#shout out to that caffeine high
skeleton-mischief · 8 days
Any favorite foods or drinks?
My favorite drinks would have to be peach soda or monster energy drinks! Papillon, Rosa, and Mango are my favorites.
As for food? I really love Thai food and overall Asian cuisine even if that means having to look for authentic restaurants around my town :-))
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withwritersblock · 3 months
~Caffeine by Jack Kays~
Author's Note: Fun fact I saw Jack Kays in concert and he played this song for the first time at my concert before it was released. Almost sobbed when I heard it. As always italics are flashbacks Summary: Luke Hughes proposes to Y/N Warnings: idk? Word Count: 2,038 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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The ring has been in his pocket for nine weeks. He’s taken it with him on away games and carried it with him wherever he went in case he wanted to ask. Despite having a specific plan to ask her at his lake house. It wasn’t because it was a special place in his heart, it was because of how gorgeous the place looked during sunsets and sunrises.
When she’s visiting with them in Michigan it was one of their favorite activities to sit on the roof and watch the sun rise. They never really got a lot of sleep while they were there, so they’d watch the sunset while on the boat with his family and friends. 
Tonight was no different as they were all on the boat together watching the orange light up the sky and blend into the beautiful lake. Quinn and Jack were cracking jokes as Y/N was laying in Luke’s lap as he ran his fingers through her hair. The ring box was back in his room in the lake house. It wasn’t the right time, except right now, there was no right time. Nothing felt perfect. 
Leaning his head down, he brought his lips close to her ear, “Hey,” he whispered. She tilted her head back, meeting his gaze. “Are you tired?” he asked as he brushed a few pieces of hair away from her face. She hummed as a reply as she tucked her head back against his chest.
“Take a nap,” he mumbled as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. She took a deep breath as he continued running his fingers through her hair soothingly. 
During his study hall, students in his high school were allowed to roam the school. They had a little freedom on where they wanted to do their assignments. Luke’s favorite spot was the auditorium where the theater performances were held. 
It was always extra quiet, dark, and he was always alone. Until one random Tuesday his sophomore year of high school where he was sitting on the floor all the way in the back.
He was typing up his essay about The Great Gatsby when he heard a voice singing. He lifted his gaze up to see the gorgeous girl pacing the stage and singing a song he didn’t know. It was a song from a musical, he concluded by the way her voice hit the notes. 
She wasn’t trying, he could tell but the way her voice was so effortlessly beautiful had his heart beating fast. He delicately placed his computer beside him as he slowly stood up. He didn’t recognize her, he knew everyone in the school. Or so he thought because he’s never seen her before.
She continued to sing as she was walking off of the stage until she lifted her gaze from the floor to see Luke.  She screamed as she slammed her hand against her chest. “Oh my god! What the hell are you doing!?” she shouted as her heart began racing fast.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, oh my-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!” he let out panickedly as her scream nearly made him collapse. “I didn’t know you were in here,” he mumbled. 
“What the hell were you doing sitting on the floor!?” she shouted as she brushed her hair away from her face. She took a deep breath.
“I spend my study hall here! No one is normally in here. I’m sorry,” he let out as he met her gaze, it was dark but her eyes were shining brightly.
She took a hesitant breath as she dropped her hand from her chest, “I spend my study hall in here too, I didn’t know someone else was in here,” she mumbled. He furrowed his eyebrows as he tilted his head to the side.
“Wait, so you’ve been in here all year?” Luke questioned and she nodded slowly. “Well this is awkward,” he mumbled.
“I rehearse here all of the time, how did you not know I was here?” she asked suspiciously. 
“I normally wear my headphones at full blast but I forgot them in my brother’s car this morning,” he mumbled as he smiled softly.
Luke was standing in his room, staring at the ring box in his hand. He spent every day staring at the ring trying to picture it on her hand. He always went back and forth if the ring was the right one.
Ellen knocked on his door, he quickly shoved the ring box into his pocket as she pushed the door open. “Hi honey,” she mumbled as she stepped inside, Luke took in a sharp breath as he pulled the box back out of his pocket. 
He flipped the box open again to stare at it. He slowly sat down on the bed as she sat down beside him. “It’s beautiful, Luke, stop overthinking it,” she mumbled as she stared towards his features. He pulled his lips between his teeth as he met his mother’s gaze.
“What if she says no?” he asked barely above a whisper. 
Ellen pulled her head back as she shook her head, “She won’t,”
“You don’t know that, there’s always a chance she will say no,” he countered as he looked back towards the ring.
“She loves you,” she mumbled as she wrapped her arm around his back pulling her youngest son into a side hug. “And you love her, all you have to do is ask.”
“That’s easier said than done,” he let out with a chuckle. After a few moments of silence he asks, “Do you think we’re too young? Like, is it too early to ask?” 
Ellen paused for a few moments as she took a deep breath, “You’ve been together for over five years, that’s long enough to know if you want to marry someone. Just because you are twenty years old doesn’t mean you don’t know what love means. You’ve spent five years loving the same girl, that shows that you are mature enough to want to ask the question.” 
He smiled as he met his mom’s gaze as he nodded slightly, “I knew I wanted to marry her the first time I met her,” he let out as he pressed his lips together, “I don’t think I ever told you that,” he mumbled.
“No, no you didn’t,” she let out as she rested her head on his shoulder, “I’m proud of you,” she mumbled. He smiled softly as he took a deep breath in.
She was standing at her locker, swapping out her textbooks when Luke came up behind her and leaned against the locket beside her. She jumped as she placed her hand against her chest, “Why do you always feel the need to scare me?” she asked while laughing, she slammed the locker shut as they began walking towards the theater together.
She rehearses for her choir and musical performances while he sits and studies for his exams. He shrugged his shoulders as he tightened his backpack. He bit his bottom lip as he fought off the smile on his lips. “What are you thinking, Luke?” she asked as she licked her lips nervously. 
“There’s that ice cream place a few streets away from school, I was wondering if you wanted to go after school,” he asked shyly. She squinted her eyes towards him and smiled widely.
“Are you asking me out?” she questioned, already knowing the answer based on the redness of his cheeks.
“Yeah, to ice cream,” he mumbled as he pushed the door open to the theater, letting her walk in first. “Where some people may consider it a date,” he muttered. 
“Oh and are you considered some people because I’m some people,” she teased as she leaned her body against the brick wall beside them. He smirked as he glanced towards her lips. 
“Oh I’m definitely some people,” he said as he took a step towards her, his gaze lingering on her lips. He thought about kissing her like he’s wanted to since the first time he met her. 
She leaned towards him kissing him urgently, it was her first kiss ever. He quickly reciprocated the kiss, pushing her against the wall. He pulled away as he rested his forehead against hers, “Wow,” he mumbled as his heart was racing. His mind was in shambles as she was only an inch away from him.
It was six in the morning, the sky was slowly becoming more blue as the hues of orange were still vibrant in the sky. It was cold enough for them to wear hoodies, an easy way for him to hide the ring in his pocket. 
The words were circulating his mind as if he was running seven miles on six hundred miligrams of caffeine. His heart slapping hard against his chest, his head aching as his hands were shaking. He was terrified she would say no. But he knew she had absolutely no reason to. She wouldn’t have been with him for as long as she was if she didn’t want to marry him. He knew that.
Her head rested on his chest as he was tightening his grip around the little box in his pocket. He tilted his head to the side pressing his lips to the top of her head. She hummed against his chest as she ran her hand along his chest. 
“I love the city but nothing beats this,” she mumbled as her gaze admired the ripples in the water as the orange casted a gorgeous view against the water. He took a deep breath as he slowly forced her to sit up with him. 
She furrowed her eyebrows as she brushed her hair away from her face as she looked towards Luke. He put both of his hands into his pocket, fiddling with the box as he looked deeply into her sleepy eyes
“Did I ever tell you that the second I heard your voice, I knew you were going to be the love of my life?” he asked. 
Her lips curled upward slightly as she titled her head to the side. “No you haven’t,” she mumbled.
He took another deep breath as he dropped his gaze towards his lap, “I’ve tried finding the right words and how to perfectly say this but I don’t think there is a perfect way,” he paused. 
“I know we’re young and can’t even legally drink yet,” he chuckled, “I mean you moved to Jersey with me without giving it a second thought. That made me realize how all in you were with me. I’ve spent five years in love with you,” he met her gaze and saw the tears forming in her eyes, her smile was wide, “I know we’re young and people are going to have their opinions but-” he pulled the box from his pocket, opened it and showed it to her, “Will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes-” she let out excitedly as she lunged towards him wrapping him in a hug, he collapsed on his back. He laughed as he shut the box, securing the ring, as he tightly wrapped his arms around the center of her back. He squeezed her tightly to his chest. “I’m so in love with you,” she whispered in his ear before she leaned towards him, kissing him softly. 
“I was worried you were going to say no,” he mumbled as she pulled away, she shook her head dramatically. 
“There is not a single part of me that doesn’t want to marry you,” she let out before she kissed him again. He delicately placed the ring box into his pocket before he rested his hands onto her hips. “Put the ring on my finger,” she mumbled as she sat up, straddling his body. 
He excitedly reached into his pocket again to pull the box out. He pulled the ring from the holder and took a hold of her left hand. He slowly slid the ring on and it fit perfectly. She stared at it and started tearing up again. “It’s so beautiful,” she mumbled. He hummed as he stared towards her admiring her frame as the sunrise was behind her, illimuting her already gorgeous frame.
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j2lx · 2 years
Falling Asleep on Them (Headcanons)
Warnings: Suggestive (in Toji's), honestly nothing else this one is srsly fluffy
A/n: Ahhh I'm finally back to writing headcanons ahahaha. I thought this idea was cute so I decided to do it =) Also I'm writing this at like midnight so I'm sorry if there's any errors =") Enjoy reading!
Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Ryomen Sukuna (Sukuna has his own body in this but isn't in his OG form), Zenin Maki, Okkotsu Yuuta, Inumaki Toge, Suguru Geto (basically high school Geto, before he became all you know), Toji Fushiguro, Naoya Zenin (he isn't misogynistic (for Fem!readers) cuz he loves you a lot!) x Gender Neutral!reader
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Itadori Yuuji
- Super sweet and loves PDA! Small little affectionate gestures make him feel so happy and also kind of flustered. He can't help but feel his affection for you overflow whenever you get all lovey dovey or in this case, when you fall asleep on his shoulder.
- The two of you were heading back to Jujutsu High after a long mission in one of the school's cars. It had taken more time than expected and the two of you were exhausted.
- The both of you were too tired to even talk, so you two spent the journey back in a comfortable silence, with you leaning on his shoulder.
- The car ride was quite a long one, and Yuuji could tell that you were getting sleepy. He told you to stop leaning on him for a moment and took off his sweater, before draping it over your body.
- Tells you to lean on him again and strokes your body gently, coaxing you to sleep. The steady rhythm of his stroking and the warmth of his sweater makes your eyelids feel heavy and soon enough, you had fallen asleep on your boyfriend.
- He's so soft about it 🥺 He adjusts you and himself to make sure you have the best sleeping position, so you won't have any aches or pains from sleeping in an awkward way. And he adjusts you so carefully because he doesn't want to wake you up!
- Takes out his phone to take some pictures of you and continues to admire your sleeping face even after he has kept his phone. He'll end up smiling to himself while thinking about how cute and peaceful you look while pressing a small kiss against your forehead. He'll hold your hand too <3
- Overall a super duper sweet boyfriend who makes sure that he can do as much as possible for you when he notices that you wanna sleep on him!
Fushiguro Megumi
- Gets easily flustered by just affection in general so falling asleep on him? It makes him so shy but he becomes really protective of you!
- The two of you were supposed to go out with the two other first years and Gojo Sensei for dinner that day, but you had just came back from an early morning mission and you were really, really tired.
- You tried drinking coffee, tea and basically anything with sugar and caffeine in it so that you could stay awake but you just couldn't help but feel sleepy, especially when you and your boyfriend were cuddling in his dorm. His warmth and smell made you feel relaxed, too relaxed, and you couldn't help but want to have a quick nap.
- Megumi could sense that you were getting sleepy, so he adjusted himself to make it easier for you to fall asleep on him if you needed to. He made sure to place your stuffed toy (his gift to you on one of your dates; you kept it in his room since you sleep there practically every night) nearer to you so you could hug it too!
- When you finally fall asleep on his shoulder, he smiles a little before making sure that you're covered by the blanket. He tries to adjust himself as little as possible but he would move you if he realised that you were sleeping with bad posture or if you were uncomfortable <3
- When Yuuji barged in and shouted for the both of you to get out of the room, Megumi was ready to stand up and scream at him to get out but he didn't want to disturb you even more so he just gestured towards you and told Yuuji to leave without the two of you.
- He spends the rest of the day just enjoying your warmth and the feeling of you leaning on him! He took a few pictures of you too, because he thought you looked too cute to resist. Ask him about it though, and he will never admit to it.
- Very sweet and caring boyfriend who makes sure to let you enjoy your rest. After all, if you're tired, you should be entitled to enjoy taking a nap while leaning on your boyfriend!
Kugisaki Nobara
- She acts like she doesn't really care about affection and PDA, but deep down it matters the world to her. Small actions of love are enough to make her get all flustered if she's caught off guard. She gets especially soft when you fall asleep on her too!
- The two of you were in her dorm room, watching movies together. She decided to watch her favourite movie again and you snuggled with her on her bed with her laptop at the edge of the bed.
- You had come back from a mission just a few hours ago and you were feeling kind of tired. However, you wanted to let Nobara watch her movie, so you resorted to resting your head on her shoulder.
- The sound of the movie in the background coupled with the warmth of the blanket and your girlfriend made you more and more drowsy by the second.
- Nobara had felt the weight on her shoulder grow heavier and she paused the movie to look at you. When she realised you had fallen asleep, she frowned slightly because she was upset that you didn't tell her that you were tired.
- Nonetheless, she takes away her laptop and puts it aside, before adjusting you such that you are lying down flat on your back on her bed. She then pulls the blanket up to cover your entire body and places a small stuffed toy in between your arms.
- Makes sure that you aren't feeling too cold by holding your hand and feeling how cold or hot it is. She normally doesn't let go of your hand until you wake up <3
- Overall, she's very caring and she tends to get worried about you when you fall asleep on her, because it shows how tired you are. She definitely makes sure to take care of you!
Gojo Satoru
- He always makes sure to be with you whenever the both of you go to sleep. And he's always there when you are sleepy and want to sleep on him too. Rest assured, you might be sleepy because of something stupid he did the previous night (like making you stay up to watch a show with him), but he'll make it up to you!
- He was sent on a mission rather late one night, but he promised you to be back by midnight so that you both could cuddle and go to sleep together. But… he didn't come home and it was already 7am.
- You stayed up all the way to 9am for this man and when he came home, hands full of sweets, he explained that he waited till morning so he could buy his beloved mochi.
- He starts feeling really bad when you start pouting and apologises about making you stay up and for not telling you that he'll be out late. Then he walks to the couch to cuddle with you while he eats his sweets (he offered you some but you were too tired to bother).
- He was eating when he realised that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He whips out his phone, takes at least 30 pictures, before taking the blanket already on the couch and covering you in it.
- Smiles softly while looking at the peaceful look on your face, and presses a few kisses on your face carefully, afraid that he'll wake you up.
- Makes sure you are comfortable and warm! He'll stay in the same position for as long as possible just to prevent you from waking you up. Afterall, he did make you stay up the previous night!
- Overall he's very sweet and caring when you fall asleep on him. He'll make sure that you're sleeping well, and will try his best not to disturb you <3
Nanami Kento
- He loves you very very much, and is willing to do anything for you. He loves affection from you, especially when your body is close to his because he feels really comforted when you do that! And he absolutely loves it when you fall asleep on him, not that he'll ever admit it.
- It was a rainy afternoon and you and your boyfriend were cuddling on the couch with a blanket covering the both of you. He was reading while you were scrolling through your phone.
- The cool weather and the soft pitter-patter of raindrops started to make you feel a little drowsy. You leaned on Kento's shoulder and curled up closer to him, causing him to smile and kiss your head.
- Noticing that you were getting a little sleepy, your boyfriend encouraged you to go to your shared bedroom to take a nap since it was more comfortable there but you declined, lying that you were not actually sleepy since you wanted to be with him.
- The rain started to get slightly heavier, and the wind started to get colder. The whole calm and relaxing atmosphere caused you to fall asleep while leaning on your boyfriend's shoulder.
- Kento sighed and pulled you closer to him. He moved the blanket such that most of it covered you, barely covering himself in the process. He made sure that no part of your body, except for your head, was exposed to the chilly air.
- Places a hand behind your back and starts stroking your back. He also places a kiss on your forehead while muttering about how you never listen to him. He then continues reading his book with one hand with your body leaning on his. Makes sure to kiss your cheek every now and then too <3
- Overall a gentleman who would've given you the whole blanket but he knew that when you woke up, you would scold him for doing that. Other than that, he's willing to give everything for your comfort.
Ryomen Sukuna
- This man has such a good sleep schedule for some reason and he makes sure you follow it. So you hardly get tired until it's bedtime. But on the occasional night he stays up with you, he's always prepared to have you falling asleep on him then or the next morning.
- And that was exactly what happened one Saturday night. One of your favourite shows was showing and you decided to stay up to 1am to watch it. Surprisingly, your boyfriend stayed up with you despite him grumbling about getting enough sleep.
- You wanted to finish your show and then go to sleep with your boyfriend, since it was rare that he agreed to staying up late with you. However, you just happened to be extremely tired that night and you couldn't help but feel sleepy in the middle of the show.
- Sukuna could sense that you were ready to fall asleep at any time, and frowned a little when you persisted in watching the show instead of giving in to sleep. He decided to take things into his own hands and cuddled closer to you, his warmth making you even more sleepy.
- Eventually, you couldn't stay awake any longer and fell asleep with your head resting on your boyfriend's chest. He smirked a little, glad that he "won" the "battle" to make you sleep.
- He switches off the TV and moves you carefully, such that you're lying down on your pillow. He pulls up the blanket and covers you so well with it that you look like a burrito. Making sure that you're sleeping comfortably and peacefully, he gets ready for bed quickly, and goes back to bed to cuddle with you.
- Although you're already asleep, he still strokes your back and presses kisses all over your face like he usually does when he's trying to coax you to sleep. He's just so used to it and he can't help but want to make sure you know that he's right next to you even when you're sleeping <3
- He doesn't show it much, but he's a very soft and gentle boyfriend who gets worried about you easily! He'll make sure that you can feel as much as his love even if you're sleeping!
Zenin Maki
- She's still getting used to being in a relationship with you, but she's trying her best to be affectionate and loving! She makes sure to take really good care of you, and that certainly includes when you fall asleep, even if it's on her.
- It was rare that the two of you had a day off after training considering that it was the period when curses were more active. Since you both had time to spare, you decide to cuddle while snacking and watching TV together in the common room.
- You had gone against Maki during training that day and boy was it tiring. Maki was really too strong when it came to physical combat, and having her as your opponent was bound to tire you out. It didn't help that she went against you as if she was really in combat against a curse.
- You started yawning, feeling tired from all the food and the warmth of your girlfriend's body next to yours. Maki immediately put her drink down to adjust your head, such that it was resting on her shoulder. She stroked your back slowly and told you to go to sleep.
- And who were you to reject that offer? You smiled at Maki before snuggling closer to her and closing your eyes. She smiled and kissed your forehead, moving a loose strand of hair off your face.
- She literally gives anyone who comes into the common room a death glare, as if daring them to wake you up. Inumaki, who was the first to suffer this treatment, ended up warning everyone to keep far away from the common room because your girlfriend was in "overprotective mode" again.
- She's still really caring and gentle with you though! Makes sure that you aren't too cold and mutes the volume of the TV so that you won't be woken up. She also takes your hand in hers and strokes it slowly with her thumb, enjoying the intimacy of the moment <3
- She gets really protective of you when you're vulnerable, including when you are sleeping. She also makes sure to still take care of you while ensuring that no one wakes you up!
Okkotsu Yuuta
- He's so shy about affection sometimes but whenever he sees you being vulnerable and open with him, he can't help but feel extra protective of you! He just wants to make sure you're safe!
- For the first time, the two of you got assigned to a mission together. Yuuta is normally by himself since he's really strong and all but somehow, the mission was meant for two people and he chose you to follow him! You wanted to prove to your boyfriend that you were getting stronger, so you truly gave it your all.
- When the both of you arrived back at the dorms, you both immediately went to take a shower together before climbing into bed together, snuggling under your blanket. Yuuta started scrolling through his phone but you decided to snuggle into your boyfriend's chest, feeling a wave of drowsiness wash over you.
- You grabbed your phone from the bedside table and resorted to scrolling through your phone as well, since you just couldn't really sleep at that moment. Yuuta looked down at your half-lidded eyes and rocked your body from side to side, attempting to help you fall asleep.
- Soon enough, your grip on your phone loosened and your eyelids closed shut. Yuuta placed both of your phones aside and adjusted you such that you were lying on his chest. He kissed the tip of your nose and continued rocking you from side to side, his arms wrapped tightly around your body <3
- He's such a sweet baby! He made sure not to move after pulling the blanket up and taking your favourite stuffed toy. He placed it next to you and hummed a song, stroking your hair gently.
- He felt so lovestruck at that moment. Somehow, seeing that you trusted him enough to fall asleep on him, all defenceless and vulnerable, made him feel really loved. You had always said that you trusted him a lot, but in that moment, those words were actually reality, and he couldn't believe how real it was that you had fallen asleep on him, trusting him to protect you if needed.
- He really appreciates how much you trust him with your safety, and he swore to protect you with all he's got. Also, he hopes that you'll fall asleep on him more because it makes him feel really loved 🥺
Inumaki Toge
- He was always really sweet to you, and although he couldn't really express his love for you in words, he made sure to be as affectionate as possible. He loves PDA and is prepared for anything… just not you falling asleep on him.
- Toge had decided to make your rare day off special by bringing you out to the city area of Tokyo for a day of shopping and relaxation. He brought you to many different places and you both enjoyed the date a lot.
- On the car ride back, you placed your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. You were more tired than you expected to be. After all, shopping turned out to be a very different kind of exhausting when compared to fighting curses and training.
- Toge could sense that you were reluctant to go to sleep despite being tired, and he didn't understand why you would force yourself to stay awake when you were very clearly sleepy. He pulled you closer to him and hummed a song softly while placing soft kisses all over your face.
- You ended up falling asleep really quickly because of your boyfriend's actions. After all, he knew just how to coax you to sleep quickly! He smiled when he realised that you were sound asleep and took out his phone to take a wefie with you =P
- He turns the temperature of the air conditioning up so that you wouldn't feel too cold and wake up because of it. He also adjusted himself a lot to make sure you were more comfortable, but when you started stirring, he immediately froze and stayed in that position for the rest of the car ride.
- Actually carried you out of the car, bridal style, when you reached Jujutsu High. You woke up in the process, but you made sure to thank him for being so kind and gentle with you. He ended up being really flustered from all your praise but kissed you on your cheek anyway <3
- He's a pure and sweet boy who's really willing to do anything for you. Your comfort and happiness means the most to him, and he'll help you in any way he can!
Suguru Geto
- He's really a sweet and observant boyfriend who can pick up on your small actions. It's with these amazing observation skills that he's able to tell when you're so tired that you can just fall asleep on him there and then.
- The two of you had decided to travel a little further than usual for your date and ended up going to another prefecture to explore. It was pretty late at night by the time the two of you boarded the train back home, and all the caffeine you had taken earlier was starting to wear off.
- The train was mostly empty and the sound of the train travelling along the tracks was rather relaxing. The gentle sway of the train while you leaned on your boyfriend tempted you to close your eyes and fall asleep right then.
- It didn't help that Suguru's cologne smelt so nice and comforting! It made you feel right at home. You snuggled more into your boyfriend and he stroked your back lightly, sensing that you needed him to help lull you to sleep.
- You couldn't help but give into sleep after all that! Suguru smiled and took his jacket out of his bag, draping it over your sleeping figure. He pressed a few kisses along your hairline and continued stroking your back.
- He leans in closer to you and adjusts you such that your head was resting on his chest. He knew that you would be able to hear his heartbeat that way, and it was something that you had mentioned helps you feel more at ease.
- He didn't feel sleepy, so he spent the rest of the train ride stroking your back and adjusting you whenever you moved into an uncomfortable position. He admires your peaceful sleeping face the whole time, thinking about how lucky he was to have you <3
- Overall, he's a super, super loving boyfriend! He's ready to help you whenever you need it and he's willing to provide you with support whenever you need it, including when you feel sleepy and just need to use him as your pillow for a while!
Toji Fushiguro
- He's affectionate in a very different way from most people so you weren't really expecting him to act the way he did when you fell asleep on him one afternoon.
- Toji had made you stay up all night to do stuff with him, and the both of you got around 2 hours of sleep before the sun started shining into your shared bedroom, leaving the both of you unable to sleep. It was already afternoon, and Toji was just watching some TV show while you read a book.
- However, due to your exhaustion, you couldn't process anything that was going on in the story and you gave up trying to read your book. The TV show Toji was watching didn't really interest you either, and you were too lazy to get your phone from the dining table. You resorted to lying down on your boyfriend's lap while closing your eyes to rest a little.
- You were just resting and thinking about things that you had to do later that day, when Toji placed his hand on your bottom and started patting it gently. You opened your eyes in shock but he merely smiled at you and told you to rest a little more.
- Soon enough, you had fallen asleep. Toji continued with his actions and smiled, this time a lot more warmly. His eyes shone with affection as he looked down at you sleeping on his lap, secretly happy that he had managed to help you fall asleep from what he remembered (yes this man memorises everything about you, even what helps lull you to sleep).
- He lowers the volume of the TV and adjusts you such that you're using his thighs as a pillow. He takes out his phone and snaps a couple of pictures of you before setting one of them as his wallpaper.
- Lets out a small chuckle when you lean closer into his body and mutter his name in your sleep. He couldn't help but feel overly excited over you just saying his name. He wouldn't admit it outright, but knowing that you were thinking of him even in your sleep made him feel all warm on the inside <3
- You didn't expect him to be so soft and caring but now that you know how he is, you vowed to fall asleep on him more often. He loves it anyways!
Naoya Zenin
- He's getting better at affection and tries to show you as much love as he can. You normally go to take a nap in your shared bedroom if you're tired though. Who knew that you'll find out about how loving your boyfriend is by falling asleep on him by accident?
- You were busy finishing up some of your work while your boyfriend sat next to you on the couch, scrolling through his phone for ideas on what to cook for dinner that night. He always took the initiative to make food for the both of you, especially if you were busy!
- You finished your work quickly, but you couldn't help but feel really tired from all the energy you lost while doing so. You kept yawning and your eyelids fluttered shut every now and then. However, you didn't want to annoy Naoya by falling asleep on him when he had to make dinner for you, so you tried your best to stay awake.
- You went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, but before you could do anything, your boyfriend wrapped his arms around you and carried you back to the couch gently. He pulled your body onto his and told you to go to sleep. As much as you wanted to give in, you shook your head and tried to climb off him, but to no avail.
- Naoya started to pat your back gently and his actions resulted in you falling asleep on him. He couldn't help but kiss the top of your head a few times while smiling to himself. Somehow, you falling asleep on him was something he realised that he enjoyed a lot, because he knew that it probably took you a lot of trust for you to give into sleeping on him.
- He continues scrolling through his phone for dinner ideas, but makes sure to check on you every now and then to make sure that you were still asleep. The last thing he would want was for you to wake up because you felt uncomfortable!
- Eventually, he starts feeling sleepy too, so he puts down his phone and moves to lie down on the couch, with you still lying on top of him. He admires your face for a while before shutting his eyes too, joining you in dreamland <3
- He's still learning how to be affectionate with you, but he knows one thing for sure: he definitely wants you to fall asleep on him more!
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And that's it! I hope you all enjoyed reading! Please feel free to check out my 100 followers event (there's only 2 more slots left!) if you're interested!
© @j2lx, 2022
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zablife · 1 year
Favorite Ex
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Summary: When Carmy’s stress and anxiety rise to unprecedented levels, he shuts down and pushes you away. However, you can’t stop thinking about each other.
