I had to drop out of flight to make some hasty repairs on the way, but I’m finally here. Sorry for the delays…
Are you still available? Should I meet you at the gym or your home?
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maneofscience · 9 years
what about viola? steven?
I must confess I do not know Viola (I presume you mean the Santalune Gym Leader) that well personally. I have seen her credentials and list of accomplishments and I am quite impressed. The one occasion that I had the opportunity to work with her allowed me to glimpse someone of both deep personal conviction and emotional attachment. 
Steven Stone, I assume you are referring to? The champion has most certainly earned his title, most assuredly. He is powerful, intelligent, cunning, and resourceful. He has ample stores to draw on, both personally and professionally, to tackle whatever obstacles are placed before him. He is not someone to cross, but a great friend and ally to those who he chooses or earns his trust.
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Operation Ghost World
Okay, so here’s the deal.
If you guys remember, the blue-haired and blue-blooded lady known as Raylor handed us a stone slab with some nasty old runes on it. Without going into needless details, the runes basically said “There’s this trio of badass ghost monsters that guard a portal into the Reverse World and kill anyone who tries to get in.” At first I thought it was pure BS, but apparently it’s for real- this lady over at shutterbugviola fought these guys and walked away to tell the tale.
So I dragged my little group over to her hometown and we had a chat about our insidious friends. Apparently they follow a pretty strict set of rules; they can only attack at night, they’ll leave you alone if you manage to pull off a Mega Evolution, and a bunch of other complex shit. They hang out in this cave outside of town, which apparently magically vanishes whenever you go looking for it. However, we’ve got a certain small shiny rock that, in theory, should make it appear- if the cave really is a portal to Giratinaland, that is.
So here’s the plan. shutterbugviola, strongestmegaevolution, gentle-as-steel, rockmaniacsteven , and my team find the cave, go down to the portal, convince the Ghosts to leave us alone, then seal the portal. That way the only permanent escape route for Noches is closed, and we can then barter the Griseous Orb to Ol’ Ghostscales so he won’t let the murderous gremlin escape when he makes his own portals.
… If you ask me, I can’t imagine a way for this to possibly fail.
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glroxie · 10 years
Hey kantoadventurer! I think I found another couple for your book! iwillclimbyourwall and shutterbugviola would make a great addition!
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More humans.
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