#shoutarou kagome
akinari-kashihara · 7 months
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It's Valentines day and Akira has something important to ask Shou-chan
Commission for @nattobees and based on their Little Witch Academia AU; Tia Freyre! Contents of Akira's letter under cut
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suikyounamegami · 1 year
Cool-B VOL.109 | Uuultra C SS (Akira × Shoutarou) - Pt.1
En la edición de este mes de la revista (110) no venía SS de UrC por lo que decidí hacer un resumen de la short story que venía en la edición anterior (109), del mes de Abril ^_^
es una SS de mi pareja favorita del juego, Akira x Shoutarou, así que si les gusta esta pareja, seguro que les va a gustar 😙
como ya mencioné arriba, esto es un resumen de lo que trata la historia, no es una traducción
El título es "Minimini Kaijuu y Yochiyochi Kaijuu"
y se cuenta desde el punto de vista de Shoutarou
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La historia empieza con Shoutarou explicando que hay tres grandes etapas en el crecimiento de los seres vivos
en el caso de los cerezos, botón → capullo → florecimiento
en el caso de las mariposas oruga → pupa → imago
y en el caso de los humanos, primera etapa, bebé → segunda etapa, niño → tercera etapa, adulto
pero que también puede subdividirse aún más
que así lo decide la taquilla de la estación
una vez que se suben las escaleras, no se puede volver atrás
peeeeero, que por alguna razón su cuerpo había regresado a la segunda etapa (niño)
tenía unos 6 años y se veía como si estuviera en primer grado de escuela, pero que honestamente ese tipo de cosas ya no le sorprendían 😅
que ya hasta vivía pensando si ese día iba a pasar algo otra vez (algún evento raro relacionado con kaijuus)
pero que esta vez, afortunadamente hasta su ropa se hizo pequeña, y se alegra de que no tuviera que terminar arrastrándola mientras camina, y sin importar como lo vieran los demás, pensarían que es solo un niño
dice que después de encontrarse con un montón de cosas irracionales (las cosas por las que ha pasado hasta ahora) se le ha dado bien el encontrar pequeños momentos de felicidad
se abre paso entre la gente y se baja del tren
había prometido ir a comer con Akira-kun 🥰, y él debería estar esperando frente a la estación
se pregunta que qué Akira dirá cuando lo vea con esa apariencia, y piensa que seguro le va a decir cosas como "otra vez!" "ya había pasado antes!" "eres más pequeño que antes!" (*esto pasó en la SS del Kachikachi Kaijuu en la edición 105*)
cuando se acercó al tablón de mensajes que era el lugar de reunión (la pizarra para escribir mensajes en la estación)
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en el lugar donde Akira siempre estaba, había un niño pequeño sentado, frotando algo como una tiza cuadrada contra el piso
se pregunta si es un niño perdido y que donde estarán sus padres
Shoutarou entonces se asoma preocupado y se da cuenta de que lo que el niño tiene no es una "tiza" sino una ficha blanca
una ficha en blanco ya que no tiene nada escrito
aquí se da cuenta de que el niño es Akira y lo llama
ojos negros grandes, pelo rizado y camisa de mal aspecto
definitivamente es SU Akira-kun 🥰
Shoutarou le pregunta que si él también se hizo pequeño
que su apariencia está en la primera etapa (bebé) 👶, y en términos de edad, se ve como si tuviera 2 años
le pregunta que si lo reconoce, que él es Shoutarou, Shou-chan
Akira niño se queda con cara de ???, y entonces dice "Toncha!"
*Nota*en esta SS Akira supuestamente está hablando en su idioma nativo, pero como está tan pequeño no se entiende que idioma es, así que lo voy a dejar tal y como está escrito
Shoutarou se disculpa y le dice que no puede entender sus palabras
Akira le vuelve a decir 'Toncha' y se ríe
Shoutarou le dice que si él es 'Toncha', y que al parecer tendrá que ser 'Toncha' desde ahora, que a juzgar por como suena la palabra, debe significar 'papi' (otou-chan)
le dice que no chupe la ficha, que las fichas no son comida, y entonces para que no se la trague, le dice que él la guardara
Akira empieza a decir "Chonbo Chonbo Chonbo!"
