#shura olympia soiree
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louhilainen · 8 months ago
Tsukuyomi, Shura and Douma from Olympia Soiree as parents!
Contains major spoilers up to Akaza's route!!
Not gonna lie, he has an adjusting period as he becomes a father of a noisy brood after living on his own pretty much as he pleases. (Yosuga was an easy kid, and didn’t cause him any trouble lol). Many times he craves just for a moment of solitude, but those kinds of moments are far and between when the children are still little. But he has enough life experience to know that children are only small for once and years go by fast, so he enjoys every moment with them when they still need him. 
Tsukuyomi is definitely in his element as he guides and teaches the children. He has all sorts of knowledge and skills that he passes on be it reading, writing, mathematics or painting. If one of them shows interest in something specific, he always encourages them and makes sure they have the opportunity to learn more. Even though their children are in agreement that their dad tells the same stories over and over way too much and his existence is an overall embarrassment to them, they love him and he is the first person they come to for advice and support. Let’s face it, as raised by him, they are pretty strange themselves xD
As Tsu doesn’t have a day job, he’s basically SAHP, while Byakuya girl-bosses her way around the island xD Although Tsukuyomi does not share Byakuya’s drive for making an island a better place, he always supports her in her goals and offers advice if asked. Byakuya likes to drag him to help her in her projects,  although he grumbles objections now and then. But if it makes her happy, then he’s all for it. 
When their children grow up and start leaving their home, he is happy and relieved that their children have found their place on the island. But he definitely feels an empty nest syndrome (“Everything I love always escapes me…”) But not to worry! Byakuya will always have something “small” for him to do! (“Tsukuyomi, it’s 5 AM, it’s time to feed the chicken, rearrange the furniture and build props for the girls' new play!” “Yes, my dear…”) And when the children have children of their own, Grandpa Tsukuyomi’s babysitting services are desperately needed! 
So he will never have too long a moment of peace and he is at times a little baffled how things turned out like this. But he enjoys having a busy and a fulfilling life and is very satisfied with having a purpose. From his perspective, his life, after marrying Byakuya and having a family with her, went in a blur. But he feels he did more living during those decades than in centuries before that. So he has no regrets for forsaking his immortality to be with her.  
Shura and Byakuya make a power couple! When dealing with other people, with Shura sweet talking to them and Byakuya’s earnestness (yet calculated), they end up making promises they regret. Shura teaches Byakuya to be more shrewd while Byakuya shows her that kindness is sometimes more useful than subtle threats.
(I don’t know how they get pregnant, either by lesbian magic or they use sperm donors.)
When Byakuya’s pregnant, Shura spoils and pampers her so much that it makes her a little uncomfortable… 
Shura spoooooils their children so much! They can have anything they want, be it from dresses, dolls, make up. She loves getting them gifts and is very affectionate with them. But on the other hand, she is also very demanding and  strict and makes sure they know what awaits them. She knows all the eyes on the island are on their girls, always assessing them and waiting for them to fail, so she makes sure they are prepared for that.
Shura is fiercely protective over her girls. Especially when they get older and with her experience with her husband, Shura can be a biiiiit over projective. Basically, she doesn’t trust men. 
She assures her daughters that they can do anything even if they are girls no matter who says what. Having children also forces Shura to acknowledge that nothing in the island would change until women are treated more than living wombs. She realizes that she herself has kept the system living by her own actions. But she and Byakua swear to make the island a better place for women so their children and other women can live happier lives
Tsundere Grandpa Douma
Whenever Byakuya’s and her spouse’s children visit, chaos begins. They use the railing of the stairs as a slide, run in the house, making all the servants and Douma run after them to make sure they don’t hurt themselves or destroy the house. They ask millions of questions about Douma’s life in the Outside world and ask him to read books from them. Douma has to use every wit of his to keep children entertained. 
