#shvybzik the dog
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Shvybzik the dog!
Shvybzik was Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna’s pet dog which she first got in 1915. She probably named him after her own silly nickname (also called Shvybzik.) I don’t know the exact date of when she got him, but the family first started mentioning him in their letters around early 1915. Shvybzik was a small black Pomeranian who was known to be a frequent troublemaker around the Alexander Palace (just like his owner 🤭)
“Mother is trying to send Anastasia to bed but she is desperately trying to find Shvybzik which is missing. Everybody is calling him but he would not come. He was found at last 10 minutes later. We all thought that he was under the sofa. Mother started to bark and Shvybzik answered. he appeared to be sitting under Mother's couch and we all put a great effort in pulling him out of there…”
— Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, April 18th 1915
Speaking of Shvybzik getting in trouble, we often hear in NAOTMAA’s letters that the dogs tend to do something “Governors.” This term was a code name for poop in the Romanov household. Shvybzik (or Tatiana’s dog Ortipo) might’ve been the inspiration for this fabulous nickname because of all of the poops he did!
“Little Shvybzik has just done a Governor" on Mama’s carpet and Anastasia is now trying to teach him how to behave...”
“Shvybzik is squeaking. I think, he wants to see the Governor-General. He has done it already and Anastasia has run in with a small shovel and took it away..."
— Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, April 1915
Almost a month later, Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna writes in a letter that little Shvybzik died of cerebral inflammation (brain inflammation)
"...Poor Anastasia is so sad because her little dog Shvybzik died of cerebral inflammation..."
— Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, May 24, 1915.
After Shvybzik died, Anastasia got another dog named Jimmy, but she never forgot her little Shvybzik.
“I miss dear Shvybzik.”
— Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, June 14th 1915
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n-rnova · 2 years
Diaries and Letters - Letters of Grand Duchess Anastasia
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Oct.25, 1914,p.42 "...It's 9.10 a.m. now. We are waiting for Grigory (Rasputin) to come. Olga is sitting idly and digging in her nose. S he is just a "swine"... I am in a great hurry to write as Grigory is coming soon... He has just come..."
Oct.28, 1914, p.44 "...Ortino and Tatiana are running about the room now. Mother is going to receive Maklakov at 9 a.m. and Malama will come, too, which is very pleasant. I took this picture of myself looking at the mirror. It was very hard as my hands were trembling. ...I had 7 classes today and tomorrow I am going to have 4 or 5... I am having a Russian class now and Pyotr Alexeyevich is reading Turguenev's "The Hunter's Notes" to us..."
Jan.30,1915, p.58 "...I taught Ortino to sit up and beg and today I've taught her to give her paw and now she can do it. She is so sweet..."
March 7, 1915,p.61 "...I'm so grateful to you that you allowed us to use your bath. We bathed there yesterday. It was such fun! I was the first to go. There was much water. I was able to swim around the bath and then jumped down from its sides. It was terrific! Then Maria and I played in the water for some time but, unfortunately,I had to get out soon. Ortino was running about all the time and barking. After that Olga and Tatyana bathes and also enjoyed themselves!.. . Mother has already got in her room the flowers which you like. You know those blue flowers which grow in front of Grandmother's windows. They have just opened. Tomorrow is Sunday. It's so good not to have lessons when you can lie about in bed longer than usual... All of us are kissing you including Ortino who is running about here like a mad dog... She is such a dear..."
Apr. 7, 1915, p.64 "...We have just finished dinner. Mother is lying and sisters are sitting nearby. Tatyana is out, of course, as usual. Shvybzik and Ortino are lying in Mother's bed and sleeping. They are such darlings..."
Apr. 8, 1915 "...The sun is so warm today. In front of the house there are some white and yellow little flowers and some little daisies but they are few. We'll have to go and break the ice today with Maria and Nagorny..."
601,1156, Apr. 16, 1915, pp.68,69 "...They bring different dishes to taste for Aleksey and we all and Pyotr Vasilievich come and gobble them. They are so delicious. Terrific!... It's evening now. We've just finished dinner and are sitting with Mother. The dogs are running about the room and barking loudly..."
601,1156, June 14, 1915, p.74 "...We've just had breakfast in the balcony. It was so pleasant. At the service the choir sang "Lord, have mercy upon us!" by Tchaikovsky and we were all thinking about you, Father dear. Yesterday evening we were at Anya's (Vyrubova). Demenkov, Shvedov and Zborovsky were there, too. We were to rehearse the comic item of the programme. We were dying of laughter looking at the actors... Uncle Pavel will, of course, have tea with us. So dull... When we are at home we sit in the balcony all the time and have dinner there, too... Ortino has rushed into the room and is running about looking for you. When she failed to find you she jumped up on Mother's lap... I am sitting now and grating carrots and radishes. Very tasty. At 11 a.m. I go to Aleksey's room and gobble Aleksey's food samples. Almost all teachers also take part in it. I miss dear Shvybzik (Anastasia's dog). I still have the cigarettes you gave me and I smoke them sometimes with pleasure and thank you very much. The lilacs are finishing blossoming already..."
601,1156, June 22,1915, p.78 "...My and Maria's bed is in the middle of the room. It's better to sleep there. We open the window and it becomes very pleasant and comfortable... Sometimes we have classes in Mother's balcony and once we had to go to the garden while they were leading the wire for the lamp there..."
Aug. 26, 1915, p.81 "...I am sitting on the sofa near Aleksey who is having dinner with M. Gilliard and Maria is running about making very much noise. After that we spent some time with Alexey. When we are free we usually do it..."
Sept. 4,1915, p.84 "...In the afternoon we were in our hospital at the concert. There was De La Zari, then 3 people who sang, a young lady who danced, then a young lady who danced and sang. And there was also the little man whom we had seen at Anya's in winter a long time before. He told such funny stories that everybody was dying of laughter."
Sept. 13,1915, p.86 "...It's so disgusting! There lives a mouse in Maria's and my bedroom. I saw it in the morning and at night I heard it make a scratching noise... Now I am sitting in Mother's big room and Anya is reading aloud to Mother..."
601,1156, Sept. 20, 1915,p.90 "...Yesterday was Saturday so I had dinner with Mother and stayed with her up to 10 p.m. and we were making an album..."