Author’s Note: Inspired by Maisie Peter’s song “Favourite Ex" and lines from S1, E5 which I've italicized.
Warnings: language, mention of fire, angst, break up, fluffy ending
Shades of orange consumed Carmy’s vision, searing heat hitting his face, neck and arms as flames rose dangerously high from the burners. His hands should have reached for the fire extinguisher instead of remaining by his side, arm hairs singing to oblivion. In that moment he wasn’t sure if he was unable or unwilling to guide himself, but he was well aware it wasn’t normal, this lack of concern for his own well being. As black smoke collected around him, the shifting light danced in his darkened pupils, but he wasn’t present, his thoughts were far away with you. 
The light flickered above the kitchen sink as he watched you fill the coffee pot, the need for caffeine growing after days of getting up before five every day this week. “Carmy, did you pay the electric bill?” you demanded with a huff. You were always short with him recently and he knew he was letting you down, but the days at the restaurant were wearing on him.
Turning back to blow smoke out the window, he rubbed his eyes, trying to recall which bills he’d been able to take care of this month. 
“Are you listening to me? They’re gonna cut you off again. I told you last week about the notice,” you said, reaching for the stack of papers piled high on the counter. Unable to find what you were looking for in the chaos, you gave up, placing your fingertips to your temples. “Look, Carmy, I know you wanted me to move here permanently, but I think that was just the grief talking.”
Carm grimaced as he flicked the cigarette butt out the window. “The fuck are you talking about?”
“I mean, you needed someone here with you after Mikey—“ you began, but he cut you off, jumping up from the window and pushing past you to stalk down the hall.
“Don’t do that!” you warned him.
“What?” he muttered as he kept walking.
“That thing you do where you walk away and don’t talk to me for days. I can’t stand it!”
He turned on his heel, facing you with clenched jaw. “Well, what the fuck am I supposed to say when you tell me you’re here out of pity.”
You furrowed your brow at his accusation. “That’s not what I said. I want to be here, but not if you won’t talk to me about what’s going on with you. You just shut me out and I need more!” You’d finally said what had been on your mind for weeks now, too afraid to voice your own needs when your boyfriend was struggling with major life changes.
“Well, I can’t do that,” he shouted. His words were so harsh it felt like a stab to the back. You’d been there for him since he got the call about Mikey and sat with him night after night when he had horrific nightmares, waking covered in sweat, but unwilling to say a word about them.
“Do you know how many people need me right now? Syd and Tina are at each other’s throats, Richie’s always starting shit and Sugar’s calling me twenty times a day about meetings and talking to Ma. I don’t need this from you too. I can’t do this!” he said, body suddenly going deathly still, eyes fixing on a water stain on the wall just as the lights went out.
Observing his rigid posture, you knew he’d shut down. It was how he coped with stress and even though you hated it, you had to accept that you weren’t going to get any more out of him today. You wiped a tear from your cheek as you nodded to yourself. 
“Okay, Carmy. I’m gonna give you some space then,” you conceded, leaving him in the darkened hallway. He listened to the front door slam behind you as he rested his forehead against the adjacent doorway, knowing he’d fucked it all up and hating himself more than he already did.
“Carmy! Carmy!” A voice shouted, breaking through his haze and urging him to act. “Fire, chef!” Sweeps warned, moving up to take charge of the blaze. Carm finally moved back, shaking his head as though he were just realizing what was happening. Grabbing the fire extinguisher from the other man’s hands he pulled the pin and aimed the nozzle at the flames lapping at the stove, watching as a thick spurt of white foam issued forth. The fire died out with a sizzle and Carm breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
“Yo, Jeff, what happened?” Tina asked, popping her head around the corner.
“Fire’s out,” Sweeps declared, hauling the extinguisher off swiftly. Carmy turned to Tina, snapping back into work mode and asked, “Sorry, everything's fine. Did you finish your prep?” 
“Yeah, you alright?” she said with concern, glancing up and down his disheveled form.
“I need to go take care of something,” he mumbled, heading for the alley.
Your phone rang and you immediately reached to silence it, stopping when you noticed Carm’s number flash on the screen. It had been three months since you’d spoken and you wondered if you should even answer. He’d made it clear that a relationship was not what he wanted right now and you had made peace with that….until now. You had to admit you missed him.
Your best nights had been with Carmy, listening to music in his tiny kitchen as you cooked together. You could still feel the warmth of his hands on your hips as he checked the progress of the sauce over your shoulder. “More garlic,” he’d say with authority. 
“Fuck your one star, I’m the chef tonight,” you always told him. His smirk told you he was pleased with your assertiveness, happy not to have make any decisions for the night. However, your need to take charge caused your worst fights as well. You wanted Carm to talk about Mikey and the more you pushed, the more he retreated from you. He said you didn’t understand, but you cared deeply, wanting to help him through his grief. Simply wanting to take care for him if only he'd let you.
The buzzing from your phone continued and you finally decided to pick up, more eager than you should have been to hear his voice again. You cleared your throat anxiously before answering with a shaky, “Carmy?”
“Y/n? Sorry, I know it’s late,” he apologized.
“S’okay. What’s going on?” you asked, trying to sound casual as you picked at your pajama bottoms nervously.
“We had a fire at the restaurant today,” he began.
“Oh, my God, Carm, are you okay?” you blurted, worried about how calm he sounded despite what he’d just told you.
“Yeah, yeah. It was just a grease fire, you know? But the point is, I realized something. I was watching it and I had a minute where I thought—If I don’t do anything, this place will burn down and all my anxiety will go away with it,” he sighed heavily and your heart nearly broke at the sound, listening to him open up to you in a way you knew was difficult for him. 
“And then I put the fire out,” he finished. “I snapped out of it and I realized I’ve been avoiding a lot of things….I’ve been avoiding you because I didn’t think I could handle it all. Like I was waiting for Mikey to come back and fix all the fucked up shit he left, but I’m done with that. I want live my life for me.”
You nodded into the phone, lip trembling as you replied, “I’m glad to hear you say that.”
“I haven’t slept without you. I’ve cried for weeks. Nothing feels right without you, but I’m going to start making some changes around here and I hope you’ll come back,” he said, swallowing harshly as he awaited your answer. 
You searched the ceiling, wanting to say yes right away, but knowing how Carmy’s mood could change on a dime. “That sounds really good so let’s start with dinner first, ok?” you asked.
“Yeah, of course,” he rushed out, relieved to hear you would see him again. “You free Thursday?”
“Thursday? Sure,” you agreed. 
Then you heard him breathe into the phone as though he was letting out an anxious breath. “You still like chicken piccata?” he asked and you smiled, knowing he remembered your favorite. 
“Only if you let me help make the sauce,” you countered. “Fucking one star,” you quipped. You heard him laugh and it warmed your heart.
You liked the thought of calling him that again instead of your ex. He was your favorite ex, but that wasn't really a consolation. You hoped things were changing for the better, but only time would tell.
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bonkhrnyjail · 6 months
sweet plum | chapter one
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pairing: pedro pascal x fem!reader (plus size)
rating: g (will become explicit later)
summary: you're almost late to work picking up coffee for your client.
a/n: hello hello! i've been posting this fic on ao3 for the past few months but had a request to post here as well, so here she is !!! this chapter is just a short and sweet intro to the story, future chapters are much longer. hope you enjoy :')
p.s. i wrote this WAYYYY before the starbucks boycott (like 9 months before) and will not be writing about starbucks in the future. free palestine. fuck starbucks.
You can hear the beat of your boot tapping the floor incessantly as you continue to check the lock screen of your phone, staring at the digits and jolting with every minute that passes.
You’ve never had to wait more than 5 minutes at this Starbucks, but of course the one day that your presence is absolutely essential on set, some freak decided to terrorize the staff by forcing them to remake his drink over and over, until he deemed it acceptable. You tried to intervene, but one of the baristas mouthed “It’s ok” to you over the maniac’s shoulder, so you let the situation run its course.
The curly-haired man working so diligently on your order finally calls out your name; you bolt upright and book it to the counter.
“Ok, we’ve got the grande Iced Blonde Honey Shaken Oat Milk Espresso,” he places the first drink into the carrier, “the, uh, grande Sweet Cream Cold Brew and… jesus I hope this one isn’t yours…” he lets out a chuckle, “the Venti Quad Espresso with two extra shots over ice.” He wiggles the drinks into the carrier and wedges a few straws in between the plastic cups.
“It’s not,” you manage through a chuckle, “My client needs his 'go-go juice'."
He throws his head back with laughter. Surely the joke wasn’t that funny, but you appreciate the flattery nonetheless.
“Here,” you hand the straws back to him. “Save the turtles.”
“Let me get you some napkins… oh shoot, we’re out. I’lll go grab some from the back.” He moves away from you quicker than you can stop him.
Fucking hell, you have to go now. You have 15 minutes until they actually start filming, and they need you for the inevitable touch-ups that the action of the scene will cause.
You can not fuck up this job. You’re nearly at the end of filming and you’ve been early, by some miracle, every time you were called to set. They took a chance on you, and you need to prove that they didn’t make a mistake.
“Here you go.” He emerges with a small bag in his hand. “I threw in a loaf to thank you for trying to help earlier.”
“Thank you so much, it was no problem at all,” you wedge the heavy drink carrier between your arm and your torso, “I really have to run, but I’m sure I’ll be back in the next few days, thanks again!” the words trailing behind you as you high-tail it to your car.
13 minutes.
You drive faster and more recklessly than you should, one hand on the wheel and the other stabilizing the drinks so they don’t skyrocket out of the passenger’s seat. As you finally pull into your designated stall, you see your client and his sidekick leaning on the car in the spot next to yours, motioning at invisible watches and tapping their feet. You’d think they’d be grateful that you just risked your job to get them their caffeine fix.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry,” you shout as you grab the carrier and bag from your car and hoist yourself up from the seat. “There was this guy, he was being a total asshole, made them make his drink like five times. Here.” you hand each of them their drinks. “P, the fucking barista laughed out loud at your order. He said he was scared for your health.” 
“Listen,” Pedro takes a comically massive gulp. “I’m not as spry as I used to be, you know. I need a little help on that front.”
You chuckle and rustle in the paper bag. “Are either of you hungry? This guy gave me a cake slice but I’m not hungry enough for the whole thing.”
“We’ll split it.” Bella reaches into the bag and grabs the napkins, dispersing them amongst the 3 of you.
“Ohhhh ho ho ho… what’s THIS!” Pedro shouts, setting his cup on the hood of the car, holding his napkin up with two hands and clears his throat. “It was really sweet what you tried to do today. I’d love to repay you and TAKE YOU OUT SOMETIME?” his voice rising in pitch and volume.
He shows it to Bella and they start cackling. “It even has a little heart on it!” Bella exclaims through their giggles.
“Let me see that!” you snatch it out of Bella’s hands. The two of them start oohing and making kissy noises, prompting you to roll your eyes.
"What'd you try to do?" Bella pries. You ignore them.
“Are you guys literally 10 years old? Jesus.” you try to hold back your embarrassment as you examine the note. It has a phone number written at the bottom, signed with “xo”.
“You’re gonna call him, right?” Bella tore off a piece of the cake and passed the remainder to Pedro.
“No—” you hiss, instantly regretting the speed and intensity at which you responded. “I don’t know. Maybe? I guess he's handsome, but I don’t… know him… can we just drop it? We’re gonna be late.”
You want this attention off of you as soon as possible. You feel a hot flush prickle your cheeks and you turn your face away from the two of them, pretending to rustle through your bag and grab something.
“That's what a first date is for, dipshit! Man, you’re impossible.” Bella lets out an exasperated sigh. “Whatever,” they say, grabbing the napkin. “I’ll call him then, do it myself.”
You shake your head, chuckles still escaping your lips. “I think he might be a bit old for you, Bellie, but knock yourself out I guess.”
“That's not what I— You think I want a man? Please don’t insult me like that ever again.” Bella starts half-walking, half-skipping towards the elaborate set scattered with cast and crew. You follow their lead, Pedro trailing close behind.
“Hey, don’t listen to them. You do whatever makes you the most comfortable.” Pedro puts his arm around your shoulder and gives it a little squeeze. Your body shivers under the warmth of his touch and you manage a nod.
“Thanks.” you look up, finding him already gazing down at you, cocoa brown eyes twinkling and crinkled by a sweet smile.
“Anytime, sweet plum.”
. . . . .
chapter two
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hanjisick · 1 year
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order #5 of the coffee shop series: an espresso shot.
ingredients. barista!jisung x y/n. strangers to lovers?? night shift worker jisung who’s obsessed with music.
allergies. contains: semi-public making out. almost sex in a café bathroom but interrupted.
size. 2.3k
special add ons. jisung loved his job working the night shifts at yellow wood café. he would jam out to music and yell at college students to wake up and do their work. and occasionally flirting with pretty girls, unless they ask him to sing— then he becomes a mess.
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“jisung, the shop is all yours.”
“i won’t let you down, chan.” his boss let out a lighthearted laugh, pushing open the door. 
the bell chimed, announcing his departure. his wide eyes followed chan through the glass door, waiting for him to disappear. 
jisung’s shoulders slumped once chan was gone for good. now it was him, the customers, and the music.
there were only a few minutes until the night rush started. college students would pack the shop soon with laptops and notebooks out, eager to stay up late enough to get work done if they consumed more caffeine than their bodies could handle.
yellow wood café was always the busiest at night since it was the only coffee shop open for almost twenty-four hours. jisung was always on the move because of it, with the rest of the boys valuing their sleep too much to help out, other than occasionally chan.
he didn’t mind being alone though. jisung almost felt like the owner of the shop at these times. he could make his own rules.
the espresso machine was on, the tables were clean, and the dishes were out, ready to assist the students. the only thing left— the only thing he was ever scolded for— was the music. 
he cranked the volume up as high as his ears could handle, carefully selecting a vinyl out of his collection.
he selected enough to queue for the next few hours, carefully stacking them next to the record player. 
the bell chimed— right on time. 
autopilot kicked in as he began to prepare drinks into the night, one espresso shot at a time, making sure to down a few himself. 
his body had gotten used to being practically nocturnal, but a kick of caffeine never hurt anyone. 
“welcome in!” he yelled over the music as you walked in, hands deep in the pockets of your jacket, your cheeks red from the cold. the smell of freshly brewed coffee and sweet pastries immediately hit you. 
“hi,” you shouted back, “can i get an espresso shot? i have some homework to catch up on.”
the barista’s infectious laugh caused your lips to curl into a smile, noticing the way his lips took the shape of a heart. “you don’t need to explain, baby, everyone here is in the same boat.”
you would’ve cringed at the endearing nickname if he wasn’t as cute. “do you always call your customers baby?” 
“it’s part of my charm.” 
“are you also always this stuck up?”
“do i need to repeat myself?” 
“whatever. how much?” 
he leaned against the counter, resting his face against his hand, a little too close to you. again, you let it slide. “cute girls get coffee for free.“
this time you couldn’t help but cringe at the shameless flirting, crossing your arms and huffing. 
“what’s a good name for your order?” 
he watched you take a seat at the bar, pulling the laptop out of your bag to begin your work just as everyone around you had done.
the sounds of your typing were drowned out by the loud music. you caught your head nodding to the upbeat music. 
did he play this so that the students didn’t fall asleep? you glanced around the room, half of the students drooling on their keyboards. it didn’t work.
you felt your own eyes begin to droop, your hands getting lazier, and your breathing was heavier…. 
“more espresso please!” you shouted before it was too late, staring at the essay that was only half complete.
your ears didn’t even register the way that the barista was singing along to the music, loudly at that, until he paused to answer you.
“coming right up, baby!” 
you groaned in fake annoyance, waiting for him to slide the small cup your way.
downing the caffeine, your face contoured from the intense bitterness, but it worked. soon, you were back to writing your essays.
the clock soon hit one. then two, then three. 
there were barely any people left, and the ones that were still around were dozing off, with jisung occasionally running to wake people up, reminding them of all the work they need to be doing.
“don’t give up now!” you’d hear him yell out, shaking someone awake, “remember that chemistry quiz? it’s tomorrow!” 
over the night, you’d grown quite fond of the boy, finding it endearing how enthusiastic he was, willing to learn about all of his customers, keeping the energy alive through music and shuffling his feet around the café. 
through one of the conversations you overheard, you found out his name was jisung. jisung, the barista who works the night shifts. you heard a nickname for him that seemed to stick. the music man. 
“we can do it, you guys! just a few more hours!” 
you shook your head, waving him over to your direction to ask for another shot. 
“y/n! you’ve been awake for so long, what’ve you gotten done?” 
“actually, i finished an hour ago,” you confessed.
jisung grinned, leaning over your shoulder, “why are you still here then? shouldn’t you be asleep for class tomorrow?”
“i don’t have a class tomorrow,” you nudged him back with your shoulder, “to be honest, i’m just enjoying the music. what’s the song that’s playing right now? i want to add it to my playlist.” 
there was a moment of silence before you turned to face his direction, only to find his grin widening even further— you didn’t know that was possible.
“you’re asking about the music?”
“yes, i am,” you confirmed as if he hadn’t heard you, “what’s the song?” 
“oh my god. nobody asks me about the music.” for a moment, you were afraid that he was going to explode. 
“i run all of the music here. i have a collection of vinyl and there’s this small spot at the back of the store-“
“can i see?” you grinned, and you didn’t have to ask twice before he grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the back of the store.
jisung’s most prized possession— a white shelf in the back of the shop that chan, very reluctantly, let him keep. it was slightly hidden by messy vines and plants, behind every table in the store. records filled the shelves, a few spilling out to the floor in a messy pile that jisung couldn’t be bothered to pick up. 
you let out an audible gasp at the sight, squatting down beside him as you picked up a couple of the records.
“this is one of my favorite albums ever!” 
“really?” you watched him light up, “i love it too. the production is just amazing.”
“i don’t know anything about production, but i love the music.”
“funny story,” he let out a small laugh, “me, chan, and changbin, my coworkers here, used to try and produce songs. it didn’t work out though, we never took off. that’s when chan opened this shop.”
“i’m sure you’re good. what did you guys do?”
“mostly rap,” he took a few of the vinyl covers into his hands, placing them back in between the shelves, “but i can sing. i like to play guitar too, and the piano sometimes. i’m also a dancer.”
“the singing behind the counter didn’t sound all that promising. maybe you should stick to rapping.”
“i wasn’t doing it justice! i was singing tone deaf!” he argued back as if he were annoyed.
“you should let me hear you sing, then.”
“no way!” he stood back up, “there’s too many people here. i’ll get shy.” 
“weren’t you supposed to be all flirty and cocky?”
“not in front of everyone. only pretty girls.”
“then serenade me, and maybe i’ll fall for you.”
“after my shift.”
“i’ll wait here until you’re done, then.”
“no fair! aren’t you supposed to sleep soon? it’s almost five in the morning!” 
“what time do you get off?”
“what time can you get me off?” he smirked, avoiding the topic.
“that doesn’t even make any sense.”
“you win some you lose some,” he shrugged, beginning to walk back to the counter. the shop was as good as dead by now. 
“you aren’t getting out of this. i’m committed now,” you continued as you followed him, taking your seat back at the counter.
“my shift is over at five thirty,” he replies with a sigh, “then we can belt out until seungmin gets here while i clean the place up.” 
“early morning shift. annoying, mean, loveable,” he smiled to himself, cleaning off a dirty cup.
“so just like you,” you teased.
“more mean, less loveable like me.”
the last two customers had left, “have a good day!” 
“now its just us,” you commented, reminding him of the promise that he had made you.
“wait until a really good song comes on,” he groaned, refusing to let you see his burning ears.
“stop making excuses. pretty girls will never want to kiss you if you do that.”
“kissing is on the table?” jisung’s eyes widened, “you should’ve said something earlier!”
“you’re that desperate?” you watched him scramble to his shelf, shuffling through albums.
“are you gonna kiss me if i sing to you?”
“only if you’re good.”
that was enough confirmation for him to switch out the vinyl. 
“listen to this, baby. it’ll blow you away.”
you leaned forward, resting your elbows on the counter and smirking in amusement. but when he began to sing, your sly smile turned into wonder, intensely paying attention to his voice. 
he could feel your gaze burning into him, and he refused to meet it for fear of rejection. instead, he simply continued to wash dishes with shaky hands and a red face.
then his voice cracked. 
he closed his eyes, leaning down to yell out in embarrassment, “i can't sing in front of pretty girls!”
the song continued in the background, but jisung fell silent, clutching a wet metal straw in his hand.
you ignored his fuss, “and you’re telling me that people didn’t die for your voice?”
he fell silent. “you sound like an angel, jisung! you’re better than the guy on that track!” 
“he’s really good though,” he tried to change the topic from himself. 
you sighed, standing up from your stool and going behind the counters— nobody was here, and jisung wouldn’t mind, right?
grabbing his shoulders gently, you turned him around to face you, having to bite your lip to stop yourself from poking fun at his beet-red face. 
standing on the tips of your toes, you leaned up to match the height added from his platforms and planted a soft kiss on his lips.
his eyes widened as if he didn’t expect you to follow through with your promise.
“did you just kiss me?”
“no, i just sold your soul to a demon and the only way to do it is to touch my lips to yours.”
“can you do it again?”
“you’re so romantic,” you teased, leaning in once again as his hands met your waist.
“can i kiss you, like, a lot?” jisung stammered. 
“sure.” you had to admit, it was adorable watching him act so shy compared to how he flirted with you so effortlessly earlier. 
he pulled you out of your thoughts, lifting you onto the counter with muscles that you didn’t even know were behind his loose hoodie. 
you let out a yelp, but he quickly shut you up with a longer, more passionate kiss. 
his hands tightly held your waist and your own met his dark, messy hair. you tugged on it, making him groan as he deepened the kiss, tasting the espresso in your mouth. 
the two of you pulled away for air, taking in a deep breath, but jisung had every intention to continue.
“about getting off?” he joked, in a quiet, raspy tone from the kiss. 
the next thing you knew, you were being dragged into the bathroom, the mess of the café disregarded behind you. 
he slammed the door, then pushed you against it a little too desperately. 
“is this actually happening?” he thought out loud.
“whatever, let’s just do it.”
he nodded, pressing his lips against yours for the third time. you closed your eyes, losing yourself in his lips. you could hear the music faintly from behind the door, noticing the ringing in your ears from how loud it was. 
his hands traveled from your hips to your hair then back down to the hem of your shirt. he played with it for a moment, before snaking his fingers up to your bra, right about to unclasp it.
“han jisung!” both of you jumped at the screaming voice, snapping out of the moment as the bell from the store rang.
“tell me this is a fucking joke!” 
“shit, seungmin’s here,” he pulled away from your lips, out of breath. 
his hair was a mess and his black jeans were noticeably tight around him. he tried to pull himself together before seungmin would come barging into the bathroom. 
jisung tumbled out of the door right as the other barista turned the music off. 
you stalked behind him, readjusting your shirt with a face just as flustered as his own.
the boy massaged his temples, “look, i don’t care if you turn this place into a bar for your night shifts. that’s for you and chan to worry about, but you left me all of this mess with only thirty minutes until we open again.”
jisung glanced back at you, watching you contain your giggles as he got scolded.
“hell! we’re still open! you never even bothered to flip the sign! or shut off the lights! or turn off your music!” 
jisung turned back to meet seungmin’s frustrated face.
“i got carried away, there was this really hot girl and we both,” he stopped his story there, sighing. 
“just please don’t tell chan.”
“chan won’t hear about it unless you get to work immediately and clean this place up!”
“on it!”
you watched the boy scramble to work as you finally let your laughter spill from your lips.
“if i were you, i wouldn’t get involved with that guy,” seungmin turned his attention to you, “he’s a mess.”
“but he’s kind of cute,” you defended, “do you, by chance, have his number?” 
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MC had way too much caffeine or thunderbrew or both. They were literally climbing the walls, foaming at the mouth and even bit at a fellow student. Their friend group were running after them like the goddamn Scooby-Doo gang to try and catch MC before they do any more damage.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He doesn't want to use any of his destructive spells on MC, so he tries the leg lock curse. Problem is, MC is moving around too much and he can't get a clean shot off. He ends up hitting Amit by mistake.
OMINIS GAUNT: "What in Merlin's name was in that potion!?" He shouts at Garreth. He remembered MC telling him about one of Garreth's pet projects being a "double", supposedly being more effective. It seems to be TOO effective. He tries to stupify MC, but only hits air, them being fast enough to barely stay out of his wands 'vision' range.
ANNE SALLOW: "A potion did this!?" She shouts back as she dodges one of Ominis' ill aimed stupify. "Garreth, what did you do!?" She tries casting Glacius to slip up MC but they avoid it by crawling in the ceiling.
IMELDA REYES: "Oh for crying out loud!" Spells clearly weren't working and she mounted her broom. She planned to full on chaser-tackle MC. Just as she lunges, a flash of red pops up in front of her and she tumbles to the ground hard.
NATSAI ONAI: She rolls across the stone floor with Imelda. She had tried to do the same thing as Imelda, but because they didn't coordinate, they ran into each other. The wind was knocked out of her but she was otherwise okay.
GARRETH WEASLEY: "Stop shouting at me! It should wear off! Eventually..." In truth, he didn't know how long this was supposed to last. He's never tried a batch of this high concentration. Maybe he should rethink using MC as his guinea pig.
LEANDER PREWETT: He has an idea. "Amit! Catch!" He tosses an end of a rope to Amit with the intent on them both snagging MC on the next turn. However, when Amit gets hit by Sebastian's leg lock curse, he falls face first to the floor. The rope tangles with his long legs and then he takes a dive on top of Amit.
AMIT THAKKAR: He catches the rope from Leander, only to then get leg locked and Leander landing lankily on top of him. He misses the days when the weirdest things to happen to him were when his bookmarks would go missing.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He dodges his fallen friends and keeps up with Poppy, Sebastian and Ominis. He has a plan. Poppy has a trapper's snare. He can throw it, Sebastian can trigger it with a basic cast, and then they all can hold onto the snare to stop MC's rampage.
Just as he's about to throw the snare, MC does an U-turn and charges the four of them. This catches him by surprise and he tosses the snare sideways. It snags Ominis', who falls on Sebastian, who grabs Everett's cloak in an attempt to stay upright. They all fall down.
POPPY SWEETING: Just her now. Her years of wrangling beasts should make this a piece of cake. Thing is, she's never dealt with a beast like MC on a caffeine high. She picks up the snare and manages to get a snare around MC's foot only to be dragged. She's too stubborn to let go first.
MC: Continues to daffy-duck-it into the distance with Poppy in tow.
DUNCAN HOBHOUSE: In the hospital wing with human-like bite marks
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lepoppeta · 2 months
Alastor actually has a schedule that he keeps to — he eats and sleeps on a regular basis. It's Vox that doesn't keep up with anything in his personal life despite having such a ruthless hold on the inner workings of his empire. He frequently forgets (or forgoes) to eat and sleep, and can survive for several days on nothing but caffeine and breath mints until he finally keels over and sleeps for 13 hours straight.
Vox doesn't really get the concept of food as an "experience". He views it as fuel — you eat the bare minimum just to keep yourself from passing out and then move on with your day. In comparison, Alastor is high-maintenance and has Opinions (with a capital "O") on things like food, wine, clothing, etc.
Vox is actually very bad at casual conversation — he doesn't really know how to interact with people outside of his news anchor/host persona (if you listen to him talking with Velvette and Valentino, his voice lapses between a sort of presenter-type cadence and a more genuine, disgusted muttering beneath his breath/breaking down and shouting out of rage). Vox doesn't really like being around people that much either, and tends to hole himself up in his penthouse condo with his work and avoid the general populous altogether. It's part of the reason why he keeps fumbling Alastor so badly — he's the first person Vox has wanted to communicate with genuinely and equally regardless of how he can benefit him. Alastor is an effortlessly eloquent conversationalist and is less than impressed with Vox's attempts at talking with him in a more low-key way.
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peaky-shelby · 1 year
» summary: in which an arrogant and talented football player (the best of his time as some say) and a focused and harsh critic of a journalist are gonna have to find a way to co-exist.
