#shoutos LAUGHING SO H A R D
suggiebabe · 4 years
Some MHA Boys Reacting to Walking in on You Changing
A/N: HEY GUYS! Its that time of the night again where I am here to write,,, This thought came to me earlier in the day and I was like “oooooooo juicy” I don’t consider this NSFW, cause, well, I just don’t lol its more of the boys being flustered than uhm... that stuff! (Lets do a lot just bc)
Pairings: Bakugou, Tamaki, Shouto, Deku, Kaminari, Kirishima x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, n Shy Boys
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You both agreed to have a study session in your room since you needed help with math (My Bakugou headcanons are always with him studying, I have no idea why)
After coming back to the dorms when school let out, you decided that it was best if you changed into more comfy clothes
As you were changing, you heard two hard knocks on the door, and as you turned around you saw the blond headed boy open the door
Your eyes widened and the both of you turned red immediately 
He shuts the door SO FAST
You quickly finish changing and then yelled for him to come back inside
He came in with caution, and as soon as he saw you were completely dressed, he slammed the door shut behind him
“Why don’t you lock your door, dumbass?!” he asked avoiding your eyes as he walked to your desk
“Why do you just walk into peoples rooms?!” you asked as you sat in front of him
The blush on both of y’alls cheeks was still very prominent, and you both avoided eye contact as much as possible
Throughout the study session, it was very awkward, and you just couldn’t stand it anymore
“Bakugou, stop being weird about it! Just because you saw me without pants doesn’t mean we should act any different!” you said staring at him
A scowl appeared on his face as he looked up at you, ” You’re the one making it awkward! I’m not doing shit!”
You both argued a little over the topic, but thankfully, everything seemed to settle back into place
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You both decided it would be fun to try out a new recipe after school because it would help give him something interesting for his quirk
Tamaki was unsure if he should go to your dorm to pick you up, or if he should just wait for you in the kitchen
He decided on going to your dorm, just to play it safe
When he reached your door, he knocked quietly, and opened it
He was so quiet you failed to hear him, and right as he opened your door, your shirt fell on the floor, and as you went to pick it up, you saw Tamaki standing at your door intensely shaking
“T-Tamaki?!” You said as you put your arms over your body, blush creeping on your cheeks
“I-I-I-I I’M SORRY, I REALLY DIDN’T MEAN TO!” he said frantically as he shakily reached for the door to get out of there as soon as possible
Once he reached it, he closed it quickly and stood outside of your dorm still shaking pretty bad
After you finished changing, you went outside to see him staring into the wall that was next to your door
“Tamaki?” your voice made him jump, and he turned to look at you
“Y-yes Y/N?”
“Um, lets just forget that happened, yeah? C’mon lets go cook some squid!” You said trying to make him feel better about the situation
“Y-yeah ok...” he said, slowly turning and starting to walk towards the kitchen area, you giggled at how cute he was
Throughout the cooking session, you tried to make him feel better by cracking jokes, and keeping him busy. It worked pretty well!
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Shouto hadn’t been at school in a couple of days due to having a fever, so when he asked if he could borrow your notes to copy, you agreed happily
That was earlier today, so he was done by now, and thought he should return your notes
In your room, you decided you were going to have a you day, so you were going to change into some comfy clothes and watch some movies while doing face masks
As you were changing, there was a knock on your door, but it was so light, you barely heard it
When Shouto walked into your room, he practically jumped out, and slammed the door. His face was BURNING, and not because of his fire side
You were confused, so you finished changing, and went outside to see who it was, and that’s when you saw Shouto with the most red blush on his face you’d ever seen.
“H-hey Y/N, I just wanted to return your notes, ThanksForLendingThemToMe!” He said, and walked away quickly
That’s when it hit you, Shouto saw you with your shirt off
Your face started to heat up as you closed the door
The next day at school he avoided you like the plague, which made you a little sad
At lunch you approached him and when you made eye contact with him he started blushing again, and tried to leave
“Shouto, stop freaking out over seeing me without a shirt! You’re just going to make things awkward, I already forgave you for it!”
He looked at you for a little while before muttering a small “alright”
You smiled and grabbed his arm and went to sit down with the rest of your group
He was still a little flustered when talking to you, but he got over it about 3-4 days later
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You and Izuku had agreed to walk to school the next morning since you both had to go get some work done on your costumes
As you were getting ready for the school day, you heard a knock on the door, and the voice of the green haired boy
“Hey Y/N, are you almost rea-!!” he stopped mid sentence when he saw you standing in front of him without a shirt on
You stared at the door that was wide open with the boy staring straight at you
Blush spread rapidly over your cheeks, and you covered yourself with your arms
Words immediately started pouring out of this boy, some you couldn’t even understand
“Y/N IAM S-S-SO SORRY, AGHHH! I THOUGHTYOUWERE R-READY ALREADY!” he was a stuttering mess, and he had his hands over his face
He stood at your door, continuing to spew out a jumble of apologies
“D-Deku! Get out!” you yelled at him
“OH, R-RIGHT!” he turned around quickly and shut the door with a loud slam
You quickly put the rest of your uniform on and met him outside
“I-I really didn’t mean to Y/N, I am so sorry!..” you could hear the guilt in his voice and it made you feel even more flustered
“It’s totally fine! Accidents happen right? L-Let’s just forget about it!” 
The walk was pretty quiet from then on, both of your minds going crazy
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It was your birthday, and of course Kirishima wanted to surprise you with a gift at 12 am sharp
He completely expected you to be asleep when he slammed your door open
What he did not expect was for you to be wide awake with your pants bunched up at your feet
He completely froze in place
As you turned to look at him, you could clearly see the panic in his eyes
When you realized what had just happened, blush crept onto your cheeks rather quickly 
“Kirishima.. Please close the door..” you said quietly, it came out as more of a whisper
“Oh. Yeah. Right.” he said as he slowly closed the door 
As soon as he closed the door, the shock completely left both of your bodies, and that’s when the both of you started FREAKING OUT
You finished changing, and went to meet him outside your dorm
“(Y/N) I DID NOT MEAN TO WALK IN ON YOU CHANGING! I AM SO SORRY, AGH THIS IS SO UNMANLY” he said while holding his head in his hands
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his struggle, “Kirishima! Its- pfft- its totally okay! hahaha” you said between laughing fits
He looked down at his gift, and remembered what he was there for, and quickly shoved the gift into your hands, “Sorry that was the first thing to happen to you on your birthday... but I hope this can make up for it..”
You took the gift and pulled him into your room
This was gonna be a fun day
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A/N: hey guys, I’ve been posting very little, MY BAD!!! I’ve been having to deal with some school stuff so I was a lil busy, but I hope I can post more now!!
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ladyblastexecution · 4 years
-`Babysitting Hc’-  |Todoroki & Bakugou|
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✧ Todoroki sat on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through his phone, but only halfway paying attention to it, the other half of his focus was aimed to look after the boy that was sitting on the floor, in between his knees and leaning on the couch.
✧ The Movie that was playing out for him wasn’t interesting at all to his adult mind, but it seemed to work on your 2 y.o nephew, who seemed hypnotized by the bright colors and upbeat music.
✧ Shouto was aware of your shuffling in the kitchen. You were in charge of food, while he was supposed to keep Ren from doing any mess.
✧ When he got to your house that day, he found not only you, looking disheveled but also a blur of legs and arms, running around your coffee table. Todoroki considered just leaving, just in case he was more of a bother than a helping hand, but after you laughed and reassured him, that he was welcomed to stay if he liked, he was inside and already being eyed by the kid.
✧ Ren suddenly became still, intimidated by the presence of a stranger in his aunt’s house, and stood as far away as possible hiding behind your legs when you called him over to say hi.
✧ The minutes went by, and Todoroki noticed how Ren’s behaviors changed towards him, no longer intimidated, and with curiosity fueling his actions, the boy sent side glances at Todoroki, while he played with his toy cars, slowly getting them closer and closer to where Todoroki sat.
✧ Once he was close enough, Ren finally opened his mouth and talked to him  for the first time
✧ “Bwliffi...” His voice was hushed, almost hesitant, and the slur on it made it difficult for Todoroki to understand what he wanted.
✧ “Excuse me?” He questioned, trying to smile softly to not make him uncomfortable. Ren stuck his index finger in his mouth and chew on it, while pointing at the T.V with his free hand. His head was hanging low, as if Todoroki was already rejecting him.
✧”He means Cliffie, as in the movie! Could you please play it for him?” Your voice came through the hall separating the living room and the kitchen.
✧ Todoroki never saw a kid beam up at him as radiantly as your nephew right there, a small dimple showing on his cheek and eyes filled with excitement.
✧Almost fifteen minutes later, with Ren still sitting in between his knees, he saw him yawn and rub his eyes, trying to battle the sleepiness.
✧Todoroki felt a tug on his pants and looked down to find Ren’s hands extended towards him, silently asking Shoto to pick him up.
✧Effortlessly, he grabbed Ren on his arms and allowed him to lean his head on his shoulder, forearms serving as a chair for him, little legs danging around Todoroki’s torso.
✧ The even breathing of the hero lulled the chi into sleep, and Shoto felt his body get heavy as well.
✧He leaned his head back, resting it against the backside of the couch and close his eyes for a second. Drifting into a light slumber.
✧ The second you set a foot inside the livingroom, mouth already open to call the boys over to eat, you froze because the tender image displaying only for your eyes.
✧ Shouto’s body had shifted while he slept, and now he laid on his back. One arm supported his head, and acted as a pillow, while the other was resting on Ren’s back, who now was sprawled across his chest, thumb inside his mouth, and a little drool sliding down the corner of his mouth.
✧At the edge of having a diabetic attack, you grabbed a blanket and covered them up, holding your breath as Shouto stirred by the sudden weight on his legs, but when he didn’t open up his eyes, you sighed and turned around, headed towards the kitchen to put the food on the fridge. Dinner could wait.
✧Only one step. That was all you could do, before Something warmed wrapped around your wrist.
✧You looked down, and a pair of mismatched irises were already staring at you. Shouto’s half-lidded eyes seem to shine under the dim light and you smiled tenderly.
✧”Keep sleeping baby, I’ll be back for you in a little while.”
✧Shouto didn’t respond, and you took it as your cue to leave, but when you turned around, he pulled harder. Bringing you down on the couch.
✧while you laid by his side, he trapped you with a powerful arm around your waist, and his leg on top of yours. Ren seemed unfazed by the conmotion and was still soundly sleeping.
✧Silence filled the room, and only your calm breathing could be heard above it, until Shouto Spoke.
✧”Can he call me uncle?”
☽ The least thing he wanted was to stand watch as a small babbling bundle played in its crate, drooling on its toys and filling the room with annoying nonsense.
☽ He couldn’t understand why he was there in the first place, why would he want to help you babysit your baby cousin as your aunt was called on a last-minute trip. But then he remembered he could never refuse when you asked something with the biggest puppy eyes and a damn cute pout.
☽ So there he was, stuck in the corner, piercing daggers at the crate, seeming like he was expecting a villain to pop out of it in any second. And to make matters worse, you left them alone to get some nasty diapers.
