thatonekidinpink · 11 years
fire fire burns much brighter--☆ shslfiremage
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  Kirby looked through his drawers and shelves, trying to find where exactly did he hide his monocoins. He remembered hiding them in the red chest he had, and he was the only person that had the key! Kirby opened one of the drawers, seeing as he hadn't looked into it yet. Upon opening, he sees a sack. Huh. He doesn't remember having this...Kirby pulled out the sack, and rummaged through its contents.
There were a pair of goggles. cracked scratched and worn; a blue jacket, long and kind of ratty; and a red tome, faded and dusty. Major deja vu hit him. Didn't he see these before...? The goggles and jacket looked a lot like Gareki's but they weren't all old and worn out like this...The tome, however, while it felt familiar, nothing really came to him. Kirby looked though the pages, immediately greeted with dust. Sheesh, it's that old? With one quick look, he understood nothing. Much of it was faded, and what wasn't was a whole much of weird mumbo jumbo. Kirby sighed, and closed the book which let out another cloud of dust. Maybe someone in the school could understand it? Who was a really smart guy...maybe...oh! Laurent! He's pretty smart, maybe he knows something! Kirby stood up with old tome in tow, and went out to the halls, calling out the mage's name.
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etchedpain · 11 years
Awakening [Laurent + Reika]
That was the first thing she felt before she even opened her eyes. Her left side ached horribly, making breathing difficult - not that it wasn't difficult without the ache. Her lungs burned, making Reika wait until she absolutely couldn't stand it anymore before she took a breath. The pain was almost unbearable - so much so that her tattoos showed on her skin without her meaning to allow them. Soon, though, the pain of breathing subsided to a dull throb. Slowly, the priestess opened her eyes - hoping, perhaps, to see something other than the white sterile infirmary room. She was alone. Slowly, her tattoos faded once more and the priestess forced herself to sit up. A whimper of pain left her. It was better to try to get used to moving around as quickly as she could.
After all, people would probably seek revenge now.
She'd killed two people. No, not her. Not exactly. But it was her body that had done it. It couldn't be helped. The tattoos might have controlled her body but it was her hand that dealt the killing blow. Kirby and Aoi. She needed to find them, to apologize to them. To do something to make it up to them. A feast would probably be the best she could do considering the circumstances. Reika took a deep breath and dragged herself to her feet. The pain of her ribcage shifting was enough to make her feel dizzy. Her legs trembled as she placed a hand on the wall to steady herself. "Woah there. Steady, girl." Perhaps it hadn't been the smartest idea to stand up right after being revived. Then again, she had people she had to see. One of them being Squall. If she had killed, he must have killed her to stop her. Taking a step toward the door, Reika gritted her teeth. It hurt too much.
Sagging against the doorway, the priestess could swear she heard footsteps coming her way. Pressing a hand to her aching side, she tried her best to remain calm. "H-Hello?" It could have been Squall, coming to see her. Then again, that wasn't like him. She'd have to go see him first. Another thought struck her. What if it was someone coming to seek revenge on her for killing their friend? Terror made the priestess freeze. Not that she could run anyway.
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sonybrandhero · 11 years
despairingfashionista replied to your post
(( you know you should totally add minako to your list ))
[I KNEW THERE WAS A SOCIAL LINK I HAD TO ADD she will be the Fool arcana for Minato]
shslfiremage replied to your post
(( You could add Laurent to the relationships page seeing as with the trial where Laurent was blamed for Mikaze’s death and his talk with Minato last night they know each-other? Laurent fits the Magician card best I think.))
[I guess???? We've never had a proper thread but sure I'll put him in the magician spot since they know each other from trials and the meeting]
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flightlessmaster-blog · 11 years
To: Laurent
From: Falkner
hey do you know how to work this thing ive been working with it ever since we got it and the most ive been able to figure out is using periods.
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armilliondollars · 11 years
"....I almost forgot. If you wish for lessons on that fire magic tome I gave you, please don't hesitate to ask. Speaking of 'asking'...'Cat', How much do first impressions mean to you?" Oh. Serious mage again?
He didn't know if he could use magic...he didn't know if he would even be good at it if he was able to, but this was a chance that he couldn't let pass by!
"I would like that very much!"
He forced himself to straighten from his excited posture, looking almost embarrassed at his own outburst. "Ah...well...sometimes first impressions mean a lot. You can gather a lot from a person by the way they project themselves to others and that can help you decide whether or not you should befriend them... but there's always cases where you won't realize how good or bad someone is until you really speak to them, nice impressions or not." Considers...
"I guess it depends...in a place like this, you can't really trust anyone easily...so, here, first impressions are rather crucial."
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"Ah, madam. I wish to enquire a question of you. What are two things that make you happy? Sending out seven deadly sins to someone I hardly know seems inappropriate. Even if I asked this of another..."
"Oh, it's ok! Iku's fine with anything that's done for meme Sunday that isn't mean,"
"Oh a lot of things make Iku happy! Like, cooking, and sleeping. and eating, and cleaning, and-"
This may or may not go on for a while, so the Mun cut it off here.
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radpiphany · 11 years
shslfiremage replied to your post: frick i already killed off ricken oops
(( Thanks a lot for wiping me from existence careless person. *is slapped for joking around*))
rest in peace
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flightlessmaster-blog · 11 years
shslfiremage replied to your post: “I am quite relieved to see you back, old room-mate. Ah, I suppose you’re in a different room and what-not, logically, now - yet if you seek my perspicacity and advice, I shall still offer it, even if we’re not room-mates any longer.”
“My name? I’m Laurent. …The school’s resident Fire Mage, hm. It’s a pleasurable experience to actually get to know your title as well.” He nods his head politely to the old room-mate…at least he finally came back from dying…
"...Fire mage...?" 
[ Falkner blinked once, staring at the other in front of him for a while longer. He had only heard of mages in fantasy-esque novels when he had the chance to read it, but that must've explained his choice of clothing. Of course, he wasn't going to look down on him for it - he wore rather...flashy clothing as well. Without wanting to question the other for much longer, a small smile formed upon the trainer's lips as he held out his hand, being as polite as he could to his former roommate. ] 
"Ah - I'm an avian trainer." 
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armilliondollars · 11 years
"...." Oh. There's a fire mage staring at you observantly. Without another word, Laurent suddenly holds out a Fire Tome book and attempts to press it into the other's hands. "I believe you need this more than I do."
Has no idea who this fellow is or why he's looking at him..but then he presses the book into his hands. 
His gaze scans the cover and his expression lights up, blue eyes darting quickly to look at the male in front of him. First the one he'd scored from the bunny lady...now this person here. Who told them..?
"Th-thank you!" He's a little...shocked beyond words. What kind people. How could he have felt so down? Stupid, stupid! 
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flightlessmaster-blog · 11 years
"I am quite relieved to see you back, old room-mate. Ah, I suppose you're in a different room and what-not, logically, now - yet if you seek my perspicacity and advice, I shall still offer it, even if we're not room-mates any longer."
“Ah, apologies if I worried you over the time being of me being gone. It’s a shame I won’t be able to room with you anymore, but I do have to ask. What would your name be? My name is Falkner, if you hadn’t known already.” 
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