#shunsuke tsujino
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
Other than these 3, yall get along well with anyone else from the foundation?
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The others? Well I suppose we do mostly interact with all 3 Divisions if we are needed for investigating or catching something on camera so we tend to get along just fine; I think I do interact with Ryutaro, Midori, Noah, Fukumi, Yuzuki and Rika all very well.
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I think the only ones I don't really interact with much is Terry, Dr. Ando or Miss. Tomori and while Miss. Hatano is fine but is bit dense and I'm not exactly a fan of Keisuke either mostly due to how he gets influence too easily.
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In fact, I even remember the time he suggested I try to spread Tsurugi propaganda which I don't want to and I told him to knock it off.
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Same here for me as well when it comes to Keisuke, but I just don't like how he treats me just because I'm in a wheelchair which he pities me and tries to coddle me, which I'm not a fan of...
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Wait you mean he is still doing that, did you ask him to stop?
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I have actually but he tends to ignore me, it gets annoying; hey uh, Tsurugi can you tell him to stop doing that? It's rather annoying when he does that, I mean hell he doesn't treat you like that and yet you started to rely on a wheelchair so yeah - make him stop please.
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Ye-Yeah... maybe I should say say something, huh? I'll probably talk with him about this...
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You better or I'm gonna make sure you regret it!
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As for me, well... I get along with everyone else just fine, I do chat with Fukumi, Midori, Minako, Rika and Yuzuki pretty well.
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Though Ryutaro can get a bit much when it comes to Midori and I do sometimes visit Dr. Ando for a chat but that's all there is but otherwise, we are usually at the news station.
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imasallstars · 3 years ago
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The cover art for THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER EVERLASTING album has been released and the album is set to be released on the 24th of November 2021. Alongside the title song, it will also feature respective solo versions.
Tr.01 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION)  Lyrics: Yuriko Mori  Music&Arrange: Hidekazu Tanaka (MONACA), Shunsuke Takizawa (TRYTONELABO), Mutsuki Shuhei  Singer(s): Mio Honda, Akari Tsujino, Anzu Futaba, Natsuki Kimura, Anastasia, Natalia, Arisu Tachibana, Sachiko Koshimizu, Yoshino Yorita, Mizuki Kawashima Tr.02 EVERLASTING (off vocal)
BONUS TRACK Tr.03 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Mio Honda Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Mio Honda (cv. Sayuri Hara) Tr.04 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Akari Tsujino Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Akari Tsujino (cv. Megu Umezawa) Tr.05 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Anzu Futaba Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Anzu Futaba (cv. Hiromi Igarashi) Tr.06 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Natsuki Kimura Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Natsuki Kimura (cv. Kiyono Yasuno) Tr.07 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Anastasia Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Anastasia (cv. Sumire Uesaka) Tr.08 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Natsuki Kimura Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Natalia (cv. Teru Ikuta) Tr.09 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Arisu Tachibana Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana (cv. Amina Sato) Tr.10 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Sachiko Koshimizu Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Sachiko Koshimizu (cv. Ayana Taketatsu) Tr.11 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Yoshino Yorita Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Yoshino Yorita (cv. Yuuki Takada) Tr.12 EVERLASTING (M@STER VERSION) ~Mizuki Kawashima Solo Remix~  Singer(s): Mizuki Kawashima (cv. Nao Touyama)
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
You know Kinjo your foundation would probably benefit from having some members go through the NWP treatment *COUGH* *COUGH* Naoto and Keisuke *COUGH*
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*Meanwhile with Tsurugi and co; everyone got into the car which Tsurugi was getting in which Teruya being the last*
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Well at least we were able to learn what that Neo World Program thing was, phew - for a moment I thought it was something far more scary!
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Well, maybe... still the fact Void has a version of it is pretty bad...
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Plus there is Dr. Mitsume we have to be worried about as well...
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Yeah we better look into her as well and see if we can find anything from Void, say Rei; are you gonna find anything related to that lady?
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I think I might have to, I'll have my Division along with Masa, Shunsuke and Private Inspector Chiebukuro look into as well while Tsurugi checks Jabberwock Island...
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Indeed, still... the fact that Future Foundation just allow Void to take it and the fact that it's a device that is to remove memories of criminals... what are they thinking...
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Thinking? You mean that program they were working on...?
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Well I can't say for sure since I don't even know but from the sounds of it, seems like they are trying to stop the tragedy and help those that suffer from it.