☽ He watched your little cousin lift a small truck in the air and beam at it. Sighing, he crossed his arms glanced out the window, trying to see if you were even lose to entering through the door, but the sound of a smack interrupted him.
☽ The baby was still in the same position, except for the detail of her hands now empty, the bright blue truck laying on its side at her feet. Her face seemed shocked, with her bright gigantic eyes wide.
☽ Bakugou held his breath as he connected the dots, dreading what was about to come.
☽ The pained cry made him grimace, letting a string of courses he had no business letting out in front of a child.
☽ He was stunned for a second too long, frozen still as the baby wailed and rubbed her reddened forehead.
☽ Shit, shit shit shit shit.
☽ He rushed to the crib and tried to smile reassuringly down at her, too afraid to even touch the kid. She was too small and delicate, and even the slightlest presure might hurt her.
☽ The baby looked up and only cried harder, eyes squeezed shut and with her shoulders slumped down.
☽ The panic he felt was something he never expected, especially since, as a hero, he was used to wails and cry on his ears. But at that moment, sweat trailed down his back, and his hands turned cold.
☽ Bakugou shuffled from one side to the other, trying to decipher what to do. If you came back and found out that scene he was never going to hear the end of it.
☽ Taking a big deep breath to calm his nerves, Katsuki leaned over, but this time he took your cousin by her armpits, and lifted her body up, cradling her head against his shoulders, patting gently on her back.
☽ The slow rocking, back and forth he was doing was working like a charm, and the full out screams, were now turning to sniffles.
☽ A small hand found its way into the ends of his hair, and a soft pull made him turn to look at the baby. Her nose was pink as well as her eyes, but it was endearing. Would his kid look at him in the same way?
☽ Bakugo choked at the thought. Never in his life he wanted a baby, and fantasizing about them was something he found stupid. Whenever the kids conversation popped up he was most likely rolling his eyes or grimacing at the thought of having to change diapers.
☽ But the gentle huffs of breath, slow and deep that brushed his neck warmed his chest and soothed his nerves. If this was the effect someone else’s kid had on him, then maybe one or two of his own wouldn’t hurt...
☽ Your cousin’s little fingers were still tugging gently at his hair. But her eyes were drowsy, the blinks getting slower and slower.
☽ Bakugo hummed, without noticing, readjusting his hold on the baby to make her feel comftrable and continued to sway on his feet, turning to look out the window where the midday sun was descending.
☽ From the outside, nobody could’ve guessed the change of heart he had. His brows were still slightly furrowed, and his mouth was set in a straight line. But when you entered the apartment, arms filled of bags, you could see it.
☽ Even if his face was showing nothing, the way his thumb stroke the soft tuff of hair at the top of your cousin’s hair was a dead giveaway
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chococustard · 4 years
i'm gonna be brave and not send this anonymously and also sorry in advance because this is VERY long 😅
hiiiii!!! i just got through (i'm pretty sure) the ENTIRE lovechild au tag and oh my g o s h do i LOVE IT. i rarely like abo aus but this????? amazing!!!
your character design is BRILLIANT and i absolutely a d o r e your art style, it's so freaking pretty!!!! everyone's BEAUTIFUL. also, i just can't get over just how freaking beautiful you draw girls???? like, the way you draw boys is great too, they're so, so, so, SO pretty, but the GIRLS, I- wow. just wow.
i especially noticed that when i got to your drawing of Eri, she's MARVELOUS. SO PRETTY!!!! Yukari is absolutely beautiful too. i also really like how you draw Shouto and Eijirou.
i've already mentioned character design and before i meant it visually, but like, personality-wise, your character design is great too! i love how you portray the original bnha characters and the kids you've created are excellent! none of the personalities seem repetitive or forced or something and the portrayal is very good in my opinion.
Ochako as a mother is hilarious lol. some of those little comics with her and Tenma, and Tenya too, made me laugh really hard, haha.
Kyou and Yu are PRECIOUS.
there's something i'm really curious about though, but you can completely ignore this next bit if you want to, i'm just throwing out an idea lol. in that one post with Toshi there's a boy in Chihiro's class who can see ghosts thanks to his quirk. i wonder what would happen if you continued with that and it somehow became known to the tododeku fam that he can see Toshi? like, idk, one day tododeku pick up Chihiro at school and, as they're standing together getting ready to leave, the boy, as kids are wont to do sometimes, just asks why there's a ghost of an older boy hanging out around her so much or something??? i don't think you've said that that's canon in your au, but, like i said, i'm curious. and also, idk, i imagine that would come out pretty angsty.
(idk, i just need more Toshi content, i know he technically doesn't even exist, but i LOVE him)
also, whenever i look at your art of Toshi, i kinda get a Dabi-esque vibe from him, mainly mannerism-wise??? like, the coat you draw him in so often or the poses, they just really remind me of Touya????
speaking of Dabi, Homura is a sweetie. i love her design.
that thing with the morning glories is so sweet and heartbreaking once you know their meaning, oh my gosh.
and one last thing!! what is up with Takami Kaguya??? as far as i'm aware you've only drawn her once so far, i think. i love her design and i know she was apparently never born, but i'm so curious about her! will we ever see anything of the backstory behind her?
so yeah, i am a BIG fan of both your artstyle and this au now. have a nice day!
//breaths hold on im overwhelmed first of all i didnt know tumblr ask can have this many characters now holy shit ive been on here for too long
i need to redraw eri tho at least give her a new design WITH A SCARF LIKE HER DADDY//SHOT
I drew toshi in a coat one time but tbh yeah he kinda was influenced by touya from fics it stuck and it just fit lol
regarding the ghost boy (lol) yes he’s not canon, and shouto and deku doesn’t really pick them up from elementary school, cause, well, gotta keep the girls’ identity hush hush. BUT, however, YU does go home with her sometimes if she doesn’t have afternoon classes/chi doesn’t go play with her friends
imagine the kid, asking the big sister, “hey your sister’s being haunted by some guy” and she just
“oh yeah that’s our brother”
won’t that be fucked up//SHOT
meanwhile kaguya is from an au where hawks is an omega and he and dabi has a kid and also kept homura lol. she was a joke that went to far like everything i ever did in my life//SHOT
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Bakugou &Todoroki with an S/O who screams random things & roast people headcanons
Hayyyo! Is it alright if I could get some katsuki and shoto headcanons? That there S/O is weird like she randomly says things like “penis” out of no where and roasts people for no reason she just thinks it’s funny💙💖💜♥️🖤💙💛✨💚also I love you and your writing😍😁💛💖💚🖤♥️💖💙😭
this kind of looked like an other request that I did recently, but I decided to still do it because it sounds fun! I also really need to make these titles shorter lol, if anyone has tips hmu :D alriiight that’s all I wanna say for now, I hope you enjoy the headcanons! ^^ 
tip jar
hcs start below the cut!
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Bakugou Katsuki
*insert angry confusion noises*
literally idk how else to describe it
you might even be worse than those morons he puts up with
and that says a l o t
like if someone is roasting him, you just add fuel to the fire
and even after Bakugou tries to kick your and whoever started’s asses, you’re still laughing
cue more confused anger
and then he miraculously develops a crush on you?
you fuckin weirdo
he would never ever say this
but your behaviour makes him laugh at times
if it’s not directed at you of course
but he’ll try to hide it by pretending to scoff
we all know you did honey :)
but if you ever roast the villains you’re fighting against he will lose it
and he definitely won’t hide that
Like one time when fighting the league of villains you decided to just roast Shigaraki
and Bakugou loved every second of it
that right there was when he realised he had fallen h a r d
and when you two get together he thinks he’s seen it all but no no no
that was just the tip of the iceberg hah
sometimes you’ll study together
which isn’t often because “you’re annoying” ← his words
and when you do you just yell out anything
people are surprised you’re still alive
and though he gets really pissed at times, he still loves you and wouldn’t want you any other way
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Todoroki Shouto
this baby is also confused
0 anger, just c o n f u s i o n
the roasts amuse him at times though not gonna lie
sometimes he will even crack a small smile
and kill all of us
if you’re insulting Bakugou he loves it even more
but at times he might be a liiiiittle annoyed if you randomly decide to yell when he wants peace & quiet
but he won’t almost kill you like Bakugou would
I don’t see todo as someone who would like
burst out laughing at things
but you manage to loosen him up just a little with you funny personality
if he ever actually LAUGHS laughs you know you have this boy wrapped around your finger
he wouldn’t always get the roasts tho
sometimes he’d just sit there like 0_0
after someone tries to explain he’s still kinda like ???
but he’s not an idiot of course he understands some of them
if you ever roast his father
he will enjoy every fucking second of it
he’ll have this t i n y smirk
the first time you do it is the moment he realises he HAS to marry you
so you two can live somewhere far far away and buy a mansion with his dad’s credit card ;)
overall he just loves you and every part of your weirdness
you two kind of balance each other out in a way???
like yea you made him a little more outgoing but
he will probably calm you down a little
like yin and yang :D
opposites attract am i right
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icedthoma · 4 years
Self-indulgent relationship hcs tag from @edensxgarden and @necccomancy 🥺🥺🥺 I’ve been seeing these around and really wanted to do one, thanks for tagging me!!
rules: ship yourself with your favorite character and give headcanons on how your relationship would go
Jsjdksksk tho this is a BNHA blog and Todoroki Shouto is the loml and my husband—
Lately I’ve been simping hard for kuroo 
So um
Kuroo Relationship H/cs with Yours Truly, T
I like to think we would have been friends as kids or met earlier on like in middle school (no I’m not saying that because I love friends to lovers slowburn ahaha what) 
I get along well with Kenma, we both love cats (tho I also love dogs too) and games and have social anxiety, so by default I got to know Kuroo as a package deal
Idk I guess we vibe as a trio all the way up until high school
He’s quite the popular extrovert now and is friends with literally everyone, but always makes time for me and Kenma, his “OG besties” and I love that
What I don’t love is the amount of people who try to get close to me as a means of getting close to Kuroo >:(
I mean I don’t blame them, puberty hit Kuroo like a t r u c k omg 
Psh, no I don’t like him, I just don’t want to be used. Go talk to him yourself if you’re so interested tcH-
He goes on a few dates, none of which progressed into anything more to my relief surprise, and I’m happy for him, but also worrying he won’t have time for us (me and Kenma) if he gets a girlfriend. What if she doesn’t get along well with the rest of us? Especially Kenma, who doesn’t open up to people all that fast. Would Kuroo choose his newfound partner over us? He’s already busy enough being captain of the volleyball team...
Cue me realizing I do, in fact, have Feelings, and an epic montage of me trying to deny said Feelings over several weeks and only succeeding in spilling my guts out to Kenma 
I’m terrified of rejection, and the thought of confessing my feelings to the person they are for scares the crap out of me. I love our crackheaded single-braincelled friendship, and I don’t want to lose that. But I don’t want to lose Kuroo either, as Kenma helpfully points out. Thanks. 
