#shower me in compliments im on a roll. im writing a new fic as we speak (NOT multi chapter we all know im bad at it)
annabethy · 11 months
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aurora // a 'tis the damn season au
Percy and Annabeth had something real. They fell in love somewhere between bookstore kittens and vintage novels with pages tinted yellow with time, and they were happy. It's rare, finding the type of love they did. It's even more rare making it last. (Chapter 8/8) (26.3k words, complete) Read on AO3
It all comes racing back.
Annabeth opens her mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. Instead, his words repeat in her mind, echoing over and over, cutting deep.
Did you break up because you weren’t ready to be a wife, or because you weren’t ready to be his wife?
The reality is she already knows the answer. But she can’t say it out loud. Not when she’s looking into his eyes, green, curious as ever, but also with a hint of omniscience, like he knows the answer too. It would be too close to admitting she’s the one who tore them apart. She feels an influx of emotions: miserable, guilty, and somewhere deep inside, relief, because he gets it, even if he doesn’t really.
She can’t admit to any of it, so she admits to the next best thing: rage.
“Excuse me?”
Percy says nothing. He doesn’t have the decency to look embarrassed, but then again, he’s not really the one in the wrong. 
They stay silent after that for about ten seconds, but it’s tense, able to be cut through with a knife. The last time she felt like this was the day she last saw him, Percy unable to look her in the eyes. She had known how bad she hurt him, but she still walked away, leaving him stuck there cursing her name.
 It feels like it lasts a lot longer than it does.
“You left to get something better,” Percy says. “It seems to me like you found it, yet here you are in front of me. You can’t expect me not to question—”
“I can, actually.” Annabeth’s eyes are burned to his. “And I do. You have no right.”
He takes a deep breath, and he’s looking anywhere but her. She can see the gears turning in his head, juggling his words before he says them, not that it’ll matter. Annabeth’s lost, and there are a lot of things she doesn’t know, but what she does know is that no matter what he says, it’ll be the wrong thing. 
She’ll say anything to avoid admitting she was wrong. 
“I’m not trying to start a fight,” he tries, rubbing his palm over his face. “I just…what are we doing?”
“I got locked out. That’s it.”
“We both know it’s not.”
“Percy, please.”
Annabeth doesn’t know what she’s pleading for. She doesn’t know what they’re doing here. She had a life and things were good until they weren’t.
“I don’t get it,” Percy says, and she can hear him forcing patience into his voice. He was always better at this kind of thing, always giving her two minutes more than he should. “You could’ve called anyone, and yet you called me. I’m not mad or annoyed or anything, but I don’t get it. Why are you here?”
“I came to see my family.”
The pained look he gives her hurts more than anything. What is she doing? What is she doing?
“I’m trying so hard, Annabeth, but you’ve got to give me something to work with. Are you being serious when you say there’s nothing going on, or did you just miss home, or are you running…”
She’s running, but she’s not sure why.
Is she running away from Connor? From the life she was so close to having but didn’t want because there was always the whisper of a name from six years ago in the back of her mind? Reminding her that as great as Connor was, he was never enough because he had everything except one tiny thing.
(That tiny thing is that he wasn’t Percy).
Maybe she wasn’t running from anything after all. Maybe she was running to something. 
(To someone).
It turns out that years and thousands of miles doesn’t erase feelings like what they had. It might dull it a little bit, but returning home, returning to that person unveils what once was, leaving you wondering how you’d missed it all those years in the first place. She should’ve known better than to think she could come back here, like she wouldn’t fall right back into Percy’s arms, finding comfort in his lips against her own, or against her neck, his laugh low in her ear. All those Christmas movie cliches should’ve clued her in.
She can never admit any of it, though, because she has to go back, and Percy has to stay. None of it matters.
“What do you want from me, Percy?”
“I want you to talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about?”
“Yes, there is!” He places his palms on the dark wooden table, rocking back and forth. “You’ve been gone six years and the second that the idea of something new pops up, you come running back. You call me. Why?”
“Would you have liked me to call someone else?”
“Jesus…no, Annabeth. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m asking you what you want.”
“What do you want?” Annabeth says it bitingly, an attempt to scare him off. To get him to back down before she admits something that it seems he knows anyway. 
