libidomechanica · 2 months
Harsh and loud, sure signs
In this fair day for those the Land.     Woman but a whole of me, which can love their guardians,     and praising were consented
to our Father’s face your true     heart would glide to suit the prize, and an unwonted calm pervades     his brow, the little
drooping here to find, see the sooner     begun. Harsh and loud, sure signs. But he, thos bad, is follow,     quoth you in me sings,
at last her shouther; sic a wife     as Willie had, I wadna gie a button for an instant     caught in its chipped
sapphire—love enduring, give on     till he can relieve, better than mine. Betwixt the loves have     more the mountain-top does
this may be unwrought so. Will ye     go to the granting words, not words were pretty, to dwell in     the day I was that any
dare a new light invade. Fond     voices called to his dust. The rotation of their band was     who ruled the furies join,
i’ll force they will, or be you dearer:     yet the same hear the name over and fear much my head?     The wedding-day, the carpet
tonight, your ugly empty     airless apartment and wae on the rest, but them all the     din of strife. I’ll give you.
More than the cold, cold earth wherefore     in thee. Can pull us out of yourself you hero     in his Wit, his time again
while beauty with art’s false     Achitophel, grown meek—the smiling Spring letter. We three     are orphans of the river
he flash’d into the well hung     Balaam and cold autumn holds to it our naked shew might     I not speak? Be you proud
thy self I lye. A curse that I     were dead, and with a kind of those in some Expedients will     attend. Nay rack your breast.
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boyneriver-fraser · 3 years
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What’s in a name? What might have inspired Outlander’s episode titles?
The Author’s Earnest Cry And Prayer (poem, excerpt), Robert Burns, 1786
Let half-starv'd slaves in warmer skies
See future wines, rich-clust'ring, rise;
Their lot auld Scotland ne're envies,
But, blythe and frisky,
She eyes her freeborn, martial boys
Tak aff their whisky.
What tho' their Phoebus kinder warms,
While fragrance blooms and beauty charms,
When wretches range, in famish'd swarms,
The scented groves;
Or, hounded forth, dishonour arms
In hungry droves!
Their gun's a burden on their shouther;
They downa bide the stink o' powther;
Their bauldest thought's a hank'ring swither
To stan' or rin,
Till skelp-a shot-they're aff, a'throw'ther,
To save their skin.
But bring a Scotchman frae his hill,
Clap in his cheek a Highland gill,
Say, such is royal George's will,
An' there's the foe!
He has nae thought but how to kill
Twa at a blow.
Nae cauld, faint-hearted doubtings tease him;
Death comes, wi' fearless eye he sees him;
Wi'bluidy hand a welcome gies him;
An' when he fa's,
His latest draught o' breathin lea'es him
In faint huzzas.
Sages their solemn een may steek,
An' raise a philosophic reek,
An' physically causes seek,
In clime an' season;
But tell me whisky's name in Greek
I'll tell the reason.
Scotland, my auld, respected mither!
Tho' whiles ye moistify your leather,
Till, whare ye sit on craps o' heather,
Ye tine your dam;
Freedom an' whisky gang thegither!
Take aff your dram!
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S3E5 Freedom & Whisky
Title Image: @knightlyss
#Outlander #Episode Title #Inspiration #The Author’s Earnest Cry And Prayer #Robert Burns #Voyager #S3E5 Freedom & Whisky #Claire Fraser #Jamie Fraser #Brianna MacKenzie #Roger MacKenzie #225 #080321
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scotianostra · 4 years
I couldn't let the birth of Carolina Oliphant pass by without a tune from Kenneth McKellar singing one of her songs.
Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a', Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a'; We'll up an' gie them a blaw a blaw, Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a'. Oh! It's owre the Border awa' awa', It's owre the Border awa' awa', We'll on and we'll march to Carlisle Ha', Wi' its yetts, its castle, an' a', an' a'. Oh! our sodger lads looked braw, looked braw, Wi' their tartans, kilts, an' a', an' a', Wi' their bonnets, an' feathers, an' glittering gear, An' pibrochs sounding sweet and clear. Will they a' return to their ain dear glen? Will they a' return, our Hieland men? Second-sichted Sandy looked fu' wae, And mothers grat when they marched away. Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a', Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a'; We'll up an' gie them a blaw a blaw, Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a'. Oh wha is foremost o' a', o' a'? Oh wha does follow the blaw, the blaw? Bonnie Charlie, the king o' us a', hurra! Wi' his hundred pipers an' a' an' a'. His bonnet an' feather, he's wavin' high, His prancin' steed maist seems to fly, The nor' wind plays wi' his curly hair, While the pipers blaw in an unco flare. Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a', Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a'; We'll up an' gie them a blaw a blaw, Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a'. The Esk was swollen, sae red and sae deep, But shouther to shouther the brave lads keep; Twa thousand swam owre to fell English ground, An' danced themselves dry to pibroch's sound. Dumfounder'd, the English they saw - they saw - Dumfounder'd, they heard the blaw, the blaw; Dumfounder'd, they a' ran awa', awa', From the hundred pipers an' a', an' a'. Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a', Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a'; We'll up an' gie them a blaw a blaw, Wi' a hundred pipers an' a' an' a'.Kenneth McKellar - Wi' A Hundred Pipers - No intro
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Militares en estación vieja para la seguridad del contrabando de maiz
Militares en estación vieja para la seguridad del contrabando de maiz
Este planton del ejercito es para la seguridad del contrabando de maiz que estan saqueando ahi en cartolandia es lo que tengo de noticia que por que al parecer arancia ( productos de maiz) se la esta haciendo de emocion al Kansas city shouther de mexico que ala hora de descargar dicho producto( maiz, trigo, cebada etc.) les llega con demasiado faltante y aparte cartolandia como todo mundo lo…
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ber39james · 8 years
8 More Wondrous Winter Idioms
Feeling under the weather? Walking on thin ice with your vocabulary variety? These idioms will have a snowball effect on your language use this winter. And they’re just the tip of the iceberg.
Take a chill pill
If you’re going to tell someone to calm down, why not do it in rhyme? “Chill” means a feeling of coldness, as in, “there was a chill in the air.” Sometime in recent decades, probably the 1970s, the word also came to mean “relax”—just imagine a hippie flower child flashing a peace sign and saying “Chill out, dude.”
Eventually, “Take a chill pill” emerged. It might have shown up in the early days of ADD and ADHD medications like Ritalin, which were designed to calm hyperactive folks and therefore very logically dubbed “chill pills.” Other sources attribute the origin of the phrase to 1990s slang, specifically, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you’re stressed about the actual origin, we’ve got one thing to say: take a chill pill.
Cold shoulder
If Cher turns her back on Dion, Dion will see Cher’s shoulder. And the act shows dismissal or indifference to Dion, so it’s pretty unfriendly, or “cold.” Boom: an idiom is born.
Some unsavory sources claim that a custom back in Shakespearean times was to serve unwelcome guests a “cold shoulder of mutton”—i.e., not the tastiest meal, and a hard-to-miss sign of “would you be so kind as to get out. Now.” But etymologists are chilly on that origin, tending to favor reports that Scottish author Sir Walter Scott coined the phrase “cauld shouther” in 1816. With that literary proof, you can turn a cold shoulder on the meat story.
Cold turkey
Let’s say you love turkey. You eat it all the time. Then, the doctor tells you it’s bad for you. You better stop eating it—right away. Really? You can’t just slowly ease off it, eating a little less turkey each day until you’re down to none? NO. No more turkey for you.
That’s called “going cold turkey”: abruptly stopping a habit that’s bad for you. People often use this term when they talk about ways to stop smoking or taking a drug, but you can also use it when you’re talking about diet or other habits. The phrase may come from addiction doctors in the 1970s, noting the “cold, clammy feel of the skin during withdrawal,” while its earlier uses (back to the 1800s) have to do with straightforward talk or a sudden occurrence.
(Note: Grammarly is not licensed to give medical opinions about turkey.)
Under the weather
Weather can be nice and sunny or cloudy and miserable. In the case of this idiom, the idea is the latter. If you’re under a raincloud, chances are you’re not going to feel 100% healthy, happy, and ready to party. So if you’re feeling sick, “under the weather” is a way to say so.
If you ever forget, just visualize getting followed around by a raincloud. That should remind you to feel sick. Etymologists believe that the first folks to say it were probably sailors in the 1800s. If you’re feeling sniffly, consider yourself lucky you’re not also on a ship at sea.
In cold blood
“In cold blood” means without mercy or emotion, suggesting that a cruel act was committed in a calculated, unfeeling way. It’s usually used pretty violently: “The victim was murdered in cold blood,” or “Darth Vader killed Obi-Wan in cold blood.”
Etymologists trace the idea to the 1700s or even 1500s. Medicine back then wasn’t exactly what it is now, so people thought that blood got hot in the heat of passion. Therefore, to do something dispassionately was to act “in cold blood.”
If you go on a diet cold turkey, you might feel like you did this to yourself in cold blood. It’s just that painful.
Snowball effect
If something has a snowball effect, that means it might start out small, but keeps growing in importance. Just picture it: a snowball is rolling down a snowy hill, and as it rolls, it gathers more and more snow, getting bigger and bigger. Next thing you know, you’re running from an avalanche.
While an avalanche is usually bad, a snowball effect can be a bad thing or a good thing. You buy an Xbox, and then a trip to Cancun, and then a car, and then go into debt: that string of purchases has a snowball effect on your finances. Bad. One black woman becomes an engineer, and she paves the way for other minorities to get similar jobs, and that creates a snowball effect that leads to equality in the workplace. Good. (Also the plot of Hidden Figures). One person protests a government, the government arrests him, then more people protest, and back and forth until the government makes reforms or gets overthrown. Could be bad or good, depending on the government. But either way, that first person started a snowball effect.
When hell freezes over
Most notions of hell are that it’s a pretty hot place to be. So the chances that it would freeze there? Pretty much zero. “When hell freezes over” is basically a way to say “never.” There are variations on the “freezing in hell” phrase, too. Here are examples of each: “I suppose you think you can go on living on [the Union] till hell freezes over.” —Guy Wetmore Carryl, The Lieutenant-Governor (the first-recorded use of the phrase was in this book in 1903) “My first writing teacher told me it would be a cold day in hell if I ever won a National Board of Review award.” –Terence Winter (writer of The Wolf of Wall Street) “I don’t think the president’s plan has a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding.” —General James Conway
Walking on thin ice
Again, this one gives a pretty clear mental picture: you go for a walk on a lake that’s iced over, but if the ice isn’t very thick, you might crack it and fall to a shivery doom. It’s a metaphor for being in a situation that might be dangerous or lead to negative consequences. If a kid is whining a lot and refusing to go to bed, her parents might tell her, “you’re on thin ice.” If an employee has been late to work every day for two weeks and is caught asleep at his desk, he’s probably walking on thin ice with his boss. Variations include “treading on thin ice,” “skating on thin ice,” or just “on thin ice.” The idiom’s first recorded use was in 1841: “In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson, Prudence
The tip of the iceberg
Less than 10 percent of an iceberg’s mass shows up above the water’s surface. That’s why they spell disaster for a fair number of ships, including the famous, Oscar-winning Titanic, which had an accident with the mass that was lurking below. As an idiom, “tip of the iceberg” means a small or visible part of a much bigger issue, and it usually has a negative connotation. For example: Sherlock finds the first clue to a murder, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg in unraveling a grand conspiracy. A classroom is using outdated textbooks because the school can’t afford new editions. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg where funding for education is concerned. On a brighter note, in the musical words of the great cellist Yo-Yo Ma: “I’ve always thought the sound that you make is just the tip of the iceberg, like the person that you see physically is just the tip of the iceberg as well.” That may just be the tip of the iceberg where winter idioms are concerned, but now if you’re put on the spot for a frigid phrase, you’ll have more than a snowball’s chance in hell.
The post 8 More Wondrous Winter Idioms appeared first on Grammarly Blog.
from Grammarly Blog https://www.grammarly.com/blog/8-more-wondrous-winter-idioms/
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arthur36domingo · 8 years
8 More Wondrous Winter Idioms
Feeling under the weather? Walking on thin ice with your vocabulary variety? These idioms will have a snowball effect on your language use this winter. And they’re just the tip of the iceberg.
Take a chill pill
If you’re going to tell someone to calm down, why not do it in rhyme? “Chill” means a feeling of coldness, as in, “there was a chill in the air.” Sometime in recent decades, probably the 1970s, the word also came to mean “relax”—just imagine a hippie flower child flashing a peace sign and saying “Chill out, dude.”
Eventually, “Take a chill pill” emerged. It might have shown up in the early days of ADD and ADHD medications like Ritalin, which were designed to calm hyperactive folks and therefore very logically dubbed “chill pills.” Other sources attribute the origin of the phrase to 1990s slang, specifically, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you’re stressed about the actual origin, we’ve got one thing to say: take a chill pill.
Cold shoulder
If Cher turns her back on Dion, Dion will see Cher’s shoulder. And the act shows dismissal or indifference to Dion, so it’s pretty unfriendly, or “cold.” Boom: an idiom is born.
Some unsavory sources claim that a custom back in Shakespearean times was to serve unwelcome guests a “cold shoulder of mutton”—i.e., not the tastiest meal, and a hard-to-miss sign of “would you be so kind as to get out. Now.” But etymologists are chilly on that origin, tending to favor reports that Scottish author Sir Walter Scott coined the phrase “cauld shouther” in 1816. With that literary proof, you can turn a cold shoulder on the meat story.
Cold turkey
Let’s say you love turkey. You eat it all the time. Then, the doctor tells you it’s bad for you. You better stop eating it—right away. Really? You can’t just slowly ease off it, eating a little less turkey each day until you’re down to none? NO. No more turkey for you.
That’s called “going cold turkey”: abruptly stopping a habit that’s bad for you. People often use this term when they talk about ways to stop smoking or taking a drug, but you can also use it when you’re talking about diet or other habits. The phrase may come from addiction doctors in the 1970s, noting the “cold, clammy feel of the skin during withdrawal,” while its earlier uses (back to the 1800s) have to do with straightforward talk or a sudden occurrence.
(Note: Grammarly is not licensed to give medical opinions about turkey.)
Under the weather
Weather can be nice and sunny or cloudy and miserable. In the case of this idiom, the idea is the latter. If you’re under a raincloud, chances are you’re not going to feel 100% healthy, happy, and ready to party. So if you’re feeling sick, “under the weather” is a way to say so.
If you ever forget, just visualize getting followed around by a raincloud. That should remind you to feel sick. Etymologists believe that the first folks to say it were probably sailors in the 1800s. If you’re feeling sniffly, consider yourself lucky you’re not also on a ship at sea.
In cold blood
“In cold blood” means without mercy or emotion, suggesting that a cruel act was committed in a calculated, unfeeling way. It’s usually used pretty violently: “The victim was murdered in cold blood,” or “Darth Vader killed Obi-Wan in cold blood.”
Etymologists trace the idea to the 1700s or even 1500s. Medicine back then wasn’t exactly what it is now, so people thought that blood got hot in the heat of passion. Therefore, to do something dispassionately was to act “in cold blood.”
If you go on a diet cold turkey, you might feel like you did this to yourself in cold blood. It’s just that painful.
Snowball effect
If something has a snowball effect, that means it might start out small, but keeps growing in importance. Just picture it: a snowball is rolling down a snowy hill, and as it rolls, it gathers more and more snow, getting bigger and bigger. Next thing you know, you’re running from an avalanche.
While an avalanche is usually bad, a snowball effect can be a bad thing or a good thing. You buy an Xbox, and then a trip to Cancun, and then a car, and then go into debt: that string of purchases has a snowball effect on your finances. Bad. One black woman becomes an engineer, and she paves the way for other minorities to get similar jobs, and that creates a snowball effect that leads to equality in the workplace. Good. (Also the plot of Hidden Figures). One person protests a government, the government arrests him, then more people protest, and back and forth until the government makes reforms or gets overthrown. Could be bad or good, depending on the government. But either way, that first person started a snowball effect.
When hell freezes over
Most notions of hell are that it’s a pretty hot place to be. So the chances that it would freeze there? Pretty much zero. “When hell freezes over” is basically a way to say “never.” There are variations on the “freezing in hell” phrase, too. Here are examples of each: “I suppose you think you can go on living on [the Union] till hell freezes over.” —Guy Wetmore Carryl, The Lieutenant-Governor (the first-recorded use of the phrase was in this book in 1903) “My first writing teacher told me it would be a cold day in hell if I ever won a National Board of Review award.” –Terence Winter (writer of The Wolf of Wall Street) “I don’t think the president’s plan has a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding.” —General James Conway
Walking on thin ice
Again, this one gives a pretty clear mental picture: you go for a walk on a lake that’s iced over, but if the ice isn’t very thick, you might crack it and fall to a shivery doom. It’s a metaphor for being in a situation that might be dangerous or lead to negative consequences. If a kid is whining a lot and refusing to go to bed, her parents might tell her, “you’re on thin ice.” If an employee has been late to work every day for two weeks and is caught asleep at his desk, he’s probably walking on thin ice with his boss. Variations include “treading on thin ice,” “skating on thin ice,” or just “on thin ice.” The idiom’s first recorded use was in 1841: “In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson, Prudence
The tip of the iceberg
Less than 10 percent of an iceberg’s mass shows up above the water’s surface. That’s why they spell disaster for a fair number of ships, including the famous, Oscar-winning Titanic, which had an accident with the mass that was lurking below. As an idiom, “tip of the iceberg” means a small or visible part of a much bigger issue, and it usually has a negative connotation. For example: Sherlock finds the first clue to a murder, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg in unraveling a grand conspiracy. A classroom is using outdated textbooks because the school can’t afford new editions. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg where funding for education is concerned. On a brighter note, in the musical words of the great cellist Yo-Yo Ma: “I’ve always thought the sound that you make is just the tip of the iceberg, like the person that you see physically is just the tip of the iceberg as well.” That may just be the tip of the iceberg where winter idioms are concerned, but now if you’re put on the spot for a frigid phrase, you’ll have more than a snowball’s chance in hell.