Shoutarou le dice que no se enoje, Akira comienza a lloriquear y entonces no tiene más remedio que devolvérsela 😑
le da la ficha e inmediatamente Akira deja de llorar
y entonces lo agarra de la mano, ya que Akira no podrá chupar la ficha mientras no le suelte la mano
Shoutarou dice que tiene hambre, pero que no puede entrar en una tienda con esa apariencia, así que decide que se tienen que regresar
Akira dice "Shimocha!" y empieza a dar brinquitos contento al lado de Shoutarou 😊
Shoutarou piensa que es una sensación extraña, ya que los autos, las voces de las personas, y hasta el camino de regreso se sienten grandes, pero que su agarre es más fuerte que el de él, y si intenta alejarse puede jalarlo las veces que sea (siente que eso es algo que siempre había querido hacer con él)
pero que sin darse cuenta, Akira de nuevo estaba chupando una ficha, solo que esta vez tenía escrito 'medio' 🀄
le pregunta que cuantas tiene guardadas, y que va a tener que confiscarlas todas
Akira dice "Jihai"
Shoutarou le dice que es por su bien, Akira se le queda viendo sabiendo que es inútil lloriquear, se saca otra ficha del pelo y la chupa frente a él… 😑
Shoutarou piensa que lo está haciendo a propósito (obviamente es a propósito ╬▔皿▔)
y entonces le dice, Akira-kun eres genial, eres maravilloso, eres increíble, inigualable... en fin, lo dice lo que quiere oír
que es genial que la ficha tenga un kanji difícil de leer, y que él también quiere coleccionarlas
Akira se queda callado, y entonces dice "Fuuro?" "Fuuro? Fuuro Fuuro", e inesperadamente le entrega la ficha a Shoutarou
Shoutarou dice que 'Fuuro' probablemente significa 'lo quiero/la quieres'
y entonces Akira, OTRA VEZ, se vuelve a sacar una ficha, pero esta vez de la oreja… 👂
era igual a la ficha de antes, así que Shoutarou se pregunta si las tenía preparadas para hacer trampa
Akira le dice 'Fuuro', Shotarou le responde 'Fuuro', y entonces se la da
a Shoutarou empieza a parecerle divertido el poder 'comunicarse' con él ahora
y entonces Akira, OTRA VEZ, se saca OTRA ficha de la cabeza, y antes de que le preguntara si la quería, Shoutarou le dice 'Fuuro!'
Y bueno, aunque me hubiera gustado hacerlo completo 😓 de momento lo voy a dejar hasta aquí 😣
Continuará en la parte 2
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mommopurinn · 8 days
"The rain of topaz", Akira and Shoutarou's after story
On the day when Akira and Shoutaro had arranged to go swimming in the sea, the city was suddenly submerged underwater after a heavy rain… This is a sweet early summer story.
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I feel like summers used to be hotter in my childhood.
But today’s heat and humidity were still enough to have me wake up and turn on a fan, thinking that it was a close call.
If I continued to sleep like that, I probably would have turned into a desiccated mummy.
I opened the window to try and get the stagnant hot air out.
The sound of a windchime rang from afar, soothing my heart.
Every person spends the summer in their own way.
Akira-kun said that in his childhood, he used to eat the cheapest ice cream from the sweets shop in the morning.
Then he would laze around, watching the shadows grow long as the day went by.
And when the heat was getting unbearable, he would run off to swim in the sea.
……The sea.
The sea, you say.
Speaking of that…
“I’ve never been to the sea before.”
Akira-kun’s hand with chopsticks stopped on the way to his mouth, and his eyes started to sparkle.
And then a deafening shout shook the room.
“Let’s go to the sea then!!!”
Apparently, there’s something about it that makes the heat melt away.
And so, this is how we reach this point of the story.
The rain of topaz
When I opened my eyes, I saw Akira-kun’s face in front of me.
His lips moved; probably he was dreaming about something fun or tasty.
Instead of a pillow, he had a giant floatie.
Instead of pyjamas, he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt.
And instead of pants, he was wearing swimming trunks…
I did tell him to not do that, but maybe sleeping like this helped him to ward off nightmares.
We had planned to go to the beach today.
But it was still long before dawn, and the streetlights cast a shadow on the room through the curtain of rain.
I turned over in my futon and looked out the window.
I wondered why did I wake up at such an hour.
Probably it was because of the sound of the rain.
“Shouuu-chaaan… What’s with ya…”
“The rain is so heavy…”
“It’ll stop by the mornin’...”
Akira-kun went back to his happy dream without opening his eyes.
But I was still looking out the window, thinking.
It felt more like a waterfall than just rain.
And sounded more like a hail of bullets than simple water droplets.
…Will it really clear up?
It’s good that the heat will ease off, but I really did want to go to the sea as much as Akira-kun did.
“...Did ya wet yourself?”
“I feel something wet.”
“Then maybe it’s you?”
Dumbfounded, Akira-kun got up and, with a surprisingly firm hand, lifted the futon.