« previous chapter
» chapter 6: Poker
» writer's note: well talk about a stressful update. BUT HEY I DID IT. not gonna say a lot up here. See you on the other side. OH if you see Green link, click on them 🥲 my apologies for what you are about to go through.
» Taglist: @moonchildohh @formulahoe @princetongirlll818 @mavieesttriste16 @kiwisa @godessstela @hummusxx @kodzuvk @pink-manz @corbyns-smile @ippid @jayruiewo265738 @blueanfield @mrs-bellingham @sorceresski @sooblovebot @okayymochi @army7g @j-rbps @heli991113 @markhyucksmells @chaotic-taco-collector-blog @i0veless @photmath @http-isabela @rainytelevisionfilmwagon @formula101x @neymarloverxxx @cepolar @freespirit-51 @marialikescherries
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Taylor slipped away from him as soon as Marquinhos called his name. She took away with her the electricity, leaving him with just an unusual sense of emptiness. Marquinhos drew closer.
“What is the matter with you?” He yelled. Kylian was pacing back and forth on the hall, trying to control his emotions while his heart raced in the same rhythm as the havoc of his mind. Marquinhos had to slap his shoulder in order to get him focused because he looked like he had just downloaded 10 cups of caffeine all at ones “Kylian!”
“Je ne sais pas!” he snapped, smacking Marcos’ hands away from him in annoyance “Je ne sais pas! Mais cette femme me rend fou ! Elle ne fait que mentir, elle ment toujours, Marcos !”
“Tranquilles Kylian!” he ordered “I don’t know what your deal is with her but you have to get your shit together quick-“
“Why?” he shouted. “Who is she?” Marcos never answered him so Kylian made a step forward. “Did you know she played professionally? is that why she has you and Galtier wrapped around her finger-“
“Whatever is going on with you, you need to fix it before it’s too late! You hear me?”
“I wanna know the truth!”
“The truth is that she is a smart as hell woman that is trying to help all of us and I’m surprised she’s still here after all the shit you’ve put her through!” he poked him on the shoulder, pointing at him “Look at yourself!” he said the last sentence like he was disgusted “what happened to you? You came back from Qatar a different man- since when do you treat woman like that? Do you even recognize yourself in the mirror anymore because I don’t? What is it? Greed? Insecurities? Jealousy?” Kylian couldn’t look at him in the eye, his gaze kept moving around the room finally settling on a window where he could slightly see his own reflection on. “You’re turning into a madman!” He didn’t like what he saw in the mirror, he didn’t like this version of him at all. He was drunk on anger and desperation, he was high on self insecurity and he could see it in his eyes. “Swear to god, this is your last warning!” he said and left.
Kylian moved back a little, his hand was itching, his fist begging to come in contact with anything and it did. He punched the wall, drawing back quickly in pain. A few moments later Hakimi was by his side, holding him by the arm. He didn’t even know if he had been there the entire time but now he was pushing him back and dragging him from the nearest exit. He practically pushed him out in the balcony and Kylian felt the chilling cold on his skin, violently reminding him who and where he was. He gripped on the railing. And for a while neither of them said anything.
“I’m scared for you Ky!” said Hakimi. “I don’t understand what’s gotten into you. I’m trying but I can’t- it can’t be just her. What is it?”
“Can’t you see it?” he asked, yelling. He looked at his friend “I don’t know how she does it but she always does. It’s her eyes- she looks at you and you feel like the smallest person in the world. I look at her and all I see are my mistakes.” He pointed at his fingers while he spoke “The shot I didn’t take. The pass I didn’t give. The chance I didn’t see. Always down to the detail with her, isn’t it?” Hakimi’s eyes expressed a sort of pitifulness they give you when they know you are being unreasonable. He wanted to help his friend but even he was afraid to draw closer. Watching your friend falling apart right in front of you eyes, it was never easy. “And it’s driving me insane! The way she can play with my mind like that. The way she sees right through it and the closer I let her see, the more she is…” he tried to find the right word “poising me. Turning me into this-“ he stopped “That’s what’s worse! Cause Marcos is right! I don’t even recognize myself anymore!”
This was a cry for help. It’s amazing how much a person can get in your head when you let them. Hakimi went closer, placing his hand on his friend’s shoulder while Kylian looked at the street. He knew that’s all his friend needed for now; silence.
“And then…” his voice trailed off
“Then what?”
Kylian closed his eyes. He imagined her against the wall, her figure in contrast to his. Her skin in contact to his, he made a fist with his hand trying to replicate what it felt like holding her but all he held was emptiness and cold air. Was it poison or just the stinking feeling of alcohol cleaning his wounds? He couldn’t understand.
He turned around to go back to the ‘party’. He wanted to erase every thought, feeling, doubt of the last 20 minutes. Hakimi stepped in front of him to stop him.
“Where are you going?”
“I just need a drink.” He said and moved around him.
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Colorful but dark lights filled the room, smell of smoke and alcohol. Kylian made his way to the bar, passing in between the dancing figures. The room was much more crowded now, everyone was either tipsy or already wasted. Footballers, models, journalists. A dangerous mix. All of them dancing together like they were choreographed.
And she was in the distance, next to her loyal friend Trish and Sergio Ramos. She saw him too their eyes meeting for a split second before she got closer to his teammate, on her tiptoes. He saw her whispering something in his ear, Ramos hand slipping on her lower back, bringing her closer to him just so he’d listen better. He wanted to interrupt, he wanted to get in between them. His eyes glaring at them while every fiber of his being called him to ran to them like she was the ball and she was about to be stolen. The music was like a void in his mind, the room felt like it was getting smaller, trapping him in his thoughts. He made a step forward, he was stopped just as quick. A hand reaching for his. He looked to his side. Hakimi.
“Don’t!” he warned.
A moment later she was exiting the venue with Ramos by her side, whispering something in her ear and Trish on Ramos’s other side. They were leaving together. Why did he care?
He went to the bar, asked for a shot of vodka before asking for the second, the third, before the room started spinning, before Verratti came up to him saying something about taylor and a journalist. He couldn’t follow. Before he danced on the dance floor with a woman he never met in his life. A woman he didn’t have to impress, a woman that was already in awe of him, a woman that reflected his greatness in her eyes and held him like he was gold. Touched him like he was priceless at the back of his car. Kissed him like he was a toy that she’d leave like he was just another number when she was done.
But he wasn’t satisfied by it, he thought he would be but he wasn’t. He was as lonely and as angry with himself as he was before, as he had been for almost a month. And as he laid on the backseats with the random woman on his side, Taylor’s lips still ghosted over his. The picture of seeing her and Ramos together still flickered in his mind. All the things he said to her, echoed in his head and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to throw up by the words he said to her or the alcohol. He thought of all that while He looked at himself on the review mirror, his eyes were so dark, so blank. So unfamiliar to him. What was he turning into?
Taylor had been silent for the whole ride, while Trish and Sergio flirted like high school kids at the front. She’d always find herself stroking the places that he touched with his skin or his breath. Her wrist, the skin under her eyes. The back of her thumb passed over her lips, the lips that he never kissed but he still somehow managed to make wonder what he’d taste like. She didn’t recognize this feeling, she didn’t like it, it was dangerous.
Trish entered first and went straight to the toilet because as she said she was gonna pee her pants if she didn’t go in.
When she got in the house she sat on her bed and then quickly fell backwards on the sheets, closing her eyes. Then opening them again because every time she closed them all she could see were his black heavy eyes. Trish came out mumbling about something that Taylor couldn’t pay attention in. A few seconds later Trish was sitting on the edge of the bed, slapping her thigh to get her back on earth. Taylor sat up, looking at her friend for some compassion.
“You gonna tell me what’s going on?”
She was trying to form sentence but no one coherent thought would come out of her lips. Where would she even start? “I need a drink.”
“We were just at a party!” Trish reminded her, narrowing her eyes “with free drinks.”
“I need like 10 shots of tequila in a bottle of wine this big” she showed it with her hands and got up. Searching in the cupboards for some alcohol. Trish watched confused, wondering why they even left the party if she was just gonna get wasted here.
“Is this allowed in your condition?”
Taylor laughed, then gasped ones she found the bottle she was looking for. She didn’t have glasses so she used the coffee cups on the counter.
“My condition?” she repeated, still laughing. “You know what’s not allowed in my condition? Kylian, he is the absolute worst for my condition.” She opened the wine aggressively. Poured the wine on the cups and drank hers before she even got the other one to Trish. “How-“ she swallowed “how can he be such fucking asshole? And then just-“ she stopped herself, refilling her cup.
Trish raised her eyebrow, almost smiling at her friend “and then what?” she asked. Trish took pride in her talent of picking on energies and tensions. She knew the moment she laid her eyes on them. Taylor drank the second cup in one breath. Trish had to get up and take the bottle from her, then she helped her find her was back on the bed, making her sit on the edge. Taylor looked blankly at her desk.
“then his eyes.” She finally said, dropping her entire body back on the sheets again. “they’re so dark all the time.”
Trish laid next to her, balancing her elbow on the mattress and her head on her hand. “sexy isn’t, it?”
“Shut up.” She said quickly making her laugh. Trish dropped on her back as well, both of them staring at the ceiling.
“I saw the way he looked at you. Just before you threw yourself at Serg.”
Taylor peaked at her, opening her one eye and raising her eyebrow “Serg?”
“Shush! Not the point. Tell me what happened between you two.”
Taylor shook her head slightly, closed her eyes “I’m not sure.” She bit on her lips, the same haunted memory returning in her head. Was he going to kiss her if Marcos didn’t show up? Did she want him to? “But I have a feeling… it’s gonna get worse before it gets better.”
Taylor woke up by the morning light. Not the alarm. Which was the first thing that made her feel like something was wrong. She lifted her head from the covers, looking around to realize where she was and what day, month, year it was. She reached for her phone.
“FUCK!” She dropped it as soon as she saw the time. Jumped of the bed and looked around the messy room for her clothes, anything that she could wear. She didn’t even check herself in the mirror. She just let her hair down, hoping it wasn’t that bad and put on her sneakers. Trish woke up by the banging and running around, murmuring.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m late.”
“You’re always late its fine.”
“he’s gonna kill me.”
She grabbed her keys and she left.
“nice of you to show up Seven!” said Marquinhos.
Kylian’s walk was slow, everything in his body hurt. His eyes, his legs, his stomach. Training was the last thing he needed. He ignored Marco’s comment and took of his jacket leaving it on the benches and walked over to the field. He had changed on the car after leaving the girl he spent the night with at her house. He thank god he had a left over uniform there. He started doing his stretching, raising his leg up to his stomach. Verratti walked up to him, doing his stretches next to him.
“You’re not the only one late.”
“What?” Kylian’s mind was too much of a mess to follow or listen.
“Wilock hasn’t showed up yet.”
Kylian’s eyes lifted in worry. His first instinct was look around for Ramos. He caught him on the other side of the field laughing about something with Messi. Wasn’t he the one that drove her home last night? He started running to him, making it look like he was just jogging for training. He stood in between Messi and him, listening to the conversation while he stretched his arms.
Sergio nodded as acknowledgment “you look like shit.” He laughed. Always a bully.
“had a rough night, Amigo?” Leo joked.
Since when were they Amigos? He was tired of pretending everything was fine after the world cup. Sometimes he straight up just wanted to his him in the face- wait, why was he admitting that. He looked up at Sergio, ignoring Messi completely.
“What about you, did you have fun last night?”
Ramos narrowed his eyes. He was confused. He let out a short laugh, shrugging his shoulders “Had some fun, yes.”
Kylian nodded. Suddenly he had no idea what to ask or perhaps how to ask it. Then the whistle was heard in the distance. Marquinhos gathered the entire team in the middle of the field for the beginning of the simulation. This time, team captains were Marquinhos and Leo. Thank God Kylian was on Marcos’s team with Hakimi and Sergio was with Leo. He took a deep breath and put every single one of his thoughts on pause. Although as fate would have it he fought a lot with Sergio to get the ball from him. He’d always end up somehow next to him, drippling and fouling him even.
“Chill down Man!” said Sergio while he got up after what would be the second time that Kylian knocked him down. Kylian mumbled a short apology while he distanced himself from him and continued to play. Taylor still hadn’t showed up.
Galtier was reading her notes. He had his glasses on, silence filling the room while he read. She sat across from him. She kept glancing at him, expecting a reaction, anything that would give away if he agreed with her or not. She already felt bad about being late, she didn’t want to get another strike on the same day. Eventually he took of his glances, leaving them on the desk as well as her documents. Taylor gave him a smile when he looked up at her.
“Group therapy? Is this some sort of prank.”
She didn’t answer.
“You want me to put 20 adults in a room for group therapy?”
“Not all of them. Just 3 for starters.”
“Which would be?”
She hesitated “Number 10, 7 and 30.”
Galtier laughed “you want Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe to have a couples therapy?” She didn’t answer. Smiling weakly, so she wouldn’t offend him. Was it really funny when your entire team was falling apart because of lack of chemistry? “good god you’re serious.”
“Yes, I’m afraid I am”
“Number 7 and 10 are getting better along.”
“Do they? I mean it doesn’t seem like I wanna kill Kylian every second of everyday but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to-“ she murmured under her breath. Galtier only caught half of what she said. Narrowing his eyes. “Point is!” she said raising her voice “their chemistry on the field it’s still messy and when the big 3 can’t get along your team is bound to fall apart. It’s like you have cliques in your team. Hakimi, Verratti and Mbappé. Messi and Neymar. They need to break out of their comfort zone.”
“And that’s all in your reports as well?”
“Yes sir. You’ll have them tomorrow.”
“Finally.” He mumbled “ok fine, bring me the individual reports and we’ll discuss it again tomorrow. Meanwhile you need to give Julie your personal information for the trip in Doha and Riyadh and be here early tomorrow so we can announce your role to the boys.”
“Hm?” she raised her eyes. She had forgotten about that last part.
“You can start coaching them accordingly.” He explained.
“right. Yes. Of course.”
“Listen to me closely Ms. Wilock. The match against Al Nssr is especially important. You understand why.”
“You have three of the best players in the world and you are scared Ronaldo will kick your ass anyway.” She said before she hadn’t even thought that it might have been inappropriate. She still had her habit of saying exactly what was on her mind with no regret.
“That’s not exactly how I would have worded it Ms. Wilock.” He paused, eyeing her closely “but as long as you get the point.”
She smiled “I do sir.”
Taylor watched them playing, trying to avoid Kylian on purpose. She’d look at Sergio or Leo, anything to keep her attention away from the guy that had haunted her last night. She smiled as Marquinhos ran to her when he saw her, holding a football on his one hand.
“You wanna join for the second half?” he asked. She didn’t expect that question, she frowned. “We are almost done. I mean you don’t have to pressure yourself but-“ he took a quick look at the boys and then back at her “my team is losing.”
She laughed, letting down all her bags. “Are you that desperate?”
“Come on” he laughed along with her, smiling. “Fabian just walked out. I’m missing a player.”
“Why do I feel like you have something else planned?”
He shrugged “It’s just 20 minutes. What could happen in 20 minutes?”
She thought about it, crossing her arms. Maybe a quick game was all she needed. “Just because you are my favorite one.”
She took of her jacket, dropping it on a set of chairs and lifted her sweatpants up to her knee. She pulled her hair in quick bun while she walked with him back on the field. She took a quick glance at Kylian, catching the tension in his eyes expecting him to say something but he didn’t. He backed away and stood behind Hakimi instead.
“Hey that’s not fair!” Neymar stepped forward “what’s this?”
“It’s a substitution. Fabian is out, she’s taking his place-“
“Hold on you didn’t say we could have her!” said Ramos, stepping forward as well with a smile on his face “I’d have taken her on our team.”
“Wanna fight for me Ramos?” she asked, smirking.
“Damn right I do!” he answered quickly.
“Merde” Kylian murmured behind his teeth, rolling his eyes. Hakimi saw that and pushed him slightly to move away from the crowd. Taylor took a quick look to see which players were wearing the blue flannels that gave away they were on Marcos’ team. She noticed Kylian was wearing one too. Her eyes stayed on him for a while as he and Hakimi were discussing something. He saw her, nodding to her direction and that gave her somewhat of a relief because it wasn’t a rude nod. It was like he was telling her ‘Let’s just focus on the game’ and she liked that. She wanted that too. So, the game started.
She was there mostly as a midfielder, running and stealing the ball from whoever she could. That earned her a few strikes from the opposite team when she would try to tackle them. But the vibe was different from the first time she played with them. Like she was actually part of the team. Marcos’ team was losing 1-2. And her presence didn’t make a lot of difference at first. She and Kylian would look at each other from time to time but there was zero communication between them.
During the last 5 minutes the ball landed on Kylian’s feet and he ran with it from their end of the field to the others. He was swiftly tackled by Ektike in the middle of the field, who stretched his leg out and kicked the ball away from him. The ball was supposed to go to Messi but Taylor jumped in between stealing the pass for herself. Ramos, as a defender ran towards her but she kicked the ball to the left side of the field to escape all the defenders until she realized how close to the net she was.
She calculated the angle, her mind spinning in insane speed, while she counted the possibilities this could down. She counted the defenders in front of her. There was one possibility that she could take the shot and it would land on the net but it was a risk. She looked up, Kylian was on the middle. She kicked the ball up at Kylian and he dropped on the ground, sliding and kicking it for it to go the net just in between the goalkeeper’s legs. He got up instantly, screaming in happiness for his accomplishment while the rest of his teammates ran to him.
Taylor stood watching them while they all got on top of each other. Laughing and messing around with Kylian. She smiled. She didn’t feel alone, if anything she felt proud while she watched them, these were gonna be her boys no matter what and she came in the sudden realization that it wasn’t a matter of if she’d let go of her blog. There was no chance in the world she could do both things, there was no way she could stand hurting any of them again. She felt a sudden warmth under her eye. It was a tear, rolling down her cheek like a confession. She wiped it away quickly, only then realizing Kylian was coming forward. With an enigmatic expression on his face, she wasn’t sure what she wanted but the closer he’d get the more the memories started coming back. The more she wanted to step away, expecting a wall to be behind her and him trapping her again. Instead he lifted his hand, waited for her to shake it. She hesitated, glancing between his hand and his eyes before finally holding it. The skin to skin contact, lingering a little longer. Suddenly she was back at the roof holding his hand, or in the bathrooms the first day when he grabbed her arm, or last night when he held her wrist. But all these memories and all the bitterness seemed to be replaced by the sweetness and honesty of this moment. Looking in each other’s eye, shaking each other’s hands. Perhaps for a little too long while she tried to decipher the look in his eyes until Verratti came and called him to get back on the game.
Their hands slipping away from each other.
She was swept off her feet by behind by someone. She twisted her head to see who it was, her expression softening when she saw Neymar. He let her down and she turned around, hugging him from his neck. “I’m sorry for that.” She mumbled in his chest.
“Hate it when you play for the other team.” He said, pulling back a little and she looked in his eyes. That’s not what she was apologizing for.
“never again.” She smiled and they both ran back on the field for the last few minutes of the match.
Taylor was so sweaty, all she wanted to do was go back home and have the warmest most chilling shower she could. And she was so tired, her headache getting worse by the minute.
She made a turn to the room with the spare clothes. Puffing and blowing out air from her chest, while she rubbed her temple, feeling the sweat coming from her hair on her hand. When she entered the room she stopped on her tracks. Kylian. Naked from the waist up.
“Sorry-“ she said quickly, closing her eyes and turning on her heel to leave.
“No, no. I’m done.” He said, putting on his shirt and walking to the exit. Taylor turned around again, not knowing that he’d be behind her now and knocking on him with a jolt. She stepped back quickly, her hands barely brushing on his chest. She moved away just as fast, looking at the closets for a spare shirt. He observed her while she tried to choose a shirt that probably fit her. He knew she wasn’t going to talk to him, so he contemplated leaving. He even turned around, ready to leave her alone but it was eating him alive. So, he maneuvered back to her.
“Thanks for earlier. That was a good pass.”
“hm” she said coldly. Picking out a shirt. He hated this coldness from her, he liked it more when she talked back at him or yelled. This was unfamiliar.
“I really didn’t think you’d do it.”
She looked at him when she headed for the exit. He stood on entrance so she was basically forced to acknowledge him. “That’s the difference between you and me, Kylian. You wouldn’t take the shot. I don’t let my personal issues get in the way of my game. Ever.”
He nodded, twisting his mouth and pursing his lips together. He looked at the floor. “Still part of you must have hit it because you hoped it would get on my face.” He tried to lighten the mood but all he got was a sigh and a roll of her eyes. She went around him to leave, he lifted his hand to hold her arm but he stopped midway, pulling his hand back before he touched her. “I’m sorry for last night.” That seemed to stop her. She stood in the empty hallways, examining him. There she was again, making him feel like the smallest person in the world. He couldn’t stand it and the urge to fight her again was coming back but he tried to ignore it by looking away- he failed. “Why you gotta keep doing that?” he snapped, finally asking her straightforward. But she wasn’t sure what she was doing. So, she knitted her eyebrows. And he motioned at her with his hand “Your eyes. You have this look like you are judging everything all the time. It’s frustrating.” She snorted, shaking her head. “Even now im trying to apologize and you’re always just-“
“Just what Kylian?” she asked, topping his voice and walking back to him “what do you expect? An apology is enough after all the shit you’ve put me through ever since I got here?” She stood under him. Her eyes bored into him. Reminding him his flaws, his shortcomings.
“Don’t do that…” he warned in a whisper, looking down at her. How was she the smaller of the two but he always felt falling short around her. He diverted his gaze at the walls, shielding his lips, biting them even. The familiar anger, only she could bring out, was rising. Burning his insides, he was trying so hard not to snap at her again, not to touch her. He had to lay against the doorframe, hold his hands in fists and keep them against the wall just to make sure he wouldn’t grab her again.
“Is that why you were so angry last night?” she asked, searching for his eyes “you couldn’t pretend anymore that I’m just a silly journalist.” She laughed bitterly “it dawned on you that maybe everything I’ve said to you until now, is true. You hate it, don’t you?” she asked the last question in a whisper, bitter voice “You could hide from it while you thought I was a high school player.” His eyes found hers and he saw that they were more brutal than ever. Like she actually hated him. Almost like she was trying to provoke him, see how far she could get him before he returned to his old ways. Like she wanted him to beg for mercy. She stepped closer, tilting her head upward “Can’t hide anymore”
“Defiantly not a high school player.” He agreed but even that came out in a disrespectful way “because you know exactly what you are doing in the field and out of it.” He leaned down, she stepped back and he stepped forward “you know exactly what you are doing to me.” She snorted again, awkwardly, twisting her head away from him. Making another step backwards, only so he’d make another forward “who’s hiding now?”
“Still as delusional as last night.”
“tell that to yourself a couple of times you might believe it” She reached the other side of the door. Her back bumping on it while Kylian kept his eyes as piercing as always. Suddenly he felt himself getting taller. She licked her back teeth her tongue, clenching her jaw. He raised his hands to remind her that he wasn’t touching her, that she could leave if she wanted to. “But I think I have some power over you as well after all.”
“Wouldn’t that make you feel better about yourself?”
“Nothing about you makes me feel better about myself” he spat, drawing closer “that’s the problem.” He confessed “if anything all I see when I look at you is everything I hate about myself—” he leaned down, his face hovering over hers “and I can’t understand if you’re doing it on purpose but it’s eating me alive.” his hands remained in distance but he still managed to shield her by holding on the walls “my failures, the pressure, the anticipation—” he lowered his head even more and for a moment he allows himself to believe that he can have her, he looked at her lips “I always seem to do the wrong thing, say the unforgivable because you push me to my limit without even trying.” Their thighs were touching now, he liked the contact “and I’m always torn between hating you for it and…” his voice trailed off. His last confession falling short. “Parfois, tout ce que je veux, c’est te serrer dans mes bras et te montrer à quel point je peux être bon. Parce qu’aucune femme, dans ma vie, ne m’a jamais fait ressentir ça.”
She had her eyes on him the entire time. The language barrier wasn’t as tall anymore. She had no idea what his words were but somehow, she understood exactly what she wanted to say and her mouth getting drier, the closer that he’d get to her. Realizing that he had shield her again, noticing the darkness in his eyes again. She shook her head, slowly, keeping her face down, to make sure he had no access to her lips. His breathing would fall on her ear now, warming it, because he was that close. “It’s not happening Kylian.”
“Why not?” he said in her ear.
Oh how weak his voice on her ear made her. How many shivers it sent on her entire body. Oh, how she hated it and loved it all the same. She tightened her entire expression, keep her head high but turned at the right side. That way he couldn’t really see her eyes. Not that he cared because all he was looking at was her neck.
And she wanted to tell him: cause I’m your coach, cause I’m JW and I really am the worst liar in the world. Because I would be risking everything just by looking at you the way that you are looking at me. But she didn’t and he leaned even closer, so much so that she could sense his lips moving against her ear. So much so that she had to remind herself repeatedly why this tension should remain unresolved. But a twisted part of her still wanted to touch him, kiss him.
“I couldn’t stand seeing you with Ramos last night” he admitted. “Same way I can’t stand when you analyze my playing, reminding me every time that I’m not good enough.” His lips brushed on her ear; her hair stuck on his lips. She straightened her head, their eyes meeting. Kylian leaned closer, waiting for permission. Their lips so close he could taste it.
“No because…” she whispered. He looked in her eyes. This was it. She’d either say it now or he’d find out with everyone else in the morning. She could be honest, first time that would happen between them, but she could do it. Kylian frowned waiting for her to continue.
Voices laughing coming from a distance in combination with fast steps let them know that the whole team was coming downstairs. They pulled away from each other automatically.
Taylor left before they could see her, sneaking into one of the bathroom stalls and locking the door. She lowered her entire body, holding on her face. “Fuck” she whispered. This was only the beginning of the day and she was scared to face the rest. She wasn’t one to let in her impulsive thinking, she always planned everything ahead. She learned the hard way that things don’t work out the way you want to and you must always have a back up plan but she was out of back up plans.
Kylian hid on the gym. He wanted to distract himself, he wanted to stop thinking about her despite the spell that she had casted on him. Verratti came in, calling for him.
“Just hanged up with Ann. She says she’s looking into it.”
Kylian looked at Verratti while running on the treadmill, giving him the same confusing look, he gave him in the morning.
“Who’s Ann?”
“Man were you even listening to me last night?”
“I wasn’t listening to anything last night.”
“she’s a journalist. Says she can find dirt on Wilock.”
“Wait- what?” Kylian pressed the button to stop the thread mill getting down so he wouldn’t fall “you got a journalist into this?”
“Yeah man. She already got some nice information. You told me to go ahead with it, did you forget?”
Kylian closed his eyes trying to remember, he rubbed his forehead. He was surprised by his own Insolence. “She keeps saying she has a theory but she isn’t sure yet--”
“Let it go man!” he said calmly
“Just let it go.” He repeated and reached down for his water bottle. “she’ll be gone in a week.”
“I mean it’s a already done now!”
Kylian eyed him. Shaking his head “why would you bring someone else into this? you might get us in trouble.” He asked.
“she’s a friend-”
“She’s a journalist. She’ll sacrifice your friendship for a headline in seconds.”
“She won’t do anything. She says she can dig shit up about JW as well. Kylian, you agreed to do this! What has gotten into you now?”
“I didn’t know what I was agreeing to last night, alright?” he huffed, breathing out curse words in anger “just don’t get me mixed up in this shit-” he grabbed his gym bag and his water bottle. Leaving.
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The two kept looking at each other when they thought the other wasn’t looking. Taylor was stealing glances at him while also trying to write her speech for the next day. Drawing over all the sentences she’d start because nothing was good enough. She didn’t even know where to start. The truth about JW or being their coach. Everything seemed wrong like she had betrayed them in the worst way and yet she didn’t want to apologize. Why would she apologize for doing her job as a journalist? She closed her eyes. Ones again lining over what she had written.
Kylian was taking a look whenever he could. The things Verratti had told him in combination of their little moment in the halls were brewing in his mind. He wanted to warn her for some reason, maybe because he knew that if anything bad happened, she was gonna blame it on him. Or maybe because he cared. He could feel her staring sometimes, her eyes practically scanning him but whenever he’d look at her, she’d look away in an instant. He’d notice her expression of lust for a couple short seconds.