“I want you.”
There he goes.
Annabeth can’t help it when she starts to cry. It doesn’t matter who wants who because her life is in California, far far away from New York. She loves him, wonders what life would be like if she had taken the other road, or if he had followed her down the first one. She wants him too, but how? There is no fixing the mess she created.
“I’ll ask again. Why are you here?”
Annabeth doesn’t know, so she does the only thing she knows how. She fights. 
“It’s none of your fucking business!”
“It is! You come here, you let me kiss you, and you tell me it means nothing? I’m not an idiot, so please stop treating me like one!”
Annabeth sucks her teeth with a shaky breath. “It did. It meant nothing.”
Percy looks at her, disappointment evident in his eyes. She knows she shouldn’t, but she can’t help but focus on how attractive he looks right now in the dark of the bookstore. He’s frustrated, kind, beautiful, and she wants to run into his arms and apologize, but that was never her strong suit.
She hates that it’s come to this. She hates that because of her, she’d lost him. She hates that he isn’t hers anymore, that he’s been with other people, that above everything she’s forced him through, he’s here trying to fix what she’s broken. 
He laughs in her face. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”
She is trying to convince herself, so she doesn’t say anything at all.
“Answer me.”
“I have a life, Percy!” The tears come faster, and she stares to her left as though she’s going to find the figure of her old self back in high school, playing with a stray cat between the shelves with Percy working somewhere else in the store, both of them blissfully unaware of the things to come. “I have a life. It doesn’t matter why I’m here, or if…if I’m running, or whatever else you think I’m doing. This isn’t my home, and I have to go back in two days.”
“I’m not asking you to give any of that up!” 
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying you can have me!”
The world comes to a halt.
“I wish I could read your mind,” he tells her, rushed, “but I can’t. All I know is that you’ve been fine for six years, and then Connor proposed, and you were on my doorstep kissing me as though nothing changed.”
“Stop!” Annabeth wipes furiously at her eyes. “It doesn’t matter!”
“It does matter because I’m right here, and you’re pushing me away!”
“Why are you making it so difficult for me to walk away?” It comes out wobbly, pleading. “You don’t think I know the heart I’m breaking is my own?”
Annabeth has always known Percy well. She’s always been able to predict his actions and his words, to know what he’s thinking before even he knows. It was for that reason that it was never easy for him to surprise her back when they were together. She’d always prided herself on finding someone so perfect, a twin flame, but now, things are different.
For the first time, he surprises her.
“Your own?” His words send chills down her spine. “Are you fucking kidding me? Your own?”
“I know you think that the world revolves around you, but it doesn’t! Believe it or not, there are other people around you who feel the consequences of your actions! You are not perfect! You hurt other people! You are selfish and stubborn and can’t admit when you’re wrong! You run from everyone who actually cares about you!”
Annabeth sobs. “Stop it!”
“You are not the only person here, Annabeth! God, how do you think I felt when you left? Did you ever once stop to think about me?”
There’s nothing for her to say.
“You are not the only person who got hurt here. Did you know I’ve spent six years wishing you’d come home so I could scream at you? You hurt me. I’ve been stuck here in this…this limbo, somewhere nothing ever happens except the same high school drama from people who were never given the opportunity to grow up. I’d wished you would come back, or that I hadn’t stayed in the first place, but you came back, I tried so hard to be mad. I told myself I would never forgive you, but then I saw you in my bookstore petting the stupid cat and everything changed because I knew that even if I was hurt, you were too. I love you and I can’t be mad at you no matter how much I should be, and I cannot let you leave without saying what I should’ve said the first time.”
Annabeth squeezes her eyes shut. When they open again, Percy’s gaze is softer, but his hands stay placed on the counter. She thinks it’s because if he moves, it’ll be to take her in his arms, and even he knows better than to do that. So instead, he watches her with soft, understanding eyes because he loves her and he knows why she’s back, even if she can’t admit it to herself.
“In a few days, you are going back to California,” he says. “But right now, you’ve here with me.”
“Right now won’t last forever.”
“You’re right,” he says. “Not unless you let it.”
