#shree dhanwantri herbals
ayurheals12 · 3 months
Discover the Power of Shree Dhanwantri Herbals with Ayurheals
Located in the heart of Govind Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Ayurheals is your trusted partner in promoting holistic health and wellness. Today, we shine the spotlight on one of the most revered names in the Ayurvedic industry—Shree Dhanwantri Herbals. With decades of experience and a commitment to quality, Shree Dhanwantri Herbals stands as a beacon of tradition and innovation in Ayurvedic healthcare.
The Legacy of Shree Dhanwantri Herbals
Shree Dhanwantri Herbals has carved a niche for itself in the Ayurvedic market by staying true to the ancient principles of Ayurveda while incorporating modern scientific advancements. This balance ensures that their products are not only effective but also safe for consumption. The company prides itself on using pure, natural ingredients, which are meticulously sourced and processed to maintain their potency.
Why Choose Shree Dhanwantri Herbals?
Quality Assurance: Shree Dhanwantri Herbals adheres to stringent quality control measures. From sourcing raw materials to the final product, each stage is carefully monitored to ensure the highest standards of purity and efficacy.
Extensive Product Range: The brand offers a diverse range of products catering to various health needs. Whether you're looking for solutions for digestive health, respiratory issues, skin care, or overall wellness, Shree Dhanwantri Herbals has something for everyone.
Research and Development: The company invests significantly in research and development. By blending traditional knowledge with modern science, they continually innovate and improve their product offerings.
Popular Products by Shree Dhanwantri Herbals
Amrit Kalash: Known for its rejuvenating properties, this product is a powerful antioxidant that helps in boosting immunity and promoting overall health.
Liv-R-Him: A renowned liver tonic, Liv-R-Him is formulated to support liver health and detoxification processes.
Trikatu Churna: This herbal blend is widely used for its digestive benefits, helping to improve metabolism and relieve indigestion.
Dhanwantri Aloe Vera Gel: Celebrated for its soothing and healing properties, this gel is perfect for skin care, offering hydration and relief from minor irritations.
Keshya: An effective herbal solution for hair care, Keshya helps in preventing hair fall and promotes healthy hair growth.
Ayurheals: Your Gateway to Authentic Ayurveda
At Ayurheals, we understand the importance of genuine and effective Ayurvedic products in maintaining health and wellness. Our mission is to provide our customers with the best Ayurvedic solutions, and partnering with Shree Dhanwantri Herbals is a testament to this commitment.
Our location in Govind Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, serves as a hub for Ayurvedic enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals seeking natural and effective health solutions. We believe in the power of Ayurveda to transform lives, and Shree Dhanwantri Herbals embodies this belief through its exceptional product range.
In a world where synthetic products often dominate the market, Shree Dhanwantri Herbals and Ayurheals stand out by offering natural, effective, and safe Ayurvedic solutions. By choosing Shree Dhanwantri Herbals, you are not just opting for products; you are embracing a lifestyle rooted in the wisdom of ancient Ayurvedic practices.
Visit us at Ayurheals in Govind Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, to explore the incredible range of Shree Dhanwantri Herbals products. Let us guide you on your journey to holistic health and wellness with the best that Ayurveda has to offer.
Discover the synergy of tradition and modernity with Ayurheals and Shree Dhanwantri Herbals, and take a step towards a healthier, happier life.
