#shut up tingo
thatonemystery · 2 years
To the mun are you ok?
I'm good now. For now. Yeah. Sorry for the hold up. I just keep getting kicked in the head by life and it causes me to forget this blog exists. Haven't forgotten you guys, just...When I say my life is chaos at times, that's an understatement.
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also don't raw-dog your mental illnesses like I have to, it's not fun
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guardianoflimbo · 6 years
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How close am I to Limbo? Honestly it’s a yin yang between the two of us. We share a similar personality but it differs at the same way. Where he tends to take a neutral stance on things no matter what unless it invokes a strong reaction; I tend to stay neutral until I have the full situation understood or if it affects me directly.
We do share points of view, that there are grand things that are beyond our vision just as there are terrible things too. We always want to experience everything life has to offer and then some and while he may know more and be more aware of things than I; we both agree we share a balance of similarities.
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homobiwan · 3 years
300 Kudos or Less OMGCP Fic Recs
I thought I’d share some fics I love that don’t have many kudos <3 feel free to add some recs of your own
trauma is an ocean by @stanthefrogs
M-rated, 1k words, complete, zimbits
Jack knows that his overdose will haunt him for the rest of his life. Most of the time, he seems to have it under control. Other times– well.
on the same wavelength by @parseisflat
G-rated, 795 words, complete, hallmurray
Hall and Murray putting Jack and Bittle on a line together was no fluke. They knew it would work.
It did for them, after all.
and learn to be (myself again) by @lilacborrower
T-rated, 1.5k words, complete, nurseydex
“Turn left onto Founder’s Road,” the automated voice says.
Dex flicks on his turn signal, checks his blind spot, and makes a right.
Notebooks, Vanilla Coke, open roads, and the feeling that you're not doing any of this quite right.
Pining for Panache by @karin848
T-rated, 15k words, complete, PBJ
Jack Zimmermann runs across figure skater Eric Bittle during a chance encounter one day at Samwell University. A crush takes hold of him, and all he has to do is find a way to tell Eric about it. A series of anonymous love letters and gifts sounds like the perfect way to woo someone when you're a socially inexperienced hockey robot.
Kent Parson meets Bitty during a chance encounter on campus and then through his teammates at the Samwell Men's Hockey Haus, whom this "Bitty" has been supplying with baked goods and a personality made of pure sunshine. His schedule is pretty packed with helping his best friend woo some "Eric" guy, but surely he can find some time on the side to pursue his own romantic endeavors - right?
screaming at the sky by @bittysthesis
M-rated, 14k words, WIP, pimms
Kent Parson and Jack Zimmermann from start to finish.
Juniors era.
(Shut Up and) Dance With Me by @tingo-tango
T-rated, 6.2k words, WIP, whiskeytango
Professional dancer Tony Tangredi is on Dancing with the Stars. NHL Superstar and resident robot personality Connor Whisk is suggested by his PR team (read: forced) to participate to change up his reputation. Best friends Tango and Whiskey are pining for each other. Ford wants a vacation.
In other words, a Dancing with the Stars AU filled with pining, realizations, and a lack of actual dancing.
Speed-Dial by @cricketnationrise
T-rated, 1.9k words, complete
Jack is in the middle of writing his thesis when he gets the call. He ignores it, who would be calling him at eleven thirty at night? But for some reason he glances over after three rings, and a jolt goes through him when he sees the caller id: William Poindexter - Dex
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lemonzestywrites · 3 years
Hi Zesty!!! How about Buddie + Orbit?
oh my god tingo bestie, i absolutely love you for this. just an fyi i literally took this prompt and ran with it so there's a bit more under the cut!! (also i sprinkled in a little touch starved eddie for you cause you’re the best)
send me a ship + a word and i’ll give you a headcanon off it!!
if there’s anything anybody knows about buck it’s that he’s very physical with his affection, it’s how he shows his love. sometimes it’s through bigger gestures (hugs, hand holding, draping an arm around someone’s shoulders) other times it’s smaller things (high-fives, patting someone on the back, a gentle brushing of arms as he walks past) eddie doesn’t know if he should technically count that last one, but he’s going to anyways.
