#shrimp reads
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blood-ology · 1 year ago
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S T U R G E O N S T A M P S ! !
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year ago
:O I didn't know until just now that Alison Bechdel's website has a bunch of archived Dykes to Watch Out For strips! Neat!
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ravewing · 1 year ago
*ancient seafloor rumbling*
*scuttling of trilobites*
*crunching of exoskeleton*
*undulating of imbricating lateral lobes*
*bubbling underwater sounds*
*ocean waves crashing*
*clicking of appendages*
*Imagine Dragons - Radioactive starts playing*
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fishfingersandscarves · 1 year ago
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cries for 5 billion years about hounds by @xx-vergil-xx
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s30620 · 4 months ago
Chapter 96: Motivation
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Ah yes, the curry scene. Would you count this as a love confession? In the Japanese version, she says "ダイスキ" (daisuki), which basically means "I really like you", so what do you think?
It's funny that Okarun had to transform just to eat, but also sad to think how in-pain he must be. The out-of-body experience kinda mentally prepared him for everything going on and I'm glad he's not confused and is getting ready to help his friends.
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Also, I super loved Acro Aira's pose on this page, what a queen.
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pointlessjey · 1 year ago
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Whisper to me your shrimp secrets (shrimp design courtesy of @earthworms-worm )
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yuri-is-online · 1 year ago
Hey, Yuri, do you think Yuu would ever run the risk of being put in danger by having a romantic relationship with any of the more high-profile members of the cast? I mean, we’ve got royalty, nobility, celebrities, and the very wealthy attending this school. I’ve just been rotating my brain about how these relationships would work out and Yuu is a pretty vulnerable target without NRC’s security. - 🦐
Hmmmmmm. I have a bunch of thoughts about this actually... I tried ranking them from least to most dangerous if that makes sense? But don't read too deeply into the bullet point placements they were mostly just a stream of consciousness thing.
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Not that Risky (surprisingly)
Leona- we don't really have details about his brother's marriage, but I don't think his family has been shown to be overly keen on forming alliances with outside countries, the Savannah seems more concerned with itself. I don't think his family would be too fussed with his partner being a magicless person from outerspace, if anything this might be seen as a plus to the councilors that are always mocking Leona behind his back as his partner's lack of royal blood makes him even less fit for the throne. Not to mention Leona himself is more than enough to protect Yuu, he's the only royal at the school without a proper retainer (which you could argue is because no one at home likes him) but I doubt his family would let him do that if he was genuinely in danger.
Rook- he's Rook. His family does sound rather sweet from the very very very little we know about him (he also seems like he was kind of sheltered as a kid, something I should chew on sometime) so I doubt they would allow anything too bad to happen to Yuu.
Vil- his main issue is his contract, the Japanese Idol industry is cut throat and often sees things like bans on relationships as part of the contract. Vil doesn't want to risk his career or reputation, he mentions that he himself is a brand and I can't see him wanting to put that pressure on Yuu if they're not up for it. But... there are also celebrities who have really private personal lives and I sort of get the sense Vil is like that? And I don't think he would be too bothered if Yuu didn't want to be super public, it would certainly make it easier to keep you safe.
Idia- S.T.Y.X. might be a gloomy place but no one knows where it is
Medium Danger (danger is real but can be managed)
Jade and Floyd- we don't actually know what their family does, just that it's probably sketchy and that Mama Leech calls them every day, taught them self defense, and just generally seems to worry about them a lot. The danger is very real under the sea, but I also sort of get the sense that messing with the Leech family is skipping the fuck around and going straight to find out.
Azul- his business is going to make him enemies sooner or later, but at least during school Yuu should be more or less safe. Azul's able to keep on top of the students who mean Yuu harm, and Yuu is able to politely ignore their boyfriend's business (or maybe they have a knack for helping?) When you get older I can see Azul's need for a security team expanding, but he'll have money to get the best.