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ijprsteam-blog · 7 years
Cosmetology in Ayurveda
REVIEW ARTICLE Cosmetology in Ayurveda Renu Bala*1 , Dolly Thakur2, Anju Lata3, Richa Guleria4 1Lecturer, Dept. of Samhita & Siddhanta, Shree Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh, India. 2Lecturer, Dept. of Roga Nidana, Shree Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh, India. 3Lecturer, Dept. of Shalya, Shree Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh, India.        4Lecturer, Dept. of Shalakya, Shree Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh, India. Manuscript No: IJPRS/V7/I1/00005, Received On: 18/01/2018, Accepted On: 22/01/2018 ABSTRACT The Cosmetic approach in Ayurveda is related to the health status of the body as well as the mind. More precisely, it can be said that physical, mental and spiritual Beauty as a combined unit projects the Cosmetic sense of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is not only the science of medicines, but it is the science of the life and such all the facts of life are dealt with in Ayurveda. Skin is called the cream of Rasa, but actually, Rasa, Rakta, and Mamsa Dhatus have to be in good condition to produce beautiful skin. Examining the Upadhatus and Malas can also prove useful in finding which of the Dhatu needs attention. Ayurveda strongly stresses that elimination of wastes is important for the health and beauty of the body. It is Agni that has the power to digest food well, making all nutrients available to the tissues. There is a concept of dinacharya and ritucharya also to maintaining the healthy life. KEYWORDS Ayurveda, Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Dhatus, Upadhatus ARTICLE LINK https://www.ijprs.com/abstract.php?id=896&aid=929 DOWNLOAD https://www.ijprs.com/download.php?file=1518497886.pdf GOOGLE CITATION https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=M1UEGi4AAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1&gmla=AJsN-F5SuohBJJzJICLTrHLpNTB_UMHLfeGQyilr49wbG7o0qLCkumrhwwWXHUTG2WFA4fVQqsKoMwyaypX-1qkGpll6n_Jg5QquJQc1QWbEpGlD9GfNepM&sciund=10793007235525898696&gmla=AJsN-F65gjr_6ZJOFbPVytIVzGOb-GOQI4GKoQ-UIwX_-Ceih1M71GqueAmQUVBMZ9naamPaSD8I5MCAtZEdR6WY9hnQ8Z82jsIpsbk9ZtN6dMPrJGt3cqg&sciund=2142386406962485925 *Address for Correspondence: Renu Bala, Deptt of Samhita & Siddhanta, Shree Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh, India. E mail ID: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Beauty is a subject of Socio-medical importance. The importance of Beauty and Personality is increasing now a day as it is a competitive era. Everyone wants to stand at height and they require a distinct Personality which differs them from a crowd. The increased demand for beautification is evident by a number of Beauty contests, Beauty centres, various cosmetic items like creams, lotions, powder, etc. Ayurveda is not only the science of medicines, but it is the science of the life and such all the facts of life are dealt with in Ayurveda. The Cosmetic approach in Ayurveda is related to the healthy status of the body as well as a mind. More precisely, it can be said that physical, mental and spiritual Beauty as a combined unit projects the Cosmetic sense of Ayurveda. The description available in Ayurvedic texts in context of beauty can be mainly categorized into two divisions as – Factors contributing towards Beauty Factors improving Beauty Factors Contributing towards Beauty The Role of Dhatu in Physical Beauty Skin is called the cream of Rasa, but actually Rasa, Rakta and Mamsa Dhatus have to be in good condition to produce beautiful skin. Good digestion and correct selection of food determines health of Rasa Dhatu. Mineral rich food and a good supply of Oxygen and lack of toxins in the blood determined the health of Rakta Dhatu. Clean, well-nourished blood and regular exercise support the health of Mamsa Dhatu. Thus diet, digestion, air and exercise can be seen to be important in the healthy condition of the skin. Examining the Upadhatus and Malas can also prove useful in finding which of the Dhatu needs attention. Let’s take an example: Nails. The condition of Asthi Dhatu determines the condition of the nails in that mineral rich food that nourishes bone tissue also produces gleaming teeth and strong nails. Yet, as Asthi Dhatu is supported by other Dhatus; problem in the nails can reflect problems in Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa or Meda Dhatu- those that support Asthi Dhatu. This explains how nails can be examined to determine the internal state of the body. For example, vertical ridges on the nails show malabsorption, a problem in Rasa Dhatu. As regards other aspects of physical Beauty, strong Majja Dhatu produces strong glossy hair- a commonly accepted sign of good health. And, the product of Shukra Dhatu that is the glow of vitality, Ojas is dependent on the health of all the tissues in the body which is why we can say that internal health is essential for radiant Beauty. The Importance of Mala Ayurveda strongly stresses that elimination of wastes is important for the health and Beauty of the body. Keeping the tissues cleansed of wastes and facilitating their regular elimination through normal channels is the key to