and it doesn't really bother him, especially cause hugs have always had their way of making eddie feel safe and comforted 
but...with buck, it’s different, every time they touch it’s like a small electric current running beneath eddie’s skin. he can feel his heart do a quite little somersault whenever they hug. its like nothing he’s ever really felt before. (his very notable crush on buck doesn't seem to help much either)
if it were only every now and then, eddie thinks he could manage. but that’s the thing, it happens all the time. 
it’s like there’s a magnetism between the two of them that seems impossible to break. no matter how long they spend apart, they always find their way back to each other.
either when they’re done with a long call, and they sit next to each other on the rig, pressed together from shoulder to knee. or when driving after work, they'll both unknowingly place their arms on the center console box, letting their elbows brush against one another for the rest of the ride. or the one time buck had gotten momentarily separated from eddie and chris at the museum and, once they were reunited, landed eddie with the biggest bear hug.  
it’s wonderful and electric and honestly has eddie’s head spinning because he never really knows how to really deal with it, and he doesn't want buck to stop (the opposite, actually, not that eddie will admit that out loud) 
the fondness he feels is bittersweet cause he knows deep down buck doesn't feel the same way about him, yet, eddie’s heart can help but yearn for buck every time they brush arms for even a couple of seconds at a time.
so to spare him the emotional hurt, eddie pushes his feelings aside and hopes they don't eventually overflow and screw him over.
(spoiler alert: they do.)
it happens halfway through a shift from hell that was beyond hectic, it was in and out of the station all day with barely any time to relax, and that was only after the first 12 hours. everyone retreats off to the bunks the minute they can, trying to grab any rest they can, but eddie decides on getting a midnight snack beforehand. he doesn’t bother heading back down, instead collapsing onto one of the loft couches, letting exhaustion overtake him
he only starts to just drift off when he hears footsteps coming his direction so he peaks from underneath his shut eyes to see an equally tired buck making his way towards the couches too. wordlessly he falls into the space between eddie and the couch, pressing right up against his torso 
“man, i fucking missed you.” he sighs, sinking into eddie’s side
“we’ve spent the whole day together, buck.” 
“yeah, but this shift has been so nonstop; it’s like we’ve barely seen each other.”
he thinks back and struggles to recall any part of the day where they both just got to slow down and catch up. shit, this day has taken much more out of him than he thought. eddie doesn’t really register how tired he really is until a yawn slips from him.
besides him, buck laughs to himself tiredly, “I should probably let you get back to bed, huh?”
maybe it's the exhaustion, or maybe it's the butterflies in eddie’s chest, but without much thought, he says, “you can stay if you want.”
buck smiles, “alright then, scoot over.” eddie shifts in his spot, allowing more room for him. seamlessly, buck rearranges himself on the couch so that he’s lying across it, he gently tugs at eddie’s shirt, beckoning him to lie down with him, and without hesitance, eddie follows, placing his head onto buck’s chest.
they lie there, talking for what feels like ages about just about anything as the exhaustion from before slowly seeps back in behind eddie’s eyelids
with another tired yawn, eddie asks, “hey buck?” “yeah?” “...i missed you too.”
the silence comes back, comfortably filling the loft again as they end up falling asleep on the couch together, eddie curled up in buck’s arms. it’s nice and warm. the world feels so much less chaotic here in the middle of the embrace shared between them.
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zimms · 4 years
an olliewicks flower shop au to soothe the soul! this is somewhat based on mine and @tingo-tango’s tags on this post. 
fields of flowers, soft beneath my heels
Ollie’s wrist-deep in a pot of soil, sweat rolling down his cheeks and sunlight streaming through the windows of Faber’s Flowers, when the shop’s bell rings and a new customer stumbles through the door. Ollie frowns slightly and hastily wipes the beads of sweat off his chin with the corner of his shirt, before plastering on his best customer service smile to greet whoever needs flowers at 7:30 am on a Tuesday morning. He mentally catalogues the possibilities; maybe they’ve forgotten their spouse’s birthday? Or maybe it’s a gift for someone at work? Maybe it’s an apology present because they accidentally cycled into a fruit stall and ruined a fresh batch of melons? 