Before she left, she came to speak to Marquinhos. At the point he and a few other members of the team were sitting in a circle on the field taking a break. Kimpembe, who was on her team during the game, started clapping.
“Wanna go another round?” he asked, laughing.
She dropped her head, shaking it “wouldn’t last playing another game with you.”
“Ky should be grateful; you saved that one.” Ektike said, being the one that almost ruined Kylian’s shot in the first place. Kylian was sitting with knees close to his chest and his arms laid on his knee bones, playing with a piece of grass in between his fingers. He tried to pretend like he focused with that, not answering to his comment. Taylor looked at him from the corner of her eye, smiling weekly at Ektike’s comment.
“He thanked me enough, don’t worry” she noted “in his way.” Kylian lifted his head to see her. He bit his lips so he wouldn’t smile. He didn’t expect it but she had a teasing grin on her face. “Marcos, can I speak with you for a second?”
Marcos got up, dusting off the grass from his uniform as he stood. They walked away together, whispering in the distance about something. She looked worried and he looked like he was motivating her, rubbing her shoulder. Kylian stood up, copying Marcos’ movements and dusting away the grass. He started walking over to them, deciding that he wanted to tell Taylor the truth but they were done with their conversation before he could get to them. Taylor went towards the exit while Marquinhos was walking to Kylian’s direction.
“Where’d you think you’re going?”
“I need to speak to her.”
“No, you don’t. You need to finish your training; you have an hour left.”
“It will only take 5 seconds.”
“It never takes only 5 seconds with you. Back on the field now!”
Kylian couldn’t argue. He had already one strike too many with Marquinhos. He backed away, the frustration returning in his mind.
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He was doing the exercise of Tiki-Taka with Hakimi, Ramos, Messi, Kimpembe and Neymar. Kylian was in the middle trying to get control of the ball while the others passed it around each other. He was getting tired and not enjoying it while the others seemed to take pleasure in his struggle. Especially Ramos, he was having a great laugh watching him suffer. He had been trying to for a while, his mind unable to focus when he almost had it but then he was pushed on the ground. Falling on his side. It was Ramos that pushed him. It was a gesture that otherwise he would have laughed away in good spirit. They always teased each other. But not today. He got up, getting in Ramos’ face-
“je vais te frapper au visage!” he said in a gruff voice. Ramos was still laughing, giving him a light push like he thought Kylian was messing around. The moment he touched his shoulder, Kylian slapped his hand off. That seemed to alarm Ramos, whose expression darkened and made a step closer to Kylian.
“What’s your deal man?”
“J'ai un problème avec ton visage!”
Ramos lowered his eyebrows “calm down kid—”
Hakimi launched himself forward and in between them to separate them. He pushed Kylian back while he pointed at Ramos like he was warning him “Call me kid one more time!” he yelled. Hakimi shushed him, pushing him on the other end of the field and holding both of his shoulders to keep him still. Marquinhos had seen what happened and was already at Ramos’ side, listening to their side of the story. Kylian knew he was done for, so he moved away and left practice.
When he went on the locker rooms, he found Verratti texting in his phone. Verratti’s eyes landed on him, a smirk on his lips.
“Did you know she played in Chelsea?”
Kylian didn’t sit around to hear more. He left, grabbing his bag and going to find her.
“Dad says she’s getting bigger.” Taylor yelled from inside the shower. The blue thin curtain separated her from Trish, who was doing her make up on the mirror above the sink.
“What did you expect? She’d stay 4, forever?”
“It’s still weird.” She mumbled “makes me feel older every year on her birthday.”
“That’s because you are actually getting older.” Said Trish while pouting her lips to put her lipstick on. Taylor pushed the curtain, opening it slightly for a second to throw water at her. Trish screamed and jumped, backing away “Goddamn you woman!” she yelled. “if you ruin my dress, I’m stealing yours.” She said and left the bathroom.
Trish started picking her last stuff to put on her bag. Taylor opened the curtain and covered herself with on of her white towels. And picked her hair up with another pink towel. She came out of the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe. She watched her friend getting ready, smiling.
“This reminds me of high school.”
Trish snorted, sitting on the bed and putting her shoes on. “some thing’s never change. No matter how hard I try to. You’re still letting me go to parties alone.”
“Ramos will be there. You’ll be fine.” She sang “You know I’d come if it wasn’t for work. Just be careful.”
“I will.” She sat up, making a spin around herself to show her friend her outfit. “How do I look?”
Trish clapped and walked over to Taylor, placing her hand on her cheek. “You sure you’re gonna be, ok?”
“Gotta starts getting used to these lonely nights, no matter how much I miss you. Dad. Lily.” She smiled “I’ll be fine. But try not to have too much without me.”
“Can’t make any promises” Trish kissed her cheek and grabbed her jacket from the hanger behind the door. “don’t wait up for me. Love you.”
“Love you too” said taylor but she was already out of the door. A silent meow was heard coming from the floor. Taylor looked down only to find Luna pouring in front of her feet, head bumping her while pleading for food. “Gimmie a minute to change angel.” She said and walked back to the bathroom. She released her hair from the towel, her we strand falling on her shoulders, freezing her skin. She patted them with the towel, trying to dry them as much as she could before she used the drier.
Until there was a knock on the door.
She looked at the direction of the bedroom/living room.
She went to open the door. Her hand holding on the doorknob.
She turned it.
Opened it.
She didn’t have time to ask what he was doing here because he barged in. Talking about something she couldn’t understand. Like he was trying to warn her. She was trying to catch up with what he was saying but the shock of seeing him there in the first place in combination with the fact that she was naked under the towel made her freeze.
“…I just want you to know that if shit happens, I had nothing to do with it—”
“Kylian!” she tried but he kept going, mumbling something about Verratti and a journalist.
“He told half the team about it—” She looked around for her robe but she found it at her bed. And Kylian was standing in front of it, so that was not an option. He hadn’t even looked at her since he barged in. “She’s brutal taylor—”
“KYLLIAN!” She yelled, holding on the towel over her chest “What on earth are you talking about?” she questioned raising her voice. He finally turned his eyes on her, finally taking in her figure, finally realizing. His mouth fell shut, his mind going blank, he forgot why he was there in the first place. His eyes settled on her bare shoulders. They were slightly covered by her long hair. Not enough to keep him from wanting to touch them. She held on tighter on the towel, feeling his gaze deepening.
They locked eyes with each other, neither of them saying a thing.
He should have left, just as quick as he came in. he didn’t.
She should have told him to leave. Yelled at him even. She didn’t.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked.
That reminded him. He was here to tell her about Verratti. But that could wait until the morning.
There was a sort of silence that was loud enough for both, like it was saying everything for them while they looked at each other. Speechless. That was a first.
“Oh Kylian” she sighed, but it was more of a beg. She wasn’t sure what she was begging for but she was begging for something. She closed her eyes, leaning her back against the wall, like she was giving in to something. She couldn’t see him but she could feel him getting closer. His shadow covering her whole. She refused to look at him because she knew she’d be met with those dark eyes. His dark haunting beautiful lies that could see right through her. Just like earlier in the morning, every memory she had with him flashed before her eyes, including their moment in the hallways. They had left something unfinished. Twice now they had done that.
‘Dangerous territory’ is what Hakimi had called it. That was an understatement, thought Kylian.
She bit on her tongue, leaning her head on the wall, looking down her eyes still closed. Why was he coming closer? More importantly Why wasn’t she stopping him?
He lifted his hand, his fingers grazing over her bare skin, begging to touch her. But he was holding himself back, as much as he was struggling. He made a fist with his hand trying to keep his fingers away from her skin. He looked away, moving his fist slightly against the air.
“Verratti knows about Chelsea. He knows about the incident and you condition. Maybe more…” He whispered. It was all he could explain for now, in the few words that he was left with. Because his mind was a tangled mess. She opened her eyes, realizing how close he was now. She looked up at him.
“That’s why you’re here?” she asked.
“Yeah.” he spoke, twisting his tongue “that’s why I came.”
But the reason he wanted to stay was different. She nodded. He was supposed to leave now. Open the door and go back down to his car. Yet he couldn’t move, it was like she had him tied there and he couldn’t do anything without her permission. He stared in her eyes, tightening his jaw.
“tell me to leave.”
Now that was a beg if there ever was one. She saw it in his posture, in his eyes. Heard it in his tone, his breath, his heartbeat.
“Please god tell me to leave.”
She thought her mouth and throat had gone completely dry; her lips were stuck together. She couldn’t speak.
He stepped forward. Realizing his fingers again towards her shoulders. She watched them, it was easier than looking in his eyes. She didn’t stop him when they got closer, she didn’t stop him when they bruised her skin while pushing her hair away. She took a deep breath in, giving in the tension. Dangerous indeed.
She never said it, so he never left.
He leaned in, lower and lower until their lips were so close to each other there was only one way to go and that was closer. They don’t know who initiated it. They both like to believe it was the other person because that was, they could blame them for the chaos that it would create.
Did it really matter who started it when she was the one pulling him closer by holding his shirt on her fists. Or he was the one gripping her lower back like that. Pleading for access in her mouth. Did the day after matter when she tasted him whole or her hands reached under his shirt, lifting it off him and throwing it on the other end of the room? Did it matter when his hands pulled her up on his arms and allowed her to wrap her legs around his waist, only so he’d drop her on the bed and hover over her a minute later? Did it matter when they looked in each other’s eyes like they knew they were about to taste the drug that would destroy them?
No, it didn’t.
Or if it did. It didn’t.
Cause when he kissed her neck, she gave in. and when he uncovered her body by untangling her towel, he went weak. Was it hate? Is that why hit bit on her skin, just to hear her whimpers? Was it something else? That made her rushing hands reach for his zipper and open it while he left kisses in between her breasts.
She cupped his face, forcing him to look in her eyes again before she became his for the night. In any way a person can be given to another.
When she woke up, he wasn’t there. He was kind enough to leave a note, saying he’ll see her on training. She didn’t think much about it, maybe it was better this way. She got ready, same way she did every day. Mostly pretending like nothing had happened at all.
She packed the reports she had on her bag and she headed for the campus. First stop it was Galtier’s office. She didn’t let herself freak out, she waited to see him first.
She gave Galtier the folder with all the reports. He looked at all of them quickly at first, one by one. Marquinhos stood by her while she watched Galtier, her mind constantly running back to the night before.
“that’s all very nice” said Galtier, Taylor smiled. It was all she could do for now. Everything seemed to be going fine for the time being.
“But there is one missing.”
Her eyes widened; she went pale. She hoped to God she wouldn’t hear his name or his number.
“What about number seven?"
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did it i leave out details from their night on purpose because we will see more on the next chapter? Yes i did. Did i also cut the scene so you won't know what happened to that goddamn report? Of course i did. Am i proud of myself for creating chaos. Yes i am 🤭 is Taylor about to create chaos in the next chapter too? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY. Y'all wanted to see her take the lead, step on her villain era and istg that woman is about to burn the entire campus down, and I'll write it while sipping tea ✨ now i want a favor, if you are gonna send as many messages as you did for me to post this chapter, please be decent enough to comment on it, lmk if you still like it because my self-consciousness is driving me INSANE. I love y'all to the moon and back! Dedicating this chapter to my war friend .
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dreamwatch · 2 months
What a way to make a livin'
Written for the @corrodedcoffinfest May warm-up round.
Prompt: Get a job | Word Count: 992 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Gareth | Tags: they're idiots, first jobs, banter, angst free zone! | AO3
Being the youngest often meant being the last to do things within his peer group.
He was the last to get a driver’s license, so they fell into a routine of Eddie and Jeff driving them everywhere. Long tiring drive after a gig? Not for Gareth. He’s sleeping in the back, thank you very much.
He knows Jeff and Eddie have lost their virginity, because all they ever fucking do is talk about it. Gareth’s still on the waiting list for that particular life experience. (Matt is secretive at the best of times so the jury is out there.)
And of course, he was the last to graduate. He felt so guilty about that because they waited for him, even Eddie, who was living off cigarettes and caffeine and desperate to get the fuck away from a place where people still wanted him dead. 
Despite all that, somehow Gareth was the first to get a job when they moved to Indianapolis. Maybe it was his winsome charm, or his youthful good looks, or perhaps it was because he wasn’t as fussy as the three fucking princesses he lives with now.
So yeah, it’s a Taco Bell, not something to shout about, but it’s a fucking job, okay? Rent in Indy is absolutely insane, even for their shitty two-bed apartment in a shitty neighbourhood, and they’re burning through the money they saved to get here. Eddie managed to get them a couple of gigs lined up, but only one is paying and it’s not paying much. They’ll be lucky to have enough to buy a round of beers. Not that he’s old enough to drink one. Officially.
Has Gareth been cagey about where he works? Fuck yes; he wanted to delay the inevitable shit he was going to get from Huey, Dewy and Louie. He couldn’t avoid them forever but if he could just get through the first couple of weeks…
His back is turned when the bell above the door chimes and when he spins around he’s wearing his best customer service smile.
“Hi, welcome to Taco— oh fuck me.”
“Is that on the menu?” says Eddie with a shit-eating grin. He approaches the counter and slaps his hands down on it, while Jeff, the traitor, stands beside him laughing.
Gareth leans forward across the counter and hisses, “You can’t be here, assholes. Fuck off.”
“Now, now,” says Eddie gleefully, “that’s no way to talk to a customer.”
“You’re not a customer!”
“I could be.”
“Are you gonna buy anything?”
“Depends.” Eddie gets his battered wallet out, the same one he’s had since high school when Gareth was a freshman. “What can I get for… sixty-seven cents?”
Gareth halfway turns and points at the menu above him. “Pintos and cheese. Or a Mountain Dew. Take your pick. And quickly.” 
Eddie’s lip curls in disgust, and Gareth’s about to tell them both to fuck off when the familiar tinkle of the bell chimes again and finally, a paying customer, but… no, of course not. Because now Matt’s here to give him more shit. And just why fucking not at this point?
He’s so going to get fired.
“I thought you said you worked in a restaurant?” Matt sneers. 
“This is a restaurant,” Gareth replies, his patience hanging by a fucking thread. 
“Ah, no, it’s a Taco Bell.”
“Which is part of a chain of restaurants.” He can see his manager hovering on the other side of the kitchen; if he loses his job on the first week then fuck ‘em, he’s going back to Hawkins because he’s already sick of ramen noodles. 
He’s not going back to Hawkins.
“Do you get an employee discount?”
“No, Jeffrey, I do not.”
“It’s definitely not a restaurant.”
“Jesus Christ, will you all just please leave? How did you even know where I worked?”
Eddie’s still checking his wallet for hidden coins. “The shitty brown uniform on the floor of your room was a dead giveaway.” He looks up and points at Gareth’s chest. “You know it says Taco Bell right there?”
“Is there a problem over here?”
Fuck. Gareth’s boss, Kenny, a guy who can’t have been out of high school for much longer than he has, wanders over eyeing the Three Amigos suspiciously. 
Jeff grabs his own wallet. “Actually, your employee, ” he leans forward squinting at Gareth’s chest dramatically, “Gareth here, was helping us choose from your menu.” Jeff leans forward conspiratorially, lowering his voice. “I look after these guys, take them out for the day sometimes. They’re a little…” he taps his temple, “you know?” 
“Hey!” shouts Eddie. It takes everything Gareth’s got not to laugh.
Kenny’s glare softens as he looks between Matt and Eddie. “Right, yeah, I see it now.”
“Mother fu— ow!”
“It’s really great what you’re doing, man,” says Kenny. “Order whatever you like, it’s on the house.” Before he heads back to the kitchen he pats Gareth on the shoulder. “Great job.”
Matt shoves Jeff in the back. “What the fuck was that?”
“Got you free food, didn’t it?”
Gareth bags up their orders. “Now go home. Actually, don’t go home - go and look for a job, all of you!”
Matt snatches his bag and turns with a hurried “See ya later” which Gareth doesn’t even get a chance to reply to. Eddie, mouth full of Mountain Dew, waves a hand before heading toward the door. 
Jeff lingers for a second. “Proud of you, man.”
Gareth can’t keep the smile off his face. It’s just a stupid job, but it’s his first. And if the band takes off, hopefully, please please god, the last. 
He’s about to serve his next customer when he hears Eddie singing at the top of his voice.
“She works hard for the money, duh de duh, so hard for it honey, duh de duh…”
“Asshole,” he mutters under his breath. “Oh, sorry, ma’am, not you. Uh… can I take your order?”
Did I look for an 80's Taco Bell menu to see what Eddie could get for sixty-seven cents? Yes, yes I did.
And let's gloss over the fact that Freak was Ben in my last fic... I'm trying out names, I'll retcon everything afterwards. 😂
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echantedtoon · 19 days
Sometimes all someone needs is some kindness.
(This is inspired by the post @lelee-tdn on tumblr. The post is linked below.
Apologies if this isn't the best writing and so short. I'm having some writer's block and got a random burst of inspiration for this so I wrote this quickly.)
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The day was bright and beautiful as the mid-day light fell through the window and grazed over the few patrons still in the small cafe you worked at. The murmuring hums of light talk, generic elevator like music, and the occasional care passing by outside. It combined with the sounds from the kitchen. Clinking dishes, utilities, and the occasional shout of an order ready to be served. Relatively peaceful and normal day for those whom worked the cafe life. 
It was a demanding job sometimes if you had to handle multiple orders by yourself especially if you were by yourself or happened to be short-staffed that day or if there just so happened to be a large crowd. But it wasn't a bad job. The Patrons were mostly friendly aside from the occasional Karen or grumpy person in the morning who demanded their caffeine high for the morning. It always smelt nice with the lingering scents of coffee, chocolate, and various hand made baked goods in the glass display nearby. 
After a while one would even start to recognize the frequent customers visiting the shoppe's doors. The old couple that always stop by on their Sunday strolls for tea and macaroons. The man in the suit with consistent eye bags always tiredly asking for coffee in the mornings. The soccer mom that brings her children in for doughnuts every Tuesday night. Not every patron ordered something though. There was the frequent college students or bookworms that just liked to sit in the cafe and do their own things. Sometimes they'd order snacks sometimes they didn't but that was life. 
It was a slow day this morning in particular.
The smells of glass cleaner mixed in with the scents of coffee and sweet vanilla as a cloth ran across the shiny glass of the display case. Inside it beheld the delicious sights within it's hold. A few cupcakes and cakes ready to be bought and eaten. Tempted to take one himself. But it'd have to come out of his pockets if he did so. Not many people had come in today either. A few in the morning for a quick coffee run before work but for now it was just him alone here. He didn't mind, it was Peaceful and quiet other than the distant sounds of the cars passing by on the streets outside. 
So perhaps that's why he was caught off guard when someone did come by. 
Sort of.
He saw a lady around his age. She didn't come inside but sat outside at one of the tables just stationed in front of the giant window. She had a bright smile on her face and was happily tapping away on her phone. Maybe she felt eyes on her because green eyes turned to him.. And she gave him a friendly wave.  He just gave a polite nod back before going back to cleaning the display case. He'd best get back to cleaning up the place while there was a lapse in crowds.
Now he wasn't sure how long time had passed between the few times he glanced up again, A second time an hour later as he was sweeping the floors, she seemed to still be on her phone. And again a third time a little bit after that and was surprised at how hunched over she was.
What was more of a surprise was the expression on her space. Thick large tears were weld up in her eyes, large enough for even him to see all the way by the register, and falling onto her face only to trail down her cheek and dripped onto her sleeves. Quite a shocking sight. Her hands shook as she stared at her phone and looked like she was reading something before a silent sob wracked through her body. Slowly she slumped forward until her forehead pressed against the table and the phone thudded from her hands effectively deflating like a balloon. You'd think she was hit with the saddest news in the world.
"Excuse me, Miss." The lady didn't look up from where she was splayed out across the table and honestly he was half expecting this. "I couldn't help but notice you were crying. Is everything ok?"
"Does being left all alone count?" Her slightly hoarse voice caught him off guard a bit and her head looked up at him. Her eyes were pink and puffy from crying and her nose sniffled. He was debating if her question was her giving him a cue to leave when she hiccuped out a sentence. "Why does this keep happening? Is there something wrong with me?"
His brows rose higher as he scanned her body and the table for a moment making it click. "Were you.. expecting someone?"
Another hiccup from her most likely sore throat. "Was is right. Why does this always happen? I thought it was going do well and then-.." Her lip quivered before a hand wiped at her face.
Oh. He got it now. A wave of irritation washed over him as the unspoken puzzle was finished. "Ah. I see. Sounds like a doged bullet then."
The hand paused in the rubbing of her face. Green eyes blinking widely up to him. "W-What?"
"Listen. I don't know much about your situation but usually if a bad thing avoids you then it's a sign you have incredible luck."
Those eyes blinked wider. "Luck? H-How is constantly being stood up luck?" Her hands lifted upwards in a shrug motion. "There's only so many times that this happens to me before it's obvious that I'm the only one who's stuck in the middle."
"You might be in the middle but that doesn't mean you're at the bottom of the barrel..." He sighed and her head lifted up as something was placed in front of her. A pink plastic cup of..boba tea? And..a small plate of fango? They pushed towards her face so she backed up until she was forced to sit back up to stare at the goods-"I thought you might've been hungry from just sitting out here for so long." Her face turned to him mouth opening- "It's on me so don't worry about it." He offered a smile finally. "You needed it more than we did anyways."
Those eyes blinked. "But..why?"
"Because you're the luckiest girl in the world. If someone is only surface level looking then they aren't worth the gold that buried beneath the surface they miss. I know because I've seen someone who was in your situation once."
A small sniffle escaped her throat as she blinked and a sleeve wiped her eyes. "You have a girlfriend?"
"Fiance actually." Arms crossed proudly for the first time since they met. "Take it from someone who took a really good woman for granted once, you're not unworthy if someone doesn't see you that way. It just means that the person who's looking for ya hasn't seen you yet either." Her eyes widened as he nodded making a move to turn and leave. "Enjoy your food."
Green eyes blinked widely as he turned and left her there, the shoppe door sending off a cute little bell chime as the door opened and closed behind him. She lingered a little longer as she blinked before looking back to her small plate.. Slowly a hand clasped around the stick before lifting the small dango to her mouth and taking a bite. 
A hand grabbed her cheek as she hummed. "Ha! So yummy!"
She didn't notice the smile she had gotten from inside the cafe. A sign of better things to come surely-
"A dozen of those chocolate cupcakes please."
A pair of eyes looked up from where they were currently studying a stack of styrofoam coffee cups his hands hand been restocking nearby. Blue eyes met familiar green eyes they hadn't seen for a little over four months. A large smile on pretty features that had him smiling widely back in response.
"Sure." The cups were slowly placed down and he turned to the two people standing there. "Will that be everything for you then?"
"No. Make it two dozen. I'm paying for it anyways." The voice of a black haired man standing right beside her piped up bluntly as she gaped at him surprised.
"Whaaa?! Are you sure?? You don't mind me having so much?"
 Her shuffling was nervous as the slightly smaller man looked down slightly and it was only then that he realized that the two people in front of him was holding hands. 
"It's fine. You deserve it from all the late work you've been doing lately."
"AW! OBI! You seriously spoil me too much!," she gushed making the other man shrink a little into his collar but not out of embarrassment if the pink of his face had anything to say. Her hand made a peace sign indicating the number two. "Make it two please!"
The smile upon his face widened. "You got it."
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ideaofheaven · 1 year
— LESS SUGAR (onew x reader)
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Synopsis: A playful first impression with a certain shining idol in your own coffee shop takes your life into an interesting turn. A merge of two worlds, you never expect Jinki to provide you company and comfort. But he does, all the while ordering lattes and pastries.
Pairing: Lee Jinki x fem!reader
Genre: coffee shop!au, idol!Jinki, fluff (like, lots of fluff), piniiiing, angst, smut
Word count: 17376 words (lmao its a SLOW burn)
Warnings: sakura jinki!! (Yeah it’s a warning), mentions of diet, implied depressive episodes, heavy make out, vaginal fingering, Jinki big dick agenda, domsub undertones, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, cream pie (careful folks), minors dni!
AN: Happy 525 everyone! What other perfect timing to celebrate my love for SHINee’s leader. But actually, I wrote this one almost 2 years ago now?? And I thought yeah no way this will stay in drafts forever. I just need a sweet fic for dearest Jinki, you know? Please enjoy!
You empty a box of newly arrived goods. After a few considerations, maybe you should’ve arranged the displays at night when you have more time instead of in the mornings before you open the store. But they look fine as it is; the coffee grounds are lined up neatly, and the rustic decors compliment them well. Deciding the shop is all ready, you check the time. It’s only a few minutes before 7 o’clock, so you flip the wooden sign from ‘close’ to ‘open’.
Almost a year has passed since you opened your own cafe. The journey wasn’t a walk in the park. From the loans, experimenting in your apartment kitchen, and the amount of time and energy spent gathering the resources. But you made it, now owning a small cafe that can house up to fifteen customers. Often perceived as a friendly person, you managed to gather a handful of regulars.
The bell chimes, and you turn to see your regular coming in through the door. “Good morning, Eunmi!” You chirp, before noticing her gloomy visage. “You look particularly bright today. The usual?”
The regular, Eunmi, is a working woman who lives nearby with her husband. She sighs before nodding. "I only slept for a couple of hours.” She drags herself to the counter. “Do you remember that co-worker I told you about?”
She rambles on, complaining about this and that while you tinker with your coffee machine. Occasionally you laugh, but you mostly take your time to listen. Eunmi is the one who requested you to open the store earlier. Not having any problem with mornings, you happily oblige. Ever since, with a raging need for someone to vent to and a caffeine boost, she visits daily.
“You should take a day off,” you advise while finishing off the beverage. You grab the paper cup carefully, gesturing to Eunmi who’s still sitting down. “One almond caffe mocha to go.”
“I’ll think about it,” she murmurs tiredly as she gets up, dragging herself to her coffee. “I’m off, then. Thanks for the drink!”
With a wave, she leaves the cafe. There goes your early morning regular. You go back to your favorite pastime, rearranging the items on your shelf. You are contemplating putting the house blend on the front counter to replace the Vietnamese Arabica when the door chimes. Delighted, you shout, “Welcome!”
A man walks in hesitantly. At that moment, you can't possibly recognize him. He wears a mask and a baseball hat. The hoodie and the dark jeans make him appear like one of the people from your neighborhood. 
What you notice is that he’s a new customer, and his eyes are... pretty.
You push the last thought aside and switch to your customer service mode. “Here’s the menu,” you gush, your voice sounding too pitchy to your ears. The man blinks at you before his gaze falls on the printed paper.
Your mind betrays you and chooses to zone in on the man before you. He’s tall. His dark brown hair stops above the nape of his neck with soft strands of fringe framing his defined heart-shaped face. Though it's hidden by the mask, you can see his high cheekbones. Despite that, you can’t help but focus on his hooded soft brown eyes.  From your place behind the counter, you’ve seen many attractive people. You noticed their neat makeup, their perfectly curled hair, their luscious lips, or the way they dress. Being attracted to someone’s eyes seems incredulous. But even his eyebrows look nicely groomed.
He lifts his gaze which inevitably meets yours. Your stomach lurches in embarrassment and you stupidly let out an “oh” before putting your best smile. Please don’t notice. “What would you like to order?”
If he notices, he doesn’t show any sign. “Can I have a brown sugar latte to go?” 
His voice sounds like the drink itself; warm, sweet, and syrupy. You perk up. “Great choice. Will that be all?” The man tilts his head, humming. Cute.
“Make it with an extra shot of espresso.” You’re already grabbing the pack of grounds when you respond with good humor, “Tough day ahead?” At that, he chuckles, low and bright at the same time. Warm and syrupy indeed. “Everyday is a tough day at work.”
You laugh, but perhaps the curiosity in your expression is too obvious, because the mysterious customer’s eyes crinkle with amusement. 
“It's tough work, but I love my job,” he says in what you perceive as teasing. 
“Sure, sure,” you snicker, now pouring measured liquid brown sugar into the paper cup. You’re confident in your coffee-making skills, and you can’t wait to hear his reaction. Maybe he can join your not-so-long list of regulars.