freshness and vitality. Only a clean body can be at its peak and utilize the nutrients it receives, likewise, only an open mind free to enjoy the world. The Importance of Agni Unique to Ayurveda is the concept of Agni. It is Agni that has the power to digest food well, making all nutrients available to the tissues. It also cleans toxins and excess waste from the systems. Keeping the digestive tract cleans and the outer body fresh and glowing. So, of course, strong, healthy and balanced Agni is necessary to keep the body and mind balanced and beautiful. Guidelines for Balancing Agni To improve Agni Eat smaller meals. Sip lime or lemon water or ginger tea. Take a pinch of Trikatu before meals. Take a pinch of a fresh ginger root that has been chopped finely and mixed with a little salt before a meal. Chewing is very important. Chew your food until it is at least liquidly before you swallow. Sip warm water with your meals. Agni can also be improved by fasting and herbal medications. Find a constructive way to release anger, frustration, etc. Factors Improving Beauty Role of Dinacharya As cosmetic approach of the Ayurveda is related to a healthy state of the body and mind, the Beauty and health both are given equally importance in Ayurveda. Only a healthy person looks beautiful. Therefore, in the texts of Ayurveda all the remedies prescribed or described are for the both perspective health as well as Beauty. For that in daily routine, some procedures are included which keep the person fit or healthy and young for a long time. The procedures also increase Beauty of hair, skin, eyes, etc., which are the organs having a great cosmetic Value. They delay the old age too. It shows how the people were conscious to look young and beautiful during that period. This daily routine is mentioned under the heading of ‘Dinacharya’ by almost all the Acharayas. Inside ‘Dinacharya’ following procedures are included : (Ch.Su.5) Anjana Karma For vision of the eyes. Dhoompana Increases strength of hair, skull, sense organs and voice. Nasya Face becomes cheerful and well developed, old age will be delayed. Dantadhavana For the health and Beauty of the teeth. Taila Gandusha Strength of Jaws, Development of face, prevents lip cracking, strengthen the teeth. Shiro Abhyanga Prevent alopecia, graying of hair, hair fall. Hair becomes firm rooted, long and black. Sense organs become cheerful. Face with pleasant glow. Abhyanga Body becomes firm, smooth skinned, charming and least affected by old age. Pada Abhyanga Health and Beauty of foot and sole. Snana Good promoter of Ojas. Wearing clean clothes and ornaments enhance charms, prosperity and produces happiness. Cutting of hair, beard, moustache, nail etc. along with hair dressing are nutritive and promoter of life’s beautification. There is also an indication about the use of umbrella alleviates natural calamities, guards against the sun, wind, dust and rains. Role of Ritucharya Likewise ‘Dinacharya’, the description of ‘Ritucharya’ is also given in almost all the Ayurvedic texts for the purpose of maintaining the health as well as Beauty. ‘Ritusandhi’ is the particular stage when many environmental changes are occurring and it affects public health. Therefore, ancient Acharyas have mentioned special routines which have to be followed during a particular season. In cold season (Hemanta and Sishira) the local application of Agaru paste is described to protect the skin against excessive cold. During Sishira one should avoid pungent, bitter, astringent, light, cold and Vata increasing foods and drinks. During Spring one should use a paste of Sandal and Agaru on the body and diet mainly consisting of barley and wheat. In particular summer season the Sun, with his rays, draws up excessively the moisture of the nature, hence, in that season sweet, cold, liquid and fatty foods and drinks are beneficial.  One should take sleep in a cool room during the day and on the top of the mansion with abundant air and cooled with moon rays during night, having pasted Sandal on one body. One adorned with pearls and gems. During summer, one should resort to forests, cold water and flowers. In this way, the Aahara and Vihara mentioned for the protection from excessive cold and heat during that season show carefulness and awareness about Beauty and health. REFERENCES Charaka Samhita with Ayurvedia Dipika commentary by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi, Choukhambha Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi. Charaka Samhita with commentary Vidyotini of Shastri Pt.Kashinath; Choukhamba Sanskrit Samsthan, Varanasi; Vol.I & II 1994. Charak Samhita; Sharma R.K. &Dash Bhagvan, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Samsthan, Varanasi; Vol.1-7, 1985 Ashtanga Hridaya with commentary Ayurveda Rasayana of Hemadri; Vaidya H.P., Choukhamba Orientalia; Varanasi 1982. Read the full article
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ayurheals12 · 3 months
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At Ayurheals, we proudly offer a wide range of "Shree Dhanwantri Herbals" products that are crafted with the finest natural ingredients. Whether you're looking for herbal remedies, skincare solutions, or wellness products, we have something for everyone.