Somehow it happens, and one day I pull myself together long enough to get my point across to Kuroo in what seems to me like a coherent sentence, the whole time not meeting his gaze that’s like a foot above me so I’d really have to be trying to look him in the eye dangit and literally just waiting for the rejection, the awkwardness that is sure to come for the time after, the fact that I may very well have just ruined things between us--
Wait wtf he likes me back
Things don’t really change all that much even after we start dating, which is a relief. We still roast each other on the daily, he teases me about my height and I get back at him for his messy hair I really wouldn’t have him change for the world and his magenta titration he swears never existed
I text him one (1) periodic table pickup line as a j o k e and suddenly he thinks it’s free real estate and makes a point to incorporate at least one science pun everyday
Chem class is always a joy, as you can see
Nah I really do enjoy them, and he knows I do (the fact I start cackling every time he says one is kind of a dead giveaway skhdsjkssj) so he won’t be stopping anytime soon. I hope not. 
Life with Kuroo is laughing so hard it physically hurts to breathe and stolen kisses when no one’s watching. It’s sending him memes at 2 am and being the first to congratulate him after a win, or to console him after a crushing loss. It’s best-friendship, but with kisses and more holding hands and getting to see his bedhead hair before anyone else in the morning.
And I think that’s the best kind of love. 
 uhhhh anyone else who wants to do this can! *throws Pokéball* i choose yOU
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Trans hizashi au: Parents day/evening where 1-a (and more students) parents are at school the entire day, for a psychological test by the headmaster (Nezu, also is that the right title?) Extra: Rei meeting Hizashi and inko and being like. "Ah. I get why todoroki is friends with you, midoriya–s. I will protect these angels, both.' Also Mistuki and Masaru's reaction to Hizashi going tiddy anime girl, Mitsuki would probably be like: fuck yeah, you funky little transwoman, girls nights out with us
izuku steps in w inko and hizashi w him and the first thing anyone says is kaminari asking “dang midoriya how come all might lets you have two moms” “KAMINARI-KUN W H A T”
bro his class bein supportive,,,no one is rude or awkward or anything which all the midoriyas appreciate so v much,,,eraserhead nodding @ inko nd hizashi in acknowledgement,,,BRO hizashi is gonna cry (and so is inko and then by extension izuku fjfkd theyre just all so happy bro im dkj)
HH REI,,,ICE QUEEN HERSELF,,,shouto probably fought tooth nd nail to make sure endeavor didnt know there was going to be a parent day/evening so that he could take rei w/o him having a fit abt shouto not wanting to bring him. anyway rei meeting the midoriyas and just like shouto, her ride-or-die instincts have been Activated she will Fight Kill and Die for the midoriyas she loves them and oh man,,,instant friends,,inko’s sweetness and hizashi’s intellect combine and rei’s just like “wow theyre so bright to look at”,,,they exchange numbers and potential plans abt hanging out again soon and rei smiles at them both and is like “see u girls then” and hizashi,,melts,,,for an ice queen rei sure makes u feel warm
mitsuki laughs once she recognizes its hizashi (u cant mistake those freckles nd that hair tbh) and comes up to greet inko nd hizashi w masaru and is like “hizashi!!! its been so long how have you been” and hizashi is just glad her most explosive friend took to this v well v fast djkfjkf. mitsuki’s like “hey we should have girls night” and like. hizashi isnt where izuku gets his emotions from but u would think so bc of her reaction to being invited to ~girls night~ bro,,, im soft,,,mitsuki and masaru r just so supportive so fast nd when they have a moment of privacy mitsuki asks abt like pronouns and the like and hizashi answers her,,,and then once thats done mitsuki hugs her and is like “im glad youre happy and here again hizashi” and hizashi,,is gonna,,cry,,,and so am i,,,
izuku is so proud of his moms hes constantly chatting w them and isnt embarrassed by them and im just bro,,inko loves her wife V Much thank u theyre holding hands almost the whole time,,bro,,
thank u for this ask echo ur takes are excellent and i would die for our trans hizashi au
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SFW Alphabet, Todoroki Shouto: A-Z
Reposting all of these together for convenience and to save space. I don't accept requests to do the entire alphabet for someone all at once. You have to stick to the guidelines of 1 character per ask, and 5 letters per ask, and once I finish the alphabet for a character with requests like that, I will repost it all together. Request are closed at the moment, though. 
A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
It takes him a minute just because he isn’t used to showing people affection, but he’ll eventually be super affectionate with you. He’ll keep everything tasteful in public, but he is not against holding your hand or linking arms with you when other people are around. When you two are alone, he loves to lean his head against you and hold you whenever he can.
B: Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
It’s pretty simple to do this actually, just laugh around him. He loves the sound of your laugh, and he gets butterflies in his stomach every time he hears it. Even if you hate the sound of your own laugh, he adores it, and that has led to some interesting attempts to make you laugh on his part. His delivery is a little too deadpan most of the time, and he mostly makes you laugh when he isn’t actually trying to.
Also, just be gentle with this poor baby. Give him a hug and hold him softly afterwards, delicately brush your hand against his face, give him a lofty smile- all of that will leave him breathless, especially after the rough life that he’s had.
C: Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Yes, Todoroki Shouto cuddles, and yes, he absolutely lives for it. Again, he keeps everything tasteful in public, so he won’t cuddle you around other people, but in the privacy of your own home, he’s all over you. He loves to lay down with you on the couch, and while he usually has you lay on top of him, he’d be ecstatic if you let him lay on top of you and use your chest as a pillow. He’ll be out in seconds, and he’ll be even more affection with you once he wakes up from this impromptu nap.
D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Owning a home with you. It will be a safe haven for the both of you, where the outside world can’t bother you and you can bask in each other’s presence as much as you want, where the pressures of society can’t reach you. He’s really looking forward to it, but he won’t rush it. He wants your future home to be perfect, and he’s not above waiting to have one built with all of your preferences in mind.
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
He’s a little unsure of what to do in a relationship at first, but once he finally gets a handle on his feelings and realizes his love for you, he’ll put all of the effort in the world into your relationship. He doesn’t want to lose you, and he honestly wants to give you the world because of how happy you make him.
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
He is all about holding you until you’ve calmed down after being scared. Of course, if there was something in the immediate vicinity that scared you and it still poses an immediate danger, it will very quickly be trapped in a block of ice, no matter how small it may be (RIP spiders to an icy grave). But beyond that, he’ll hold you and rub your back until you’ve calmed down, muttering quiet reassurances to you the entire time.
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Gifts aren’t really his thing. He’s just happy that you spend your time with him, and he never expects any gifts to go along with that because your love is truly all that he needs. That being said, it also never really crosses his mind to get you any gifts, so you’ll have to make mention of wanting something several times before he takes the hint that you want a gift.
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
He’ll occasionally hug you in public, but most of his hugs will be reserved for when the two of you are away from prying eyes (he just doesn’t care for other people to pry into his personal life). He has the best hugs, though, and he utilizes the left side of his body during them, so not only will his hold on you be firm and secure, it’s also going to be comfortably warm. His hugs last a while, too.
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He hasn’t lived the most loving of lives, so he definitely struggled with intimacy towards the beginning of your relationship, but after all of the love that you showed him, he eventually caught on to everything. He really loves the intimate connection that the two of you have, and he does his best to kindle that connection with small romantic gestures that remind you that he loves you and that you’re always on his mind.
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Shouto doesn’t get jealous often; he trusts you, but he can occasionally be rubbed the wrong way when someone continues to pursue you after you’ve already turned them down. He’s the quiet jealous type, too, so an icy glare will be pointed at whoever won’t leave you alone, and if they were smart, they’d start running for the hills once they felt that glare on them.
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
He’s really good at slow kisses, but his favorite kisses are the little pecks that you give each other throughout the day when you’re together. He finds them to be very domestic, and something about that just makes him really happy.
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
It won’t be too far into the relationship when he tells you, but it will come out of nowhere because he will literally blurt it out as soon as the realization hits him. It’s definitely an epiphany moment since he wasn’t quite sure what to make of his feelings for you before, but he won’t try to take what he said back. Now that he understands his feelings, he wants to make them very clear to you, and he’ll tell you that he loves you at least once a day to make sure that you don’t forget (as if you could). He prefers to both say and show his love for you, just so he can drive the point home.
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
Definitely wants to marry you, and he will dedicate every fiber of his being towards being a good husband to you. He’d probably want a more traditional ceremony, with only your close friends and family members there to celebrate with you.
N: Night Out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
He prefers private dates where the two of you can spend time together without fear of outside interruption. He likes eating homecooked dinners with you, where the two of you can freely talk about what you want to. He’d also like it if you two made that dinner together, but be warned that his cooking skills are not the best.
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do for/with their s/o?)
Best of luck meeting Endeavor. Shouto would die a happy man if you never had the displeasure of meeting his father. No matter how much Endeavor changes, Shouto will still be wary of introducing you to him because of what happened during his childhood, and he may even get a bit moody if you ever mention wanting to meet his father.
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
It’s hard to tell when he’s being playful with you, thanks to his near constant deadpan expression, but it does happen on occasion. You know how some people like to mess with their friends/loved ones by putting their cold hands on them randomly? Yeah, it’s like that, but about 10x worse since he can actually create ice. He seemingly does it at the most random times, too, and then he’ll just shrug and walk off like it never happened. You’ll have to be creative with your revenge, too, since it’s not like you can do the same thing back to him (well, you can, but it won’t be effective).
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
He puts a high value on your opinion, so he’ll ask for it all the time. He’s also not shy about sharing his opinions with you, and the two of you will have a very long talk before any big decisions are made in the household.
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
He can occasionally be spontaneous whenever the situation allows for it, but for the most part everything will be planned ahead with Shouto. Heroes are busy people, and he’s no exception to that. He will always make sure to schedule at least two dates a week for the two of you, and whether that’s a dinner date, movie date, or just a date of you two spending time together at home is completely up to you.
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
He generally sleeps on his back and he’ll let you cuddle up to whichever side you want. This is really handy in summer and winter since he likes to sleep with a window open, so he’ll be your own personal heater and air conditioner (little do you know, he does this just to make sure that you cuddle with him at night-it’s not necessary, but he thinks it’s clever).
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
He trusts you quite a bit, so much so that he’ll tell you all of the gritty details about his childhood. Holding him is recommended when this happens, as is reassuring him that he is more than his past.
U: Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)
How dedicated he is to your happiness. You bring him so much joy and happiness, and he will go to any length to do the same for you.
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
He’s unintentionally vulnerable with you pretty early on in the relationship. He never really says anything to indicate that he’s upset, but the downtrodden look in his eyes as he goes to cuddle with you is enough to let you know that something is wrong. Just hold him close to you and gently rub his back; that’s generally enough to comfort him, and if it’s not, then he’ll eventually open up and talk to you about everything later.
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He has his siblings come over a lot; he’s still trying to build a deeper relationship with them, and he’d love it if you all accepted each other as family and got along. 
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
The nickname IcyHot will be very appropriate for him in this situation. He’ll obviously see to it that you get the best medical care possible, and during your recovery, he’ll be your own personal ice pack and heating pad. He also won’t want to leave your side during this time; he’ll be very worried about you whenever he has to leave you during your recovery, and he’d honestly rather just take time away from work and call in some friends to do grocery runs for him so he can spend as much time with you as possible and help you whenever you need him to. 
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
He’d probably be a little miffed if you were messy, but that’s not going to be a deal breaker or anything. Nothing specific comes to mind, but I’m sure he has some weird habits that are inconsequential overall. Just small things that he doesn’t realize are strange, and it’s hardly worth calling him out on them because of how mundane they are.
