#shuichi anahori x reader
ꜰᴜᴋᴜʀᴏᴅᴀɴɪ: ᴛᴀᴛᴀʀɪᴍᴏᴋᴋᴇ ꜰʟᴏᴄᴋ | ʏᴏᴋᴀɪ!ᴀᴜ ʜᴀɪᴋʏᴜᴜ!! | ʜᴄ
Oml-- It’s been a hot second since I’ve posted any original works, but here’s the next part of the Yokai series~! I’m in the midst of getting the Johzenji Hitmen HC’s out and the next three pocket sized Nekoma 2nd years~! ;; I appreciate all the support and patience that you all have! As always, I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did with writing it~!
» » Admin Ko
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Similar to that of the Tengu clan, the Tatarimokke flock is one of the more feared Yokai throughout the region. Despite being a similar type of Yokai, there’s a vast difference from the Tengu clan and the Tatarimokke flock.
The key difference being that those of the Tatarimokke flock are the deceased children of familes who have either lost their child due to natural causes or through more...cruel ways. 
As far as it is known, all within the Fukurodani flock bare no grudge to their parents or relatives, and have continued to live their lives peacefully throughout the lands. 
Though the moment they are betrayed, those who once their allies become their enemies. Practically slaughtering their prey in the same fashion as the Tengu.
Bokuto Kotaro, the leader of the Fukurodani flock, is the one who happens to stumble upon this irregular human. He’s heard of rumors from his allies in the skies and on the land, but never has he met someone so...respectful. 
It’s in that moment that Bokuto begins his frequent visits to this human. He learns of their history and desire of a peaceful society between yokai and humans-- though he knows fully well that something like that won’t happen unless a rebellion of sorts happens. 
Slowly, but gradually they become a part of the flock. Akaashi, the right hand of the flock, takes an obvious hesitant and wary stance around them, but becomes absolutely smitten with them after a rather fateful encounter.
It occurs after they’re practically accepted as one of the flock members. An appointment gone awry as their human friend hadn’t met them as planned and an ambush was set in place instead. A thought of betrayal crosses the owls’ minds and they’re practically ready to tear through despite their weakened defenses.
Only when a bloody cloak is thrown that they realize that they haven’t been betrayed. They spot their human friend fighting valiantly against their own in order to ensure their safety.
It’s at that moment that the entire flock grow a strong affinity for the human. 
Without a doubt, any threat that’s posed to the human is neutralized almost immediately,
“Why wouldn’t we protect you? You protected us when we thought you betrayed us...you have our eternal loyalty.”
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𝕱𝖚𝖐𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖎 [PART i] [PART ii] 
Part 2 of the Fukurodani headcanons~!! I hope you guys enjoy this one~! I’ve honestly been waiting to do this one--- ;; AGAASHIIIII
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««
K̷e̷i̷j̷i̷ ̷A̷k̷a̷a̷s̷h̷i̷
The strategist and back-up of the group (Also technically the brain for the boss)
He watches out for the group, and most definitely is the one who cleans up after Bokuto’s messes. 
Besides being the strategist and the back-up, he’s actually one of the more skilled snipers within the industry as well! 
He actually enjoys picking apart information and coming up with various plans and fail safe plans in case something happens in the midst of their work. 
Kinda gives his mind a nice exercise, thus helping him become much more adaptable to any situation that arises
He’s usually seen as the cool and collected mom-figure of the group and everyone relies on him, though make no mistake when Akaashi is mad, he gets real mad.
Definitely the one who doesn’t like to toy with the targets and will mercilessly slaughter anyone in his way 
Cold and unwavering, gunmetal blue bore deeply into the frightened victims placed before him. A slight look of annoyance surged through his gaze as he glanced back at his partner in a crime. A wide and bright grin was on the multi-colored haired man’s face as he gave the younger a thumbs up.
“I know I can count on you Akaashi~!”
A slow in take of breath through the nose and a slow exhale through his mouth, the younger merely gave the older a pointed look before withdrawing his gun. A quick scan to make sure all was in place as he looked back to the other whilst firing 5 shots.
“Bokuto-san. As much as I am thankful that this mission didn’t get anymore chaotic, I ask that you please stick to the plan. It leaves us less of a mess to deal with, and more time for you to find more missions.”
The splatter of red decorated his clothes as he pocketed the spent weapon before looking over at the now 5 corpses before him. Another sigh came out of him as he hoped that the disposal process wouldn’t take too long.
Literally a pretty boy--- sksksk sorry I love him so much---
Built yet lean, he’s a whole force to be reckoned with. 
Doesn’t have any tattoos, but does have a pair of stud piercings. 
Usually wears glasses around the base when he’s skimming through files, etc. 
With his s/o he’s absolutely 100% a gentlemen.
But he’s rather secretive in knowledge he feels isn’t supposed to be shared yet
Make no mistake that he will eventually let s/o know what’s on his mind, it just depends on the timing for him
S̴h̴u̴i̴c̴h̴i̴ ̴A̴n̴a̴h̴o̴r̴i̴
Another one of the snipers within the group
Though not as skilled, his expertise lies more so in pressure kills. 
AKA put him under pressure and his shot will be precise. More pressure, the more precise
During that session, he actually happens to tune out everything around him, but normally he’s a bit jumpy and nervous on a regular basis
He wants to be useful to the team, so he spars and helps on a lot of clean-up jobs whenever needed
A bit more of a relaxed and casual person in comparison to the rest of the team.
Though his relaxed demeanor is a weapon of it’s own accord when put in a sudden interrogation situation
“Ah...and here I thought that this mission would be done quickly....” A soft and annoyed sigh came from the young male as his relaxed features held a completely different tension to the scenario around him. A boot heavily implanted in the victims abdomen, he added pressure as he leaned down with a click of his tongue as he cocked his head to the side.
“Hey, since you seem to have some extra time...I’m gonna ask you some questions. Okay?”
Light brown hair with fringe in the middle
As for his build he’s more on the lean side with subtle definition 
He doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings, just bruises and a wicked scar from his very first mission gone wrong
Super sweet with his s/o~!
Though he tries to communicate as often as he can with them, it’s hard with the amount of work and drive he has to perfect and hone his skill.
W̷a̷t̷a̷r̷u̷ ̷O̷n̷a̷g̷a̷
The other close combat assassin
Though still a rookie, he avidly learns and works hard to get to the same level as Bokuto 
Definitely is more skilled with hand guns and brass knuckles when dealing with an enemy who could try to escape 
Works alongside Anahori for clean-up when Bokuto goes on a rampage
Runs a lot of errands for Washio when the older needs certain chemicals or supplies.
Taking a glimpse at the long list. The young male couldn’t help but let out an aggravated sigh. He didn’t mind running errands. He really didn’t. All he wished for was for Washio to not wait last minute for a complete restock of items. 
Shooting a bullet through a guard’s neck, he couldn’t help but shake the warm blood and tissue off of his hand as he walked through the now eerily silent hallways as the corpses of the guards for the facility laid on the ground frozen and gushing with blood.
Out of all the members, he’s one of the tallest rookies 
Strong muscle definition and a sturdy build
Only has two tattoos and a good chunk of battle scars littering his body
Indifferent with his s/o
He’s not super in touch with his emotions so it’s a bit hard for him to properly communicate how he fells to his s/o
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