Annabeth is seven years old again, and she knows nothing about the world. There had been times in her life where she thought she figured things out, but then she really grew up and she was back to seven years old.
“You need to go back to California, but this isn’t the same as six years ago.” Percy looks around the bookstore. “There’s nothing for me here anymore. This place…it doesn’t make me happy in the way it used to, but you do.”
Her heart pounds in her chest. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I love you.” Percy lifts his hand, and his fingers twitch. “Now I’m asking you to let me.”
Annabeth knows nothing about the world. Maybe that’s okay.
She doesn’t think that coming home for the holidays is supposed to hurt this much. She shouldn’t ache the way she does, and she shouldn’t take the step towards Percy that she does, just like Percy shouldn’t be so fast to open himself to her, pulling her in, letting her dig her face into his neck, ignoring the tears that dampen his skin. 
Nothing is as it should be, and for once, she’s thankful. She breathes him in, wonders if he can feel her pulse over the sobs she lets out into her chest.
“I’m sorry,” she chokes out, but he only holds her tighter. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know,” he breathes, lips pressed to the top of her head. She thinks he’s crying too. “It’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not going to lose you again. I can’t.”
And so it goes unsaid what’s going to happen after this. 
Annabeth is going to leave because East Aurora, New York was never really her home. She’s going to follow the first path she took, but this time, she’s going to uncover what lies behind the road not taken. 
She lifts her head, and the next thing she knows, his lips are pressed to hers. It’s not enough–it’s never enough when it comes to them–but that’s okay, because they have time. The kiss is salty, either her tears or his, but she leans into it. He grabs her face, surrounds her, forgives her. 
“I know you can’t stay,” he breathes into her. “Let me go with you.”
Annabeth can see how this is going to end.
It’ll be an adjustment. It’ll take a while, but in a few months, she’ll be in California again. He’ll be by her side. She’ll have to reconstruct her life, reconcile with old friends if they’ll have her. They might not, because she hurt their friend when she chose Percy (even if she didn’t know that’s what she was doing at the time). It doesn’t matter because he’ll be with her every step. They get a do-over, a chance to travel an old dusty road, to live the way she thought was gone forever. There is a lot to fix and a lot to figure out, but she knows that more than anything, she has him. 
For the first time in six years, everything is okay.
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elizabethh1125 · 2 years
Springtrap/ William Afton with a chubby reader- (sfw and NSFW)
Hello my stinks!!!!!!! I’m a GRADUATED a WOMAN wOOOOOOOOHOoo!!! And I’m off to collage in the fall! Yay! Anyways yes! That was the huge delay y’all I’ve been on that grind trying to complete this year and get though all that mess but here I am! I’m back! And to celebrate my return I will be posting fang head cannons for a whole week! Yes that means a post every. SINGLE. DAY. y’all!!!! I love you all so much more then you think. And also- quick note: WE HIT OVER 100 FOLLOWERS OMGGGG TY ALLL SO MUCH IM CRYINGGGG ❤️ just with that enjoy an extra 2 more headcannons today and throw some requests in for what y’all want to see! Please it would help lots and lots! (One final thing and I’ll let you go): would you all like me to create a new blog for more of my other works not in the fnaf fandom? I’m in love with Oscar Isaac and have the urge to write a Poe Dameron fic. Anyways love y’all thanks so much and enjoy!!!
-Eli <3
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Pretty sfw (a few hints):
Fucking loves the shit out of you.
You're so soft and he loves to just hold you from behind.
Will make you be his little housewife (duh because it's Willy) but while you're doing dishes he will come behind and just hug you, kissing up your neck and to your ears and telling you how beautiful you are.
Traces on your skin with his fingers.
Weirdly enough will squish your face
If you decide to have kids he loveees how your soft stomach holds his seed. (COUGH-*)
Will compliment you endlessly, and if you ever say no, or ew, he will tease you and pester you until your forced to agree.
Buys you tons of fancy dresses and outfits to show you off.
Especially likes to buy custom fit funtime clothing (if you know what I mean)
Gets mad if people stare. But he never loses his cool, just makes subtle comments and rants about it later.
Draws you. (That's a headcannon for another time, but I believe William is a hardcore artist as well) and so he draws you all the time.
