#shuyui fanfic
dia-souls · 1 year
🎶 Shuyui fanfic 🎶
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Pairing: Shu and Yui
TW: Choking, Violence, Death, tragedy end
Author: Admin Irsa
Note: This fic is related to Shu Haunted Dark Bridal After Story. We repost it again because of a tiny problem.
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🌸 Forsaken love 🌸
Yui opened her eyes and saw Shu laying beside her. He was sound asleep while she was wide awake. Yui had been experiencing abnormal pains in her heart. She looked at the ceiling and was deep in thought. Why was her heart hurting so much?
Yui sat up and clutched her heart.The pain showed no signs of stopping and it was getting more painful every minute. So, she turned to Shu and decided to wake him up. But before she could do it, her whole body stopped moving. Unable to stand, she collapsed on the bed with a *thump*. This made her want to scream, but she couldn’t make a sound. Her voice was trapped in her throat. If only she could wake up Shu, then everything would be okay. Nevertheless, her body didn't allow it, and from her side she saw a women with purple hair.
No… it can't be. She should be gone now! What is she doing here? Yui felt tears in her eyes the more she looked at her. Cordelia, the purple haired woman, was now smiling at her. This made Yui feel even more pain beyond her control.
Cordelia mumbled, "The time has arrived."
Yui felt strange pains throughout her entire body. It felt as if someone was strangling her. She continued to scream, but her desperate pleas could not reach the sleeping vampire right beside her. Yui looked at Shu through her blurry vision before going to sleep.
Cordelia opened her eyes and looked down at herself. Then she got up from the bed and went towards the mirror to look at her new body.
She couldn't help but smile at her small victory. Finally, she is alive and will now be able to carry out her revenge. Looking back at the bed, she spotted the sleeping vampire. Shu was still sound asleep.
She made her way towards him and moved away the hair from his eyes. Oh! He really is handsome. Seeing that it's still night, she decided to rest. She melted into the bed and snuggled up next to Shu. Once she closed her eyes, it wasn’t long before she fell asleep too.
Shu opened his eyes to look at Yui, who was still sleeping beside him. He pulled her closer and hugged her. He never imagined that he could love someone more than himself. Love was not in the realm of possibility before he met Yui, especially because he was a vampire.
He looked at Yui’s sleeping form and kissed her forehead. She tossed and turned in his arms. But before she could adjust her body comfortably, he locked his lips with her.
Feeling someone kiss her caused Cordelia to wake up. She was speechless when Shu kissed her. With the realization that it was him, she smiled and kissed him back. So much time had passed, it’s been years since a man touched her like that. She was so desperate for touch that she started to mount him.
Shu was a little taken back by her sudden action, but he didn’t mind it. So, he reacted by grabbing her waist.
"You really are getting more desperate as the time passes. This is the first thing you want in the morning, not like I mind lewd women."
Shu gave her a lazy smirk.
"Huh…am I the one at fault, then? How am I supposed to control myself when you do such things?" She grinned at him and rocked her hips to show her desperation.
Originally, Cordelia thought that she would tell Shu that she has returned. However, in light of the present moment, Cordelia decided against it. Now that she was seeing Shu’s naughty behavior toward Yui, maybe she can have some fun with him? Besides, her revenge can be carried out without revealing her true identity…
Shu couldn’t help but raise his eyebrow at Yui’s display of dominance. How much of an effect does he have on Yui?
This thought gives him an eerie feeling. The way Yui is acting right now isn't how she normally is.
Cordelia saw his shift in demeanor. As he fell silent, she cursed at herself for her carelessness. She knows he is used to Yui’s innocent and modest behavior. A new idea sparked in her head when she looked back at his face.
Shu noticed how Yui’s expression changed. Her lips slightly quivering and eyes downturned. Why is she getting worried?
She quietly muttered, "Umm…I—"
"Is something wrong Yui?"
"Huh? Nn-no…"
Seeing her stutter and lower her voice, his doubts slightly vanished. Cordelia’s attempt to mimic Yui worked for the moment. It reassured Shu that Yui was still like her normal self.
Cordelia was relieved for now, but feels as if she needs to do better. If she doesn’t keep the act up, she might be in trouble for the long run.
Days went by like the wind. Shu couldn't help but think that something isn't right. Nowadays, Yui seems like a total stranger to him.
She isn't the type to look seductive. The way her clothing changed from modest to seductive was really unusual. It was as if she wanted attention from someone else. The way she flirted with other men by showing off her body made Shu incredibly jealous.
He didn't fall in love with this Yui.
"Yui," Shu called out.
She looked at him with the same seductive look. Oh! He missed when her eyes were full of naiveness.
"Is something wrong with you?"
"No. Why do you keep asking this question over and over again?" she said with a deep frown, making her way towards the bed where he was sitting.
“Why, you ask? It’s because you keep behaving strange...you never used to say things like that!"
"Oh really? I thought you liked me being honest, now I cant even tell you how I feel?"
"You can but that's not the point!"
"Then what do you want!?"
Shu sighed in exasperation. He was so over it. How many times has this happened? He couldn't count anymore…
Yui leaned closer to comfort him. She sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around in a tight hug.
Shu hugged her back but a bad feeling still lingered. Yui is close to him but something isn't right. To his surprise, he felt Yui kissing his neck and sucking on it.
It became a nightly routine. It started with Shu kissing her and gripping her thigh. Then he pulled her lingere off, which barely covered her to begin with.
All of this made Shu question, when did things become like this?
Even so, he continued with the activity by lifting Yui up and laying her down on the bed. He looked deep in her eyes as he climbed on top…
He answered to his own question.
The rage he felt now couldn't be controlled by anyone. He felt his blood boiling with jealousy. He couldn't imagine Yui in such a position! How could she cheat on him in his own bedroom?! In his own bed?!
Shu looked at Yui as she was laying down naked with another man on top of her. Isn't this the guy who has a crush on her and works with her in the flower shop?!
They still didn't seem to notice his presence. The man was still enjoying his Yui. Shu wanted to believe that Yui was forced, but her face and her words were saying otherwise. Instead, she was telling him to keep going.
Shu immediately made his presence known by grabbing the guy and shaking him off Yui. He threw the secret lover to the floor and beat him badly. Blood dripped from his face as Shu punched him. Ignoring his screams, he kicked him continuously on his side and in the abdomen. His overwhelming hate grew by the second as he gripped the guy’s skull with both hands. He pushed his palms inward and squeezed until an ugly sound was heard. Yet, he still wasn't satisfied. Shu wanted to make the guy regret his actions forever. No other man should touch or deflower his love, Yui. So, he continued to kick and punch the guy until every single one of his bones broke and shattered.
When he was finished, he turned to look at Yui. Shu was breathing heavily and his hands were covered with the guy’s blood. Shu resembled a beast and was ready to attack anyone else who dared to approach.