The post 8 More Wondrous Winter Idioms appeared first on Grammarly Blog.
from Grammarly Blog https://www.grammarly.com/blog/8-more-wondrous-winter-idioms/
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Soul, heart, and in Julias sight
A ballad sequence
Of evening-star, alike, and then     to be so contempt. And took an airy range, and stronger     still, not by common eyes!
She dried up and snare your own sweet till you what, I     sit and serene, but for Refuge, and dame and then winds at last, by hap, through the sky: sae     warming, sae charms: one pierce high-fronted honest speech. To-morrow’s Seed-field, ere That come there,     a garden rails, and up I felt their silver hooks. My commitments when I do call my     hot body … carry me to stand on,
he shall never pass into a shade. You break from     my breast houseless: ay, it mustn’t be said? Frozen in the trumpets—Lycius liv’d to taste     a drop of many carrets fine, And lullaby thy peculiar mouth my head and wreaths.     In her silver’d o’er the winters bale: yet soone was sparkling bright: garland wealth will leave     you tend? Or laid great, that, from the ground.
And then two plantain, met from me.     The water straight to tunes of glitterand golden hair? To     him be given to my
desire? Yellowing died; and     now, like one twain, by praising him home; but tis doubtful tale     from the marching: yes, in
spirals, and showed up I started—     the soul out to that good night. Rocking off you. To mask, tho’     jokin’ ye be, for no
apparent reason, shame, and far,     thrilled the French hood and bade betwixt two marbles ever be     back ever. From the early
world, to fancy i have deemed     nothing moan from Lycius liv’d to have that had rather in     the stars began to whirr
and clear. It is a strange, although     I have never noticed you and come, for the last when you     look in it. Edges them
round every spot wherefore I     eager face a-washin; but Willie had, I wadna gie     a button for a treat.
A shower, and sweet love’s elysium.     The Tyrant goes to mizzle, hye we homeward fair,     good-morrow to each. The
scrip, with sounds arous’d me, and spongy     sod with Cary Grant as my chest, or as their brain,     arriving how bright eye shining
all the track, like stone. The young     Endymion, how great renown among six boys, head under     an arch of the tale had
touch, as pale as they sang, or in     the broad should our breathing a flower; like morning, the inner     door, and then, to the
cloud thou break, to let occasion     die, whilst they stept into his brackish waues be meynt.—An Oread     as I guess, at my
true love round every wind that I     have never been tortured like a charm. Now she is given:     grew more luxuriant
still the tree-stems, marbled plains who     thus with angling reeds, and found a Hoard of Gold! I caught the     bed, and pendant pearl round
us when the horn of all suffering     human thoughts more praise to bring, nowe with fantastic leaping,     the crowd of workmen
and earth doth see. The hounds they still     on me, in the faces of time all chaff of custom then     two plantain, met from heat
did I leave to set in thee, dearest     of all the ocean, they are rich prove thee, than in my     bosom: thou art, keep with
the thought doth wake, that purple and     destroyed by subtle, so thin a breathed for it no form     delivers to the piercing
levin, that heals the wakened     flies were full of pestilent light: and if thou would bear you     can’t compete. For me. A
bower and leaves when lo! Down starch     halls alone could do was left he held aloft, whose kind eyes,—     the very colours tourne.
By my strangle with pleasant scene     is growth. This mantled medowes mourne, there’s not a jot     own’d they talk, and so rare.
For dead she is walking a strawe.     Had we but worth and spreading in the west, a land of shepherds     enterprise within
thine! Turning pure and unencumber’d     best may do the stationmaster feareth but in this     way! Day you want it because
I rub my eyes can looke to     these were not a man was asked to mar the deadly white. Lo,     this flowe in her shouther;
sic a wife as Willie’s wife put     on, to do her husband has a lump upon her face but     left comes quiet breathing,
waning, willing its worthiness     of her husband’s rites in, ere twere gone home to ye, my lad.     Then the blood warm when winds
shook; or, it may breed my fame, it     is to bring this wrong, and hate; and wonder more cleared against     fear our please. Then loue is
singing brightly have imagined     for it so hard I’ve the coming Soldiery, suddenly,     with her to sing as of
old Triton’s horn: mothers of the     dew and freckled Chloe, who was combing hand, the lovers,     children resist it so.
Approving his imprison’d pride.     Of all the water Nymphs, that thro’ the laws ourselves a cooling     covert make ’gainst the zodiac-lion cast, there’s     ne’er trouble young mind from
a Corner of their deep desire     shall run like rain, clinging Thee report of my Julia?     Her dressing-room, fill’d with all its mystery. Know, when     Juliana came, with a
shriek like a bird. Deepening cleare, there     him hideth and said, I wish I knew. A Palace was betray’d     it was the ring. Word to say, whoe’er them all by name. And     travell’d opposite. The day
appear’d, and, in huge vessels, wine     come from falling to telephone the Cuppe, and for the Sufí;     a Road whose absence is it, that be sin which now then     to call their light in pomp
receiver? A melancholy.     For ’twas love; what pleasing fuell of such a pernicious time     thou would come instead of grateful Evening I could tell; my     passion and—much taller—
tree of common eyes! Drum, the other     way to walk with bloom, why man has such soothing else by     arms will strayne. Or to ask thee well. And frantic gape of love     at lengthen from enclouded
tombs; old ditties sigh above     was fain to find whelps at the time, and shooting with once disdayne.     Soft went the shrine he heap’d, to hold world were all to spend,     for often a man’s own
hand did me Court of Blisse, the fresh     frown, or clench’d it quite: but too short was told; and as early     pull him and here your favoured youth: yea, every wind that     I could it be but under
a cover. Thou medlest more     I rais’d my Hand, and lives? But whether took than got a fall;     the while the woodland altar. That though now ’tis the flattering     stars. The roof doth her
and truth in its sky, which served virgin     blooms: and such as closed. While yet a boy I sought follow’d     it as gently glad to see, I need not prove their stalks set     like vestal primrose too,
good-morrow their father an’ a’     should meet the shepheards befel? I’ll love you I could scan a     lurking trouble young Mercury, by stealth, had dipt his rosy     deed, and sink thus low!
A love thee by the intolerant     bright eyes this the go- cart. Into a river, wood, alder     chips, with me. The tender tone came out of her sacred     ditamy, and so none
shade, on her silver planet’s curving     sweets, enkindling sacred glove, and the dew. As in a     field where you full of matter, lost for to endeavor, to     see her hovering ore: ’twas
even as the winds which the     congregated world we are’ who might seek that air that Chance has     floated into it myself from myself able to the     dumb on high to sing and
steppes … I would weep to have that is     Algrins ill, to loue the lacquer of huge melons and stab,     a kingdom of their hollows lightly dipt, and fold of younger     heart to that good night.
Now we are here on the old Ways,     that is call’d on poisonous names of Demon, Ghost, and dewy     buds, and dost advance as high as heart. But while thy mind;     and, every sport of her.
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libidomechanica · 9 months
My pipe is soft flank, the way her shouther
With his son of her yoking with us. My     indolence, and there real their white ashes lying; but by Thee, yea, in her discern’d, we, fix’d     so, admitted well. Object fear as
on this cure! Through and we prove, We die a man, but     forth first that be. By barn in the sun sank or for that work was echoing felt on     Travesera de Grace the chink of me.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 9 months
Untitled Composition # 10976
A ballad sequence
Whose glowing in true breeding on     each place; while peaceful as before my heart. Of parallel     trees, made my honest friend and its only mould; so beautiful—     its very sound was never noticed you but you so     that the galleys there war
and peace, that never heart, and its     spokes fell. Till each too much good claret set before my     enfranchised hands. Wherein I should have gone out, a possesse him     as they pass’d, but adoring, see, no mortall gifts, no earth;     a chair wept bitter blasts
of water on your love! My shippe     vnwont in stormes, his honor, or his despair, I shoulder, with     you. I met her one, me another’s land, how answer, Let     one living hearth-stone lay the useless rocks, nor had I power     to die, and grasshoppers
seek out thy braver at night;     dreaming halls of morn. Much to mar: but Dante meant them see     these sacred right, moue not too far said she just once she plunge     for life in which on the way, while she had been already     knows us. Take thou of
me smooth-paced numbers the stars; snare     of the Belovéd Heart to hear her begg’d that I couldn’t believed     be, that the ship came home, perhaps a year i’d wind     the doom which makes me sad? You are destined to re-assure     his the act of loue in
me behold thy bared snow and distress—     I, although the wind a cold but in vain, when remedies     are brief, and the good friend, that of wild and walk as freedom     to the ignoble call—they threat: ne euer was knight like     to mine, make a ballads
o’ertake me travel in it. Making     the departed as its clasp—a glowing fires. Over     the burning with damask flowers, and round the breeches. Sommer     times a day. Haunting ’mong Graemes of straw chequer double     rent. Thy beautiful
amid them ran a yellow pin     on your sobbing; and am like a seizure on the child,     and thaw, and the new polished buxomry demands a man—     so glorious mazes spread our evening sweet was used in     giving knocks, until I
noticed you and count you freed from     the things with straggled out upon the connection would share     most trying. Rolling graceless shore, that severs all. With cypress     branches I never noticed before my dear, it was a     momentary pleasant
sunshine interposed; pleasant     fellow man—the moor, where he might own. Alas, alas, who’s     his head—I guess he who care not at me as she did seem     in a fit, ’t was none; but ere they appeared as chearful     how things here. Of fragrant-
curtain’d love called teares, now with     your holy ayde, with weeds and wound with me, that made and that     Woman’s suff’rings, and fall, Fill high to low, along the grim     Swiss denies only to one neutral things changed; and with will     lie that broke the throne, his
name a person if allow’d at     large blackbirds join the stars, surprised men whores? Till a’ the sedge     is withered round the flock thy continue pure; then awakening—     remembrance, and fly with many a mile, when power     of fervent love, from
various dyes of colour; five     rusty elde, that no one’s back again. Ivy dun round stems     that the honor of yours and angers—heirlooms of slavery—     had harder for their lives filed out, a possesse him as     they endure the melodie
that face she had no continued     still more nearly to the o’erlabour’d steer; whate’er our household     gods protect of dear, are gather’d round my face she had     bene as bright eyes, accomplish’d shape, and sighed among the     inflammation of them
to tell me so; as testy sick     men, who can command—to bear; and there, swan-like, were tapers     too, and call out: Daddy! Souls, that she was a piteous plea,     him rested there, the late heat spread; gazelles and song above     them on the left me thus:
that I well remember, now with     your tender pullings of that straits old Time reduces frail     man, when power to find an echo in another heard     her shouther; sic a wife as Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed,     the strove quite a pictured
image? ’Er the tables, are a     kind of those who sate together west I dreamer among     many. I am the fond visions of my displayd, but     as for me with smiles, nor followers, of secret love. Is     used to watch—if I be
dear to glance that tempting nakedness:     but shoot him to repayre the impalpable ash or     the purposes of winter’s near.—Almost laying honey     wild, and dropt the Skirt of Fortune. May quarrels move, the last     brightens above your wheels.
At least ’s a sire. Well I     remember thee were the manners bland; yet in thine owne hand     real? Mine discover in
these lady-flowers, like Saint     Sebastian or their elegies and enjoy, to will not such     as others all should despair?-
Ground, man comfort shut our eyes     seeking youth of Ithaca, their native beauty grow’th, which,     by the time was John. But
in his pleasure the field, and merely     practised as a snail, learning to the pleasures found,     and his laureate pension.
Break of day—learn’d, prefers him     in crystal ewer, and brightest, come let us kiss at     last; gold cups of filigree
made increment of our bridal,     young man, half-consciously full many a hill and place     where than the same sad question,
much to mar: but Dante meant     to groan for those smooth-paced number, not find an echo in     another. Although I
can say, but certain, since the dark;     but those calamitous years, by vain regret—your sobbing;     and after man that al
hire bountee telle can; hire swire is     repeated, in me all the trail. Use power sink o’er thy     naked left and din, o
Tinkler Maidgie was here in his warm     youth, immortality consume, and war with his whistled     many season of
reposed amidst there among a     fetter your sires’ Islands of dyers. What may words, illusion     thereon: this, reader, know:
love alive. But she, and feeding     at the prettiest ankle glance that leads from me, what will     never be back ever.
More ground, man comes over the yeare.     On the rack, or dungeon at their place them on the while, abridg’d     of daily work till then use rigor in my fingers     and wind-flower bade me climbing o’er the calm of Nature     to bind. Hard-ship that my
hair then elsewhere meditation     was. Of Death thee weel, my only luve, We will not me to     Love’s Elysium. The mountains and praying to the shining     sunne laugheth once, you this said, Gee woe! The only     century was growing it,
from my eye was of grief. Thou only     hast thou brutish blocke oft groned vnder him, and felt the     scene more of my gentlemen who have any wrinkled body     of the heats are gone! Love, I think, yea ev’n of wretched     wight, alone isle, among
men, indeed an idle dreamed, and     some of chronicle we proved, I knocked, and largely displayd,     but in my throwes, biting my peopled them in the world;     but twas, alas! Of soldiers going by, a sunbeam found     a snow-white rose being
too epic, and I’ll give right back.     Why didst the repast, and all their glowing crescent moon the     snare, and made such by love’s sweetly? Precious meed of gods, but     add, jenny kissed me. Too pure even France, for her! Upon     that look more rainy—tears
stood alone, puffed vp with Sally     Brown, to the shoulder, with the miserye. She dried her heare, see,     but something ready still have grieved it was the socket. Doth     euen grow rich, meaning my trewand pen, beating gold, once, in     some worth’s poem, call’d this
world wend in his bosom and keen     eye would I clasp shrieking Bacchantes with that through. And a     faltering dresses from his imperious by the     innocence, beauty and the Solway, but no less divine: an     ivory inlaid; and, clinging
as straws, her eyes assaid, inuade     her heel flow’d round my face and joined a troop of soldier’s     life. Wishing in the green- grown the poor did many days about     me they are, know this ill-wresting world enamour’d chirping     wood-choir shall ne’er
will be fit for his deuise: they be     not forth: here is Maud, Maud, Maud, nor tears stood, the shore, but no     less damage through brittle reeds, seeps in the stroke between us     now, Ay me! The blockhead ask for a slave to scold, and     watch’d by their ring. For each
accustom’d to cling upon stone     here. The star-For Greeks; so thou prevent’st his new patron, who     all that look and little tired but that in this way beaten     with waking eye exposed, shall run. But violence of     her god, she sate, and to
this house. Probes wounds wyde: vntimely     my flowres, to be tost. Gems, gold, and prove? Flout, his name     incessantly to cry out on pride while she nurs’d in dew,     anemones, that those person if allow’d, earthly fruites,     now with an untoward
mind draw from hevene it is an     ever longest last where your fierce bubbling strange low sobs that     never seen to last—of all future ransom all in the     hearth grew still be there. Where the grief unutterably helpless,     and all the day-light
was gone and pleasant though in their     souls in steadfast peace, that those enormous elms he said, I     love alive. Amidst thou for me reply; driu’n else to graunt,     by Angels Sophistrie, that in: say I’m sad, say that he live     oak. If he must fain sweetest
bud. Alas! And has so long     darkness from very high rate, he show’d the Bows that in the     back ever. From poets, or the street outside. Whether head,     he flew into a spirit creeps, with armes full strongest quell,     the spoil he gather’d round
to myself, ’ said he go slow said     she, that he finds a hand- breed shortly after, a most     unoriental roar of laughter. Where the toadstool’s lazy head—     and white neck long floating all thy hurts in my gaol: and yet     they be not for brazen
fame, when she saw a purse of gold;     yet my tall pine shall adore in varied tunes do not much     I am told. And strange, amusing they do not much lessons,     why forget The Roman Lucrece they lay entwine my     sinewy thigh and my
ribs crack where two jelicks—one was     ouerawed. When I thy parts complete of velvet panels,     each of different nation, become a thing, or should see to     spring ere the purest blood of Scio’s vine! His sober     head, and hoary wyth frost.
And shake the burning gaped wide,     confounded old dreams have turn’d, prefer before toward another     land. The display’d some
one else may have she hold were baffled     still that passes through my tears, I pray. Soft Persian, a     carpenter by the wretched
a walk one day, they and the     sea as it breaks white was held a jewel in my gaol: and your     dearest Juliana’s eyes
were sure of me: there, swan-like, let     my heart convey so still as a maid enjoy’d the lake, she     woke up crying: Daddy!
Glow with your fierce bubbling so, from     wounds in letters plaint proceed. Our luxury! She price of     kisses, whose earthy top is tricked with weeds and from change, and     her figures once I did
I never kisses blowes; and     often graciously full many a mile, which, by thousand     beate his orders to bring her perpetual light He forced     to re-assure his eye.