His lower half was soaking wet.
And my butt was too.
And my back, and the pillow.
The whole room was flooded because of this downpour!
We rushed from the bedroom. I immediately jumped to the TV, and Akira-kun to his art supplies.
We grabbed everything that we could see and carried it to the second floor in great haste.
During that time the water level had risen from our ankles to our knees and then to our hips.
We were running up and down the stairs so fast that it felt like both the steps and our legs would break.
The room upstairs was getting smaller and smaller; it even started to feel like the floor was sinking.
But the electric fan was still on the first floor…
Just as I was about to get down, I saw Akira-kun stuck in the middle of the stairway.
“A-a-akira-kun, what is that?!”
“When I opened the fusuma, there was this huge tanuki figurine!”
“Ah, …Eh, but why?! Take more important things!”
“Get up quickly! The stairway is narrow, so I can’t get down!”
“Well, it’s quite heavy…”
…Electric fan.
The electric fan that I had just bought was the only thing on my mind.
This tanuki’s face surely was cute, but to me the electric fan was way more important in the summer.
I grabbed tanuki’s face and kneed it in the stomach.
The impact immediately spread throughout its whole body, and it shattered all around us.
Akira-kun’s hands were grasping the air.
Slipping, I rushed to the first floor.
Water level was still rising.
Electric fan, seal, certificate of payment, winter clothes—at this rate, it would be better to bring this whole dresser up.
Akira-kun supported me from one side.
It looks like he has finally come to his senses.
From then on, the rescue operation proceeded smoothly.
To think that he was right to sleep in his swimming trunks…
This rain didn’t feel like a storm, but like someone left the tap running.
The night quietly went away, taking the rain and our worries with it.
“Good mornin’...”
“G-good morning…”
The morning sun was beaming on us, comically surrounded by all our belongings.
Akira-kun made me wear swimming trunks as well.
But the water level didn’t rise up to the second floor.
He approached the window from where the bright light shone.
I got up as well and stood near the dresser, looking over the landscape.
“Is this real…?”
It looked like a rural landscape.
Although quite an odd one, overgrown with houses.
In just one night, the rain had submerged the whole city underwater.
The sky still hasn't given up, and it rained here and there.
The peak had already passed, but the water wasn’t moving. Seemed like it wasn’t going to drain for some time. 
“We were plannin’ to go to the sea, but instead the sea came to us, huh.”
“So, what do we do?”
Dejected, Akira-kun scratched the back of his head with his left hand.
He seemed to gradually regain his composure, but my heart was still beating out of my chest.
I was thinking about my dad.
“Let’s check how Sparrow Nest is doing.”
But when I stepped on the window sill, Akira-kun tugged on it.
I put on the floatie so as not to sink.
“Ah~, stop, stop!!”
“I need to go.”
“Calm down!”
“But dad and the others…!”
“Shou-chan, you can’t swim!”
Well, yes, but…
“I have a floatie.”
“Are ya goin’ to flutter kick all the way to there…?”
“......Then what do I do?”
The phone was left on the first floor, so I couldn’t call to ask them if they’re safe.
Things that we brought to the second floor were mostly useless.
Only now I had a painful realisation about just how strong yesterday’s rain was.
“I’ll swim there to check!”
“But it’s dangerous!”
“That’s why I’m tellin’ ya to wait here!”
I heard the sound of a motor getting closer.
We looked at each other, surprised that someone had called out my name.
A pure white boat moored near the window.
Not even wiping his sweat, dad looked me straight in the eyes.
“...Help me…!”
I cast off the floatie and jumped into the boat.
‘Help me’.
I've never heard my dad sound so scared since that day.
Landlady, Sally, please, be safe.
The motorboat raced through the eerie waters, carrying our worried selves.
“Oh! Shoutarou-saaan!”
Two of them were waving at us from the roof.
Fortunately, it seemed that the Sparrow Nest had escaped the flooding on the second floor as well.
But probably dad made them sit on the roof just in case.
Seeing them smile, I was finally able to feel life coming back to me.
Dad parked the boat next to the staircase and, with steady steps, went to his room.
Coming near it, he signalled with his eyes for me to follow him.
In the dimly lit room, he was preparing something with his back turned to me.
Our old room had fully become dad’s lab for inventions.
Dull light coming from the window shone on an assortment of metal parts.
“‘’’That’ll do.”
“Shoutarou, look at this.”
Some kind of machine with a propeller was lying near his feet.
It was connected to a tube about as thick as an arm, the other end of which disappeared into the window.
A large piece of vinyl was floating on the vast surface of water. 
…No doubt, it's an escape boat!