“Brown sugar latte with double shot.” You give him the paper cup. “Enjoy!”
Another eye crinkle smile grazes his covered face. With a closer look, there’s a slight jaw movement behind his mask. “Thank you very much,” he responds and you notice the formality. “By the way, do you happen to sell any food?”
You bite the insides of your mouth. “Yes, but I only stock them later,” you explain ruefully. “The bakery usually delivers the pastries at 9 o’clock. I apologize.” You bow and he immediately raises both of his hands, waving them frantically. 
“Oh, no, no, it’s okay. What do you have?”
“We have a selection of buns, scones, pound cakes, egg tarts,” you gush. “They’re all delicious. But I personally like their traditional pastries. Injeolmi, red bean rice cake, yakbap, fried tteok dumplings. Auntie does a great job every time.” 
Unlike other cafes that bake their own food, you work together with the local bakery that happens to make the best traditional pastries you’ve ever tried. You know they aren’t as popular as the more western pastries, but they always pull the older customers to your cafe, even becoming your regulars.
His eyebrows shoot up all of a sudden, “You have yakbap?” He asks in apparent surprise which you mirror excitedly. “Yes! Oh my god, do you like them?” He nods. “Would you like to try? I can have them stocked tomorrow.”
“Isn’t that too much trouble?”
"Of course not. But," you emphasize. "You have to come visit tomorrow morning. Promise?” The surge of boldness takes you out of nowhere. He’s just one customer who only bought one drink, but you can’t deny the urge to see him again. So when you saw the chance, you knew you had to take it.
“I will, I promise,” he chuckles and your worries melt away, swept away by the soothing voice of his promise.
At 8 o’clock, the door chimes. You almost jump from behind the counter.
“Good morning,” the man from yesterday greets you with a small bow. Today he’s wearing a dark jacket over a simple tee. Without yesterday's baggy clothes, the outfit centers on his broad shoulders well. A mask is still in place, but now without the hat, you can see more of him. At least more of his soft-looking short brown hair. A surge of familiarity rushes through you. After a quick run through your memories, your mind comes up blank. You shrug off the thought but he’s faster to notice you zoning out.
“What? I promised, didn’t I?” He mumbles, and you respond with a small laugh, “You did.”
You usher him to the counter, pulling out a small basket. “Now here’s my end of the deal.”
“What’s all this?” He glances in the basket. Inside is a handful of pastries, covered neatly in plastic wrap. “There’s so many!” 
You smile proudly. “I asked the bakery for a sampler basket. So these are their best-sellers. We have a kaya bun, blueberry lemon scone, garlic basil bread, yakbap,” you wink, “fried tteok dumplings, and red bean rice cake.”
“And I’ll give you a special price.” You send him another cheeky grin, and you feel triumphant when you see his resigned face.
“I didn’t expect you would prepare a whole basket… But thank you,” he sighs before breaking into one of his eye-smiles. It looks so familiar and the feeling starts to gnaw at you once more. Like reaching out to remember a dream, it feels close yet you can't come up with a name to associate his face with. You snap back to reality, hearing him say something in your direction. “Yes?”
“I’d like to have the drink from yesterday,” he states almost giddily. “It’s delicious. I thought it’d be too sweet.”
Oh. You cover a smile with the back of your hand, secretly proud of yourself. Elated, you lean in before you even know it, catching your customer's attention.
“Be sure to come back for more, then.” Right after the words leave your mouth, you recoil. You sound like you were flirting, and you don't flirt with customers.
“Oh, don’t mind if I do." You stare at him in surprise, seeing the teasing glint in his eyes. Flustered, your throat tightens.
“R-right. One brown sugar latte coming up.” Warm, sweet, syrupy… Sticky.
After finishing the latte with sprinkles of cinnamon powder on top, you put the plastic cap on and bring it to your only customer. The man is sitting in the corner, on one of the chairs that has its back on you. He's eating a piece of yakbap from a plastic wrapper when you approach the table. “Here’s-"
Perhaps, that day you forget that people eat with their mouths. Uncovered. In the end, nothing prepares you to witness the face behind the mask.
A few weeks ago, you were watching TV on your couch. One of your favorite dramas had just ended, so you were stuck watching a random variety show. Loud screams pierced your ears, making you jump so you checked the show. A couple of people were sitting at the table, and one of them, a handsome young man with light brown hair and lovely eyes, was reenacting his version of the famous Gwiyomi song. What a weird guy, you thought with a laugh while seeing him kiss each of his fingers just a little too passionately.
“- your drink,” you finish shakily. The new information almost freezes you in place but you put on your best (worst, stiff) customer service smile anyway. Defying another expectation, Onew - oh god, it is him - takes the paper cup from your hand. Your fingers touch briefly and you swear there's a jolt that tickles. The idol is staring at you with a hint of worry, indicating he knows the cat's out of the bag.
You should leave him be, he might be uncomfortable. But then, a sight of empty plastic wrappers catches your attention. "How's the food?" You inquire placidly. Creative.
The worry in his face dissipates very slightly and you realize how different he looks now without the mask. You can see the plump lips parting before he says, "You're right, they're so good."
The compliment somehow melts your worries. 
"Right? They taste exactly the same since I was a child. Auntie had just started baking the western pastries a few years ago, but she’s too tired to run the bakery full-time. So I thought having her pastries in my cafe would be perfect," you stop, internally scolding yourself for rambling all that to the celebrity, "I talk too much don't I?"
"You own this cafe?" The man asks instead, his mouth gaping and eyes wide. Adorable.
"Owner, barista, waitress, slash everything," you rub the back of your neck, pressured by the questioning gaze he has on you. Without his mask, he seems more intense. Or, you are subconsciously affected by his idol status. While this is not the first time you meet a celebrity from behind the counter, it is the first time you're engaged in conversation with them. Especially with someone of a high tier like him. Someone amazing.
"That's amazing." His voice echoes, jolting you back to reality
"What?" You sputter. He definitely notices you zoning out because his smile - you can see his mouth now, oh god - is too mischievous and knowing. This is getting too much.
Rigidly, you peek into the paperbag, noticing the amount of pastries left. "What are you going to do with them?" Onew looks at the paperbag before standing up and grabbing the bag. "I'll share them with people at work."
You step back with a laugh. "Do you think they'll like it?"
"I think they will. Well, some can't enjoy it due to… a strict diet. But one won't hurt." Onew takes his coffee in one hand, and the paperbag in the other. He raises both hands slightly, gesturing with the items. "Thank you. I'll be going now."
"No,” you begin tentatively, “Thank you, Onew." 
You internally pat yourself on the back for letting that out.
His ever so expressive eyebrows rise before he lets out a bark of laughter. "Well, isn't that unfair."
"What is?"
"I see you know my name already," he supplies, staring down at you with a pretty gummy smile. "But I don't know yours."
Heat rushes to your cheeks when his words sink into your brain. You would pray it wouldn't show but you find your tongue unable to form useful words. Instead, as an uncontrolled fight or flight reaction, it responds haughtily, "Come back tomorrow, and I'll tell you."
You curse the random unsolicited rush of courage. But Onew's surprised expression is already morphing into a half smirk, and you can't decide if you regret it.
"Deal. I'll see you tomorrow, miss."
Exactly one minute after the door closes, you curl up on the floor and let out a groan. What just happened?
Jinki knows he shouldn't be doing this.
That morning, he woke up exactly three hours before his first schedule of the day. The warm sunlight tempted him to go for a jog, but the ache crawling through his body reminded him what a bad idea that was. The day before, the dance instructor had drilled them with another wild choreography, and in the morning, his joints were positively protesting.
So he took a walk. Enjoying the sunlight, he left the rows of high-rise apartments for the quiet residential complex. The bustle of the crowded market and gossipy house-wives felt like a calming noise, and he continued his walk until he turned one corner.
Nothing should've caught his attention, but everything did. The shop's facade of pale red bricks was a splash of color in between the other buildings. A couple of vintage lantern lamps decorated the shop, and there were wooden signs with intricate lettering on the wall and glass door. Jinki realized it was a coffee shop, a small one. There and then he thought he needed his caffeine, and the nearest Starbucks was blocks away. So he went in, met the cute barista, got a delicious latte, and left.
And ever since, he keeps coming back for more.
“Someone enjoys visiting this little place,” she laughs one morning, cocky and amused. It’s his visit for the third time in a row. Borrowing her high energy and boldness, he smirks in reply.
"You’re the one who asked me, though," he mentions, holding a small cup of her manual brew. A new house blend, she had mentioned. It has a subtle sweetness to it, which Jinki likes.
"Asked what?"
"To come back here." 
She chuckles, that rare hint of shyness surfacing once more. "I was just messing around."
But he wasn't, and back then, he would do anything to get to know her name. So the day after her request, Jinki returned. After an order of one brown sugar latte and five miscellaneous pastries, all to-go, Jinki sat down and propped his chin on top of his folded hands, waiting. His legs were fidgeting, a sign of anticipation and nervousness that he was well attuned with.
"Are you dining in?" She asked, probably feigning innocence, as she shuffled through various packets of coffee. What a tease.
"No," he responded curtly.
She moved away from the shelves to the edge of the counter, facing him. Oh, she's doing this on purpose. With a hand covering her mouth, she laughed silently. Jinki thought she shouldn't hide her laughter, or her smile, because it’s pretty and bright, just like her. 
"I'm sorry, I owe you something, don't I?" She asked sweetly, like those drinks she makes for him.
"Yes, you do." Jinki managed out, a crooked smile gracing his lips in a low effort intimidation.
"Okay, okay," she resigned. "You should make a habit of checking the bill, Onew."
Realization hit him and he rushed to pull the bill out of his pocket. There, written in neat handwriting, was a name. In awe, he said it once, testing it on his tongue—and he heard a crash.
"Oh--oops," she clambered to grab the fallen coffee packages. Jinki was wondering how attached this woman was to her coffee supply before he took a glance at her face. Pink tinted her cheeks and he wouldn't lie, it was a sight to see. Presumably annoyed, she was about to say something but Jinki just called her name once more, abruptly stopping her. So he raised his chin, taking a better look at the flustered barista with a satisfactory smile, “Everything okay back there?”
She nodded once before turning away, cheeks still flaming as she broke their eye contact. He just laughed. Cute.
Today, he finds himself once more in front of her store. Earlier, he found out Minho already had plans to visit his mother, and so, Jinki was left alone in the dorms. He's used to being alone in the apartment, but today he has a particular yearning to be somewhere else but home.
"Onew," she greets, ever so cheerful in the mornings. "The usual?"
Despite the merciless schedule in his line of work, Jinki hasn't met a lot of morning people. Especially the ones who are comfortable with an early schedule by nature. It took him years after debuting before his internal alarm worked properly. And after hundreds of cranky morning schedules, he finally could manage his mood well. She must have been born with the sun smiling upon her. Perhaps that is her destiny, to wake up effortlessly and share her energy through caffeinated beverages. Jinki has an urge to ask if she ever stays up late, maybe later.
"Actually, can I have an iced americano?" Jinki asks after a quick glance at the menu. This time he needs something with less sugar.
She is beaming, as usual. "Sure. But I recommend you drink it fast, it's warm outside—"
"I'm having it here." Jinki already grabs a seat, putting his bag and pulling out a book. Her expression is a mixture of confusion and delight. "...Is it okay?"
"Of course!" She exclaims all too fast before rushing to her tools.
An amicable silence stretches. Hisses and clamor from behind the counter occasionally fill the air, but otherwise it's quiet. After endless days in a loud environment, he appreciates the silence. He can’t remember the last time he sat still like this, without TV or a Youtube video to accompany him. He takes his book, a best-selling novel he picked up from the airport months ago during his work trip, and starts reading it. When his iced americano arrives, he thanks her properly and dives back into the story.
It's peaceful. At some point, she puts on music. Slow to medium-tempo songs in foreign languages, and it doesn't disrupt his reading, in fact, he enjoys it.
During his stay, customers come and go. He can't see them, because his back is facing the major part of the cafe. But he can hear them clearly. And interestingly, they talk a lot. One customer, a young girl, comes up to you, gets a large glass of iced chocolate milk, and proceeds to tell you about her crush. Another, an elderly man who apparently visits regularly, orders one hot barley tea and a red bean paste bun. Then he starts to give her updates on his newborn grandchild. Jinki hears her squeal before she asks for the man’s wife or daughter.
He finds all the interaction endearing, somehow.
"So, what's the occasion?"
The sun is now high up in the sky, signalling it's nearing noon. Jinki was feeling tiny pricks of hunger when she appeared near his table, a few tupperware in hand. "It gets lonely," she said cheekily. With each little talk they exchange, Jinki wonders why he didn’t ask her to sit here earlier, enjoying her company very much. And not before long, she offered some of her food to him, which he accepted with little resistance.
“You’ve never dined in before, what’s the occasion?”
Jinki takes one slice of rolled omelet with his chopsticks. "It's my day off," he answers.
"You have a day off, and you came here?" She looks up from her food and gapes at him. He nods.
"The apartment's empty, Minho is visiting his parents."
"It must be lonely."
"Not anymore,” he responds in earnest, and a grin emerges when he sees her fluster. Jinki is not a prideful person. He doesn’t absorb compliments like it’s his source of energy. However, knowing he can affect people like this, especially in such tight interaction, does boost his ego in a productive way. Additionally, he enjoys seeing her reaction. She’s very put together, confident, sometimes cheeky, but those rare moments when she gets caught off guard charm him. It’s like her fire turns into cotton candy, all cute and sweet.
Jinki can’t get enough of her.
“Is that one of your killer moves, Onew-ssi?” She says, hiding her strangled laugh by raising her chin with defiance. But he knows better. See? Charming.
He puts his chopstick down, and proceeds to lean his head on one knuckle. The gesture seems to affect her, because her smile falls and she’s blinking rapidly at him. “No, it’s not," he states before an idea pops into his head. "Call me Jinki."
Her mouth falls open. “What?”
“Please call me Jinki.”
He watches as she gapes wordlessly, like a cat got her tongue. In the end, she just nods softly, saying a quiet “Okay,” with a bashful whisper of his name. Hearing it, Jinki can’t help the giddiness bubbling inside him and a smug smile that graces his lips. His name sounds pretty on her tongue, and he immediately knows he will want to hear it more. 
Jinki thinks maybe that is his killer move.
To have a celebrity coming back to your cafe, and getting to know them is an oddly enjoyable experience.
One morning Onew--no, Jinki arrives with all his attention on his phone. He’s typing furiously before craning his neck to see you. “(Y/n),” he says in an exaggerated whine, eyebrows furrowing and lips pouting comically cute, “Kibum is being mean to me. He said we can’t hang out today. I’m so sad. I need my sad coffee so can you please get me a--”
“Jinki, don’t--”
“A despresso?”
“Oh my god,” you sigh audibly, a fond grin in place, making him snicker as he rubs the back of his head.
"Get it? Like espresso but depress-"
"Yes, Jinki. I get it."
Every time Jinki visits, you enjoy his company. Granted, he’s not the type to talk much, and when he does, he always manages to surprise you. You don’t know what’s worse, his dad jokes, or the fact that he’s not aware how much he’s driving you crazy. Does he know his teasing words can be wrongly interpreted as flirting? Does he know he looks good in even worn out shirts? Does he know you start to think he's been coming here not only for the coffee? With that being said, you weren’t prepared for Jinki’s presence in close proximity almost everyday.
"Whatcha' doing?" Jinki asks, his face leaning over the high counter, peeking into your workspace. His mask is off, and like his perfect face is not distracting enough, he's wearing a black sweater that snug nicely on his body. You notice how broad his shoulders are, or how his collarbones look so prominent, hanging above defined pecs. Focus, you have a job.
"I'm trying to make a new drink," you reply, measuring in teaspoons of the powder you prepared. You take the recently bought bamboo whisk to mix the powder. New tools in the kitchen always get you excited, especially if it’s your first time using it.  "Do you know hojicha?"
He tilts his head, thinking, and you wonder if it's necessary for him to jut his lower lips like that. "No. Is it Japanese?"
"Mmhm, it's Japanese roasted green tea.” You start whisking the water and the hojicha powder, and Jinki gawks. As the mixture gets frothy, you elaborate. "I've been wanting to try to make it, maybe someone will be interested." Grabbing another cup, you mix the diluted powder and the milk, the ash-colored tea mixture turning the milk into gray-ish brown. "They say it tastes best with milk."
"Ah, really?" Without a warning, Jinki shots one hand forward, taking the glass from your nimble hand. You yelp at the sudden movement. He then takes a big gulp, craning his neck to drink it properly and you can't take your eyes off of his Adam's apple as it moves with each gulp, and the veins running on his neck. Shit. He pulls the glass away, and using his other hand, he wipes his mouth. Your throat goes dry. 
Unaware of your struggle, he hums, "It's good. Bitter, but good.”
Shaking yourself back to reality, you take a deep breath. "I was about to say I hadn't put the sugar in."
"I think you don’t need it. Or just put a little," he grins, gesturing the aforementioned amount with his index finger and thumb, a small distance lingers between them. His fingers are pretty, you think absentmindedly. His other hand puts the empty glass back onto the counter. "You're really good at this."
At that, your heart swells with pride. "Of course, I don't want my customers to go."
"Me as well?"
"You as well,” you state, genuine. You can tell him that as much. “My early morning was never this fun."
Jinki snorts. “Me? Fun?” He asks, pointing a finger at himself. “People say I’m weird.”
“No offense, Jinki, I didn’t say you’re not weird.” The man barks a laugh and you join in. “But that’s what makes you fun. You're not boring."
Not for the first time, you witness his expression turn sheepish, almost shy and awkward. His fingers fidget behind his folded arms. But he quickly recovers, waving off your compliment.
"What about the other customers?"
The question perks your attention. "I have the best regulars," you reply, thinking of all your customers and their anecdotes. "I love talking to them."
"They seem to like gossiping with you."
"They do! Jinki, they talk a lot. There's this lady who will order parfaits only when she's upset or having a fight with her boyfriend. And also the working man who usually comes in evenings, he always asks if I serve alcohol. It's really hilarious—"
"But you always listen to them."
"Of course I do. Like I said, I love talking to them, I really do. Granted, mostly I just listen to them venting out their problems. But I guess it helps and my beverages too - " you stop yourself. "Sorry. D-did I bore you?"
"No, not at all," he answers, short and fast and most definitely teasing. "I enjoyed it. Come on, tell me more." Jinki is still leaning on the counter. His head is in his propped hand, eyes crinkling in amusement, and his plump lips are curling into a soft smile that makes your heart race. You feel warmth crawling on your cheeks.
"Don't say that. Gosh, that was embarrassing." You're still trying to hide your face behind your hands when a large palm lands on your head. You look up, and see Jinki who has straightened his back to full height, looming over you. Then, his hand is in your hair, ruffling it playfully.
"Cute," Jinki coos with a smile that shows his brilliant teeth and melts your insides into goo. After messing with your hair, he pulls his hand back and you swear his fingers brush past your cheekbones, the touch eliciting shivers down your spine. Unbothered, Jinki goes on his merry way and continues talking about random things as if nothing happened.
The audacity.
"Alright, spill, what's up."
Eunmi's voice pulls you back to reality. Smell of food floods your senses, sweet and sour from kimchi and vinegar, and you remember your lunch with Eunmi. You look at your friend who's grabbing her spoon with a slight annoyance clear on her face.
"What? Nothing," you insist, diving back to your buckwheat noodles to avoid her piercing stare. She tsks at you, not buying the excuse.
"Nothing my ass, you've been staring at the pickles this whole time."
You're not in your cafe, in fact, you close it up for a while to have lunch out. Eunmi invited you to a restaurant near her office, only one station away from the store. It’s a cozy diner that’s not too crowded or loud, so you can talk comfortably. Eunmi brings her own car, and promises to drive you back after lunch.
The fact that even Eunmi realizes your weirdness makes you startled. You listen to her a lot, but it’s never the opposite case. You know your friend well enough to understand she won’t usually catch up on your mood swings, especially because you’re not the kind of person who shows your emotion on your sleeves. But that man just won’t leave your mind, not after driving you crazier with each passing day. Jinki keeps coming over, all smiles and charms and never forgetting to compliment you and your drinks.
And for whatever reason, you always end up talking about yourself for a good amount of time. That never happened before, not before him. You prefer to listen, and you do that well. But with Jinki, rarely does he ramble to you, instead it’s the other way around. Without a doubt, you’re getting too comfortable with him. And how can you not? He’s humble, polite, his smile lights up the whole room, and he looks like that. All soft brown hair and handsome.
"I know that face," Eunmi interrupts your trail of thoughts, her face beaming with mischief. You blink your eyes. That can’t be good.  "There's someone, isn't there?"
"What? No!"
"Nu-uh, you can't fool your unnie. You’re smiling like a teenager just now,” she teases while grabbing another spoonful of her dried pollack soup.
You splutter. “I-I did?”
“So, who is it? Come on, tell me something. My coworkers suck and I need some drama."
Cursing your luck, you grumble. Eunmi must be very perceptive to recognize the look on your face. But telling her about Jinki is impossible. You won’t be able to get away by saying “I think Onew from SHINee has been flirting with me non-stop.” It’s going to be a mess--no, a mess would be an understatement.
You take a deep breath, “It’s complicated, okay?”
"Tell me about it." Eunmi snorts.
“I can’t tell you just yet.”
She stares at you directly. “But?”
“It’s just…” You begin, hand already moving to cover your mouth, as if it could help you from the massive embarrassment you feel while discussing this. “I don’t know if I’m reading things correctly,” then, “Like, what if I’m wrong?”
“So you don’t know if he’s into you, or he’s just being nice.”
"Exactly!” you gasp.
She suddenly smirks, leaning back against the chair, "That's easy, just make a move."
"Make a move?"
"Yeah, make a move,” she repeats easily, “Do something similar to what he did to you, and see his reaction. Maybe he's just waiting."
You ponder upon her advice. It’s solid, and actually doable. Albeit unsure, you keep it in mind. "Alright, I’ll try.”
You finish your lunch and go back to the cafe. Eunmi, being the best combination of a friend and a customer, requests a chocolate marshmallow frappe before she returns to her office. Back to your usual place behind the counter, and Eunmi on the chair, she tells you about her vacation plan.
“A long weekend trip with your husband? That’s amazing!” You exclaim to Eunmi who’s radiating happiness.
Eunmi slurps at her drink, humming pleasantly from the sweetness. “Mm-hm,” she responds, the joy radiating from her is a refreshing sight compared to the usual gloom. “We’re going to Damyang.”
“I’m so happy for you,” you gush, patting the older woman’s shoulder. “So you’re leaving tomorrow?” 
She nods. “Finally, a time off from those douchebags.”
You laugh, remembering her stories of the god-awful co-workers, then a jingle halts you.
“Oh, welcome!” You say and immediately feel your stomach drop as you see Jinki. Shit, the timing is so bad. Jinki rarely comes in the afternoon, what's up with the rare occurrence? And just by scanning his clothes, you’re more baffled, because today's outfit today is more extreme than usual. He’s wearing one of his worn out track pants and regular trainers.The grey jacket looks okay but he’s wearing the hoodie over a snapback. You can’t see even a strand of his hair. By default, his mask is also on, so you’re not too worried about him being recognized by Eunmi.
Jinki makes his order, glancing at you with sharp eyes, something he doesn’t usually do because you already know his usual menu. You just respond formally before dashing to where your drink machine is at, from the corner of your eye you see him taking a seat near the corner. Not long after, Eunmi’s face is in front of you, worried.
“He looks sketchy,” she whispers in a rush. Jinki? Sketchy? You bit your lip, trying to hold your blank expression in place, instead of the urge to grin.
“Really? I think he’s been here before, though.”
“How can you recognize him? This guy’s all covered from head to toe, (Y/n). It’s so creepy. I hope your man doesn't look like that."
You almost choke on air. Internally you're praying Jinki didn't hear the last part. “Right, right.” You peek at Jinki with a bothered expression, crafted meticulously to deceive Eunmi. You're definitely going to tease Jinki about this later. “I’ll be careful.”
Eunmi grabs her plastic cup before hoisting the bag up her shoulder. She points her manicured nails at you. “You better be, ‘cause I have to go now. Call me if anything happens, okay?”
“I will, don’t worry,” you smile at your customer. Eunmi waves at you, gives a pointed look at Jinki’s back, and goes out of the store. As soon as the door closes, you slump on your post, letting out a loud and exaggerated sigh. You turn your sight to Jinki and find him facing you in his chair. The shit-eating grin on his face makes you more tired.
"Don't get closer, (Y/n)," he acts out, and you're already rolling your eyes. "I might bite."
You blow a raspberry while striding towards his table, a drink in hand. "Sure, sure, can't trust strangers who wear too many hoodies all the time," you grumble, putting Jinki's iced americano on the table.
The man has the audacity to pout at you in retaliation. "Not all the time."
You giggle. "What's the occasion, then?"
"Nothing." He slurps the black coffee, nonchalant and ridiculously bad at lying.
Baffled, you glare at the man who keeps drinking the beverage without care. With another brief observation, you note his outfit is actually not that different than usual. But he never wears a hoodie and a snapback. You can't even see his hair.
“I get it!” You clap your hands excitedly as if you’re a seal. “It’s your hair, isn’t it?”
Jinki hisses through gritted teeth, forcing a crooked grin while his eyes are already looking away from yours. Bingo.
“Is it a new color? Did you cut it short?” 
Mischievously, Jinki puts a finger in front of his plump lips. “Company secret.”
You pout, and he chuckles. The mischief in his face is annoying yet somehow innocent, you can't bring yourself to get mad at him. It doesn’t help that he looks positively entertained by his own game of guess. But you're ever the curious one, and seeing there's no other customer right now, you have to find out what's behind the hat. 
Without much thought, you swat a hand at his snapback, tipping everything that's covering his head backwards. 
As if in slow motion, the hood of his jacket is pushed back, and the hat falls to the floor. Anticipation builds up in your mind when you realize you’re about to see the hair. You hear Jinki yelp, and—
"It's pink!" You gasp out, overwhelmed. Out of all things, you didn't expect to find a mop of mauve pink colored hair underneath the hat. The shade is slightly muted, making it look less artificial. For some reason, it fits Jinki so well. His lightly tanned skin and the hair combined creates an exotic appearance of him.
Jinki is now pouting again, jutting out his lower lip like the hair is a punishment. "I wanted to surprise you, you know."
You tut at him, but leans down to take Jinki's cap off the floor, dusting it slightly. "How long would I have to wait?"
"Uh, until the comeback?"
"You haven't even announced the date," you reply with an unamused expression.
Jinki chuckles. "That's true." Out of a sudden, he poses. "Ta-da! Now you know I have pink hair." The sight brings warmth, because gosh, he's a sight to see. Then, with a huff, Jinki twirls the locks of the aforementioned hair, playing it around. "It's my first time, too."
You, however, are not paying attention to what he's saying. Questions pop into your head, wondering if Jinki’s hair feels soft like how it looks right now. With the lighting in your store interior, combined with warm natural light from the outside, the hair color looks chrome-like. It’s, no pun intended, shiny. All of a sudden, you feel a strong urge to touch it, curious how it will feel against your fingertips. Albeit hesitant, Eunmi’s words echo in your ears, motivating you to test the waters.
Leaning down, you ignore Jinki’s confused gaze and pull a lock of the sakura-colored hair. Your hunch is proven correct, it’s soft and luscious. As if in entrance, you caress more of his teresses, moving them out of his eyes while your fingertips occasionally graze his ear. You’re positively jealous of the care that goes into this man’s hair. It’s so soft, you want to pet it all day. Jinki can lay his head in your lap and you’ll definitely caress his hair all day long without a single complaint. The thought makes you giddy.
Your silly daydream is abruptly stopped when a large hand closes around your wrist, gentle yet firm. Realizing what you’ve done, you yelp.
“I’m sorry, I just--” You look down from the mop of hair to Jinki’s eyes, wide and as surprised as you. The close proximity catches you off guard. When did you lean in this close? 
All of a sudden, every word dies in your throat. But his next words bring more surprise.
"Can I ask you something?"