Cordelia felt genuine fear when she looked up at Shu. She didn't think what she did warranted such a violent reaction. Cordelia gulped and broke a sweat as she saw Shu coming towards her. Her fear was already heightened when she witnessed the guy’s death. Looking upon his dead body filled her with a sense of dread. Would she end up with the same fate as him? Cordelia was quickly losing control in such a weakened state. And within seconds, Yui became fully conscious and Cordelia was gone.
Yui, with full command over her body, forced herself to look at her surroundings. She widened her eyes while looking at the deadly scene in front of her. Seeing that she is naked, she hurriedly covered herself with sheet. Finally, she looked at Shu.
"Shu! I-I—"
"Hahaha! You wanted this didn't you? All this time, you were hoping that I would lose control and show how much I loved you?”
"Shu, listen! Hear me out—"
"Shut up! There is nothing left to say!" he climbed on top of her bed and gripped her chin, making her look at his icy cold eyes.
"Say...the fuck that I gave you last night wasn't good, that's why you decided to cheat?! Right?!"
"T-that’s not true! Listen Shu, please hear me out…she…Corde—!"
"I SAID SHUT UP!" he climbed on top of her and bit her neck harshly. Blood was oozing out of the wound. The remaining drops that escaped were sucked and licked up. Yui felt tears pricking her eyes, she couldn't help but groan from the pain. Her neck was also being pressed, so it was very hard for her to breathe.
Shu then ripped the sheet off her, biting down hard on her right breast. With his free hand, he squeezed her left breast to the point where Yui yelped.
“I told you to shut your mouth!” he put his hand on her mouth and looked at her. Her face was now filled with tears. For a moment, Shu felt as if Yui were truly here and the woman from before was another person. That maybe the despicable woman he caught redhanded was someone else, not Yui. But any compassion Shu once had did not last for more than a second. He cleared his thoughts as he remembered her act of betrayal.
His other hand lunged towards her neck, squeezing the life out of Yui. Still, he made heavy eye contact with her. Looking deep in her eyes, he reflected on all of their shared moments together. The memories came and went.
He shouldn't have loved her. The pain he felt in his heart, the way his heart was squeezing, and the way his blood was boiling. All the anger, jealousy, hurt, hate, and betrayal…he hated all these feelings. As much as he hated it though, it didn’t stop him from feeling every emotion all at once.
Yui’s screams were muffled because of his hand. It was hurting her heart so much, as if it was being set on fire. He pressed his hand harder into her face so that her screams could finally stop. Any tears or sadness in her eyes, Shu ignored them. Shu also ignored his own tears. The life and light in Yui was quickly fading away.
Suddenly, her eyes changed from green to pink. Shu felt as if bucket of cold water had dropped on him. He hurriedly took his hand from her neck.
He cradled her in his arms and looked at her tear-stained face. Her body was completely lifeless, past the point to resuscitate.
"WAKE UP…Yui! Y-you...can't leave...me. Not you! Please stop...open your…eyes!"
He killed her.
He killed her even though it wasn't her fault and she was a victim. If only he listened to her, he could have stopped and she would still be alive...
He cradled Yui’s lifeless body in his arms and looked down at his hands…the hands that killed her. The marks on her neck show that he gave her a painful death.
"Yui, I am sorry... We're always going to be together. Even if you say 'no' I won't let you go, because I am selfish...I will join you soon."
Shu took the knife and aimed it at his heart.
"I love you Yui."
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afra-blueraz · 5 months
I had a very cute DL dream. I swear I cried by seeing this dream 🥺😭.
Yui was a helpless baby. I could hear her crying but for some reason I could not help her.
In my dream the person who first found Yui was Karlheinz, not Richter. He held Yui in his arms and decided to use her for his plan. But something unexpected happened. Yui cupped Karlheinz's face with her small hands, which made Karlheinz feel good. He placed his ear gently on Yui's chest to listen to her heartbeat and he started to cry when he heard her tiny heartbeat. Karlheinz held Yui's small body in his arms and kissed her forehead, deciding to take care of Yui like his own daughter with all his heart.
He took Yui to his mansion. And introduced Yui to his only sons, Reiji and Shu. ( In my dream only Reiji and Shu were the sons of Karlheinz and there were no more sons. ) Reiji immediately hugged Yui. He smiled when he saw Yui and promised his father to take care of Yui. Shu had three kittens. ( I wonder if the triplets turned into cats in my dream 😂😂😂. ) Shu showed the kittens to Yui and they played together.
Why rejet didn't make this cute story for DL 😭. I hate you rejet. I wish my dream was the real story of DL.
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callmeklair · 8 months
unrequited [epilogue]
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« it's going to be a long journey »
Yui didn't know how she was supposed to face Reiji after what she just witnessed, no, more than that she is disgusted by the fact how their own father, Karlheinz, despite being aware of his son’s presence continued to say and show such horrendous things.
Should she confront Reiji or walk out and think for some time???
she is not prepared for either.
though it was too late to ponder on those thoughts as Reiji already got his hands on her and took her to Eden’s garden.
To Reiji it was most obvious what he should do, after all he has spent two lifetimes with Yui.
he knows, at some point she'll blame herself, that's why he needs to talk with her. he needs to.
after arriving at the garden, both of them were quiet for some time, debating with words that'll sound proper instead of worsening things.
“Reiji-san you remember, right?”
ah, how badly he hoped that would be the last thing she'll ask.
“look Yui I can explain–”
“no I understand.”
“wait it's not what you think–”
“no, no, no, don't worry. I'm not misunderstanding things. even though your reason might not be identical to mine. I'm genuinely alright.”
“???? what are you-”
“I don't want Shu to remember. you heard that already right?”
Reiji was silent. he was so confused on Yui's sudden behavior. the girl who is always loyal and would rather die than fall in love with someone else has given up?
he knew how strong her love was. he even heard her genuine reasons on why she gave up on Shu, but something doesn't sit right with him.
was that the only reason?
more than that, she declared she loves him?
he should be happy to hear that but why is he not able to accept it?
“was that the only reason you gave up on Shu?”
Yui opened her mouth to say something but paused for a minute.
“maybe it's all my fault.”
she shook her head.
“you are Reiji. you already have a speculation don't you.”
“please stop being so mysterious, that's so unlike you. Yui.” yes he knows the answer but he is also starting to get afraid at the sight of how her eyes are slowly starting to darken and becoming identical to his. he is trembling internally. he needs to convince her. but before that…
he slowly brings her into his embrace, rubbing her back gently to ease her. she is trying to be brave but she is doing that by putting all the weight on her. until she lets it all out properly, she'll keep sinking into the abyss.
on the other hand, Yui is a little dumbfounded at Reiji's actions. it's so unlike him. but even though it's not like him, she understood bit by bit what he is trying to do. after all, even though he is stroking gently, his hands are stiff.
she laughed.
this is no situation to laugh at but his small efforts and actions are making her giddy. she laughed with tears in her eyes as she finally let it all out.
gritting her teeth while the tears streamed down her cheeks, she hugged him back tightly.