“Press this button, please.”
I did as I was told, and the propeller started spinning, pumping the air.
Immediately, a tornado started in the room.
The furious roar of the motor sounded like thunder.
Paper, screws, and other things were swirling in the air around me, but still I pushed myself to keep pressing the button.
And, slowly, vinyl started rising.
“Sorry, Shoutarou, I made a machine that only you can operate yet again.”
“Oh, okay!”
“It has become a habit of mine.”
“Don’t worry! It’s fine now, right?”
“Thank you.”
“...What is this?”
“A vinyl raft.”
“You can go to the shelter on it.”
“You will go, right?!”
The airway seemed to be clogged. And right at the moment when I thought that vinyl was going to break…
A giant swan head rose up.
“Thank you.”
“Sure…! But… what is that?!”
“A giant floatie.”
“Didn't you want us to go to the shelter…?!”
“Stop the fan, please.”
Rushedly, I let go of the button.
The sound melted gently into the room, and cicadas’ voices whispered through the silence.
I watched the swan grow till the end.
And then.
Someone ran above the ceiling from west to east.
A white skirt fluttered in the wind lightly, obscuring my view for a second.
Landlady landed on the swan's wide back and turned around to look at us, smiling and faintly blushing.
“This is amazing, Tetsurou-san!”
“Sally-san, you come too!”
“It’s fine! I’m here!”
Sally-san shrank back, kicked herself off the roof with both feet, and jumped into the landlady's arms.
The swan leaned heavily for a moment, but after it gently wrapped itself around the two of them.
Vibrant laughter gently floated across the water.
I was shocked by how content my dad looked.
Town speakers had begun to function.
>>Announcement for the people of the Setagaya district.<<
A beach ball went high up into the sky somewhere.
>>Flooding damage has been reported due to localised heavy rain.<<
I heard children’s laughter.
>>Please, take caution and begin the evacuation from the area…<<
“Do you want some shaved ice?”
“Oh, I’d like some with strawberry flavour.”
I should have noticed the shaved ice machine on the window sill.
“Shoutarou, which flavour do you…”
By the time my dad turned around to look at me, I was already in the motorboat.
No one hears the sirens.
Cicadas still cry, as if nothing happened.
It’s as if the city is leisurely and peacefully enjoying this flood.
When I came back home, Akira-kun held a worried expression on his face.
The first thing he did was lean forward from the window and check if nothing happened to me.
“Are Landlady and others okay?!”
“Did something happen?!”
“As if I’d believe that!”
So it is natural for people to be worried. It’s natural, right…?
If someone looks up at you with an expression like that and asks for help.
“I’ll go with ya now!”
“Everyone’s eating shaved ice.”
“There's nothing to be worried about”
“......Ya serious?”
“I am.”
“I am serious.”
“Well, if ya say so then… I’m relieved!”
So that means…
“We can go to the sea then?!”
“Yes. Let’s go to the sea.”
Akira-kun put his sunglasses on and grabbed a floatie with one hand.
In less than a second, he changed his clothes and jumped to the boat from the window.
He looked at me with his usual refreshing smile.
Sirens kept repeating the announcement.
But we were just as careless as everyone else.
I slowly started the motor.
Then we headed to Soshigaya station, but because of the flood, trains weren’t coming.
“Water’ll probably go down if we go to Seijo.”
And so, we boarded the Odakyu line and headed to Shonan.
…After all that.
Having calmed down, I started noticing different things about the surrounding landscape.
The Sengawa river had overflowed, and different fish were swimming here and there.
They didn’t seem to be perplexed by the sudden expansion of their world and carried themselves as if they were regular residents of Soshigaya.
But the most curious thing was that both the sky and the water were coloured amber.
“It’s so pretty.”
“It looks like piss.”
It was as if topaz gemstones were dissolved in them.
I touched the water surface, and small white waves spread from my fingers.
Then I raised my hand, closely looked at my index finger, and licked its tip.
“I-it’s sweet.”
“W–w-what’re ya doin’, it’s dirty!”
“It’s just sugared water.”
The smell of cotton candy, usually reserved for temple festivals, drifted through the streets of the city.
Probably it was one of the reasons why everyone was in high spirits.
Nostalgia brought back childhood memories.
I looked up at the sky once again.
“How strange.”
Akira-kun folded his arms and spoke in an unnatural and forced voice.
“Akira-kun, I was thinking that…”
We were interrupted by a lively voice.
An elegant row boat floated under the sunlight shining through the trees by the side of the road.
Kobayashi-kun was nonchalantly approaching us.
He sat in his dark brown boat almost as if he were straddling a horse. 