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
Oh yeah, he’s passionate all right. He loves you with all of his heart, and he tries his best to convey that to you, mostly in private, but he’ll occasionally make his feelings known in public, within reason of course. He would literally move the world for you, and while it’s not necessary, he would like to see that same kind of passion coming from you.
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Season 2 w/ Internship Arc/ Final Exams
Episode 26: Time To Pick Some Names
•The kids are so cute, they’re like “we’re FAMOUS” precious babies
•”Congratulations Todoroki on your offers”
“It’s PrObaBlY BecAuSe oF My FaTheR” just take the W babe
•BABY AIZAWA AND HIZASHI we need more flashback episodes I live for a Baby Emo Shouta
•”You’re not even French are you that’s just an act isn’t it?” Call him out Sato
•Alien Queen is amazing stfu Midnight
•I love Jirou and Kaminari’s friendship. Which is mostly her bullying him (reminds me of me and my friend Zack I should call him)
•Okay Cellophane is actually a really good name as well as ChargeBolt. Creati is probably my favorite tho
•Also I love how Kirishima just loves to push B’s buttons
•I relate to All Might freaking out so fucking much
Episode 27: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears
•Oooh new intro ngl I think I preferred the beginning half of season 2 theme TENYA FLASHING HIS GLASSES AND TENSEI BEING REFLECTED IN THEM THAT SHIT HURTED
•Gran Torino gives me the biggest whiplash istg
•Brooding Iida is a Time guys
•”what makes a movement special” only flashes of Bakugou show
•The fact that Momo and Kendo got picked for their internships just because they’re pretty genuinely makes me upset
•okay but Sho could’ve chosen literally any other place to intern why did he go to his dad who he actively hates (with good reason)
•Ayyeee he didn’t break his legs. Maybe he still hasn’t figured out he can exactly use them yet. Look at baby bunny go
•Omozan I see you
•Izuku you are just as sweet as that fish dessert
•FANTASY AU END CREDITS IM LIVING if Hirokoshi doesn’t want to make another movie after this next one comes out he should just make mini films out of all the AUs he makes because honestly I want to see them all animated ESPECIALLY the Fantasy AU that would be Dope with a capital D my dudes
Episode 28: Midoriya & Shigaraki
•oof Midoriya you tried sweetie you did good
•BAKUGOU MAKEOVER TIME. Serving Looks by Best Jeanist we Stan
•I always forget the Nomu were once actual people what the fuck
•Anndddd things are getting tense. These poor kids don’t know what’s coming
•Dark Iida is. Intense
•I love Iida’s Internship Mentor he’s a good boy
•Shigaraki honey. Please. Get therapy
•Okay but Midoriya’s icon for himself on his phone or whatever he’s using to message Iida is All Might and that is just so him
Episode 29: Hero Killer Stain VS. U.A. Students
•The Nomus are so fucking gross
•Fuck off Enji
•Midoriya is so good, worrying about other people like Iida
•Shigaraki is a giant man child
•Iida: “You took everything from me”
Stain: “I don’t even know who you are”
•I’m sorry but how did Stain figure out how his quirk worked like how do you find out you can freeze people by ingesting their blood without having to do so crazy fucked up shit when you were younger
•Iida I love you but you Dumb
•Todoroki being like “i know you’re not the type of person to send cryptic messages so I knew you were in trouble” yeah he knows his boy
•Iida shut UP
•”you’ve got a dark side I guess my family isn’t the only one” Todoroki now is not the time to be emo
•Ah okay decent explanation for why Sho chose Endeavor that i forgot okay now makes sense
•Iida your inner Bakugou is showing
•IM SO PROUD OF TODOROKI it’s only been a couple of episodes since the Sports Festival but he’s already shown improvement and I love him
Episode 30: Climax
•I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I would die for Tensei Iida
•”My friends may be in trouble” OUR BOY IS GROWING
•I will say at least Endeavor listened to Shouto and told other Pros to go help him
•Ah shiiiIIIIITTTTTT I forgot Mido got (semi) kidnapped and Stain escaped/ fucking DIED (???) I’m SHOOKETH
Started cooking dinner around this time and was in and out for the next 3 episodes so these are less in-depth until Episode 34
Episode 31: The Aftermath Of Hero Killer: Stain
•SHIGGY you Big Dumb
•“Once this night is over the world will forget he ever existed” whelp that’s what you get for being a little man child Shigaraki
•Lmao Kiri I love a dumbass
•“Was that a boy?” OKAY I LOVE GUNHEAD
•BIRTH OF THE HAND CRUSHER Todoroki’s having like a fucking existential crisis and Iida and Mido are fucking laughing at him I’m dead
Episode 32: Everyone’s Internships
•It says Everyone’s internships but it was mostly just Froppy. Jirou and Bakugou got some spotlight (Bakugou’s hair is just *chef kiss*) but yeah super proud of Tsuyu tho!
•Kiri and Testu kill me I love them so much I need more of them together
Episode 33: Listen Up!!! a Tale From The Past
•Honestly one of the 1st instances I can see Kaminari being the ~traitor~ since he’s low key hyping up Stain but I refuse to believe it because he’s such a good dumb boy And IF it is true then I want him to be such a total BAMF that it better make it worth the heart ache. Like the whole short circuiting thing be a ploy to make people think he’s weak when he could control it the whole time and you know what this is for a different post MOVING ON
•Everyone watching Mido go through the rescue exercise, “WOAH since when does he move like Bakugou???”
•Cut to Bakugou having a stroke lmao
•All Might you’re gonna make me CRY
Episode34: Gear Up For Final Exams
•“Sexiness isnt just an aesthetic” Midnight laying down facts
•Honestly? Fuck Mt. Lady. I want more Anime Groot Kamui Woods and Gunhead
•Final Exams stress is real no matter how powerful you are. Take notes kids
•Teacher Momo is the best she’s so excited
•Kiri is pining SO HARD for Bakugou and Baku is blinded by the rage of his life he can’t see it Baby Shark is trying his best “Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull” “I’m counting on it” KIRISHIMA THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO FLIRT
•Shut the fuck up Monoma, Kendo come get your Rat Boy she’s just as done with him as everyone else is lmao
•”Deku, how you use your power is pissing me off I’m still better than you” every time he opens his mouth it’s either to curse someone out, to say Die, or accusing them of thinking their better than him. Honey. Go to therapy I’m begging
•WOW he uses Todoroki’s actual name
•Aizawa help the angry boy please
•“I didn’t leave anything blank at least!” MOOD KAMINARI
•How long was Nezu in Aizawa’s scarf???
•”We’re fighting...teachers?” Lmao yall fucked
•Midoriya & Bakugou against All Might. Aizawa really said fuck them kids
•Saving the most intense and chaotic for last I see
•Jirou “aren’t you just the announcer”
Mic “HEY WATCH YOUR MOUTH GIRL HAVE SOME RESPECT” he’s so butthurt haha leave Mic alone
•Aizawa is calling people out left and right we love a Ruthless Bitch
•Bakugou disses All Might. All Might “it’s on now you angry little asshole”
•Tsuyu and Tokoyami are a good matchup and the fact they got the creepiest teacher to go against a kid with a quirk like Dark Shadow is just so funny to me. Basically said let’s make it as Goth as possible
Episode 35: Yaoyorozu: Rising
•Ectoplasm’s quirk looks like it’s literally eats Tsuyu and Yami. Everyone watching TRAUMATIZED. But they still fucking DID IT
•Also LOVE DARK SHADOW I wish he talked more
•Ojirou on Iida’s back “I can only imagine how stupid we look right now” no Ojirou you look adorable. Also just fucking LAUNCH THE TAIL MAN but hey it worked
•”Spikes? What are you trying to be some kind of ninja” yes he is Shouto why do you think he’s an underground villain HES LITERALLY DOING A NARUTO RUN AS WE SPEAK
•my girl Momo showing us what she’s made of
•Aizawa is proud of two smart little shits
•Todo is an awkward gentleman. Something he DIDNT get from his father
•Momo starts crying and covers her mouth. Todoroki:”what’s wrong? Do you feel sick? If you’re feeling nauseous we can call recovery girl” a. GENTLEMEN. He drinks his good boi and respect women juice daily
Episode 36: Stripping The Varnish
•Aoyama. Bruh. Why are you like this lmao
•Nezu is a fucking MANIAC BEAST WHAT THE FUCK we need more Mouse Hero
• “times like this he gets his vengeance” THEYRE KIDS RECOVERY GIRL
•Mic why is your face like that jfc
•”YOU CAN TALK???” It’s been like a good couple of months right? He just hasn’t talked the whole time? Honestly, respect. KODA IS AMAZING
•the fact that Hagakure just gets fucking naked so she can be completely invisible is hilarious
”I COULDNT SEE YOU IM SORRY” poor Snipe lmao
•Lmao Sero you didn’t stand a chance sweetheart
•Oooooh so that’s Midnight’s quirk. Okay makes. A little sense I guess. But fuck I love her
•Ah. That’s why he wants to be a hero. He’s creepy and pervy but fuck that was actually a good plan
Episode 37: Katsuki Bakugou: Origin
•IT’s OUR FAVORITE ANGRY BOI. Please Katsuki. I’m begging. Take ALL the chill pills. Just once
•”Why does he always have to make things so difficult” you’ve known him literally all your life you know why. It’s because he’s an asshole
•Midoriya: PLEASE stop yelling
Bakugou: feral yelling continues
•Bakugou why are you like this
•All Might killed a child wow
•Bakugou 110% deserved that punch, good on you Midoriya
•he didn’t directly blow him up that time at least that’s a tiny bit of progress
•”Ah. They got me” All Might is so cute
•”They’re actually pretty smart. They just lose all sense when it comes to each other...They have so many complicated emotions when it comes to the other they don’t even know how to interact anymore” I don’t ship it but that’s pretty fucking gay
•”Your teachers going to do his best to school you” ALL MIGHT SNAPPED
•KB: ”When he shows up it’s my turn to blast him”
AM: “Say that to my face you Limp Noodle”
•Nice teaching just beat one student WITH another one nice All Might
•All Might literally broke Deku’s back what the fuck
•”It’s time to sleep. Goodnight Young Bakugou” ALL MIGHT YOURE KILLING HIM BRUH
•Lmao the angry Pomeranian fucking bit him I’m crying
•Recovery Girl is just like All Might if you don’t lighten the fuck up I’ll beat your ass they are CHILDREN and she’s right
Episode 38: Encounter
•”right now I go by Dabi”
“No I want to know your REAL name”
•Shiggy, Dabi, and Toga LITERALLY all at each other’s throats:
Kurogiri: Mom Mode Activated
•Aizawa and his logical deception is Class 1A’s Cry Wolf
•Kiri immediately went to Bakugou and was like you’re coming shopping with us right, right? Kiri your pining is killing me you’re not subtle honey but I love it
•”you’re going to scare the children” says the guy with the demon shadow bird that flies out of his chest Tokoyami I love you
•JIROU AND MOMO I love two lesbians
•Kiri the man in charge love my boy
“DO YOU MEAN ME???” Lmao poor Midoriya
•Shiggy you’re so fucking CREEPY
•Finally see Shiggy’s whole face. THIS IS YOUR MANS YALL??? BRUHHH
•Poor Mido he can never catch a break
•Shiggy this just looks like really gross PDA you crusty creep
•”I can’t just run away every time I get flustered” yes you can Uraraka, that’s what I do, live your dream girl, run away from boys
•Wow they actually went to the police their first smart move
•”there’s a good chance that he or another student could be targeted” ForEShAdOwInG
And that concludes Season 2! Season 3 time baby!! God I need a life outside of this
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pink-ish-panther · 6 years
a goodbye hug 8)))
hug prompt    / /    no longer accepting  !!
pixelated      kanji     s     k     i     m     m     e    d      across      message      boards      :      colors      blinking      a      passive      green     before    b     l     i      n     k     i    n   g                  r      e      d     with      notification      :      announcing     various            departure     /      arrival      times .      a      kaleidoscopic     crowd      of        everyday      people      skirted       to            &            fro      along      the      tiled      grounds      of      gray-blue      and      grime-yellow      ❛  white  ❜   .      a      throng      of      briefcases     &    schoolgirl      skirts     drifted  past      graffiti-smeared      ❝ BIG      BANG      BURGER ❞      advertisements      plastered      on      the      gritty      walls  .      at      their      canopies      ,      long      tubes      b      l      i      n      k      e      d      with      fluorescence,      feeble      flickers      through      the thick      film  .      atmospherically      ,      the      underground      subway      station      was      bathed      in      a      dim-haze      of      hospital-room      blue.