Oct. 3, 1915, p.92 "...Tell Aleksey that I play the balalaika as well as the sisters..."
Oct. 8, 1915, p.94 "...It's cold and foggy here, but cosy. They have already put the winter window-frames in all the windows but not here..."
Nov. 1, 1915, p.96 "...Sisters and I went to the Palace's hospital to see the concert there. The Tolstoys and a lot of their acquaintances played the balalaikas. Not bad... Olga is having a rest now and Maria is playing the gramophone. I like it..."
Nov. 6, 1915, p.98 "...Nothing is changing here - classes and nothing else but the hospitals which we visit almost everyday. I was sitting in the W.C. and playing the gramo- phone there. It was much more enjoyable. Maria and I still sleep the way we did in summer and don't want to remove our beds but Mother doesn't like it, I don't know why. I think, it's quite O.K..."
Jan. 5, 1916, p.113 "...Nothing special is happening here. Mother is lying and we usually have breakfast and dinner nearby. But we have tea in the bedroom. We all have pistols now and we like to shoot very much. In the evenings after dinner we go to play in the Corner room where Olga, Maria, Alexey and I hide from each other and then shoot at each other in the darkness, but Alexey is sometimes scared and does not enter the room..."
Jan.11, 1916, pp.114,115 "...I have recovered after the bronchitis already. In the mornings before breakfast I usually lie in bed and write or Sasha reads aloud to me. I have breakfast in the playing-room and after that I lie in bed there. Mother comes before tea-time and stays up to 6 p.m. Aleksey was in a very bellicose mood and did a lot of funny things..."
Feb.15,1916, pp.118,119 "...Yesterday the three of us, "the little ones" so to say, went to Anya's hospital and there was a concert there. It was very nice there. A small 10-year old girl danced a Russian folk dance to concertina's accompaniment. She looked so sweet. I felt a sort of pity for her. De La Zari was there as usual as well as Yu.Morfecy, Sasha Makarov and your friend Lersky. He told such a funny story about a drawing lesson that all tha soldiers cried of laughter. Then he told them a funny story about playing the piano in three different rooms on different floors and how it all sounded for someone who listened. It was also very funny and finally he told them about the Zoo... Olga and Tatiana were in their hospital at that time and also saw a concert there. The Ferzens, the Bezobrazovs, some young ladies and a lot of other people were playing the balalaikas there..."
601,1156, March 5,6, 1916,p.120 "...Maria asked me to tell you that the Tower was very good and that (...) poured rotten water on it which they took from the small pond near the Tower. Sidor was very funny when he gave it orders where and how it was to function. Fyodorov did not forget his duty either and gave orders to everyone..."
March 11, 1916,p.122 "...Aleksey rarely comes to the Tower. We walked a lot there yesterday. They carried lumps of ice up the Tower. One lump was as big as Aleksey and very broad so they could hardly carry it up the ladder. They slipped and fell down. Fyodorov shouted loudly and gave commands standing on top but fortunately they didn't break the lump..."
March 31, 1916,p.125 "...Maria and I are playing musical instruments together now. She is playing the piano and I am playing the balalaika. It sounds good but it's better when we play with Olga..." Apr.4,1916, p.127. "...We don't have classes this week but Alexey does have them because he is naughty when he has nothing to do..."
May 27, 1916, pp.134,135 "...The weather is still nasty, it rains every day, but we still have breakfast and tea in the balcony..."
601,1156, May 31, 1916, p.137 "...I am listening to your and Alexey's letters eagerly at hors-d'oevres and breakfast. Sorry I am using a different colour of ink now but I am writing in Mother's room..."
June 24, 1916, p.146 "...Maria and I have just been lying on the grass in front of the balcony... Yesterday the four of us made a fire and jumped over it. It was wonderful..."
July 3, 1916, p.149 "...Today they will show films to the wounded in the Manege. I am very happy as we all go and Mother, too... Maria and I rock in the hammock sometimes and she overturns me each time and I fall down right on my face..."
July 17, 1916,p.150 "...There'll be christening of Loman's grandson at 2 p.m. and Mother will be there as she is his Godmother and we four will accompany her to make a crowd..."
Aug. 12, 1916, p.156 "...It's 9.30 a.m. now. We've just had tea and now I am writing to you. I'll have a class soon and shall finish the letter there..."
Aug. 16, 1916, p.171 "...In the evenings Olga and Maria and I sometimes ride our bicycles about the rooms at full speed. Olga tries to catch me up or vice versa. We fall down some- times but are still alive. The lessons are over and I am going to have breakfast (she is using a German word for "breakfast" written in Russian) with Mother and sisters though I don't know if they have come back."
Oct. 31, 1916, pp.175,176 "...Yesterday we were at the concert in the Grand Palace. They celebrated the second anniversary of their hospital. It was rather nice there. Your friend Lersky was there. Mother saw him for the first time and liked him... Olga's cat is running about here now. I think she has grown up and looks rather nice..."
Nov. 9, 1916, p.179 "...I am writing to you between the classes as usual. Olga's cat is running about here all the time but now she can be heard as she is wearing a little bell on her neck with a blue ribbon..."
Feb.25,1917, p.188 "...I am sitting in a semi-dark room now with Olga and Tatiana (they are ill with measles)... We have breakfast upstairs in our classroom. Only Mother, Maria and me. Very nice..."
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Grand duchess Anastasia Romanov at Alexander palace circa-1916
Extract from letter written by Anastasia
June 14th 1915;
"...We've just had breakfast in the balcony. It was so pleasant. At the service the choir sang "Lord, have mercy upon us!" by Tchaikovsky and we were all thinking about you, Father dear. Yesterday evening we were at Anya's (Vyrubova). Demenkov, Shvedov and Zborovsky were there, too. We were to rehearse the comic item of the programme. We were dying of laughter looking at the actors... Uncle Pavel will, of course, have tea with us. So dull... When we are at home we sit in the balcony all the time and have dinner there, too... Ortino has rushed into the room and is running about looking for you. When she failed to find you she jumped up on Mother's lap... I am sitting now and grating carrots and radishes. Very tasty. At 11 a.m. I go to Aleksey's room and gobble Aleksey's food samples. Almost all teachers also take part in it. I miss dear Shvybzik (Anastasia's dog). I still have the cigarettes you gave me and I smoke them sometimes with pleasure and thank you very much. The lilacs are finishing blossoming already..."