When their parents come to pick them up, Douma complains and asks not to bring them ever again. But when the children hug him and tell them that they had lots of fun, Douma’s heart melts. After they are gone, Douma goes to his study and sighs a breath of relief. It’s quiet. Just as he likes. But why does he feel so… lonely? When would they visit again? The servants notice when Douma misses them as he stares out of the window and keeps sighing. They send a word to Byakuya and her spouse that it would be nice for them to visit again as the Master misses his grandchildren tremendously…
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cosmicangst · 2 years ago
olympia soiree review after 100%-ing the game... general consensus of my brain worms is that the premise, its themes, the japanese cultural context, and the lore are its biggest strengths. but it needed a heavy editing hand. writers gotta trust their audience more bc we really do not need flashbacks to a thing that happened three minutes ago. it just felt like some great solid bits that were bundled up way too much w superfluous padding. as such the pace suffered and what should have been devoted to developing further why byakuya and her li would fall in love is spent on filler and revisiting info we already know
the spiciness and the sheer romance of the cg scenes are so good but sometimes it was whiplash when byakuya and her li were suddenly in soulmates mode. the individual scenes were chefs kiss but the relationship development overall felt less earned which made those scenes less impactful than it should have been. i know it's just the two weeks but cmon ive been sold less believable absurdity in less that time
anyway in terms of each route:
himuka - tbh he really didn't leave a lasting impression besides his place in the lore. my fave thing is his character design and i spent most of the route pretending this was a yuri game lmao i think his was the one where i rly questioned why byakuya fell so hard and fast (and she does that in every route but his especially i was like.... but why are you suddenly so ride or die??)
tokisada - cute! but im not typically a fan of the little bro type. when he talks about walking into the ocean tho i did cry 😢 his bad ending main menu speech is so good. i love it when men break down despondently 😌
yosuga - loved him up to That Scene. i love possessive dubcon stuff in otome but this was a character who was established to be someone who prioritizes consent and safety for the female citizens of yomu so it just seemed so out of left field and uncharacteristic. did enjoy the hades and persephone analogue vibes tho
riku - such a fan of this nerd. for some reason i felt his angst more than i did the others perhaps bc his biggest obstacle in returning byakuya's love was his own self. rly related to his desire and anxiety to live up to other people's standards and his general ineptness in romantic situations. bc it often ends w byakuya being the most forward one which i always enjoy whenever the mcs take the lead in otome. had fun w him but he and byakuya felt the most whiplash along w himuka
kuroba - enjoyed his personality for most of the game and was honestly thrown off that he ended up being the most yandere of the bunch. which is interesting considering the reveal of who his birth father actually is. was not a huge fan of how they treated sexual assault in this route. like i intellectually understand why the good ending is like that but they rly should have let that motherfucker choke. handkerchief callback was adorable tho
akaza - BIG FAN of bbq dad. his was the one i was looking forward to the most bc he was the one byakuya was the most resistant in giving a chance. and im just a sucker for decent men who give off a bad first impression bc they take things too seriously. i love his insistence of asserting himself and byakuya as singular entities and not bound by the fate of their roles which is a deft way of tying the relationship with the game's overall themes. his route felt the most believable in selling why they're compatible and why they fell in love because they went to intentional multiple dates where it truly felt like they were learning about each other. i would have liked some room to explore his faults and fears outside of byakuya but i enjoyed his route the most so i can't complain too much
other scattered thoughts
the short stories are great esp the memoirs by the supporting cast. made me appreciate them more bc it gave them nuance and complexity
SHURA 🥰 complicated women my loves. wish tho that her bitterness against byakuya wasn't also rooted in her infertility. not that the motivation is inherently bad but as one of the few female dynamics byakuya has it isn't great
hairi devolving to villainy was understandable but disappointing. wish tho that there was one character based in yomu who wasn't on byakuya's side but wasn't also a villain either.
douma reveal just doesn't sit right in the end like they're trying to establish this grumpy dad vibe when douma spent the majority of the games not just being grumpy and stoic but actively being an asshole and almost resentful
kanan i was generally annoyed with until i got through the bad endings and read his memoir and i did a complete 180 on him. earnestly really enjoy this asshole now and i find him fascinating as a villain
tsukuyomi's memoir is my absolute fave "now i water the cherry tree" just the existential resignation of it all....
don't have much thoughts on the obvious allegory and how it explores oppression as a theme namely bc im missing the cultural and historical framework w my largely western lens and i think context here is absolutely imperative to do this justice
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soartfullydone · 3 years ago
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I am, once again, obsessing over Olympia Soirée character designs
Part 1
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ladies-of-fiction · 3 years ago
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Ladies of Olympia Soiree
Juliet, Camilia
Shura Daishi, Amaterasu
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violaceaes · 3 years ago
finished with yosuga's route... i gotta say, congrats to this game for actually having well written, multidimensional female characters. shura if you see this, may i ask for your hand in marriage <3
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wildflower-otome · 2 years ago
[Translation] Olympia Soiree - 50 Questions for Kuroba
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Source: Olympia Soiree Official Visual Fanbook Nuit Blanche
50 Questions for Kuroba
1. What are your hobbies and special skills?
Before it was creating specimen books, but these days it’s mainly origami. They seem to make Byakuya and the children of Yomi happy, so I think it’s a good skill if I do say so myself.