Riddle- ok so. I don't think his mom would try to kill you. But god she would be such a toxic person to manage. I'm actually working on a (very old) request atm that involves discussing what Riddle's mom might do if she finds Riddle with a partner instead of his studies (which I assume she's paying for) especially during his internship. She'd go full scorched earth and get very confused when Yuu doesn't back off like Trey did.
Huston We Have a Problem
Kalim- the amount of assassination attempts my poor boy has already canonically endured... I imagine there are probably going to be more in his future. I can see Yuu needing their own retainer (which could be a fun concept for an oc) to protect them and test their food. When Grim becomes a great mage I'm sure he could help with that actually, wouldn't that be cute?!
MALLEUS- acceptance of humans is virtually non existence in Briar Valley AND his mother hated humans so much she "blessed" her child to only be loved by fae. We don't actually know how the senate works but I imagine they would lose their ever loving shit if Malleus brought home a human as a friend and now he wants to make them his spouse? No. They say no. Time to show them what an absolute monarchy means I guess.
Assuming Yuu isn't in a relationship with Malleus I could see their friendship actually sort of being a boon to them, especially if Yuu was with Kalim or Azul. Pissing of the merchants is one thing, but the King of the Abyss? No thank you, they'll just take their losses and go.
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thebekashow · 1 month ago
Overcome with hatred
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(finally got into the shrimpo room and saw her note. sooo :] you know what i had to do.)
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meowxfs · 6 months ago
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Ghost and pals or whatever idk them
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my hand slipped
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ink-ghoul · 2 months ago
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chipped-chimera · 1 year ago
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Finally got a fancy(tm) pic of my aquarium - think I figured out the solution to awful photos is just I have to do them at night because the hugeass window in my room directly adjacent ruins everything. Going to try and take a pic like this weekly to track growth!
Anyway it's looking close? Closeish? to being cycled so the question is: WHAT COLOUR SHRIMP
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aldisobey · 1 month ago
Al I saw a TikTok of someone pumping shrimp in a mudflat and I thought of Worne because of your fic. "Everything reminds me of him," we all sigh in unison. Emmrich and I are the same.
I need you to know. I’ve laughed so hard at this. Sincerely hurt my sides. Limitless joy. I didn’t know how to respond. I still don’t. We are infected. I’m sighing in unison with you. It made me write.
“A plague.”
Emmrich announced with some gravity and a dramatic flick of the hand. A preacher mounting pulpit from the chair near the fire. The rest of the Veilguard peered towards the mage. Distracted from their game of Wicked Grace where they sat stripped of most apparel. All save Rook. Grinning from the head of the table. He seemed extra pleased with a free distraction, kept dancing cards in play as his compatriots turned to hear a word.
“Explain.” Lucanis broke silence first. He still had undergarments. And boots for some reason. Worne never wanted those boots.
Emmrich leaned forward, elbows on knees, mildest sway as he pressed hands together and put steepled fingertips to lips. “Rook, is a plague, my dear Lucanis.” The mage kept his eyes locked on the fire. “An infection.”
No one had been counting the necromancer’s drinks. Seeing the flush on pale cheeks Harding headed over, she was still graced with pants. They all figured the Professor a sensible sort, not one to get too deep into his cups. But when Harding lifted the whiskey bottle Emmrich had near to refill glass at hand, she nearly smacked her face with it. The thing was empty.
“You okay Emmrich?” She asked hesitatingly, her face flushed from the wine of the night, threw a look back at Taash. She might need help.
“Never better. Perfectly lucid. Thinking more clearly than ever before. Explain. Yes?” Emmrich straightened, searched for Lucanis, found instead Neve’s cool glance from the end opposing Rook. She was wise enough to abstain from cards. Lifted a glass in greeting to the look, and smirked. “Do go on, Professor. I’d love to hear your conclusions.”
“He’s a plague.” Emmrich tutted.
“You said that.” said Taash. They had exited the game. Retained a singular article of clothing. They were waiting for Lace to be done for the night, looked between her and Emmrich with questioning.
“Ah.” Emmrich leaned back, looked up, “So I did.” Closed his eyes. Took in a deep breath. And then heard the giggles. Rook was sneering at the hand he held. Emmrich’s eyes flicked open, and he turned, snapped that attention to the rogue. “There. There it is. You. Pandemic’s flare. Rampant plague.”