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annalaurendet70 · 3 years
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The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia seemed to have started smoking at age 15.Her father,the Tsar Nicholas ll of Russia seemed to be for it as one of the photos he is holding the cigarette to Anastasia's mouth.
14 June 1915
"...We've just had breakfast in the balcony. It was so pleasant. At the service the choir sang "Lord, have mercy upon us!" by Tchaikovsky and we were all thinking about you, Father dear. Yesterday evening we were at Anya's. Demenkov, Shvedov and Zborovsky were there, too. We were to rehearse the comic item of the programme. We were dying of laughter looking at the actors... Uncle Pavel will, of course, have tea with us. So dull... When we are at home we sit in the balcony all the time and have dinner there, too... Ortino has rushed into the room and is running about looking for you. When she failed to find you she jumped up on Mother's lap... I am sitting now and grating carrots and radishes. Very tasty. At 11 a.m. I go to Aleksey's room and gobble Aleksey's food samples. Almost all teachers also take part in it. I miss dear Shvybzik. I still have the cigarettes you gave me and I smoke them sometimes with pleasure and thank you very much. The lilacs are finishing blossoming already..."
📌 Shvybzik ~ Anastasia's dog
📌 Anya ~ Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova
📌 Zborovsky ~ Viktor Erastovich Zborovsky
📌 Demenkov ~ Nikolai Dmitrievich Demenkov was a Marine Corps Lieutenant who was stationed on the Imperial Yacht Standart and first came into contact with the Grand Duchesses in 1913.Maria Nikolaevna's "crush"
📌 Shvedov ~ Aleksandr Konstantinovich Shvedov "Shurik" or "AKSH"
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mashkaromanova · 6 years
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Grand Duchess Maria and Grand Duchess Anastasia holding ‘Shvybzik’, 1915. 
Shvybzik was a Pomeranian who belonged to Nicholas II's family. He is first mentioned in their letters at the beginning of 1915. When I first come across this mention, I was very confused as 'Shvybzik' is also one of Anastasia's frequently used nicknames (contrary to popular belief, Shvybzik does not mean Imp in Russian). 
“I am now sitting near Mama, at her feet lies Shvybzik. [...] The little Shvybzik just made a 'governor' on Mama's carpet, and Anastasia is now training him.”
- Maria to Nicholas II, 5th April 1915 
“Right now there is a big commotion. Ortipo [Tatiana's dog] is scampering around the room, while little Shvybzik is squealing.” 
- Grand Duchess Olga to Nicholas, 11th 
“Shvybzik was there of course. Viktor Erastovich thinks Shvybzik would make a very good diver.”
- Anastasia to Nicholas, 12th April 
“I put Shvybzik on my lap, but he wished to be on the floor. [...] Mama is sending Anastasia to bed, while she is in despair [because she] cannot find Shvybzik who is missing in action, everyone is shouting and calling him but he does not come, the bastard. Finally we found him after 10 minutes, we were all looking for him under the sofas. Finally Mama decided to bark and Shvybzik barked in response, and it turned out that he was sitting under the couch at Mama's, and he was pulled out with a joint effort.”
- Maria to Nicholas, 18th 
“Alexei came to our bedroom, and now he is lying on my bed with Anastasia and Shvybzik. [...] Shvybzik is squealing, probably he wants to see the Governor-General. He has already done that, and Anastasia ran in with the little shovel from the fireplace and picked it up.” 
- 19th 
Shvybzik died in 1915, I have not yet found a specific date but after April mentions of him seem to stop. On the 14th June Anastasia wrote: "I miss dear Shvybzik.”
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unyieldingvalxr · 6 years
The Balcony at Alexander Palace
Excerpt from Anastasia Romanov’s Letters to her father  X
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601,1156, June 14, 1915, p.74 "...We've just had breakfast in the balcony. It was so pleasant. At the service the choir sang "Lord, have mercy upon us!" by Tchaikovsky and we were all thinking about you, Father dear. Yesterday evening we were at Anya's (Vyrubova). Demenkov, Shvedov and Zborovsky were there, too. We were to rehearse the comic item of the programme. We were dying of laughter looking at the actors... Uncle Pavel will, of course, have tea with us. So dull... When we are at home we sit in the balcony all the time and have dinner there, too... Ortino has rushed into the room and is running about looking for you. When she failed to find you she jumped up on Mother's lap... I am sitting now and grating carrots and radishes. Very tasty. At 11 a.m. I go to Aleksey's room and gobble Aleksey's food samples. Almost all teachers also take part in it. I miss dear Shvybzik (Anastasia's dog). I still have the cigarettes you gave me and I smoke them sometimes with pleasure and thank you very much. The lilacs are finishing blossoming already..."
The east wing of the Alexander Palace from the park. The wrought-iron balcony of the Empress AlexandraFeodorovna can be seen in the background. It was here that the Imperial family liked to rest and be photographed. The balcony could be accessed from the Maple Drawing Room of the palace. Photo: State Archives of the Russian Federation (GARF)
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Further information on the balcony X
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did otmaa have any pets?
Short answer: yes they did!
Long answer:
Olga’s pets: Vaska (cat)
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Tatiana: Ortipo (dog)
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Maria: she didn’t have any pets that were specifically her own but I think I read something somewhere that Anastasia said she had pet mice? Please correct me if I’m wrong!
Anastasia: Shvybzik (dog), Jimmy (dog)
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Alexei: An Elephant (idk it’s name), Shot (dog), Joy (dog)
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The Romanov family also had family pets that belonged to the whole family. Their names were Iman, Voron, Era, and Shilka
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These pets are buried at the pet cemetery at the Alexander Palace
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More pictures of their pets!
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Thank you for asking!!!
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Favourite quotes by the romanov family?
What a lovely question anon! I will try my best to answer this!! I also want to include letters and diary entries in this because NAOTMAA says really funny stuff in them!