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Well yes I know but given how Future Foundation works, I wouldn't be surprise if they use it on criminals; after all, they protected Genocider Syo, wouldn't surprise me if they did the same with other criminals.
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And what of it? Didn't I already tell you that a lot of people committed crimes before during the tragedy, it was how people survive!
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Shunsuke... you better not be defending them, I already made it clear I didn't like Future Foundation for protecting some women that killed 37 men, even if it's the tragedy; they still killed people at the end of the dead...
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You still going on about that Tsurugi? Look; I get you don't like it but remember that killing is the norm and by that logic, you may as well bomb the whole world and at least Future Foundation is finding a solution and the fact Void has a copy is a bad idea, we need to make sure to cut them off and corner them...
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Right... I suppose we should focus on that, still I have to say that intel we receive is going to be quite useful.
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But still, speaking of that Nagi; can you believe how much intel she was able to get on Void? I have to admit, it's pretty impressive that she did!
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Indeed, I wasn't expecting her to pull off such a stunt and I still wonder how exactly she did that.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 3 days ago
Next plot twist!
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Well... it certainly was a surprise but appears Jiro needed to leave... can't say I blame him...
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But at least we were able to discover this, at the very least and it seems I got a lot of work to do.
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Same here with us as well, by the 9th we should have this on news after Tomoyo is done filming and editing the footage.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 3 days ago
Let's look for an odd book we can pull out of a shelf
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I'm checking the shelf and I'm doing that...
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Looks to be a normal shelf.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 3 days ago
Let’s go team!
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*Arriving at the Void house; Teruya brought them inside*
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So you discover that there might be a hidden camera somewhere in Nikei's room?
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Yeah I think so but we aren't sure where so we need Tomoyo to come and check it out...
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I see which I guess is upstairs then, right? Teruya, I think your forgetting something... *gestures at her wheelchair*
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O-Oh right... I forgot, do you want me to carry you? I've been training a lot.
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We-Well... I wouldn't mind, sure thing heh... Say Shunsuke, can you carry my wheelchair upstairs?
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Sure thing, it's a good thing mom did get us into sports, thankfully...
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Welp, okay here we go! *Teruya bridal carried Tomoyo which Teruya went first then Shunsuke pick up the wheelchair and follow after*
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Mr. Kinjo, do you want me to carry you up the stairs or-?
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No, I can still walk; I'll use the railing while you carry the wheelchair...
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*Tsurugi move his wheelchair by the stairs which he got up which he started to walk upstairs...*
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Right understood... *Keisuke pick up the wheelchair which then he started to follow Tsurugi behind*
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And now I see why Dr. Gekkogahara added wheelchair access, anyway we should wait until they are done...
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Right... I suppose so, huh? So then Jiro, given your sister is living here? What are you expecting...
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I'm not sure honestly...
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Right, well given this is a cult house, I'm just gonna assume the worse...
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So you think it could be worse? What makes you say that?
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Well I use to be in a cult at a young age, I know some of the inner workings of cults and how they are run, so I'm expecting a lot worse.
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I see... well, I guess will wait and see then.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 3 days ago
I see, so that's what they were using to block our messages?
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No, I think that was all Mikado Sannoji himself but it appears that Nikei might have something in his room like a hidden camera that is interfering with the signal.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 3 days ago
Oh no...
*As then Teruya and Setsuka walked into Nikei's room as Shunsuke was standing in the middle of the room*
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So Shun, what's the deal? Did you discover something?
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Well I did, when I was looking around the room and discover the 4 disc, I did notice a Wi-Fi router on the table which then I try to call Tomoyo since she's pretty good at technology but here's the weird part; I wasn't able to get through.
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You weren't able to get through? Is the Wi-Fi off...?
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*walks over and checks the Router* Nope, still on - maybe your phone is acting up?
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No... it's working fine, why don't you try your phones then...
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Okay, I'll see if I can call Rei... *As Teruya dials her number*
'Sorry but due to poor signals you can't connect to the person, please try a different location.'
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Wh-What in tarnation?! I can't connect to her, what's going on?
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*ends the call* Yep, same here too - so something is interfering with the signal, what do you think it is?
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Likely something messing with the our phones and it's in this room or somewhere else, all I know that we might be dealing with a hidden camera.
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Meaning we might need Tomoyo's help here and figure out what's going on.
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Yeah, if anything can figure this out it's her; c'mon, let's go outside and call them right now.