(Okay, maybe not, but it would be a refreshing change in the cycle of constant businessmen grovelling for their partner’s forgiveness)
Ollie shakes himself from his thoughts and grins across the counter at the customer, who’s sporting a baseball cap and a t-shirt that sits just right across his broad shoulders. Ollie’s eyes track down the guy’s biceps which are a tad too big for the sleeves. Ollie consciously shut his mouth to stop himself from gaping; this guy was hot. As Ollie’s gaze roams across the customer’s face to meet his eyes, he realises three things. Number one is that he definitely shouldn’t be ogling a customer like he’s a piece of meat. Number two is that he hasn’t said anything to this guy yet. Number three is that at least a minute of awkward silence and staring has passed since the customer entered the shop. 
Ollie rips his eyes away from the customer’s face to stare at a spot slightly behind his left shoulder. “Hi! What can I help you with today?”
The guy shifts on the balls of his feet, scanning the shelves of bouquets and individual flowers. “Erm, I’m looking for a bouquet of flowers for my mom?” His voice raises at the end of his sentence, which is kind of cute, if Ollie does say so. He rubs the back of his neck and his checks flush pink. “I kinda need to apologise to her.”
Ah, a classic apology scenario. Got it. 
“What’s the apology for?” Ollie asks as he turns to the sink behind the counter to wash his hands. “Not that you have to tell me that is; it just might help as we make the bouquet.” He unravels the roll of tissue paper and cuts off a square to package the flowers in. 
Hot Guy winces. “Ah,” he says, “I kinda got into a fight in front of her the other night. She was not happy to say the least, so I figured I might as well get her some flowers to apologise for it.” 
“Cool, cool.” Ollie grins at him. “What kinda flowers do you want for her?” He gestured to the whole shop, where various buckets of flowers lined the walls, each displaying a different species. “We can get her just a plain old bunch that’s all just the same type of flower, or we could mix and match, create a nice piece of artwork that she’ll admire rather than a bunch that’s boring and all the same.”
Hot Guy’s eyes flick up from the counter and meet Ollie’s own, moving slowly up his body. If Ollie was feeling particularly optimistic, he’d say the guy was checking him out, but he pushes that thought to the corner of his mind because he’s made way too many faux-pas in the past by asking out guys that have come into the shop just for all of them to be straight. Hot Guy clears his throat. “Yeah, a mixture sounds good. I know her favourite flowers are hyacinths if that helps?”
“That’s perfect.” Ollie shoots him the most reassuring smile he can think of, eyes softening. He grabs the bucket of blue hyacinths that sit behind him. “These alright?” 
“Yeah, those are great,” Hot Guy says a little hoarsely, squinting at Ollie’s name tag, “Ollie.” Something settles in Hot Guy’s voice and he seems a bit more comfortable. 
“So, why'd you get into a fight in front of your mom?” Ollie reaches for the bucket of Narcissus behind him and waves a bunch at Hot Guy for affirmation. He nods in return. “Doesn’t seem like the best idea to me-” Ollie trails off, hoping that Hot Guy might get the hint and finally introduce himself. 
“Oh, uh, Pacer.” He coughs and the remaining tension leaks out of his posture. “Nah, a guy said something about Ma, and you know, I had to rush to defend her like the rash idiot I am.” 
Ollie laughs. “At least, it’s one of the more noble reasons to get into a fight. There’s a bit more chance of forgiveness, then.”
Pacer nods and his gaze wanders away from where Ollie is deftly making the bouquet to settle on the purple Clematis. 
“You like them?” Ollie makes a ‘gimme’ motion with his hands and Pacer passes the bucket over to him. Their hands briefly brush each other during the exchange and Ollie does everything in his power to ignore the jolt that goes through him at that brief skin to skin contact. “You’ve got a good eye; I was just about to grab them myself.”
“Yeah, my mom loves blue and yello-” Pacer cuts himself off with a sneeze. “Also, aren’t they the colours of the local hockey team around here? The Falcons?” Although he has a completely clueless tone to his voice, Pacer is studying Ollie’s reaction as if it might reveal the secrets of the universe. 