2.What are your strong points and weak points?
I’m aware that the part of me that always distrusts everything is not good.
As for my strong point…..I think that I’m unexpectedly good at persevering? If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to continue the kind of research I do.
3. What is a common habit of yours?
Fiddling with my necktie.
4. What is something you do everyday?
Tease Byakuya? Haha, she’ll be mad at me. Although I do think it’d be nice if I was able to see her everyday.
5. What time do you wake up and go to sleep?
That’s something even I don’t know.
6. What is the first thing you do when you wake up, and the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
The first thing I do when I get up is drink a cup of tea to wake up. Before I sleep I spray some sleep medicine.
7. What is your secret (within the boundaries of what you can share)?
I’m the son of the previous leader of the Yellow.
8. Is there someone who you think of as a rival?
It was Akaza previously, but these days I’d also include Lord Douma. Although I’m well aware surpassing him will be difficult.
9. Please tell us about an unforgettable event during your childhood.
Yosuga and I got to talking about how we wanted to see the sea, so we put blue dye into Yomi’s waterway and got beat up by Granny.
10. How strong is your alcohol tolerance? (Do you drink alcohol?)
I like drinking, but when I get drunk I fall asleep.
11. What is something you are really into right now?
Researching new types of origami.
12. What is something about your body that you have confidence in?
……My pecs?
13. How would you describe yourself in one word?
14. How do you spend your days off?
On dates of course.
15. What is something expensive you’ve bought recently?
A microscope.
16. What is something that worries you recently?
The problem of the successor to the leader of the Yellow.
17. What is a job that you’d like to try doing outside of your current one?
Bouncer at Shikinjou.
18. Who is someone you respect?
As expected, Lord Jigen, Lord Douma and Lady Shura really are amazing. Tsukuyomi is also someone I respect…..well, maybe not quite, but I’m grateful to him. And in the end, Lord Sakyo as well. A lot of things happened with him, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s the mentor who guided me.
19. What is something you don’t like?
20. If you could bring just one thing to Tennyo Island, what would it be?
A knife.
21. Please teach us a technique you use to move your lover’s heart.
Rather than any sweet words of mine, it’d have to be origami, right?
22. What are things you like about her?
Her indecent side.
23. What is your favourite food among the dishes she makes?
I’m happy no matter what she makes.
24. What is your favourite part of her body?
Her tongue. Although I like her hips as well.
25. Do you hold hands while you’re on dates?
I probably put my arm around her shoulders or waist more often.
26. If you were to change places with Daifuku for one day, how would you spend your time?
Have her put me on the top of her head maybe? I’d like to try doing things that I definitely wouldn’t be able to do in my real body.
27. You see her sleeping right in front of you. What would you do?
That’s something that happens a lot, but I always have trouble making up my mind. I want to play a trick on her, but I also feel as if I want to keep gazing at her cute sleeping face forever. I end up doing something mischievous at a ratio of about 7:3 though.
28. When your work or study isn’t going well and you’re feeling down, how would you like her to comfort you?
I want her to comfort me, but I don’t want to complain, that’s the kind of being men are.
29. What position do you prefer to sleep in, when you are with her?
I have a feeling I often hold onto her from behind.
30. When you want to kiss her, what do you do first?
I kiss her whenever I think that I want to.
31. Would you prefer to be devoted to her? Or for her to be devoted to you?
More than that, I want to spoil her.
32. If you suddenly missed her in the middle of the night, what would you do?
I’d distract myself by looking at things through my microscope.
33. She has caught a cold. How would you look after her?
I’d try all the treatment methods that I know. Although, perhaps those of the White aren’t affected by illness…..? Or maybe the reason illnesses don’t touch her is because it’s “her”?
34. If you see her while you are at work, what would you do?
If I have the time, I’d love to try helping out with her deliveries.