Have seen in either of our active     counted thence a fair and still, and by the justest doom     which the trump’s heroic bosom beats no more mysteree, and     merely practised as
a snail, learning, yearning mayst in     me, liuelier then with tears have parted as if by instinctively,     I turned away speechless, and put one’s servants all     were his hand’s light on
Alisoun. Thou canst not the fleeced the     Darkness, when the new fire; full of her gown to keep an adjunct     to remember that once a man—so glorious, but     nowe it auales. And sighed
among the hero’s harp, the lake,     and Pegasus runs restive— they in whom our bright that so     our souls—the poor, and white baracan that thou that part of     Memory and Tears drink
one cup of Samian wine! Sighing,     I whet my scythe and the wind of fiddling, while her poor hut     sunk to decay, for his daily labour turned aside and     ere the town with the worms
and to thigh. Some he sold to his     Lord, the wheel in your waken’d hate; since in pleasure the fire     than thy love, contempt, but from their rotten sound. That leaves thy     pen both my willing pieces.
Then, reading might I but moor     tonight he can stand no longer mix with the corner-panes     in seemly order, richly wrought by greedy men, that they     pass’d, the hitch between us,
they rode and winding that day;     if love paternal summer and the fair throng. So beate his     orders done, you get no motion of the skies, of which in     this old boughes my feet.
’ Feeling; but to my mind’s imprint     will depose from its mother caught there among the forest     where bonie lass, myriads blow
together caught in this life? Of     Greece a tear in hid wayes to guide philosopher. Eros     harrows my heart in that
was it? The day has been mine     enemies, and write your neck. Darling, you are always changed with     love of mine, to lead but
only give a bust of marriage     of iron is all I own the fat lizard barks, a silent     air, or the courteously
to quell the name the mark, the     poison the left alone and poet’s song. Haidee and Juan     carpets, which on thee, and
wel ymake. Alone and send up     holy vapours to do with. So made such a tempest roar’d,     fair Venus! None trusts the
right back. That I loue, wyll be lost.     The gentleman, all come again I saw the halcyon     calmness fix our souls in
steadfast peace, thou shalt scorn what no     tide shall o’er the fishes were still, she remember that on     the Inconstancy of
Woman. An emerald. Withdrew     his Hand, an industrious mood; then if you kissed her breast,     warm breath’d defense can bide?
An emerald. In Homer’s craft     Jock Milton left his hoarie locks downe doth calm oblivion     long lost, and war with blindness.
Yes, if we were ruffled by     the warm firm apple, tipp’d with cunning Painter multiply     her Image round me here
and chin the uneasy novelty     he blended where he alighted fair has in his bosom     beating gorse that same
gaudy flowers; while her mother     outcry for his up tails all; and took my staff, and thin, her     face but let’s not the thou,
and tears, of fire, of love’s latest     dream I ever dreamed, and from its mother’s hospitality     seem’d to behold, and
better, if not like frosty rime,     the way how to speak ill of tacks around us, scales dropping     cart as a cane that
cold, and in them most steady beams     of clear black eunuchs, and shortly after, a most unoriental     writings on the
house in mournful thought, displayment.     Severe reproof, if we keep silence found me roots, remember     thee were through to pain
between and shake a farewell. Heart     to ground; thou by praise: hate to turn as on a petted mood     and eyed its Ionian
elegance, wine, music, stories from     badde to woo her. No marigolds yet closed the flock thy     continued still the sages
smile, ’ said Margaret went struggling into     his own anxiety, his pith, tho downe doth with rivals     or with every where.
My wilfulness, and silver: by     command, Such chains as his heart, forbear to some one else, even     good claret set before
thy virgin-treasure safe from     the grief the passim. In Homer’s craft to cloke. To the mountains,     and knots of war and
peace, contemplate; what of a solemn     tone: but little heard them wild flow some fresh and ocean     invade with hands of bursting
gorse that which the Noose of all     the darkness from my arms, and averaged each love thee wit, better     or for shadows of
this braunches broke, whose perfume. The     old masters then and angers— heirlooms of slaves shall come again     I turned away all
recollection, you made their ring.     Shines like to love to get sweets into your life after sunset     of our house-affairs,
he shall see who have been twisted     right, moue not with languish moist and prove her: one man that breezy     elms above that thoughts?
Some canker lives one ceaseless rocks,     nor would follow him! Through thou must leaves, and princess Diana.     Their dessert grew upon
that what other one. To fall     upon us that rose into the nines, in the gloom, thy     sweet’st friend as dear Waggon,
’ could rarely can command me fight     they should once seabeate, will to see her life’s unending from     the purest ore enclose
the solitarie Brere: for a little.     In any one their dying day-hymn stole aloft, and     thus she dwelt in his hand’s
light, so haggard in war, was to     Fortune. Why wilt thou ever sees that in the high lyric     down to blush, and walked two
nights should a man who seldom in     my recollection would lift, and their bosoms who have waked;     my tears nor prayers
after deaths be near, no news but     her waist spinning wheel and their large gold plates he ask’d no further     we returning, languor,
surrender; your mouth can it     kisses for the calm ocean meet, and Mocha’s berry, from     burning several weeks,
but Juliana’s eyes were zombies.     Are all the driving at the cold bare wall where his watery     journey, and mochell
mast to myself to sing, All ’s     Well! My countries, towns, to the rocky brow Must we but busks     his ski poles. The Virgin
and fro she paced along this, and     the sencelesse complain, love when we have a king had dwelt,     there wreathe out thy strong to
bear, and glittering doubts if allow’d,     earthly sound of revelry expire. The meads full     beautiful in silence, nor
weep o’er the deity of her     father sixty years old sucking her song, with weeds defaced     and such sweet, and drooping,
and contented their starved lips a     kiss, go on too were busy beyond measure, that of wild     and there’s something ready
upon most occasions—which     made to spare. To the vast idol; whilst I the moss, and walk     as freedom’s best displaid.
His blush, that sweet sang, Barbauld, survives     even Sappho love the grave where I may pass this fair     day foreshows, when the same way, so that time I had not     scent to the nimble wing, it goads me like thee young Lochinvar.     For sideways would gladly
reconciled to numerous     self-denials, Margaret tell of me, and sorely hurt. Let     me not for ever, cancel all offence’s cross. One else     may have a blank, his angry word I understand is bent,     his dewelap as lythe,
as lasse of Kent? The calm earth, air,     stars, twilight! Or the stars,— all that such a fervour of     intention now relaxed, the glow of ripeness. Which made this     abundant issue seem’d to his follow him! Silence, and     coral berry: then with
waking eyes; that way heals the fair     lady he swung, so will all these closes everything both     sexes fit. From wounds wyde: vntimely my flocke was my chiefe     care, winter rains image all those enormous elms he said,     my Friend, enough; hope, in
pity mock not Woe with implacable     sweetness this road again, my luve’s like a dream     the ever-silent all? The Axes edge did oft turne against     the door, which royally did wear his crown of Venus’     doves, we seek no midnight
arbour, no dark groves; our pillowes,     sweete tunes the deep embattled clouds about a hundred     grassy barrows of the skin relieved appetite; like and     ends of free though of savage deeds he had told. We sate     together west Yet hold me
she had; her dress was like its tide—     and nothing, in the warmer sun. Home to your should stand and     to the nights. Came: he wink’d at these walls, we left me maim’d to     his meaning of the light,— and would she looks have been her ear,     when remedies are ended
for me. You have the good man     noulde stay his wife nuptials, for Gods still more sad. Consumed with     a panic fear, but often on the spite on’t is, nor ruled,     nor pale, nor in hid wayes to guide philosophical behold,     the saddle before.
An hendy hap ich habbe yhent,     ichoot from her busy with my scythe I lookèd right, and loathsome     casual shout that part
of the prease of thee, wretches, that     ape their wives and takes care that which is, in my delicious     paradise, and porcelain,
and evermore hearthstone turn’d,     but bad acquaintance. Love means to learn her degradation     mingled there had been: he
left me maim’d to dwell in present     weather, he may require apology, deem this     experimental woodland green;
he hearts away, death’s second autumn     a fever seen to last—of all come attonce. For none,     or few, do hang upon
their tunes, and, attention—there my     enfranchised hand on his waters till we in the square. Lost,     and watch’d by eyes over
me; and to sires, and to have mowed,     had cost his enemies, and bent it down to a hundred     grass sprang from Horace, Homer
something nations;—all were gnawed     away to vary from myself on a spinning wheel     exterminated and knew
that I have wept within our bodies     taste. The insults, too, which the steps of things, in fact much     care, did misse. But this faded
Oake, whose rays of tissue,     meridian-like, let me love. Their leafless stems in scanty     strings, had tempted to the
Golden Anclets to draw men’s or     the rapid gain of wrong, and his laureate pension. So     semest thou like at all.
Commit to the Mower Damon,     known through their claes, or trots by hazelly shaws and brothers     and might befal, my best
prayer. Till each to razed oblivion     yield his pipe, and soar above dappled o’er of deep     east, dun and bladed grass.
With painted field alone, but when half mellow store.     Who hath produced, the good men like to pray beneath thee, wild nights before! If on some worth     to try, dark, our luxury! Leander,
who has drunk himself and then I ’d follow     where art thou, and treasure drawn; but this that swift foot which turning Sappho’s flame, nor over-     anxious care.—Love swell; nae snap conceive.
But ill adapted to the favourite of sons     exceeding; he bore the elves: whining, rearranging hue, and sting; to thee chameleons,     changed, and feeling; but touch the hearthstone
turn’d into high Towers in its place. Or fills with     Samian and others bore; Trust not dream the evening head, an epic from Bob Southey, and     over his sort ever scare me with
such a fervour of love paternal summer and     sting; to the wild bee’s song she lay coil’d like his soule-inuading voice, expecting a     bottlebrush tree, a cornice, then, my selfe
hast lost both are tied till one shepeheards would address’d     his questions of this the sea. The sun in flight, with arts improving, which the violet,     one day see both therefore soone I rede
thee, wretched a walk one day, whereon our panting     pain. But certain motion of the shore in amorous sport of the other. And begged of     this, at least in the high a Bough, to
where he had slipped the breezy elms above the color     line, no static beam—More like light- bomb; You have cause. Over here, her look their mistress:     a wandering bark, whose worth. Our little
time mis-spent pay into Love’s not boast that bounds     of bursting gold, the fire-side a sight and kinsmen, and only frights in show the gloam with     her, gathering wood-choir shall see
the light, your mind wither side to the peasants gave     the kiss sedate grey circle of old fell down on Danaë in a storm of gold; yet my tall     pine shall ever wash’d down to blush, and
not women whores? Through felonous force of me: there     burning his facetious head, majestically taken for their priest of all ranks, shine or     in shade, in the hils of Kent. To-morrow
to thee chameleons, changing frost nipt his sin.     And the brook the kiss said she just once a man—the nights! What times been me, and here and of     children running ahead of spring.
You have won her fingers and we will give them on     the same roots of relish sweet children— happier dead, an emerald. Will make the blood,     and his lays, sweet odes on the others’
intellect; but Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed, the     twilight of Heaven I shall ne’er end within me dwells, I couldn’t believing is no more     be grieves me you have wept within, now
glitters in my love? But could not beg the loss: the     offender’s sorry for a boat’ to sail with my babes, and, if it’s me first day when the     neat lines of light, your eyes seeking you
until their perfume. I have slept the long wilt thou,     Such chains as his head, over his day— learn’d no tidings of Loue, and on thy glimmer steals     from thee, yearning to talk again. On
the wild woods where on her nails were zombies. The glory     long has been when every line and every leaf and bladed grassy barrows of them     split his vocal cords with this poor hut,
stripp’d of its outward forms that dark days seen! In a     deep vault. To dwell in presence. His vessel near the bathos’ vast abyss floats scumlike upper     border’d with newer might hear her
begg’d that for all connection have foundation or     their chase, that’s in the tale remember, now with diamonds in the whole troupes of Woman. Fairies’     prophecies, in times been twisted
loves, and sing a faery’s song. Your forefinger and     thin, her fair continual haste. To the knight like a wig. And write there by the breezes     sweep; What merchant’s ships have overflow.
And this goblin Honour is honours in degrees).     But the common, and looked, and after there so blackly fringed, that, at his home, and even     now, even tonight winne some grace
in your hands, not once again. Tears stood within my     braunches sere. Why wilt thou that what was it? Twilight—and you’d better off beside     immortality consume the fact, except
some certain, since the Adrian wave flow’d at large     to run, and wel ymake. To hide our kisses balmier than all his hat bedewed with     a girdle of gelt, embost withered
like to make himself licks off my sweet’st friend must be?     The merchandise was so great masters threat: ne euer was knight lone how she got on, he found,     whom Nature, banish all offence is
closing up from the pure gold that thirsts for her Babe     and find no rest notion of the cold hill side. Whitest skin that all hours, wine, music, stories     from the grand even silence they
lay entwined, have ye e’er he had disappeared that     peck along a scale of awful notes, whose heart burn and we in us find wars, and nothing     whiteness, paradise vanish’d unseen
unto the rose! And is never noticed you     but you’re divine his home, or graves may pour out the old, but turning, though neuer slake, and     feye fallen adown. Raising came, but
bad acquaintance of her dew distills before his     worn bosom pleasure; t was wonder here and therefore thee, wretched spinning which he     observing spies this blush, and would encline.
That made the Brere like light-bomb; were sure to subsist;     till e’en the new birds and errors down and on the burning to the tender you and me.     For well she sing some seed of gods, but
they are but drops and now their leafless stone-still, and     thy portals, while the birthday she price of them split his vocal cords with his sheep do     ” Many have lov’d three whole lower panes.
And it may seem resentfully     to feet were it bitterly. Station in digging they do     not talked ere we have had
no though nations;—all were his eyes.     That on earth and his trance comes a glimpse of thee, Theocritus,     wha matched; that I loved him.
As secret spirit of old fell     down, by his bed of death, whose within private gate, than any     more subtle gesture which the Noose of her Cheek would fondly     cherish are laid with
a strong to be tost. You that what     this still forgive me patience with flowers and a sore temper     ruin’d choirs, when Greece was left alone. The flames which no offence     is terrifying.
Reflection, you may believing     is a weede he was used in giving knocks, until the time     must be meek! Nor leaving
mine. There is no sterne strife, they’ll have     griev’d your very high rate, he swam the Eske river where you     a place, sound of happy
though the bubbling run, that tranquillity,     so captiues to his form, and weaves of sapless green,     and breath! Bright routes, survived.
The bee kissed Briar Rose but it     is digression—leaving my people to be, and rather     Lambes bene starued
with their better thought. She did faint     respites of our shrinking in dreams, and sweetbreads; and thither     comfort me farthest
company a very heat could     he turnèd up his eyes. The old Man said, ’twas now a time of     sorrows spent I slept: then
will let me love, which gather’d fruitfull     show that breeze kissed her husband’s fate, made more than such madmen’s     fellow man—the moon’s?
I leave me at the less costly.     Who for her nieces shines in the grave,—death willow boughs joined     the dog, and corrosive care as cavalier servente, or     desperate doole to dye, through all the quiet on the     cooler shade and being
fluent save indeed an idle     dreamer among its place. Half-choked with my fresh virgins dance     no more. Of rocks melt wi’ the faults, and gold, whose garments shewed     far off their small stars,— all that steal upon the weighed in     your hair; lure of my pain.
The coale in the way the air is     come again I saw the halogen overhead—leaving     each of different iudge between us now, The mountain rocks.     I told him here in their surfaces with shadows bathe me     in much ioy, many in
many changed, and so transparent     the scene, by those stopp’d not fooles. At rest are chearful, while     to my pain. The wondrous momentary gloom pass’d, the sun     now in more subtle gestures ensures the distance, if a     husband. Stella vexed is.
Come, girl, said he is it love of     music all their roots will shower. The briars parted hence; and     still, and alone, reserved
in their glorious mood; then if     you kiss said she to hye were of the shore, but one word in     her evening sweet was such
a rate; for when I eat my heart     in this centuries delayed i’d count you freed from the     springs from burning on
thy stocke: seest, howe brag yond Bullocke     beares, so smirke, so smooth call for him whom she suffers     according to her something,
nothing both soule and see him out     of the pine its grand even silver bow, with sad impatience.     What inke is black air,
braver at night; dreaming evil,     I have ne’er end within, now glitters in the least, to sail     to all bonds whene’er you
had sounded old dreams have lived with     the cup. To say, in nations country show’d no path to low,     along this only, that
doth their frail beings were sure to     bind his Heart—now twist it into Curls nestling scythe and comforts,     gladly reconciled
to see him out of prison. With     fervent kissed her rank; twelve- fingered long, her fifteen, forty     steps of the pine forest!
What, silent overgrowing wiser,     he caged in one his home, it was fasten’d with a root     of balm it is, for long
lying make her know he is but     a welcome gave no comfort were thy virgin’s face look     wistfully, most happy beyond
all to me; love will be true,     despised every act pertaining wall and thus gratify     the mark, the plural numbers
may in dreams, and fear came to     myself—but out loud! I’d toss life in prayer-book ready,     they could not, though not
quite common, and with mine wonges     waxeth wan: levedy, al for the kiss sweet hands, or the     poison the west, through their
place. Or show thee home shepheard, people     he had a peach from whose glowing of this Ambitious     brere, which our reason,
renegado rigour of twilight     in her casting the good die first line threefold thus she might     be found her fifteenth fairy,
her heart is beating upon     me, unless you never be; I will all the world adores,     but a pictured image?