*As then Teruya, Setsuka and Shunsuke walk out of the room as they head for outside...*
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despair-to-future-arcs · 3 days ago
I was gonna say you would find a copious amount of GB in Masa footage in his room but then i remembered Mikado deleted it all a while back
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Well... probably it wouldn't help Void all that much, huh?
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Still... seems Shun is taking a while; I wonder if he found anything?
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Your right... I wonder what if he was able to find anything, maybe I should go check.
*As then Shunsuke walked out*
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Oh nevermind then...
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Shunsuke...? Did you find anything in that room?
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Well luckily I was about to find this... *pulls up 4 Memory Discs*
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Wait are... are those their memory disc?! How did you get that?
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I found it in a drawer in Nikei's room, I didn't find his computer or ID but he must of left these behind...
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So meaning we might be able to discover something from this but it looks but I did find something really odd.
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Odd? Odd how...?
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You might want to come in and you'll understsand...
*As then Shunsuke gesture the others to follow him...*
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...I wonder what he discover?
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Whatever it is, might be something big; let's check it out, Yuzuki keep looking around.
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Understood sir. *As then Yuzuki walk away as Setsuka and Teruya follow him*
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
Onto some more pleasant topics, Shunsuke and Tomoyo, how long you guys know the survivors for?
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Actually I was the one that found them...
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I'm sure you all must be aware that Akane Taira was never suppose to attend Hope's Peak Academy as apart of Class 79 and she was a bribe like Junko, correct? Well after we left Future Foundation and decided to form our own organization, I was able to get in contact with the 2...
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Yeah and if you think our reasons for hating Akane weren't understandable, well when Tomoyo show us the footage, it pretty much confirm that she was a criminal that only care for Utsuro and no one else, she went as far as murder to do so.
Date: October 29th, 2013
*As then the group walks inside a building*
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So Rei, you say that you found someone that was suppose to be apart of our Class...?
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Seems like it and they even have proof as well that they were and from what I saw from the footage, I can't say I blame them for how bitter they are towards Akane Taira.
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So this person was suppose to be our class... I wonder what they are like...
*As then the door opens which show Shunsuke who was standing at the table*
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Ah... there they are, I guess you must be Tsurugi Kinjo and Teruya Otori?
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Yes that's us, we heard from Rei that one of you was suppose to attend Class 79, right? Who would that be...
???: That would be me, hello to you Tsurugi Kinjo and Teruya Otori, my would of been classmates...
*As then Tomoyo, came forward rolling her wheelchair in*
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It's nice to meet all of you... I'm Tomoyo Tsujino, would of been Class 79's Ultimate Camerawomen.
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Camerawomen but your bound to a wheelchair, aren't ya? Are you still able to handle a camera...
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Are you seriously doubting my skills in photography just because I'm wheelchair bound; I'll have you know I've created drones that have cameras on it and even put guns on them don't make me test them on you and I wasn't cripple before if asking!
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Whoa whoa, hey don't need to get testy there, I was just surprise is all!
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Tomoyo, calm yourself there; you don't need to get defensive, they were just surprise!
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Oh right... sorry about that, but I get a bit sensitive about people judging me for being cripple and having to coddle me... it's bothersome and I don't like it...
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No it's fine but we did hear about you from Rei, she was looking through the forums and had discover your name pop up quite a few times. There were stories of your skills with the cameras, how you were able to catch criminals, perverts along with being quite skilled with editing footage to protect the innocent as well. Aside from filming the news with your brother when you were kids and even were the main camera women in an action film, some even call you a tech wiz meaning that your quite skill with cameras.
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However due to a certain incident that occur you ended up nearly dead a month before our enrollment or at least what I heard, I'm going to guess that this has to do with Akane Taira, right?
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Indeed and let me say this, my sister had her camera recording when she was attack and likely Akane didn't realize the camera was still on and let me tell you all, what we saw in that footage was extremely revolting.
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Right... you did say that you wanted to show the footage to all 3 of us, then get on with it; I rather see what your talking about.
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Sure thing, here's what the footage looks like, I do apologize for the angle being weird but this is what we saw...
*As then Tomoyo show the computer and click play*
*the camera was fuzzy and it show what appear to be Tomoyo on the ground, barely breathing and bleed*
TOMOYO: Yo-You... why would would...?!
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Oh simple really, I have to make sure that your out of the way before Class 79 is enroll and to do that, that means I need to remove you so...bye bye!