“it's all my fault. it's all my fault… Reiji-san. why do we all have to go through a trial just because of my heart and reach someone’s expectations? why do you all have to do those things?”
he kept rubbing her back, letting her wet his favorite black coat, as he looked at a far distance.
“Shu had to cut the vibora leader’s head just for the sake of freeing me and you all had to face the vibora’s wrath while almost getting killed. and then what was the end result? we were sent back to square one because we didn't meet the expectations.”
“at first I badly wanted Shu to remember but then it crossed my mind. Shu changed by coming out of his comfort zone and went through all that length to protect me, only for us to end like this. even though he won't show it, he'll continuously self blame himself everyday for failing to protect me.”
“but more than that, as you already know, I was starting to lose my mind by being stuck in this animesic world all alone as I desperately pestered Shu to remember me like a mad woman. I was starting to get crazy. and if he would have regained his memories and saw me in such a state, it would have added fuel to the fire to his self-blame.”
for Reiji, love was a new word. if anyone told him such a thing, he would mock it and call it a waste of time.
it might be hard to understand Yui's way of thinking when it comes to love, but he'll do his best to get it for her.
“those tea times with you were my only solace. contradictory to my solemn days I spent forcing Shu to remember, I was calm and collected with you. devoting time in your presence made me rethink and differentiate things. it helped me to not lose my mind. maybe that's when, unknowingly, I fell for you. everytime, after I visited Shu, my head was dizzy as I felt myself slowly go numb. slowly feeling like throwing things around to vent it all out.”
“Yui…” there was this one time, he heard things breaking in the bathroom. at that time he thought she was just being clumsy but was she having a hysterical fit then?
was she becoming like Subaru’s mother? was he too late!??
it's like she sensed his thoughts and patted his back to prove otherwise.
she is alright.
Reiji was completely clueless what to say as nobody has ever relied on him or had a heart to heart conversation with him.
heck, he never even initiated such things and never cared if there was a misunderstanding. but now that he is with Yui, it's different.
maybe he should start with something simple?
“I'll support you” he slowly lifted his face away from her shoulders but made sure his eyes never left hers, as their foreheads inches apart.
it's not much, but he'll try. he will try everything he can to make her feel better.
Yui leaned closer and pecked his cheeks like she was assuring him that what he is doing and thinking is on the right track.
“you know, when you are anxious you become stiff and speechless.”
she really knows them all well. no, maybe it's more like how she spent most of her time with him too in both the timelines that she came to understand him in deeper terms.
“then should I take it as yes?” he said pointing at his kissed cheek.
Yui blushed before stammering how it should be her asking that when he obviously heard her confession back in that room.
days passed as Yui and Reiji spent time together to develop their relationship. it was more like Reiji not wanting to rush things with her as he still wanted to make sure she slowly recovers to her normal state.
Yui also figured that if she had a timeline with Reiji which she doesn't remember, then there are chances she might have one with others too.
but it's no use to ponder on it now because right now she has set her future with Reiji. they have decided that they'll face all the upcoming hardships together no matter what.
Reiji also gave her a necklace that connects her with him and vice versa for his own necklace.
this necklace will alert the person if the other is in danger, both physically and mentally.
still vividly remembering what he heard that day and also the events with Shu, Reiji researched day and night on it and after a week, successfully crafted this couple necklace.
now it was the day. their wedding day.
Yui was still unsure because they still have to face the Tsukinamis but Reiji replied that the marriage will only make things easier and those two can't try to lay a hand on someone's wife if they have morals.
the whole Sakamaki household was shocked because it's not been that long for them since Yui arrived. but to Reiyui, it's already been two timelines.
thankfully, the preparations went well and of course it was a small wedding after Yui insisted a lot.
Yui walked down the altar holding Shu's elbow, remembering how he agreed to be her Chaperone by himself. at first she got anxious thinking Shu remembered everything, but that wasn't the case. the only answer they got whenever they asked Shu with a doubt, he'll say:
“it's my duty as the older brother” like he was declaring himself not only Reiji's but Yui's brother too, after all the bride is escorted down the aisle by her father but that isn't the case with Yui as Seiji cannot be reached.
more than that, she still doesn't know how to face him when he finds out she is marrying a vampire.
oh they have a long way to go, but that shouldn't matter. because right now the priority is to spend the time with each other as much as possible and enjoy the moment.
you never know the future.
Yui smiled as she completed her vows with Reiji and kissed him.
it is going to be a long journey.
Yui… you can finally stop crying now, because this man, Reiji, will never let you shed a tear and always keep you smiling.
she said to herself as she walked hand in hand with him towards their carriage to set off for their home.
the end.
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diabolik-art-blog · 10 months
Memories of that spring [Masterlist]
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Author: Monica Misha
Cover Designer: Afra Razavi ( @afra-blueraz )
⚠️ Memories of that spring is the first book of a Shu x Yui x Yuma trilogy. This story was written by me and all the CGs were drawn by Afra @afra-blueraz . Please do not repost. And note that this novel contains violence and NFSW themes, which may not be suitable for everyone. So avoid reading it if you are minor or sensitive. ⚠️
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[ AO3 ] [ Fanfiction.net ]
Tumblr Version:
[ Prologue ]
[ Chapter 01 ] [ Chapter 02 ] [ Chapter 03 ][ Chapter 04] [ Chapter 05 ] [ Chapter 06 ] [ Chapter 07] [ Chapter 08 ] [ Chapter 09 ] [ Chapter 10 ] [ Chapter 11 ] [ Chapter 12 ] [ Chapter 13 ] [ Chapter 14 ] [ Chapter 15 ][ Chapter 16 ] [ Chapter 17 ] [ Chapter 18 ] [ Chapter 19 ] [ Chapter 20 ] [ Chapter 21 ] [ Chapter 22 ] [ Chapter 23 ] [ Chapter 24 ] [ Chapter 25 ] [ Chapter 26 ] [ Chapter 27 ][ Chapter 28 ] [ Chapter 29 ] [ Chapter 30 ] [ Chapter 31 ] [ Chapter 32 ] [ Chapter 33 ] [ Chapter 34 ] [ Chapter 35 ] [ Chapter 36 ] [ Chapter 37 ] [ Chapter 38 ] [ Chapter 39 ][ Chapter 40]
[ Epilogue ]
E-Book Version:
[ PDF ] [ Mobi ]
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shuyui-nether · 1 year
Hello people, welcome to my personal nether.
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⚠️ please note that this blog includes +18 and NFSW themes and it's not suitable for underage people. ⚠️
About blog:
This is a personal blog for shuyui fans. The posts of this blog include headcanon, scenarios, analysis, fanfic, etc. related to Shuyui.
Photos information:
Profile photo by: [Ogyu]
Header photo by: [愛と勇気]
Pinned photo by: [もふこ]
Hashtags in use:
#sweetsweat ♡♡♡ +18 content
#bloodysweat ♡♡♡ toxic relationship, sadistic behavior, sexual harassment, dub-con, non-con
#honeymoon ♡♡♡ any couple ask of shu and yui as a couple.