If you like to eat, he might feed you if you let him. And if you have issues eating he might just feed you if you like it or not.
grips your rolls when he fucks you.
Likes to slap your tummy.
And if you have a big butt (or really any butt at all lol) he will grab that and smack it as well.
Will cum on your stomach.
Praise kink GALORE!!!!!
If you have chubby thighs... The man might just pass out.
He loves thick thighs-
I'm talking thigh high socks.
Rubbing himself in-between them.
Man is rancid.
Overall the guy is head over heels for you no matter how you look. He's a simp.
loves it but would never tell you.
Secretly sends you nice outfits to wear to work, but you always wear the same stupid uniform.
He tries to hint at you being able to wear normal clothes since it's the night shift but you never listen.
Sometimes you guys sit in the office and you always somehow end up in his lap. It doesn't matter how big you are, the suit is always bigger.
Squishes you so much it annoys you.
And you always tell him but he continues because he knows it bothers you.
Sometimes it is an ass and makes a few mean Comments but only in a teasing way.
Wishes he could be back to his old self so he could wife you up.
Stalks you. Literally he is so creepy.
Got a burner phone just to text you from Fazbear frights.
Feeds you just like William would.
Would break any other worker's arms if he heard them talking about how you look.
Deep down wants to tell you how beautiful you are.
Avid fat girl porn watcher.
Like he loves his bbw
Imagines you spread wide for him.
Can't fuck you cause of the suit, but can lick you with a tounge and can also use his fingers.
Loves to watch your chub jiggle as he fingers you, or eats you out.
Ties you up so he can see your rolls poke between the rope.
Might just let one little comment slip about how hot you look.
Definitely took stalker shower pics of you and masterbates to it later.
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loverknj · 7 years
Boyfriend!Bangtan (Kim Seokjin)
A/N: hi loves! thank you so much for all the love on my bf yoongi post, i honestly expected only like 10 notes but you guy showered me with so much love and for that, i’m forever grateful ♡ so, as you guys requested, here’s another bf bangtan hehehe 
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Every au or fic I read always displays him as the one who always cooks, does house chores and takes care of the boys
Basically the doting mother figure who doesn’t really get action
But oh mannnn
This man is lethal
He’s like a total meal including the desert and starter
Might even come with champagne
He’s that gentleman your mother always tells you to date when you were young
And undoubtedly, Kim Seokjin is every girl’s dream man
Tall, handsome, rich
He can cook, he can sing, he can dance, he is caring, funny, attentive...
I would say he is Prince Charming in the flesh
But we all know seokjin is much better than prince charming
A serious & playful boyfriend?
Definitely not one for flings
I can see him as someone who will hesitate to ask you out until he completely knows you inside and out
I think this is mainly because of how his lifestyle is; he’s always busy with comebacks, rehearsals, recordings... and he’s frequently out of the country
he doesn’t have time for someone who will not devote herself to him  
And here to stay
But when his feelings get too overwhelming and that he’s certain that you’re the one
he will give his 100% to you  
Would show up at your doorstep all dressed up
as he carefully leads you to his car boot with his hand covering your eyes
your confused expression is immediately converted into a shocked one
And next thing you know, you’re crying
Because all you can see is his car boot filled with endless roses and fairy lights
And he’s behind you, holding a teddy which says “be mine”
Would probably be like “I think we both know how we feel each other, so pls say you’ll be mine, because well, the flowers are expensive and I can’t return them”
Also the type who would write
“Please be my girlfriend?”
“Option 1: yes, option 2: hell yes option 3: yes”
Would be offended if you didn’t choose option 2 lmao
Seokjin would be an extra af boyfriend and you all know this.
The most likely out of bts to tie himself up in a ribbon on Valentine’s Day and Insist that he’s your present
“Happy Valentines Day babe, I got you the best present in the world: me.”
But in the end, he’d probably stop joking around and bring out a huge bouquet of flowers and the giant teddy he prepared
And I imagine he’d prepare a lot of things for you throughout your relationship
Flowers, jewellery chocolate, dinner, his face
The one to keep extra hair-ties in his pocket when you go out
And would just tie your hair for you with no words asked when he sees you struggling to eat without hair getting in your way
Would even keep pads and an extra set of clothes of yours at the dorm too
And when he finds out your favourite drink is banana milk like jungkook, he would go out of his way and buy an entire box of it
Definitely an amazing boyfriend
Remember in the rookie king prank, how he was the only one who asked the girl if she was okay?
