#shoushan stone
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quanronggallery · 2 months ago
Believe in yourself, Believe in Art. 信自己,信藝術
Welcome: www.quanronggallery.com
Chinese art auction on 1/5/2025 1:00 PM EST https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/353748_chinese-art-auction/
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fancydreamland999999 · 5 months ago
Asian Art & Fox Myths (2)
Welcome to visit: https://fancydreamland999.com/
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ewooxyjewelry · 9 months ago
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Birthstone Necklaces, Mother Birthstone Necklace | EWOOXY
Material: 18K Gold Plated 925 silver/Shoushan stone 
Color: Vintage gold
Size: Chain length approximately 38cm + 6cm extension chain / Shoushan stone approximately 4mm Pearl approximately 5mm Pendant approximately 1.5cm
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wildbeautifuldamned · 1 year ago
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3.2 Old Chinese Shoushan Stone Carving Fengshui Pixiu Beast Word Seal Bookmark- ebay antiquemuseum998
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rudjedet · 4 years ago
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I have amassed a very satisfying hoard of (mostly) semi-precious stones.
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longsightmyth · 5 years ago
“Yes. It’s very precious to me. The Seal was actually made in China, not India. It was a gift given to Ren’s grandfather. Seals that old are quite rare. It’s made of Shoushan stone, which contrary to popular belief, is not a type of jade. The Chinese believed that Shoushans were brightly colored Phoenix eggs, found high in mountain nests. Men who risked their lives to locate and capture them received honor, glory, and wealth. 
“Only the very richest of men had items carved from this type of stone. To receive one as a gift was a great honor for Ren’s grandfather. It’s a priceless heirloom. The good news for you, though, is that it’s also considered good luck to own or wear something made from this type of stone. Perhaps it will help you on your journey in more ways than one.”
Houck, Colleen. Tiger's Curse (Book 1 in the Tiger's Curse Series) (pp. 165-166). Splinter. Kindle Edition.
Countries that Houck has specified by name and are therefore not the ‘Asia’ that Ren’s mother is from: Japan, China, India.
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quanronggallery · 1 year ago
Love Art is equal to Love myself
Welcome to attend our Chinese Art Auction on 1:00 PM 2/11/2024 https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/313311_chinese-art-auction/
Buy it now, please visit: https://quanronggallery.com/
The music is from Miley Cyrus - Flowers Grammy Performance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EihxEHopKRY
The Chinese / English translation is from Sha Sha Zhang.
謝謝 Thank you!
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fancydreamland999999 · 7 months ago
Asian Art & Wolf Myths (2)
Welcome to visit: https://fancydreamland999.com/
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thylacritical · 6 years ago
This chapter was ridiculously long compared to previous ones, so the read is gonna be long too OTL
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Beginning of the chapter and already hitting a bump. The Kanheri Caves are real, so good on you for including a real place I guess. But, why change the name then and act like there’s only one? More on this later.
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The super important Seal that the villain wants and is the literal reason for the tiger’s curse... yeah they just leave it on her bedside. No need to protect it or anything. It’s more important for our heroine to make googoo eyes at how pretty it is.
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This is probably just me but lowkey this feels like part of her “not like other girls” shtick. Dunno how to explain.
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W h y  d o e s  s h e  l i k e  l i s t s  s o  m u c h
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fingered anyway who does this
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Popular belief? I’ve never heard anyone say Shoushan stone is jade or genuinely believed that they were Phoenix eggs. Also, it’s called Shoushan stone after the specific type of carving done in the Shoushan village, that’s not the name of that type of stone... and “Shoushans”?? Ugh.
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We get it, you’re eating mango
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I feel like this sums up one of Houck’s major writing issues. “The drive was uneventful” *proceeds to describe said drive anyway*
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So first of all, she prefaces the dialogue with a synopsis, which is totally unnecessary. You really don’t need to say “I started talking about my parents” and then talk about your parents. The bit about her mum is alright but following that... what? How the hell is this dialogue? It sounds like an 8 year-old’s answer to a “Tell Us About Yourself!” activity in school - except this is even worse because she supposedly said this aloud. I could even suspend my disbelief if this was some speech she wrote and say, okay, maybe she’s just not great at writing, but no. She speaks like this in a fucking conversation.