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Jinki cuts through the endless chatter running in your head. That’s not a question you ask out of nowhere, isn’t it? His voice, as usual, is warm… syrupy, but there’s a darker edge in it that you can’t comprehend. You blink at the question, still mute from the shock.
As if shocked by his own question, he visibly gulps, Adam’s apple bobbing and stealing your attention for a second.
“That customer said something about your man.” he murmurs reluctantly. Realization hits you hard, and your jaw drops. So he did hear your conversation with Eunmi.
“No!” You blurt in a rising panic. “There’s no man. No boyfriend.” With each word, your voice becomes more quiet, the embarrassment sucking away your confidence in front of him. But It doesn't help that Jinki’s scrutinizing you from under his eyelashes, making you shrink even more. Finally, the corners of his lips quirk up.
“Really?” He asks, sounding pleased.
"Yeah. She's just teasing me. She does that a lot," you explain with a nervous laugh. You don't know how convincing your lie is, but it makes him hum, the sound is like music to your ears.
“Good,” he whispers before you feel his thumbs rubbing circles on your wrist, languid and relaxed. The calluses of his thumb drag against your smooth skin and you inhale sharply, feeling ripples of heat course through your body from the touch. His half-lidded eyes are now assessing you and you can’t look away as they move on to your lips. As if falling under a spell, the action triggers you to spontaneously look at his lips in turn, full and parted and driving you crazy.
A loud voice jolts you two back to reality. A ringtone. Phone call.
Jinki lets go of your wrist, now panicking and patting his pockets. "It's mine. Where is it, where is it..." When he finds the phone, he picks it up while standing up. "Yes, hyung?"
You see him walk away with clouded senses. Unable to pick which feeling is appropriate to express, disbelief or relief, you give up and run away from the premises, choosing to bury yourself behind the workspace.
"How did it go with your man?" Eunmi asks, face literally glowing after her vacation.
You only groan in reply.
It's closing time.
Moving on to the table top surfaces, you take a cloth, spraying it with a liquid cleaner and getting it ready to wipe the surface. It's going to take a while, but you don't mind. Cleaning makes your mind wander, but at least you're doing something productive.
It's one of the nights you stay late to tidy up new items and play around in the kitchen. You had finished the second attempt of an earl grey frappe before you began tidying up. The clock struck 10 o'clock a few minutes ago, so it's already an hour after your closing time. You already flipped the sign to close, but your lights are still on, intending to turn them off when you leave the store.
Days had passed after that weird confrontation with Jinki. The close proximity you shared that day still brings you heat and confusion in equal amounts, and Jinki didn't make it easier for you to get through the following days. You never addressed that day, not at all. But do things go back to normal? Not exactly.
Jinki keeps getting closer to you. You notice the brush of his fingers against your skin while passing his drink, when you talk on his table he'd tap your arm, or when he's about to leave he likes to give a playful squeeze on your shoulders. On rare occasions, he would tuck your hair out from your face while smiling sweetly before rucking the tresses into a mess. Unhelpful. In addition, you can’t stop talking to him. The man has an excellent capability to extract words from you, asking things about yourself, from your favorite drink to your life before this cafe. 
With the comeback date getting close, it’s not surprising when he doesn’t visit as often anymore. Once in a few days he’d come through your door and then scream your name, saying a nonsensical “I miss you!” Little did he know you share the same sentiment, but multiplied and definitely lack the jest. 
With his absence, your heart longs more for him. You realize the intangible distance between the two of you has decreased, and you can’t suppress your feelings anymore. It’s silly to fall for an idol, cliche, even. But with his soft demeanor and warm smile that always graces his heart-shaped face, it’s impossible not to.
Despite the admittance of feelings, you’re still in a limbo. You’re not an expert in love. Chasing your dream from a young age, you have no time for romance. You’ve had a fair share of crushes here and there, but never this complicated. It’s impossible to ask for advice, too.
Remembering Eunmi's words, you did make your move on Jinki. And his response was something you never quite get. Did he hate it when you touched his hair? Can you even consider making a move that time a success? Do you even know what success would be like? Many times you stopped yourself from touching him again, whether it’s his hair (which is still bright pink, by the way), or to grab his hand for whatever reason. You’re so drawn to him, like a moth to flames and it’s making you helpless.
By the time you finish polishing the last inch of the counters, the door jingles. An annoyed sigh escapes your mouth, someone doesn’t read the sign on your store. You turn to the door.
"I'm sorry, we're already closed—"
Upon recognizing the visitor, your heart beats faster with surprise and inexplicable yearning. You haven’t seen him in days, and you already forgot what he sounds like. He’s wearing another random baseball hat, but the usual mask is absent. His lips are turned into a frown, his brown eyes, usually so full of life, are unfocused, and the eyebags look prominent. The unusual state makes your stomach twist with discomfort.
"Jinki?” You take a step closer. “It's very late."
The mention of his name jerks him back to reality. Raising his head, his gaze locks with yours wearily. Tentatively, he opens his mouth, trying to get words out, but nothing comes out and he looks away, looking so defeated. Running by instincts, you step closer to him, pulling him by the wrist to drag him in. Now with him standing close to you, you can see the tiredness on his face. The little freckles on his skin are like constellations of stars, you notice he’s not wearing makeup, and you can’t help but find the mole on his chin endearing. He looks so beautiful, but tired.
"Jinki," you call out again, worry lacing each word. "Are you okay?"
As if on cue, Jinki lets out a quiet sigh that makes your heart drop. He doesn’t sound like the usual Jinki you know, and you immediately receive the answer to your question. Gathering your courage, you put a hand on his broad shoulder, and take the other to pull his hat off in order to take a closer look at him. You succeed without any restraint from the man. Then, you rub your hand on the fabric of his shirt, trying to give some sort of reassurance, for what, you don’t know yet, but you’re trying. You see Jinki’s eyes glint for a second, and suddenly a head thumps against your collarbone. Oh. Your hands stop moving, and his hat falls to the floor soundlessly.
Jinki sighs again, this time his warm breath fanning over your clothed shoulder, making you freeze even more. Your head is filled with nothing but the close distance you share with Jinki. His forehead presses firmly on your shoulder, the weight starts to feel heavy, so you stand tall, pushing against the man who’s significantly taller and larger than you, with your hands hanging awkwardly by your sides.
"...It's difficult." You hear him whisper.
You try to peek at him, but all you can see is his soft pink locks. It looks fluffy, despite the hat covering it before, if not slightly damp. Quietly, you inhale his scent, floral and musky but mostly covered by the smell of sweat. It must be from a dance practice. For some reason, you don’t mind it.
"I know my limits, and I've been doing this for years," he murmurs into your shoulders, voice weak and slightly muffled but you still can hear every word. "But it really doesn't get easier."
The words hang in the silent air, with no one speaking afterwards. Deciding to stay and listen, you let him there on your shoulder. Questions run through your head, along with many emotions you’ve never felt before for the man; pity, worry, adoration, and surprise, but you don't dare to speak or ask. Not in such vulnerability.
The next minute runs slowly, and the only thing you can hear in the empty cafe is you and Jinki’s breathing. You hope yours doesn’t sound too fast, but you try to ignore the self conscious thoughts for now.
Suddenly, Jinki tenses and pulls himself away, straightening his back that’s been hunching to reach your height. With his face bare from any makeup, you can see a light flush on his cheeks, and his ears are pink, adorably matching with the hair. He's devastatingly beautiful, and you can’t help but stare in awe. Still drowning in embarrassment, he doesn’t seem to notice.
"I'm very sorry," he whispers, formal all of a sudden, voice still close.
"It's okay." You pat his back with a smile, hoping to cease his groundless embarrassment. "You don't need to apologize, I don't mind."
Jinki looks at you for a moment, mouth parted and eyes expressing an emotion you don’t quite understand, then they turn to crescents as he smiles softly. 
"Really?" He asks, voice surprisingly even, a contrast to the state he was in before, and nimbly you nod. "Can I borrow your shoulder again, then?"
Oh. "Y-yeah." Your stomach does the twisty thing and when Jinki once again lays his head on your shoulder, you can hear your heartbeat going faster, thumping softly in your ears. For god's sake, you hope Jinki won't be able to hear or worse, feel them. Without a warning, Jinki shifts his head to the side, and--is he nuzzling? You swear that’s the tip of his nose touching your neck and now there’s puffs of air caressing your veins.
This is too much. It's your first time being this close with him, and it's not the best time to have physical reactions from this intimacy. Ignoring the shivers crawling on your skin, you will yourself to stay still, and even your breathing.
The two of you stay there. Again, you hear Jinki's breathing, then you hear your own. You’re not a physically affectionate person, but all you wish right now is to embrace him properly, to stroke his back and let him stay there for as long as he needs.
So you do that, you raise a hand to his head, caressing his pink tresses. Almost greedily, he leans into your touch, as if he's been waiting for it. With a fond sigh, you can't hold yourself from ruffling his hair further.
“You’ve worked hard.” 
Maybe those words won’t be enough, but you find no fault in trying.
You hear Jinki inhale sharply, then he exhales in resignation before pulling back. He’s now standing at his full height, and you have to raise your head to see him properly. Relief blossoms when you catch his calm expression. With that, you share a moment of comfortable silence, exchanging unsaid words through intangible mediums. Then, you pat his shoulder twice before moving away from his personal space.
“Sit down, I’ll make you tea,” you declare to the now panicking man, rustling to get the kettle. Jinki's face is glowing, despite the lack of makeup. He looks animated, tired, but breathtaking. It's almost like you're seeing him in a new light.
"I thought you're already closing up," he complains weakly, and you offer him an innocent smile, pulling one tea bag from the box.
The sound of a chair being pulled is your winning declaration.
"You don’t have to.”
"And you have to drink some tea. Chamomile can help you sleep better," you chide, bringing the cup to the table. As you sit down, you see him fiddling with his hands.
"So… How's your day?"
"Like usual," you shrug. "But less fun without you." His face lights up and you stifle a laugh. "I made an earl grey frappe, but it still needs something."
"A new drink? Can I try?"
You smile widely. "I'll make it for you next time."
"Make sure you don't put too much sugar in it," he winks, and it prompts a laugh from you. Jinki looks better now, more refreshed and light but you catch him zoning out a few times, his gaze seemingly focusing on your face, making you squirm internally.
"What?" You ask, noticing him staring at you again. And he just grins, showing off the adorable gummy smile.
"Nothing." And he's back to his tea. By the time he empties his glass, he offers to wash it by himself. You almost drag his hoodie to stop him, but you finally relent - he already rushes to the sink, that man - and lets him do what seems to be one of his ways to thank people. Relieved, you start to recognize his usual self once more, so you join him with a lighter heart.
You’re taking off your apron when you notice a solemn expression on his face.
“How are you getting home?” He asks.
"I take the bus from the main street, then I walk for a few blocks."
His face turns dark. "Every night?"
You blink at him, searching the issue. “Yeah.”
"Let me drive you home," he declares, walking to your side. "It's already late."
"It's not my first time going home this late, it's fine."
His eyebrows furrow. "No it's not." Much to your surprise he gently takes your hand in his, like he’s hesitant. After seeing no discomfort from your part, he squeezes. “Please, let me drive you home.”
You know you can’t say no, the sincere concern in his face melting your resistance. You simply nod, requesting a few minutes to turn off the lights and pack your bag. He complies before preparing to leave the store first.
"I park my car near the convenience store.”
"The one in the main street, right?" He affirms, and stops. Confused, you wait until he leans closer. He ruffles your hair, messing with it playfully. You yelp a complaint while he laughs, and suddenly, he puts his snapback on top of your head. 
With that, he leaves the store to prepare the car.
The gesture leaves you reeling, so you hold the cap to ground yourself. Belatedly, you realize this is going to be the first time you go out with Jinki outside of the comfort of your store. You know it’s nothing big, but it feels new, and exciting. And he’s going to drive you home, the gesture feels too intimate.
Arriving at the main street, you catch a sight of a black car parking near the convenience store. Right by its side is Jinki, waiting for you. He notices your form walking towards him and immediately opens the passenger door for you. Seeing you gawk, he grins.
“Come on,” he says, leading you closer with his hand on your lower back. The action makes you warm inside. You go inside the car wordlessly, and he joins in.
Maybe it's because of how late it is. Perhaps tea does have a good amount of caffeine. Regardless, the two of you are way too lively, especially after a long day of work. Jinki keeps playing random R&B songs and almost plays SHINee’s new song by accident, eliciting a gasp from the man and a delighted squeal from you. You keep telling him the directions, and the car strolls from amidst tall buildings to the residential area, where there are only smaller apartments and condos. He takes the final turn, and you excitedly point at one building, your apartment building. It’s a humble one, but you like how the location is far from dangerous areas of the city, and it’s neat. When Jinki finally parks the car, both of you whoop a drunk-like yaaay! while still laughing at each other.
Jinki gets out of the car first, humming sweetly, and you follow suit, the quietness of your neighborhood contrasts deeply with how loud it was inside the car. But it's a nice and welcomed contrast.
You skip to the staircase to the lobby, and you notice Jinki following you before he stops right before the first stair step. Turning towards him, you're not unfazed by the ever present smile on his handsome face. 
The high energy you both share simmers down, turning into a calm and light atmosphere. Surrounded by comfortable silence, you drink in the sight of him, a man that's shining so bright even in the middle of the night, on a sidewalk. However, the moment must come to an end.
"Thank you for driving me home."
"No," Jinki begins, looking straight at you with his dark eyes. "Thank you, (Y/n)."
"Don't mention it," you giggle. Realizing the item on your head, you take it off, offering it to him. "Your hat."
He waves it off. "Keep it until I see you again."
You only grip the snapback since it doesn't look like he's giving you another option. So you nod before taking a deep breath. "Alright then, good night." You exhale, disappointment creeps within your words, unnoticed.
You're about to turn towards the lobby to climb the stairs when his hand grabs yours and unceremoniously pulls you to him. There's a short moment of clarity and your five senses heighten, noticing his smell, his presence and—His lips press unto yours, soft and slightly chapped, you note in a daze. Warm rush of joy fills you, and you're about to return the kiss when he pulls back, the sight of him leaving you speechless. If he was glowing before, now he looks like the sun, all warm smiles and overwhelmingly bright. Even in the dark his pink hair paints an unreal picture. Catching you off guard, he leans in to plant another kiss, this time on your cheek, your disappointment is too apparent because he’s chuckling softly when he drags his lips to your ear.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he whispers hotly, eliciting pleasant shivers down your spine. Leaning back, he waves innocently, gesturing at you to get into the building.  Speechless and flabbergasted, you give a small bow before practically running towards your apartment.
That night, you plop onto the bed feeling giddy like a teenager. Your mind wanders to Jinki, and Jinki only, from how he visited you tonight, how his breath feels against your skin, his laugh, his silly pink hair, and - the kiss. After a glance at his hat, which you hang near your bed side, you giggle into your pillow, looking forward to seeing the man tomorrow. 
Little do you know you're not going to see him again.
Days pass.
The door to your cafe stays silent at 8 o'clock. There is no sight of a tall man in oversized clothes and mask, no sight of his sakura-colored hair. Ignoring the pang in your chest, you hope he's doing okay at work.
But days turn into weeks, and you know he won't be coming back. You hear news about SHINee's comeback, how successful it is and how all the members look mesmerizing and more handsome than ever. You also hear rumors about a certain man. The news say they spotted him a few times with a female, starting from them getting coffee together, to the more recent one, a picture in which the female had her hands in the crook of his elbow, both of them were smiling, clearly head over heels towards each other. People say they look good together, an idol and a famous actress. Even the fans are supportive of their presumed relationship, saying it's about time their oppa settles down with someone good enough for them.
That day, your heart breaks into pieces.
You drown yourself in work. The auntie from your regular bakery comes over to send you a variation of new cakes, asking about the customer behind regular orders of her traditional pastries. With a strained smile, you say he’s out of town, skillfully lying to the lady, and you don’t know when he will return - this time you’re telling the truth, bitter and a hard pill to swallow. The older lady pats your back, a sad look on her face, everything takes time, my dear, she says with a very knowing gaze. You swallow down a cry, unwilling to be seen so emotionally naked in front of her or anyone else, so you tell her you'll visit her tomorrow. Eunmi knows something's wrong. You hide emotions behind your cheerful self but she recognizes a broken hearted person anywhere, especially when it's her friend. So she takes you out to a pocha - a street vendor - near the neighborhood trying to wash away your pain with eo muk tang and soju. Having quite the high tolerance, you can't even drunkenly spill your secrets to her. But loosened up from alcohol, you tell her about your expectations and how it hurts you. You're grateful for her, nonetheless.
Weeks turn into months. The cold season melts into spring, a season too famous for blossoming love and all that bullshit. You never see him again, not on the news, not in person. He becomes a figment of your memory, a shadow that never fully comes into a tangible form that you can touch, or even gaze at. You toss and turn at night, trying to forget a man who managed to capture your heart, then breaks it mercilessly. You want to punish yourself for missing him, longing to hear his warm voice, his sweet laugh, and how happy he made you feel.
It’s one of your bad days.
Granted, you haven’t been in your best state for months now, but you never let it bother your daily routine. Today, however, is just not your day. You wake up with a dreadful feeling in your stomach, like you’re walking on thin ice. So you wash it down with a cup of triple espresso, letting the caffeine induce faux energy in your veins.
Now you're in the bathroom of your cafe, glaring at your reflection in the mirror. You apply more lip tint and you discover it does improve your appearance, now you're less pale, much to your relief.
"With all due respect, (Y/n), you look like shit" was what Eunmi said to you before she left for her job. Grumbling, you give in and finally fix your appearance in the bathroom. Deeming yourself presentable - in fact, you look good, your hair's on point, you note with a grin - you leave the bathroom.
You see a figure standing in the middle of your cafe.
And he is awfully familiar.
Unbidden, a wave of anger hits you. Clenching your fist, you eye the man has been haunting your mind almost every single night. A shadow that somehow has taken his form, now.
"(Y/n)," he stammers. His voice is like a wake-up call, reviving a ghastly affection that you pushed down in your heart. You always like hearing your name on his tongue, luscious and teasing, but it never sounds this bleak.
Jinki looks different, the most apparent change is his hair, which is now dark brown, reminiscent of the first time you meet him. When was that again? Half a year ago? His fringe is slightly longer, a bit wavy and it fits him so well. Begrudgingly you admit his beauty did not fade, he's still as handsome as ever, if not more, and his cheekbones are more prominent, giving him a sharper appearance.
It's clear as day that he's somber, and the fact incites more anger on your part. Inhaling through your nose, you stomp back to your place behind the counter. From the corner of your eye you see his gaze following your movement.
"What would you like to order?" You ask, because even though you're heartbroken, you're a professional.
"I need to talk to you," he says. Of course he does. Nevertheless, you put on a charming smile before his guilt-stricken face.
"Your order, please."
He leans forward. "I'm sorry - " And that's the wrong answer, not when your day is already bad as it is, not when you feel so awful from the moment you wake up in your bed. Especially not after so many questions and non-existent answers on his behalf.
"If you're not buying anything, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," you say through gritted teeth, your customer service mask slipping off.
After an excruciating silence, he ducks his head, biting his lips, like he needs to stop himself from speaking any further. Then slowly, he walks towards the door. At that point, you should feel triumphant. But the pang in your heart says otherwise as you see his hunched back, filled with disappointment. Before leaving, he turns one more time, looking at you in the eye with a gaze that squeezes your heart painfully.
"I'll come back to visit again."
You watch the empty store, breathing harshly. There's a storm of emotions going inside you, and nothing you do afterwards helps you calm down. You've never been this shaken before, not even when you first heard of Jinki dating on the news. That day, you thought of course, of course he would date the actress. Not someone he randomly kissed after a particularly rough day. Idols are unreachable for a reason. But his reappearance opens a Pandora's box, releasing the feelings you locked in so many months ago.
To make it worse, this time Jinki is not lying. Because the next morning, he's back, he's wearing a black turtleneck shirt paired with slacks and covered by a dark brown coat, looking dashing all while smiling hospitably as he orders a huge americano and a dozen pastries for dine-in. He sits in his usual corner, fiddling with his phone all the while throwing glances at you. It's easy to ignore him with the presence of other customers, but when it's only two of you, it's a whole different kind of challenge.
Surprisingly, the man doesn't attempt to talk to you, at all. Jinki just sits there, waiting. He nibbles on one snack to the other, and continues to wait. You can hear him receiving calls silently, trying to hush his voice, but you hear words like "I'm not coming" and "I'm sorry, but I already told you yesterday” which start to melt the ice that’s settling within you.
The sun is setting when you decide you can't stand it anymore. He's been eating nothing but pastries, he had ordered another glass of coffee and he. Just. Won't. Leave. Checking the time, it's been 9 hours, and you’ve waited long enough, way too long, to get the answers you’ve been asking for.
With dread clawing inside your stomach, you stand up and walk to his table. Jinki notices your presence and immediately perks up. You despise the glimmer of hope in those familiar brown eyes.
"Why are you here?" The tremble in your voice is evident, and you inwardly curse. Jinki, however, looks determined and stares back with a steely gaze.
"I want to talk to you," he states evenly.
"Right now? The store is still open."
The air on his face changes abruptly, and you almost step back, feeling his anger. After throwing you an unexpected sneer, he speed-walks to the door, grabbing your wooden sign and flipping it over from ‘open’ to ‘close’. You stammer a protest, but he's already in front you, looming over with his taller body.
"It's closed." Motivated by desperation, you know he will do anything to get what he wants. But internally you shake off the tingles of warmth you feel when seeing him this assertive. "Can we please talk now?"
You chew the insides of your cheek, biting off your frustration, because you know he got you cornered. With a sigh, you nod. You've listened to many people, many stories ranging from sorrow to joy, and you listen well, quiet and composed. Now, you're anything but. You can't bring yourself to look him in the eye, uncomfortable with the increasing tension in the air. He remains silent, and you feel more uneasy. When he finally speaks, you should’ve seen it coming.
"I'm sorry." You feel each word stabbing your chest. "I'm sorry for not coming back, I have my reasons so please let me explain first."
You inhale sharply. "You have a girlfriend."
"No, I - "
"You have a girlfriend. Why did you even kiss me?"
Hurt flashes on his face. "She's not my girlfriend. And I kissed you because I wanted to."
Anger rises in your veins.
"Everybody says it. It's all over the news." You hold the urge to sneer, to laugh at his attempt to lie. Jinki’s mouth opens and closes a few times, his hand flailing helplessly. Then, he holds a hand up.
"Give me a minute," he insists before opening up his phone. You're close to berating him for lack of manners but he suddenly holds the phone to you. You look up at him quizzically. He only nods, somber and knowing, so you take it.
You gasp, your stomach churns with dread.
On his phone screen is a picture of the two of you, clearly taken by someone who's not supposed to see it. It was from that night before he stopped visiting, and it has you and him on the main street, right before you enter his car. Your face is hidden by the cap he lent, but he is ushering you into the car with a hand on your lower back. Unlike your features, Jinki's are crystal clear. He’s not wearing anything to cover his face, and his pink hair is bright in the dark. From the proximity, it's obvious what it looks like.
"T-this is - "
"Paparazzi. We managed to prevent the worst case with the help of media insiders, but we still needed to do preventive measures.” At that moment, SHINee was about to start promoting a comeback, if it went wrong, it'd ruin everything. “So, one of my agents suggested I fake-dated another celebrity to cover it up."
Your eyes widen. He stops, and stares at you knowingly.
"I was under heavy scrutinization. The media had their eyes on each and every movement I made. They followed me everywhere." He ducks his head, chuckling with an uncharacteristic self pity in his voice.
"I couldn't visit you. It was too risky. So I waited, and played along with the plan. Thankfully, announcing the relationship was not necessary. The pictures and interactions were enough. In the end, all we had to do was deny the rumors, saying we're just friends who helped each other in her acting gigs. Furthermore, I don't think they managed to publish the original picture. If they did… Let's just say I wouldn't be here."
Silence stretches between the two of you. Your mind is still processing all the things he’d said, but you can feel the blooming hope within your heart, trying to tell you to listen and to give him a chance. 
Jinki inhales, chest expanding before letting out of his frustrations through a harsh exhale. Then, he moves forward, taking your hand with his hesitant ones, testing the waters. Staying still, you watch with anticipation and thundering heart as he pulls your hands up.
“I miss you. I miss this place. Being around you makes my worries disappear, as if the only thing that matters is the time we spend together. I've always enjoyed your company since I first visited this place by chance but…” he takes a deep breath, eyes boring straight into yours.
“I didn’t expect to fall for you." 
Your breath hitches, and he moves closer. Just an inch closer, testing the waters.
"Please, give me a chance. I didn’t mean to stop seeing you. To stop visiting for months, not being able to see your smile… It was a torture.”
With shallow breaths, the aftermath of your shock, you find yourself unable to say anything. Your head is light and dizzy - clouded with emotions after his revelation. He pulls your hand to his lips, pressing a light kiss that stills you even further. His eyes are solemn, filled with so much longing that suddenly becomes clear to you.
"Will you forgive me? Can I try again?”
Months of learning to forget and hate him melts away. There's something in your expression that makes Jinki's eyes soften. You miss that gentleness that brings so much life to the man, but most of all, you miss him. Just him. Letting instinct take over, you pull your hands away from his grasp as his face falls.
"You idiot," you murmur helplessly, moving forward only to punch his chest, albeit weakly, ignoring his protests as he stumbles back with a yelp. "I waited. I waited for you but you never came back, I thought you - you got bored of me or something."
"(Y/n), no - "
Something inside you snaps, and you let words come out like a waterfall.
"I like you a lot, Jinki. More than a lot. I-I think I'm falling for you too. I didn't know what to do when I saw the news. It made me feel so bad about myself. And you just kissed me too. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He scratches the back of his neck, a little embarrassed.
"W-well, I don't have your number."
Unbidden, you choke out a strangled laugh, noticing the tears that's appearing in your eyes. With trembling fingers, you grab his shirt, hiding your face away in his chest. 
"I waited for you." You repeat, voice hoarse and weak.
With a tenderness you never felt before, he holds your face and frowns, regret paints his eyes darker. 
"I'm sorry, I'm here now."
"Is it even safe for you to be here?"
"It's been months, I'm out of their radar now, my team made sure of it."
"I know, I know. I am stupid, I'm sorry."
"I missed you." You finally say, and in a second warmth engulfs your body as he pulls you into his arms. The scent that is undoubtedly Jinki, oh so familiar to you, comforts you almost instantly.
"I missed you, too." He says into your hair, and you return his embrace with a hiccup. "Are you crying? I'm so sorry."
You pull back, stubbornly trying to show him you are not crying but he just laughs - bright and warm, shit, you really missed it - cupping your face so tenderly it makes your cheeks burn. But something in your face makes him frown.
“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” Your eyes widen at the nickname and his face falls. "Um, is it okay if I call you that?"
"S-sure," You reassure him, secretly melting inside.
"Good. So, what's on your mind?" He inquires with a hint of worry. You bite your lips, thinking about a question that has been lingering in your mind.
“So that night, when you kissed me… It wasn’t a mistake?”
At that, a smug smile graces his plump lips. Gosh, you even miss this side of him, the one that takes enjoyment in flustering you.
“I never regret it."
Relief floods your heart, and it leaves blossoms of hope. So you look up at him, putting on a cute expression that hopefully melts him.
“Can you do it again?”
He chuckles, not showing any protest before leaning in to capture your lips.
"Are you sure it's safe?"
"I parked the car at a market two blocks away from your cafe, I think we're okay, (Y/n),” he sighs, pushing your back for you to start walking. Due to someone’s reckless action, you closed the store hours before it’s closing time, and now you even get to go home early.
You laugh. "Fine."
There's a part of Jinki that will never agree to you going home by bus, hence why he's insistent on driving you home once again. With a lighter heart, you accept.
But contrasting the previous trip, the ride home is silent. You can hear the faint sound of keys jingling against the dashboard, and the constant clack of pedals being stepped on. You turn your gaze to the driver, the sight of his side profile greeting you. He's breathtaking, you think, the mole on his chin is beyond adorable, and all of a sudden, the man turns his face. He offers you a smile before patting your thighs - as if knowing that smile makes your legs weak - and within seconds his eyes are back on the road, leaving you flustered.