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ayurheals12 · 3 months
Discover the Power of MPIL Ayurvedic Products: Your Path to Wellness
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle can be challenging. However, with MPIL Ayurvedic Products, you can now seamlessly integrate wellness into your daily routine. MPIL, a leading name in India’s Ayurvedic industry, bridges the gap between ancient Ayurveda and modern science, offering you the best of both worlds. Whether you're looking to enhance your physical health, mental well-being, or overall vitality, MPIL has the perfect solution for you.MPIL: A
Blend of Tradition and Innovation MPIL Ayurvedic Products are designed to cater to the diverse needs of individuals seeking natural and effective wellness solutions. MPIL's commitment to quality and efficacy sets it apart from other Ayurvedic brands. By combining time-tested Ayurvedic principles with cutting-edge pharmaceutical engineering, MPIL ensures that every product delivers optimal benefits. The range of MPIL products includes formulations that address common health concerns such as stress, digestion, immunity, skin care, and more. These products are crafted with precision, using high-quality herbs and natural ingredients to ensure purity and potency.
Why Choose MPIL Ayurvedic Products?
Authenticity and Quality: MPIL prides itself on maintaining the highest standards of quality. Each product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the stringent criteria for safety and efficacy. MPIL sources its ingredients from trusted suppliers to guarantee authenticity and purity.
Holistic Wellness: MPIL Ayurvedic Products are designed to promote holistic wellness. They not only address specific health issues but also aim to balance the body, mind, and spirit. This comprehensive approach ensures long-term benefits and overall well-being.
Backed by Science: MPIL's formulations are supported by modern scientific research. The brand continuously invests in research and development to innovate and improve its product offerings. This dedication to scientific validation ensures that MPIL products are both effective and reliable.
Buy MPIL Ayurvedic Products Online with OffersWith the increasing demand for Ayurvedic products, finding genuine and high-quality options can be daunting. Ayurheals, a trusted name in the Ayurvedic market, has partnered with MPIL to enhance your Ayurvedic experience. Ayurheals offers a convenient online platform where you can explore and purchase a wide range of MPIL Ayurvedic Products with exclusive offers.
By shopping on Ayurheals, you can enjoy the following benefits:
Easy Access: Browse and purchase MPIL products from the comfort of your home, no matter where you are.
Exclusive Offers: Take advantage of special discounts and offers available only on Ayurheals.
Authentic Products: Rest assured that you are buying genuine MPIL Ayurvedic Products directly from a trusted source.
Expert Advice: Ayurheals provides access to Ayurvedic experts who can guide you in selecting the right products for your needs.
Ayurheals and MPIL: A Perfect Partnership Ayurheals, located in Govind Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, is dedicated to bringing you the best in Ayurvedic wellness. Their collaboration with MPIL reflects a shared commitment to quality, authenticity, and customer satisfaction. Ayurheals' extensive range of MPIL products ensures that you have access to effective and reliable Ayurvedic solutions. Moreover, Ayurheals also offers products from other renowned Ayurvedic brands such as Shree Dhanwantri Herbals. This diverse selection allows you to choose from a variety of trusted Ayurvedic treatments and remedies, further enhancing your wellness journey.
Elevate Your Wellness Journey Investing in your health is one of the most important decisions you can make. With MPIL Ayurvedic Products available on Ayurheals, you can embark on a transformative wellness journey that combines the wisdom of Ayurveda with the advancements of modern science. Visit Ayurheals today to explore the full range of MPIL Ayurvedic Products and take advantage of the exclusive offers. Elevate your wellness routine and experience the benefits of authentic, high-quality Ayurvedic products that your mind, body, and soul truly deserve.
Conclusion In conclusion, MPIL Ayurvedic Products, available on Ayurheals, provide a unique blend of traditional Ayurveda and modern scientific innovation. This partnership ensures that you have easy access to high-quality, effective, and authentic Ayurvedic solutions. Whether you are looking to address specific health concerns or enhance your overall well-being, MPIL and Ayurheals are here to support you on your journey to better health. Don’t miss out on the exclusive offers available online and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.
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