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Also, note this. Note how she spends half a page talking about generic shit like how she liked to read and that she ate pancakes on holiday, but then Houck skips over what could have been a meaningful and emotional reflection on her parents death and synopsises that to just “I felt alone when it happened”. Even the more personal parts of this were already mentioned earlier (the chocolate chip cookies) and integrated better into the text (though not much better).
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Jesus, she’s having better luck seeing animals in a wildlife reserve than I do at the zoo. I could maybe understand if this was some ~untouched piece of nature~ or something where the animals have never seen humans and don’t fear them but... she explicitly mentions tourists later on? Do they just appear all over the place in plain view because she’s Special (TM)? Was the author trying to show off her knowledge bc wow porcupines! Monitor lizards! Spotted rhesus monkeys! See, I know what lives there! I do my research! It’d be funny if that was the case, considering she included rabbits, animals which aren’t even found in India. Maybe she thought they were the same thing as hares, which are found there  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Another thing: I’ve brought this up before but I’ll say it again... why does she know all this? I’m a biology student who lives in fucking Malaysia where teak is native, and yet I couldn’t ID a teak tree. This girl is from Oregon and has never mentioned an interest in nature before meeting Ren, yet she can tell what a teak tree looks like and finds spotted rhesus monkeys of all things familiar? The only time she showed glimpses of interest was back in I think Chapter 3
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Soo she watched late night Nature Channel and read a couple of National Geographics. Which I’m betting she never even paid much attention to in the first place since she doesn’t know white tigers are a colour morph, not a species
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and can’t even identify a male tiger
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even though she’s seen him up close (not to mention jumping around) and I’m pretty damn sure he would not have been neutered, or he’d be a sad prince indeed.
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A+ description
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Can we talk about this nickname for a second? There’s a lot about Ren that doesn’t make sense, like the fact that he knew about modern fashion trends and doesn’t speak in an archaic way, but this stuck out to me particularly. I think it’s because even if he wasn’t centuries-old, I just can’t imagine someone who didn’t grow up in America (or maaybe the UK?) shortening someone’s name like this.
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Buddhism originated in India you absolute clown. Also Buddhist and Indian aren’t mutually exclusive identities? I mean “Isn’t it strange that we’re looking for an American prophecy in a Christian settlement?” sounds dumb as hell lmao
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1) Going back to the fact that Houck clearly looked up the Kanheri Caves and just changed the name... literally the wikipedia page tells you what goddamn languages were inscribed on the stone. Did she just stop at the name? Why use a real place when you can’t go beyond step 1 of the research? Why does she only say stuff like “Indian currency” and “Indian writing” when they have names, not to mention there’s so many different Indian languages smh
2) Hieroglyphics? Hieroglyphics? Bye. 
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Sulfur doesn’t smell. Sulfur compounds tend to smell almost sweet or of rotten eggs. Acrid or bitter would be better used for the smell of burning.
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Girl who cannot tell the obvious difference between a male and female tiger: ah yes... the exoskeleton.... mandibles
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She said these like, a few sentences apart. We know you were lucky! You don’t have to tell us 3 times!!
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How does one manage to make the prospect of drowning sound so boring? The whole chapter is like this btw, since this is their first real “adventure”. I wish I could put it all up because it’s truly a feat to make booby traps, poisonous spikes and giant bugs such a slog to read about that it’s taken me two days to just read this single chapter.
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Idk about you but if I was actively drowning, I don’t think I’d be this introspective (even though she wonders what it would feel like to drown here, just before this passage she mentions not having any more air so yes she is in fact already in the process). I would imagine repeatedly just thinking “I can’t breathe, I have to get out, I need help”.. oh wait, I don’t need to imagine because I’ve almost drowned! The panic cancels out this kind of thought because self-preservation takes over. My incident was far more sudden than hers, I’ll grant her that - I stepped onto a pool cover (I hadn’t come across one before) and went straight under, then got tangled in the plastic, so I was totally disorientated and thinking “what just happened? I’m stuck I can’t breathe help”. But still! The room wasn’t filling so slowly that she could just stand around and pontificate. Let alone be concerned that SOMEONE ELSE who she met DAYS AGO would feel guilty about HER death.
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She almost died and yet while she’s still coughing water out of her lungs, she’s fucking laughing about the fact that a wet cat looks like a wet cat.