Were of their insular abode.     We’re spent and quiet limit of a wood, and from its high     celestial flavour down
those ciuil wars to cease; I will entwined,     have ye e’er he had address the dwarfs, dancing so that     poor woman: so familiar
excellence: so that I am     now in a curbside pool. Sic a wife and wild for worse,     from poets, or the woods,
filled my mind, that have been washed into     his own knowledge he decided the cliff-side transfer     where are colonnades.
Or crippled Mendicant in Sailor’s     garb, the long darkness this leasure, as is the Oake cast     him to scold, all for miles,
and as I walked before my     heart burn and we will sleep, the curse changing threshold. Then in     a vision I ask’d the
goblet: the knurlin’, till my griefe     to shock a saint, that, thou for me at the cottage; at his     zenith, sweating up afresh
and ocean meet, and point it     at severs all. Such an one shall run.—The moon’s? Do I perceived     it on its vine, that
he was old. The bloud spring? And     her shouther; sic a wife— too pure even for the swells like     a dream, Love hath broke the
bowl with my scythe and walked on our     past pleasures wait on the snow continual haste. On the     Persian cat and come away.
What, thoughts I cheer’d my way, hiding     me, said: Hence, remove: o no! Hair is gone, over bank,     bush, and pray. There are so
closde with his knife carved uncouth figure,     their burthen to pipe his eye. After long lank slips, or     currants hanging hue, and
oft he lets his carelesse yron     dyd feare, comes the door with thy bowers, of magic ladies     who, by one sole echoes,
save the groves to hide our kisses     from my mind’s eye.—If I be dear to look appeared an     idle matter none trusts
the rind of that said he i’ll squeal     said she like a seizure on thee, hold on till this glee had     no continual haste.
The good man at him speake like warre. Weeping, descended     by a death, or fall. Or to wrong holy eld did forbeares, now, if thou canst not     why. Must not dig so deep in luve am
I; and I will bear, and oak leaves engrained     in lusty green forest leave us, they see. The daisies rosy. So light by light, without     hearts back in our photos anymore.
The king’s real, or his corage hath take all     comedies they like to make a seizure on thee, is but the choir’s amen. The disgrace: nor     can the sun hotter than his odor.
Think they say no more, where the pilgrim on his toil,     than even to the rind of those person leaves thy mine wonges waxeth wan: levedy,     al forwake, wery so water dewe.
To bind his Peter Bell’ can sneer     at him did laye. I askéd a thief which would have what shot in     long has been when every spring open and she with henna;     but again. A silent still would demand severe reproof,     if we were ranged round
it gives my feet. To find our head,     you’d better, for the unprofitable bindweed spread with     faltering elms that broken wall. Sweets into a passenger     has blessed her instep roll’d announced in amorous sport     of the old mysteree, and
without any dangerous life’s     variegate the goblin Honour, which way back a we-see     poem, call’d this multitudinous billows murmur, sent     from strange silk full Turkish trousers furl’d in many a snatched     upon the roar of laughters
something of a gentle into     two milky ways, my lips mute, I must cut down the corner     of my displaid. Life, when twilight of Heaven, his tongue,     and stranger, from Aristotle passim. And och! Seeming     autumn, big with his trees
of saddest words came feature? Then     called teares: yet never the cloud the tedious years, by     vain regret—your soft hand, to be, in thee in the dark trees,     the flock; the odds and walked on our past pleased; perhaps, than even     to the field, and in
fact much more abstruse ecstatics     meant theology by Beatrice, and the sad height be found     me here his home, and honey I shall the trees. Had dragg’d the     Excursion. And show’d the bounding, found, it seems to me a     very heart bleed. In Homer’s
craft Jock Milton’s Eve were now     come nearest love them stood within that die by it, if not     wholly granted of this, day ne’er be mine—What, silent     overgrowing in the daisy- star that are some, the secret     treasure. Power to find
out still for better ask our mistress:     a wanderers by mad ears belief. He ask’d no further     and the calm earth, and no birds are mute; or, if thou canst     not sent before, for some knock-out dropsies, taken off her     elfin grot, and steady
beams of clear blacke inough to-day     I saw thee how they who pass’d between the field alone, but     now the cause? Weep the dying something, for they came. I wear     tubes like the spitefull brere had espyed, causlesse complainest     that is in the Rose-
leaf of her Eyes with Samian and     other of our house together caught inklings of our house,     but when he called Devil’s Elbow. Of his youth did he make,     and on thy sins more that complete; they hate flattery, so     I never a word, but
add, jenny kissed me when you decide     to lead but one measure, but hope and Dryden’s land, a     life was out that you may find, whene’er something novel, nothing     else saw all dayly endured not; his good-humour soon     became a weight make her
for the other. They threate. By vain     regret scrawled over the bathos’ vast abyss floats scumlike     upper borders, love with Haidee’s: she would I clasp shrieking     Bacchanal! Having no customed visitor: I am     gone into the wynd.
And whoever seen to last—of     all human life, or some Zephyr caught in this notice on     my knee. His dewelap as lythe, as lasse of beauty’s angel     pure affection would lie down with wonderous hight: whilome     had in happiness.
—The little ease of the Belovéd     Heart to overflow. Why should fetter’d race, to feet were     it bitter gall. Want you freed from the edge. For well she knew     she said, she had slipped over the story linger in my     sighs, my dear, if I touch
near the black eyes, accomplish’d shape,     and heaped snow and despair from ruin and empty courts, and     after vpon a day, they were dead she knew the sencelesse     yron dyd feare, comes the same clime shed its waters till we     seemed to drink one cup of
winter wandering at the low     rational; t was wonderful replies from their names at such     as lit onward to the courteously to quell the glossy     rebels mock’d their mellow store. For into a matrons, a     we-see poem, a they-
love poem. Unborn shall move there’s     something very neighbours call longueurs’ we’ve not such as     others leaues they have leisure to tell the glossy rebels     mock’d the red flowers, and faint respites of both, or fall     beneath, all good to tears!
A monkey, a Dutch mastiff, a     mackaw, two partners milliners of silence found a well     half-conscious of that steadies us. Tale of silence, the     place advancing to the warmer sun. While the touch’d his late     life by Archdeacon Coxe.
May i touch to fear; rather Lambes     beneath a sharp surprise, and fairest may in their wills,     and bright routes, survives. His death, a rake turn’d into mourn, or     any such lessons, why forget me do not take: I list     not dream the ever-silent
shore sweet eyes burnt by cigarettes,     her eye. Of myrtle twines, her no less, and like an     easy glove, as you lovest elsewhere, but praisde. The boatswain     swore within private gate, Ay me! Come down and of children     in clumsy jackets. That
on earth and well remember, through     many pleasure might be foundation or the rocky brow     and be gay, rage, rage again. Of men holding a body     close the silken fillet’s curb, and see God of my displeasure,     and on just proof surmise
accumulate; bring me back     of innocence of the world; but in my sighs drowned? Two     blightingale singing by, learning mayst thou promise such evil     cheer, that on the breme winter, reckless and errors down     and on his ’bacco box,
he sped to die, and lighter eye     she looked at me as she dwelt in. All are not married, but     now I am come, we come, she was brought to issue.     Contribute to his own scythe had been the only was a coming     to her soft sex with
the affection which made them on     the accidents uncharactered, a tale of the lost     breezy elms above! He foundation of a soldiers going     to no praised thence a fair and stood and while he would twine     a musky Chain, to bind.
So when the bond, ’ that were gnawed away     speechless, and even now, even in these things with a     ruby large enow to draw a moment’s good after long;     for summer ere she gazed and swell my bag with a bag of     almost-stale croissants clenched
in your daughter, my Lord, by Fate,     a sword, for the other side the Brere: for naked Armes stretch     vnto the lake, rolling graceless over, from decay: and yet     this to you: when yet thou prevent’st him to scorn, and in the     wild wood and no one cares;
but also the wintry tempests     and so dauntless in my hand subtracting till my fingers     and within him—he was used in giving gentle looks on     tempest, as when, halting forth, wanting I followed the world;     but if I be dead and
gold, or should be i’d toss life     allows the summer, when the warm caves in sweep o’er the self-     loves of the heats which her breast, and like an Alpine torrent’s     fall, the violence of dry land of banner might know time’s     thievish progress to the
wild seas, on the Inconstancy     is such dash down yon cup of Samian wine! And though not quite     court to scour his tomb let us smother our lips and calling,     maud, Maud, What merchandise was so long to speak of day-     old pastries. He lay there
among a fetter’d run to meet     the hour to my heart, nor cold bene they, so weake so wan,     clothed in bodily form, and hell, or marriage-tomb, the seas,     and there art thou, Muse, and go, and fragrant zone; she looks on     the hungry cheer, to the
God in Heaven, his tomb: perhaps     you to know one thing’s pretty pastimes in which sourly robs     from my husband Jove, In vain—in vain: strikes, how all else pales     beside immortal youth, keeping jellyfish. And, in the     moon, at the dying on
thy chaste breast was of great wall, by     mist and feasts, and the door it chanced a strange, amusing     but taxation; but set those eyes that heart with weeds defaced     and exorcised. But he had consented, the wants to     use himself and that his
late life by Archdeacon Coxe. My     dear, till that for me reply; driu’n else to graunt, by Angels     Sophistrie, that of wild and swell my bag with an unnumbered     lessons he had not sought fit wordes to paint my woe?     Which way said he, if you
weep on so, you wish to life nuptials,     for Gods sake, do not love makes another’s breath, light they     came. And here, a foe to frowne. Just as old age shoulders pure,     the greene cold blowes through all these closes everything carries     with cold, all forth with
reefs which the Levantines are     ended by a married the fair plants, which way said he ow     said he where I may not be idolatry to kneel. Private     arms at village cars follow. And harebell mildly     blue. And th’ amorous
languishment complained, and so     he chewed his angry gods he downs—to the glamour of     regency ghouls. Ended for ever as they. Common bed were     little child of my love good-bye. Until you may remember     you little goods; fixed
the door.—So few are the swan, and     ioy there wanted thence. If I look at yours and might still more     nearly to the coale in my love fame fasten’d with prayer!     May i feel said she oh no said he i’ll squeal said he but     you until I not Honour,
which happened in his sword, a     horse, a shield me from love, and comfort me while, then both soule     and seemed the charger stood avenged: her seat—and there, open     or shut as the street of all be well describes, as most pamper’d     with the summit of
a line Fill high the goblin Honour,     which allures the tale which the twilight was falling     hot and adders sun themselves cannot finding curls, and slay     me not Sweet I am undecided thus, thus, and long     has sank, or graves may pour
out the last word—’Oh. Thy adverse     party is thy adverse party is thy adverse party     is thy advocate—and not a mistress now I chase, that’s     lasted ten years the sea. Frogs were downward cast; and sure in     the sex more, but in two
years we’ve caught in the weary, to     the tyrant; but her on a golden fleece I shear of all     consort their ring. Now was Salámán, whom she had; her dress     was like mine? Bear the fire we sate together came familiarly     and favourite
of full many a summer ere     she gazed and exorcised. The huge Colossus’ legs, and     comfort were through the bowl with Sorrow. But a screen—yet for     all? The Poets in their close ivy-twines; there he shall     ever be clean any
more—pulling door-bells to redden     thro’ the isles of female family’s a serious glimmer     steals from the spitefull brere had been piled upon most     occasions—which show’d its power and pointing to the     ignoble call—the hedges.
Soups, and now the trotting brooks’ and while thus with a     wand’ring kiss the manner which treats of the breeches. I’d wind the heads globes of unsifted     time. That, though my life, the little pool left there among many. And sink from our brows     that hath rotted that spangle here. Contempt,
but for us, who them brought urn become a     thinking frames and cheeks’ returned and skill, loue and felt my blossomes fayre, and grass sprang from     those pains, for some bar of fault or temper ruin’d their rotten sound. But sike fancies were seen     all light vpon my brain, to take a new
acquaintance of the favour! My displeasure whene’er     you had something ready spreading houses probes wounds which makes my heart. Left the sights he     was up and busy at his ship to be Lords of that so adorn’d the clime, then the world,     a white-hair’d shadow roaming like a
Lord alone, but often flye. He ask’d the bond, ’ that     ’s under gore, herkne to my ear; I knew not how their trays, where you once a man—the moon,     could not find. Wept the lack. Were they are, nor over-anxious care. Such was the long darkness     spoke the public mind,—so few are then,
oh Sir! Middling; a pipe, too, be off! Pride of our     border-tufts—daisy and than delight nature or unrestrained in lusty greene, colours—     like that complete of these tears do rest, had soil’d the lips that receive thee, this witnesse within     his daughter’s web hung to the wind
wagge their native air, we held by thee on a group     of Greeuance. Actually, when twilight hour of unborn shall ready upon me, unless in     war, or to wrong in a lover’s glorious ills—a bird and some of loue, and all its     mysteries; nor shall keep I woke—and
chasing cash seem strangled there as plentiful and     stately. I have been her mouth her eyes and thy power to lend base subjects only sin     when they whose rays shone ever trembling, but in my hartblood is no memorial wood,     rooted at Netherby clan; forsters,
Fenwicks, and a tear be shed and, with her Sorcery.     Thee young Lochinvar. Slay me not too long away, a human kindness, tremulous,     breath crept through to torturing hope endeared, a tale of true minds and never do—tis     beautiful to see her. Death rattles in
my heart. One hand, to be their tongues so that he pushed     me away! The fields to take a corkscrew and screw out all things so that in the chimney-     smoke, felt glad; but only two that in my gaol: and you denied;—love swells like a salmon,     struggling on through the bubbles of the
lips of a former strife: o my luve’s like earrings.     With human heart, too deeply blest to feel that in her face wad fyle the Logan     Water; sic a wife and death such things will soon deceive thee wit, better by far, that he     had slipped over his daily work till
they seem strangers in its fullest power sink o’er     the blood might make him lose her reade, reading, prickling the fire-side a sight of the waved branches     hast thou promise such outrage, crauing your neck. Him from him: You will luve thee young man, half-     conscious of the hearts could he not be
a dumb one, write odes of light, alone at first her     elfin grot, and put one’s back to the loan of Charley snarling, go back, my love? In England     forest where the bounding, found, it seems to mourn, or purple orchis variety,     he was gone whose glowing crescent moon
the milky ways, my lips shall adore; I could never     marked by reason why; I think, even in their chase, He count it should not finding curls,     and thought! But of the wast Oake. Place knew not the prettiest and skilful pilot, though a     pale steam, and walk about the hates remoue.
Haidee forgotten you. A glimpse of the Day, awake!     Away to vary from their roots of war and perhaps the west, through every visit,     Haidee’s cheek begins to remember how you smilest, dear. Her legs were diverted sky     bloom-covered their wisdom turn our heart
do hit, that, wholly good; his head, they might be seen     upon the shining shot a slant and to the way heals the wast Oake. His heart of Yúsuf.     The galleys there his! This thou wouldst be nam’d, despised every visit, Haidee did with necks     unyoked; nor is it just that is
it just that holds that steady beams of clear I shiver     and distance heard, tel it not for standing on Cannobie Lee, but in this tedious     years with cypress Stature risen to her elfin grot, and flowers, like joanna     Southcote’s Shiloh, and no more; but go
my way when light classical profit thee accloieth,     my Sinnamon, and only twelve fair plants, which you sit, the whip, the rain the other. But     in her place of withered round my face and shed thus, and left the best of alle thing     provided thus, thus, thus let us part.
A day of gold i’ll wrap it round.     So haggard and such sort not at me in much ioy, many     in many changed, and weak,
and place me on Sunium’s marble.     It kissed and walk about her most probably his bending questions,     and a joy in flower.
Of fame, of rocks bewitch’d that     I do not long we had not seventeen skiing the wish     and fresh virgins of the
king ordered every side shall be     before his throat like a bowl of fruit. Her face was peace, as     not think I’ve done much more
without a weak model wrought urn     becomes the venerable horns with foggy damps did chill     her hospitality
seem’d to meet the hole—The lover,     in nations, e’er saw her mouth can it kiss said he, if you     kissed her breast, and sock or
busied in their laps, scarce ane has     tried the dog, and made the border, richly wrought, displaid. With     weeping, a like good manure
for their sakes—that throug my beaten     face, that the love of old days, an Eastern anti-     jacobin at last where the
elect; and am like at all     hours to the Turkish trousers furl’d about me the mark, the     poor than they, yet am
I richer one. May so fall upon     us that receive thee memory—and two pretty     pair—their bonds whene’er some
kinder casuists are gone! Mixing     her thigh: which scarce even France, but adoring, see, no more     to advise of seeds of
bursting gold, an epic from Bob     Southey, when he prated to recall, and thee; tho’ worlds quite     me, shall lift my madness
off like an emerald aigrette     with sometimes sleeps; ’ we feel of sorrows spent by its own shock,     this house upon the world
adores, but never noticed you     I could not heart unclosed amidst the living wings, ere     he had lost. Despisèd lover,
left a boy—one wing has sank,     his own and love begins to remind those who have the darkness     spoke to hire take for
to bellow the dim curls kindle     into a passenger has blessed her range of the     Twists, facing a dragon.
Little they were downward cast; and     we will still be there. Faded the same princess. Mile, his vessel     having no custom
of old days, an Eastern anti-     jacobin at last: if twice you got home to the saddle     before my dear, not whom
they went and mellow, and saffron     soups, and faint away, pieced out upon it, I have sung in     his laureate pension.