Jinki parks the car across your apartment building, bringing a deja vu to the whole situation. You open the door and step a foot outside, thinking of saying good night to Jinki there and then. But he doesn't share your thoughts, because he's already leaving the car, intending to see you to the lobby.
"Alright then," he says softly. "Good night, (Y/n)."
The insides of your stomach twists. You don’t want him to leave yet. Months passed without him in your life, and despite having brighter days ahead within the new relationship, a selfish part of you still wants to spend time with him, making up for the lost time. You don't know what pushes you forward that night, but you’re already pulling the cuff of his sleeves, fingers curling around the fabric.
Jinki turns around, confusion clear in his brown eyes. "Yes?" He's tilting his head, cute.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" You blurt out and his eyes turn into saucers. "You haven't eaten a proper meal today. I can make something for both of us."
His surprise melts into a bright smile, his eyes crinkling with happiness. You see his ears turning red. "I'd love to."
You step into your home first, taking off your shoes and changing them to slippers. Gingerly, yet excited, you pull another pair of slippers to give to your guest. It’s a pair of white bunny slippers, with little ears as the decoration. You hope he doesn’t mind the design.
"Oh, thank you," he says, stifling a laugh at the object - rude - before ducking to follow your gesture. Then, he removes his coat, hanging it on the rack, revealing a set of broad shoulders and chest, the fabric of his low turtleneck shirt emphasizing the swell of his arms. You hang onto the sight for a little too long, and by the time you look away, Jinki already has a knowing smirk, amused at your dumbfounded expression. With a huff, you practically rush inside your home, ignoring him.
Without even looking, you know he's scanning your room. You're quite proud of it, because it may be small, but you made it as comfy as possible.  You don't have dining tables, instead you have island counters and high chairs. Gesturing Jinki to sit there, you excuse yourself to change into more comfortable clothes. As you're about to reach your room, Jinki calls your name. You turn to see him holding a familiar cap from your shelves.
"You kept it with you." He's grinning as he flails the hat, looking all giddy and adorable, and it's contagious.
"Of course, you told me to."
"That I did. But I didn't expect you to hold it after what happened."
He's not wrong. Many times you wanted to throw it away, since it's the only item you have that's left of him, the only string left of the frail connection you had with Jinki. But you couldn't, despite the bittersweet feeling that came from seeing the hat, sometimes you found comfort from it. 
As if sensing the deflated mood, he pushes the hat on your head playfully, pulling a laugh from you which halts when the back of his hand caresses your cheek, his eyes assessing you with intrigue. The same hand ends up on your shoulder, giving a light push.
"Go on, aren't you going to change?"
You scowl half-heartedly, trying to ignore the subtle suggestive tone in his voice.
Quickly, you go into your room to store the hat away and change into your usual attire at home, lounge shorts and a large t-shirt. You stride to the kitchen area and take a second to drink in the sight of Jinki in your kitchen. It’s real. The scene is so domestic you can feel butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
"Does soybean soup sound good to you?" You ask, now standing in front of the island counter. You laugh internally realizing how similar this is to your usual dynamic at the café. "I have some pork dumplings too.”
Jinki blinks, then he looks at you from your head to toe with half hazed eyes. The way he’s drinking in your form triggers the heat pooling in your belly, especially when he stares at your thighs for a moment too long, and you can't help but squirm under his gaze. It's a truce, you suppose, for you've ogled at him as well. 
"That sounds lovely." His voice is quiet, eyes hazy like he wasn’t paying attention to the conversation. "Can I do anything to help?"
Bless this man. "Then, can you chop the vegetables?"
"Sure." He gets up and walks to your side, already eyeing a cutting board that’s hanging near the sink. Meanwhile, you’re rummaging through the freezer, acquiring a bag of frozen pork and leek dumplings, trying to distract yourself from the fact that you're cooking together and it's so domestic, fuck - you move to the shelves, intending to get the soybean paste container up there. It's not that high, you swear, but you do need to tiptoe.
Then unexpectedly, a hand goes past yours to grab the container. Familiar scent tickles your nose and warmth seeps through your back, with that you know Jinki’s standing behind you.
Sheepish, you turn to thank him but stop when you realize how close he is. He's looking at you with hooded eyes, intense and filled with emotions you're familiar with, because perhaps, you're mirroring it. A rustling sound catches your attention, and you notice Jinki putting the container down to the counter. You can feel the top surface of the same counter digging into your hips, and belatedly you catch up with your situation, it almost feels like you're cornered.
Jinki puts his hand on the counter by the side of your torso. With the rolled sleeves, the muscle of his arms draws your attention once more, his bicep tensing as the hand presses on the surface. Now you're cornered by his strong arm, and he moves the other to your hair, fingers tickling your temples, dragging them slowly to move your fringe out of the way.
"Are you okay?" Asks Jinki, almost rhetorically, voice lower than you've ever heard in all the time you've known him. He smells like wood and a hint of something floral, and you start to feel intoxicated from it. He's moving closer, at first you can only hear his breath, but within seconds you can feel each puff of air on your skin.
You take note of your heartbeat that runs a mile, the way you breathe in shallow intakes, and the wild butterflies in your stomach. You notice how desperately you want him to touch you, kiss you, it's inappropriate. Then, the answer should be no, you're far from okay.
Instead, you gulp. "Yes," you rasp the answer and the corner of Jinki's mouth quirks up, devilish yet sweet.
And then he's on you. His lips descend on yours, urgent and feverish, and you melt against him immediately. You know this is not the first time you kiss, but it wasn’t like this before, that one was short and sweet, you didn't think it could be this hot and intoxicating.
His hand cups your cheek, tilting your head to mold your mouth better, the gesture makes you weak and you let him guide you to his will, and by the time he succeeds, you're already gripping his shoulder for balance and support.
Jinki opens his mouth, pulling your lower lip in between his teeth, grazing and teasing it until you accidentally let out a whimper that causes him to inhale sharply. The noise fuels your need to be closer to him, so you kiss him back harder, trying to take any sort of control. But Jinki's not having it,  he puts his hand on your lower back, gripping them tight enough to make you gasp. He uses the opportunity to sneak his tongue past your swollen lips.
Overwhelmed by him, you push your own appendage against his, meeting it shyly. He groans, voice rumbling low like never before and it goes straight into your core. Your lips dance together in a sensual rhythm as the temperature between you seems to increase. Eventually, you grow more breathless, and pull back. He follows suit, detaching your mouth but keeping you close to him. Like tunnel vision, you can only focus on the man who has you in his arms.
Jinki touches your forehead with his, which feels really warm. His whole body radiates heat, like a furnace, and you want the warmth to engulf you more. Pulling back, he cups your face tenderly, calloused thumb rubbing your cheek carefully, as if too much pressure will break you into pieces. You won’t break, but the weight of his gaze does cause you to squirm. Feeling self conscious, you bring a hand up to your face, attempting to hide your disheveled self only to have Jinki tut at the action.
"You always do that." With his large hands, he pries your smaller ones away, showing your flushed face for his delight. He smiles in awe, and you can’t look away.
"You're so beautiful." He whispers.
Elated by the compliment, you mirror his smile before pressing a chaste kiss to his full lips. The harmless peck turns into another heated kiss in no time, with you pressing yourself against him and him parting his irresistible mouth to welcome yours excitedly. Abruptly, he retreats again, chuckling nervously as he puts his hands on your shoulders.
"I’m sorry.” He sounds strained. “If we keep doing this, I won’t be able to stop.”
Again you’re reminded of how much of a gentleman Jinki is, how proper and patient he is. But you had enough. With a ridiculous amount of desperation coming from the ever-growing tension in the air between you two, you muster all of your courage. "Then don't."
With eyes as big as saucers, Jinki is about to say something when you take the chance to grab his arm and lead him to the couch in the middle of your room. You're in no rush, you know he knows what you want, and he's following your lead soundlessly. You sit down, he follows suit and you notice the way he takes no time to turn to you, cupping your face as you lean into the palm of his large hand. Despite the gentleness of his touch, you can see the storm in his eyes and how it waits to crash unto you. 
So you end his uncertainty.
"Don't stop." You whisper before leaning in, capturing his lips in a languid kiss. He reciprocates, returning the favor eagerly while his hand wanders on your exposed thighs, the skin to skin contact bringing shivers to your spine. It doesn't take long until your frenzied self shifts closer to him, ending up sitting in his lap, and his lips have left yours in order to explore the skin of your neck. He parts his mouth and starts sucking on your skin, exposed by the large t-shirt. You breathe shakily, positively quivering in his hold. Never would you know the usually calm man can turn you into a molten heat under his touch. 
Wanting to feel more of Jinki, your hand wanders from his chest to his abdomen and lower to his thighs, eliciting a hiss from him. Mesmerized by his reaction, you crave more, so you shift in his lap, moving in a way that will make your thighs brush against the hardness between his legs.
"Oh god," he moans out loud, voice gravelly but still melodic to your ears, it brings a proud grin to your face, provoking his eyes to turn dark. He tuts. "Don't get ahead of yourself, sweetheart."
The endearment alone sends a familiar wetness straight to your core. He smiles, knowing exactly what he does.
"May I?"
You nod, and suddenly his hand is on your inner thigh, dancing dangerously close to your center, and your breath hitches, knowing how wet you are by now. His other hand travels to your back, sneaking under your shirt to rub circles there, fingers brushing with the back of your bra repeatedly, the sensations make you whimper and the satisfaction on Jinki's face only brings more excitement in your veins. You almost let out a moan, biting your lip when you feel his finger pressing on your core through the pants.
"What was that?" He hums, putting more pressure.
"Don't tease me," you manage out, holding his upper arm with a trembling hand. Your last sliver of pride seems to fire a challenge within him, so you curse out loud when he easily pulls your pants down along with your panties, leaving you exposed. He rubs your thighs appreciatively, making you whimper.
"Jinki, please…"
The way his name sounds on your tongue right now must be so erotic, because you can feel his erection twitch in response. He hums, leaning in to ghost his lips over yours.
"What do you want, sweetheart?"
"Please touch me." Your voice comes out in a breathy whisper.
Deceptively calm, he slowly spreads your legs, putting one foot on the couch and the other dangling on his strong thigh, and drags his thick finger on your slit. That first contact alone pulls a moan out of you causing him to sigh with appreciation.
"You're so wet for me, aren't you?"
"Don't say that - "
He gives you a crooked smile. "What? It's true, you're soaked."
It's not a secret that he enjoys teasing you until you lose your composure, but this time he's driving you crazy, and you know he's reveling in it. Losing control, you gasp as you feel a touch on your clit before his finger enters you easily. You bite your lip, closing your eyes as the glorious sensation takes you by surprise, and you lean forward to hide your face in the crook of Jinki's neck. He whispers sweet words, his other hand holds you tightly as the other keeps fingering you. Then, he pulls your body away, raising your chin, his eyes meet your questioning ones. Your answer arrives when another finger pushes into your wet cavern, making you keen. "A-ah - "
"Is that okay?"
The consideration doesn't go unnoticed. You nod, and he pulls you closer for a kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him as close as humanly possible. It's messy, you keep moaning into his lips, leaning back to pant as Jinki picks up speed, you have to hold a scream when he goes deeper, and crooks his fingers to a spot that rocks your body into a quivering mess.
Your control breaks when he rubs your clit with his thumb, feeling the pleasure building, and you can't stop the euphoric moans coming out of your mouth. Jinki stares at you with wonder in his eyes, appreciating your form as you gasp and pant his name so beautifully.
"Are you close?"
Feeling the intense heat coiling in your lower abdomen, you can only nod, but he persists, taking your chin rather forcefully you almost feel ashamed of how much you like it. His usually warm brown eyes are like molten lava, burning with desire and it lights you up in flame.
"No, tell me, are you close?" He demands with a harsh swipe on your clit and you arch your back in intense pleasure. You clench harder on his fingers, struggling to find words to answer him.
"Please, I'm so close - ah," You haven't finished your words when his hand increases the speed, going deep to rub your inner walls all without warning. You are in a sweet delirium, not caring of anything else at the moment. Your breaths are shallow, chest heaving up and down as your orgasm is teetering very closely.
Knowingly, Jinki looks into your eyes, hunger visible in the depths of brown. But his words are soft.��
"Cum for me, sweetheart."
With a high pitched moan, you let your climax crash into you, pussy walls clenching around his fingers that have been fucking you for a while now. You bury your face in his neck, inhaling his scent that starts to mix with sweat. It calms you, so you breathe in more, still panting from your orgasm.
"Good girl," he murmurs into your hair, peppering kisses on the crown of your head, and you respond with a strained laugh.
"Oh my god, you're insane."
He joins in, ruffling your hair playfully. Looking back up, you see him staring at you with equal parts adoration and lust and the huge hardness underneath you calls your attention.
"Hey, what's wrong?" His voice is strained yet gentle, slightly concerned with the sudden silence. You look down, and he immediately knows what you're thinking.
"(Y/n), we don't have to - "
"Jinki, I want you." You lean closer, brushing your lips against his alluringly, silencing him. "I told you not to stop. Don't you want me?"
He swallows, control slipping.
"I want you so bad." He whispers, voice strained. He's devouring you with his gaze, hands cupping your face possessively. Intending to push him to his limits, you take his hand and slowly kiss each finger, pressing light pecks on the callused skin. You start sucking on his thumb, and he curses before eagerly pushing the thick finger in your wet mouth, pressing against your tongue. He's a storm about to explode, and you know it.
"Shit, I want you all for myself," Jinki grits out. He grabs your waist roughly, making you gasp around his thumb, before he pulls it out. "I want you begging me to let you cum, like you did just now."
You moan at his words, unconsciously rolling your hips to his, which pulls a pained groan from him. At that moment, you know he can't resist you anymore.
"Do you want it, sweetheart? Are you sure?" He finally asks, and you nod, eyes determined and rightfully desperate. You're a wet mess and you want nothing but to have Jinki inside of you. No longer wanting to wait, you finally go for his ear, whispering your one and only wish for the night.
"Please fuck me, Jinki. Make me yours."
He inhales sharply. With shallow breaths, he tugs you closer, kissing you deeply before shifting you in his arms. You yelp as he picks you up easily and starts walking towards your bedroom.
"There's no way we're doing it on a couch." He winks before dropping you on the bed while your squeal fills in the room.
As if there's a switch, the laughing subsides. With one glance at the man before you, you can only focus on one thing. You rush to pull off Jinki's shirt, and you marvel at his body and all the defined muscles. Taking a little too much time ogling him, Jinki chuckles, but you can hear the slight nervousness, and goes ahead to unbuckle his belt. The action jolts you back into reality, so you help him to remove the offending fabric.
Your hands are trembling, but Jinki's too, and you find comfort from it as you fumble around, too excited to care about anything else in the world.
Growing impatient, you capture his lips again which he responds to eagerly. God, his lips are soft. Your hand goes south to palm him through his briefs, trying to stimulate him more. With a muffled moan, he asserts his strength and takes your hand before flipping your position and resuming the kiss. Trapped under his strong body, you let yours go pliant as his hands explore it greedily.
He all but rips your oversized shirt before pushing you back down on your bed. Satisfied and not being able to hold himself back anymore, he cups your breast through your bra, making you gasp, and he quickly removes it before going straight to tweak a pebbled nipple. Sighing in pleasure, you move your hips upwards, needing some friction. Jinki notices it and smirks.
"Impatient, aren't we?"
Perhaps you should feel more ashamed for your wanton, but there's no remorse, only a painful need for the man before you. Who you’ve waited for so long.
You let out a whine. "Please?"
"Please what?"
"I want you inside me - oh!"
Without a warning, Jinki pushes in two fingers into your heat, the earlier wetness and your own release help in slicking his fingers.
"Like this, sweetheart?" He asks, clearly teasing you, playing with your bundle of nerves, your noises encouraging him to arouse your body further.
"Jinki, please…" You all but beg, hands reaching to touch his body, down to his cock, still in the briefs, trying to send an obvious message to your lover.
With a smile, he pulls out his fingers. Like the patient person he is, he takes his time to take off his briefs, finally freeing his hard cock. You can't help but feel intimidated by his size. Deceptively slow, he strokes himself while peering down at you, enjoying the fucked out look in your eyes and leaving you almost drooling at the sight he provides.
"God, I want you so bad," he grunts. "You don't know how long I've wanted this."
"It wouldn't take too long if you hadn't left," you whine instantly, making him pout.
"I'm going to make it up to you, okay, sweetheart?" He leans in, peppering kisses on your cheeks while slowly pulling your legs open. “We have all the time now.” You marvel at his gaze, loving and all heat at the same time. After wetting his cock with all your essence, he finally starts pushing in, tensing your whole body.
"Relax," he says, caressing your thighs softly and you nod, letting him push himself inch by inch. God, he's huge and he's stretching you so well.
"More," you whimper and he knows you're growing impatient as well, in one swift motion, he pushes all the way in and makes you moan in pleasure. You can feel his girth around your walls, and you clench unconsciously.
"Shit (Y/n), don't do that." He pulls back while chuckling, the tip of his cock almost leaving your core. "Let me make you feel good first."
You nod weakly, about to say something, anything but get cut off when he pushes in again, this time deeper.
"Jinki," you moan as he replies with a quiet "Okay?" To which you nod.
And he does. He slides in again, and again, and you can't even form words to save your life. His cock feels amazing, fucking you like there's no tomorrow. You pull him closer by the neck, kissing him hard and sloppy. Taking advantage of your muffled mouth, Jinki wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you up slightly and making your legs wrap around him before he starts pounding into you relentlessly. He swallows your euphoric screams, only pulling away to enjoy your expression, basking in pleasure.
As soon as his cock hits your pleasurable spot, you gasp out and clench hard, earning a guttural moan from him. "Jinki, I'm - "
"You're close, aren't you sweetheart? Are you going to cum for me again?"
"Yes! Please - oh my god," you ramble before your words turn into a high pitched moan as you feel Jinki's fingers playing with your clit. You're so close, the second orgasm already creeping up to you, more intense than the first. 
"You were so beautiful when you cum earlier, will you show it to me again?" He offers a sweet smile, contrasting the way he's pounding into your pussy and you only whimper in answer. He pinches your engorged bundle of nerves, expression turning dark.
"Answer me, can you, sweetheart?"
"Yes!" You gasp out, the stimulation jolts fire within you. "Yes, only for you Jinki."
With a particularly harsh thrust, you choke a gasp before a wave of pleasure hits you. You can feel yourself clenching uncontrollably, legs shaking as Jinki pulls you closer, pressing a kiss on your temple.
"Good girl, my good girl," he rambles, chasing his own high desperately. Dropping his head into the crook of your neck, he gives one last push before groaning in release, spilling his essence inside you. You sigh with content, running your fingers in his soft brown locks. After a moment, he leaves your neck, craning his head up before smiling broadly, the post-coital glow so apparent on his face. You grin, pressing a kiss on his nose, which makes him laugh.
"Hang on," he murmurs, pulling out of you before plopping down on your side. "Hi."
"Hi," you respond, moving to his arms, grinning and giddy from your own high. He wraps his arms around you, pressing his cheeks into the skin of your neck.
"Still up to cook?" He asks, and you realize all the cooking supplies you've prepared in the kitchen. You get up, but he stops you. "Let's just order a takeout. I'll help you clean out the kitchen."
You sigh. "Fine."
"You can cook breakfast tomorrow."
You blink owlishly, which gets a sheepish smile in return.
"Can I stay over?"
A large smile blossoms on your face. "Of course."
“Give me a second then.” He begrudgingly gets up, looking slightly lost for a moment before finding his phone. The sight amuses you so much you don’t realize Jinki pouting as he makes a call.
"I won't be coming back tonight," Jinki says to the phone before a loud shouting blasts from the device. He laughs, looking behind to catch your gaze before smiling wide. "Sure, I'll introduce her later to you."
"Wha - Taemin?" A scoff. "You two have fun, then."
Finishing the call, he crawls back to your embrace in the bed, making you giggle. Jinki hums with contentment before nudging you back, wishing to see your face. You don't know what he sees, but his smile turns softer, and he really looks like the sun.
"You're insane." he half-whispers, and you laugh, boisterous and too giddy. You decide to tease him.
"But you haven't seen nothing yet."
His lips quirk into a devious grin. "Is that a challenge?"
You only smirk in reply, which encourages Jinki to lean up and try to kiss you, but something comes to your mind so you push yourself off him.
"Wait here, we need to clean up." Ignoring his disappointed look, you stand up and start to walk away. Suddenly, you hear a loud rumbling noise. When you see Jinki, he already has a hand on his stomach with only a mild surprise, like he knows it will happen sooner or later. You huff.
"And you need to eat."
He laughs, following suit only to wrap his hands around your waist, seemingly unable to detach himself from you for too long. You grumble, attempting to wrestle away from him. But he's stronger, and holds you so you're looking at him. With a voice as warm and sweet as his favorite drink, he murmurs.
"Just one more kiss, sweetheart, then dinner."
The nickname works like a charm. Albeit having disbelief in his self-control - and yours too, to be frank - you give in, relaxing your body and accepting his lips on yours again, thankful that he returns, excited for the days you'll spend together with him in your life.
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loverhymeswith · 9 months
The End is Extremely Fucking Nigh
Day Two of the October Dreams 1K Follower Event
Pairing: Jim (28 Days Later) x F!Reader
Summary: Holed up in a tiny cottage with Jim, problems and feelings ensue. The title kind of sums it up.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Zombies (kind of), blood, guns, canon-typical violence, language
A/N: Shout out to @a-reader-and-a-writer for plotting this with me <3
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“Oi. That fucking hurts.” 
Jim slaps your hand away with a scowl, tugging down his sweatshirt to cover the large bandage wrapped around his waist. The oversized jumper swamps his lithe frame - leaner since you’ve had to resort to rations.
“Well it hasn’t healed then, has it,” you remark, closing the lid of the makeshift first aid kit and stowing it away beneath the sink. “I told you it would take at least another week.”
“It’s fine,” he insists, his expression softening as he grabs you by the shoulders and squeezes. “I’m fine. Would you stop worrying?”
You’ve been this way for the last ten days - overly cautious and over-protective. Ever since Jim went and got himself shot by a bunch of trigger happy soldiers who mistakenly thought he was one of the infected. By some small miracle the bullet missed anything vital, but even so, he’s been out of action for a while.
“Maybe if you stop giving me reasons to worry.” 
You’re only half-joking. Right from day one, when you found him bewildered and wandering around outside the abandoned St Thomas’ Hospital, you knew he was going to cause you trouble. 
You hadn’t wanted company. Had actively avoided it, in fact. Even before the outbreak. You certainly hadn’t planned on rescuing anyone, let alone the enigmatic bicycle courier - you were barely surviving yourself - but after you’d intercepted Jim midway through his first encounter with the Rage virus, you hadn’t been able to shake him.
Six weeks later, you don’t know how you’d survive without him.
“How about I prove it to you, yeah?” There’s a spark in his bright blue eyes and his full lips upturn into the ghost of a smirk; he already knows you’re not going to like his suggestion. “I’ll go on a supply run.”
The thought alone is enough to make your stomach turn. The closest store is easily a day’s walk away and with a company of unbalanced soldiers roaming the nearest city, it’s far too risky to drive.
“Look,” he releases your shoulders, sliding his palms along your arms until he reaches your hands. “We’re down to our last cup of coffee and I know how cranky you get without your caffeine.”
You’ve noticed it a lot lately. The jokes. The sarcasm. Once the initial shock had diminished and he got a hold of his grief, Jim turned to humour as a coping mechanism, determined to get you to laugh. To smile. And goodness knows, there have been nights when you’ve relied on it. On him. Nights when you’ve felt like giving up. Like falling apart. When the only thing standing between you and taking the easy way out - just as his parents did - is the man before you.
The fact of the matter is, your situation is dire. It’s not just the coffee. The food is running out. Clean water, too. 
“We’ll manage a little while longer,” you lie as he gives your hands a final squeeze and releases you. “Either that, or I can go by myself.” 
You’ve been unwilling to leave his side up until now. You couldn’t risk the chance that the infected - or worse - might descend upon your hideout while you were away, with Jim being far too weak to fight them off alone.
Paying no heed to your plea, Jim starts pulling on a worn pair of boots - a vestige of the previous inhabitants of this cottage, just like the rest of your clothes. He’s careful not to wince as he bends over, although you have no doubt that he’s in pain.
Straightening and facing you once again, he runs a hand through his russet hair. It’s growing out after the hatchet job he performed back when you first met. You hadn’t minded the severe look. It had certainly emphasised his features - high cheekbones, a sharp jaw, and of course, those piercing blue eyes.
But with his hair like this, just a little longer, he seems… softer.
“I just need to get out of this fucking house,” he tells you, shrugging on a thick jacket. “I won’t go far. Promise.”
You glance around the cramped kitchen and concede that your living arrangements have been somewhat confining. The tiny farm house on the outskirts of Manchester has less square footing than your old London apartment, which is an achievement in itself. But personal space doesn’t really factor in when you’re in the middle of the apocalypse. 
It’s not all bad, though. You’ve been sharing the single bedroom under the pretext of safety, but as the weeks have worn on, you’ve come to find Jim’s presence comforting. 
Some nights you wake before dawn to find his arms wrapped around you, his face buried in the crook of your neck. By morning, he’s back to his side of the bed and you know better than to mention it. No matter how much you might have warmed to one another, the end of the world is no time for falling in love.
You follow Jim towards the porch and watch as he checks over the old hunting rifle, just one of a handful of weapons the two of you have acquired along the way. Neither of you knew a thing about guns before the outbreak, but you’ve had little choice but to become fast learners.
“At least let me come with you.”
Jim pauses with the rifle slung over his shoulder and one arm outstretched towards the front door, his expression uncharacteristically firm. “You need to rest. When was the last time you got some proper sleep?”
“As if I’ll be able to sleep while you’re gone…” Even as the words leave your mouth, you find yourself leaning against the wall, fatigue fighting your instinct to stay close to his side.
In an unexpected gesture of affection, Jim reaches out and brushes his thumb over the swell of your cheek. “Just sit tight. I’ll be back before it gets dark.”
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Despite Jim’s request for you to sit tight, you find yourself pacing the cottage in his absence. You don’t begrudge him the need for space after being holed up in here for the best part of two weeks. Still, you’d feel more comfortable if he wasn’t alone. If he wasn’t still healing.
It’s difficult to pinpoint, but somewhere along the way your feelings towards him have shifted. At first, he was an unnecessary hindrance. A tag along, slowing you down. Quickly though, you had grown accustomed to his presence, his company undeniably preferable to being alone with your own dark thoughts. 
Yet it wasn’t until he’d been shot - until you’d almost lost him - that you realised quite how important he’d become. It was no longer a case of what he could do for you and more a question of whether you could exist without him.
Exhaustion finally claims you and against your better judgement, you find yourself curled up on the corner of the threadbare sofa, drifting off into a restless slumber. Every night since the outbreak, it’s been the same. You dream of crimson flowing through the streets. Of bloodshot eyes and burnt flesh. Of bodies piled high. Mourning all that you have lost. The past, nothing but a distant memory; the future, a destination you will probably never reach.
You wake with a start, plucked swiftly from sleep by the distant sound of tapping against glass. Your thoughts fly instantly to Jim. Scrambling to your feet, you grab the nearest weapon - a baseball bat - and nervously approach the door. 
The eyes staring back at you through the window aren’t the colour of a winter sky at all.
They’re red. 
The weeks of tending to Jim must have softened you. It takes a full ten seconds before your brain jumps into gear, recognising the danger for what it is. A death sentence. Because there’s more than one of them. A host of the infected, clawing at the cottage walls in a frenzied attempt to reach you.  
Suppressing your fear for Jim and praying he’s not among the swarm, you stagger back from the door and exchange the baseball bat for the second rifle. You can’t possibly hope to outrun the infected. The neighbouring buildings are at least a mile away and you’ve barely eaten in days. The best chance you have is to pick them off one by one. 
Providing they don’t get to you first.
It only takes another five seconds, just long enough for you to grab a handful of ammunition and ready the gun, before the first bloody hand breaks through the glass. With your heart in your mouth, bracing yourself for the kick back, you squeeze the trigger.