#shuyui ♡♡♡ any content that includes shuyui
#mina issues ♡♡♡ admin's speaks
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Blogs contents:
Rules [wip]
Library [wip]
Meet Admin [wip]
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midnight-glasses · 1 year
I have an important question, what seems best for me to post for now?
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rukiyui-fanblog · 1 year
⚠️ important ⚠️
Guys never ever talk to Afra @afra-blueraz about your headcanons or ideas for fics or she will make sure that you make it real 😂.
I always talk about shuyui with her and she always motivated me to make a blog and make my own content instead of reblogging. Because this blog was not for me. It was for a certain person that leaved here and gave this blog to me. I was new and I didn't know how to use tumblr or what should I do in this fandom. But now I have many friends and wanna make my beloved ship more popular.
From now on I will use this blog just for reblogging and this is my new blog @shuyui-nether . I will start posting and writing my fanfic soon.
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niceshus · 1 year
Are you going to keep going with the fanfic of shuyui? I really wanna know what happen in the end of the story
yes! I will finish it eventually. it’s just hard to find the motivation to continue writing when you don’t see much support, e.g. reviews 😔
but thank you for checking in! it’s great to see some people are still interested in temptation! 💖
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notasdeuncuervo · 5 years
Los muertos son divertidos.
Revisado: 19/octubre/2022.  Publicado originalmente: 19/diciembre/2018.
Título: Los muertos son divertidos. Fandom(s): Diabolik Lovers. Personaje(s): Yui Komori y Shu Sakamaki.  Pareja(s): MaleYui/FemShu. Clasificación: +15. Estado: Completo (1/1).  Tipo: Oneshot. Palabras: 2, 205.  Temática: Humor. Sinopsis: La fiesta de cumpleaños de Shu Sakamaki es aburrida, así que se escapa para irse a reunir con su mejor amigo (novio). Advertencias: Semi AU, Fluff, Genderbend (¡Hombre Yui!, ¡Mujer Shu!) y mención de un OC (pero su papel es secundario).
1. Esto es para el reto #5 de la Comunidad DL en Discord y cuya cuenta en Wattpad está bajo el nombre de usuario DL_discord. Básicamente, el reto son 7 parejas al azar y cada una con una temática específica, en este caso dicha temática es humor.
2. Digamos que esto es una especie de Semi AU, ya que los personajes se ubican en un tiempo más actual, Shu y toda su familia todavía son vampiros, Edgar aún no muere y es mujer también (aunque no se menciona en el fic lo aclaro), por lo que Shu es aún alegre de cierta manera, por su parte, Yui no llegó a la mansión Sakamaki como se supone que lo hizo y tampoco tiene el corazón de Cordelia, ya que ésta como Beatrix continúan con vida.
Una vez que sube por las escaleras de madera y está por fin de pie dentro de la habitación, un montón de mariposas salen más rápido que un parpadeo (de formas, tamaños y colores dignos de una película de ciencia ficción) hasta estrellarse contra la pared detrás de ella, para su mala fortuna también lo hacen en su ropa.
La chica de corto cabello rubio hace una mueca ante la mancha verde, y aparentemente viscosa, en la tela blanca del vestido más caro que Beatrix le ha comprado en lo que lleva de vida, ¡y eso que tiene más de setecientos años!, aunque su apariencia actual en términos humanos es apenas de quince, ¡pero aun así!, ¿qué sucede con su santa madre para desperdiciar tanto dinero?
"Igual y ya está muy vieja".
LINK(S): fanfiction | wattpad | ao3.  
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diabolicalvixen · 3 years
Some ayayui fanfic I recomended
And this one that is not ayayui is shuyui but is so interesting https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12498906/20/ sorry for the inconvenience
thank you soo much, I'll check it out! ❤️
Can't wait till bed time tonight, that's where I really endulge in fanfics
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Diabolik lovers
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you:
my beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave: Yui and Azusa (though he’s not completely innocent)
my trash-shit fave: Ruki
my I love to hate them fave: Kanato
my I hate to love them fave: Laito and maybe Reiji
my I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire non-fave: Cordelia
my I didn’t care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I can’t stand them non-fave: I don’t really have one but if I had to say - Ayato.
my I could take them or leave them kinda non-fave: Kou
my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship: Subayui and Rukiyui (maybe Shuyui too)
my dirtybadwrong fave ship: Laiyui 
my they’re cute together and I dig them but I’m not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship: Azuyui and Yumayui (they’re cuties)
my I didn’t care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can’t stand it non-fave ship: lol I’m coming across as hating Ayato but it’s Ayayui. Again, I don’t mind them but I’m just like - meh I’ll never read fanfic for them. 
my MAKE IT STOP non-fave ship: Kanayui
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dia-souls · 1 year
🎵 Shuyui fanfic 🎵
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Pairing: Sakamaki Shu x Komori Yui
TW: ⚠️ AU story, Violence, Blood mentioned, NFSW, Knife Playings ⚠️
Author: Admin Afra
Admin's Note: This fanfic is based on this event and it's completely in an AU world. All the religious parts are completely fictional and there is no intention to offend any religion.
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~Familiar Melody~
The rain was falling with its maximum force and the roaring sound of the storm struck fear in the hearts. A strong wind was blowing that the trees bowed before it. The moon was hidden behind the clouds and could not shine its light on the earth and illuminate the earth even a little with its silver light.
A girl with a wet body shivering from the cold was running away from something with fear. Her golden hair, which was a sign of the sun, was wet and stuck to her beautiful face, which was like a goddess. Her pink eyes, which were a sign of the beautiful roses in the gardens of heaven, were full of tears, and she hugged herself with her small arms so that she could warm her tired body a little.
While crying innocently, she was running with short steps and tired legs, and the sound of her shoes splashing with water holes could be heard.
*Splash splash*
Yui: Help, someone please help me.
With her last breath she screamed for help but no one was there. She couldn't take it anymore. She fell on the floor wet from exhaustion and her eyes slowly closed. In her last seconds of consciousness, she saw a man with blond hair and ruby ​​blue eyes coming towards her. But did he have wings? Which were caught in chains?
The girl woke up. Her body was completely dried and was lying on a table. Scented candles were all around her and beautiful music was played by the organ. She looked around. Pictures of unknown people hung on the walls. She did not know these people, but it was as if all this was a memory for her. A memory she was running away from.
Sh was engrossed in the images when suddenly a tall man with a beautiful face entered. That man was beautiful like goddesses. He had dark blonde hair and ruby ​​blue eyes. And two wings that were captured by long chains.
The blue and beautiful eyes of the man were to the girl. He was walking towards her slowly. The closer he got to her, the faster the girl's heart beat. It was as if she knew him. It's as if this man used to live in her memories, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember him. She didn't know anything about him, but she was sure that this heartbeat spoke of a great secret.