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Collapsed lungs???
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Are you sure about that?
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Considering the entrance to the cave literally shut and she was afraid they’d be trapped for a while... she’s got her priorities straight!
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Why is she suddenly all sarcastic and making shitty “jokes”? They just narrowly escaped drowning and now she’s sassing Ren at every turn when she never acted that way before? I know some people cope with jokes but she’s just... not given any impression that she does before now. And this is really terrifying, out of the ordinary stuff! You’d think she IS an Indiana Jones-type and just waltzes into trapped caves every day with how blase she is about the whole situation.
Not to mention the fact that seeing a tiger turn into a man doesn’t make her question her sanity out loud, but seeing a real-life phenomenon like a sinkhole opening up does. Okay. 
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“I just hope you don’t plan including me” she says, as if she can just sit tight on the other side of the chasm and die in the cave while he escapes.
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What kind of dumbass plan is this? If he can clear the gap easily as a tiger, why not just have Kelsey ride him? He never tried clearing the gap halfway as a tiger and halfway as a dude, so he has no idea how well that’ll go. This just seems unnecessarily complicated and dangerous. And I know people tend not to think well under pressure but... surely riding is the obvious and less complex answer?
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35 words and not a single comma or dash or ANYTHING to break the sentence up. And this is supposed to be fast-paced and exciting.
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Low-key I find this kind of skeevy. If this was banter between an already established couple, fine, but she’s known him for like a day? Maybe two days tops? I don’t like it man. Actually... holy shit could this be why he wanted to change into a man halfway across the jump? As an excuse to hold her? Yikes.
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1) Damn Kelsey! Back at it again with the complaining!
2) You’re not allowed to be happy when you avoid dying? Okay.
3) What teenage talks or thinks like this? “I could practically hear him chanting to himself I’m a man”” what?? And what’s this “all men from every century are the same” comment about? Ah yes, the annoying trait that all men just have to have, being glad that they didn’t die.
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A mini lightning storm was occurring between my hand and the stone. Occurring. Yknow this is inspiring me to make a bonus section.
“We get it, you own a Thesaurus”:
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ewooxyjewelry · 9 months ago
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Birthstone Necklaces, Mother Birthstone Necklace | EWOOXY
Material: 18K Gold Plated 925 silver/Shoushan stone 
Color: Vintage gold
Size: Chain length approximately 38cm + 6cm extension chain / Shoushan stone approximately 4mm Pearl approximately 5mm Pendant approximately 1.5cm
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timeartauction · 6 years ago
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用时光 · 艺术点亮你的生活
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“慈禧画像” by 华士 现存放于北京颐和园
一对耄耋夫妇携手走进Time Art,
 慈 禧 的 真 迹 !
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by 卓韻湘     
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maman-louve07 · 2 years ago
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$13.39 ~ Collectable Old Shoushan Stone Hand-Carved Naked Beauty Delicate Decorate Statue, Chinese Figurines, Antique Chinese Statues, Jade Chinese Statues, Porcelaine Chinese Figurines, Porcelaine Chinese Statues, Jade Chinese Figurines, Antique Chinese Figurines, Chinese Statues Find Out This Chinese Figurines
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ghminerals · 6 years ago
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Shoushan stone carving from 1960's from the Shoushan village in northern Fujian China
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bonamijade · 3 years ago
Chinese #Landscape Rose & Bird Bronzed Stone Vintage Sculpture Soapstone Elegant!
Chinese #Landscape Rose & Bird Bronzed Stone Vintage Sculpture Soapstone Elegant!
Dimensions Height: 6 Inches; Width: 3.5 Inches; Depth: 3 Inches Shoushan Jade Stone Chinese #Landscape Rose & Bird Huanglong Sculpture Size: 6 x 3.4 inches Tall Sturdy Intricate Comes with Base Material: Solid hand-carved traditional stone The sculpture is set solidly upon the rosewood base. Size of sculpture is 5 inch + 2.3 inch base. This is a vintage piece in fabulous condition, very intricate…
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aomamihan · 3 years ago
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Here are the tools that I use to carve my name seals and leisure seals. I work with different kind of stones. Mostly Shoushan and Qingtian. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcyEuQEqXEy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luxa-jewelry · 3 years ago
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