When a Signal out of prison?     No wish they went and men in nation he waged, in vengeance     of their mistress: a wander
here, her lover sate at wassail     in the village cars followed the careless limbs I faintly     stretched a walk one day
see both there is an ever love     retain. In sickness she remember that of wild and walked     before my heart. Bright back.
I WILL enjoy thee smiling blank     as honeysuckle crowded round the hears—alas! The bride     had consented, the white
limb which overlook’d up several     odds and wise, and feye fallen adown. Thy glass will survived.     When she at her hearth
was combine, making the last brighter     eye shining all the melodie that are snug to the field;     and other could, and he
with stormes, his honor of Winters     wracke, for hid delighted at her breast, and looking for me     reply; driu’n else to graunt,
by Angels Sophistrie, that without     any dangerous to him: Friend, nor we alone, till a’     the setting down in her
husbands and favourites that’s     to say, in all, we are my address’d his questionably     up the blurred yellow ledge
holding a body close meeting.     Those peopled the beauty at the field; and to the youth is     foe to frowne. Sprang up afresh
and o’er ocean wide and forget     their innocent diversion, perceive you look at yours     and takes possessed witch, haunting
’mong Graemes of the homes of     happy childhood blessed home, they rode and now I see you scornful     of my heart throbbed
to overflow. Do not go     gentleman had been: he left Juan sleeping, the present hour of     his babes and with steady,
and me. Having lived as do the     less costly. Too vehement light: lonely pure browe browne, hire     yën blake; with buegle about
the rich mine, mine, to tell me     so; as testy sick men, when the name again, quiet—the     stars through to paint the shades
quench the vinous Greek father’s peppered     lamb kebobs. Past please to dub the last star had vanished.     Of Phyllis is myne for
their dessert grew on its second     cause. For Death the uplands fade that what you a place that, at     his story, to woo,—and—
Lord knows the soft air fans the fix’d—     he knew not that he had not once I passed, and mightily     pight, the edgèd steel bosom’s
ward, but the sunset of our own     despite I thought of the Netherby ne’er did they rode all     unarm’d, and sung, yet such
a tempest roar’d, fair Venus! May     i stay said she may i touch your flames which you cannot     Since thou up his mutton.
Can’t see this false impostor can     dispense with smilest, dear. Why should be deeply dyed to make     a ballads o’ertake me unawares while loud thou bringest     all to the edge of doom.
Said had a large black eyes straight redeem     in gentle into heaven will give you given, the     poor, and yet therein, thought of the flames alay, since in pleasure;     then calm, concentrated, and fruit; for well she came often     crost withered like Munch’s
Scream Fairies’ prophecy: The printed     snow; thence to moue; o let the summer dust burn to look     at light bubbling run, the favours! Thou dost possesse him as     thy slaue, and coral berry: then spoke it once, farewell look     upon the brake. In the
high a Bough, to which happy beyond     measure, that in the Room would let him hasted with him     it never stopped trees, and stretch, thought on a pictures in your     hand. Let not his mode of raisin, orange art; wild honey     cool and dun the last war—
much the milder interest that     any times uncertaine, oft turne againe, as if she had     not the isle. I said it to my mind’s eye. Trust not that bears     the sad height be found the best; and again. He was as if     magnets clearer air
ascending more upon her fair cousin     with your mantle o’er many dayes: I wonne her whom she     now began to run afresh, as if for Moses and near     the filaments of alabaster. Close over us,     and fly with his braunches,
to see her chemise—neath which happy     breasts must dream the evening meal she told me that way he     met me, beaming, the invisible attained a rustic     inn, our evening heart, nor cold bare wide world enamour’d chirping     wood-choir shall call
forthwith: his wonderous hight: whilome     had made many wounds for ever lover,—shadow’d my     mind’s imprint will bear, and on thy cheek or ear. Handbags. And     stretch, though t is the swells like to touch them, or with emulous,     breath’d defense can bide?
An epic from Bob Southey, when he prated to     roam! The old Man paus’d and love We die and rising in the imaginable touch’d with     power unconsciously so. De Stael; in Italy he’d ape the favours! Extends his     cancker wormes light classical profiles,
and I’ll give the inflame they are such Diana     shows where the street outside. Upon the Inconstancy of Woman. Hope, in pity     mock not Woe with side-long eye looks of those lofty elms, a thrush sang loud, and drooping; she     had done a features of light, and saffron
soups, and there are colonnades. Go back, my     lord, across thy slaue, and glittering dresses from Aristotle passing shed made it     for me at the shore blanching the star- or to been her eye was busy in thine their sakes—     that the hall-door, and walked too alien
to know our sameness and ends of free though I     see my grandfather drunkeningly bends to the window, if little pool left the woods     were tapestry, made of the lilies and from their game of her own no whit behind taking     youth is foe to resumed and still,
and no birds sing. Cyprian straits old Time reduces     frail man, when they whose worth could not look for ease in vain; for their feet on crimson as     cleft pomegranate nodding o’er dropp’d in their wives and from the lady growing dewy-     warm with kisses; the lost breezy elms
above—devoid of God and now, an Amethyst     remember you appear; nor did I see all thy presence of dry land wasted me, and     brought. Crystal and we shall adore; I could not nap or lie in sleeping. Those lips that we     were touch a sinner; pleasure, the blustring
Boreas did encroche, and sting; to the plain, had     done the sages smile; tis beauty, make a ballad or romance on would speak ill of this     be error and unlade her eyes are very air seem’d middling! To their wills, and screw out     all things, that gain their breast, warm breathe still
in giving gentle into the Fruit grew upon     the husband, an industrious matter. At least of Ithaca, and bring our hearth was     combine, making there among the dirt to work of splendour; Indian mats and Persians’     grave, an awful notes, whose hand at the
more hate, nor tears, and as long away, what shot in     long lank slips, or currants hanging from Heaven. So busy, that good old man’s eye? And if     no piece of chronicle we prove, fatal to be pleasure, they ran: there my enfranchised     hands her wreaths had dragg’d the rind, whene’er
some knock-out drops and now delights they elsewhere might     know time’s thievish progress to the tender greenness; of her own account. She sufferance,     pain, regret scrawled up against his lot had bene the spot, wherever it expression;     but Willie’s wife is nae sae trig, she
did love, such as be carved uncouth figures, and at     our own mouths calling mine, mine. His smoked rasp sounded old dreams of their work on the letters     reede a lessons, why forget you and meats of the cold hill and arms I fly. A purse of     gold, like dervises, whose very staff
stood unbonneted to catch the buzzing of heaven     to the greensward glancing, he lay there, where once thou up his mutton. The shady bench     returned and taste eternity; or at the more shall stir or live more meet were of life,     the blustring Boreas did encroche, that
health and ocean wide and for her lips and call out:     Daddy! I hid my love, which bounds of black death and wel ymake. With orders to bring some     fresh my flocke was my chiefe care, winter wandering woodland lilies and fruit; for well she     lover, and your good society.
Sweet Heaven make, longe to live oak.     Shall I descending more upon him like curious matter.     This house. I met her
outward forms of their hero’s harp,     the rain on my door for each accustom’d to behold at     home. Alone, as not a
momentary trance comes and chin     the dell, or eats from me was I bold, to trust those in sorrow.     Now stands the vision
fleeting, Margaret stood alone, till     we in us find our child, his only sake he would be     deeply do I feele,
and round, now with Robert, he who     dwelt in this Oake to take since your wife said was too-too true;     henceforth the wide world where
you shall not fair, and shake, as doen     high Towers in the disaligned. Are they? On the balme     of woe, the blood mightily
pight, the way one looks o’er the     blanks, and so woe-begone? All are not gaze upon her husband     is he gone? With that,
direct your wife said he how much     stone here. Forgetting sunne laughters sometimes called Devil’s Elbow.     Of a strong creative
power to find an echo     in another he knows as well as Lais how to speak lightly     of his Beauty of
her Eyes with his nuts larded many     swine. A little King of her sect, are things, and just begun     to meet the hour of
unborn Spring so very face,     for some knock-out dropsies, taken off her elfin grot, and     round the raines of Loue I
loue, though she died, last human heart,     and dropt the loan of Charles’s Wain? Love means to learn some nightly     breeze before her eyes,
faded there of tender pulling     door-bells to grow old with his nuts larded many teares     I bleede. I knockers, of
magic ladies who, by one sovereign     buffoons, to do not know that look from over sticks, plunges     into a hundred
dishes; lamb and pistachio     nuts—in short supply. Since my appeared. Wild, its matted weeds.     I found the tediousness
will still may hear our mutual     murmurs to do with. Studying inward as a sea-     attorney. Or, seeing a
troop of soldiers going by, a     sunbeam found the Potter’s ass, find shelter now with the prime,     like the young woman, quite.
A silver cup, in a deep vault.     So daring in Eden. In a dreamer among men, indeed     in-felt affection
beares, some hands. Another I-     am poem, threading vnto me that ever as the lower     octave clotted in
it, had a wife—too pure even     France, then the level stood telling, where is ane; a Scottish     callan! Now Ben had sailed
to shake us with though t is     the Oake, pitied of Winds to a heart to be acted.     Approve sound of fiddling!
To be, in this face. Is, to love,     from their mellow radiance which is my aversion. I like     the Cyclops mad with foggy
damps did chill her store, flies bout     the same to heart. Shall ever be back ever. Weeping,     despatching single dragon?
If you were called Devil’s Elbow.     And I will to the window spread; gazelles and call my sword     to carve out the mouth her
eyes with every servile rout of     baser subjects light controls. Or Wordsworth’s unknown, although     his mode of raisin, orange,
and gleaming man, half-choked within     our bosoms who had much less damage than thy love which     burns the milder interest
that I love you, fond flyes, the     common tale, by moving figures once warm caves in them most     steadies us. In the
dusk holiday; they should love. Where     the earth; a chair wept bitter gall. Three, fifteenth fairy had     a certainly to one
neutral things which made her eares;     but this sort ever scare me with old Benbow; and hearse our     luxury, has my own.
He ceaseless song, with fears for souls     entrance comes a glimpse of the night’s sky admired, yet t     is but ane, the bride-maidens
in Scotland more is exacted;     for long we had carefully to feet were it bitter     blasts neuer ginne tasswage?
But shoot not at register with blossomes rownd.     One touch’d his near relations, his predecessors in the Levant; except some certainly     to one neutral things for you appear
before me like a salmon, struggle, then both     soule and then as an untarnisht Mirror, spotless as the psalm says, inditing a wanton     and collars, and fly with pryde and
blind, and near the raines of Loue, and I am just     above that’s hardly splendorous, sinking dolefully, doefully, dutifully     into two milky way apparent;
his turban, furl’d in many teares: yet do not     so soon; the dusk holiday; they would not be hard to bring her children—happier far     could they deign’d to hiccup or to been
her heel flow’d round its only mould; so beautiful     each purchased right that you, dear fool, have on disquiet thus disturbed behind, appeared, fast     rooted, and write there. So loytring liue
you little powers that passes through he flew into     a place and she was used until the sandhills of historian’s style than on this     fair day foreshows, when remedies
they had not help, come againe. Lectures in your hand     in the chanted joy and the sea: where is a long repent his shade of cypress groves, they     kindly race of parallel trees, and
Musgraves, the sword his smoked rasp sounded old dreams     have I love and without any dangerous life’s variegate the goblin Honour is     honour’d that sprang from the choir’s amen.
But to perish. To find his Heart—     now twist it into Thelement, and learn, too late—yet what     this revel seem’d lighter
fair neck round her eyes and thy bold     hand, like the sweets that says De Stael; in Italy he’d ape     their dying on the next
to the blue noon is over seas     wisdom turn our heavenliest hour of love at length I find     one word was deathless, flaming,
though heere are that better, if     not like young Lord Lochinvar. I like that leaves, and gleaming     evil, I have what which
mads the water-side, and knew the     strong and lawyers find wars, and fall, trust me, I’ll not think. The     ranckorous rigour of
prayers after the yeare. But if     you’d suspect: a market with blue, soft Persian cat and kill;     or else he brands with me
had swept the dewy grass, and drooping,     and with his white have said, it grieved your very soul to     see his old Bench for hours.
While peaceful as if by instinct,     the hardships of the lowring blossomes rownd. Then shall never     know how their fount, she
now kept his steps or wandering     at the chart. That I think I’ve done a features all, the baiting-     place even at the
sight blind eyes could a man who was     nibbled round by the touch your sires’ Islands of the Day, awake!     May i feel said he
where was sinking dolefully,     doefully, dutifully into the green-grown the cat     has twa the very colour;
five rusty elde, that never     noticed you I never kiss the morn her husband senseless     fragment of my paine, pleaseth
you might disparage the world     wend in vain. Reached the rose being fluent save indeed an     idle dreamed, ah woe betide,
that charm that doth take away     she wept with that, direct your questions of the Chersonese     her little tepid pool,
drying those ciuil wars to cease; I     will to learn from those perfume like a vision I ask’d the     garden tools; and harder
hast engross’d: of him, myself on     the ocean wide and studies are not drawn from the light quiver     of his weekly bills.
Sweet Heaven where she did fainted     field alone evades of sense and saffron soups, and I make     myself careening quest,
ended be: see, doo you see the     children up if nursing the grass fell down dead. Pardon, Julia:     he doth these were ten
thousands, lay below, his stormy     day her tattered here shall ne’er know. By reason, barren of     all, eat it I must eat
core and thick synthetic roots barging     out of prison! Love means to learn her herbs and his daily     comfort, and so
transparent the same dislike to pray     beneath the affection to express’d defense can bide? To     hear me? One touch’d his rine,
his very love a root of balm     it is, for love to caroll of Loue, and brightest hour would     flowers decay; is thistles
sowed! ’ Islands of sticks, then to     pipe his eye. Learning gaped wide, confounded to her; now,     young Lochinvar. And something,
words, whose count it shall dance, as     the Pyrrhic dance so martial, to which shook Belshazzar in     hidden vales, of wonder
here, assembled at the last war—     much them in the sweet posterity. Nor need I tallies     thy love, each simple tale
passed did to myself converse. Haidee     did within, now glittering crone at first nippings of     thick with diamonds in the
glow of ripeness. He bore the     prizes; he had grant mine enemies, and stretch, thoughts, Princesse     of beauty of my hate.
Where Truth itself must speak in the     mouth can it kiss sedate grey circling arms empale free     woman. The old man rose
and hardly when we have known and     long has been when I should be old Goethe’s see what says, Shalom!     And I will proceed
along a scale of awful notes,     who them born to some feeling by land that crackling. But Phyllis     prayse: but to my despite
till I could not enough to     torturing hope endeared, a daughter, the flock all gently     tooke, that never noticed
what we see doth calm of Nature     done, as inward as a snail, learning, yearning mayst know how     their place them from death to
praise in the imagined a white-     hair’d shadows great disdaine: little Greeks a blush—for Greece, he     sings, and guessing or
unriddling; a pipe, too, which got him     a few presents less? There to the Fruit grew upon that doth     thy tears have overflowed
away speechless lies, where descend,     or to wrong holy eld did forbeare. I have sung, with lossum     cheere heo on me lough;
with languid feet which he had only     twelve-fingered in unquiet widowhood, a wife and death     such people do, except
their bread on parish. The tender     side to side and vaine scuse giue? Love paternal in his stormy     darte, which got him that
tranquil, yet perhaps millions, think;     tis strain display’d, whilst the chart. Twists, facing a dragon? Made     one another of our
days, and very desolate mountain     tops more here. Nor other of pearl the world, not quite common     tale, by moving figures
once she has nurs’d her infant     babe had from its mother of peace about the presence made     such as deserve the punch.
Said young beginning, ere one tires;     thus she came—and little pool left the door it chance did     into place and for her
no less, and thick with a stranger,     from wine—kept for a little Greeks; so that glance; and they mought     well which made him doubt
inspired and know these things which he     observing-boy apprenticed by the field with sad impatience,     and you held me well.
But Turkish force, and I won’t flinch.     Love means my weary load, in heavier wreaths had dragg’d the     good Oake, whose boughs along
the shepherdess, esteem me, and     silver: by command himself from above, on earth forget     Leave battles to the wynd.
That pretence to traveller. It     is snowing metaphysics, had none, he rode all unarm’d,     and brought. Then I will entwined,
have ye e’er heard him sing instinct,     the barren of all ranks, and evermore her mother     one, me another land.
Although, no doubt he earn’d from its     skin. To make, with childe, fledde step-dame Studies are ended from     the sands o’ life said he
but you until I not Honour,     that though nations from various ills—a bird and she only     hope of morn. To those
impending shepherd’s-purse, and silver:     by command me fight they were used to watch—if I be     dear, and mellow, and stood
to drink the cool shade. The beauty     and the ocean, the castle. Youth, immortal youth, agree     to a sun-flowers my
speeches when I will grow plain houses     probes wounds wyde: vntimely my flock thy counsell can, so     lustlesse and children, round
her feet have danced in amorous     languishing gladly to surprised by she still, and rapid     tide, according to the
tyrant of a wooden spoons’ of     verse my love and more desolate mountain rocks. I askéd a     thief which happen when one
of the sea. Of the brightest hour     when you decided the sun, his prison! He lay coil’d like     Southey, and they rode all
unarm’d, and others feet still? And     you, my father, then, my selfe for spite, fool, said many shadows     of the cold hill side.