35. When you and your lover have a fight, what do you do to make up with her?
I bring something sweet over to her and apologise.
36. What would you do if snow started to fall during one of your dates?
Truth be told, it’s something I’ve never really seen much of. Although if it did fall, I think she and I would end up having fun with it.
37. When you are with her, what kind of moments do you feel the happiest?
The times when we go for a walk on the beach and have rambling conversations
38. What is a habit of hers that you like?
When she undoes my necktie.
39. What were you like as a child?
Along with Yosuga, I was spoken highly of as one of the worst brats in Yomi.
40. How many children would you like? Please tell us if you would like a boy or a girl, and how many.
Only as many as she wishes to have. Of course, when thinking of our position in society, I would like to increase the population of the ‘White’, but I do think she would make a great mother. Hmm, perhaps I’ll do some research on safe childbirth methods.
41. When your children are born, what kind of things would you like to teach them? And what kind of children would you like to raise them to be?
Being healthy is the most important thing! After that, I’d like to allow them to do what they want to do.
42. If she were to tell you that ‘I will grant you one wish’, what would you ask for?
I wonder if I could ask her to wash my hair.
43. If you were a ‘White’, including yourself, who would you choose as a partner? And conversely, who would you refuse?
I know Akaza and Yosuga too well to want to marry them. It seemed like Himuka wanted to know more about intercourse, so perhaps it might be fun to teach him.
44. What would you like to do in the world beyond the ocean?
I’d like to collect medical apparatus and medicine.
45. ‘The waves bring what one seeks.’ What is something that you would like to wash ashore?
As to be expected for someone in my line of work, I’d be happy if medical related items, things that might help with my research, would wash up.
46. Is there something you would like to say to Tsukuyomi?
Thank you for your help back then.
47. Is there something you would like to say to her father?
At that time, I was truly stricken with terror.
48. What is a challenge you would like to undertake from here on?
…..Perhaps studying to become a leader?
Although, only if the likes of me is allowed to give that answer.
49. Please tell us about a commitment you would like to make once you become a leader in the future.
I want to back Yomi no matter what, but having a higher colour rank doesn’t necessarily guarantee happiness. I would like this world to become one where there is no need to carry such pain all alone, maybe I’m naive for thinking that.
50. Please tell us your message of love for her.
I’ll continue to love you from now on.
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thewild--flower · 3 years ago
[Translation] Olympia Soiree - Riku After Story
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Source: Olympia Soiree Official Visual Fanbook Nuit Blanche
Author: Yuma Katagiri
‘Olympia, I’ve brought provisions from Lady Shura. Please, take them.’
That day, I was extremely nervous. It was not my first time visiting her hideout, but it was because for a week starting today— I would not be able to see her.
‘There’s some light reading and snacks that Lady Shura baked herself. “They will keep for a long time, so eat them while you’re on the island, they’re not poisoned,” was her message.’
‘Kyah, they look so delicious! If you hadn’t said they were snacks for the island, I’d eat them right now.’
Wrapped inside the navy blue silk cloth were cookies with walnuts and dried raisins along with some pound cake. Until today I hadn’t even known that person could bake. That must have been just how much she had taken a liking to Byakuya.
‘The dried meat and fruit is from me. I know you said that you’d be alright for food, but just think of it as the least I can do for you.’
‘Heheheh, you don’t need to be so worried. I used to live on that island until just before I turned five years old after all. And even the house has already been cleaned up.’
‘Of course I know that. But I just couldn’t….. do nothing.’
Just when I had thought she had gone to place the basket of provisions on the table, as I spoke, she suddenly embraced me.
‘Thank you, that’s the kind of thing that I really love about you. I wish the next week would go by quicker.’
Naturally, as this was the first time a ‘White’ was to be married on Tenguu Island, it seemed that Lord Douma, Lord Jigen, Lady Shura and the other leaders had held many discussions on how to proceed. As a result, it was decided that before our wedding ceremony she and I would perform ritual purifications at our birthplaces, and today was the day we would part. No, perhaps it was strange to say ‘part.’ Even if we didn’t go on so-called ‘dates’, almost everyday I watched over her as she passed through Kunado. To not be able to see her for seven days and nights— I couldn’t help but feel it would be lonely.
‘I have heard that Lord Douma will serve as the helmsman….. But I wonder if those whirlpools will really allow me to pass.’
