chaoticspacefam · 4 years
WIP Wednesday
Got tagged by @palepinkycat for the art version of this, this time. So, time to dust off some WIPs! Uhhh, I don’t really know of any other friends/mutuals who draw who haven’t already been tagged for this one so: if you see this and want to do it, go for it! :D
They’re all Saarai (sorrynotsorry, she’s really easy (and fun) to draw and also my favourite so...sorry if you think she’s annoying but you should expect that from me by now lol 😬😬 ), Zephyrverse (tho I seriously considered doing an Odessen version of the background for “I See Fire”, I’ll see how I feel about it when I get that far XD) and song-based, so *opens my jacket and a couple of sketches fall out* take these XD
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This one is called “Chivalry Was Dead”, which is another song lyric reference (”I thought chivalry was dead” but I like to keep titles short so I can easily pick them out otherwise my brain bluescreens). It’s less obvious if you haven’t heard the song it’s from but you’ll see when it’s done.
Yes, the height difference really is that big, there’s like a whole ass foot of height between them. Rai loves her tiny wife very much even if at the precise moment in time this piece illustrates she is not yet her wife, or even her girlfriend, more like “girl-I-really-like-who-I-sort-of-flirted-with-a-couple-of-times-and-really-want-to-kiss-but-I’m-still-not-sure-if-she’s-into-me-like-that” (they are both disasters but we love them skjskshsk XD)
I really need to draw the girls more tbh. But anyway! this is a much newer sketch (as in I started it literally yesterday but hey, it was before Wednesday, it counts! XD) hence why there’s a lot less “to” it atm, but I’m hoping to have it done before the end of the month so I can use it for femslash February owo
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This one is labelled “I See Fire” so the song choice is pretty obvious, I’ve also been jokingly calling it “Psychometry Vision Hell, Please The Force Let This Woman SLEEP” as a reference to the plot that it’s from. XD Poor Saarai hasn’t been getting a lot of sleep lately and neither has Sash by association hahaha
I haven’t touched this one in a little while, I started it ages ago (like probably...late 2019 or early 2020) and then kept fudging the hands so I got frustrated and abandoned it for a while but I picked it up again last week and as you can see I finally managed to make some progress! I really like this one so far but do note this is literally just a base sketch, I haven’t even gotten to her outfit or added her scars yet (I’ll probably try and do that tomorrow if I’m up to it)
I am unfortunately that artist that has a million and one ideas but is slow af at ever finishing them so these are literally the only two that are substantial enough for me to show you guys rn 😅 I swear to God I do draw other characters that aren’t Saarai, just...not lately LMAO
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