“I kiss you, my good, fat Mashka. Your Shvybz.” - Anastasia
“The little Shvybzik just made a 'governor’ on Mama’s carpet, and Anastasia is now training him.” - Maria (talking about Nastya’s dog Shvybzik making a poo :)
“When it was necessary to move the ailing Alexei Nikolaevich anywhere, [he’d] shout, ‘Mashka, carry me!’ She always carried him.”
“Olga is hitting Marie, and Marie is screeching, like a foolish Dragoon, such a big fool.” - Anastasia
“I am sitting and digging in my nose with my left hand. Olga wanted to slap me but I ran away from her swinish hand." - Anastasia
“He (Alexei) loved Olga perhaps more than the others, for whenever he was reprimanded by his parents, he would 'declare that he was Olga's boy, pick up his toys, and go to her apartment."
“Know, my Boy, that when you wander alone, Sunny is near you, sharing yr sorrow. - Her wee old home is never forgotten tho’ she is entirely one with her new one.” Alexandra to her brother Ernst Louis
“Marie darling! Sleep well and have a good dream, i.e. Nik. Dm.” - Olga is referring to Maria’s crush Nikolai Demenkov :)
“I kiss you and pat you on your chubby, appetising cheeks.” - Olga to Maria
“Ortipo was sweet. He got on Mama’s sleeping berth and made an amazing green ‘Governor’ on it.” - Olga
I hope this helps!!! Feel free to ask me this again because i have MANY more!!! Thank you!!!
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If otmaa were cute animals what would they each be? 🤭🐾
Ooh what a fun question!
Olga: Olishka would 100% be a cat! Cats are playful and happy, but they are also mysterious and have very humane personality traits. To me, Olga is very similar to a cat!
Tatiana: Tatya would definitely be butterfly! They have this beauty that is effervescent and glorious! They are mysterious and luminous and exactly like Tatya!
Maria: Mashka, to me, is very similar to a baby lion! They are very playful and love to be with their parents and siblings, just like Mashka! They have strong familial bonds and are the cutest little critters!
Anastasia: Nastya would definitely be a parrot (idk if you count that as cute but whatever)! Anastasia loved to mimic people and really cause some trouble with her friends and family making her the worlds best parrot impersonator because they literally do the exact same things! If I’m ever getting a parrot, I’m naming it Shvybzik!
Alexei: Alexei would 10000000% be a cute baby spaniel (a type of dog)! He had two himself (Joy and Shot)! These types doggos are so fun to be around and have the cutest playful happy spirit like Alexei!
Thank you for asking!!!
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n-rnova · 2 years
Diaries and Letters - Letters of Grand Duchess Tatiana
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September 5, 1914. Tsarskoe Selo
"...Every day we go to the Palace's Hospital to do dressings but not in the main building. In the garden there is a small house for the officers. Every day they bring there 6 lower ranks and Olga and I dress their wounds... When we finish doing it we go to the officers' where Mother and Anya dress them in turn..."
November 30, 1914.
"...Now we've got a charming French puppy Bille. She is so sweet. She is so charming when she plays with Aleksey's dog..."
December 31, 1914. Tsarskoe Selo.
"There is a very good hospital for the officers in the GrandPalace. There is one poor officer in it of the Life-Guards Cossack Regiment who had his right leg amputated. He plays the guitar and sings wonderfully. He is not allowed to sing loudly and for a long time and he sings very sad songs in a low voice. I liked them so much..."
May 24, 1915. Tsarskoe Selo.
"...Poor Anastasia is so sad because her little dog Shvybzik died of cerebral inflammation..."
June 2, 1915. Tsarskoe Selo
"...It's the first summer that we are not going to live in Peterhof. We cannot drop our work in the hospitals. It would be distressing to live there and to think that there will be no yacht and no skerries. It's a pity there is no sea here..."
Fund 601,1359, Oct. 22, Ts.S. 1914, page 50 "... Aleksey has just come downstairs and is going to pray together with Mother. My doggy Ortino was running about the room and playing during the tea-time. It is so funny and sweet.I apologize for my handwriting but it's not very comfortable to write sitting on the floor in Mother's room."
Fund 601,1359, Ts.S. Oct. 26,1914, p.53 "... We have just returned home after the ceremony of sanctification of the Crypt Church in the Palace Hospital. It was awfully beautiful. A lot of people were present there. There were many wounded soldiers - some of them with crutches, some - with working-sticks, all wearing different uniforms. Some of them wore shirts, others - tunics and the rest - gowns."
601,1359,Ts.S., Oct. 27, 1914,p.55 "... We are sitting in Mother's room after dinner. Anastasia has gone to bed. Maria hasn't yet left. She is sitting on the floor and working. Olga is sitting in your armchair. Mother is talking to Sonya over the telephone."
601,1359,Ts.S, Nov. 30, 1914,p.63 "... Today all five of us were in our hospital and Alexey was present at all dressings, and once he even held a basin for the pus coming out of the wound... This morning we were taken pictures of with all the officers in the Grand Palace. Then we went to the Invalids' Home where Mother gave the lower ranks St.George medals..."
601,1359, Dec. 16, 1914, p.65
"... At last my turn has come to write you a letter. I'm sitting in Mother's room after dinner. In half an hour there will be a sitting of the Committee at Olga's. I don't yet know if I decide to go there or stay at Mother's."
601,1359,Ts.S., March 7, 1915. "... Thanks a lot for your permission to bathe in your bathroom. It was awfully nice and funny. I swam a lot and enjoyed myself. We are sitting in Mother's room after dinner. Olga and Mother are playing "Colorito", Ortino is running about the room like a mad dog."
601,1359,Ts.S., Apr. 6, 1915,p.79 "... On Wednesday I am going to have a Commitee sitting which is so dull that it makes me sweat to think about it. I hate those sittings. Now we are sitting in Mother's bedroom after dinner. Mary and Mother are playing "Colorito" and Olga has gone to talk over the telephone with our hospital."
601,1359,Ts.S., Apr. 10, 1915,p.81 "... Anya (Vyrubova) is brought to Mother's every day and she usually lies in her arm chair..."
601,1359,Ts.S., Apr. 15, 1915,pp.84-85 "...Well, we've finished the lesson. I am writing to you again and am smoking the cigarette which you gave to me at the time of Lent and I did not have time to smoke it. I am enjoying it now."