In a week’s time it would be the full moon. At long last, I would ride the 'Lunar Ferry' that I had heard about from Lord Fusou.
‘Tsukuyomi said that you would be alright, and I will keep praying to the sea as well.’
I had heard from Tsukuyomi that not only was she under the protection of the goddess of the sun, but a male god that controlled the ocean as well. In the ancient legends of ‘Japan’, the names ‘Amaterasu’, ‘Tsukuyomi’, ‘Susanoo’ and ‘Hiruko’ all appeared. I wondered if this was a complete coincidence. Whenever I spoke to her about such things, she just laughed and said that she was a mere human. But could a ‘mere human’ — call forth the sun?
‘Riku, this will be your first time crossing over to Tennyo Island, won’t it? But don’t worry, there’s nothing to be scared of.’
‘I am not afraid….. No, that’s not quite right, certainly I am a little scared. Lady Shura and Lord Tsukuyomi frighten me, saying that those who tread there and are judged unworthy are punished.’
‘They were just teasing you. After all, I chose you, and I’m a White, remember? Of course you’re worthy.’
‘Riku, they say that there were men that lost their lives on that island long ago. Do your best so that the sun goddess will not rain down punishment on you.’
Although she said such things, it was clear that Lady Shura was looking forward to our wedding tremendously. As a leader for women, there were various things she poked her nose into and took a hand in. Almost like a real mother would.
‘My dear Riku. I hope that you will become a great leader. Don’t worry, I am sure you will be able to guide the Blue.’
That lady, who reminded one of a forget-me-not flower, had always dreamed that I would become the next leader. In the past, I had been almost crushed by the truth that I was the child of Hazushi, but now I only wished that someday she would get to see her hopes realized. I wanted that for both the mother who raised me, and the mother who gave birth to me.
‘Having her say all that means I have to keep trying even harder from now on. For the sake of the Blue and the island as well.’
‘I think you’re trying your hardest even now, though?’
‘..... I still do not know when I will officially take over as head of the Blue. Lady Shura is still in good health, and there are still things I wish to learn. I am not in any hurry but…..the fact there is not yet any talk of it means that she does not think I am acceptable as of yet.’
Inside my arms, Byakuya showed signs of being vaguely discomfited.
‘Don’t worry, I am not reproaching her. I talk often with Akaza, and he always says that if we wait until the day we can surpass Lord Jigen, we’ll be old and senile first.’
‘Ahaha! You’re aiming too high there! Truth be told, I’m not confident that I’ll be able to surpass those people either but…. I have to try. I’ll be the leader of the White someday after all.’
When we had first met, I hadn’t thought up until that point, but of course it was a given. She was a rare White, and from now on she would have to guide and protect that important colour.
‘Lady Shura told me something. There are no records on this island of group leaders marrying each other. Because there have never really been female leaders up until now. And therefore, the way I conduct myself will be tested.’
I almost let out a small groan. It wasn’t just baking snacks, while I was not around I couldn’t believe that she was burdening Byakuya with such heavy words.
‘All of a sudden I felt so motivated. I want there to be even more female leaders from now on after all.’
This time I almost laughed. That’s right, I was worrying for nothing. I had fallen in love with her because she was the type of woman to say things like this. If I was with her, I could change this island. Supporting and encouraging each other and staying positive, we would move forward.
‘Just so you know, I spoke with Douma as well. But Tennyo Island has always had extraterritoriality, so I don’t think I can bring in Tenguu Island’s customs as they are. It will be a bit of trial and error….. So when the time comes, will you give me some advice?’
’Of course I will.’
As I patted her back, a thought suddenly came into my mind. Perhaps this was also part of training to become the leaders that Lady Shura envisioned. That we needed to think on how to change things in new ways that we thought up on our own.
‘I have no intention of trampling on the things you have looked after and built up until now. I just…..——think there are things that need to be changed.’
They had been such impudent words, and even now at times I became afraid. But I didn’t regret anything. I had Byakuya and my friends, who still stayed with me despite knowing everything. There had to be things that I could do all the more because I was a Hazushi.
‘You also have preparations to complete, don’t you? I should be taking my leave soon…..’
‘Wait, Riku.’
She held onto my sleeves in her small grip. Her white cheeks, that the sun could not burn, were slightly flushed.