The explosion of the gun echoes throughout the small cottage, temporarily deafening you. When you open your eyes, the monstrous hand has disappeared only to be replaced by a face, coated in blood and filth and twisted into something no longer human. 
You allow yourself the briefest flicker of relief. It’s not Jim. Then, ears still ringing from the first blast, you reload the rifle and take aim. 
This time, the wooden door splinters as you miss the window. 
The infected has its head and shoulders wedged through the small gap now. It’s snarling and spitting, crimson eyes wide and thirsting for blood. Your hands, once steady, are shaking, your fingers fumbling with the small golden bullets as you try to jam them into the magazine. 
Where the hell is Jim?
Your next shot finds its target. The infected - or what is left of it - slumps. But it’s a temporary reprieve. In the blink of an eye, the body disappears and another pair of glowing red eyes fills the window space. The onslaught is far from over
Shoot, reload, repeat.
Over and over again, you fire at the door until contaminated blood stains the cottage's wooden floor. But it’s no use. There are far too many of them. For every one of the rage victims you dispatch, another immediately takes its place. 
Further inside the cottage, a second window shatters. Your heart sinks.
You’re surrounded.
A wave of hopelessness pushes you back against the wall as you struggle to catch your breath. The door isn’t going to hold for much longer and there's nowhere to run. You attempt to reload the gun, but your bullets are finally spent, the casings littering the floor. Jim took the second box of ammunition.
Where is Jim?
As a last resort, you flee the porch and hurry up the stairs, locking yourself in the bedroom. Despite the knowledge that it will only buy you a matter of minutes, you huddle against the far corner of the room, clutching the empty gun. This is what it has come to. All these weeks of fighting for survival. The foolishness of daring to hope for a future. Your feelings for Jim. 
If only you’d told him how you feel.
But in the end, none of it matters. It was all just borrowed time.
Tears of anger and frustration pool in your tired eyes. There’s banging and clattering and more glass shattering downstairs. The infected are inside the cottage now. You can hear their savage snarls as they scramble up the stairs. It was foolish of you not to save a bullet for yourself.
Any second now…
Too weak to put up a fight, you squeeze your eyes shut as the bedroom door crashes open, choking on a desperate sob. Death has been a constant presence these last weeks; you didn’t think you’d be quite so afraid when your time finally came. But just like the bullets, you’re fresh out of bravery. As you prepare to take your last breath, you send a silent prayer. Wherever you end up, you hope you’re not alone.
But death, painful and bloody, doesn't come. 
Your eyes flash open at the sound of heavy breathing - panting - and a strangled cry tears from your throat. The figure filling the doorway is a terrifying sight to behold: drenched in sweat and blood and wielding a crimson-coated baseball bat, a wild expression on their once-familiar face. It looks as if they’ve clawed their way out of hell.
But they aren’t infected.
You know it by the pale blue eyes staring out at you through the layers of dirt.
The sound of his name seems to break whatever spell he’s under, the ice cold rage in his expression melting into something like recognition as he steps over the infected body lying lifeless at his feet. Beyond him, the cottage has fallen silent. 
When he speaks, his voice is hoarse. “Are you ok? Tell me you haven’t been bitten.” 
“I’m ok.” You’re more than ok. Because he’s here, alive and uninfected. Because he’s saved you.
Jim’s shoulders slump with obvious relief and even with the gun pointed in his direction, there’s no further hesitation. He closes the distance to you in two long strides before pulling you into his arms, his gaze rapidly darting across your face. 
“I thought I was too late,” he rasps, cupping your cheek. “I thought I’d lost you. I can’t fucking lose you. Not after everything that’s happened. I can’t...”
You shake your head, afraid that if you open your mouth to interject, you’ll stumble. Or even worse, that with the adrenaline from your brush with death still coursing through your veins, you’ll say something stupid. Something like-
“I love you.”
You don’t have time to react, much less process Jim’s abrupt admission before his mouth crashes into yours and he’s kissing you. He’s kissing you like you’re the cure. It’s rushed and messy and desperate and so thoroughly Jim.
If he notices the tears that begin to spill down your cheeks he certainly doesn’t comment. If anything, he holds you tighter and kisses you harder.
With every brush of his lips, you can feel a piece of your fractured self falling back into place.
Perhaps the end of the world is the perfect time for falling in love.
October Dreams Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @zablife
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rocketnottheraccon · 1 year
A ShinBaku one shot I wrote bc this random ass crack ship happens to give me life
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Art by: Horikoshi
Let’s get one thing straight.
Hitoshi Shinsou was not.
But he also adored Mitsuki.
So, you can probably imagine his favorite song to listen to when his life went to shit.
“Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart~” He mindlessly sang, spinning around in Aizawa’s office chair at… say… 4:30 in the morning?
He was currently running on 16 cans of Monster energy, 17 now, 3 bowls of cereal, and this week's dose of testosterone. He could take on the world- better yet: end the world!
“YES!” He shouted to himself, still spinning aimlessly. He would take over the world! Reinstate quirk management laws, maybe just get rid of heroes all together! That way he wouldn’t have to deal with this shit-show known as the hero course.
On second thought, that seems like way too much work.
Yeah, way too much work.
“Queen!” He exclaimed as the next song came on. He jumped from his seat, sliding into the common room to sing. No one was watching him, and with the amount of caffeine in his veins right now, he wouldn’t care if there was.
Actually, he didn’t want to sing.
Yeah, no thank you.
He collapsed onto the couch, still holding a can of Monster. I’m definitely addicted. He thought.
Fuck it, he didn’t care.
He was healthy enough to be a hero. Degrading that ever so slightly wouldn’t hurt anything but his mental health, but come now.
Were any of them really ever good in that department?
No, he didn’t think so.
“I’d like you and I to romancing~” He mumbled, taking a sip. His brain was currently going 150 miles per hour, as well as three miles per hour.
Is this what it’s like to be high? He questioned, thinking about how Aizawa would act when he came back from the After-PTA-Parties. Now, his dad was no light weight. He’s seen the man chug an entire bottle of beer and merely walk out and go to school like it was his morning coffee, which was also usually spiked. Now, imagine how much Aizawa had to drink to end up slurring, throwing up, and almost blackout drunk.
Yeah, that's how Hitoshi felt right now.
Thank god today's Saturday.
“Harry!” He exclaimed, as Harry Styles was the next artist to start playing. “You're a wizard, Harry!”
Was he high? If he wasn’t, he had to be pretty goddamn close to it.
“Oi?” He hears very distantly.
Hitoshi looks up and around for the source, until he’s met with his blond Pomeranian. “My love!” He says, slinging himself over the others shoulders.
Katsuki raised a brow. “When was the last time you slept?”
“Who cares? Kiss me!” Hitoshi showered the others neck in kisses, and Katsuki shoved him off promptly after.
“Your fucking high,” He deadpanned.
“No I’m not!” Hitoshi said, “I’m underage, that’d be illegal!”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, somehow managing to lift the other taller boy's body weight like he was a baby. “I’m taking you to bed, you fucking dumbass.”
“You’ll go with me?” Hitoshi asked with puppy dog eyes.
“Never do that again,” Commanded Katsuki, and Hitoshi's mouth was promptly shut.
“You need to stop doing this Toshi.” He started, making their way to the elevator, “I didn’t sign up for fucking baby sitting.”
“Love you too!” Hitoshi said, kissing the others neck.
“You're six foot!” Katsuki exclaimed, “I hate to admit it, but I should not be the one carrying you!”
“You admit I’m taller than you?”
“Fucking- How could I not?!? You’re like a fucking skyscraper, Hitoshi!”
Katsuki scowls as they make it to their hallway. “You interrupted my morning workout routine.”
“Eww, you work out?” Hitoshi drawled, pursuing his lips.
“I’m in the hero course- and so are you for that matter! You cannot keep pulling caffeine induced all-nighters and expect to be a famous hero-“
“Who said I wanted to be famous?” Hitoshi interrupted.
“Right, right. Daddy’s boy,” Katsuki sighed, opening Hitoshis door with his foot.
“Goddamn!” Hitoshi exclaimed, “Hella flexibly!”
“Mhm,” Katsuki replied tiredly. He nudged open the door. “Stand up.”
“You were doing such a good job though!” Hitoshi whined.
“Hitoshi Shinsou, I will count to five-“
“Fine, fine,” Hitoshi rolled his eyes stepping down from around Katsuki, yet still being miles above him. “Hehe.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Katsuki said, “Good night. And I swear to God, Hitoshi, if I see you downstairs before 1:30-“
“I know!” Hitoshi said, rolling into bed. “I love you, Kat.”
“Fuck off!” He yelled, walking out, and slamming the door behind him.
Seconds later, Hitoshi received a text.
BoomBastic: Love you too dumbass
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moris-auri · 1 year
Blossom on the tree (you know how I feel)
Pairing(s): Aemond x ofc (Ylva Snow)
a/n: little mod!au bit :)
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: NSFW/18+
The rain pelted the windows of the campus in gusts, sounding like pings of ice on the glass, the sky beyond it gloomy and black. 
It was distracting, but not so much as the sight in front of her. She hadn’t been able to concentrate for the past hour, her thoughts so conveniently locked on the walking distraction that was her boyfriend. 
Aemond’s tall, 6’ frame stood in her periphery a few feet away, his head nearly reaching the top of the bookshelf as he ran his fingers over the spines with almost the same reverence he showed her. Her own bibliophile, she thought fondly, watching his back as she bit her lip and let out a low breathless sigh, head resting in the palm of her hand as she practically drooled at the way the fucking grey sweatpants clung to his hips. 
She just knew Aemond could sense her eyes boring into his back as he raised his arm to reach for a book high on the shelf, suppressing a whimper when the hem of his shirt lifted a little, the maddening sliver of skin practically taunting her from across the room. 
Baela’s low hisses fell on deaf ears as she kept her eyes on him, feeling like a clown at all the dirty thoughts currently running a loop through her head. Even watching him dress that morning hadn't lessened the effect they had on her. 
She’d be so fucking glad once her finals were over and done with, tired and exhausted from early mornings and late nights filled with an over intake of caffeine and sharp headaches. 
Baela pinched the skin of her arm, making her squeal as she rubbed the pinkened skin with her hand.  
"What?" she snapped, tearing her gaze away from him to glare at her. Baela just grinned at her irritation, eyes bright and practically dancing with amusement at the sight of Ylva’s flushed cheeks and the reddened tips of her ears. “You were drooling all over your book.” 
"Baela! Would you shut up-" flustered, Ylva bit her lip, twisting her head side to side to see if any of the other occupants had overheard. “For the love of-” her best friend merely snorted, grinning as she turned away. 
"We're going to fail this exam because you," Baela poked her finger into Ylva's shoulder. "Can't-" she paused, biting her lip, a mischievous spark igniting in her dark eyes. 
“Baela-” Ylva warned, dreading what she could possibly say next. 
The last time that look had appeared on her face was months ago, but Ylva remembered it like it was yesterday, the sound of Rhaena's shrill shrieks filling the hallways of High Tide like nails on a chalkboard. Baela had dyed the ends of her sister's hair a particular eye watering shade of orange that left her twin a ball of vibrating, enraged fury in her grandmother's arms, practically spitting anger at her twin as the force of her shouting rattled the family portraits on the walls. 
"...no, won't stop staring at your boyfriend's arse. You're so down bad, love." 
"More studying," Baela snorted, dark eyes glinting. Ylva groaned, swiveling her head to stare blankly at the notes in front of her. "Shut up, Baela," she muttered, swatting at her and lowering her head to hide her flaming cheeks.
“Anyways,” Baela kept talking as if she hadn’t heard her, biting the end of the pen clasped in her fingers. “Me, Helaena and Rhaena are going for drinks later if you want to come.” Ylva opened her mouth, only for her teeth to clack together barely a second later as her ears picked up the faint squeak of shoes that was steadily growing louder. 
“Cousin,” Aemond stilled, staring down at them, a faint undercurrent of hostility coating his voice. Ylva sighed. No matter what half-hearted attempts she made, feeling like a third unwelcome wheel in her own flat every time Baela came over, making snide comments about something or other, the bridge between them would never really be repaired. 
His gaze turned from her to Ylva, the tight line of his mouth softening slightly. “I’ll see you later?” his hand brushed her back, sending sparks shooting under her skin. 
“I… yeah,” she ducked her head, ignoring the smug, knowing look on Baela’s face. 
She pressed her legs together at the knee, trying to ignore the growing ache low in her stomach and between her legs. She whimpered under her breath, eyes locked on him as he walked away from the table, the razor sharp grin curving his mouth up proving he knew exactly the effect he had on her. Bloody bastard.
Reddened half-moons formed on her palms where her nails dug into the skin, the sole urge to follow Aemond as he left the library growing with each step he took away from her.
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Ylva lifted her head, blinking tiredly at the sound of the door being open, Aemond's blurry figure as he came through, pale hair twisted up in a knot behind his head. 
Vhagar, old grumpy thing that she was, uncurled herself from her bed, back arching as she stood. Her purrs echoed loudly throughout the flat as she came slinking down the hall at the sound of Aemond’s voice, weaving and twisting her body around his ankles. 
"You're still studying?" he sighed, lifting the old cat in one arm as he kicked his shoes off, bag thumping to rest on the ground by his feet. 
"Yeah, this test that’s coming up...." she glanced at the light on the microwave, seeing the time illuminated in glaring blue light, then back at the mess of books and notes spread out in front of her in a haphazard mess. 
"Fucking hell," she groaned, dragging her hand down her face. "I know.... I just-"
Aemond padded closer, bare feet muffled by the carpet. "Shh," he crooned, moving her hair over her shoulder as his long fingers splayed wide across her shoulders, nearly reaching down to her collarbones. 
"Why don't you stop for the night?" he bent down, bending to brush a kiss to her forehead. "This test is still like a week out, Ylva. Stopping for a little bit won't hurt you." 
The pen in her hand fell to the table with a clunk as she sank lower into the chair at the exquisite feeling, practically moaning at the way his thumbs rolled, digging into her skin as the stiffness in her neck faded bit by bit. "You like that?" she nodded, closing her eyes.  
“Do you want me to make something?” 
"No…. we'll just order takeout or something," she said offhandedly, exhaling as she rolled her head left to right as the tension faded under the heat of his hands. "Asian or Indian, you think? Or Italian?" she breathed, moaning again when he hit a knot, a flare of heat unfurling up her spine. 
“Whatever you want,” he said faintly, hands moving up to press below her ears. Her eyes opened slowly when his hand stilled, resting like a weight against her neck, drawing vague shapes into her skin with the pad of his thumb. 
“Aemond, you brought it up,” she protested, half turning to look up at him. She caught his hands with hers when the movement made them slide off, letting her breath ghost over them as she brushed her mouth across his knuckles. He shivered, pulse jumping as he stared down at her, eye dark. 
It still took her breath away at how utterly gorgeous he was and how little she cared whether he lost an eye during his youth. That he wanted her when he could have had his pick of any girl he wanted.
He smiled wryly, tugging her up from the chair. “Aem-” her protests grew fainter and more half-hearted with each kiss he pressed to her cheeks and to the end of her nose, hand curling against her jaw. She giggled, turning brick red but making no move to pull away from his warmth. 
“Shower, then food?” he murmured, running his thumb over her lip. She pulled away, seeing the content, half-relaxed look on his face. As much as he could, anyway, with wariness and caution clinging to him like a second skin. 
She pushed at his chest, grinning as she spun around, reaching back to turn the edge of the page over, hearing him let out an indignant noise in the back of his throat from behind her. The sound of Vhagar’s hungry meows by their feet shattered the silence. “I’ll be up in a second after I feed your cat.” He just grunted, back to her as he loped up the stairs.
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Leaving Vhagar, now sated and sleeping downstairs, she moved up the stairs, one hand on the railing, stilling with one hip cocked against the doorframe. Crossing her arms over her chest as she watched him as he moved barefoot around their room, hair loose around his shoulders and oh so conveniently without a shirt on. His head turned towards her at the sound of her nails scratching on the wood. 
“What happened to turning the water on?” she teased, warmth flooding her at the way he flushed, color staining his cheeks as he mumbled something incoherently under his breath. 
His eye widened, pupil dilating and contracting when she curled her hands in the waistband of her leggings, her eyes on his as she slipped them down her legs, savoring the way he swallowed, tongue swiping across his mouth. “You-” 
"You think I'll let you tease me like this, at no cost?" Ylva couldn’t help but laugh at the unamused, desperate expression on his face, as she twisted away from his grasping hands. 
“What are you going to do about it? Hmm?” 
"Ylva..." he lunged towards her, quick as a cat chasing a mouse, pulling her flush against him. His fingers tangled in her hair as he tilted his head, meeting her gaze only briefly before seizing her mouth in a bruising kiss. Her previous tiredness seemed to slough off of her, a tangle of teeth and tongue as she kissed him back eagerly.
She could almost count every pale freckle dotting his cheeks; could practically count every eyelash on his eye as he stepped further into the cradle of her hips. Her fingers brushed the ridge of his cheek as she pushed a loose floating lock of his pale hair behind his ear as she combed her fingers through his hair, scraping her nails against the back of his neck the way she learned he liked.
Anticipation began to course through her, desire sparking a fire low in her stomach. His hands slipped under the bottom of her shirt, stilling on her sides. "You're a tease-" she breathed, nipping at his neck. 
She slid a finger under the chain she'd given him months ago for his birthday, dragging his head down to slant her mouth to his as he loomed over her, her legs instinctively lifting to curl around his waist. 
"So fucking needy." Aemond chuckled, the sound unfurling down her spine. Her back arched, mouth opening as his hand rolled the peak of her breast between thumb and forefinger.
"That’s your doing," Ylva mumbled, warmth building between her thighs as she tugged insistently at the waistband slung low on his hips, nails sliding over the bumps of his spine. "You and these fucking thrice-damned sweatpants have been driving me mad all day." He was like a drug, intoxicating and addicting, always leaving her wanting him with a desperate ache pulsing between her thighs, the taste of him lingering on her tongue. 
Despite the spaciousness of the bathroom, it'd never felt as cramped and crowded as it did then, the silence broken sporadically by breathless huffs of laughter and moans as clothes formed a puddle around their feet.
Feeling like putty in his hands, she tightened her legs around his waist, grasping his jaw as she kissed him. “Start the water?” she panted, licking a stripe up his neck. 
“Not if you keep this up,” he rasped, hands tightening on her hips.
The sound of water hitting the marble tiles exploded in her ears a second later. Steam from the heated water curled like smoke around Aemond’s tall lanky frame as she stepped in behind him. 
A stream of moans slid from her mouth as he trailed open-mouthed kisses down her throat, the combination of heat from his hands and the desire unfurling like a tidal wave down her spine leaving her dizzy. 
"C’mon, baby,” he murmured, pulling away to dip his head and press another open-mouthed kiss to her collarbone, fingers sliding past the thatch of hair at the apex of her thighs. “Say it,” he coaxed, pulling his slickened fingers away and lifting them to his mouth. 
“Don’t you dare make me say it, Aemond Targaryen-“ she hissed, pushing at his stomach. He didn’t budge, chuckling as he pulled her closer. 
"There's my girl," he crooned, hand flexing against her hip. A thrill ran through her at his words, sudden and sharp. 
“So pretty like this,” he dropped to his knees suddenly, pressing a kiss to the inside of her thigh, the pad of his thumb brushing over the little bundle of nerves, sending her reeling as stars burst white hot behind her eyelids. 
She shuddered, grasping at his hair with both hands as his breath fanned over her already overstimulated cunt. “Christ, you’re fucking soaked,” his voice changed, going lower and deeper as his fingertips swiped at the wetness. 
“Is this for me?” he slid his finger knuckle deep inside her, curling it just enough to make her squirm, choking on his name. 
"Oh….. oh," she clung to him, nails digging into his skin as he entered her slowly, dragging his length in and out of her at a pace that was sure to drive her mad. 
"Aemond…. please-" the noises he made against her neck flowed like the classical music she played sometimes when she couldn't sleep, trickling into her ears as he thrusted into her, his hands spread wide on the curves of her waist, the sharp snap of his hips against her growing sloppier as each second passed until he stilled completely, almost slumping against her as he spilled inside her.
Ylva slumped against him, panting, the thudding of her heart lessening with every breath she took, water dripping onto the tiles in fat noisy droplets.
His eye slid over her face, taking in her dazed expression with furrowed brows as he brushed strands of her hair from her face, his fingers cool against her flushed skin. "Can you stand?" she nodded, jerking her head up and down. Her legs ached, trembling slightly as she unwound them from around his middle, gripping his shoulders for balance. 
She loosened her grasp just slightly, skimming her fingers through the fine hairs at the base of his neck, feeling like she was floating on a cloud as she smiled lazily. 
Tipping her head back against the tiles, she curled her arms around the width of his shoulders. "I love you," he hummed, trailing the tip of his nose over the curve of her cheek. Despite the fact that he didn't say it often, he showed it in the quiet moments when it was just the two of them. 
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@its-actually-minicika @howyouloveyourdragon @bottlesandbarricades @exitpursuedbyavulcan @snh96​ @sunfyresrider​
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icouldntcareless22 · 1 year
Mrs. Grinch & Mr. Sunshine
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A request from @lethallyprotected about sunshine! Jisung x grumpy! Reader. Hope you like it!!!
If you have any requests I will be glad to listen!
Barista! Jisung x Customer! Reader (f)
Acquaintances to lovers, fluff
Words: 1,4k
"Is your father a thief? Because he stole all the world's stars to put them into your eyes!" You stared dead into his eyes, pondering your life choices and most importantly your barista choices. He smiled brightly, too brightly, for the unholy hour you were both forced to wake up and handed you your first cup of the day, filled to the brim with coffee.
"No, but he must be a ring leader with all the clowns I attract" you huffed out, hand already spread out to accept your drink from the lousy brunette. You greedily swallowed a big gulp of it, your eyes flying to his messy hair and crisp apron. He must have gotten up earlier than you and you cried a little inside.
"Ohh Come on! It's Valentine's, princess. Everybody deserves a compliment!" He whined, flashing a big heart shaped grin that fit the holiday to the glove.
You furrowed your brows "Don't call me princess" you bit, annoyance obvious in your tone. You weren't one of the girls that fell with that kind of line.
Rather than princess, witchling fit you better.
He blinked at you innocently and opened his mouth once again "Mrs Grinch then?" He inquired, one eyebrow high but upon seeing your deadpan expression, he exploded with laughter. He literally threw himself on the countertop, almost doubling from laughter on top of it. You huffed a breath, left him some of your change and walked towards the door. "See you later Mrs Grinch!"
You didn't bother looking at him instead you waved a hand over your shoulder as a goodbye and called back "Sure Mr Sunshine"
You weren't running.
You were calm.
You were quiet..
You were in your zone...
And so fucking late!
You speed walked to the cafe on your way to class. The morning philosophy class you had to take this semester wouldn't be so bad with a coffee in your hand. Or so you had convinced yourself.
You threw open the gigantic glass doors and rushed to join the queue of the grumpy students trying to get their dose of caffeine. You were just about to reach goe your phone to busy yourself till you reach the counter but a call stopped you.
"Mrs Grinch!" Ryunjin shouted.
You blinked. It sounded familiar...
"Mrs Grinch!" She shouted, this time her gaze locking with yours. You checked if she was looking at someone else around you but when you saw no one giving her the time of day, you raised one brow and pointed at yourself.
She enthusiastically nodded so you hesitantly left the queue and approached her. You stopped in front of her but didn't said anything. So she grinned, pushed the cup towards you and quoted "From Mr. Sunshine" You let out a breath at this. Jisung had his ways, that was certain. You thanked her, but she dismissed you with a wave and a knowing smile and ushered you out.
You tentatively took a sip.
Black, just how you liked it.
And he knew that.
This continued for several days and you slowly started to make your appearance, besides the busy mornings, to the afternoon shifts of a certain loud barista.
"Hello Mrs Grinch! I see today you are not in a hurry!" He greeted you cheerily, but you couldn't pay attention at him. You only could stare at his hair.
"You dyed it" you said instead. His lovely chestnut hair was replaced by a bark blue black that was enhancing his features sure, but it also gave him an edge that you weren't used to.
His hands immediately flew to his tresses, giving them a tug. "Does it look bad?" He wondered quietly, almost insecurely. But that couldn't be, loud he may be but insecure he was not. And he had not a single reason to be.
"No. They look good. It's just not.. very you" you concluded as you tapped your chin in your search for the right words.
He smiled slyly. "What is very me?" he questioned, leaning over the counter that always separated you. You stared into his eyes.Shrugged.
"Sunshine core, I guess. Black to go" you changed the flow of the conversation quickly. He whined for a bit but, eventually, he turned around to make your coffee.
"Why you always leave? Can't you stay here for coffee for once?" He asked, still whining cutely to you. You paused your search for money to give him a confused look. Why would you? He saw the question in your eyes and exclaimed "I would be over the beans happy! Get it?" His giggles surrounded you.
You wouldn't be able to focus in there. The music, the chats and...his laughter would, surely, be distracting. So instead of an answer you told him "Keep the change" and walked out of the door.
Once more you were in the cafe for leisure rather than need. You had wanted to relax and enjoy a cup in your own pace. You entered and quietness welcomed you. From the melodious jazz music till the airiness from inside the bar brought you a sense of calm.
Until you saw Jisung'a face.
His bright heart shaped smile, that you had used to seeing upon his face, was missing. In fact his lips were turned downwards almost in a pout, but sadder. You roused the cashier slowly. "Who is the Grinch now?" You asked, gently without your usual bite. Today seemed like he could do without it.
He met your eyes a with small smile, that seemed all he could muster at the moment. He turned and started making your coffee, without a single word. So you stood there and watched him. Usually in his haste to turn around again and talk to you, he would rush and make small mistakes, he would curse or laugh the pain away and he would ask about your day. Today was not usually. So you asked instead. "Are you ok Mr. Sunshine?" Low and gently. You were afraid of raising your voice to a normal tone, as if it would shatter a very needed barrier he had build.
He sighed.
The sound came from somewhere deep insiyhis chest. "One of my friends...he had a fight with his girlfriend..and when I took her side, he said a couple of things.. Nothing you should be worried about. I am fine." he concluded, eyes on your cup, on the check out, anywhere but you.
"I see" you hummed. And began gathering your things and your cup from the counter. "I hope you don't worry yourself too much, Jisung. Talk to him. It's not fair to you to be uncomfortable or insecure about something he said in anger and, probably, didn't even mean." You said and left the shop before he could answer.
On your way to your dorm you couldn't get out of your mind the image of Jisung pouting and avoiding your gaze. You stood still for a moment and signed before turning around. You knew just what to do to cheer him up. So you walked to the nearest bakery, bought the freshest and loveliest cheesecake and made a bee line to the coffee shop, where the unhappy barista worked. You opened the enormous doors again, this time more cautiously.
You checked the tables and the stairs, but the boy was nowhere in sight so you approached the counter, fully prepared to leave the cheesecake and leave. But, of course, it was that moment he chose to return to his post.
His eyes widened a tiny bit, but he quickly put a small smile on his face and approached you. "Hello again. Want anything else?" He asked quietly, his eyes fleeting from yours again.
Now or never. You told yourself.
You placed the baked good on the countertop and pushed it lightly towards him. "No. But this is for you. Hope you feel better" you muttered and speeded towards the exit yet again. The fresh air hit you but before you could step further into him and away from the cafe, your name was being called. Or rather you peculiar nickname.
"Mrs Grinch! Y/N!" Jisung called, breath elaborated from his jog.You turned to him, unsure of what to make of this sudden persuasion. You raised a brow and jotted your chin towards him, a silent invitation to speak first.
He looked very pink in this new and natural night, you thought. "So....ummm..I was wondering..if you.. would like to go out sometime." he asked, nervousness taking over. "With me!" He quietly squealed, almost forgetting the most important part.
You looked at him, really looked.
A sweet boy, who knew how you took your coffee, asked how your day was, how you were feeling and what plans did you have.
Were those enough to like him? No.
We're those enough to get you interested in knowing him? Yes.
And you got the feeling that you would come to like him easily. He was sweet, cheery and warm.
Your personal sunshine.
"I would love to go out with you"
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