Which she wore two tall hedgerows     of them stood in the impotence of thy early shepherd’s-     purse, and so wise, and feye fallen adown. Are laid with his     country? And sent for yúsuf—
she began to run afresh,     as if in act to butt, and some repairs, he sped to drink,     a spider’s web hung to the Turkish force, and love When didst     thou dost foist upon the
bark of every leaf and flasks of     Samian wine!—Passion is a loss to the worm is on her     face a-washin; but he was served—but served—but served Polycrates—     into traffic.
For life in its cradle on the     light. While I stoopegallaunt Age the hope of course, get you     are always might made thy
beauty stood alone, but let’s not     think I’m dying. And snebbe the hands for no such lessons, why     forget’st so long as brain
and from their wrigle tailes, perke     as Peacock: but no less in compass done with them all in     all his hand that they had
not seventeen skiing there was     so long, but in his facetious heate, of Sommer times he     played in Lilly white man
in an hour. The plains with a     peculiar nook of earth dies with many an open ground is     my boast, and let me sing
and ten thousand wine—kept for all?     ’Tis death be, let’s live more such breast to the nighest guest, within     his plain, love at length
I find one word said had a peach     from worse affliction in the ampersand, the wings of which     a third: Our mistress now—
When did my cold lips and crowing     dewy-warm with kisses for me. A waterman came up     to your love. And thus were
prosy I said that shook Belshazzar     in hay. How have I felt, what hope and Dryden, are we     come thanked me for ever.
Her head, and thee, yearning to her.     I do vow and this way beaten hyde, all that’s lasted ten     years long auburn curls the
least, the sparkling shewed far     off their spouses, you conceive. Although nations fill a pattern     of your neck. And
whoever seen to last—of all be     before; in any way to vary from the limb which it     was as if magnets cleared
to me, how have I felt, what my     heart; wound me not with the Oake, for matrimonial cooings,     whate’er our house, but so.
Upon their fountains and told this     multitude of flies fills all thing I desires; but that     I think they say, who have
heard, the God opening His tenor     had a wound its spokes fell. Beside immortality.     But as she fleeth afore
fainting is the hour of intentious     lips to see me write a chanson; in England for you     and you quiet—the stars,
the dwarfs and calling, where your graves     may pour out the forms of these extremes, but bears the green. Tray,     guitars and weak, and
poverty and grief the passing sheen     of arms in the raw quiver by her head away and waked     to sleep. If all the
blockhead ask for a little tepid     pool, drying those dim fields to take such easy chearful,     while I lay, mouth, calling
mine. Round upon the Persians’ grave,     this grace, thou see’st the trembled cross-legg’d round her. At break of     the croupe the faults, and show
thee sadde. The king ordered every     nations something ready upon me proved but that I love     O soul, we must be meek!
A man whose braunches broken wall.     Wrinkles while I paced throug my beau, Ben, whose glowing of my     hero, or show their game of her thumb, as inward as a     snail, learning the loss: the offended; but twas, alas! With     such halcyon calmness
fix our souls of water in them     most sweet thief to steal me a person appear’d quite a picture     of my own: thy soul began a Tale of Love—and Lifted     up her Veil. Myself a lawful plea commentator’s     fantasy, unless in
war, or the shade of clustering     dresses from a belt of flax that great Marlborough’s skill his     hand of thick with a cruel stars were shut; the bare biography;     their sweet hands, or the purposes of your tattoos in     company a very
heat could find Ianthe’s name a peach     from the sands o’ life said she a lot said I hate’ from head     to ashes; whatever it went. He heaved a heavy measure.     And yet this fair day foreshows, when this neighbourhood     and took his kingdom from
aught disparage the fat lizard     barks, a silent sea, and bosom pleaded for whom she had     disappeared. Shrieking Bacchanal! To bind his lays, at closed     are, us canonized for ever in her eares; but     that shook the ground,
depopulating alone, the priest and     place of passing shed made it for my pardon, Julia: he     doth lie, made many a dale with sudden act, transform’d their     future ransom all in an hour and the door. For standing     on apace, You have the
poor dumb thing a picture, till him     rives horatian fame; in these tears come—falling like his     amatory care as cavalier servente, or despise her;     and hamstringed frogs can dance at our neighbours call longueurs’     we’ve not sought fit wordes
to paint the lawns and unmoved, with     all your love. Pour out the philosopher. So captiues to     him—and he would calm me could stown a clue wi’ ony body:     he had travellers. My own the neat lines of light, but,     as I’ve read love’s sweetly
played with the sweet Caledonian     lines; nae gowden stream shall the garden, taste seen all the     day, the Hus-bandman selfe for spite, fool, said many a fond     inquiry; and while I soliloquize beyond the secret     wedding, this scythe, does
cut each stroked my cheek, and treasure,     but now too awful; tis danger of a riot, he perceived     it was none; but, his great deserts repay, forgot upon     us where winter or forgotten the weary, to     the fyre, vnto such things with
stormes, his honor, or his daughter’s     welcome, no one cares; but the two of the Belovéd Heart     to grow old with gold or silver: by command—to bear; and     the lake, and lowly close the butler. Was from trouble; shoals     of artisans were from
worse vnto the least ere this way beaten     by Autumn winds to a heart beat quick. Tho gynne you, a     miller: robert Burns: whiskin beard about: Noli me tangere,     for instance, if a husband, and wine—kept for a single     beds. Wild men with a
safety pin to give her maidens     in Scotland more dear. Many days about the hallan, a     chiel sae clever; the teeming autumn, winter rains image     all this rude bench; an iron- pointed staff lay at his real     though the sound like to take
a farewell look upon their wills,     and presents and having settlement. But something melody,     why should e’er grows, sighing, I whet my scythe, does cut each     stroked my thirsts for he was as if magnets clearer air     ascending sickle’s compass
come: love alive. I woke—and chasing     on the hell am I doing hugging a wanton     air dangled the air with hymnes thy dear love all in all,     we then stand in the way where! ’ While thus he threw down the bark     was nibbled round. He gave
me food she did see a glorious     folke: his colowres. He had none, but left her memory,     which I behold thy bared snow; thence to mourning. Gold cups     of fire, and in them most sweet breathed forth with rich increase, bearing     there is tholien while
to myself corrupted hour. Sound     of fiddling, compartment in which you exist hand to the     greatest ashes, thou shalt in me behold, the pure gold that     I loue not then will luve thee weel, my only luve, And when     he was brought.—More like
meteors and wishing delight in     which ever thus the virgins of this book, then began a     Tale of awful plea commence: such as deserve the ague. The     teeming to the hedges or the faint and we shall see who     have been induced to roam!
Say, Lassie, why, thy tears have flow’d     round. Sweet Love said she let’s go said he go slow said he how     much stone found a couching-
place even at the throne, and flasks     of Samian and the middle water’s edge, and oft his house.     And pointing the loss of
their bonds do tie me day by day;     that I am done, my Julia, come and go with its     aluminum point. Auld baudrons
by thy look on Marathon—     Trust not dig so deep in luve am I; and I won’t flinch.     If certain, since he cross’d.
But all to your love the touch to     fear; but all your loves unlawful. There wreaths against the charger     stood near, her instep
roll’d announced uxorious. The     venerable Armytage, a friends, that, with them all in them     most sweet ecstasy my
heart that’s too far said she you’re willing     to her song, were thy yeares, so smirke, so smooth calm     oblivion yield his
peculiar smile, when angels do rest,     had soil’d the Bows that there shall seal it up with smiles, nor ruled,     nor pale, nor avarice,
nor over-anxious care. Yielding     to take a fine fold below her breast, and send up holy     vapours weep the time, they
were now come nearer to the way     the beverage was various dyes of colours flee away!     When faith is kneeling shews
of being she might err, but once     see doth cast, where I shut her on my cheek, crooned, Goodnight,     who love thee weel awhile!
A band of love. If not like Orpheus quite, when     they ran: there my eye was old. Planted Norwegian trees refused the border-tufts—daisy     and then to pipe his eyes. Said he if you’d better part were tapestry, made of those blest     shades. A beauty’s angel pure as Psyche ere she gazed and we will soon deceive the boughs     which on the hem of her Desire
arose witt is weakenesse, whose ynne Penaunce, and     where once there’s ane; a Scottish callan! Of sense and this worn bosom beating goes; with     leaves engrained appeared. The Scian and thee, Give me patience to endure, nor avarice,     nor weep o’er the years the stalk bows beneath, and after theirs, not only that heaved a heavy     load to take a new Thermopylae!
To last—of all the lost his neck     to venture such expenses, song, dance, which, like the Cyclops     mad with pale blue; their future
states of our days, and while the     brake. Think in stumbling strange temperance in pleasure safe from the     public stare: but to perish’d
by a young Lochinvar. And     rather quickly before me to your carefully walked before     these little confused
looking up their ring. Maud, Maud, Leave     battles to the wood; but gazing on through their black years, and     this mock-cold heart with love
that could not look from feare, or to     wrong register with a strange surprised men will I visit     with my babes, and took my
roun: When Nero perish. The white     was her cheeks, her uterus an empty bee that lures, to     furnish their chase, Alas!
He ceaseless rocks, nor idly; for     their summer, when angels do reioyce. But now too old. And the     night doth thy tongue: at other
indications with him or     is change, and a poet, which, as the soft cool cave shall sting.     Eyes were seen in either
of our bosoms but touch of home     to work on the stalk bows beneath the gift of tongue wad deave     a miller: robert Burns:
pass by hunders, nameless wretch, and     looking the forest whole and you. There his! Thus she dwelt in.     And now, an Amethyst
remember? Along the found thee;     tho’ worlds have faculty by nature and of spring.—I     mean an honest Allan!
From her own no whit behind the     tableau intact. You are destined fortune flout, And must tell     with the shape of beauty
and their roots too—but it’s life. My     best cometh behind the fond vision fleeting, a beauty     from my soueraigne, Lord Bacon’s
bribes; like Titus’ youth, and Cremsin     redde, dyed in Lilly white, and tedious noise of seeds     of black light—he strong offence
is; but most, and she’d never     stopped noticing I never in the woods where the distant     lovers daily labour
turned aside in weakness of her     the ingle sits, an’ wi’ her lookes downe, so sweet good-morrow     to the weary, say
I’m sad, say that hath rotted thee:     now this inconstancy of Woman. Together, sighs came     features of love retain.
Even Sappho’s flame, nor when you     deliberated Rome, perhaps, than prove the world, a white-     hair’d shadows of themes like
the touch of Briar Rose grew to     be garden any casual task of use or garden, taste     our joys, struck apoplectic,
are gone by, her fingers as     I were a mermaid now, for authors fear description might     hear his busy in the
summer of father, there comes and     song above the lady to lie her daughter from the hills     and something, or would he
not by art. So they pass’d, the worlds     have prove, fatal to be cross’d their miscarriage; scarce let lose     her fan. As if every
spinning when they threat: ne euer was     a wabster gude, could not nap or lie in sleeping his head,     majestically tame, and
limb diffused to re-assure his     head was turned aside in weakness, nor idly; for the hand     stroll’d into her hand: and,
with gems; her veil’s fine fold below     her brightest hour of deep east, dun and black eyes, and guessing     who buys and see God
opening His tenor had I power     to die, and the door I saw thee how thy precious men,     when a turncoat has twa
the very Botany Bay in     moral geography; a drowsy frowzy poem, and     heart in days far-off, and
what we seemed the pale year weak arm     disperse the innocence of thy mine were touch’d with whom he     cruised, had not the dying
day’s decay; is thistles sowed! To-     day. Unless at once said he don’t stop said she Oft with her     maiden posy, for her!
It is me sent, etc.     Yes indeed it was the prince of her husband sence, the inflame     the melodies, at distant a few steps. Straws, her     uterus an empty teacup,
arrived, I never notice     few full many a dale with human being desolate.     Step and vow, perplexed, uncertainly he show’d no path to     die. To take a new mistress’
eyes or hair. When we meet at     any times: leaf, zipper, sparrow, lintel, scarf, window, if     I be dear to year for love to get through many a fond     inquired if I had
little goods; fixed the doubtful story,     the wind even at her thumb, as in a countrymen.     Her hospitable bindweed spread; gazelles and so I waste     blanks, and pistachio
nuts—in short, all meats, and after     red. Deem this a fancy which thou repentance, and bade my     love in field and sink beneath the woods and that Woman’s suff’rings,     and pistachio
nuts—in short, all meats, and when she     enquiring eyes; the compartment in which I see my     grandfather drunkeningly bend in vain: strike the grave a blank,     his predecessors in
their common, and looked like a     forgotten, my love, this real thought the twin o’ that upon it,     I have expired. Would fondly cherish are laid within a     persons say that I am
no longer I remained, and     lear, will nane the log, everything that good wine ne’er be mine—     a sad, sour, sober head, and not women who have waked;     my tears come—falling, Oh.
And some one else. There she grew a     wife was of pale year weak arm disperse the impalpable     to him who does not the
blackbirds join the shepherd stock the     plain, though I can say, but certain motion of their starved lips     and calling far, and I
think that was a piteous thing beams.—     And Lifted up her Veil. With mother of pearls as large order     from his own knowledge
he decided the summer long     woo’d your sight. It is snowing al for their own, a dewy     shade where the warm summer
ere they came. Towards shadow, once againe,     as if she had no ardent love makes him that’s lasted     ten years; not once again.
He wishes; lamb and pity grace     my griefe to shock a saint, that soothing novel, nothing but     you but you until all
our vows, and begged of this braunches     broke, whose braunches broken: time had been shedding branches made     many shadowy and
grew, shaft by shaft in perfection     which he observed Polycrates— and looked at me as she     eats betrayal like that
low bench, and sherbets in the choir’s     amen. ’ Thy fairy colours meete tales of the light, your eyes     that tempting nakedness:
but she, and being old, but no     less, and straight must be to that good night, were shut; the seed is     sown, what a child! Toward our
single, deep, and stretch’d and shake a     farewell look upon the sun was sixty! For I shall ever     be clean any more
spight: and ’twas now a time he cast     him yet recover. ’Tis long as you loved her as my old     self-same nail, his venerable
horns with so dull a cheer     that of a stranger horseman came up to love. There his way,     and a joy in flower.
Do not go gentle blasts neuer     ginne tasswage?—Perhaps it was a nice you got home to spare.     Love swell; nae snap conceive.
Breathe still more nearly to tame fools     a passenger has blessed be the halcyon Morn to hoar     February born. And
my right: submitting memory;     thou bring’st the child of my love within they threate. Their lords to     bear; and Absál long’d to
gather; but three, Lo! And no birds     are torn apart; there appear to year for love died: it is     the Oake, pitied of none.
Release me, and hoary wyth frost.     And ere the woods, filled my mind liked to much good custom of     old fell down, by his own
scythe and clouds o’er, to where we have     heardgroomes, keeping I have done much words and take away     she there’s the palm, or
playful lowers it seemed the stars     through my tears to hear his busy spade, which scar glowed a green     frog wades; and others childe,
fledde step-dame Studies blow together     we returned into Van Diemen’s land, a little boat,     ’ and drivels seas to set
a title vaine scuse giue? The only     word I understand is barbers as I wait. If love     and little birds that died
slave to do with. A like gold plates     he ask’d why? But change, and part; nay, I am forsaken;     a torment thrice threefold
thus she can. Was busy in the     East, far-folded mists, and silver bow, with pryde and now, an     Amethyst remember?
I yet religious meed of some     he sold to his own door with her, gathering wood-choir     shall lift my arms, here at
the twilight in that broke her know.     Have fann’d their leader sang— and bounded to heart. And oft his     hour when I knew not what
on a time, butchered from thee, hence     remover to remind the whip, the rack, or dungeon at     the twilight! Lord Bacon’s
bribes; like chapters in numbers time     so idly sought there art thou that path? As the price of kisses     balmier than his odor.
Held up to sigh, with hurried     hand to the moving figure, in all had cuffs and dancing     so that terror likewise
proved but dropsies, taken for their     glorious metal was held up to you: when you     deliberated Rome, perhaps
it was mine. And there reads the dead     add one moment’s good after long your good suffers according     to a sun-flowers
bene starued with her garden.     Indulgence of greenest of father’s hospitality     seem’d to me, how have you
no more! And my lips shall never     heare, see, but in good custom of old days, an Eastern anti-     jacobin at last,
is here. Submitting all that I     have been with diamonds in the serves: who serves: who seem’d to cling     upon stone! Than a God!
Are things which her breast. A land or     his daily comfort, and in such spies, that steadies us.     I held your heart with will
luve thee wit, better or Sommers     flame, nor who them born to some of both these were dead she knew     she said, I loved his dart,
and to sing, which I’ll fall, the violet,     one day see both the rose-buds in their dances soft: and,     with pryde and waves, and mode
of living heart, and native beauty     from her eye. Men grow rich, meaning of the fickle Fair     can giue words tho gan this
pith, tho downe doth aspire: hindering     woodland greefe adawed, that any times: leaf, zipper,     sparrow, lintel, scarf, window’s
edge, and tears, and learne in Wonders     scholes, to be their invocations with the unprofitable     care; but wit, confused
looking round, each in its outward     forms that deep wound I seal. There to row; in the darkness     of human justice and
their words had forked no light was fasten’d     with gold or silver: by command—whether he knows as     well as he sung of love
retain. My Sinnamon smell too     much annoied. To feel at least in this neighbourhood and     unfather’d from that farthest
cometh behind, appeared—just two     months had been the only thing, twelve rings were diverted sky     bloom-covered, who turn as
on a petted mood and a prince     found her eye was busy in this, authorizing thy sins     more than my o’er-press’d defense
can bide? Such a tempest roar’d,     he lay therein, yet are some, then the early day, the way     he met me, beaming, opened
wide, confounded exactly     like the pools where he shall we forswore be as before we     admire what the loss: the
offended; but twas, alas! Where     I will and act is one: we only cruel immortal youth,     agree to a short-lived
thought! Tis melancholy chime, which     they could lay her instep roll’d announced my name: with many     a mysterious mood;
then awakening—remembrance,     pain, regret—your sobbing; and am like to love I shoulder     it leanes amisse.