The man came closer and closer until he was right on top of her. The beautiful and bright eyes of the girl were reflected in his ruby ​​eyes. They stared at each other for a brief moment before the man put his hand to the girl's chin and held it, forcing her to look him straight in the eyes.
Shu: Are you lost?
Yui: I... I... I don't know... I don't remember.
Shu: What is your name?
Yui: I don't know.
The man was carefully looking at the girl's face. He didn't know the girl either, but he seems to have vague memories of this innocent face in his mind. But he does not remember what this memory is.
He looked carefully at the girl's clothes. It had no sign to identify her except a necklace. He took the necklace in his hand. A name was written on the necklace, but it was distorted and could not be read. The girl is afraid of the man. She did not know him, but his warmth felt familiar to her. Most importantly, this man had fangs and this scared the girl.
Yui: Who are you?
Shu: My name is Sakamaki Shu and I came to this church on a personal quest.
Yui: Is this a church?
Shu: Yes. Listen to this music.
Yui was listening to the lovely sound of the organ and piano echoing in the church. This voice echoed in her ears like a lullaby and caused her consciousness to become less and less until she fell into a deep sleep. In her last moments of consciousness, she saw the man who knelt down next to her and began to recite a familiar prayer.
When Yui regained consciousness, she found herself with her hands and feet tied. She was lying on a table and the ropes were so tight that they prevented her from making the slightest movement. Fear filled the girl's whole being. She wanted to scream and ask for help, but she realized that her mouth was covered by a cloth and she could not speak a single word. The girl's body trembled with fear and cried under the silver light of the moon, which made the church dimly lit.
Her tears flowed from her bright eyes and while she was crying in the silence and darkness of the church, she saw a familiar shadow coming out of the shadows and slowly approaching her. This was the man who had introduced himself as Shu Sakamaki. But why? Why should he imprison a strange girl?
While staring at the girl with an evil look and a scary grin, he approached her and gently caressed her head. He smiles at the girl. As if this smile was very familiar.
Shu: Hahaha. What has happened? Are you afraid
Yui tried to answer him but to no avail. All her words were hidden by the cloth around her mouth and she could not speak a single word.
Shu: Ahhhh. You can't talk with that cloth around your mouth. Well, let me help you.
While wiping the tears from Yui's cheek with his index finger and caressing her cheek, Shu slowly removes the cloth from around her mouth and allows her to breathe. Yui is panting in fear and trying to hold back her tears so she can speak.
Yui: Why are you doing this? Please let me go.
Shu: Hahaha. Are you really scared? Why are you afraid of me? I have not done anything yet.
Yui: What do you mean yet?
Shu smirked at Yui in response. He could feel Yui's terror causing her to cry and beg him to be released. Shu gently stroked Yui's head to calm her down and looked into Yui's eyes with a warm and familiar smile. A smile that was very familiar and for some reason made Yui stop crying.
She calmed down with his warm caresses and familiar smile. She did not know the reason for any of this, but all these feelings were familiar to her. As if this man already knew her.
Shu: There is no reason to be afraid of me. Did you forget what I said? I have come to this church on a personal quest.
Yui: I don't know who you're looking for. But I am not who you think. I swear you have me mistaken for someone else. Please let me go.
Shu caresses Yui's head again and kisses her forehead.
Shu: Don't be afraid. I will not harm you. I just need to make sure.
After saying this, Shu took the silver knife that was next to the table. The blade of the knife shone under the moonlight and aroused Yui's fear.
A few candles were arranged next to Yui. The candles were very close to Yui but far enough away that Yui could only feel their warmth. Shu quickly lit all of their candles and slowly approached Yui with the knife.
Yui: You.....you....what do you want to do?
Shu: Don't be afraid. I will not harm you. I want to read my bloody prayer before God to find my beloved.
Shu brought the knife closer to Yui and tore off all of Yui's clothes in one swift motion. Yui is now naked with her hands and feet tied and feeling ashamed. Yui feels embarrassed and can't hide this feeling and just cries.
Yui: You... you shouldn't do this in front of God. This is a sin.
Shu: Don't worry. This is God's will.
Shu kisses Yui's tears and caresses her again. He doesn't want to scare Yui. But he is looking for his beloved and the only solution to find him is this strange girl. This girl's blood is very special and Shu can smell it. This blood is so powerful that it can bring Shu's beloved back to him.
Shu brings the knife close to Yui's body and cuts her tender and thin skin with the knife. A burning sensation spreads over Yui's skin and she screams.
Yui: *Sob*....*sniff*....please stop....it hurts.
Shu: Shhh.... It will end very soon. Calm down.
Shu cuts many parts of Yui's body and Yui cries more and more. When Shu is done, he drops the knife and kisses Yui's stomach. He wipes Yui's tears and tries to calm her down by petting her.
Shu: It's over. I know it hurts, but you are a brave girl. You can handle this, good girl.
Shu kisses Yui's cheek and soothes her with sweet words.
Yui: Why are you doing this?
Shu: Look at me. Tell me what do you see?
Yui looks at Shu. He looks like an ordinary man dressed as a priest. But with a closer look, you can understand that he is not ordinary. He has fangs just like vampires. He also has wings. But his wings do not look like the wings of angels. There are black wings just like a devil, but why are the wings captured in steel chains?
Yui: You are not a priest.
Shu: That's right, I'm not a priest. I am a lover. I came here in search of my lover. And your blood can help me find my lover.
Shu approaches Yui. The candles next to Yui become more burning and suddenly Yui burns and cries because of the heat of the fire next to her. Shu stands next to the table that Yui is tied to and stretches his arms to the sky. The moonlight shines from the roof of the church into the church and the church shines with the silver light of the moon.
Shu begins to recite a prayer. A prayer that Yui does not understand. But by looking at Shu's beautiful face shining under the moonlight, her memories slowly come alive for her.
Shu looks at Yui after a few short moments. Tears are flowing from his eyes. He reaches his hand towards Yui and caresses Yui's wounded and bloody body. He drops his tears on Yui's naked body and heals the wound. Yui no longer feels pain. But this time her heart beats faster. It seems that his sadness has made her sad too.
Shu: That nightmare repeats itself every night.
Yui: What nightmare?
Shu: A nightmare where my best friend burns in a fire and my lover leaves me forever.
Yui: What is that girl's name?
Shu: I don't remember her name. But I call her Eve. By the Eden tree she was by my side. She was smiling and looking at me with an angelic face. Her gaze was full of love. The love that made me forget the nightmare and live again. That girl was very beautiful.
With a tearful face, Shu leans his head close to Yui's face and looks directly into her eyes.
Shu: Do you know who separated her from me?
Yui: I don't know.
Shu: God separated her from me. Because she committed a sin. She ate the apple of Eden and God separated her from me as punishment. But I ran away from heaven and came to look for her, that's why I am acidified in these chains. Because chains are God's power and he will only release me when I find my lover.
Yui: What is my role here?