“Yeah, the Falcs! I only get to see them every so often, but they’re great,” Ollie says, doing his level best to ignore Pacer’s sudden intensity. “I was actually on the same team as Jack Zimmermann in college, which was pretty cool.”
“Really?” Pacer’s enigmatic expression becomes even more indecipherable. “That is pretty cool.” He looks slightly over his shoulder towards the street before meeting Ollie’s eyes and flashing a genuine smile at him. “I actually played a bit of hockey myself, you know.”
Ollie tries to convince himself that the bubble of excitement that rushes through him is because Pacer is such a good conversationalist and not for any other reason, like the fact that they have a couple of things in common, or that Pacer is one of the hottest guys he’s ever seen. 
(He fails.)
Pacer leaves about forty minutes later, with a bouquet and handwritten note in hand and a smile fixed firmly on his face. When Ollie goes to scrub down the counter and start repotting the plant he’d abandoned when Pacer had arrived, he spots a scrap of paper that definitely hadn’t been there before. The note is pretty cute; it’s a string of numbers and a smiley face, accompanied by a couple of lines from Pacer.
Would you like to go I would have asked you out earlier, but my tea friend always says it’s bad form to hit on workers whilst they’re on shift. Anyway, here’s my number if you want to go out some time? Call m Don’t worry if you don’t though!
- Pacer 
Ollie grins as he opens up his phone to add the number to his contacts, but pauses as he sees a Google Alert come through that he’s set up for the Falcs. The text reads, Providence Falconers acquire forward Pacer Wicks from Colorado Avalanche in exchange for a second round pick in the 2022 NHL Draft, and immediately underneath the caption, Pacer’s smiling face stares out at him. 
Pacer’s voice echoes in his mind. “I actually played a bit of hockey myself.”
Played a bit of hockey himself? Ollie cannot believe this guy. He plays in the fucking NHL and all he says is “I actually played a bit of hockey myself.” 
However, Ollie thinks as he opens up the article to see a picture of a bruised Pacer from his last game with the Avs, it would explain why he needed to apologise for fighting in front of his mom. 
Now that Ollie is aware of Pacer Wicks’ existence, he seems to follow him everywhere. Well, not Pacer exactly, but his name. 
It begins, like many things, at the grocery store. 
“Excuse me?” the cashier asks, as she’s scanning his groceries two days after Pacer first came into the florist’s. “Are you that hockey player? Pacer Wicks?” 
Ollie furrows his eyebrows. He doesn’t think that him and Pacer look that similar, but then again, Pacer’s only been in Providence a couple of days, so people don’t exactly know what he looks like yet. “No, sorry.”
The cashier purses her lips, taking a moment to study him again before ringing him up. “Huh, sorry! You guys just look really alike is all.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” Ollie gathers up his groceries. “These things happen sometimes.”
(He almost texts Pacer to tell him about it, but, as Ollie looks at the clock on his phone, he realises that Pacer probably isn’t going to want to receive a message about how someone thought they looked similar mid-way through his game against the Pens.
Also, he’d have to wish him luck and honestly, as much as Ollie loves the Falcs, he wouldn’t wish them too much luck against his hometown team.)
hey! i’ve finished off that other apology bouquet for your ma!
let me know when you want to swing by and pick it up!
also i was watching the game tonight; do you need me to make up another identical one for your ma, or do you wanna come into the shop to choose this one?
thanks ol! i’ll probably swing by to pick it up tomorrow and then help make the next one at the same time?
sounds like a plan!!
When he said these things happen sometimes to that cashier in the grocery store, he didn’t expect them to happen all the goddamn time. Be it at his favourite café, on the street, or on the commuter rail, someone always, always, asks if he’s Pacer Wicks. 
oof that hit from eriksen looks like it’s gonna leave a mark
yeah, half my face is swollen
i assume we’re still on for dinner in a couple of days right?
even if my stunning visage has been marred by the fists of a schooner
that was a very weird way of putting it
but yeah, i still wanna go out with you even if your face looks like a dodgeball
A girl taps him on the shoulder at Bitty’s Bites downtown. “Excuse me, are you Pacer Wicks?”