Like if he’s so kind and caring to a complete stranger, imagine how loving he can be to someone he loves
A boyfriend who undoubtedly would go out his way for you
The type who would spoil you with everything
As I think he would try to make up for his absence by showering you with gifts
A new bag or perfume after he’s back from his Europe tour
Wine and dine at restaurants
Huge bouquet of roses
Giant teddies
Couple bracelets from Hermès
he would spoil youuuu to no limit
And he wouldn’t even notice until you brought it up to him
“Baby, I love you and that 10 foot teddy but don’t you think it’s a little too much? You don’t have to waste so much money on me”
Probably smile back at you and say “don’t worry, oppa can afford it” or “it��s okay princess, you deserve it”
But his grand gestures would tone down a little after you really talk to him about it
Because yes, it feels nice to be pampered and spoiled but even if you are jin from bts and the son of a ceo, money doesn’t grow on trees
Emphasizing to him that you love him and not those materialistic stuff
Would love you even more after that talk
And I imagine that would also be how you both solve your fights or arguments as well; by sitting down, talking through it like adults
And explaining your doubts and point of view to one another
Will always make up before bed, it’s a rule
But I think there would be also be times where Jin just lets you win because he would rather lose an argument than lose you
Because he knows you’re a definite keeper
And would want to wife you up so badly  
He would even call you wife in real life
Your name in his phone would most probably be ‘wife ♡’
Kim seokjin, A sHAMELESS texter
I don’t see him being those who text “good morning beautiful”, he’s probably those who would text “good morning, I’m beautiful”
Or the type to jokingly reply “how can you not” or “I love me too” when you tell him you love him
Overflowing confidence, oh gosh
Would randomly just say “babe, how are you so lucky? you get to date worldwide handsome”
And while you sit there, looking at him in confusion and slight disbelief
He’d be laughing his signature wind-screen laugh while the boys roll their eyes
Speaking of wife-ing you up, I can see him as one who will talk to you about your future a lot
Like it’d be 2 in the morning, you are both snuggled up in bed; and the conversation somehow ends up just being about marriage and kids
Or when you are both in the kitchen, preparing dinner for you and the boys, he’d talk about how he used to do this every week with his family and that he can’t wait to have this tradition with his own
And you can’t help but blush by the way he’s looking at you and smiling
He just lovesss planning out his future, especially with you by his side
And by that, he’s undoubtedly a fun & playful boyfriend who can be serious when he wants to
Also, an attentive boyfriend
He’d take note of your favourite food, drinks, places, movies, clothes...
He’d notice things you don’t even realise yourself, like the way you scrunch your nose when you’re nervous
Or the way you nod your head too much when the food is good
And If you say you’re craving something or when you compliment a dish
He’d cook or learn how to cook it for you
But when he’s busy, he’d probably order take away and pamper you with kisses, promising to cook it for you next time
Also I wouldn’t even be surprised if he showed up randomly at your workplace or school with your favourite food just because he wants to
Or if you find the shoes you have been saving up to buy just lying on your bed, with a note attached: “saw you looking at them the other day and got them for you because my princess deserves the best. I love you.”
Or even some medicine and vitamins sitting on your kitchen counter along with a cup of warm herbal tea because he says you have been sniffing and coughing too much
He’d take care of you better than how he takes care of himself
And the members will probably tease him about it at the start or act jealous because they no longer have his 100%
But they would honestly adore you so much because you take care of their hyung and them so well
Appreciate all the little things you do for them
you coming over to cook a home cooked meal for them during comeback season.