Shu: Your blood is very powerful. I prayed before God by sacrificing your blood, but the chains were not opened. So I am still far from my lover.
Yui: I can't help you. Please let me go.
Shu opens the ropes with a heart full of pain. He looks at Yui's wounded body. Blood is spread on her body like a rose and under the moonlight she looks like a goddess. This feeling is very familiar to him. Shu cannot control himself and hugs Yui and cries.
Shu: My Eve. I miss you. Please come back to me
Shocked by his sudden hug, Yui can't fight him back. The warmth of this man is also familiar to her. Yui returns Shu's hug and cries with him. Suddenly, the chains are slowly opened and Shu's wings are freed. He is now free and that means he has found his lover.
While hugging Yui, Shu looks at her with a warm look and a familiar smile. He remembers everything now. He remembers Eve.
Shu: Yui. You are Yui. My dear Eve. I finally found you.
Yui: Shu-san.
Shu hugs Yui again and caresses her. He has found his lover and never wants to let her go. Shu takes his head to Yui's neck and places small kisses on her neck. He kisses Yui's lips. A long kiss from an old love. Moments later, saliva of love hangs from the lips of these two lovers.
Shu: Yui, I found you. My beautiful Eve. I will never let you go again.
Yui hugs Shu.
Yui: Shu-san. I love you.
Shu: I love you too Yui. My beautiful Eve. My one and only Eve. I will never be separated from you. Now we are free. We come back to life.
The midnight hymn echoed through the church. God heard Adam's prayer and returned him to Eve. Now Adam is free and happy. He is with Eve and can experience happiness again. No one knows what will happen to them. Maybe God will forgive them and they will return to Eden again. Maybe they will be imprisoned on earth forever. But they are together in the end and that is enough for them to be happy. Because Adam and Eve are in love.
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afra-blueraz · 1 year
Shuyui love story
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King and Queen
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
I will call your name in my dreams.
A dream that used to be a nightmare.
A nightmare in which a great fire was burning.
And I saw my happiness.
They were burning in the fire and saying goodbye to me.
But you made that nightmare go away.
That nightmare is now a dream.
A dream where I am the king and you are my queen.
You are my one and only queen. My one and only Yui.
I love you.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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callmeklair · 11 months
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Chapter five
“you are the root of the problem!"
– At Tsukinami manor :
"oww! again?"
"I'm so sorry shin-kun!!" Yui cried out another apology as she once again stepped on Shin's feet for the nth time.
The younger founder has lost the count of how many times this has happened already. He clicked his tongue at the petite woman in front of him but still couldn't take any actions.
"h-how about we take a break" Yui whimpered as she stepped back, trying to keep a distance, too scared to face him.
"alright" she felt her shoulders ease as internally a sigh of relief escaped from her. 
"just wait here, I'll bring some snacks to eat and also something for a drink" 
'huh' The blonde woman didn't understand why she was feeling giddy inside her stomach just from his small gesture? whatever it was, it can be mulled over later. 
she watched Shin leave the room as she sat down on the floor after taking off her shoes. inside the huge spacious room, she felt so tiny now that she is all alone. 
'such a huge manor for just two people, even if they are from England this house is just too big…. even when I entered this building the interior was very lavish yet simple. I almost mistook it for some royal palace… no no no maybe I'm really starting to overthink because of all the worried glances and conversation I'm having from the other boys. stop panicking Yui, everything will be okay' 
she shakes her head at last part indicating how badly she doesn't want to accept it, even if it is an assumption. 
yui took out her phone from her skirt pocket as she heard it vibrate. 
to receive a message from the eldest sakamaki who barely bothers himself with such stuff….
shu: I'll be there to pick you up in 20 minutes. 
shu: no buts.
shu: no extra waiting, if you don't want me to barge in and fly away with you. 
shu: in front of them.
Yui remembers giving the guys her live location on the group chat they created a while ago just to keep her in check with the surrounding danger. but she never expected that it'll be Shu who would come to pick her up. himself. 
but more importantly it'll become very awkward and put her in a weird position if Shu reveals his powers, and Yui knows if Shu said it then he'll definitely do it. 
yui: okay, I'll be waiting for you shu-san.
— Kitchen, Tsukinami manor:
"I'm saying it nii-san, now's the perfect time to catch her off guard and kidnap her. after all she naively has left herself open for us." Shin smirks as he talks with Carla in the kitchen, revealing his true intentions.
"you have done a great job Shin for bringing that woman to us with your ploy but I'm afraid it'll be difficult" 
"what do you mean?" 
"each and everyone of them has surrounded the mansion, look around. they are keeping an eye on us and her." 
"that shouldn't be the problem, the lunar eclipse is—" 
"it is. we are outnumbered, even if we manage to fight, one of them will be somehow able to get their hands on her and escape. It's too much trouble for that mere woman." 
"mere woman… she is important to continue our bloodline so mere shouldn't be—" 
"Shin. her heart is important, not her." 
Shin has no idea why he was a little triggered at the mention of her being called mere but he also knew his brother will not spare him if he speaks more. 
Carla watches Shin for a moment before giving him a warning, "I have been observing you too for a while and your ploy… better be a ploy only" 
the strawberry haired man perks up at his brother's words, but before he can say anything Carla disappears from his sight.
"the only thing I care about is giving my payback to those bastards for this eye"
"....and to surpass you. Che."
clicking his tongue, Shin quickly managed to plate some light snacks with two glasses of apple juice and went to Yui.
— Outside the Tsukinami manor:
"I see~ nothing suspicious except watching m-neko dance with that guy. Can we stop this already, I'm getting jealous."
"kou. just keep your attention on your surroundings and this mansion." Ruki scolded Kou as the said poor boy sulked and did what he was ordered to from his older brother. 
all nine of them has surrounded the mansion as per the order of the eldest sakamaki.
"good grief. I can't believe he was the one who for once looked dead serious while giving us the order to keep an eye on her only for him to stay at home by himself. Shu that guy–" 
"true true. it was very weird to see Shu suddenly behaving like that. I was so~ scared." Laito comments in his jovial tone only to earn glare from Subaru and Reiji. 
— Ballroom, Tsukinami manor:
"here you go!" 
"thank you so much Shin-kun." 
"don't mention it."
silence befell on them as both of them quietly munched on their snacks & sipped their juice. Yui pondered for a while and to disperse the quiet atmosphere she told the man in front of her about Shu's message.
"Shu? is he the guy from that night on the rooftop when you were giving me a school tour."
"yes…" she smiled.
"so he really is your boyfriend huh?" 
"b-boyfriend!??!?" Yui's cheeks were covered with red tint as she stumbled over Shin's interpretation.
"no! he is not my boyfriend! he is my…" pausing yui tried to search for a word that will describe her relationship with Shu, she can't tell Shin about how he is one of her predators because he is a vampire…
"my distant cousin!" under the pressure to explain herself to Shin, Yui babbled whatever came into her mind on the spot.