*Akane stomped on Tomoyo's head which she was knocked out*
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Annnd there goes little miss.shutterbug, good riddance to her, finally I got rid of her!
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Hah...hahahaaa, fi-finally... I finally got rid of this little bitch here! I can finally be with Master Utsuro without this little whore getting in the way, I'll fiiiinally be with me!!!
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Ooooh Master Utsuro, I can't wait to attend Hope's Peak Academy, then we can start on Mistress Junko's plan, hahahahaaa!
???: To-Tomoyo...?! TOMOYO, WHERE ARE YOU!
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Oh great, someone is gonna get in the way, well it doesn't matter, your dead so good riddance...!
*Akane kicks Tomoyo's body which then she jump away*
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N-No way...yo... are you saying...!
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What in tarnation?! You mean that bitch just decided to attack you like that, what the hell!
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So this is what Akane did to you, a truly disgusting and horrid criminal that deserve her death...
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No kidding, it was a good thing Shunsuke had found me and got me to the hospital otherwise I surely be dead but yeah, I can never forgive that bitch for what she did to me.
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Indeed and when Miss. Mekaru had found us, we figure we show you this and it's why we want to offer our assistance to you and help you, after all - the fact that Akane did this is more then enough reason to side with you.
'After that Tomoyo and Shunsuke sided with us and we accepted and thanks to them, we were able to find Juu Kinjo as well...'
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
So who's going to Jabberwock?
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Well I think I can go, maybe I can find something there...
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As for me, I might request my Division to split up and search both Void's homes and and Dr. Mitsume's lab and home, I think I might need to do some research on Kokoro Mitsume herself.
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Right... that does make sense, well if you do find anything that's money-related then send it to me, I do want to close Emma Magarobi's accounts.
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But wouldn't she take her credit cards and stuff with her? I feel she would be the type to do that.
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Well maybe she would but if you find something like a receipt of any sorts, it should have a location of the purchase, a date and even the time of purchase meaning that if we discover who that person is and see CCTV footage then we can go to the bank and close the account, simple as that.
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Damn, talk about scary; never mess with the Former Ultimate Merchant.
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Heh, perfect - if we shut down Emma Magarobi's accounts then we surely would make sure she can't do anything!
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Okay so Tomoyo and Tsurugi along with his Division go to Jabberwock Island, Rei's Division along with Private Inspector Chiebukuro and Naoto will investigate the Void's Home and then Future Foundation and another part of Rei's Division will search Dr. Mitsume's lab and Teruya's Division will be on stand-by - yeah, that's work.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
Yeah by your logic Tsurugi you should advocate for humanity’s extinction since most of the planet had to commit crimes to survive.
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And are you deny that they committed murder, I still stand by that.
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And while yes they did, you have to remember that the we had to commit a lot of crimes to survive the tragedy so you can't fault them for it.
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Look Tsurugi, I may not agree with Future Foundation like you do but even I can see they are trying to stop it and while I'm skeptical of the Neo World Program as well but I can understand what they are doing.
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He's right Tsurugi, even if we aren't too sure of it; it does sound like Future Foundation is trying to help even if they go about things weird.
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For now, we should focus on who goes where; as say, I think I'll go to Jabberwock Island since I got the permit now.
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And I'm interested in the Void's home, after all getting any news coverage there could help us figure out a few things, so what about the rest of you?
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
You're lucky he doesn't have the balls to go bother you two
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Yeah but I think he avoids us because we are connected to the Kisaragi Foundation...
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
In short, Void stole the Neo World Program because they were so stupid that, when Kokoro told them that a virus that someone left almost killed 15 patients of Nagi's, and the Future Foundation had to wake them up manually after they fell in a coma, they assumed that the Neo World Program was some kind of killing game simulator that could revive the dead, and decided to steal it to use it to make a killing game so they can resurrect Utsuro.
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...Okay, I think I understand what's going on and get what your saying; the Neo World Program isn't a dangerous program like we thought at first but instead just a therapy program that is to help those during the tragedy and you plan to use to memory back-up device along with it to help them.
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But one thing still bothers me if you mind me asking; given that you all were aware that Dr. Mitsume was going to steal the Neo World Program but yet you still sent her invite and gave her a virus-ridden version. Couldn't you have stopped her?
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Well... we could of but there were a few reasons why; first off all Dr. Mitsume is a well renowned psychologist that study human emotions for decades and given we had a project that does relate to mental health, it would be odd if she wasn't there and the guest would ask questions.