Opposite him was Tadashi-kun.
“Good morning, Kobayashi-kun.”
“Oh, good morning! Quite an interesting landscape, don’t you think?”
“How is that rundown house of yours holding?”
After city renovation, mostly rich people lived in Seijo.
So you could even take the submerged landscape for Venice.
“Everything’s fine. Only the first floor was submerged.”
“Oh, is that so? Well, if you’re having any troubles, you can stay at our place. We have an empty room.”
“Thank you. That aside, where are you going?””
“We’re just sightseeing. Tadashi asked me.”
“This is Kobayashi from SRB!!! What do you think about this rain?!!”
“Kagome-san, I would like to ask your opinion on this unusual phenomenon caused by an unbelievable formation of cumulonimbus clouds-”
“W-well, untill next time, Shou-chan! Ha-ha-ha!”
“Wait, Kagome-san! And the delinquent-onii-san!!!”
We were told to wait, but it was Kobayashi-kun and Tadashi-kun who were getting further away.
Kobayashi-kun’s laughter disappeared among the trees.
Seems like his son forced him to go mystery-hunting.
“...Did he just pretend that I wasn’t here?”
He really didn’t look at Akira-kun at all.
“Man, he’s annoyin’ as hell.”
“We should go too.”
Looking to the direction where Kobayashi-kun disappeared, Akira-kun grinded his teeth.
I started the motor again, forcibly increasing the distance between us.
Water level started to gradually go down.
But still, Seijo station was submerged as well.
We continued going by boat to the next station.
I started getting used to this landscape.
I looked up without much interest. The blue sky peeked through the rifts in the light yellow clouds.
I remembered Tadashi-kun’s words.
Just as he says, this landscape is weird.
The yellow rain with the smell of candy, it felt more like a joke. And the forecast said nothing about any rain at all.
Adults adapt to everything so easily.
Despite experiencing something so unusual, they keep living as if nothing happened.
And by next week, or even by tomorrow, they’ll already forget about this.
“You too think it’s kaiju?”
I think that Tadashi-kun was trying to imply that.
Akira-kun sat at the boat’s bow, frozen in place like a figurehead and not looking back.
“Who knows.”
“Let’s say there was a cotton candy kaiju.
It was blasted in the sky and became rain… Something like that.”
“Shou-chan, this is kinda…”
“Well, no one’s buying that kinda story.”
“But it’s not like it’s completely unbelievable.”
“There probably was some explosion at a cotton candy factory. And then it got into the sewers, and that’s where the flood came from.”
But there’s no cotton candy factory nearby.
And sewer water doesn’t fall from the sky.
“Let’s just leave it at that, ‘kay?”
Leave it… at that?
“Let’s stop thinking about it, and just simply live.
Other people probably do just that.”
People do just that…
“Who, exactly?”
“Well, I don’t know that.”
“So maybe there was someone who defeated the cotton candy kaiju?”
“No-no-no, ditch the cotton candy kaiju thought at all!”
“...But I think there was one.”
“Well, he’s now frantically looking into that, together with his son.”
Even though you were treating them like idiots before…
“Hero’s well, so he’s not sitting home, as they say.”
I don’t really get it.
Akira-kun started saying some heroic things again.
With his large back and his arms folded, he looked like a retired boss of a gang.
…So what he means by ‘leaving things at that’ is that someone’s protecting our peace.
“A… Assan…?”
Akira-kun turned around to look at me, crossing his legs.
“You said you wanted a nickname.”
“A nickname should be more like…! Well, Assan sounds too distant.”
“A-a-and that sounds way too close!!”
“Is there even a correct answer?”
“As many as there are tanmenchan waits!”
It’s probably some mahjong slang.
“Well, I’m fine with everything you come up with.”
“I like how Akkun sounds.”
Suddenly, he got quiet and dropped his head.
Then he looked to the side with a grim face.
His gaze was fixed on a love hotel.
“I just got a ron.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
I sped up the boat.
“I’m looking forward to the sea, Akira-kun.”
Even though I didn’t sleep in swimming trunks with a floatie as a pillow, I still was really excited for you to teach me how to swim.
We got off the boat at Kitami.
The shoal went on and on forward.
A train was standing at the station.
We ran towards the platform and got onto the train right as the departure bell rang.
“Made it~!”
“Ah, Shou-chan! Where’s your sandal?!”
One of my feet was bare.
I tripped when running up the stairs, and…
I’m sure it was then when I lost it.
Akira-kun took off his sandal, leaving himself barefoot.
“Put it on.”
It was way too big for my feet.
But he made me wear the left one too.