601,1359,Ts.S., June 11 1915,p.91 "...I'm sitting in the garden opposite the Children's Island and enjoying myself. Ortino is lying at my feet and sleeping. We've just returned from the Grand Palace where we went to see the wounded... How silly I was not to take a cigarette with me. So, those damned mosquitoes are litrally eating me."
601,1359,Ts.S. June 16, 1915 "... Today after the dressings Mother and I were taken pictures of with the officers in the garden."
601,1359,Ts.S., June 19, 1915, pp.95-96
"...We are sitting in the balcony after dinner. And we've got a new thing here today - electricity. And there are two stand-lamps here now which is very comfortable...
June 20 The weather is fine again today. Today I've taken my bed from behind the screen and put it in the middle of the room to get more fresh air..."
601,1359, June 24, 1915, pp.97-98 "...Every evening we like to sit in the balcony as it is very cosy there now.I've taken up a summer mode of living and sleep in the middle of the bedroom as behind the screen there is no fresh air. It's not very comfortable but O.K."
601,1359, August 25, 1915, P.99 "...Yesterday night before going to bed Olya and I decided to find out if Aleksey was sleeping. It turned out that he was not. To amuse him we began to sing songs with him. We sang "From Manglisse to Tiflisse" and others that were taught to us by (erivantsi?). Then he fell asleep and we left.
601,1359, Sept. 17, 1915, p.114.
"... Nothing has changed here. We work inthe hospital every day, then we have classes. Sometimes we go to the hospital of the Grand Palace..."
601,1359, Oct. 2, 1915, p.116 "... It's very dull here without you two. There is no noise upstairs. Aleksey's rooms are dark and empty. Tell him that (his teacher) Pyotr Vasilyevich was going to and fro in his room in the moments when he missed him most of all. This morning we were at the hospital, Mother was there, too. After breakfast there was a reception of the ensigns from Nickolai Pavlovich's (Nickolas I) Military School of our regiments. Poor boys - they were so embarrassed. In the day time the four of us and Mother went for a drive. Then we were present at the church service in the Grand Palace's Hospital. They brought the icon of Virgin of the Sign from the Church. It was carried around the place for everyone to see."
601,1359, Oct. 10, 1915, p.12 "... I am writing to you before Vespers. Anastasia is sitting beside me in the room and playing the balalaika, Maria is playing the piano in the next room and Olga is lolling in bed resting before going to Church. We had to stay on feet for a long time today - first in the hospital then at the Church service in the Winter Palace, then we visited all the wards, then we walked about the store-rooms and tonight we are going to be present at Vespers.
Nov. 4, 1915, pp.125-126 (she is speaking about the Cinema in the General Headquarters in Mogilev). "... Did you have good films? Aleksey had written to Mother that he had been looking forward to that entertainment. Where did you organize the cinema-house in the dining-room or in the hall?"
Nov. 8, 1915, p.127. "... We usually dine with Mother in the evenings upstairs in the playroom."
Nov. 2, 1915, p.129. "... Yesterday I was in town. I had a sitting in the Winter Palace which was extremely dull. Maria was there with me. As she was present at the sitting for the first time, Neidhardt decided to address to her with words of greeting. Everybody stood up and bowed to her. She was so terrified that nearly got down under the table."
Nov. 26, 1915, p.133 "... Yesterday we went for a walk to Pavlovsk with Isa (Buxhoeveden) and were surprised to meet very few people there. It turned out that at a great distance in front of us and behind us there walked "yellow people" and said to everyone they met:"Grand Princesses have come out for a walk, it's better not to be in the way." Such idiots always spoil things by trying to do something too hard. It's dull to walk in the garden without you and we thought it would be more fun to go to town."
Dec. 20, 1915, p.137 "... Yesterday we were in the Grand Palace. There was a cinema-house organized for the wounded in the hall. There was only one funny film shown."
Jan. 1, 1916, p.141 "... Mother is in bed, so we had breakfast alone in Mother's sitting room."
Jan. 10, 1916, p.145 "... Aleksey and Anastasia both come with their beds and lie in beds beside each other for the whole day there. We all have our afternoon tea there. The New Year Tree is still there which makes the room cosy. It will be very sad to undo it when the needles begin to fall down. It's awfully dull to be without Mother because she is still unwell but she goes upstairs in the daytime to see the little ones and lies on the sofa there."
601,1359, Feb. 1, 1916, p.149 "...Yesterday afternoon Anya arranged a small concert in her hospital. The 5 of us went there. The soldiers and we ourselves enjoyed it. Delazari sang and told a lot of funny stories. Then they played the guitar and sang songs. It was fun... I'm having a class now in the classroom. In front of me Pyotr Vasilievich Petrov is sitting and daydreaming. Sometimes he says something but I don't even hear and don't answer him as I'm writing to you..."
601,1359, March 12, 1916, p.159 "... Our tower is growing fast. Do you remember the place where Mordvinov made a trap? We have already flattened the top and are going to build another floor.11 sailors worked there yesterday. The weather was remarkably clear and sunny but in the shade it was 11 degrees below zero. But it was fine to work. Anastasia took a lot of pictures. Only think, Lubushkin's sister sent us wonderful, huge, sweet-smelling violets from Livadia"
601,1359, March 28, 1916, pp.164-165 "... We were working on the ice today. It was fine. Mother spent some time near us sitting in her arm-chair. We saw and heard a hundred of Escort pass by. They were singing very well. As soon as they noticed us they stopped singing, but I ordered them to go on. I played you, wasn't that fun?! Ortino is lying on the floor now and gnawing his foot-ball. We have just finished dinner. Mother is reading, Olga and Maria are writing verses making fun of the nurses from the Grand Palace hospital, but they don't have any rhyme, of course, because they will be sung but not recited... We smoked one cigarette with Olga. Thanks a lot for it..."
601,1359, Apr. 2, 1916,p.166 "... Yesterday there was a concert in our hospital. Your friend Lersky told a lot of funny stories, then Dolsky did the same thing, Dmitry knows him, Smirnov and Christianov's brother sang, Beling played the piano and his wife sang. He is conductor of the court music.