Ollie smiles sheepishly at her, brandishing his coffee cup with a scrawled Oily on it as if it might keep the Pacer Wicks fans away. “Sorry, you’ve got the wrong dude.”
He hurries out of there as quickly as his legs can take him after that, hands fumbling for his phone so that he can text Pacer about it.
jdshjkdsjh a girl just asked if i was you
yeah, i don’t really know why so many people ask if i’m you
especially as they usually ask when you’re on a roadie??
so i don’t get why they know who you are without knowing the falcs’ schedules
maybe they’re a fan of my dashing good looks rather than my hockey?
isn’t that why you agreed to go out with me after all?
Ollie grins to himself before sending back three words.
don’t push it
He’s less generous to the guy on the commuter rail, but in fairness that’s mainly because he stole the last seat just before Ollie could get there and it’s 6:30 in the morning. 
“Hey, aren’t you that hockey pl-?”
Ollie barely looks up from his phone before cutting him off with a sharp “No.”
Today, someone even asks him at the flower shop.
“No,” he says, heaving the deepest sigh he can whilst still remaining in customer service mode, “I think Pacer Wicks might have other things to do on a Saturday afternoon than work the till at a flower shop.” He shuts the cash drawer on the register with a bang and hands the customer their change and bouquet as quickly as he can. “Thank you for shopping with us! Enjoy your day!” 
He collapses back onto the wooden stool that he keeps behind the counter, taking a breather for approximately five seconds before a laugh echoes through the shop. Ollie jumps half a foot in the air before locating Pacer, who’s stood in the corner of the shop inspecting a piece of sea holly. 
He’s dressed up pretty nicely considering hockey players’ notoriously bad fashion sense, wearing a button-up, a nice pair of jeans that do all the right things for his hockey butt, and his ever-present baseball cap, but this time, unlike his first visit to the shop, it’s sat backwards on his head. He spins around to face the back of the shop, grinning his face off. “I’m impressed by the fact that she asked you that whilst I was standing in the shop and she still didn’t notice me.” He laughs, smirking across at Ollie. “Does that happen often?”
“Yeah, some people are surprisingly oblivious sometimes,” he says, “but also, I don’t look that much like you?” He pauses, trying to work out what Pacer’s face means. He places his hands on his hips and jokingly rounds on Pacer. “Do I?” 
Pacer chuckles, taking a few steps closer so that he’s leaning against the counter. “Not that much, but would it be so bad if you looked like me?” A mock-wounded expression plays across his features as he presses his hand to his chest. 
Ollie takes off his apron and hangs it up behind the counter. “Nope, because you are extremely hot.” He threads his fingers through the hockey player’s belt loops to pull him closer, feeling emboldened by Pacer’s flirting. “And if that means that people are inadvertently calling me hot whilst asking if I’m you?” He shrugs. “I can live with it.”
Pacer has to lower his gaze to meet Ollie’s eyes, the two inch height difference between them clearly obvious, even if Ollie is six foot, thank you very much. “You were right about something though,” Pacer murmurs, “I do have better things to do than stand in a flower shop on a Saturday afternoon.”
“Like what?” Ollie raises an eyebrow.
Pacer smiles softly down at him, taking his hand and interlacing his fingers with Ollie’s. “Like taking the cute florist that works there on a date for starters.” Pacer starts to move them towards the shop’s entrance. “There’s this lit-” He sneezes abruptly.
Ollie tilts Pacer’s head downwards. “That’s like the fourth time you’ve sneezed in the shop.” He rubs his thumb over his cheek, frowning when he sees that Pacer’s eyes are slightly red. “Are you okay?”
Pacer waves him off. “Yeah, it’s fine; my antihistamines just wore off.”
His-? Ollie furrows his eyebrows before leading his date out of the shop. “Pacer, are you allergic to flowers?” 
“No?” Pacer’s sheepish and slightly bunged up reply says everything that Ollie needs to know.