“So I’ve heard.” Worne chuckled. “Davrin. That’s your pants.” He pronounced with no small amount of further delight as he laid a card.
“Hold a moment, Worne.” Davrin put out an arm to still Rook, maybe keep him in place.
Emmrich’s attention hadn’t left. And the rogue squirmed for the first time, locked in by warrior’s arm, and felt the seering glare from his mage backed by fire. He peeked away from the game, and caught flickering green in that…oh it wasn’t adoring hazel. It was something else entirely. Something dark. Ominous. Rook slowly put his cards on the table. Reached to finish his beer with hefty swallow.
“You.” The word came again. Accompanied with movement this time. Emmrich stood, had prepared the advance. And the whiskey sway left him as purpose locked to target. Towering he crossed the few feet to table. Looked down at smirking man. “Rook.” A deep rolled accusation in tone. Worne only smiled as he looked up at the lengthy Nevarran, lips locked to bottle as he raised brows in questioning ‘me?’
“You’ve infected us all. Manfred nearly fell in a river trying to obtain a stick for you.”
“I’m honored to be thou…”
“Hush darling I’m not done.” That’s when Worne felt the long fingers clasp into place around his shoulder. Davrin leaned away. The necromancer had Rook in hand now, voice lower, layered in confidence of drink, “Harding stopped me in the market to laugh at a greased pig.”
The dwarf laughed again, she had wandered back to the table, found her way to Taash’s side. “He squealed like one over a bath!” She couldn’t stop the chuckles at that point. Infection caught.
Emmrich’s fingers drummed on Rook’s shoulder. “Lucanis can’t look at cheese without cursing your name.”
“Mierda. Rook. I can’t keep it stocked…” Lucanis shook his head, grumbled about being out of it again tonight. He had to rework the morning’s menu, could never count on cheese.
“Davrin, has suffered longest, just look at him,” Emmrich gestured to the warrior, nearly flicked the elf’s shoulder as Davrin leaned forward in the middle movement of removing his pants. He buckled in laughter, caught a breath,
“Yeah Rook, you’re really fucking the turlum training. Assan thinks you're his brother and you need to behave. Be a better example.”
“Exactly. Exactly. You’re leading this group. And Neve…”
Worne laid a hand over Emmrich’s on his shoulder, the touch cut off the voice, mage trailed to a hmm as rogue patted the fingers digging into his shoulder for balance. “Neve is perfect and beautiful and I’d never do a thing to harm or hinder her.” Rook blew a kiss to the detective. She gave a soft chuckle and nodded.
Emmrich blustered a moment, face gone red, “Yes. But. Neve delights in chasing trouble. She’s made a profession of the work you make for others I dare say.”
“Emmrich how could you?” Neve called out. She had moved over to Lucanis now. Located a blanket and draped it over him. “Calling your darling ‘plague’.”
“Look what’s he’s done to Bellara!” Emmrich practically shouted, and used a great sweeping arm to point at the elf in the far couch corner giggling, writing feverishly. “She can’t stop!”
“Oh she just knows romance when she sees it.” Worne twisted his head and kissed the fingers holding him in place, the hand Emmrich now leaned swaying on to keep from falling. Soft lips stirred a flicker of movement in the tall man, his mouth dropped a hair, face flushed burning redder still. But Worne ignored his effect and waved at his friend instead. “Let me know when the next chapter needs a beta read Bell!”
“Oh, sure thing Rook.” Bellara announced with cheer and a bit of a shaky smirk, “You know I could use your help with some details after that date… ”
“We can’t get through Hossberg without Emmrich crying at a muddy hole.” Taash snorted. Cut off the previous. Refused to hear more about that night. Though the beginnings of a laugh were hidden somewhere deep beneath the disgust.
“I. Taash. Well.” Emmrich stammered. The room was in movement. “Thank you. For the input.” Worne laughed first. And then the rest joined in. Hossberg was a difficult land to traverse these days. And it wasn’t for fear of darkspawn.