601,1359, Apr. 10, 1916, p.174 (She is speaking about Fyodorovsky Sobor) "... It was wonderful yesterday at the morning service and the air was so still during the procession with the cross that we didn't need to cover the candles with our hands. There were a lot of unnecessary people, of course. Tomorrow there will be Easter festivities in the Grand Palace. Dear father it's so frightening to be present at such things without you. Thanks again for the wonderful appetizing egg which I like very much and for the sweet postcard."
601,1359, Apr. 27, 1916, pp.176,177 "... I was going to start horse-riding, but the horses are still in Gatchina. The trees are beginning to blossom here now, it's very beautiful. Nickolai Pavlovich and Rodionov came to see us on April 25 in the evening. We had dinner in the balcony and spent the whole evening there... Now I'm going to sit on the window-sill and sun-bathe. Terrific!"
May 1, 1916, p.179 "... Mother told us that you've already read "Rosary". It's wonderful, isn't it?"
May 19, 1916, pp.180- 181 "... Oh, how dull, empty and cold it is here. I'd like so much to go back to our warm and sunny Sevastopol. The sun is shining the whole day but it doesn't make us warm. We all went to the hospital church today for the liturgy. Then we spent some time with the wounded in the hospital. There were only two dressings, I even felt ashamed that there were so few of them. In the after noon Mother and all of us went to her Uhlan hospital where all the Regiment ladies were present. There was a church service, then we were treated to some tea and chocolates. It was very strange to see so many ladies when we had grown out of the habit of seeing them...! It's very strange to be upstairs without Aleksey." p.182 "... Every time I pass through the dining-room at 6 p.m. I get surprised not to see the table laid for his dinner. And in general there's very little noise now. I think the foreigners are glad he is with you.
May 27, pp.182-183 ... All our rooms have been cleaned and look so large after the cosy train. Pedigarov tells us a lot of interesting things about his war experiences, about the regiment and a lot of other things..."
601,1359, June 7, 1916, p.189 "... Today in the afternoon they'll show films in the Manege for the wounded soldiers and us. They'll show "Erserum" and "Trabezond.
601,1359, June 18, 1916, p.194 "... Yesterday there was cinema in the Manege. The French showed to us how our troops came to Marseille, then how their plants worked. It was very interesting. There were a lot of wounded soldiers there... We don't go boating now for the lack of time. We either go for drives with Mother and ride or go to some hospital - thus the time flies. After tea and before dinner we usually go for a walk but not to the garden because it's very dull without you there but we walk along the road through the town..."
June 22, 1916, p.196 "... After dressings in the hospital we usually sit in the balcony or in the garden and watch the wounded soldiers carried out. Yesterday evening when we were sitting there one of the wounded played the violin to us. He played wonderfully. To tell the truth I was never very fond of the violin, but I liked his playing very much. He is from the 10-th Intermanlandsky Regiment. Very handsome. Then Olga played the piano and three people sang Russian songs very well. It was fun!"
July 23, 1916, p.211 "... We were at the concert in Maria's and Anastasia's hospital. It was fine there. Only think, two Lilliputians, twin-brothers danced a Russian dance. One of them was dressed as a lady. They are 25 years old, poor things. We were full of pity when we watched them. We were sitting in the back seats. The wounded occupied the front rows. When they wanted to introduce them to us, it was impossible for them to make their way through the crowd of soldiers, poor little things. So the soldiers lifted them and handed them to each other untill they reached us. Tell Aleksey about them because he likes them."
August 18, 1916 p.223 "... Yesterday Lady Myril Padget who worked in the English hospital had tea with us. She had been all the time with the Guards during the battles. She saw them when they walked and said:"I never saw such splendid men." She was in delight. It couldn't have been otherwise! ... We are going to the hospital now. Today they are going to dress the badly-wounded; they usually cry and groan, poor things. It's terribly painful for them..."
601,1359, Sept. 15, 1916, pp.231-232 "... Today we have invited the Japanese for breakfast... Now the hairdresser is curling Maria's hair, then he'll curl mine, for a Japanese. There is a rumour in the town that I'm going to get married to him. They forget that he has got a wife and, besides, he is a pagan. It's so silly... We've just returned after breakfast. I was sitting near Uncle Andrei and Nikolai Mikhailovich. There were a lot of people there. The little envoy was a dear..."
Sept. 19, 1916, p.238 "... Has anybody read "The Millionaire Girl"?"
Sept. 23, 1916, p.238 "... I am sitting now in the morning waiting for the classes to begin and Maria and Anastasia are playing the gramophone and "raise the flag". They played "The March of Guards' Crew",then our anthem and some of the marches that we used to play on the yacht."
October 1, 1916, p.242 "... We have to go to the Grand Palace's Hospital to see the concert. Rather dull."
February 23, 1917, p.226 "... We are so sad now. Everyone burst into tears as soon as you left. We spend almost all our time upstairs. Olga is lying in bed in her bedroom. Aleksey is in the playing-room. We take turns to visit them.
One of Tatiana's letters to her father when she was a child. The year is not mentioned "... Today we are going to have a salty bath and I like the idea very much. Today I was very googy-goody. Anastasia still sucks her fingers.
October 27, Tsarskoe Selo, p.262. no date "Yesterday we were playing with the pillows. Mother was with us. She jumped into the pillows and fell through them."
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n-rnova · 2 years
Letters of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Romanova
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March 8, 1914. "...It was fun to bathe in your bathroom, I enjoyed myself like a pug-dog, and, of course, I did "business" in your "OO". It was not very comfortable and rather cold as the lid was opened but I did not notice it. The water reached my shoulders - not in the "OO" but in the bathroom... Mother and Tatiana are playing "halma". The window in the bedroom is opened and there is a draught from the door and we can hear Gulyga..."
Sept. 20, 1914, "...Now I am writing to you in the bathroom. Liza is combing my hair and Tatiana is washing herself behind the curtain..."
Nov. 19, 1914, "...It's 2 p.m. now. Mother is lying on the couch and writing a letter to you and Anastasia is writing to Aunt Olga... I always sit in your arm-chair at tea- time... Aleksey is resting upstairs after breakfast... I am happy that we'll have no lessons on Friday because of the holiday. It's such fun..."