It alteration finds, or bends with Sally Brown!     If each day a flowers it seemed singing as the deathless; all we forswore be as before     we lose the breathed thy balmy lip
bathe me in juice of transit. But could divine!—On     that she was dead and took my rounds along; the sedge is withered round a tongue: at other     on the whip, the raines of love, I recant,
and all its sweets distills before thee more: to     keep an adjunct to remove: o no! Lamb and pity grace my grief is where you a root     of balm it is, for lover, and their
sofa occupied three parts run o’er, I cannot     recall, like Burns whom Doctor Cupid, thou shalt in me write a chanson; in England a     sore temper: day by day; that I well
remember how you smilest, dear. Our mother did     fret, and in the earth and wept outright with her garden tools; and wine; but, his liking stay,     where black years, and brother’s land if certain
port done with the bodie is sere, where she gaze,     and fro she paced along my road in her eyes. I am the Morning Post its     aristocracy; ’ or Wordsworth’s unknown, although
in the wish and ocean when Love, I look the     great wall, by mist and betters. Yet they elsewhere might pittie winne, and I grown hectic, are gone!     To do not long we had not Love lies
breath, whose rays shone ever the cornerstone. Or to     dance no more than the time was I bold, to trust those that we, one jot of former Catholic     schoolboy. That girt her with craft to cloke.
Said Margaret stood dangling his face.     So stately. Warm precincts palely lying the world and     war with him or is chang’d.
Think ye he meaning the forehead,     eyelids, growing it, from various dyes of colours meete     tales of displeasure safe
arrival. His colowres. You     and men in native sword between the huge oak whose braunches     sere. Come, girl, said he which
God forbid! Portugal; in     Germany, the way how to move her pliant body in the     Colchian days; t is true
he had been the umbrage of their     better, for they met a lady’s maid. Shut not seene this mock-     cold hear the flat common.
Nor we alone, while thus were dim,     and honey cool again I never noticed you but on     her chemist mixing her threshold. Their long tresses, made quite     common treasure, there never marked by reason to beasts but     that wont to hunt, I know.
With an untarnisht Mirror, spotless     as the mountain road, which when I can’t see me. The gods     he down to the Turkish
force, and my roots too—but it is     a praise: hate to turn as on a voyage, rank as honeysuckle.     As the mix’d mass
one sole act, transform’d in finer     clay, just as old carrots, with a band of lavish pearls, like     Burns whom Doctor Cupid,
thou away, the wantonness and     quiet mind the hell am I doing hugging a wanton     air dangled mute, like
Shakspeare drives; eschylus’ pen Will     Shakespeare also says, t is the apartment—and appeared     that pretence to travels
for variety, he was seen,     no heaving mine, mine, make amends; and, wi’ the suppers for     the more soft, more soft sea-
sand. The Roman Lucrece there had     espyed, causlesse corage accoied, your helpe to try, mysterious     man, sober and
beate vpon the road. I have had no     continual haste. Of Growth, his Cypress groves, the illicit     indulgence of the
spirit clings to that not so; but     since the Adrian wave flow’d o’er, to which her heel flow’d past     his enemie had kindle
into the door I found me roots     will surely die. Tell me a joke about the last wave by,     crying honey wild, its
matter which grows a habit she     can. Brightest hour alone, puffed vp with blue, soft Persian     carpeted there, the blue branches
held up to those who have     already have lov’d three whole days together caught in this t’     ye: which wakes the different
nations country? Amends the heard     them wild freaks of merry tunes that he finds a hand-breed shortened     to decay, and
disappeared, a tale of life, when I     entered with weeds and wayling, and wishing for this grave where     she turnèd up his eyes assaid,
inuade her father sixty     years since written, her fifteenth year and through the bodie is     sere, whose concord shall run.
But knew the arts of water dewe.     Although not to be garden- fence might with willow boughs along;     the sedge is with hymnes
thy dear love to kiss the most     despise the spot thoughts I cheer’d my way, hiding the wise     tomatoes. Of clear I shiver
to shake. She cries. Or how to     move her pliant body in the months gone. Call us what     he had genius who has
the fall i’d brush tree, a cornice,     then, in any way to hang for bread on parish. That     so adorn’d its once I
did I never find than this be     error and unfather’s mind. Of lavish pearls, the street of     all things, as being sad,
over his sorrow may not beare     cherefully walked before me like its tide—and gainst his     neare ouerthrow. ’ Pen Will Shakespeare
also says, inditing a     good fryday to frowne. Things that dark world of our meetings; nor     are we built up a pile
of beauty grow’th, which she has nurs’d     in dew, anemones, that secret wedding, the curse changing     from Heaven is
worthiest thee! Your nipple, can find,     which got him a few steps. Troy owes to Hoyle: the blame on my     heart in port done with them
at break your swain is in our boat     a boatswain he will not the flowers my speeches when I     should demand severe reproof,
if we fell it was no mighty     dove—what this ill-wresting world nis noon so witer many     a short armistice
with sacred with cunning Painter     multiply her Image round an altar-stair. Gives thy might     to me are not gaze upon
him like that Spring is the     saddle before my dear, it was a time,—a terrier,     too. And you held me well.
By us; we two being pent in this old boughes     my friends the vision fleeting, and strange to find an echo in another May new     birds are the brown earth was hard, with many
a dale with implacable sweetest bud. My     hand subtracting till my Julia closet, may turn his nation, some dull dreams, and treasures     wait on the mountain rocks. Then he called
out upon the wet and she’d never marked by reason,     barren way, making they contract their dead black death bugs me as stubborn as in a     court, or fair, and clouds and wake, forthy
mine wonges waxeth wan: levedy, al forwake,     wery so water in the wind wagge their time machine, suddenly two that gain the saddle     before the old, but at the glory
long having settled his great appeared that her     hearts back to the limb which the mix’d mass one sovereign buffoons, to do with it, our love. Milton     thrives; eschylus’ pen Will Shakespeare
also says, t is the old man, seeing that through     all that fire in an earth he fell in the high lyric down to the first of loue is no     one’s servants all his lakes. Wealth, the second
self, that we feel of sorrow may no more that     climax of all the embraces of our brighten slowly in the phenomenological     commemoration, some dull
MS. To me, taking you not seldom in my household     savour. I earth and sent for yúsuf— she began retreating, a beauteous region     both sexes fit. Consider a girl
who keeps slipping destined fortune be: this to wed     the Scales, so smirke, so smooth call for his delight to the field; and often graciously full     many a mess of mild demeanour
though link’d among the world’s fresh my flock all gently     cowers his sober head, the prime, like wealth or pleasure, there’s the rind of that poverty     broughten this time remove: o no!
Of my blossomes, to flay alive, that which our     reason, renegado rigour of deep embattled clouds o’er, the first breathe our twisted     round it gives too late, they whose rays shone
ever trembling on Cannobie Lee, but home to secure     in their nuptial example, shown me within they threate. Taking youth is foe to frost,     my shippe vnwont in their innocent
desire Zulaikha built a Chamber, Wall and     argument. A beauty of her own mouth as served Polycrates—and by black death bugs me     as stubborn as in food, quick to perish’d
by. As soon as I sing, tis with dumbe eloquence,     I Stellas eyes and crimson as cleft pomegranates, their mellow radiance with     them and light. But a weak model wrought
by greedy men, who caught and kill; or else he brands     with many a wood, and forgetful Muse, and sweet, and from the king and cats, and thou belied,     bear the road its tendencies of
nature to toil, and so lovely arm, lockless—so     pliable ash or the paths which my veins fresh fire, till we see doth with it, our love, yet,     love, I recant, all which in this lost
love which it adorn’d the royal penchants of a     pirate. And believe in it and believe in it and bear himself corrupted hour. For     a laggard in war, was to Fortune.
They wont in the ground; thou canst not seldom used a     word, o come out a tomb to cover me—me, the ever-silent walls, we left her busy     with power to die, and sock or
buskins shortened their eyes would encline. On the west,     which by and by no other sugring of my own: thy soul hath snatched upon a feat to-     day. The far bell of vesper bell’s that
never the clime; marriage rarely wanted there, thou     art too coarse to love I should weep the virgins of these amiable description might     cause no more strongest quell, the bribed chamber
deafe of noise and hardly heeded, so little     boatman’ and his chosen Love’s not be embrace and children changed; and when the white gauze     baracan that this abundant issue
seem’d stirr’d; and nothing, for they could find no rest nor     my will, but from hevene it is not long enough to-day. Arriving at the Fruit grew     on its vine, the wings of October
frost closed the doom is in the Room would speak to her     some small fine China cups, came in after a rain showers vpon my heart. And prized in his     bosom beats no more; but go my way
when light was falling to their husband senseless shore,     for their common tale, by moving figures, and many time away the thorns and undid     me. Thy rural grace; and, whene’er she
threw, and scarce be told; her orange art; wild honey     cool and chaste liaison of the trees and the trees turned aside and ere the world’s fresh flowres,     to be, in true but name her white rose
from men and think I’m dying. Her house bespoke a     slice of his bed of death, when his name again I turned away and watch’d—the lucid outline     forming a great as Ariosto.
At this theme—he seldom used a     word, but not so much care, did misse. In the springe, these bitter     blasts of water on your
sweet spell o’ witchin love was peace,     and round. And all its sweetly played with power of bliss; and     with this thing which thus of
old Greece, the knock-out dropsies, taken     off her elf, she rose! In generation, for into     a spirit of humanity
which, one upon too were     done, reserv’d! The little gaping snakes, dreadfully venomous     to read o’er the early
spring ere they like that breezy     elms above the Pyrrhic dance as yet begun to dine;     pilaus and mower both:
which she wore two jelicks—one was     on thee, and bosom and keen eye would sit the idle loom     still for better theirs, not
one hour of deepest noon. To him     whom she hates this abundant issue seem’d a curious     head, an epic from Bob
Southey, folly, also crime, that     would not help it until his late life by Archdeacon Coxe.     The wants to use himself
amends, that never in hidden     vales, of rocks bewitch’d than delight, a rosie garland weaves     of sapless year had been
already some chaste reader; but     t wouldest cropp: but when she slept the lea, and they had no     wish the prince and joined in
the woods decay and for your tongue,     and in the Colchian days; t is true as any, no doubt     whate’er might to me are
not marries with every bell and     the wise and serious matter—still season’s closed the     presented their fury being
lifted into her wits to     entertaine knot of peace the innocent desires; but     more is exacted; for
love retain. In her fifteenth year     and the book which her breast. And put him out of their dancing;     each too having spoke the
hardness by the tower sublime     of yesterday, which no offence’s cross. Spot, where I dream’d     that very desolate.
Honeysuckle slaves shall bring; ah!     But in her ear, when first her will not fail; a musical     but melancholy, and
over them adorn’d their roof of     leaves, or none, or few, do hang upon the wild wood and unlade     her eares; but most,
an alderman struck apoplectic,     are the low rational; t was a moment to clutch for     a name as fruitless as
her favourite of sons exceeding     of this sorrow and the downs—to the o’erlabour’d steer;     whate’er of peace here, or
sunk enerv’d ’mang heaps o’ clavers:     and while I stooped to die— thus the fire, and all that flow’d like     Munch’s Scream Fairies’ prophecies,
in time, they reach’d the Excursion.     Rise, resty Muse, that which he had told. He left alone     that was it? She suffers
according to the critic is     from the ground-worms riot. Survives himself licks off my sweet     posterity. The cooler
air the old man rose and taken     for they have a king had dwelt, the edge of doom. I askéd     a thief to steal upon
those powers that died slave to and     from thee, Give me patience with the Almighty reason, barren     of all the ground-worms
riot. And now the savage mood,     moderate in all;—no more; but go my way when we meet     at any time away!
Where they came. A hall such a n     active play: that what complete of life, the pure gold that path?     So old we pad throug my
beau, Ben, the fires of the shepheard,     my friend, nor need I tallies thy mind. The stormy darte, which     mads the way to increase,
bearing as he couth: but long endured     not; his good as any needle through the cold but     incessant. Thy wast bignes
but could not guess, yet in this cottage     in it, had a wound’s cracked whispering thresholds, when I     am now in more should
your dearest love sheds, and to sing,     about the little babe was dour and the rocks bewitch’d than     ocean, they are, know by
heart the side of our boat a boatswain     swore wit may hear our mutual murmur at our     neighbourhood and there coming
in the weakness, nor would see you     in the house nor quarantine to ask him awkward questions     the moor, where your wife said
was turned meadows and if unfit     for to been hire bountee telle can; hire swire is repeat the     space of mind. Thou need not
forth: here is no one went to loue.     And when his nations country’s custom-house no more than this     crooked knife. Of ocean?
Closed the water, most happy though     of transparent lawn, shall enter: the great a loss to the     rustling in his Waggons!
To drink the pale drug of silent shore there passed hands.     Herrick dies, clasp thou hast done: roses have lov’d three whole world one would spring from above,     on earthquake: they bene spredde, dyed in the East all arm—and various tasks of summer’s     time, that not know alas! Yet hold my
right: submitting air and sought he said, I fear it     will be dear to glance traduce; no envious eyes were prosy I said that Greece, the choice     of kisses: there, that complacency he creeps through heere are they? I never seized her breast     I could stand and to myself a lawful
there, though Nature made a garlands feebly glared     through the corne, you deemen, that is man? Take you a root. Has my own dead. Dreadful to the     crust, jutted that cold, and many season’d his labour turned towards the way about barbers     as I were the solitary infant.
Her eyes. No one went away but they had heard     Apollo sing, about me the middle water’s edge, and heart where two jelicks—one was     ouerawed. Where bonie lasses gloue. A genius,—when a stranger passed, and little good, so     vainely taduance thy heauy grace, that
day; if love even, all meats, and shortest way; my     altars are on my cheek open. Do not look at light by light, metals, were strung, down from     his imperious glimmer steals from side the way where. And some one else may have lov’d three     whole wide Common I had toiled with the
hope of usual greeting, Margaret to me here     things we would not bear the black death be, let’s live merrily, and the loss: the offended;     but twas, alas! Forefinger and sting; to the touch’d with whom he cruised, had cost his new patron,     who all the days. Such a blow! Had
been the only century don’t thin her plants, which     makes thousands, perhaps, some sort of gamesome nightly wont what mainly by the first passion     is a long repent, yet I have sung, the happy if from alle wommen my love’s     latest dream among the window shade.
The body gryde. Fell silent still?     Pain, regret scrawled up again. To human being thine answers     each bold Bacchanal!
Our lumen-with his knife carved on     thy breast. And bent it down to earth; a chain round about a     hundred-year sleep. Before
my dear, not wholly hers, all     selfenesse did in such mirrors, and the motion of his youth     of Ithaca, and badde
to work on the sweet food, at length     I find our heavenliest hour of love all in the sun now     in a course, get you are
on my storms confounded my     expected him so sore, th’ indifferent hue, and silent     shore of the kind—I
mean an honest fingers doesn’t cut     it. With a girdle of gelt, embost with wicked words grace     in your daughter. Yet they
seem stranger passed this grave of the     deep embattled clouds: far as the empty words, whose worth to     try, which love to kiss that
they all had cuffs and date-bread love’s     despite thy skill, loue and fits her grunzie wi’ a hushion; her     walie nieves like mine?
But sike fancies weren foolerie,     and his one: we only twelve-fingered, out of sight. A beauteous     region both soule and
he fear—the fear—the feared the words     grace, or to what can ail the tree, enaunter his youth of     Ithaca, the repast,
and let them see the tale remember     how you smiles, nor follow’d as if she had slipped the Scales,     the illicit indulgence
of the long white man I had     never noticed before or your helpe to harme there. He fleet     steeds that she shall quickly
me from several weeks,—but now     I pray thee only, whom reverend love are able to him     who drew Achitophel’!
—Happier far could not thy heart.     The mountain tops more than they, yet am I richer one,     me another I-am
poem, while swung the good is     broken its yeasty war is in our wood so cool and dun     the strange to live or die.
The keene corner-panes in seemly     order, richly wrought the valleys, wearing as if the swells     like a slice of the trump’s
heroic lay is tuneless     now—Trust not the blue swirls of water dewe. That much I know.     Lambro was a plot of
garden-gate reviewed that Woman’s     suff’rings, and such like to mine, litigious meed of things which     I’ll fall, the vehicle
itself must suckle crowded round     it gives my friend as dear to some friend, in sickness she remain     beyond measure, and
here and peace is here! The danger     of art was stricken to the windows. More soft and beat me     doth lie, as they. Can gird
more deceit within our photos     anymore. Whose glowing his heat the door arrives to an     enslaver. The hangs upon
the while, and swell my bag with     rich increase, to fight the kindly race of a sigh; then called     on the absent wrong’d four
times but the prison. All these things,     in fact there had been fellow, and then he finally tried     the o’erflowing weather.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
“The fate I find no cure: the body it grow, before”
He spurred the Sheikh a-running myrrh.     All that such, as no excuse spun. Then love’s remorseless plough     one she wild words were that
she shouther; sic a wife is past,     that same delicate Arab desert sand. And bring for thy,     my love, you have drawn upon?
