’ happened. His family. They were dead. They didnt get up. It was like watching their own victims when they squirmed on the floor until dad put a dagger through their skull, but this time it was them being slaughtered. He had been still shell-shocked of the events despite when the doctor brought him to a safe place. Some base for his empire promising him that he’d be unstoppable and able to bend reality to his will to bring his family back. Ofcourse he accepted such an offer.. now he was waiting for the doctor to get it ‘ready’. He had been set outside and now he was waiting. The little jackal was sat against a tree, not far from the doors, as he hugged himself tightly. He didn’t want to do this but what choice did he have? He made his choice. It was either wait for that horrifying hedgehog monster to find him and take him out next or follow the creepy old man. He wanted his dad back… zero was sat there, silently sniffling and crying as the homesickness and guilt kicked in. Hiding his face in his knees.
He didnt want to be a guineapig. But he had to be to be stronger.
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therestingwaves · 15 days ago
Umbra has been sprawled out with all manner of Chao lying on him for the past few hours.
He may have fallen asleep. It's... difficult to tell.
(This is technically at both Chaos and Chip)
- @shxdesofchaos
Feeling an uninvited presence in the chao gardens has definitely caught the attention of chaos himself, afterall, its just supposed to be the chao here. He doesn’t usually invite mobians to his gardens out of the fact he knows they’ve been developing… eating habits. To eat his chao. So, ofcourse from the gardens pool, water ripples as the god emerges, sure, chip didnt seem panicked telling him there was somebody and he couldnt hear chaos panicking but he wasn’t convinced yet.
Before you know it, umbra has a slightly angry god of water looming over him. Trying to understand what in the blazes could be happening here and how all the chao are just. Piled like that. Bright green eyes shining down on them all until one of the chao seem to stir, and get excited seeing him. Which ofcourse is starting some chain reaction of chao waking up happy to see chaos. Reaching a hand over them, he roughly taps the mobians forehead. Narrowing his eyes.
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glitchedxout · 25 days ago
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The bioweapon clicked one of his talons against the floor, staring at the hedgehog with a tilted head. Normally, the Indoraptor was aggressive towards anything that moved but this case was...different.
Something about the other didn't smell right, a pheromone that made his quills stand on end.
A kindred soul, perhaps?"
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ultimachaos · 6 days ago
"Eternity is not really a blessing, but a curse." - @shxdesofchaos (to Lancelot)
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"Yes… I agree, eternity does appear as the desire of many, yet as thou dost dwell within its grasp thou shalt perceive it as a dire curse. It's sad that the multitude are blind to such truth…"
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adarkpastandbrightfuture · 16 days ago
"...Hm. I forgot I used to be this small." - @shxdesofchaos
“‘Used to be’? what the fuck is that supposed to-“
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…oh. That is. A very tall version of him, isnt it? The ebony hedgehog stared up at the taller variant with a narrow-eyed look, flicking his ears back just abit in a minor annoyance. First, another silver that gave him a headache. Now another version of himself? Atleast he wasn’t screaming.
“..hm. I see now. I assume you got stuck in this timeline like the other silver did? Im not sure if i’m the right hedgehog to come to about timeline hopping mishaps.”
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timeclipsed · 1 month ago
🕯️-shxdesofchaos (for Umbra)
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. (status — closed!)
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Oh, this one. Didn't you indirectly tell me I was cute? What the hell is cute about me, for one, and two, what gives you the right to call me cute?... Whatever, you're a step up from all of the other ones, at least. I can play nice for now. We can stay indifferent like this, just as long as you don't fucking call me Maria.
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icxlledyoushxdow · 1 month ago
@shxdesofchaos Came to see Maria~!
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"Ugh, this cold weather is pretty tough on an old lady's joints..." Maria muttered to herself, hobbling along on her way home from being out all day. It was a relatively cold day outside, though as she continued on her way, she spotted a familiar figure and blinked a little. It couldn't be...Could it..?
"Shadow? Is that you?"
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umbrumsol · 1 month ago
[ guard ] - shxdesofchaos (perhaps protecting him from G.U.N trying to "re-aquire" him?)
it knew this creature.
the memory of oozing darkness slipping into ports and plugs, overloaded with information, statistics, data. everything that the wretched captors were hiding. including this being.
the same being it had modeled its physical form after.