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And while I don't know Void that well, I'm pretty sure that if we didn't then I feel Void would hurt more people to get the Neo World Program.
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It was a tough decision but to make sure none of the patients were hurt, we had to resort giving them the buggy-version of the Neo World Program - especially given how determined Void is to bring back Utsuro and get their Divine Luck back...
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So I think we are planning to inform others working in the mental health field about what Dr. Mitsume did, while I know we should inform the public about what she did but I think given we do want to present this project to the others; I think we should make sure we don't mention her stealing it.
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And at the same time, we do need to get the Neo World Program back, while yes it is buggy and virus-ridden, it's still a version of the Neo World Program.
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Indeed and given Mikado Sannoji, he would be able to make a version for it even if it isn't the official version, so meaning we need to get that back.
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Indeed... while it was reckless of you all to give them that version, I can at least understand why you all did what you did.
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Very well, I think I do understand the situation and I thank you all explaining what the Neo World Program is, that means we need to get to work and investigate Dr. Mitsume's home, her lab, Void's home and Jabberwock Island starting tomorrow.
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Actually if you mind my say in the matter but I think we should help with investigating Dr. Mitsume with you as well...
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You need to remember that while Void did want the Neo World Program, Dr. Mitsume wanted to steal something that Future Foundation is working on meaning we need to get ourselves involved as well.
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While I understand that Void isn't our top priority as we are focus on Ultimate Despair, I feel we should at least step in for this one seeing as they stole something from Future Foundation.
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Yeah I suppose that does make sense, maybe we shouldn't let Future Foundation help us with this one, Tsurugi.
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Very well but if you do come across anything, I recommend giving it to Rei Mekaru, given Dr. Mitsume is now allied with Void.
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Indeed and I think I'll look into Dr. Mitsume then, starting tomorrow.
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So now that we got that cover, you be cool with me and Tsurugi's Branch to look around Jabberwock Island? As say, will look around for a few days and if we come across nothing will leave.
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Very well, I'll let you all investigate the island for 3 days starting tomorrow.
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Heh, thanks! That's all I need, will start tomorrow then.
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Indeed and don't worry, will be sure that the public doesn't get inform about this and let you deal with the rest.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
But let's pretend that the tragedy is just a memory of the past. What will be of the neo world program? Are people going to abuse it to forget even the slightest inconveniences?
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Don't worry, as say; after the tragedy has calm down and everything, will make a request to return after we have cure all of those effected by the Tragedy.
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We're starting with Japan as it was the most effect by it but then after that, will spread this knowledge all across the world after then when the tragedy has completely settle down, will be sure to keep it in our foundation until we need it again.
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I see... okay that makes sense then, right Shunsuke?
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I see... well, I suppose that does make sense, I'm still skeptical but I think that does answer all my questions there.
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Which again, I do apologize if I was pushing for more answers; I tend to be a cautious optimist at times so I tend to be wary of something that is a bit too good to be true.
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Hey don't worry, I mean it is a bit crazy and you guys never heard about it so I do get why you be a bit skeptical so it's fine.
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Well that's good to hear then, Miss. Asahina; I was a bit worried if I was being rather blunt but I do thank you all for the explaining...
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Hey as say before, it's fine so no worries...
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Also the 'Miss. Asahina' stuff makes me sounds really old, just call me Hina if you don't mind...
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'Miss. Hina'...? Well I suppose I could call you that...
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Can you please drop the 'Miss'? Still sounds weird...!
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Oh so just Hina, well... alright then Hina, if you say so...
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Yeah there you go! (Wow for a moment I got flustered, well at least he's formal...)
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despair-to-future-arcs · 13 days ago
I'll back up Shun's point here. Even with consent or not, altering someone's mind to think about certain way is still brainwashing even if it's for "good" purposes. Not to mention, unless the future foundation doesn't collapse on itself to monitor the Neo World Program, some opportunist bastard would try to either copy or make its own version to sell to the highest bidder. Like, it could be use to make super soldiers by erasing any kind of empathy and humanity out of their minds
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Huh... a rather cynical bunch, aren't we? I figure the paper there and even the footage of Makoto going into one would show that the 7th Branch does get consent...
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Well as say, even if you do have consent or not, it is still brainwashing but maybe if you explain how you intend to use it could help a lot of people understand stand what it's intended for...
