#shoutout to those who can make multiple fankids of the same pairing and perfect their designs-im envious of you/pos
tullecake · 2 months
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My bunch of sonadow fankids!! Except the only one still technically alive is Sony- Woops From left to right, we have Dudley, Vacare, Elegy, Ferox, Pertinax, and then Sonus/Sony!
A little bit of a loredrop for this AU of mine, (as explained briefly in Sony's original post) he comes from ~500 years in the future, made as a lab creation by a descendant of Dr.Eggman called "Ego". Before Sonus, there were 5 others, who didn't survive for one reason or another (I'll definitely make posts in the future explaining the specifics of each of them)
The sort of "code names" under their names are their identification terms; the "PM" in it standing for "Project Martyr", followed by the number they were made in. So Sony was Project Martyr's 6th attempt Project Martyr and "Ego" will definitely get their own post explaining, but for now, here's the Martyrs' designs :D
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