#shoutout that lesbian she/they era i had that was awesome
konstya · 2 months
shoutout chappel roan lesbian sarah would’ve loved you
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abundantchewtoys · 7 years
RE: Hiveswap '17-09-15 - JoeysRoomStuck
So, second night of playing Hiveswap!
I doubt the start menu will change background now that we've started playing.
Hmm, there is a difference though! After changing the settings to a bigger resolution, there was a big black edge around the screen, but tonight it fills the entire monitor!
Let's start!
N'aww, Ms. Claire was already a fine ballerina at around Joey's age! Shared interest!
So it seems her Mom isn't just a club singer, but she might be a multi-disciplined artist, which brings to mind Grandpa's over-diversified career.
I wonder if one of these books becomes relevant later on and spurs a different reaction than the one about BOOK REPORTs?
OOh, one of Joey's plushes is from the Snorkle series, heheh. Good times.
Her bed is well kept. Joey confirmed for Prospit dreamer! :P
Heheheh, the text regarding the bed is absurdly detailed, which makes me assume we'll definitely be getting a comment later on from Dammek about the same object, him not understanding what it's for. Or on Alternia, Joey might have the same reaction to Dammek's sleep spot (recuperacoon, Blaperile reminds me).
Hahahah, the plush on her bed has its own jingle, like the oven. Fake popular merch FTW! "Puppy Surprise", huh? Makes me think of a Fiduspawn. ... D'ah, Blaperile looked it up - it's actually REAL!! Dear god, or, dog, I suppose. So that's why there's an eye symbol on hovering over it, there's more to it than meets the eye!
"Puppy Surprise is having puppies!" -->
Oh dear god this is too disturbing. They selled this to KIDS? Nineties, just. Why?
Also, WHAT THE FRICK, THE CHERUB KEY IS HERE? IN HER ROOM? That's awfully convenient. And there's a different key here too. For a locker close by?
I wouldn't be surprised if this "thoughtful" gift came from Mom. Roxy. The sitter. You know who.
"some kid from school" Joey no, what are you doing, having a life outside of your house. Stop that, it's not Homestucky.
"Maybe you 'Five Puppy People' are just cut from a different cloth" The cloth being paradoxical ectoslime in this case. Well, second-generation slime, at least.
The little key's her DIARY KEY, ooh. What secrets does it lock away, I wonder? First namedrop of Jude, and confirmation he kind be big baby about things. No surprise here.
But wait! She then says the cherub key used to belong to her MOM??? Uhm. I just had the most awkward vision. Joey travelling back into time to become her own Mom, the key turning out to be a juju this way... But then, where would Jude fit into all this? Not that I really want to believe in this theory, but it would be awfully Homestucky.
I like Blaperile's theory better: the key originated on Alternia, and was brought along by the Condesce, making it so that the key is just in two places at once due to it being two different times on its own timeline! Would be neat if the same would hold for the cherub portal, as I think has been speculated before.
Joey's "inexplicable feeling" to maybe be needing the cherub key later on, is of course, plot. Plot is why.
Joey starts listing similarities to and differences to Clarissa's life, who I assume is part of a 90s soap. Then she mentions that Clarissa had a cool friend who is a boy but NOT her boyfriend! This might just be a reference to there being numerous times in that series that there's a "he's not my boyfriend" being shouted, but... I have to wonder whether maybe Joey has a boyfriend! Ya know, if Xefros is Dammek's "bro", as in moirail or something similar, than maybe Dammek also has a matesprit which Joey'll meet! To keep things similar on both ends.
Ooh, looking it up, it turns out Clarissa is a British series airing on Nickelodeon, I would have assumed it's American!
The "JUNIOR VETERINARIAN MEDKIT" reminds me of something. Maybe Jade had a junior something or other item, or maybe I'm just thinking of the echeladder rungs.
The closet prompts the command "CHANGE"!!! Maybe it's a dud, but ooooooh boy! I like Blaperile's theory, she going something like "you changed into new clothes. it's not obvious since all you've got is more sets of the same clothes, but the old ones you changed out of were sweaty so..."
Heheh, Joey wonders how Clarissa succeeds in looking great all the time. That time before you fully realize the work going into setting up the Plato cave that is fictional settings...