“Fuck, Pace, why have you been coming to the shop so much if you’re allergic? Surely you don’t like the aesthetics of flowers that much that you need to torture your sinuses every spare minute of the day.” Ollie pinches the bridge of his nose, voice full of exasperation.
Pacer holds his hands up in surrender. “In my defence, the first few times were because I did need to buy Ma flowers, but I didn’t keep coming back because the flowers were pretty.” He pulls Ollie close and frames his face with his hands. “I came back because the florist was.”
The final time Ollie is mistaken for Pacer is five years later as he’s heading towards the arena for Pacer’s final game of the season. In fairness, dressed in a Wicks jersey and a Falcs snapback, he probably looks more like Pacer now than he has at any time since he first got mistaken for him in the grocery store. 
“Excuse me?” A teenager taps him on the shoulder, their arm slung around a friend. “Are you Pacer Wicks?”
Ollie grins at the kid. “Nope,” he says, trying not to take too much joy in the hope fading from the fan’s eyes before he drops the bombshell, “I am his husband though.”
“Really?” The teenager’s eyes light up. “You’re not kidding, right?”
“Nope.” Ollie holds up his phone screen to show the kid a photo of Pacer kissing his cheek, just so that they know he’s not lying. “D’you wanna meet him after the game?” He smirks at them. “After all, I do know a guy.”
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parseisflat · 4 years
thank you for the tag @dilfdraco !!
last song: the gold ~phoebe bridgers version~ by manchester orchestra
last movie: i??? don't remember????? i think it might have been deathly hallows part two (://)
currently watching: ..nothing alskdfsdfs
currently reading: by TECHNICALITY, nothing (unless u count fics). but. i have five wlw books stacked in my closet that i will read soon because that's right folks it turns out i am actually capable of reading physical books again!!!
currently craving: an iced oat mi oh fuc no my yboard is fucd up again i cant typ goddamnit (icd oat mi att omfg nvm) EDIT: AY SHES BACK!! i was trying to say an iced oat milk latte :) yes its past midnight shut up
tagging: @crookedlonglady @birlcholtz @tingo-tango @gayhockeyhellhole @itsnotdraco @anyone <3
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thatonemystery · 4 years
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Why is my phone buzzing? Wait... New video?
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Great... So... You're back then? For real this time?
Fresh start?
Reset and go some other direction?
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"You stopped eating chicken. That's why I left."
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thatonemystery · 4 years
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Re did my blog so it isn't only showing like... 5 posts or something.
Took a break and watched Ben's "The Future" video and... Ben? I noticed some things you sneaky thing you!
CW for the following: Blood, Teeth, (And supposed death but idk)
Strap in kids, unlike the lyrics we're fucking with the past!
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First off, OOOF! Poor Vivi! Almost killed me to screencap this but all of this is important I promise!
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We saw Mystery just get shell shocked over this and just
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Oh. Someone call a plumber for our poor boy!
While we're waiting lets talk about these two frames shall we?
That's Mushi and Vivi's color and the micro scene proved it. Interestingly enough there's a seal or bandaid over the inital crack. So he must've shared a bond with Mushi in the beginning and being with Vivi helped mend it. Though now? Oh...
"Get to the point Tingo! We know this already"
You're yelling at a madman's ramblings while they speak truth to that part of us that hungers for ideas. This entire post is the point.
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Hmmm... Those colors seem awfully familiar don't they?
Let!'s rewind the tapes!
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Looks like our green boy took an interest in Mystery. Taking the same method. Cant say when it was exact moment but-
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That's a red herring friends. For now anyway. ??? was already gaining control of Mystery before this point.
Part 2 of a madman's dream coming soon...