&      coasting      down      the      slopes      of      an      escalator      ride      was      a      girl    with      a      f      a      c      e      reminiscent      to      what      would      be      on      the              covers      of      the      magazine      stands      that      were      there  .           passively      ,      she      moved      through      time ,      through      people     .   .   .
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eyes        the      color      of      s      p      a      r      k      l      i      n      g    swimming      pools   held      a      lime-tint     in      these      parts  ,      as      pupils      flitted      around      the      bobbing      heads      of      brown      &      black      tress      ;      her      eyes      held      an      urgency      in      their      quest .      
                                     she      was      looking      for      someone  .      .      .
&     amongst      the      cluttered-crowded     of     monotonous      hair      colors     -      other      than      her      own      flaxen      locks      -      did      she      find      a      companion      in      that      regard      :   (   a      crown      of      crimson   )     that    equally      bore      curtain      of      white      ;      sticking      out      like      a      sore      thumb   .      .      .
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                                                          she      found      him .      
fixed      in      the      distance ,      with      a      shoulder      bag      &      a      luggage      at     his      lax      grip      and      swiping      at      a      smartphone      device     while    decked      in      casual      attire :      she      found      him  .     her      feline-like      eyes      narrowed   with      bittersweet      discovery ,    gorgeous      goldilock-pigtails      swung     post-current  of      a     sheepish      headshake .
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                                [            .                              .                              .            ]
❝     so      this      is      how      it      ends,      huh      ?      ❞            hoisted      words     that      crept      past      the      barrier      of      white      noise   &    over   his   shoulder .     she      was      heard  ,     despite     the      s      c      r      e      e      c      h      i      n      g      slice      of      rails      in      the      distance .
at      first   ,      the      manifestation      of      her      words      would      be     the      only    clue  of    her   lingering    presence   ,   though      no      tangible      takamaki   was    in      sight  .  but      after  a     few      beckoning      seconds      ,      red      converses      led      a  gait      of   casual   stroll  ,   ambush-adjacent      to      the      male      ;      her      gaze      was      fixed     forward   in      the      dreamscape      distance .    
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perhaps  ,      tucked      in      the      crevice      of      a      daydream    -    her      hands    also    tucked      in      the      pocket-pouches      of      her      hoodie      as        she        balanced     the      tip      of      her      sneaker      behind      her .       &      it      was      like      this,      she    addressed      him .
   ❝   .    .   .      you’re      just       determined      to      be      draped      in      mystery      to                                    the     very     end,      huh,      shouto      todoroki      ?      ❞     
 &      and      it      was      at      very      expel      of      his      name,      did      succulent     aqua     par      deux      a      c      q      u      a      i      n      t      the      male      :      a      stand-still      of      caressing      eye-contact.  
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WITHOUT      WARNING     -   (  A      BULLET   ❣❣❣   )    bus    Z    I   P   P    E   D past      the      pair               B      L      U      R      R      I      N      G      into      the      tuck      of    their      peripherals  .     its      WHIPLASH      c      u      r      r      e      n      t    amplified      the      voluminous      nature      of      her      blonde      mane,      velvet     threading      receptively      in      the      fickle      breeze.    her      fixation      remained ,     not  deterred      by      the      passing   ,      long-winded    vehicle      ;        like   the    flickering      gallery      of   a    picture-show    :     a      chain      of    bus-window  shadows   glimpsed      on      her      skin    in       c      l      i      c      k      i      n   g     sequence   .      gone      with      the      wind    ,    the      bus      only      left      a       r      a      c      k      e      t       of      echoes  in      its      wake,      and      still      her      gaze      persisted  .
 but      precisely      three      seconds      later ,      they      dipped      towards      the     ground,   watching      the      rim      of      rails      from      where      she      stood.      
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❝  once      you      get      there  , ❞      she      began ,      chiming   with    suggestion    as she        clutched    her       wrist     from    behind     her      back ,    ❝ you      should      tell   your      friends      to      chain      you      down. ❞     punctuating      with      a      breath-of-a-giggle,    her     eyes      crinkled   in      their      downcast  .      the      coax      of      a      smile      barely      bloomed      on     pink         &      sculpted      lips  .     she     offered      a      pig-tail-perkin’      head      sway  - a   gesture that     suggested      chic-nonchalance      &   charming       innocence.
❝ we      don’t      need      you      comin’      back      here      &      giving      us      grief.            you      got      t      h     a      t            ?       ❞            a  tender - quiet  joke  ;     &      the    chalked      embers      of      a      quiet      chuckle   was     its    half-assed emergence  .      with      as      much      perk      as      she      could     muster,      she   offered   him    a      close-eyed      countenance     and   delivered    a      surface-level     s      m      i      l     e. 
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                                                     ❝      .      .      .      ❞
SOON      ARRIVING :  TRAIN    FOR   M      U      S      U      T      A      F      U.
❝ h-huh? ❞       the      shatter      of      a      cheerful      CHARADE      came      just      as      suddenly      as      the      overhead      announcement  just now .      it      was      almost      like     it      mocked      her,   playing     the    message     on       repeat     towards      the      baffled      bats      of      her      lashes     &     inquiring      eyes   ,   which    were     cast      at      the     ceiling      from    where      the    digital       words   were    seemingly      stemming     from.            ❝      .      .      .       ❞       focus      was      on      the   corner   of    her      lips    :      her      teeth  gnawed   with    grit  ,   but      a      downward      tug      implied      her      reaction      to     the      unfold      of      events.  
                                   everything     that      led     up    to      t h i s .
with     a     pulsed      breath      of      panic  ,   she      blinked  drips     of    moisture      now :    fuzz      accumulating    in    her   frame    of    focus        aligning   an    on-look       on      his      features.     on   his     scar . 
❝      the      truth      is      ?      ❞      she      began      -      quivered   intake    teetered    onto  an  evaporated   tone ,   plastered    with  the    THICK    of    a     sniffle       ❝ i-i’m      …      not     the   best      at      goodbyes      .      .      .      ❞    the     hiccup      of      a      humorless      laugh    threaded    from    her     stale      yet      scenic      smile.      it      rung      with      melancholic      m      e      l      o      d      y.      nervously.      self-consciously.         great,      now      her     nose      was      congested.
                                                  ❝      shouto           ❞
almost      immediately,      BURSTING      glimpse      of      a      slowing      BUS      grazed  past      her     :      the      bus      bound      to      take      him      ;      back      to      his      origin,     back      to      his      story .      
                                    and      out      of      hers.      and      this.      
                                                                                            and      now.
dammit    and      did      his      name      h   a  v  e      to      resemble      SHIHO’S   .  .  .   ?
with      automatic    b      e      c      k      o      n      ,    the      doors   c      o      n      v      u      l      g      e      d      open,      letting      out      the    carriage      stream      of      people     who      threaded      &      tangled       in    between      their       shared      standpoint.
❝ h-hey .  .  .❞      she      murmured  defensively  with     a     grimaced    tear-clenched        eye     as       she      struggled      against      the      tsunami  .      ❝  e-excuse      me  ! ❞     uncapped   frustration      bubbled      through ,    but      wasn’t     heeded      to      by      the     mouth-mask-wearing ,   glasses-geared,      briefcase-wielding      faucet      of    trafficked  souls      that      poured      out.
❝ sh–shouto      ! ❞      she      managed      to      c      h      o      k      e      out      from      the      EXPLOSIVE    e m i s s i o n       of      chatter      that      polluted      the            narrow,      underground      corridors .
MUFFLED      SOUNDS      OF        g      i      r      l      i      s      h            STRUGGLE      struck     out      from      the      column      of      pedestrians ,      and      the      outstretch     of   her     arm      WEDGED      from      the      bodied      barricade      :      STRAINING ,       SQUIRMING    &      SANDWICHING      her      way      through      with      tip-toed     struggle      -      she            was      a      little      unapologetic      in       pressing      people      away      and      peeling      them      off    of   her.
❝ I      S      A      I      D .      (hard      d      sound      )      EXCUSE       ❞    an                   unintentional      shove      LUNGED      HER    FORWARD,      limbs    apart     &    a  -   drift    ,        &      like      a      panther                  (      against      her      will     )      LEAPED            R      I      G      H      T      against                 .      .      .      .
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 the      drape      of      her      torso      was      tossed      &      pressed      r      i      g      h      t     a      g      a      i      n      s      t      the      supportive      one      of      a      stranger’s      ;      but  when      blinking      blue      eyes      peered      at      her      victim :     this   kind  ,    two-legged      ❛  pillow  ❜     that      balanced      her      stumbling    stance      up-right ?  she realized ,
                                                  it  was  no  stranger. 
❝ s- …shouto , ❞      a      whispered      conclusion.      lips      sculpted     with      the     vowels      of      his      name      ;      she      was      t      h      i      s      close       ;      as   close  as   his   heart   pulse. 