Apr. 5, 1915, "...The concert in Maria's and Anastasia's hospital was a great success. De La Zari was very good and told a lot of funny stories. Then a lady in a sarafan danced a Russian folk dance. (She was rather affected). My Demenkov (Demenkov was an officer, Maria's favorite) was a dear and he introduced all the actors to us. Little Shvybzik (Anastasia's dog) has just done the "Governor" on Mother's carpet and Anastasia is now trying to teach him how to behave..."
Apr. 8, 1915, "...I am now sitting near Mother's bed in which she is lying. Olga and Tatiana are reading. Aleksey wanted to sleep in your place today and told Mother that he wanted to play her husband. Yesterday he ate too many dry bread crusts and inthe evening he was sent right to Derevenko...(a sailor, Alexey's dyadka)... After dinner Mother and I played "colorito". Now she is reading an English book..."
Apr. 18, 1915, "...We have just finished dinner. Aleksey has come to Mother's to pray. Sisters are sorting out the flowers sent from Livadia by the Yanovs. Mother is trying to send Anastasia to bed but she is desperately trying to find Shvybzik which is missing. Everybody is calling him but he would not come, merzavets. He was found at last 10 minutes later. We all thought that he was under the sofa. Mother started to bark and Shvybzik answered. he appeared to be sitting under Mother's couch and we all put a great effort in pulling him out of there. I continue writing next morning at 8 a.m. I've just drawn back the curtain and was delighted to see that it was 19 degrees above zero in the sun. Alexey has come into our bedroom and is now lying in my bed and is playing with Anastasia and Shvybzik. Sisters are still sleeping. Shvybzik is squeaking. I think, he wants to see the "Governor". He has done it already and Anastasia has run in with a small shovel and took it away..."
June 19,1915, "...Aleksey goes fishing with a fishing-rod to the pond almost every day. Yesterday my Kolya (Demenkov) and Sapozhnikov were on duty. Anastasia and I kindly talked to them through the open window. Olga and I sat on the window-sill under the balcony today and watched the soldiers play draughts..."
Aug. 30, 1915, "...The four of us are now lying in the arm-chairs with our legs on the chairs. Olga is knitting a stocking. Anastasia is sorting out the old letters; Tatiana is reading poetry. The morning we were at the service. We had breakfast in the balcony with Sonya. In the afternoon we went for a drive and visited the cemetery. A small church is being built there..."
Sept. 5, 1915, "...We are drinking tea now. We had a very nice walk. N.D. (Nickolai Dmitrievich Demenkov - an officer of the Guards' Crew. Maria was in love with him.) was on duty and we talked nicely through the open window. We went as far as the "caprice" and climbed the stairs, do you know? And as soon as we reached it Olga took her umbrella and rushed furiously at one of the windows and broke three glasses with her umbrella and I broke another window, then Anastasia did the same thing... Olga is reading a newspaper now and Mother is talking to Anya..."
Sept. 19, 1915, "...We always have dinner upstairs now in the playroom. It's very cosy, I think. After dinner Mother, Aleksey, me and Vladimir Nickolayevich (Derevenko, a doctor) or Mr. Gilliard usually play the game which we call "The slower you go the sooner your reach your destination". It's fun because you can"eat" the others. We played this game last year in our hospital..."
Oct. 31, 1915, "...I am writing to you from my bedroom. We've just had tea. Sisters are still at Mother's. In the morning we had classes and in the afternoon we went for a drive with Nastenka (Hendrikova). I was in our hospital with Anastasia and she took some pictures of the wounded officers... An English woman had breakfast with us the other day. She had come to Petrograd to organize an English hospital in Dmitry's house..."
Nov. 5, 1915, "...I see Nickolai Dmitrievich only in the church. Now I am sitting in my bedroom. Liza is lighting the icon lamps and Olga is writing something in the next room. Her bedroom became very comfortable when they put a couch there... I think, we are going to Anya tonight. Grigory will be there, too. We spent the whole evening upstairs because of Olga and had tea there, too. Olga is crying out now because she almost upset her ink-pot and her fingers are dirty with ink and she doesn't want to write any longer..."
March 14, 1916, "...Nickolai Dmitrievich Demenkov left on Saturday. I talked to him over the telephone. He was very happy to go. Do you remember, I sewed a shirt for him? I asked him about it and he said that he liked it very much and it was just his size... I am writing to you from Orchy's room. Mother is lying on the couch and Vladimir Nickolayevich is doing the electrical treatment to her..."
March 29, 1916 "...Now I am sitting at Mother's after dinner. Anya has already come. Tatiana is playing cards and Olga is having a reprimand. Alexey and Anastasia went to bed. They had played balalaikas here and Olga had played the piano.."
Apr. 2, 1916, "...Now I am downstairs. Mother and Tatiana are playing cards. Olga is reading and Anya is biting her nails. Volkov is running about asking about a lot of boring things. Tomorrow we'll have breakfast with Aunt Olga (Greek Queen Olga Konstantinovna) and Khristo(Greek Prince). Dmitry will have tea with us..."
May 20, 1916, "...Now I am sitting in Mother's room. Olga is playing the piano and Tatiana is reading something. Anastasia has already gone to bed. Mother is reading some petitions. Yesterday Ledigarov had dinner with us. He was very nice and told us a lot of things about the regiment. We are all wearing Yevpatorian shawls and missing warm weather..."
May 29, 1916, "...We went to the Children's Island the other day with Poup's sister and she pulled out the weeds with us. There was a lot of rotten grass in between the lilies of the valley which did not let them grow fast. We cleared up the half and are going to do the other half soon..."
July 4, 1916, "...We drank tea in the balcony, then we rocked in the hammock. It is hanging on two trees behind the path in front of the balcony. The trees there are very strong. Before dinner we went for a drive with Mother. After that I went for a walk with Tatiana, Anastasia and Trina. We walked along the streets around the boulevard to the railway station and back..."
June 8, 1916, "...Shvybz (Anastasia) got a ping pong as a present for her birthday, that is a table-tennis. And we played it with her. It was very tiresome as we had to lie on the floor all the time to look for and pick up the balls..."