'oh god what am I saying (⁠╥▽⁠╥⁠)' She cried internally as she realised what she blurted out. Following she also apologised to Shu internally and hoped he won't find out.
— Outside Tsukinami manor:
she really really hoped he wouldn't find out. then why.
"....cousin!?" Shu slowly mumbled whatever he heard from Shin and looked at Yui with a wide eyed surprised face and the latter turned her face in return, hiding herself behind Shin's huge figure compared to her small body.
"what? Why are you so surprised? Do you not like being her cousin?" Shin teased Shu like he is totally aware that what Yui said isn't true.
"I…. I am her cousin. don't spout nonsense. I was surprised she would introduce me to you, looks like you guys got close." Shu lazily retorted but kept his eyes open to take in the atmosphere around Shin and Yui. 
frowning, Shu took Yui's hand who was still hiding behind Shin. 
"lets go Yui."
"my dear cousin" 
'ah, I'm done for when we reach back home' 
"hold on! I wanted to ask her something" Shin stopped Shu from pulling her away from him.
"....what?" Shu glared at Shin, not wanting to spend more time with such a bothersome person.
"I said Yui, not you." Now Shin was also frowning as he turned to Yui but as soon as he did that, his expression went back to smiling.
"Now that you are practising dance with me, we definitely need dresses too for prom. and I remember you telling me before that you have never attended such event before, so wanna go for shopping a few days later" 
"there's no need, I'll take her to buy a dress right now so you don't need to involve and trouble yourself more for my dear cousin" 
"I'll. after all she is my partner"
"so?" Shu ws starting to get annoyed as he didn't want this new stranger to pry into their lives, no more importantly get close to Yui by using such obvious excuses.
"so, I wanna select a dress specifically for my partner myself." 
The air was getting too suffocating. Yui really didn't know what to do. she looked back and forth between them and the only thing she can conclude is… 
"Shin-kun, why not join us to buy the dress right now." 
"what are you–"
"oh, not a bad idea! I'll inform my brother and come back" and with that Shin left without giving Shu any chance to intervene.
sighing, Shu turned to Yui,
"you really…. why do you keep making things tiresome for me?" 
"you were the one who mentioned buying a dress right now! if not then maybe we could have found any other reason " 
"forget that… I'm your cousin now huh?" 
"it… i-it happened in the spur of the moment! I didn't know how to describe our relationship to Shin-kun, especially when he speculated that you might be my boyfriend." 
"boyfriend is better than cousin"
blush crept on Yui's face and she looked at Shu bewildered, who only smirked in return as he tried to snake his hand around her waist to tease her more.
"I'm back." Yui immediately slapped his hand away and turned to Shin, mustering a smile to cover up as well as trying to calm her tomato face. 
— At town:
Yui and Shin were starting to get a headache with all the massive noise coming from behind. both of them exchanged awkward glances with each other and looked at Shu simultaneously, who gave them a questioning look only to trigger both of them. 
Shin complained to Shu about the clamour from behind, a group of girls who were starting to surround them and follow them secretly, squealing. 
"as they say, just remove the root of the problem if it's becoming too bothersome" 
"you are the root of the problem!" yui cried out as the crowd of girls behind them started getting closer and noisier. "such a drag" he sighed, which was followed by a lazy yawn.
"how do you deal with him everyday?" 
"don't ask" Shin can feel the annoyance in Yui's voice and realises how this trip will become longer than he anticipated.
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diabolik-art-blog · 8 months
Memories of that spring
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AO3: Chapter 06
Fanfiction.net: Chapter 06
Summary: He is King KarlHeinz's son. Prince Shu Sakamaki.
Admin's note: Hey guys. I'm finally back. Sorry for being inactive for a few weeks. I was struggling with personal problems. Here you go new chapter of my novel. Support me on AO3.
Sunlight filled everywhere and the pleasant sound of birds could be heard. Beautiful children like angels were sleeping hand in hand. A cool breeze hit the window and the roar of the wind could be heard through the seams of the wall.
Shu, who was having nightmares the whole night, had fallen into a peaceful sleep by hugging Yui, and as if he had been hugged by the best pillow in the world, he hugged Yui tightly and did not want to let go of her at all. Yui, who was resting in Shu's arms, continued to sleep peacefully in his arms. But one person will not be very happy to see this scene.
Yuma was lying on the ground and slowly opened his eyes with the golden sunlight shining on his face. It took him a few minutes to regain consciousness. He stretched his body and looked around to find Yui and to his disbelief he saw Yui lying on the bed in the arms of this annoying boy.
Yuma: What the hell is going on here?
Seeing this scene, Yuma's eyebrows bowed and his face showed that he was very nervous. He couldn't believe that this boy would be so rude as to hug a strange girl while he was sleeping.
Yuma walked over to the bed and fisted his hand, shaking Shu with all his might to wake him up.
Yuma: Oi, you skinny boy... hurry up, wake up...
Shu grumbled under his breath feeling uneasy in his warm and soft bed. He was still asleep, but he thought that he was still in the palace, sleeping on his own warm and soft bed, and that this disturbing person who was trying to disturb his sleep was his annoying little brother. Shu frowns as his eyes are closed and hugs Yui tighter.
Shu: Shut up, annoying.... Let me sleep.
Yuma: .....
Shu: Get out of my room. I order you to go out.
Yuma: Your room? Order???????
Shu: Zzzzz....
Seeing Shu continue to sleep peacefully, Yuma became even more nervous. With all his strength, he grabbed Yui from his arms and tried to lift her up. Yui slowly opened her eyes from the terrible shaking and saw that Yuma was trying to remove her from Shu's arms.
Yui, who had just regained consciousness, quickly stood up and tried to stop Yuma.
Yui: Shhh..... Yuma calm down. He is sleeping.
Yuma: Huh? What are you doing? Why are you defending him? This rude boy attacked you at night and held you in his arms.
Yui: Stop Yuma. He didn't do it. He had a nightmare last night and was very restless. I myself went to sleep next to him to make him feel better.
Shu was still asleep and could hear Yui and Yuma's voices softly, but since his sleep was so heavy Shu thought he was still in the palace and it was his brothers who were trying to annoy him.
Shu: Mmm.... Shut up.... You are so annoying.... Get out of my room.
Yui: ....! His room???
Yuma: You see? He is very rude. He thinks that he is the king and orders us to go out of the room that belongs to us. I will kill this boy with my own hands, I swear.
Yui: Fufu.... Calm down, Yuma. He is dreaming. He probably still thinks he is in the palace. Remember that he is a noble.
Yui smiled softly at Yuma and tried to calm him down. When she saw Shu crying like a little boy, she felt sorry for him and wanted to help him. Yui knows something is bothering Shu and that's why he doesn't want to go back to his family. But Yuma's anger and hatred towards Shu has made it difficult for Yui.
Yui took Yuma's hand and slowly got up from the bed and took him with her to the door of the room to leave the room together.