“I’ll get them dirty.”
“Don’t worry about that. We’re going to the sea after all.”
“We’ll have to transfer trains in Sagamioono.”
“I don’t care about the distance.”
The train accelerated, leaving the rain clouds behind.
It was eleven in the morning on a hot summer day.
Please, tell me if there are any mistakes or places that sound weird.
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nattobees · 9 months
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I can't believe I didn't think to do this one before
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suzuran777 · 2 years
UuultraC After Story List
Adelta’s second game UuultraC recently got released in English, so I wanted to create a list with all of the free extra content that’s currently available on Adelta’s website! Make sure to only read these short stories after finishing the routes, otherwise they might not make much sense or even spoil the game’s story. They’re written in Japanese, but not extremely difficult to understand with translation tools.
> Short story 1 (Kozuka Akira x Kagome Shoutarou) One day when we wanted to go swimming, the town was flooded by a sudden heavy rain. A sweet early summer story.
> Short story 2 Continuation of short story 1 Side A: Akira's point of view Side B: Shoutarou's point of view
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> Short story 3 (Isshiki Suzu x Choutsugai Shirou) On a tropical night when the moonlight is dazzling, something happens to the body of the citizens of Tokyo. A story about midsummer.
> Short story 4 Continuation of short story 3 Side A: Shirou's point of view Side B: Isshiki's point of view
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> Short story 5 (Hibarino Yomi x Sayashi Juurou) After spending their time peacefully, it seems like Yomi has found a new ''hobby''. A story about an alien and the end of summer. Edit: You can find an English translation here! 
> Short story 6 Continuation of short story 5 Side A: Juurou's point of view Side B: Yomi's point of view
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Credit goes to Adelta for creating these wonderful stories and beautiful art! Japanese page can be found here.
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suikyounamegami · 1 year
Cool-B VOL.109 | Uuultra C SS (Akira × Shoutarou) - Pt.2
Akira se saca otra ficha de la cabeza, y antes de que le preguntara si la quería, Shoutarou le dice 'Fuuro!'
Akira dice "Bon", y se carcajea señalando las fichas en la palma de la mano de Shoutarou
Shoutarou dice que no tiene idea de que significa 'Bon', pero le pregunta si está bien que él gane, y cuando están por regresar, Akira dice "Dora!", y en ese momento su cuerpo comenzó a brillar 🔆
en la calle comercial, los cuerpos de las personas que iban y venían comenzaron a brillar más que sol ☀, pero como esto era pan de cada día para la gente de Soshigaya, pues nadie le prestaba atención 🤷‍♀️
solo Shoutarou estaba sorprendido mientras se bañaba en esa luz
la luz se hizo más grande, y gradualmente...
Florecimiento 🌼 → Imago 🦋 → Adulto 🧑
escaló hasta la etapa de adulto de un tirón
y cuando la luz se acabó, lo que apareció en el ocaso 🌆 era el Akira usual, aturdido
Akira le dice que volvió, (regreso a la normalidad) y que se acordaba de que estaba comiendo fichas
Shoutarou le pregunta que si tiene memoria (del rato que estuvo convertido en niño)
Akira le dice son muy vagos como para llamarlos recuerdos, pero al parecer si recordaba que le estuvo causando problemas a Shou-chan
Shoutarou le dice que no le causó molestias, y entonces Akira le dice que es de lo peor, que por qué los niños son tan tontos (pues porque son eso, niños 😅)
Shoutarou le dice que no era tonto, y que los adultos son los que han decidido las 'reglas' por su cuenta
le dice que ojala algún día pueda hacer fichas de mahjong deliciosas 😋
Akira le dice que no es necesario, que hay un montón de cosas mucho más sabrosas, y entonces se disculpa
Shoutarou le dice que no hay problema y que está contento de haber podido hablar con él en su versión chiquita 🧒
Akira le pregunta que no si fue una molestia, y Shoutarou le dice que no, que era muy lindo 🥰
Akira le dice que él también (es lindo), y entonces se da cuenta de que Shoutarou no ha regresado a la normalidad
Shoutarou se da la vuelta, se mira en la ventana de una tienda y ve que su tamaño está a la altura de la cintura de Akira, que sólo él sigue en la segunda etapa (niño)
dice que por lo general ese tipo de cosas se curarían al mismo tiempo (deberían haber vuelto a la normalidad al mismo tiempo) y le pregunta a Akira que qué fue lo que le pasó a él
Akira entonces explica que una persona con la que se cruzó hace un rato dejó caer un marshmallow, y que cuando se lo comió terminó así (eso le pasa por andar comiendo cosas del suelo 🤢), que al principio lo recogió por que pensó que era una ficha 🀄
Shoutarou le dice que de cualquier manera NO debería habérselo comido, y entonces Akira le pregunta que qué fue lo que le pasó a él
Shoutarou explica que sólo se subió al tren, y entonces...