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mephiles tilted his head to the side, though it was hard to adjust to having a shape, making it resemble a doll with a broken neck more than anything. project shadow. founded in 1974. ended in [REDACTED].
"shadow." it warbled, taking a step to be at his side. "destroy them."
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lunargcat · 2 months ago
shadow ( @shxdesofchaos ) // continued X
a soft bleat of protest was all he could manage. his knees felt like they were made out of liquid, so he didn't need to be asked twice before he was wobbling and plopping himself down on the ground.
it seemed like such an insignificant attack at first- a simple blow to the back of his head from what he perceived to be a lesser lifeform. and yet, here he was. the son of the moon, seated in the dirt with a throbbing head (that was probably bleeding) and jelly limbs.
what would mother say to such a thing?
"i trained you better than this." the words would spill off her tongue like acid, her disappointment melting all the way into his false bones. "you were supposed to be stronger. you were created to be stronger."
a soft sniffle reached his ears and it took him a good moment to realize it had come from himself. was he....? no! he couldn't be crying over something as trivial as this.
maybe it wasn't the wound that was making him so upset.
"mother would be so furious with me...." jericho mumbled, curling his unnatural tail around his waist.
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afracturedexistence · 19 days ago
If Mephiles didn’t know better, he’d say that the other was annoyed by this request. Maybe. Either way, he didn’t care terribly about that — this information, he decided, was long overdue. Or rather, an understanding of it. Over the years, there had been whispers that he had picked up, little tidbits here and there of information that his old adversary wasn’t quite what he thought them to be. And this alternate was just confirming that. Should all of this be applicable to others across the multiverse, of course.
The logic was… interesting. Create something immune to the problems you wanted to solve, then… what, study it to learn how and why it was immune? That was very curious to him. Only a less advanced mortal race would work in such a way, he decided, assuming that he understood correctly. And following that, he wondered just what sort of problems for the scientists that introducing alien DNA might have for their prospective cures.
“You were engineered to be perfect,” he said out loud with a thoughtful expression. Mephiles shook his head to himself a moment later, knowing the answer, but he had to ask.
“This story of yours — is it a… a typical one for those with your face?”
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"Ah. I believe only Deity and god have similar definitions, elemental is usually something different." Umbra starts off with, "Though stating you do not have any particular preference would have worked as an answer as well if you truly don't."
The ebony hedgehog paused as he heard the rest of it, an ear twitching. Right, if he didn't know about Chaos Drives, he likely didn't know about Gerald either. He took a slower, deeper breath as this would be a bit more of a sound bite than he normally was.
"...I was created, not born. G.U.N... the Guardian Units of Nations which are a military group... funded the project which led to my creation and also those of the chaos drives, which were made in conjunction with myself as they were a part of the project's process. Essentially, I'm an artificially created lifeform. An experiment."
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"I'm considered the solution for those of whom the answer to their prayer is 'no'. I was created by Gerald to be the cure for all diseases and illnesses by making sure upon my creation that I was immune to them." Umbra began to explain the core idea of the project that had created him in incredibly rudimentary, bare bones skeletal details so that the base idea of what was meant to be accomplished would be understood.
"They utilized alien DNA... that which causes things like these wings that I have already explained regarding the Black Arms, and then Mobian hedgehog DNA in order to give me a form that resembles a mural on Angel Island, a floating island that is where the Echidnas lived and the Master Emerald is kept. As well as in order to make sure that I was stable for the level of raw chaos energy they put in my system through those drives, which enables me to utilize Chaos Energy the way I do." Umbra stated.
His voice tone is detached as he explained it, as it's not the first time that he's talked about it. He'd done so on the ARK when gathering the emeralds back then for the Eclipse Cannon. It's not difficult to talk about, at least, not in the level of detail that he is purposefully leaving out since Mephiles had not asked for an in-depth explanation. Even if there are a great many implications of just how Gerald and the other scientists who would have been helping the professor would have made sure that Shadow was actually immune to all diseases and illnesses. Not that he had ever gotten to the part where he was used as a cure. The ARK raid had seen to that.