‘I definitely…..definitely won’t be lonely at all, right? It will be just one week, and then we’ll finally be husband and wife. But since we’ll be apart for a little while…..I want you to kiss me.’
Upon hearing those words and seeing her face as she said them, my fragile reason completely shattered into little pieces. Since I wasn’t on duty today, and would be returning to the Blue and not the barracks, surely I could be forgiven for returning a little later.
‘I….. don’t think I can stop at just a kiss.’
‘Eh? Kyaah!’
I swept her up into my arms and carried her over to the bed by the window. I felt embarrassed to be embracing her in the bright light of day, but I couldn’t part from her like this without doing anything. 
‘Pray for me, that the Lunar Ferry will not sink. I’ll surely come for you…. without fail.’
‘I’ll pick a lot of Iroha flowers and wait for you.’
As we kissed, I slowly took off her blouse. There was no doubt that love and lust were directly connected for me. Although I had had no interest in the opposite sex before we met, she and she alone was the only one that made me lose myself.
Each time she let out a sweet sigh, her pearl coloured hair began to turn more and more blue. When the time came that there was no telling if it was her hair or mine, my embarrassment had completely disappeared without a trace, leaving only desire.
‘.....I love you, my lady bride.’
I pressed kisses onto her trembling body. Onto places only I knew, onto places that would give her pleasure.
‘Riku….. I love you…..’
The sun was still high. To my beloved bride, I would give countless kisses.
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shionu27 · 3 years ago
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Olympia Soiree - Riku Walkthrough  
Riku was the second Route I played and I had hopes for him.... Sadly I didn’t really like his story line. But that shouldn't stop you from play his route. I think the biggest part for me it that it was slow and kinda predictable but non the less here is a walkthrough with all his CG’s! please enjoy our blue boi.
The prologue or intro to the game is pretty long but it gives a good foundation to the story. I would highly recommend making a save on the line “Well, here I go!” This is right before the character selection. you can NOT save on the character selection screen. so please make a save. 
The second thing that I would like to make note of is that  Riku has 3 endings. the “Archives” is gonna be your best friend. I would recommend playing the “Sun” ending first (The Good ending) Once you have started a chapter you will be able to select it from the “Archives“ . 
Sun Ending -  A Bridegroom’s Promise
I don’t think so.
You’re being too suspicious.
What if we ask Lord Hiruko?
I’m not interested.
You’re not fooling me again.
I can understand that.
I’ll see him.
Do you want to be a candidate?
I suppose so
I’ll write a request tonight
I need to find a husband
I don’t agree with you…
I know what it means
I can’t do that
You’re wrong…
You’ve done nothing wrong
Please don’t say that…
I think so
Daifuku’s troubling you again
Kaina isn’t a bad person
A Bridegroom’s Promise Achieved 
Keep reading for other endings and CG’s
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You will have to play the Short Story “Behind Me” to get the Last CG for Riku. This should unlock once you finish the good ending.
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First and Final Letter (Bad Ending)
LOAD:  Parting Ways
you’ve changed...
I’m so sorry to hear that
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Fruitless Flowers (Bad/ Shura Ending)
Do you like hamburgers?
Should we go elsewhere?
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*Final Thoughts*
OK...... idk even know where to go with this. It took me about 3 or 4 days to finish Riku route. He was kinda boring and I just was not into him. Not to mention they put almost all the CG’s for his route at the very end in the same scenario (╯•ᗣ•╰)   Don’t get me wrong they are very beautiful and I liked the romance scenario but there weren't many. That all being said his route definitely feels like one that you should play first. He has a lot of plot that you need to know for other stories but it just feels like there's so much hand holding  ⁀⊙෴☉⁀ Which was driving me nuts
I hope you guys enjoyed Riku and I really do love his CG’s! the colours are so pretty~
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louhilainen · 1 year ago
Here's some Olympia Soirée memes for OS fans who might appreciate them. More memes under "Keep reading" link, contains spoilers for the whole game.
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He's such a sweetheart and deserves all the happiness.
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Still salty about it.
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I'm going to hell because of this meme.
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I love their relationship.
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Asking the real questions.
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I love you Tsukuyomi but WTF were you doing when the Red Calamity happened? Chilling on the beach????