Aug. 7, 1916, "...It was very pleasant to see Issizaki Z.I. at breakfast yesterday. He showed Olga the menu from a distance and at the same time was telling her that he remembered his letters that he had written to her to Mogilyov in Japanese. I was sitting between Uncle Georgy and Uncle Pavel, so I felt at ease and was not embarrassed. Now I must go and change in black for the funeral service. We are constantly having offices for the dead nowadays."
Sept. 28, 1916, "...I am reading the book "Rosary" in English now. You have read it. I like it very much.
Oct. 16, 1916, "...How dull it is to be back to Tsarskoe Selo again. Our daily routine again - classes in the morning, our hospital, the Grand Palace and a walk in the afternoon, the sisters' hospital in the evening. Now I am sitting at Mother's writing desk. We've just finished breakfast. ...Olga and Tatiana are reading, Mother is writing to you now. Shvybz went upstairs..."
Oct. 30, 1916, "...It's been 2 years since the Grand Palace's dear hospital was organized, so we should go and attend a concert there. Your friend Lersky will be there. I'll be happy to see him as he is a nice person to talk to and usually tells a lot of funny things. I am at Mother's now... I think, I have to close up as I have to finish two shirts for the officers who are leaving our hospital and will come to say good-bye today..."
Nov. 3, 1916, "...You can't imagine how pleasant it was to hear Aleksey's voice over the telephone. I have a feeling now that you've become closer to us but what is most important - no one can overhear us as when the engineer connects our two lines he switches himself off..."
Feb. 23, 1917, "...I am writing to you from my bedroom. Olga and Tatiana are resting in the next room and Alexey is in bed in the playing-room. Mr. Gibbs is sitting at his bedside in the doctor's white smock. It looks very funny. Mother, Shvybz and me are also wearing overalls not to infect other dresses..."
1917 "...Now I am sitting in the middle of our bedroom. They all lie somewhere around me. Mother is lying on the couch and Olga, Tatiana, Anastasia and Aleksey are lying in beds. Tatiana has got pain in the ear therefore her head is covered with bandages and she can't hear any- thing. Olga has become voiceless because of the bad cough. Shvybz and Aleksey are better than others, they are the only ones who speak loudly. Alexey tries to jump in bed which he is forbidden to do. Lily (Den) is sitting on the floor and is talking to Mother in a low voice. I usually stay with them for a long time talking to them or looking out of the window. Each one of them has his animal-pet in bed..."
1917 "...Sisters are still kept in beds in a dark room but Aleksey got tired of it and was transferred to the playroom where he doesn't curtain all the windows. Today Zhilik, me and him cast bullets out of tin and he liked it very much. Mother is cheerful though her heart is not quite O.K. yet. I spend all my time with Mother now as I am the only one who is not sick and can walk. I also share the bed with her to be closer to her in case someone wants to see her or to tell her something. Lily sleeps in the Red Room near the dining-room on the sofa where Olga used to sleep. She is a dear and helps us a lot in everything. We can see our cossacks and soldiers out of the windows. Yesterday Mother and I went to the basement to see how they all had got settled there. There was complete darkness there as there is no electricity in the house in the day time. The soldiers were very nice; when we passed by they leaped up from their straw beds where they were lying to greet Mother. We were led by the porter who carried a candle and gave the soldiers the command "attention!" Yesterday we had a service here. The icon of the Virgin of the Sign was brought from the Church for the sisters. We felt better the whole day after that..."
1917 "...I am with Shvybz now. She is lying in bed and drinking tea. Yesterday she could still work and we looked out of the windows at dear cossacks and other soldiers.The soldiers were wonderful. They fought with each other, pushed each other and fell on the snow thus warming themselves up. Victor (Erastovich Zborobsky - a cossack sotnik of Her Majesty's Escort) was also sweet. He talked to the soldiers all the time and they made a crowd around him. He told them different funny things and they laughed loudly. Then he smoked a cigarette and offered them cigarettes from his case. In the afternoon we saw out of Shura's (Aleksandra Tegleva) window the cossacks with their horses standing around their officers and singing their songs in low voices. Then some hay was brought and they fed their horses; then they went to the basement to have their own meal. There was always dinner and tea ready for them. Small mobile kitchens were situated in the yard..."
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annalaurendet70 · 3 years
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Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia the prankster.
One of her nicknames was "shvybzik" which is from the German for tipsy.It is said that her paternal aunt and godmother,the Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna Romanova of Russia named her this.
•When she was younger, one day she crawled under the table during a meeting and started acting like a dog-until her father escorted her out.
•Another time she was playing hide-and-seek and she put her shoes behind the curtain to make it appear as if she was hiding there, and then retreated to the top of the stairs to watch the results....
•When Alix had guests, Anastasia and Maria would put the trumpet of their gramophone up to the wall and turn it up as high as they could...
•Another time she convinced everyone on board the Standart to roller-skate on deck.
•She pelted passers-by with paper wads along with her sister on the day war was declared
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unyieldingvalxr · 6 years
Excerpts from Maria and Tayta Romanov’s Letters regarding Anastasia:
May 24, 1915. Tsarskoe Selo. p.56
"...Poor Anastasia is so sad because her little dog Shvybzik died of cerebral inflammation..."
601,1291, June 8, 1916, p.170 "...Shvybz (Anastasia) got a ping pong as a present for her birthday, that is a table-tennis. And we played it with her. It was very tiresome as we had to lie on the floor all the time to look for and pick up the balls..."
1917, pp.277,278 "...Now I am sitting in the middle of our bedroom. They all lie somewhere around me. Mother is lying on the couch and Olga, Tatiana, Anastasia and Aleksey are lying in beds. Tatiana has got pain in the ear therefore her head is covered with bandages and she can't hear any- thing. Olga has become voiceless because of the bad cough. Shvybz and Aleksey are better than others, they are the only ones who speak loudly. Alexey tries to jump in bed which he is forbidden to do. Lily (Den) is sitting on the floor and is talking to Mother in a low voice. I usually stay with them for a long time talking to them or looking out of the window. Each one of them has his animal-pet in bed..." 
Sept. 23, 1916, p.238 "... I am sitting now in the morning waiting for the classes to begin and Maria and Anastasia are playing the gramophone and "raise the flag". They played "The March of Guards' Crew",then our anthem and some of the marches that we used to play on the yacht."
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