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It's not that I'm being skeptical of course, but given this project hasn't been release to the public and there being a theft from the sounds, I think maybe you can tell us how exactly you intend to use it.
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I have to agree with Shunsuke, it's not that we are denying the idea that someone could use it for less then good reason so can you explain in more detail?
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Right... well, okay I guess I can start with that; well you know of the memory back-up device?
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Yes I remember it was made to counteract against those that find themselves in killing games and if someone has their memories remove like with Class 78-A.
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Indeed and it did help with regaining our memories during the Proto-killing game, it's even for public use thanks to Yuri Kagarin. What does it have to do with the Neo World Program?
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Well, that's the part I think will explain why Dr. Gekkogahara wanted to create it; I'm sure you all had seen interviews with many therapist, psychologist and mental health experts about how it has benefitted them, correct?
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Oh yeah I did remember Shunsuke did interview some of them, they mention that due to patients having their memories on a disc, it was able to help them figure out their trauma or whatever...
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Not just that but they mention that trauma can even block out memories or people won't remember due to how severe it is. So mental health experts had started to use to show their patients of their trauma from an outsider's perspective, right?
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Indeed and this is where the Neo World Program comes into play, while yes it does remove memories of the tragedy and replaces them with those in the simulation but we don't just place in there without thinking of the patient's health in mind, we do speak with them of what they want for their experience and make sure that no harm comes to them.
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Meaning that we ask if they want certain people remove from their experience that cause them abuse and other factors and after we speak with them, we place them into a memory back-up device to put their memories into a disc, have them sign that paper that they approve of the treatment and then they go into the Neo World Program to a time before the tragedy.
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So from what I'm getting is that you guys talk with the person that's going into the Neo World Program, you place them in a memory back-up device to place their memories on a disc, have them sign some papers of getting their approval and then put them into the Neo World Program?
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Indeed, we even ask how long they want to be in there for and even speed up time as well to a single day, we monitor them and even set cameras so nothing has gone wrong then after a day of being in the Neo World Program, we do check up on them, we do ask them a few questions and then that's when the memory disc comes into play.
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We show them what exactly happen, discuss with them regarding their trauma and even have them come to terms with say trauma, usually having an outsider's perspective does help people understand, especially if a therapist start to talk them through.
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And I'm going to guess that you intend to use this on criminals then?
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We might do that but remember that people committed a lot of crimes during the tragedy and we rather not want human extinction, Mr. Kinjo.
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And if asking, no we don't remove any memories of before the tragedy if we did, then that be brainwashing so any traumas or past they had before the tragedy will still be there and we plan to assist them further with their past if they want but if not we let them go.
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Okaaay I think I get it; you speak with the patient of what they want, you put them in a memory back-up machine to put their memories into it, put them into the neo world that removes their memories of before the tragedy for a day while time is sped up, monitor them and once they come out have them watch their memories with them?
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But even then, the fact that someone like Dr. Mitsume had attempt to steal it makes it a lot worse if that's the intended use, we're you were aware she was going to steal it?
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Honestly before we did, we had no idea she was planning to steal it or was connected to Void which I think after that stunt which is very disappointing given how renowned she is. We might want to warn the public about her if she tries to get the official version from other sources but also do heavy background checks on who we give this program to since it was clear that we didn't do that, will admit that is our fault and make sure such mistakes don't come again.
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So that is how the Neo World Program is going to be use, I assure you that we won't plan to brainwash anyone, we make sure we talk with the patient and communicate with them, have them sign some papers and prepare a memory disc if they have one and make sure they are completely safe and I do think we are planning to do background checks of who we give this to.
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Hmm... okay, I see so what Dr. Mitsume did was just a 1 time thing and your going to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
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I'm still rather skeptical of it's use but if we do start to see results, then I'll take back on it being brainwashing.
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Very well, after all we just made the official version and still getting everything set up, so while we don't have any results as of now so I will respect that...
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But as say, will be sure to allow any interviews of the patients or we can even let you film say project if that helps.
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Hmm... okay, I guess that does make more sense then since you all are starting to get to work, thank you for clarifying then I'll be sure to keep an eye on it.
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Yeah but still, the fact that Void had attempted to steal it makes it a lot worse, yeah we do need to get this thing back then!
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Well... I still think Future Foundation is going to need to get involved here, since they did attempt to steal the Neo World Program so I think will get involved as well.
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Exactly especially as they intend to revive Utsuro but as say Nagi say, that is the intended use of the Neo World Program.
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