                                                                   .      .      .      
words      were      lacking    ;       and      his      neck      was    IMPRISONED      by      the     chain      &      claim      of      her      arms ,      that     of     which      she      used      to      hoist     herself      up      in     a       body-binded    H    U     G   .   .   .      ❣❣         pinned      in      p      a      r      a      l      l      e      l      ,        both      of      his      shoes      were   cemented      on      the      tiles  ,   HERS     l      e      v      i      t      a      t      e      d      -      perked      on    the   gummy   bits\    of   sneakered    tippy-toes  ,      while      the      marching    shoes      of     (   everyone      around      them  )    carved      their      own      path .
the      hooking      h      o      l      d      that    anchored     him     close    in    fixed    physique        granted      her    a    luxury  ;      lips      tucked      against    the    rim    of      his      collar  ,  nose     embedded   into   the   crook   of    his      neck     ,      she                                              b      r      e      a      t      h      e      d      with      a      hitched      breath  ,      taming     her      fingers      from      delving      into      his      dual-hued      scalp      ;      passion             t      e      e      m      i      n      g      &      PLEADING       .      .      .      
and      finally  ,      the      last      of      people      unboarded      from      the      bus,      leaving   a   hungry    vacancy     for     a       new      departure-bound      destination   ,   of   which        the      operator      graciously      dubbed      :
❝  train      at      4:45pm      ;      DESTINATION   FOR   M   U  S  U T  A  F U :    NOW BOARDING    ❣  ❣    ❞      
 a      slow      and      finger-traced      unlatching      of      him     brought      her      fingers      to      bundle      near      each     broad,   brass-boned      shoulder,  the  carve of  a   dew-eyed  c   h  u   c   k   l  e  perked   her   petaled  lips. 
eyes      closing   with    something   akin   to  closure  she    b      r      e      a      t      h      e    d    out    the  tatters       of           tension      before      confronting      the      male      with      the      weight      of      her      watercolor      gaze  .
❝     .   .   .    take      care      of      yourself.      you      hear      me      ?   ❞       whispered      resolve      at      this      point     with     silenced    swallow   of   an   ebbing    sob     -  a    shaky      s      i      g      h      conceived      a     sentimental      s      m      i      l      e   .      her     voice     could      only      hover   so    much ,   from   the    current    of    people   cramming    her    from   view  .       it     was     like    (    a      fragile      heartbeat    )    -      barely      distinguishable      from      amongst           the            masses.
 ❝      .      .      see      ya.        ❞      
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basadd · 6 years
“Today we’re going to be doing some good, old-fashioned roleplay!” All Might announces when everyone’s gathered in the fake city for Foundational Hero Studies. “Featuring everyone’s favorite game: Pokémon!”
“PIKACHU!” Kaminari yells in lieu of a cheer. Anything that gets Kaminari riled up in under a second probably isn’t great to turn into a Hero Studies class. Shouto looks back at Aizawa-sensei’s retreating back for a clue. He’s shaking his head in what looks like equal parts disappointment and exasperation. Helpful.
Shouto nearly leans into Yaoyorozu’s space to ask her what Pokémon exactly is, because her eyes are shining with a barely suppressed sparkle themselves so she must know something, but All Might comes to his aid before he can ask hers. “Now, I’m aware that not all of you have fluent knowledge of this game, so I’ll sum it up for you!”
Movement catches the corner of Shouto’s eye, and he sees Midoriya thrumming with excitement.
“The world of Pokémon is very vast, but we’ll only be using the battle simulations for this lesson!” Ojirou, standing not far away, looks like he wants to know how this specifically will help their hero skills, but says nothing. Unbeknownst to Shouto, he’s just shoring up his willpower to survive any Mankey joke that may be cracked. (Middle school was fun for him.) “In battles, two trainers direct their teams of Pokémon to defeat each other, most commonly in a one-on-one battle! A trainer can have up to six Pokémon in their team at a time. You all are going to divide into four trainers and their Pokémon, and pit yourselves against each other! Feel free to educate your classmates and assign yourselves to specific Pokémon if you wish!” He holds up a box of lots. “Two Pokémon take turns attacking each other, and switching takes a turn-” he continues explaining as his hand rattles around the spheres inside, “but if one of your so-called Pokémon get too worn out for battle, declare them down for the count!” In a smaller voice, he says, “I’d really rather no one faint. My ears can’t take another one of Recovery Girl’s lectures.. Ah! Yes! The trainers are…” He holds up a sphere with a D on it. “Ah. I suppose I need to assign you all letters first.”
All the students line up. He reads out the English alphabet, pointing at each of them, then nervously laughs again as he ends on the letter T. “The rest don’t matter! Alright, the first trainer is……. Letter R! Step on up!” Hagakure steps forward and pumps her fist. “Letter… F!” Ojirou sighs in relief. “Letter C!” Tsuyu croaks happily. “And finally, letter-! Oh, that’s W, knew it would happen, okay… H!” Yaoyorozu looks like she wants to squeal in delight. Her reaction is surprising to Shouto, since she’s usually mature in training, but this does sound fun and it’s nice to see her totally hyped for something.
“All right! Hagakure, Yaoyorozu, Ojirou, Tsuyu! Pick your Pokémon and fight to your team’s best! Remember not to overwork yourselves, and have fun! It is friday, after all! START!”
“I’M PIKACHU!” Kaminari screeches as soon as All Might’s done speaking. Sero laughs and pats his shoulder, trying to quiet his excitement, but he’s already buzzing. He points across the crowd. “Jirou! You’re Exploud!”
“No way in hell!” Jirou sticks her tongue out at him, walking to Yaoyorozu’s side and locking their arms. “Don’t assume my species! I’m totally Noivern, they’re way cooler.”
“Does this mean you’re on my team, Jirou?” Yaoyorozu asks, cheeks red with excitement for the activity. “I would’ve made a great Ditto, but being a trainer works well for me, too!”
Shouto, too lost among these names of things he’s never heard of, walks around Kouda towards Midoriya in hopes of explanation-- he never fails to be knowledgeable-- but runs into Tsuyu. “Would you like to join my team, Todoroki?” She says to him.
She looks like she has plenty of knowledge regarding this, but still Shouto tugs at his sleeve and find himself asking, “Who else is with you?”
“Midoriya, Kouda, and Iida, so far.” She says. He’s already decided by hearing the first name.
“No, Uraraka, someone else has to be Breloom! I know I could pull it off and it’s a fantastic Pokémon, but I really had my sights set on Riolu. Those have cooler moves.” Midoriya walks up with his friend in tow. “Hey, can Uraraka join us?”
“Yes. I’m sorry for not asking you earlier, I thought you had joined with Hagakure.” Tsuyu says.
Uraraka shrugs. “I was just reminding her which moves only affect status conditions ‘cause she hasn’t played in a while.”
In the near distance, Kaminari insists on being earned by a team by being battled and caught like a “-true Pokémon! This Pikachu ain’t no starter!” while Tokoyami repeatedly tries to imitate some three-note tune. Shouto is only further confused.
Midoriya, the saint that he is, sidles up next to him. “If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or Tsuyu. She’s been playing since she knew who All Might was and I’m no wimp myself.”
“Uh,” Shouto flounders, because he doesn’t know where to start, but he figures he could narrow it down, “Which one am I?”
Midoriya took a step back and supported his arm holding his chin in his fingers, looking him up and down. “Hm. If you could be two at once, I would say Alolan Vulpix and regular Vulpix, but that’s not the case… you wanna pick based on fire or ice?”
“Ice,” Shouto replies instantly, then winces. He was trying to work better with his fire, and he still reverts to same old, same cold. Whatever.
“Okay, then how’d you feel about Glaceon?”
“I honestly have no clue.”
Midoriya snickers, then pats his shoulder. “Todoroki, my friend, my buddy, my pal, you are going to learn so much today.”
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bnhahaha · 7 years
can you pleease somehow continue the group text message thing you did. i laughed so hard i cried it's so good.
part one
04:30 am
shouto: 😂
               shouto changed ayyyyjirou’s name to kinkyshima
              shouto changed mido’s name to midoriya
              shouto added Tokoyami Fumikage to the chat
             shouto changed Tokoyami Fumikage’s name to Shia Lebouf
6:15 am
kinkyshima: todoroki why were you awake at 4 in the morning
kinkyshima: also why
Shia Lebouf: I want to die
7:50 am
kami-sama: honestly though
kami-sama: who wouldn’t after reading the chat
floating: i agree
tsuyu: I probably would have done it if todoroki didn’t
9:00 am
midoriya: …ok lol
katsuking: what the fuck was your name change even for
9:48 am
katsuking: deku get your fucking ass over here
kinkyshima: woah there
kami-sama: can’t you be more polite
kami-sama: remember the three most important phrases
kami-sama: please
kinkyshima: thank you
kinkyshima: and
katsuking: step off bitch
kinkyshima: …
kami-sama: bakugo no
kami-sama: you gotta be more
kami-sama: …did you guys hear that
jirou: what the fuck was that
tsuyu: it sounded like an animal
The Rock: It’s a donkey
floating: …
floating: bakugo
floating: when you said ‘get your fucking ass over here’
floating: did you mean it literally
momo: oh dear lord 
jirou: this can’t be fucking real 
midoriya: it’s a long story
katsuking: shut your bitch ass it isn’t
katsuking: you were just too fucking nice to refuse a donkey as a gift for stopping a robbery and now look at this it’s eating the fucking carpet
jirou: A GIFT
tsuyu: aww you called midoriya nice
kinkyshima: aww
floating: aww
kami-sama: aww
momo: aww
jirou: aww
katsuking: shut your fucking mouths
10:15 am
midoriya: guys help it’s trying to eat aizawa-sensei
katsuking: on my fucking way i need my grades back
kami-sama: it’s too early for me to be wheezing like this
katsuking: bitch it’s ten
kami-sama: …
kami-sama: anyways it’s too early for me to be wheezing like this
katsuking: do you want to die
Shia Lebouf: yes
2:40 pm
kinkyshima: okay guys i need help 
katsuking: don’t you always
kinkyshima: gUYS
kinkyshima: like real help
floating: what happened
kinkshima: okay so i was walking along the corridor right
kinkyshima: and i see todoroki 
kinkyshima: and just as I’m about to say hi
kinkyshima: i trip
kinkyshima: and todoroki’s leaning against the wall 
kinkyshima: so I’m falling towards him and I’m trying not to collide into him so i stick my arm out
kinkyshima: and you know what fucking happens
katsuking: what happened?! please 
katsuking: i need to know!!!
kinkyshima: … O.O
kami-sama: holy shit guys are you seeing this
kami-sama: he said please
jirou: who are you and what did you do with bakugo
midoriya: just fucking hurry up and finish the stupid-ass story already shithead
iidart: M I D O R I Y A
floating: G A S  P
tsuyu: midoriya are you ok? do you have a fever? do you need some medicine?
midoriya: the fuck? just hurry up and finish the story
katsuking: ??? what is it
kami-sama: ok now I’m genuinely concerned 
momo: …did you two switch phones
midoriya: …
katsuking: ohmygod we did kacchan im so sorry i saw the All Might phone case and i thought it was mine i’m heading over to give it back now okay wait a moment
midoriya: if i see a single fucking scratch on it you’re buying me a new one
midoriya: better pray there’s no fucking scratches then deku
floating: wait wait wait 
floating: bakugo has an all might phone case
floating: and it’s limited edition
jirou: nICE CATCH
tsuyu: i would expect this from midoriya but bakugo…
kami-sama: i’m not going to let you forget this bakugo
kinkyshima: so bakugo are you a closeted all might fan or what
jirou: pfft he’s been exposed
floating: E X P O S  E D
katsuking: also All Might is the number one hero and don’t you fuckers ever forget it
kinkyshima: i’m
katsuking: continue. the. story.
kinkyshima: i can hear explosions 
kinkyshima: okokOK i’ll continue just please don’t break anything else
kinkyshima: so where was I
kinkyshima: oh yeah so i stuck my arm out just as i was falling right
kinkyshima: and i fucking did a kabe-don
kinkyshima: like a fucking wall smack 
kinkyshima: with me, arm out and bracing myself
kinkyshima: and todoroki leaning against the wall
kinkyshima: it was like a goddamn shoujo manga
tsuyu: …how close were you 
tsuyu: did you gaze into his eyes
tsuyu: i bet you leaned in
midoriya: tSUYU
kinkyshima: …
midoriya: kiRISHIMA
kami-sama: living up to the username i see
tsuyu: sure
floating: sure
midoriya: sure
katsuking: fucking sure
tailman: sure
you can’t see me: sure
sugarman: sure
momo: sure
kami-sama: sure
jirou: sure
iidart: sure
midoriya: but wait you said you needed our help right? not much point if todoroki is in the chat though
kinkyshima: PLEASE 
kinkyshima: i don’t mind if even todoroki answers me but after the wall slam his faced seemed kinda dark 
kinkyshima: like intense and shit and even though he told me there was no problem he had this look on his face the whole day and i’m wondering whether i should plan my funeral
kami-sama: leave me all your money thanks
kinkyshima: plEASE HELP
momo: I could ask him..?