Making lemon tea for them because it helps with the throat and they have a recording tomorrow
Even doing their laundry for them because they are too busy to do so
Showing up at big hit with your own baked goods like cookies or cupcakes and coffee
they love you so much and they know seokjin does too
Because he is definitely the type to show you off
at the start, he would maybe try to limit the PDA, especially when in front of family or the boys
Like he would only keep a hand on your back and sometimes he would hold your hand while walking
And on really rare days, he would put his arm around you
But after a while, he wouldn’t care anymore
He would basically be by your side, kissing & hugging you whenever, cuddling, backhugging  
Kisses on your forehead, cheeks, eyelids, nose, lips, head... just EVERYWHERE
Constantly craves your attention
would playfully whine “jagiyaaaaa” or shout “yah!” if your attention wasn’t on him
Contented sighs when you are in his arms
Would give you assuring taps on your hair, back rubs, massages
Which would turn into tickle fights
And I’m sorry but like I can definitely see him screaming “babe, im horny!” just randomly at the dorm
The boys would probably burst out laughing and scream: ”hYUNG!” the first time round
But as time passes, they wouldn’t even blink
He’s all into PDA
Would just kiss you randomly and spontaneously no matter when or where
Whether it be when you are just walking, on your phone, cooking, talking, sleeping
He just loves being close to you
And it’s honestly friggin adorable
His shoulders will be your safe haven
I’m not much of a shoulder person
But I’d imagine his to be so comfortable
Like you’d probably be lying on it 90% of the time
Whether it be on dates, in bed, while walking...
and he would die for it
speaking of dates, Dates with him would honestly be so fun
I can see him bringing you on vacation in exotic counties for your anniversary
Because he says that you both deserve it
The kind of guy who would prepare and plan everything
And each date would be unique: visiting museums, theme parks, going for a picnic, bowling, karaoke, movies
Cafe hopping or food dates where you both just go from place to place and eat to your hearts content
You guys would visit all types of restaurants, whether it be roadside stalls, 5 star restaurants, those hidden gems in alleyways
Sooner or later, you would have eaten at every single restaurant there is in Seoul
And knowing how romantic he is, he’d probably leave a mark of both of you whenever he can
Or take polaroid pictures at every date
Road trips!!!
Where you both have long drives with music blasting; Seokjin screaming lyrics or humming songs
and his hand would be either holding yours or on you thigh
But there will also be lazy dates where you both just cuddle at home and make out or build forts and chill in your ugliest PJs
You would most definitely end up in his clothes because he’s a sucker for you looking so damn cute in them
Seokjin, the kind of boyfriend who you can just spill everything and anything to
He is both the start and end of your day
Even if it’s the littlest things like what you had for lunch, he’d still listen to you as if it was the most important thing in the world
He’d even give you advice on your worries or doubts and would help you in whatever he can
honestly the worlds best listener
he’d undoubtedly be your best friend
Who can read you like an open book
And on the saddest days where you don’t even know where to start talking
He’d just know by how you look
And would hug you and give you cuddles while whispering over and over again how much he loves you until you feel like talking
Or tells you his dad jokes in hopes to get a laugh out of you
Or when he’s not next to you
He’d FaceTime you and show you Odengie and Eomukie
“Eomma is sad today babies, let’s cheer her up”
Or he’d babble about his day
Or or he’d sing and play guitar
And that’s honestly the biggest blessings to your ears
Kim seokjin singing just for you
Like imagine that angelic voice before bed
Or coming from the bathroom
Your relationship would honestly be so beautiful and loving
Every memory is documented by polaroids which you both would keep in your secret box
And Kim Seokjin that spectacular man would be so supportive and loving and amazing that he will keep you wondering if you saved a kingdom in your past life
Because you feel like you do not deserve him
He’s every I love you whisper, every Polaroid picture, every inside joke, every slow dance, every laughter, every tear (mainly happy ones), every hug and every kiss
He’s everything you ever wanted and he’s there
Yours. Completely and utterly yours.