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y se pregunta que si lo de ambos lo hizo un kaijuu diferente
Akira entonces se agacha (para hacer contacto visual 👁), y Shou-chan involuntariamente se sorprende cuando él le acerca el rostro
Akira le dice se curará tarde o temprano, y que Shou-chan es impresionante, que incluso siendo tan pequeño era muy firme
le dice que es genial y le acaricia la cabeza 🥰, le dice que como disculpa por los inconvenientes, escuchará cualquier cosa que le pida, que cualquier cosa está bien
Shoutarou le dice que no le molestó en absoluto, y dice que él no es una persona 'firme', que tenía que serlo por que si no no se convertiría en un adulto
no tenía resistencia a subir las escaleras (pasar de la niñez/adolescencia a la adultez), pero que si le dijeran que tiene la posibilidad de volver, le gustaría intentarlo
le pide a Akira que no se burle de él, y le dice que le gustaría morder el pudin 🍮 sin usar cuchara, que quiere llenarse toda la boca de caramelo 🍬
Akira le dice que él también quiere hacerlo, y que vayan a hacerlo 😋
Shoutarou le dice que es un 'libertino' (dando a entender que es un despreocupado)
y entonces la historia termina con una 'reflexión' de Shoutarou diciendo que Akira siempre lo sorprende, y siempre le enseña
lo que se te permite hacer porque eres un niño, y lo que no debes hacer porque eres un adulto
pero que en realidad no existen tales 'restricciones'
y aunque hayas subido las escaleras, inesperadamente puedes volver con normalidad (subir y bajar las veces que sea)
y ya para terminar, en la página 33 viene la descripción de los Kaijuu, solo que esta vez no hubo ilustración de ninguno 😞
uno es el "Minimini Kaijuu", cuya idea fue de alguien con el seudónimo de 'You'
su sensación es la de las gomitas y tiene la habilidad de cambiar la apariencia de la gente a la apariencia que tenían en la infancia
el otro es el "Yochiyochi Kaijuu", y la idea fue de 'Oogushi'
su sensación es la del malvavisco y tiene la habilidad de cambiar la apariencia de los adultos que lo rodean en niños, porque es un kaijuu que quiere convertirse rápido en un adulto...
*Yochiyochi es algo como 'inestable/tambaleante', como cuando un niño pequeño camina cargando algo muy pesado*
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mommopurinn · 7 months
"The red of setting sun", Akira x Shoutarou SS
“I feel like the time has stopped. Like I’ll always be here with you, never ageing.”
“So I don’t mind if this sunset continues forever.”
“I wouldn’t mind it either. It’d be nice if the time has really stopped.”
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Railway crossings with the lowered gates, the backs of tired people, the persimmon trees in someone’s garden were all passing by the train window, basking in the orange light.
I was looking at it standing by the door. Autumn was slowly taking its toll; it made me feel strangely relieved, and I let out a quiet sigh.
Akira-kun was standing right next to the Soshigaya station ticket gate.
His hair was even more ruffled than usual, and he was wearing round glasses, which didn’t suit him at all.
According to his words, all influential mangakas wore glasses, so he felt more motivated when wearing them.
This all meant that he had a deadline coming.
Of course, these glasses were fake and didn’t have lenses in them.
He pulled his hands out of the haramaki and opened them towards me.
“Welcome back, Shou-chan~!”
…But why did he sound like he was on the verge of tears?
When I slowly approached him, he hugged me tightly and started patting my head and shoulders.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“I came to pick you up!”
“Aren’t you busy drawing your manga?”
“I was so worried about you, I couldn’t do anything else…”
“You’re too anxious. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Nothing to be scared about.”
“That’s good to hear.”
But even when Akira-kun finished checking if I was okay, he still looked upset.
If I smile at him, he'll smile back.
With a forced and bitter smile, as radiant as the setting sun.
“Let’s go home together.”
We walked at a distance too small for friends, too big for lovers, but just enough for a family.
Actually, the world has been coloured by the sunset for two days already.
For some reason, the night hadn’t come after the evening yesterday, and, of course, without the night, the morning didn’t come either.
The hands of the clocks struck 12 or 7, but the landscape remained just as it was at sunset.
When I say ‘world’, I mean just the small place where I live. But for everyone else, it only happened in the Setagaya district.
“Can we stop by the greengrocer shop?”