Pfffff, okay, Joey doesn't want to change until she has someone to do a style montage with. I suspect she and Xefros might have one then, when disguising her as a troll. Trying out all kinds of fake horn styles.
Ah come on, the reason Joey wants to be a veterinarian (or part of it) is that she wants to snuggle baby animals. Really, who can blame her?
.... The MANTHRO CHAP though. It gives us not one but TWO Homestuck references! One to "what a daring dream", and one to humanimals! I (sh)udder to think what reactions this might spur in people looking up the source for this quote for the first time, hahahaha!
Blaperile and I have acknowledged the PC and walkie talkie but we'll be leaving it for later, in case it's plot relevant.
On to the other side of her room! All these neat posters, a closet door missing a handle (or maybe it's a sliding door), and the first sight of the tree house and her family pictures! Cooooool.
All these posters featuring games and books. "THE STORY KEEPS HAPPENING" PFFFFFFFF. NEVERENDING STORY, I MEAN, A COMPLETELY UNRELATED STORY, COPYRIGHT-FREE AND STUFF, HAHAH. "It keeps happening" is such a thing that is real about that story though!
And a Mother 2 *cough* I mean "Second Mom" poster, hahaahahahahah! Such a relief that parody can be considered exempt from some copyright claims, so that we can have these awesome shoutouts to inspirations to Homestuck, and to cultural significant properties from the nineties!
I'm acknowledging "Acorn's Shadow" for the Homestuck reference posing as a My Little Pony reference.
What's up with the lesbian-lite dancing poster and furry anthros up there, though?
Is Canadian Campfire Spookums a standin for Goosebumps, I wonder?
Loving the Jenga and Four-On-A-Row games. And Hungy Hungry Pickle Inspectors, I mean Hippos. I wouldn't be surprised if that console (SNES?) was a gift from the sitter too!
Joey starts listing her console games, but stops after one, due to it being nausea inducing. A bad game I suppose. Hah, okay, Bobsy the bobcat, which I came across recently, maybe on Tumblr. It's on one of the posters with its mouth taped by a sticker with SHH written on it, hahah. Guilty pleasure, maybe?
Hah, so Joey's part computer gamer, part console gamer? Guess we know what the PC will usher from response! Also, meta reference, this being a computer game too! Pffff, Blaperile has a point about the FINAL BOSS she just saved before (causing her to choose not to play at the moment)! It's bound to be a Problem Sleuth reference!
Ahahahah, the television shows a clip from the Bubsy game, and Joey has a BLUH reaction to it!
Hah, so there's a kid at Joey's school claiming to have access to Second Mom in secret. Sounds like typical for Earthbound in the 90s. I can't help but wonder if it could be young Bro, though that would make him not as old as Mom, hmm... Nahhh, probably not.
... Okay, so Joey is officially traumatized by Bubsy, turning a once cherished childhood figure into a nightmare. I wonder why she hasn't parted with the poster and game then, though.
... Ah. So what I thought was an inspector with a cheese for a head is actually the Tetris standin, BLOCK HUSTLE, hahaahahah. Only a team that's tuned to Andrew's thought pattern and sense of humour can make Tetris this grisly and at the same time hilarious.
Ginger Rogers is Joey's tap dance idol. A blues-era glamourous figure, like her Mom! "and still kicking!" Well, back then, but I don't suppose in the present... *checks* Nooope! :/
Ooooh, the "anthro" poster I thought, turns out to be a Metroid poster, hahah! "The Bounty Hunter". So the white dragon must be Ridley's standin! She (the bounty hunter) kind of looks like a Power Rangers MegaZord, haahah.
PFfffffff, looking at the poster to the Neverending Story gives a reference to the Childlike Empress looking pretty smug for someone who basically has just a small role. Kind of what Trizza will turn out to be, I wonder? (The Childlike Heiress.)
Ah, so Blaperile is right. Hot Stepping = Dirty Dancing.
Hah, so Acorn's Shadow is a dark television show. Now we know what business Bro was in besides smuppets!
The poster of a deer made me think of Bambi, but it's about an anime that caters to Joey's veterinarian side, while also calling forward to when she and Xefros ride Dammek's lusus (at least in concept art)! The long title is typically Japanese... And kind of exactly like what Dammek's favorite shows might be called, come to think of it! He'd love this.