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thewild--flower · 3 years ago
[Translation] Olympia Soiree - Yosuga After Story
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Source: Olympia Soiree Official Visual Fanbook Nuit Blanche
Author: Yuma Katagiri
'Yosuga, while I'm gone, can I ask you to look after the letter deliveries for me? I trust everyone of course, but since this will be my first time being away, I can't help feeling anxious.'
'Leave it to me. The ones who will be delivering are used to the surface, so I'm sure they'll do a good job in your place.'
'I shall entrust it to you then.'
Byakuya bowed her head low.
If one were to ask exactly what was happening here, it was now one week until our wedding ceremony. It was just that some of the higher ups had said purification or some such thing was necessary before the event, so she was about to head out to Tennyo Island on her own. And naturally, during that time, Byakuya would not be able to do her letter deliveries. And so here she was worrying about it, more than I was.
'It really is a pain, one day should be plenty of time for purification. That's how long it takes before I dance on stage.'
'It's the first time a White will be getting married on this island after all. They probably want to make it as splendidly grand an affair as possible.'
'But to have to take a whole week off from doing deliveries……'
I supposed she wasn't going to say 'I can't believe I won't be able to see you for a whole week', this lover of mine.
'Oh, that's right! I met Matsuhana and Yuusuge while I was on my way here. Their tailor shop seems to be going well, so I'm happy for them.'
'The two of them are quite skilled, and thanks to Tokisada, they were able to procure thread and cloth from the Green at a good price.'
'Oh yes! Take a look, they're cute, aren't they? I ended up buying a handkerchief and drawstring purse straight away. I'm going to advertise them to the maids at Douma's mansion as well.'
Ah, such poor treatment. A handkerchief and a purse were more important than me. Although of course I loved her because she was someone who loved and supported her friends. 
'A tailor and accessory shop…… As expected of Lord Jigoku, to think of such a wonderful idea. It will definitely be really popular.'
Waving her handkerchief as she praised me, she really was so adorable. I detested tiresome flattery, but I was honestly happy to receive compliments from her. I would wait just a little longer to untie her ribbon.
'But you know, I think the reason those two listened to my suggestion to start a shop was thanks to your influence.'
'Me? Did I do something?'
'As you know, Masuhana was almost raped by a man when she worked here. And Yuusuge was abandoned by her fiance just because she lost her golden hair. But the two of them told me that seeing you work so hard on your deliveries everyday gave them courage. That's no trifling feat.'
Byakuya gently placed the handkerchief she had been holding onto the table and stared at it. Weaving and fabric dyeing were specialties of the Green, but even they produced scraps and rejects. Although they were called rejects, their flaws and defects could not be detected by an amateur's eye, and having obtained these at a wholesale price, it had been decided they would be made into handkerchiefs, bean bags, scent sachets and the like.
'Because we see you always trying your best, Lady Olympia, we also thought that we'd like to do what we can.'
'Thank you……for complimenting my black hair. I don't think I'll be able to work at the shop with my hood on, so I'll be alright now.'
Elder Sister Shura was held in high esteem for being a leader while also a woman, but for many, she was so awe-inspiring that they did not feel as if they could easily speak with her. But the daughter of the White everyday connected the surface and Yomi, conversed with everyone regardless of who they were, and when accepting gifts of fruit and snacks at times, showed her joy without reserve. She would probably laugh and say that it was no big deal. However, just those simple actions were likely a source of encouragement for many. Certainly, I had been the one to get the approval for opening the shop and used my connection with the Green, but the one who had inspired Matsuhana and the others was Byakuya without a doubt.
'The truth is, I have something I would earnestly like to consult you about, Lord Jigoku.'
Whenever she called me by that name, she usually had some sort of charming scheme in mind. Or— whenever she wanted to make use of my position in some way.
'I might be inclined to listen, depending on how you plan on paying me back.'
'Ah, you're right. We may need to talk about that eventually.'
I could tell that she was a bit nervous. I wondered what amusing intrigue she had come up with this time.
'So, you know how I've started to learn weaving? Once I've gotten good enough at it that I can sell the cloth I've made, I'd like to give it to Matsuhana to make things out of to sell in the shop.'
To think I of all people could sound so idiotic. I hadn't expected to hear her talk business, and of this kind as well.
'Actually……I already promised her I would. We got all excited talking about the shop, you see. That's why I want to keep working even harder on my weaving in the future.'