“Sure. What d’you wanna buy?”
“I thought that yesterday’s curry would taste better with eggplants.”
“Shou-chan, you’re a genius.”
I didn’t understand why the sun wasn’t setting or why we were led to think so.
Strange events like this happened quite often and usually resolved by themselves without any explanation.
And that’s why people on the streets seemed to continue living by the clock with the usual expressions on their faces.
It was half past seven.
Hearing the trumpet of the ramen shop made me feel strange.
As if I were dozing off, and everything surrounding me has been a dream.
“I heard that nights when the sun doesn’t set are called white nights. Seems like they happen often near the South Pole.”
We bought a big autumn eggplant and were heading home when I started telling Akira-kun what I learnt today.
“They said so on the radio in the cafeteria where I went for lunch.”
“Nah, no way we’re gettin’ those in Tokyo.”
He hunched over more than usual, his chin dropped, and walked a bit uncomfortably.
He was the only one in the town who seemed to be nervous.
“It’s too creepy that the sun’s not goin’ down…”
“If you leave Setagaya and go to Shinjuku or Machida, the sky will go back to normal. And when you return to Setagaya, it’ll be sunset again.”
“It makes no sense, really~...”
“What if we’re seeing a rare natural occurrence now?”
“No way it’s natural…”
Not holding any worries like Akira-kun, I blinked slowly, looking at the strange sunset.
He became even more anxious, seeing how low my sense of danger was.
“Well, at least it’s not that troublesome that the night doesn’t come. You can just wrap yourself in the futon when sleeping, and the sun won’t bother you. And it feels good to wake up when it’s bright outside.”
“You’re too quick to adapt…”
“Do you really hate it that much?”
“‘Course I do… Night’s good because it’s night; mornin’s good because it’s mornin’.”
“And what’s good about the night?”
“At this season, the bell crickets are creaking. And the moon looks pretty. Yesterday, we couldn’t see it at all because of this sunset.”
“Sunset’s also good, but I don’t wanna miss other beautiful things ‘cause of it.”
“You sound just like a writer today.”
“Mangakas are writers too, y’know?! Our sensitivity is what sells our works!”
After that, Akira-kun scowled at the sunset.
But I still couldn’t see it as anything but dazzling and beautiful.
“Akira-kun, do you ever feel suffocated when looking at the setting sun? Sometimes I get scared by it. …But not today.”
“I finally understood why my chest hurts so much at sunset. The sinking sun and the day ending turn into loneliness, sorrow, and sentimentality, and it makes me feel miserable.”
But now I’m calm.
The never-ending sunset made me feel safe.
“I feel like the time has stopped. Like I’ll always be here with you, never ageing.”
“So I don’t mind if this sunset continues forever.”
“I wouldn’t mind it either. It’d be nice if the time has really stopped.”
“But it’s not like that, right? I still have my deadline tomorrow, and the trains still run on time.”
…He’s right.
I flipped the calendar, and the curry I ate in the morning tasted better than yesterday, having sat overnight.
“It’s boring to see the same scenery every day. I hope everything comes back to normal soon, so I can see different landscapes with you~”
“Even when the night comes and the morning comes after that, we’ll always be together. And, ‘course, even when we become old geezers.”
Akira-kun held my right hand.
His hand was hot after being warmed in the haramaki.
And his smile was soft—not bitter at all.
I thought that his vermilion-coloured cheeks were way more beautiful than the sunset.
Suddenly, the feeling of anxiety overcame me, and I dropped my head.
“...Usually things like this end quickly. Why does this one go on for two days already?”
“Well, maybe the guy who usually deals with all this got into some trouble?”
“That would be bad…”
“Or maybe they’re daydreaming like you just now.
“But they better come to their senses soon and do something about it!”
He raised his eyebrows and showed me a thin and comical smile, fitting for someone playing a supporting role.
I couldn’t help but smile in return.
“How’s your audition today?”
“Thought so. So I bought you a ‘get-better-pudding’.”
“I’m glad. Genuinely.”
“And if it went well, it would be a ‘celebration pudding’.”
“How convenient.”
“I also got a 'request pudding’... Can you help me put on solid colours when we get home…?”
“I’d do that even without the pudding.”
When we got closer to our house, the sun suddenly went down.
First Venus twinkled in the sky, then the bell crickets started creaking.
Curry was even better than in the morning; just as I thought, the sweetness of the roasted eggplant made the taste stand out.
Nothing happened—nothing at all. Just another day went down as usual.
Please, tell me if there are any mistakes or places that sound weird
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mommopurinn · 8 months
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shou-chan day 🎉
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