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asktheevilgeniusesson · 5 days ago
“I don’t need a break. I’m okay.” - BABY UMBRA ( @shxdesofchaos ) to (ahem, chance for him not to be a dick) Eggman
(Scenario could be that Eggman accidentally time traveled to the ARK pre-incident, and Shadow thinks he's another scientist wanting to run tests on him right after he just went through some)
The doctors eyes narrowed as he looked down at the little hoglet. It was definitely shadow. Or.. a version of him. Seems his time travel put him abiiit too far back.. and he had no plans to ruin umbras childhood more than it probably already was. He was evil, but he was no heartless monster. The doctor took a breath and moved down on one knee twords the little hoglet.
“A young boy like you shouldn’t be pushing himself to his limits and farther every day. You need to grow and grow healthily. Doing this? That doesn’t help you grow up to be healthy. Maria would like you to be healthy, wouldn’t she?” Ivo hummed. He didnt make an effort to touch the hoglet, just speak. He was the same way when training zero. He didnt let that pup push himself until he was old enough for his body and mind to handle doing such things, then he let zero push himself to his hearts content. But that was way later when the pup was about halfway to adulthood. Umbra looked incredibly young here, therefore pushing himself to please people was off the table.
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the-muse-coven · 2 months ago
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If you see me follow you on this blog as of the moment, it is either bc you followed my Shadow rp side blog (@shxdesofchaos), or I am following you for my Alastor Side blog!! (@hartstune) (This is just so people see it immediately, I do every blog I have under side blogs instead of having multiple tumblr accounts that I have to log in and out of just for my own personal convenience, and admittedly lack of ability to consistently remember my passwords lmao)
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multimusewonderland · 18 days ago
Muse Tea
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Tagged by: @shxdesofchaos and @silver-heroes-rp AND @voxfuturi (thank you!) Tagging: im too sleepy. steal from me.
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theshadowandhislight · 6 days ago
' ' It feels like you're way out of your head. You've no idea why I did what I did and I see no reason to explain myself to the likes of you. ' '
Shadow rolls his eyes. while he might've grit his teeth at the blame, he pinches his brows into a narrow eyed glare.
' ' have you no idea what he's done? you cannot blame his every single little action on me because of something I did when I was out of a sound mind. he has the ability to make choices on his own and it's not my fault that he's acted on them. how am I the moron for actions that were years ago, in comparison to the here and now? head back to where you came from, I have no will to argue with you about things that are already written in fate that I cannot rewrite. ' '
Shadow turns to face away from Umbra, half closing his eyes. he was almost annoyed. he looks over his shoulder with an unamused stare.
' ' if I must explain myself to the likes of you, fine. but know you're not getting the entire story from the jackal. ' '
Umbra has just been listening to all of the stuff between this Shadow and Infinite. And his muzzle is bent in an angry snarl.
"You can't hold yourself above him about having had your revenge when you couldn't even keep your promise to both Maria and Amy and everyone else. Or did you lie to them when that happened after the Comet?" The taller ebony hedgehog can't help how he's bristling.
"Does your Sonic know you killed Infinite's family?" Umbra added in inquiry.
"Maybe I should tell him just who he allows at his side."
- @shxdesofchaos (*plays boss music & runs away*)
' ' I've kept my promise to Maria, how dare you say her name in vain. i've protected her world, and not to mention those actions of mine were a very long time ago when I was worse off. ' '
Shadow scoffs, crossing his arms as he eyes Umbra with an unwelcoming glare. sure, he hadn't been joking with infinite when he was berating him but their argument wasn't serious. what was this short variant getting all hissy footed at him for?
' ' Who are you to tell me what I am to do in my own universe? I don't go into yours scolding you for your actions, now do I? what's done is done and nothing can erase the past. it's my problem, not yours, so keep your nose out of my business would you? ' '
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fragmented-deity · 2 months ago
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Independent, headcanon-based, canon divergent Mephiles The Dark
Affiliated Directly with @shxdesofchaos 's Shadow (Umbra)
Art Credit For The Avatar on The Blog: inualet
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Follows from @the-muse-coven
Drafts: 0
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timeclipsed · 2 months ago
🧠 - I now understand completely why Maria kept getting cuteness aggression. I keep wanting to squish your face. (@shxdesofchaos)
Send 🧠 + an intrusive thought for my muse to have, and they'll react to having it! (status — closed!)
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��Who are you, why are you in my brain, don't touch me or I'll bite your hand off you son of a bitch. Also, if you're in here, pay some fucking rent, damn.❞
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