S̶͔̪̜͉̘͇̪͕̦̥̭͛̈́̅́̃̎͊̽̒̈̏͜͝͝ ̷̢͕̜͓̙̭͖̘̯̳͋̏̀̍̉̓́̋̆̕͝t̴̨̡̬̻͔̞̪̠͔̪̳͕͍̦̦̋͘ ̸̧̣̗̪͉̫̤͕̥̎͑̂̋̾̉̋̐̂̆͛̅́͘͝a̴̪͕͍͎̋̔ ̴̲̽̉̂̊̌͂̑͊̈̒́̑y̸̹̙͌̑͊̎͝͝ ̶̩̐̃̈́͊̿̇̚̚͠ẗ̴͈́͂͂̃̀͛̈͘ ̵̢̢̜̼̗̙̖͎̫͌͒͗͂̀͗͆̓̓̅͠͠ͅų̷̏͋̇̕ ̷̬͍̖͇͍͔̀̾͗̐̿̋̚n̵̡̛͎̭̻̙̣̻̻̭̹̱̖̊̀̿̋̈̒̋̉̓̑̕͜ ̴͕͓̖͈͉̱̼̪̠̜̘̥͉̦̻̇͐̾̓̌̉̾̾͗̍̐̋̚͘͝ê̴̟͚͙̞͙̤̝̭͇͈̺͉͇̓͆̉̿̂͛̾̐̌̐̂͝ ̶̨̺̫̱͖̹̭̭̰̔̔̅͂̃́͊̇̉̈͆͑̾ͅd̴̛̳̮̺̬͍̯̹͔̼͖͆ͅ ̸͖̳̗̟̳̘̟̓̄k̷̥͕͈̫͖̩͇̀͂̐̈́͋͂̒͗̓̐͋͝ ̶̡̧̢̤̺͕̞͚̭̬̝̹̅̉̓̇̃̀̐̽̎͗͝͝ͅḯ̶̡͇͔̒͂͋͊̈̒̇͗̃̀͝͝ ̷̡̨̨̡̟͈̹̠͋̂̏̊͘̚͘͘͠ͅḑ̷̧̛̛̞̠̝̦̹͓̝̞̱͉̹̼͂́̎̃̀͐̾̕̕ ̶̩̈́̽̉͗̀͋͒̏̀̈̇͑s̴̤̠͙͍̭͙̐̋͆̾̀̇͜ ̸̢̡̮̎̀̌͒̾̃̚.̸̢͍͕͙͇̳͖͈̙̼̪̲̤͗̋̋͋̈́͝ ̸̛͕̻͖͌̓̓̄̏.̷̝͉̹̙̏͛͒̐̚ ̶̢̩͓̞̥͙̹̬̻̝̭͔̠̃͑̄͌̑͛͋̈́̈́͗̒̎̈̍.̵̜͈͋̑͐͆̽͜͝ͅ
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thatonemystery · 4 years
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thatonemystery · 4 years
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"Hey. Mystery. I just had a thought about Splatter..."
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"No.. Nooo... No no no no no..."
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"Splat can do the trademark adorable eyes that everyone loves in the other Luis-es"
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"....he's gonna kill you for that."
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thatonemystery · 4 years
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Tingo here! Just saying I'm still here on tumblr. Just literally after my wild conspiracy post my work has gotten more intense. Plus I got sidetracked with Discord hella bad too.
My apologies! Your regularly scheduled totally not furry shenanigans will resume soon!
Just ping me if I forget again because I'm an idiot. <3
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thatonemystery · 4 years
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Oh annon...
What in the hell did you do to the sinnamon roll...?
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thatonemystery · 4 years
I got bravery
you've hardened a shell around the person that you used to be. there was only so much you could take until you needed to gain control, change the only thing you could. you might think there's only a yolk left inside, but there's so much more. in the corners and in the crevices, there's pieces of you that you never got to meet. i promise that little kid is still in there. things will get better because you're good at breaking through things. so keep yourself together, yeah? that little kid still hasn't seen the rest of the world yet.
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thatonemystery · 4 years
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Ah, yes, appropriate.
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thatonemystery · 5 years
Come back from a random hiatus (sorry for suddenly falling off the radar by the way guys, I really needed some time to get back on my bullshit) and I come back to Tumblr being sold for 1 million (ahahah see what you did Yahoo?) to the guys who does wordpress. (Yay..kinda..)
I suddenly see one spooked pupper on Ben’s blog on my dashboard.
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What the shit is going on?
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thatonemystery · 5 years
So mystery why did you fall for your boyfriend anyway?
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"Oh we all know why you fox!"
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