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astraea-writes · 7 years
To Kiss A Girl- Davey Jacobs x Reader
alright so i guess im just gonna post davey fics until ben fankhauser falls in love with me??
requested by anon, so sorry for the delay! these go alongside my college headcanons from the other day, and i most definitely am going to rewrite this in the future with better structuring, but i wanted to get this out asap!
please listen to "to Kiss a Girl" when you read bc itll make so much more sense i promise
as always my inbox is always open
warnings: drinking
Hey! Y/N! Get a pape from your favorite newsie?" Jack yelled from across the quad. You laughed and made your way towards him. winter break was over, and today was the first day of the last quarter of the school year. Your last class of the day had just gotten out, and you were already exhausted from the amount of work you knew you'd have before this year was out. "Katherine's still got you passing out the school newspaper for her?" you asked, taking the paper and sliding it into your bag. "My girl just made rising editor in chief for next year" he beamed, and you smiled at how in love with her he was. You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts, however, when you felt an arm wrap around your waist and turned to see Davey. "Hey, study night at the library?" He asked and when you nodded he dropped his arm and blushed at the instinctive contact. It was a common occurrence for the two of you to spend countless days studying and talking while the rest of your gang was out getting into trouble somehow. Jack chuckled at the awkward exchange. "Well well, if it ain't the other half of the loveboids" he greeted Davey, winking and slugging him on the shoulder. You rolled your eyes. "Shouldn't you be off fawning over Katherine like a lost puppy somewhere?" you teased and Jack playfully shoved you. " ah come on, you two knows there's something goin on here! You twos have even kissed!" He accused, waving his hands around wildly, gesturing to the small space between you and your best friend. You couldn't help but look down and smile at the memory, but you quickly recovered as Davey went still. "It was New Years, Jack. And I seem to recall you getting us tipsy on champagne, and then pushing me into him as the ball dropped" "I elped a little, but you twos were the one who did it!" He protested. You smiled and shook your head. "I know there's no point to arguing with ya, even if I'm right, so I'm just gonna leave now" you laughed. Jack smirked at the glare Davey gave him and you pulled him away before he could get too annoyed. "Sorry i wasn't much help back there" he muttered once you were out of Jacks hearing range. "Don't worry about it. I can take care of myself" you laughed. The rest of the walk was full of conversation about how Davey finally got to see Les during winter break and your crazy family stories. The two of you instinctively made your way to your table, in the back of the library by the law books no one ever needed so no one would bother you. You hadn't even bothered to stop at your dorm and grab any textbooks, you knew that you and Davey would probably wind up talking so much that nothing would get done-it was rare for the two of you to have been apart for this long. "Why'd you want to study?" you asked as Davey pulled out his laptop. "Have you even been assigned anything yet?" "No" he admitted, "Im just stressed. You know how I took that music composition class last semester?" You nodded and he continued "well our final project was to write a full length song but our class was struggling so much that the professor gave us winter break to finish it. But now, I have to perform it in a week and it's no where near good enough" You laughed as he ranted. "Davey, you're an amazing writer. I'm sure it's amazing, even though you refuse to let me hear it." He shook his head. "There's no way you're hearing it" "at least play it for me then?" You countered, and knowing that you wouldn't stop until he did, Davey slowly got up and made his way towards the piano in the lounge of the library, where students were free to relax and play anything they wanted. He sat down and began to play the most beautiful melody you had ever heard. You stared at him as his hands moved all over the keys and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You thought back to what Jack had said, about New Years Eve.
You and the gang of boys Davey and Jack had gathered had decided to go home for Hanukkah and Christmas, but come back to school for a New Years Party to end all New Years Parties (according to Spot Conlon). You had showed up to a pretty little club to find the boys drinking like no tomorrow, save for Davey who was in the corner waiting for you. As the two of you spent the night in conversation, Jack got more antsy as the night went on, telling the both of you that tonight was the time to finally get together about every twenty minutes, and the two of you had rolled your eyes and laughed his drunken shpeals off each time. Two minutes to midnight he had pressed glasses of champagne and probably something else into your and Daveys hands, and pushed the two of you together. You fell into Davey and his hand went to the small of your back as your hand grabbed his shoulder for support. Taking a sip of champagne and setting the glasses down, the two of you maintained eye contact, still pressed against each other. You couldn't speak, mesmerized by his eyes, by the way he was looking at you like you were the only person in the room. As Jack screamed the countdown, you decided to screw it and quickly pressed your lips to his. It was only for a moment, a single kiss, but he kissed you back and you felt every firework and sparkle that had been promised to you by corny love songs and cliche movies. The Newsies yelled and cheered once the two of you pulled away, staring at each other like you were meeting for the first time. Once the boys finally dispersed to go and taunt Jack and Katherine, who were very publicly making out in the middle of the dance floor, you turned to go with them, but Davey grabbed your hand and pulled you back to his chest. Before you could ask what was wrong, he cupped his hands around your face and kissed you. The two of you stayed like that, kissing painfully slowly, lips moving together in perfect sync, knowing that once you pulled away this would all end. After several minutes you had to break the kiss, and when your eyes met there was absolutely no denying that you were in love with this boy and always had been.