“We’re here to kill gods.” Emmrich sighed as night's joy continued, almost sank to a chair as he leaned against Rook, held his forehead in his other palm, “But we’ve been plagued by constant thoughts of you.”
Worne stood then. Kept his hand tight on his shoulder to steady Emmrich. The other arm went to hold the necromancer by the thin waist. Fingers curled on hip to draw him snuggly in. A lucky thing. Emmrich looked liable to topple over, but the Warden had him now. Leaned up on tiptoe to whisper to an ear.
“I’m sorry I make you all feverish.”
“All hot beneath the collar,”
A piece of bread hit Worne squarely between the eyes. Ceased the flirtation with a thunk.
“Take your plague to bed!” Davrin spoke stern but chuckling. Stood as tall and wide as he might baring his chest. “Or I’ll end both you monsters.”
Worne giggled and dipped his head at his fellow. “I’ll see the patient to his quarters.”
“I’ll expire under your care.” Emmrich continued spouting off, but he was leaning into the virus now. Full warmth of drink and familiar touch of hands renewing the flood of words as the mind didn’t have to concern itself with simple things like balance.
“Will thoughts of you never cease?” The professor turned in the walking embrace to stare at Rook as the rogue led them both out of the dining hall. Calls of good night echoed behind them. Rook gave waves and nodded along to Emmrich’s stream of thought. “I swear everywhere I look…I observed a student in Nevarra just yesterday take an entire minute and more to unwrap a treat.”
“Mhm, are you calling me sweet?” Worne smirked as they entered the open air of Fade.
“Ye..no. Listen. A full length of time to free the thing. And then he dropped it. I swear it bounced off his boot.” Rook sniffed at that, a mourning sound, but Emmrich waved a hand, almost unbelieving, “He ate it!” Worne nodded. Naturally, as one does.
But Emmrich continued in horror, “And dearest that’s when sickness struck over your absence. I missed you then. Over that. I could hardly oversee the coursework! I rushed back first chance. Skipped a luncheon, did you know?”
“Well let’s do lunch tomorrow then.” Rook almost sang as they entered the Lighthouse. Turned right for the stairs, Emmrich heavier on him now.
“Rook, darling that’s not the point, the issue…” Emmrich paused. There was a long thin tube leaning against the wall near the entrance to Rook’s quarters. An elven contraption of some sort? “…what is that?”
“Oh?” Worne’s eyes nearly sparkled. “Bellara must have finished the prototype!” He left Emmrich a moment. Made sure he was steady and firm against the wall to his room. Ran like a kid on Wintersend to the device. Pulled at the top of it. It must be… “A pump!”
Emmrich groaned. Leaned on the wall like the dead walking and stumbled down the hallway to his room.
“Emmrich! We can go catch shrimp at the mudflats after lunch!” Distantly he could hear the man testing the device but the mage didn’t catch anything further. Collapsed instead on the marble slab. Heat of plague refreshed against the cold. Best rest while he could, the infection showed no signs of slowing.
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technikki · 13 days ago
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Tjis gif showed up on my tumblr recommended becuz of yoy. I hope youre happy
of course i'm happy it's always a joy to share canon lgbt rep from my favorite video games
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emioliravioli · 3 months ago
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inscryption au sketches
she takes p03's role, but is more like grimora if she was evil...?
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leatherbookmark · 8 days ago
"ugh, this complete misinterpretation of a character is JUST A JOKE, haven't you heard of them? don't you know what humor is? have you tried laughing? portraying this traumatized character as a heartless monster is FUNNY 🙄" 🤝 "ugh, this completely OOC fanfic that's essentially a bunch of original characters only coincidentally having the same names as the characters from X series is A FANFIC, not CANON 🙄 YES i write this self-sacrificial bleeding heart of a character as a torture-loving sadist, this is MY INTERPRETATION and it's valid and you're being horrible and mean to me when you tell me it's not this character anymore!''
to me.
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squishiest-wizard · 11 months ago
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Me this whole week
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