Yui: Yuma, let's go out. Let him rest more. Yesterday was a very difficult day for him.
Yuma puffed his cheeks and was still angry with Shu, but he couldn't say no to Yui. Holding each other's hands, they went down the wooden stairs and reached the small living room of the cottage.
Old man Tenjin was trying to prepare an elaborate breakfast for his daughter and Yuma and their new guest. He had placed fresh bread and warm milk on the table while moving with great effort and with his cane.
The old man's eyes fell on his daughter's bright pink eyes as they walked down the stairs hand in hand with her best friend. He smiled softly at Yui. Seeing her old father trying to make breakfast for them, Yui smiled brightly like an angel and ran to her father and hugged him. Yui caressed her father's cheek and kissed him.
Yui: Good morning papa.
Tenjin: Good morning my beautiful angel.
Yui got off Tenjin's arms and went to the bathroom to wash her hands and face. Yuma came towards the old man while frowning, and Tenjin saw Yuma's angry face and realized that he was upset about something.
Tenjin: Good morning my dear boy Yuma.
Yuma: Good morning Tenjin-san...
Yui came out of the bathroom and dried her face with a towel and went to the table and sat in her usual chair. Yuma reluctantly sat next to Yui and Tenjin poured warm milk for them. Yui drank the milk but Yuma just stared at the glass and didn't show any reaction.
Tenjin: Is our guest still asleep?
Yui: Fufu... yes papa. He is dreaming of sweets. He still thinks he is in the palace.
Hearing Yui's words, Yuma couldn't control his anger anymore and slammed his hands on the table causing Yui to flinch and Tenjin looked at him with wide eyes. Yuma looked at them angrily.
Yuma: I don't understand. Why do you act as if he is a child? He is even older than me, but you act as if he is a baby and needs to be taken care of. He's just a spoiled brat who thinks he's better than us. I really can't stand it.
Yui: Yuma, please don't be rude.
Yuma: You see. Whenever I speak, you always defend him. Why? I am your best friend, not him.
Tenjin: Fufu....hehehe.... Yuma, my boy, are you jealous?
Hearing the old Tenjin's words, Yuma blushed. He was really jealous. He was really jealous that Yui was paying more attention to that strange boy than Yuma, but he didn't want to say it because he was embarrassed. Also, Shu was still very annoying. He was a lazy noble boy and Yuma hated lazy people.
Yuma: Of course not... Why should I be jealous of a lazy and spoiled boy?
Tenjin: Fufu... In any case, Yuma, I want you to calm down. This boy is a noble and we have a duty to take care of him. If something bad happens to him, we will surely be punished by the king.
Yui: Why King? Isn't that boy an ordinary nobleman?
Tenjin: Since that boy lives in the palace, he has a close relationship with the king. Because only the king's children and family can live in the palace?
Yui: Oh...
Tenjin: So try to be kind to him. We don't know why he ran away from home but finally we calm him down and convince him to come back home.
Yuma smiled and started eating his breakfast after hearing that this annoying boy would be coming home soon. He couldn't wait for this strange and disturbing boy to leave them.
Yui and Yuma started eating breakfast. Old man Tanjin's breakfast consisted of warm bread and milk every day. But today he has also added honey to this small table to please their new guest. But as it turned out, the new guest wanted to continue sleeping forever.
While the two children were eating breakfast and the old man Tenjin was trying to add more firewood to the fire in the fireplace, there was a noise.
*knock knock*
Yuma: ...!
Yui: ....! Dad, are you waiting for someone?
Tenjin smiled softly at Yui and Yuma. With great effort, he picked up his cane and went to the door to open it.
Tenjin: Someone has come to see you. A person whom I am sure you would be very happy to see.
Saying this with a soft smile on his face, the old man Tenjin opened the door. A young boy entered the hut. He covered his face with a red scarf and had a hat on his head. Seeing Yuma and Yui, he removed the scarf from his face and gave a sweet smile to the two children.
Yuma: Brother???
Yui: Yamato-kun... I can't believe you're back.
Yui got up from her chair and quickly ran to the young boy and jumped into his arms. The boy hugged Yui while laughing and spun her around in the air. Yamato's body was very cold and it was obvious that he had come a long way.
Yuma went to his older brother and looked at him in surprise.
Yuma: When did you come back, brother?
Yamato smiled at his little brother and hugged him. Yamato was a hardworking boy and every winter he traveled to the mountains around the village to help the people in the mountain villages. He had just returned from a trip to see his little brother and his kind friend Yui.
Yamato: I just came back today. I missed you two so much.
Yui was still in Yamato's arms and didn't want to let go of his arms. She put her hand on Yamato's shoulder and hugged him again. While holding Yui, Yamato walked towards the old Tenjin who was looking at them with a smile.
Yamato: Hello Tenjin-san. I am very happy to see you again.
Tenjin: Hello my dear boy. I'm sure you had a hard journey, come sit down and have some breakfast.
Yamato put Yui down and took off his hat and placed it on Yuma's head. It was a hunting hat and Yuma always loved wearing it because it made him feel so strong.
Old man Tenjin brought Yamato a glass of milk and Yamato, who was very tired, quickly drank all the milk. He glanced at the table and noticed that part of the food was untouched and realized that Tenjin had probably set it for a guest.
While the young boy was drinking milk, the sound of the door was heard from the attic, and it was clear that the strange and lazy boy had finally woken up. The sound of calm footsteps coming from the stairs could be heard. He came down the stairs and faced a strange boy in the room.
As soon as he saw Shu, Yamato stood up and stared at the strange boy with wide eyes. The glass of milk fell from his hand and broke, causing Tenjin and Yui to flinch.
Yui: Kyaahh..... Yamato-kun???
Yamato was speechless. He could not believe what he was seeing. Seeing Shu in the old Tenjin's hut had terrified him. Yamato got up from his chair and walked over to Shu and bowed to him, causing Yui, Yuma, and the old Tenjin to look at him with wide eyes.
Yamato: Your Highness... What are you doing here?
Hearing Yamato's words, all the people inside the hut were shocked. What did he mean by these movements? Why had Yamato bowed down to a common noble and respected him like that.
Yuma: Brother, what are you doing? Why did you bow to him?
Yamato: He is King Karl Heinz's son. Prince Shu Sakamaki.
The prince's name made the old man's heartbeat increase and his body tremble. Terrible memories came back to him and he was shocked and could hardly breathe. Yuma and Yui were shocked at the young boy and couldn't believe what they were hearing.
Yui: Prince???? Shu-san, who are you?
An apprehensive atmosphere filled the room and Shu was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. He was afraid of revealing his identity and now he had to face it.
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shuyui-nether · 1 year
// Why are there so few Yui x Tsukinami brothers and Yui x Kino fanfics? Also, I'm very disappointed that I can't find many Kouyui fanfics. Kouyui is my third ship. I think I should write my first fanfic about the handsome idol instead of Shuyui. Because shuyui has the record for the most fanfics right now.
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