But you hadn't done anything about it. Davey walked you to your dorm, made sure you got to your bed safely, and left. When you woke up the next morning, there was a glass of water and an aspirin on your desk and a text message on your phone from Davey, apologizing for leaving so soon but he had to catch his train back home, and apologizing for last night. You had stayed in bed, silent tears moving down your face, because the boy you loved was sorry he kissed you and there was nothing you could do about it. "Y/N?" Daveys voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and quickly wiped away a tear you hadn't realized was forming. "Sorry," you laughed softly. "Just, God, Davey, that was beautiful. So so beautiful" He blushed and thanked you, quickly walking back to your table. "So when do I get to hear the actual lyrics??" you asked slyly. "Never." He responded flatly. "Come onnnn Davey, Im your best friend" you pouted, making him laugh. "Its just, personal, okay?" he said defensively. "Mm hmm, okay. But there's nothing that you can't write amazingly, and nothing you can't sing because I have 100% heard you singing in the shower so there's no denying that Davey Jacobs. And if you don't want me to listen to it, then fine, but nothing is going to change the fact that it's probably already my most favorite song ever" you told him sincerely, and he blushed, still not used to your compliments after years of friendship.
But it really wasn't fine. Because you couldn't let it go.
"Okay just tell me what it's about" you begged, lying upside down on Jacks bed as Davey cleaned up his side of the room. "Nope" he smirked and you groaned in agony. "Davey come on there's nothing I don't know about you" "You don't know what I'm gonna sing" he laughed and you threw one of Jacks pillows at his head. "Davey come on I'm literally dying. Is it about me? About Jack? About your hidden love for girly Starbucks drinks?" you jokingly guessed, standing in line at your local Starbucks. Davey recited both of your orders and then turned back to glare at you. "Y/N I'm seriously not telling you. It's personal and stupid and once I get my grade I'm never speaking of it again, okay?" he sighed as the two of you walked to class. "That makes me incredibly sad because I know everything you do is ridiculously amazing" you smiled, and he only rolled his eyes.
After a week of begging and unsuccessfully bribing, Davey's performance day was here and you still weren't even told where it would be. That was, until Jack came pounding on your door. "Y/N! So a friend of Katherine's is in Daveys music class and a friend of hers is the stage manager for the theatre they're using and if we go right now then we can get there in time to sneak in!" he yelled, and you had barely grabbed your coat before you were out the door. Jack was the only person as impatient as you, and Daveys secrecy had been driving him crazy as well. The two of you made it to the school theater in record time, sneaking in to the back entrance that had been left open for you. You two made your way to the back of the house, and ducked into the last row of seats as Daveys name was called. He shyly walked up to the piano, and began to play the melody you had heard just the week before. His face slowly relaxed as he calmed his nerves, and hesitantly he began to sing. You were immediately stunned. His voice was pure and perfect, echoing off the walls. And then he got to the chorus. You felt Jacks eyes land on you, but you couldn't look away from Davey. Was he really singing about you? Could he really have felt the same way? You barely blinked, smiling wider than you thought possible, tears pooling in your eyes. And right before the final chorus, Davey turned to look out into the crowd and your eyes met. With a mix of both fear and confidence that only he could have, he belted out the final notes, and as he finished the song, you ran up to the bottom of the stage as the professors and the rest of the class burst into applause, Jack cheering the loudest. Davey made his way down to you from the stage, and all of his embarrassment melted away as he saw the look in your eyes. He ran up to you and you didn't hesitate to grab his collar and pull him into you, kissing him like you had been waiting to for so long. His hands wrapped around your waist and he deepened the kiss, the applause growing even stronger. There was no countdown or champagne, but you knew this was a new beginning for the both of you.
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