Blaperile points out that Shika has the appearance of a combination of Nepeta and Sailor Moon, which is hilarious since whatever Nepeta did to wounded animals, you can't call it "healing".
We took another gander at the ceiling, and saw that the stars and compass symbol solicit different responses from Joey! Apparently her sitter made her shirt for her, after the symbol her Mom painted on the ceiling! Guess you could say her sitter kind of functions as her *shades* Second Mom.
Looking closer at the cabinet... Next to the diary and photographs, my eye is pulled to the four-color pen! Ah yes, it's one of the first gifts I remember receiving. I had to watch over class as a grade schooler, and the kids went and gave me stuff, to get on my good side, I guess? But I had none of it. :P
Hmm, we learn that Grandpa started leaving her and Jude alone more and more after her Mom passed away. (At least, I guess she passed away.) I wonder in what way Ms. Claire was a "blue beauty", was it just how she dressed, and how it might have been her favorite colour (think of the ceiling)... Or did she suffer from depressions?
... :( The second picture illicits even more of a depressing reaction from Joey. "You really wish you knew".
The diary seems to have an animal or African theme. Pawprints and what look like bird silhouettes, together with colored bands.
We get the chance to write something down in the diary, something for Dammek to read later on, I believe!
Before unlocking the diary, we try to combine the keys with EACH OTHER... "But it fails". Hahah, hilarious response.
Using the Cherub Key on the diary. "Was worth a shot, you guess. Well, not really."
Tap dancing the diary open? Also impossible. :P Hah! "Tap dancing it off the table", though. Now there's something to imagine!
We keep the key on unlocking the diary!
So she hasn't recorded anything since October 25th, heheh. And before that, the first entry was before "last summer"! ... Her comments about Mom (not hers) and Grandpa's "adulting skills", and about missing Mom (hers) are so sad though. Sitter means well enough, but yeah, just like with raising Rose, she leaves a lot to be desired. And Grandpa... I wonder if he just doesn't feel adequate to parent them, or if Joey reminds him too much of Ms Claire? At least we get confirmation that Grandpa "just" came by a couple of weeks ago. It hasn't been years, I suppose that's all that can be said here. I guess Nanna and Dad really were the only decent parents in Homestuck. (Human ones, I mean.)
Okay, I just got these things from reading the picture, now to actually read the narration it prompts by clicking on the diary!
Joey writes in all lower caps, like John, hahah! (As opposed to the capitalized text in the picture, pffff.)
... She has no friends but the people she knows through Jude :( and even then only online. Eeeeesh. Okay, scratch the boyfriend theory! The kids at school (including gamer dude) don't believe her gamer creds, and she thinks they might be evil! Well, if she goes to school in Hauntswitch, who knows! I like that all entries are on Homestuck dates.
There's a surprisingly LARGE number of references to things from Homestuck in her room, after all!
After writing the entry that Dammek'll probably find, she hides the key again. If she put it back into the Puppy Surprise, I think it's there to stay this time. Until Dammek.
Blaperile had the bright idea of trying the shoes on the photos. Tesseract is scared of tapdancing. :( N'awww.
Yeah, I think we're about ready to fall face first into the massive pile of combinatory explosion. It shivers me timbers that there's even background info to be got from here, though. :DIARY
We'll reload from a previous save file to get the DIARY KEY back, first, though.
N'aww, using the DIARY KEY on Mom's picture. :(
Hehehe, she doesn't remember when exactly she got the CHERUB KEY. She has a good point about it being weird to be fourteen. At that young age, you've already lost a lot of memories of your earlier years. Of course, that trend continues into adulthood, just less profoundly.
... So, she didn't get the key from Mom in person, just from her jewelry box. The one visible in some of the concept art, I suppose. Hmm, Blaperile has a good point, there's no telling whether it wasn't Grandpa that put it in there, after all.
Wow, just like I thought, Mom was a prolific dancer. I don't know what style bolero and dance improvisation are.
Combining the shoes with the keys give as much of coherent responses as can be expected. :P
Second night, and we've... well, we got to the second part of Joey's bedroom.
That accounts for something, right? Ahahahah.
Yeah, this game will take AGES. Beautiful and beautiful ages.
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