3:15 pm
momo: ok i asked but he seemed like he had forgotten about it
momo: he just kinda went like “oh, tell kirishima not to worry about it” 
kinkyshima: T H A N K  G O D
momo: but that intense look is still on his face
kinkyshima: nO WHY
kami-sama: maybe he’s plotting your murder
midoriya: press f to pay respects
midoriya: f
katsuking: f
katsuking: uck you deku
iidart: b A K U GO
iidart: f
jirou: i’m so sorry for laughing midoriya but holy shit
jirou: f
momo: f
tsuyu: f
kinkyshima: guys please 
02:31 am
shouto: why are softballs called ‘soft’ balls even though they’re hard?
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sunriseinorbit · 7 years
Clumsy Cause I'm Falling In Love
This is my gift for @artisticautistic for the @bnhasummerexchange!! (I couldn’t fit in a lot of krbk but it’s kinda there lol) Enjoy!
Read on AO3
There are times when Midoriya Izuku wishes he could be more like Uraraka Ochako.
Uraraka isn’t shy like Izuku is. When anyone comes into the Kamui Wood Cafe, she’s there to greet them by name if she knows it and with a smile if she doesn’t. She strikes up conversations at the counter and never fails to make people smile.
Izuku just makes the drinks and remains, as always, too nervous to talk to anyone without becoming a stuttering mess.
It's eight o’clock on a normal Thursday night. The busiest part of the evening is over, even though there's another hour until closing. There are a few people at tables across the cafe, laptops out and coffee cups too large for the time of night already half-empty. It's quiet - the chatty people have all left by now and the only people here are the students who have papers due tomorrow.
Uraraka’s chatting with the guy sitting at the table closest to the counter. Apparently, they're in the same calculus class.
Iida’s wiping down the empty tables with almost automatic motions. He moves from one table to the next in seconds, spraying down the table with one hand and wiping it dry with a paper towel with the other.
And Izuku’s putting the finishing touches on a latte behind the counter. He's not good at latte art by any stretch, but he can make a pretty flower at the very least, and that's what he adds to every for-here order.
“Small latte with soy milk, for here!” He calls, sliding the mug down to the end of the counter.
Someone comes up to take the mug with a thank you and a smile. Uraraka probably knows her name, but Izuku doesn't, so he just smiles back and hopes it isn't awkward.
“Hey, Deku!” Uraraka calls from the register. “I'm going to put my music on, can you man the counter if anyone comes in?”
“Y-yeah, I think so!” Izuku calls back, sliding down the counter as Uraraka heads over to the speaker in the corner, phone in hand.
“Wait, are you changing the music?” Iida asks.
“Yes, your smooth jazz is putting me to sleep!” Uraraka laughs. “We still have another hour until closing, I can't last that long!”
“I have other music-”
“Like what?”
As if on cue, the jazz fades into silence and the opening riff of Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way” blasts through the cafe.
“Oh.” Uraraka nods, trying to hold back a giggle. “I see.”
The bell over the door jingles, catching Izuku’s attention. Uraraka’s been away from the counter for thirty seconds, obviously his luck is just bad enough to have someone walk in-
The man walking into the cafe is, to put it bluntly, really really pretty. Izuku has no idea how someone wearing something as plain as black Converse high-tops could look that pretty. He wears black Converse high-tops sometimes and there's no way he could ever look that pretty. Maybe it's the fact that the man’s wearing all black while looking more elegant than emo. That's probably due to the shoes and the black bomber jacket.
But that just makes Izuku notice his hair - red on the left, white on the right, neatly parted down the middle. And his face - there’s a scar over his left eye, but other than that, his skin is smooth and bright. And his eyes - the left blue, the right brown, both colors bold in a way that draws Izuku in like quicksand. And everything else about him.
God, he’s beautiful.
“Hi, welcome to Kamui Wood!” Uraraka shouts from next to the speaker, shooting Izuku a look.
The man nods and walks up to the counter and oh god why does Izuku have to be manning the counter now?
“H-hi, welcome to Kamui Wood, w-what can I get started for you today?” Izuku tries and fails to keep his composure.
“Um, hi.” The man frowns - oh no he thinks Izuku’s weird and they’re going to lose a customer and it’s all his fault - and looks up at the options up on the chalkboard on the back wall. “Can I get a medium mocha?”
“Okay.” Izuku nods, watching Uraraka get back behind the counter out of the corner of his eye. “D-do you want milk or dark chocolate?”
The man pauses in thought. “...Dark.”
“And f-for here or to go?” Izuku asks.
“To go.”
Uraraka whispers something excitedly under her breath, but Izuku has no idea what or why.
“All right, we’ll whip that r-right up!” Izuku grabs a to-go cup and writes down the order, handing the cup to Uraraka.
The man goes to sit down at one of the tables and another customer comes in. The next order is a lot easier for Izuku to take.
“Medium mocha, dark chocolate, to go!” Uraraka singsongs, sliding the drink along the counter. There’s a black Sharpie in her hair that almost falls out as she talks, but she’s clearly trying to keep it hidden.
The man picks it up, looking at the cup with a frown before he turns on his heel and leaves the shop, bell jingling over the door as it slams shut.
Izuku doesn’t make much of it, finishing his shift without much trouble. He helps everyone close up, a little after nine when all the customers have left, and when the doors are locked, he walks home with Uraraka just like he usually does. They both exchange “See you tomorrow”s with Iida as he walks the other way down the sidewalk.
Uraraka has a spring in her step and a smile on her face that she’s obviously trying to hide. She’s seemed happy ever since she made that mocha, and Izuku has no idea why.
“Are you all right?” Izuku asks.
“Fine!” Uraraka flashes him a thumbs-up. “Just glad to be done, that’s all!”
Izuku has the weirdest feeling that she’s lying about that. “You know, you shouldn’t have caffeine so late, you aren’t going to sleep well.”
“It’s not caffeine, Deku!”
“Then what is it?”
“Don’t worry about it!” Uraraka laughs. “Really, if anyone needs caffeine right now, it’s you. Don’t you have a paper due tomorrow?”
“Yeah, but-”
“Did you finish it already?” Uraraka asks, eyes wide.
“No!” Izuku chuckles. “Definitely not. But I’ve outlined the whole thing, I just need to write it.”
“That’s good.”
They walk in silence a little longer in the dark, barely encountering anyone on the street. The walk back to their dorm from the cafe isn’t a long one, but it always seems longer when there isn’t anyone around.
When they get inside, they take the stairs instead of the elevator, since Izuku’s room is on the second floor and Uraraka’s is on the third. It’s one more push after standing up for four hours, but it’s doable.
“Well, goodnight!” Uraraka grins. “Good luck on that paper!”
“Thanks.” Izuku smiles back. “See you tomorrow!”
“See you!”
Uraraka heads up the stairs as Izuku walks down the second-floor hallway to his room. He unlocks the door and puts his bag down on his bed before sitting next to it, leaning back against the wall.
He takes his phone out of the front pocket of his backpack for the first time in four hours. There are three texts waiting for him, each one given its own separate blurb on his lockscreen.
The oldest unread message is one from his roommate, Kirishima, who’s on a study date - knowing him, there’s a lot more emphasis on date. The next one is from someone in his chemistry class, asking him what he’s doing for the review.
The last text is from an unknown number, and his first thought is that it’s just spam or a wrong number. Around ninety percent of the time, that’s what it is.
But as soon as he opens the text, he knows this situation definitely falls into the other ten percent.
9:04 PM
This number was written on my mocha at Kamui Wood, so I thought I’d say hello.
Izuku narrows his eyes at the text, trying to make sense of it, before he realizes what’s going on.
The Sharpie in Uraraka’s hair. The excitement in her voice when she yelled out the order. The smile she couldn’t shake when they were walking home.
Izuku screams into his pillow, extremely glad Kirishima isn’t home right now. He doesn’t know whether to be mad at Uraraka for embarrassing him or thankful for giving him the opportunity to talk to the man from the shop again.
What is he supposed to say? “Hi nice to meet you”? “Well this is awkward”? “I think my friend’s trying to set us up I’m so so so so sorry”? This guy probably doesn’t even know whose number he has. For all he knows, he might think he’s texting Uraraka right now.
Izuku groans. He has to at least sort that out.
9:17 PM
Yeah hi!
He hits send before he can say anything else he’ll regret. He’s walking on thin ice right now and he knows it; any wrong move could ruin everything. He’ll introduce himself when it feels right.
His phone buzzes and he jumps.
9:18 PM
Were you at the register?
That was easy.
9:18 PM
Izuku realizes right after hitting send that the guy thinks he wrote his own number on the cup, even though he didn’t. What if he thinks he’s too bold or too obvious or too much? But he can’t clear that up without saying that he didn’t write the number himself but that would make him seem pathetic and why is Uraraka like this-
Another buzz.
9:18 PM
Izuku clutches the phone to his chest and lies back on the bed with a groan. What does that even mean? Is that a positive oh or a negative oh?
9:19 PM
If you don’t mind, could we talk sometime tomorrow or the next day?
Izuku’s heart cannot handle any of this.
9:19 PM
Totally, I’m working 5-9 tomorrow so you can stop by anytime!
Every four-hour shift, Izuku gets one fifteen-minute break. Is fifteen minutes enough to sort something like this out? He hopes it is.
9:20 PM
Thank you.
Izuku still doesn’t know if that’s positive or negative or both or neither and his heart is racing at the speed of sound.
9:21 PM
I’m Todoroki Shouto, by the way.
Izuku blinks. As stupid as it sounds, he didn't think Todoroki could have a name. Don't angels have names that can't be spoken in human tongues or something like that?
He's briefly tempted to slap himself in the face. This is real, it's happening, and he needs to get a grip if he doesn't want to ruin this chance.
9:21 PM
I'm  Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you!!
He drops his phone onto the other end of the bed and brings his knees to his chest. Does he have a date tomorrow? Does that count as a date? Todoroki said he wanted to talk, what does that mean?
When Kirishima gets back, Izuku still hasn't worked on the paper.
“How are you?” Uraraka asks on the way to work the next day, like nothing’s wrong.
“Fine,” Izuku answers.