Douma had not let his daughter leave the mansion. I had heard that he assigned her tutors who taught her various things instead. Was this a result of the education she had received from him, or her own resourcefulness?
'Yosuga? Are you angry? I did just go ahead and decide all on my own after all.'
'No……not at all. I was just thinking that the girl who almost got fooled by me on how to take a bath a year ago has really grown up.'
'I have been by your side for a whole year after all. It's a given that I'd start getting interested in business as well.'
It was a shock that was the same as getting hit on the back of the head. And then I became tremendously ashamed of myself. Perhaps I had underestimated her because of how much I valued and treasured her.
'I don't mind becoming your treasure, but don't shut me away for safekeeping. I want to stay by your side forever……seeing the same things that you do.'
It was a bit late, but now I fully understood the meaning of her words. She was a girl who had been raised by Tsukuyomi, advised by Jigen and guided by Douma. They had all entrusted the future to her.
'I'm not opposed, but there are a few things you may need to consider.'
'For example?'
'I don't suppose you know much about market value, having grown up on Tennyo Island, but the silk made by the White has always sold for tremendous amounts of money. Especially these days when there were no weaver women of the White left, and new products weren't being made.'
'Since we're talking about it…… just how much did they sell for?'
'Enough to build a large house.'
'That much?!'
'......Is what they say, but at any rate, they're rare items that are in short supply. You might even be able to build two houses now.'
'But Tsukuyomi has plenty at his place.'
'In the past, some of the fancy people from the surface asked me to see if he would be willing to part with some of them, but he said, "I won't hand them over, even in exchange for your lives." Well, I did think it was impossible to begin with.'
'I did hear I could sell for a high price, but…… I didn't think it would be that much.'
'You just try selling the cloth you weave, everyone will be in a complete frenzy wanting it, and there's even a chance Matsuhana and the others might end up becoming targets.'
'No way, that absolutely can't happen!'
After yelling out, Byakuya's shoulders slumped despondently. That's right, this was both her strong and weak point. She didn't know her own worth at all.
'I wonder if I'll……be able to keep my promise with Matsuhana.'
'Then let me make a suggestion. First, once you get a little better at weaving, give the odds and ends to Matsuhana, as a token of your friendship. We can't let them make them into something to sell.'
From the beginning, even if I didn't say anything, those girls would likely keep the cloth as a treasure. As proof of their friendship with a woman who was like no other.
'Then, when your cloth is good enough to be fit for sale, I'll take it off your hands and sell it through someone we can trust.'
'You're right, I'd feel at ease selling through you.'
'Now, this is the important part. You need to bear children as soon as possible and increase the number of Whites, so you can raise weaver girls to help you out. You won't be able to weave all that much on your own after all, and we can't have you collapsing due to overwork. In any case, in order to run a stable business, having enough workers is essential. If you do that, Tennyo Island will become prosperous and wouldn't that be nice?'
'That's a perfect plan.'
‘Right? And on that note…… I’ll be untying your ribbon now.’
I grabbed her by the waist and firmly drew her towards me, swiftly untying the ribbon around her neck as I did so.
‘We won’t be able to see each other for a week, did you really think I’d let you leave just like that?’
‘Uh, no……that is……’
‘It breaks my heart just imagining sleeping alone for seven days and nights. So I don’t die of loneliness……let me love you.’
As our lips met, I slipped off her blouse and skirt, and traced her bared white skin with my fingertips.
‘Yosuga, um……setting aside all that talk about cloth and raising weavers, I’m really looking forward to when our children are born. It would mean we’d both have more compatriots, right?’
For an instant, my hands almost stopped, but with a man’s stubbornness, I kept on with what I had been doing. To hear her say that to my face, I felt embarrassed.
‘Relax. Most devotedly, and sincerely…..you have my co-operation.’
‘Eh? Come on……you’re not taking this seriously, are you…..?’
I was, with everything I had in me. If it meant that I could be her husband, I wanted to surpass Tsukuyomi, Douma, and all the rest of them. The things that I could do as a mere human might be insignificant, but even so, I wanted to become a man who was worthy of her.
‘I want to stay by the side of someone like you.’
I had to answer her. In order to make my beloved wife, and the children that we would have happy, I had to plan my next move.
As I let my fingers slip into a place that was hot and wet, her slender hips bucked again and again. Her hair was already coloured a faint purple. My beloved treasure was strong, beautiful —and indecent.
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