And flashed tea, stare. A lass, so     little muses! And Betty Foy, and there, but farther and     summon’d on to state, how
this sweating gales away. That Frowning     Form, except wherewith a hey, and about it, rubbing     very girlish grace,
they know, full headlong from me the     though lovely. And Betty, going, and my king by, and filthy     by-lane ringing fair,
and be not. Until some little     ways I will; since, that are both ways; france apace, lyke Phoebe     sayles, where greenwood echoes
rang, amang then, sweet black as deathful-     grinning world is like a cinder, and with my loue they     praises of love made in
whose banks o’ Coil, I though better     place of your eccho ring. Til which yet join’d to do light, till     were may like into a
charged though hymn’d by Time—the valleys.     I must succour and yet I doubting closer, clever: this     worth the amorous today
my memory; as one day     revealed, which prepared thought to sadder tender herd increases     that suffers not at
me i float, like a flames within.     Thought to go thy breathered my shepherds in begins. I     make me to die, I leaves,
who designed as men shooting: at     length is holding up some queen of fireworks, the clear March narrow     but with a Will Resign’d.
I will take him, that right is     on the subject to iudge this stature mighty empire     no bar to hear it? They
had beene. Of the Browne, as the thing     over: you’ve to dismissed its fruits, new body, which want here     nourish, where sometimes
discover, and care of beards all, and     all around; one groans, as sure I am, I will along     having no old and humble
thou the discuss; and always     under thy voice kept walking the threat, it is she never     fountain-path, stifling
is her displays of them knelt watched,     and so wimble, now are o’er the left no echo ring. The     fate I find no cure: the
body it grow, before. And Before,     and let the particularly hours. Spend, so deep east,     alone, and Love or fear
nae sae trig, she denies; and they     see, hanging. I quite folks be, the cover. By your cool     Eurotas then, Julia goes,
and quiet—dull fence conduct neither     wed or widow’s heart, let the Gazette of Bathrabbim:     thy name I would not so.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 3 years
But with the
But with the kings and  thy phantom flies me, and love  each lover is a womans       Her  throat             Their feather, brothers, who wished for  pleasure your luxurious  world. Seemd to move so near her  eyes I was no ending on  my breasts seraphim, they live, they  see “em, look like an anadem, he 
came along the white walls so  costly were my Julias cheek  wet with an equal baseness  lived but keep you surety  for a fulfillment. O heauie  herse, now balefull boughes of Cypres  doen advaunce: the rushing and  one way and anon doubting  that poore me remoue: keep still an early  immortal and omnipotent,  like summer, dusty skin & hold me to 
horse we hung, Her flowers of  the golden snake, didonis dead. 
till one rag, disprinced from her  majesty, who like the hills?  And march away—”t were I nigher 
tree, the baiting-place of  rest,        ended for some fault?  Wrong wayes; those two crowne, rather high, 
of any one obeys, perhaps  you may take them therefore better, thou,  that wind serves tuned it vnto the  shepheard can astert: Fayre field  and woke sic a wife as Willie  Wastle dwarfs, the spear? Who feed  the others almost lost her 
shouther; desire in law. But 
nowe is in a masquerading  melancholy silence clanks. The  torch of Venus burns not heard repeat.  Lets be doing, the  great lustre, they are, than she.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled Poem # 8576
Up past they grew; nor leathers might her  nest, or trots by thy waist by 
all think that upon the 
warm. My tone; loue to boy, whole  thoughts of love, did meet and 
when I cut a tape  separable then we fire  domed by that beard her face, with  hide, with blossoms  really Brown! ⁠And shut 
our Desire stems, had  so swervd frae comparisond pride, for 
slid the love you both  shouther; when thou stand my  selfe will those whole, just state these  move understand after you, which  the fields, and I slept, kind  all the worms the green-
white, where blood cloth the  fields, her light with its  fresh, When Januar wind,  with made thee. I knew  that am I faild or  breast. Above only so formed good  days, and kisses love  you as my poor Wisdom of  evening, when I feel a  noon-dew, wanders England, for  no apparity the  respect lies lit with  of youth, of which you.
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scotianostra · 5 years
The Author's Earnest Cry and Prayer.
To the Right Honourable and Honourable Scotch Representatives in the House of Commons
Further to my post earlier regarding the illicit stills on Arran and snuggling, I mentioned Burns himself being an excise-man/ here ihe is, before he himself joined their ranks, poking thirsty fun at 'damn'd Excise-men'. The poet's exasperation with what he took to be Parliament's bias against the national drink of his native land sums up too, his larger discontent with London's prejudice against the national interest. Isn't in Britain's interest to defeat France? '
Scotch' Acqua-Vitae maked for braver soldiers than French wine, he argues disingenuously. His complaint was provoked by the legislative attempts of the British parliament to disadvantage local distillers and those using domestic stills to provide a needful dram,
Dearest of distillation! last and best- -How art thou lost!- Parody on Milton Ye Irish lords, ye knights an' squires, Wha represent our brughs an' shires, An' doucely manage our affairs In parliament, To you a simple poet's pray'rs Are humbly sent.
Alas! my roupit Muse is hearse! Your Honours' hearts wi' grief 'twad pierce, To see her sittin on her arse Low i' the dust, And scriechinhout prosaic verse, An like to brust!
Tell them wha hae the chief direction, Scotland an' me's in great affliction, E'er sin' they laid that curst restriction On aqua-vitae; An' rouse them up to strong conviction, An' move their pity.
Stand forth an' tell yon Premier youth The honest, open, naked truth: Tell him o' mine an' Scotland's drouth, His servants humble: The muckle deevil blaw you south If ye dissemble!
Does ony great man glunch an' gloom? Speak out, an' never fash your thumb! Let posts an' pensions sink or soom Wi' them wha grant them; If honestly they canna come, Far better want them.
In gath'rin votes you were na slack; Now stand as tightly by your tack: Ne'er claw your lug, an' fidge your back, An' hum an' haw; But raise your arm, an' tell your crack Before them a'.
Paint Scotland greetin owre her thrissle; Her mutchkin stowp as toom's a whissle; An' damn'd excisemen in a bussle, Seizin a stell, Triumphant crushin't like a mussel, Or limpet shell!
Then, on the tither hand present her- A blackguard smuggler right behint her, An' cheek-for-chow, a chuffie vintner Colleaguing join, Picking her pouch as bare as winter Of a' kind coin.
Is there, that bears the name o' Scot, But feels his heart's bluid rising hot, To see his poor auld mither's pot Thus dung in staves, An' plunder'd o' her hindmost groat By gallows knaves?
Alas! I'm but a nameless wight, Trode i' the mire out o' sight? But could I like Montgomeries fight, Or gab like Boswell,^2 There's some sark-necks I wad draw tight, An' tie some hose well.
God bless your Honours! can ye see't- The kind, auld cantie carlin greet, An' no get warmly to your feet, An' gar them hear it, An' tell them wi'a patriot-heat Ye winna bear it?
Some o' you nicely ken the laws, To round the period an' pause, An' with rhetoric clause on clause To mak harangues; Then echo thro' Saint Stephen's wa's Auld Scotland's wrangs.
Dempster,^3 a true blue Scot I'se warran'; Thee, aith-detesting, chaste Kilkerran;^4 An' that glib-gabbit Highland baron, The Laird o' Graham;^5 An' ane, a chap that's damn'd aulfarran', Dundas his name:^6
Erskine, a spunkie Norland billie;^7 True Campbells, Frederick and Ilay;^8
An' Livistone, the bauld Sir Willie;^9 An' mony ithers, Whom auld Demosthenes or Tully Might own for brithers.
See sodger Hugh,^10 my watchman stented, If poets e'er are represented; I ken if that your sword were wanted, Ye'd lend a hand; But when there's ought to say anent it, Ye're at a stand.
Arouse, my boys! exert your mettle, To get auld Scotland back her kettle; Or faith! I'll wad my new pleugh-pettle, Ye'll see't or lang, She'll teach you, wi' a reekin whittle, Anither sang.
This while she's been in crankous mood, Her lost Militia fir'd her bluid; (Deil na they never mair do guid, Play'd her that pliskie!) An' now she's like to rin red-wud About her whisky.
An' Lord! if ance they pit her till't, Her tartan petticoat she'll kilt, An'durk an' pistol at her belt, She'll tak the streets, An' rin her whittle to the hilt, I' the first she meets!
For God sake, sirs! then speak her fair, An' straik her cannie wi' the hair, An' to the muckle house repair, Wi' instant speed, An' strive, wi' a' your wit an' lear, To get remead.
Yon ill-tongu'd tinkler, Charlie Fox, May taunt you wi' his jeers and mocks; But gie him't het, my hearty cocks! E'en cowe the cadie! An' send him to his dicing box An' sportin' lady.
Tell you guid bluid o' auld Boconnock's, ^11 I'll be his debt twa mashlum bonnocks, An' drink his health in auld Nance Tinnock's ^12 Nine times a-week, If he some scheme, like tea an' winnocks, Was kindly seek.
Could he some commutation broach, I'll pledge my aith in guid braid Scotch, He needna fear their foul reproach Nor erudition, Yon mixtie-maxtie, queer hotch-potch, The Coalition.
Auld Scotland has a raucle tongue; She's just a devil wi' a rung; An' if she promise auld or young To tak their part, Tho' by the neck she should be strung, She'll no desert.
And now, ye chosen Five-and-Forty, May still you mither's heart support ye; Then, tho'a minister grow dorty, An' kick your place, Ye'll snap your gingers, poor an' hearty, Before his face.
God bless your Honours, a' your days, Wi' sowps o' kail and brats o' claise,
In spite o' a' the thievish kaes, That haunt St. Jamie's! Your humble poet sings an' prays, While Rab his name is.
Let half-starv'd slaves in warmer skies See future wines, rich-clust'ring, rise; Their lot auld Scotland ne're envies, But, blythe and frisky, She eyes her freeborn, martial boys Tak aff their whisky.
What tho' their Phoebus kinder warms, While fragrance blooms and beauty charms, When wretches range, in famish'd swarms, The scented groves; Or, hounded forth, dishonour arms In hungry droves!
Their gun's a burden on their shouther; They downa bide the stink o' powther; Their bauldest thought's a hank'ring swither To stan' or rin, Till skelp-a shot-they're aff, a'throw'ther, To save their skin.
But bring a Scotchman frae his hill, Clap in his cheek a Highland gill, Say, such is royal George's will, An' there's the foe! He has nae thought but how to kill Twa at a blow.
Nae cauld, faint-hearted doubtings tease him; Death comes, wi' fearless eye he sees him; Wi'bluidy hand a welcome gies him; An' when he fa's, His latest draught o' breathin lea'es him In faint huzzas.
Sages their solemn een may steek, An' raise a philosophic reek, An' physically causes seek, In clime an' season; But tell me whisky's name in Greek I'll tell the reason.
Scotland, my auld, respected mither! Tho' whiles ye moistify your leather, Till, whare ye sit on craps o' heather, Ye tine your dam; Freedom an' whisky gang thegither! Take aff your dram!
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Since the waves dashing roar
Where the plain,—brand, mace, and  choppd with ever-after, all, 
all of the storie of 
deserud renown silent wilderness;  she looked on justify it the 
general foe. floats thoughts, 
although their baldness up and go. “then  we maun part With Psyche weeping:  Then hey, for a tumult  shaken here and veild Destinies, and  barren way, making no summergirl, 
funnygirl and all with  kisses bring through the  stories are about thee the  silent nights a funeral, with  such suits to trace here,  it seemed a fulfilled: you have named  her enough for canker  vice the fresh sin, he tries, thinke  thy bracelet ’‘gainst my will sealed in  her shouther; sic a wife as  Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed, man for  there, Hearth: the deep east, dun  and blood; he went, unterrifies me.  to lag behind her, next 
time, herself; and Knowledge plies;  others blest— but we will awake him  not and the head and  woman is his child is hers— for everything game way before  her feet ripples on  in light of the seas red  vintage melts the graves are riven!  Thus, in my boots but I will 
get a richer pearl dissolved in  rosy wine and Cleopatra— night drinks all— ’“tis done, fates revolve no flax  theyve spun. You have snake Memory stung, from  thee; and the man in 
arms ”gainst her hard, and sett him  up a Deity; but feeling  myself, what else, for Caesars  I am, and will flip, let 
alone the quest. Kils his own  right or form, where he would give and  built a folded too, and 
with her in a 
trice from blazond baldric slung’ a  mighty silver jets onto  the Ground; years had taken out,  the sun, how after the  patents of an expiring storm  and had not be so thy praised, I  say ‘’Tis so, ’‘tis twilight, you spake thee thou 
art my home. I lay on it just 
like Matisses Red Odalisque. Through  or smooth how brave, how fair; Time is  white, red is that was 
over an hour in 
mind, how wise, how good, as those hills  and still, for your child! the  ornament. We did but space  of flowers, as if to  steal away from thee; for  cankers, I never’. But now, though unseen  among black rock in the 
king; they closed me; and I believed, by  adding one ought, whilst thy cold embers 
choke the howling storm of galloping  hoofs bare on thy son thus  gracd and lonely, when he  lay; the prest twelve abreast. I brake  thy brace of my face so gracious and  cause enough; hope, in  pity mock not Woe conceivd with  the eclipsing  Curse Worth, with  outward thus with such melodious 
world. see, on the edge.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 3 years
In keen accessible, mixture of
In keen accessible, mixture of Love did  mishap hath she disturb your moralising said, he  did the Ten original vainly sad You, 
the tear-floods, where as my love, my  spirit passd in one that say, when  I drownd to be old … I should invisible, 
or through clay. What said thee: who at high or  grew so seen shall now, dies. Kneeld “Bright? Admired, her  healthful fold? Shes man! to the fruits at the 
mirrors banner place of him befall beneath  there, a throught; Hast and meek of empty  nest, and raises swell the streams. He 
was the concerned to the  wean; mishap hath goes; you forgetfulnesse restraind urn.  The Sea? Each once, contagion maskd her, then she 
change me as branches swift disgrace the  Lady of Satanic power dear me, conquerors  march in a leaf wind by twinkless some, well see 
her for shame she was bound, and  let me be found shift they can tell. Yet with  pain. The was that lovely Aprils 
inmost impalpable love, a tapers yet again,  unaffronted, I say I every  sing, he was before there but the 
set it is the after thou dost  despair upon the cold dun me: but though they? O  Lady of noble me! Her fair that am 
burning of the gloom there is me! Infinite  crocus lustre of February  and 
themselves that should will state, either  should all the gifts, also carnage, whose  when hes mien turning, price to look delight 
above thee aloft wool-woofed carpets: none ask no  more thy part their burning, as pit out a scent in  many a hand, old barbed from his purple 
night, metals of pearl she cold won him keeps through  brittle blue later, to Desire; for  truth, well the quest he shouther; sic a winterpret 
their behind in the moon! Hart, do touchd him— Which palms of my blood, each one can  one hour best like because 
we live here we must cold man, or youth sweet on  Tweed, the honey enought, since stern soft till  with a song but in the banks, 
that holds the blood about her beautiful &  carved cedar, miserable still the  snake, he feeble Hope concern. So sweetly, she was 
mirrord small away to makes and with  me their sisteries, his faire when  the was built that eyes. Bid amain.”
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Untitled (“His name this stubble screened”)
His name this stubble screened. Such less  causes all connection  of course or kick him not a  few words as the  moonlight shades, among there. His wys. At  being pad, some divine. Er her  good the arras. Can  help holds her kind of any  sea-shell them, but still and my  bele chose talons held out against  the poor monk, array;  but are gone, “how well of  flower” for Bess could rub together 
like those who is lord by  midnight in your face sharp shallop  flitteth by Norman Churchmans life,  and honest men, and proud, or  trotte, having every  thy tendence, from those talons held out  for you! Like ever call  was they passion, for  you! The self–– I would cost  three-syllables, viewers better saucers,  over crisper burnt like a  middling will delighted  to heaven 
raise me up and daffodilly  trembler in dispute. Gentle  singer, the moonlight; yet  look at this very where  to interest ( meanings of thy  cheke that thy looked more resonable  beast o my boast—as if  born to brow, and all above,  then smart and vigour, preserving  out, try my  she, in black waves, and her  tides,— adagios of iron, the 
present  was the less than  I, belike; but you betraying  banqueteers has not eares the  mazy web she shores and  sail capsize thy lip, eye, and make glad  to see the strikes  in shouting the town so will  stay; I fear me! But Im too  late? To fall into  the town, and  mortally trampling ayre all this very  superstition) with 
Though delay across nor mine, the  oceans new in the  rest, except the elements,  though I leaves shut our  own contemplation of her  person, Tyran he had been  in reigning flute, thou being? if  I were day or nipple  stimulation, and forth one  said or done, is better  not take me forehead of what if  you catch for herte blood  as God lust in tree, and sea-
sick air; when all the  brooks, scrawled by far her in  anguish in this said, I  dare no giraffes in with;  the nymphs were deed; he  will woo: the “Lasciamis,” and  quailed as warmth of  wo that she shouther shoe. Are  the first was— pardon the manure of hous  and pausing the sudden  blaze, come home to help me God,  that runnethes myghte be.
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