“Did you finish that history paper?”
“Yeah.” Izuku stayed up until three in the morning to finish it, but that counts.
“That's good.” Uraraka smiles. “Anything interesting happen last night?”
Izuku freezes in his tracks. “I don't know, you tell me.”
“Wait, did he actually call you?” Uraraka stops, too, eyes wide. “I didn't-”
“He texted me,” Izuku says, “He said he wanted to talk-”
“What, when?” Uraraka grins. “Does this mean you have a date?”
“I don't know, I'll find out tonight.” Izuku’s already freaking out and he hasn't even gotten to work yet. He's going to have to take the register the whole time because if he doesn't, he's definitely going to spill hot coffee on himself.
“Do you need a pep talk?” Uraraka asks. “If you don't want one from me, I can ask Iida to give you one, he's good at those.”
Izuku sighs. “I have no idea.”
“Sorry for springing this on you.” Uraraka’s smile turns sheepish and a little ashamed. “I thought it would help you get off on the right foot, but now you're nervous and-”
“It's fine.” Izuku gives her a smile in return. He definitely didn't have the guts to do what she did, but there was definitely a part of him that wanted to. And thanks to her, here he is. He's just scared. Really, really scared.
Uraraka gets to the shop first and rubs away the condensation on the window to get a look inside. “Iida’s in there, I'll ask him to give you some encouragement. Come on!”
Before Izuku can protest, Uraraka’s already dragging him into Kamui Wood with a strength no one except him and the people in her weight training class know she possesses. Of course she would take weight training for her required physical education elective. Of course.
“Iida!” She shouts, dragging Izuku back behind the counter toward the break room. “Deku’s going to talk to his crush tonight, so when he gets his stuff on, can you tell him he's going to do great?”
“...I'll try.” Iida nods, slightly confused but determined.
“Did you really have to reveal all that here?” Izuku hisses. Iida’s not the only person behind the counter, Jirou’s here and so is-
“Wait, Midoriya, you have a crush?” Kaminari leans over toward him with a grin, still measuring out some milk for a drink. “I didn't know that!” He turns to Jirou and asks, “Did you know that?”
Jirou shakes her head. “You talk to him more than I do.”
“Who is it?” Kaminari asks, always the local gossip. “Are they coming here?”
“Can it, you're just freaking him out more.” Jirou gives Izuku a little smile. “Don't worry about it, you got this.”
“Thank you!” Izuku runs back toward the break room to clock in, put his backpack down, and slip on the standard apron, running into Kaminari and Jirou on the way out, both clocking out right at five. He heads to the register and takes his first order of the night, but not before Kaminari obnoxiously yells “Good luck!” as he walks out.
“I was asked to give you some encouragement,” Iida says in between orders, his voice noticeably calmer than both Kaminari’s and Uraraka’s. “Would you still like it?”
“Sure.” Izuku nods. “Fire away.”
“It's just a conversation,” Iida says, “You have plenty of experience with those.”
“Yeah, you took his order just fine yesterday!” Uraraka adds, “You didn't explode then, and you won't now!”
“You're also a generally likeable person, and for good reason,” Iida continues, “You managed to set this up-”
“And that means he at least kind of likes you!” Uraraka interrupts, “You're going to be fine, right, Iida?”
“Thank, guys.” Izuku fiddles with his hands and looks right at the door, just waiting for the bell to jingle and for Todoroki to walk in and for this to happen so it can be over and he doesn't have to freak out about it anymore.
When the bell rings, it's the only thing Izuku can hear.
Todoroki looks just as good today as he did yesterday, which shouldn't be a surprise but definitely still is. But there's something different about him today, and Izuku has no idea what it is.
“Want me to take over the register?” Uraraka whispers.
“Yeah,” Izuku whispers back.
Todoroki catches his eye and starts walking up to the counter and oh god this is actually happening-
“H-hi, Todoroki!” Izuku squeaks out.
“...Hi.” Todoroki frowns. “Is everything all right?”
“Yeah, totally!” Izuku nods erratically, stepping out behind the counter. “Back here.”
He doesn't even wait for Todoroki to follow him before he's walking back to the break room, heart racing in his chest. He's never been this nervous, this is all just moving so fast.
“I'm sorry,” he says as soon as the door is shut behind the two of them.
“For what?” Todoroki narrows his eyes in confusion. ”I was the one who asked.”
“No, it's not that, my-” Izuku sighs. “My friend wrote my number on the cup, she’s... like that sometimes.”
“So you don't-”
“Nonono, I just needed you to know before- before anything else happens.” Izuku is truly incredible at this why is he so nervous-
“Right.” Todoroki slowly nods. “About that.”
“Yeah?” This is the part where Izuku gets a no, he can just feel it-
“How does this weekend sound?” Todoroki’s cheeks are redder than they've ever been, and it might just be the room temperature but he definitely isn't cool and collected anymore.
Wait. “Like a date?”
Izuku doesn't know what to say. He could faint. How did this happen? “...Yeah, sure.”
“That was... simple,” Todoroki says.
“Yeah, really!” Izuku laughs. “Sorry this room is so stuffy, this was probably a lot more awkward than it needed to be.”
Todoroki shrugs. “It happened.” He's the first one to go for the door again, turning around with his hand on the knob. “I'll text you.”
“O-okay!” Izuku bobs his head up and down as blood rushes to his cheeks. How did he do that?
Things are easier when he gets back to the counter. Uraraka and Iida switch off register duty, and Izuku’s never realized the therapeutic potential of just making drinks for three hours. Iida’s phone is plugged into the speaker again, playing the same classic rock and smooth jazz as yesterday, and it's hard to believe it's only been one day since “Walk This Way”. But plenty has changed since then.
There are times when Midoriya Izuku wishes he could be more like Uraraka Ochako, but most of the time, having her around is enough for him.
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monomas-a-smug-bih · 7 years
Todoroki Shouto x OC/Reader
Yo man this spoils the new episode with the gang fighting stain!! So spoiler warning! It’s oc/ reader cuz she doesn’t have a name yet lol enjoy the AnGsT?
* B E E P * My phone flashed a couple times as I took my eyes of the chaos before me. These Nomu look alikes were getting too hard to control. Heroes were being flailed around like ragdolls while I stood there trying to help. “Really? At a time like this!” I growled at my phone as I read the recent text. Izuku? I studied the random location on the message. “What- wait I better run, h-he might be in trouble.” ‘Damn’ I started making my way through the streets of the big city. *CRASH* I raised my arms to block the falling debris caused from a building wall being demolished. My eyes widened at the sight of an exposed brain mutant, 'Nomu! This is not the time!’. It leaped down shrieking disturbingly on its way down. I rolled out of the way just in time to prepare for more horrid yells. 'Dammit that text is urgent! I need to him!’ I sighed, finally making it from the ruckus and leaving the thing to more pros. * B E E P * Really!? I examined the device one more time in a sprint. 'Todoroki too!’ It was the same location again! This only made me sprint faster. Running desperately I witnessed a terrifying hero killer and my friends battling as you skidded around the corner. Izuku was leaning onto a wall as a hero and Tenya seemed….paralyzed? I was behind the killer and spotted him lunging towards injured Shouto. I summoned water from my palms and sent it towards the villain. “Flash flood!” It sloshed quickly to him and before he could jump away nailed him into a nearby wall. Todoroki sighed in relief “Y/n!” Izuku smiled even in the current situation. Stain whipped his head around now dashing toward me. “On after another, you children are dead!” He yelled and prepared to slash at my stomach. I froze the water into ice to use as a shield and caught his blade. I smiled, shattering the shield and freezing my fist to hit him. You were fast, but he still managed to reduce the blow to his shoulder by dodging too slow, he stumbled back, then jumped. He vanished? I looked around, whipping my brown ponytail, only to meet a knee to the stomach, I coughed, as he prepared a blade for me. “Y/n!” Shouto send a fire to me To keep Stain at bay, as expected he leapt out of the way. I wiped saliva for my mouth and coughed, leaping back. “Keep him at a distance! If he ingests your blood he’ll paralyze you!” Todoroki warned. “Got it.”
The fight was heated and heroes were yet to be seen….could they be too busy with the nomus? I was growing tired and my muscles ached from fighting. I heard Shoutos breath hitch,
His blood stained the katana, and was soon consumed by Stain himself. “Now….DIE!” He readied his sword aimed at paralyzed Shouto’s stomach. I hadn’t noticed my legs started moving the moment I heard the boy. I was sprinting now. “STOP!” I screamed, getting between the men, I tried my best to form ice in such little time, but, it was too late….
Blood splattered into the tense air. The atmosphere was getting even colder and harsher. Todoroki was on sitting up on his elbows behind me, he’d gotten pushed out of harms way. “Y-y/n…?” His voice was shaking, it was a rare sight, to see his eyes the size of dish plates with such a horrified expression. My excuse for a hastily made shield had been shattered, littering the scene of bloody ice. A sword had been stabbed into my abdomen, my arms held in front of me, my shirt stained red, 'No.’ The killer grinned and thrusted it away, gripping the swords handle. Blood erupted from my throat from the harsh action, the sword was ripped out, c o v e r e d in crimson liquid.
'If that blade meets his mouth, it’s all over! I-i can’t let that happen. Everyone’s depending on me, entrusting me with their l i v e s, I’m not done! I can’t…’ he laughed and raised his sword to his mouth…..
I lunged desperately, teeth clenched, painfully gripping the blade of the sword, blocking it from meeting his lips. The weapon was ripped from his grasp and I called my water once again, Carrying me out and others of range. I hadn’t noticed the blood pouring out of my hand, staining the blade even further.
Liquids harshly were forced from your burning throat and spread across the cement. I was panting, my knees buckled and met the cement. I clutched my wound, pleading internally for the pain to stop, vision fogging up like glass. “I….I-I’m n-not d-done.” Tears gathered in the ducts of your eyes, threatening to fall. Ice climbed the sword in your hands and shattered instantly. Stain once again dashed toward me, I used my remaining strength to keep him at bay with ice and water. It wasn’t very effective, but gave me time to freeze my wound, protecting it with a patch of ice afterward, it made standing easier. A male yell could be heard behind me. “Y/n! Get out of the way!” Todoroki? I obliged, flames were sent the villain way, even frozen in place, the boy was not giving up. I smiled slightly preparing to attack. He came for another hit, instantly missing, I was ready for that one this time, so my body dissipated into liquid, appearing behind him. My frozen fist left a hard blow to his stomach, it was strong enough to send him backward. “Ahah, you can throw a punch, some hero you are,” he threw knives, they were easily dodged, only to notice I’d fallen into his trap. They were headed icy-hots way. “Shit!” Hastily water caught them in time, leaving me open to attack. I was lunged at, enemy wielding more knives. “Foolish idiot, you are the real deal,” his chuckle grew louder. “Putting your boyfriend before your own life? Such compassion.” He earned a desperate heated glare from Shouto. Three of the throwing knives met my shoulders, spraying more blood into the air. “Gah!” A cry of pain was forced up my throat, your gripped your shoulder desperately.
“This’ll be interesting.”
Hope that was good I’ve never written for a fighting scene b4! Hope you enjoy leave a like and ask for more if you’d like part two…
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