#should super emmie be a tag too???
head---ache · 3 months
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garoujo · 1 year
ときどき is the best word ever ! we are learning new words guys but i’m still getting a hang of the japanese keyboard :<
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storiesbyjes2g · 7 months
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How tall are your sims?
@mysimsloveaffair tagged me for this one.
I've always known exactly how tall Melany, Kameron, and Nadia were. When Nick came along, I didn't see him as a super tall guy. Honestly, I saw him as average. I toyed around with the idea of making him the same height as Melany or maybe an inch taller, but I decided to make him slightly taller but not too tall seeing as whenever I pose them he's often taller anyway.
Thinking about it, I think Emmy should be shorter now lol. What do you guys think?
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aspiringpolymath · 1 year
Mid Year Reading Check In
I compiled this at the end of June, so it's not up to the minute accurate, but a good indication of how my reading year has gone so far. I tweaked the questions a bit to suit my reading style. If anyone sees this and wants to answer them PLEASE tag me so I can see what you are reading!
Mid Year Book Check In Questions:
Did you set a reading challenge; if so, how’s it going? (AKA How many books have you read?)
Best book(s) you’ve read so far?
Best sequel or book in a series you've read so far?
New release you haven't read yet, but want to?
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year?
Biggest disappointment?
Biggest surprise?
Favorite new author? (Debut or new to you)
Newest favorite character (for whatever reason)?
Book that made you cry or saddest book you’ve read?
Book that made you happy?
Favorite review you've written this year? (Can be glowing or a takedown)
Favorite cover for a book you've read this year?
What books are your priority to read by the end of the year?
According to GR, I’ve read 239 books (tho I prefer ‘title’ since some are pretty short. I read a mix of novels, novellas, shorts and manga/comics.) My GR goal is 365, so I’m ahead of schedule!
Manga - Restart After . . . duology by Cocomi
Graphic novel - Mamo by Sass Milledge (ff ya)
Non LGBTQ+ romance book - The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna (still casually queer)
Short book - Bisclavret by K.L. Noone
Standalone mm romance book (there are not a lot of these, lol) - We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian (I didn’t want it to be over, so I really took my time.)
3. Three way tie between The Missing Page by Cat Sebastian, Malibu by Emmy Sanders, and Out of the Wild Night by Marina Vivancos. Oh, and Muscle Cub by Slade James!
4. Loads, but I still haven’t read The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles and I really need to get on that.
5. I’m looking forward to the next volume of Our Not-So-Lonely Planet Travel Guide by Mone Sorai. Oh, and Gentle Chaos by Tyler Gaga (ghosthoney on IG and TikTok)
6. I was most recently disappointed by How To Say I Do by Tal Bauer - not hugely, just wasn’t what I was hoping for.
7. I was really pleasantly surprised by Show Me How to Trust by Ray Celar. I didn’t have high hopes after book 2, but this one really took the time it needed to with the characters. Not a perfect book, but really lovely.
8. I’ve read a couple of short things by her in the past, but this year Crystal Lacy has become a new go-to author.
9. Sal from The Demon’s Mate by Delaney Rain, and maybe Collin from Off-Ice Behavior by Hannah Henry.
10. Some I’ve already mentioned made me cry, but I Felt a Funeral, in My Brain by Will Walton made me cry no fewer than five times. It’s a weird prose poem YA book about grief and generational addiction, I thought it was so well done. A book that made me cry mostly happy tears was Keep Me by HJ Welch.
11. The audiobook of Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green made me legitimately lol.
12. Well, the one that has gotten the most likes on GR is my 1 star of The Right Wrong Number by Katie Warren, but I did like my pithy review for So These Rude Grumpy Arrogant Jerks Fall In Love and It’s Gross by TJ Land. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5353619286
13. The Roger Crenshaw books by Taylor Titmouse have amazing covers, and illustrations inside, too.
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Also, Haunt, Heart, Havoc by Freydís Moon has a super striking cover.
14. I’d like to get back to In Memoriam by Alice Winn. I started it, but there were holds and I knew it was going to get very sad. Oh, and this probably should have been listed above, but I also want to get to Something Wild and Wonderful by Anita Kelly soon.
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reidsaurora · 2 years
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ofwilliamandwalter's birthday celebration challenge!!!
First of all, I just wanna say that I cannot believe that in a month's time, I will be entering the last year of my teen years. 18 has been rough (let's face it, most of my teen years were rough), but I'm so super excited for what 19 has in store for me!
That being said, I thought it would be fun for all of us to celebrate together! So, I came up with this challenge (it was inspired a little bit by @smurphyse's birthday challenge so shoutout there!) for all of us to celebrate! As always, I put my own lil Emmy twist on things and I'm super excited to see how it turns out!
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So, Emmy, what's the challenge?
As you all know, I am lover of literature. I love reading any and every fanfic I can find on this app.
So, I'm challenging you guys to write something based on one (or more) of the prompts listed below!
The theme of course is:
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Prompt Set #1 — One-Liners:
1. "I know it's not a cake, but it's the best I could do on such short notice."
2. "You've got frosting in your hair." or "You've got frosting on your face."
3. "What did you wish for?"
4. "Why didn't you tell anyone it was your birthday?"
5. "Hey... I brought you a slice of cake."
6. "Sorry if the decorations are a bit weird. They ran out of the ones we wanted to use."
7. "You look funny in a party hat."
8. "You have to make a wish when you blow out the candles!" - "My wish already came true—I have you in my life."
9. "I never cared for my birthday until I met you. Now each birthday reminds me of how grateful I am that we get to spend another year together."
10. "CELEBRATE ME! TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!" - "It's four in the morning." - "Yeah! I was born at four in the morning!"
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Prompt Set #2 — Scenarios:
1. Person A is a grouch about their birthday so Person B decides to throw them a party with only their pet(s) present.
2. Person A got Person B's birthday wrong and spends the whole day pampering them. Person B finds it too adorable to say anything.
3. Person A has a crush on Person B for quite some time, so they take B's birthday as an opportunity to give them a present and show them that they care about them. B is surprised because they have never really noticed A before, but enjoys it all the more.
4. It's a tradition in the office that when it's someone's birthday, someone else brings a cake. Person A's birthday is coming up, and Person B finally sees their chance to make a move.
5. The party throwers made so much noise setting up the party that the police came before the person being surprised even arrived.
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So, Emmy, what are the rules?
Anyone can join! No matter if you follow me or not, no matter if you're a writing account or not, no matter if you've ever even written a fic before. YOU CAN ALL JOIN!!!
All writing is allowed! There is no specific genre you have to stick to. Write what you love and we'll love it too!!
I like to keep things clean for the most part, but should you participate with a NSFW entry, please: HAVE YOUR AGE IN YOUR BIO OR YOUR PINNED POST!! I will not be sharing any NSFW entries from ageless blogs.
Please include a summary, what pairing it is, content warnings, word count, and what prompt(s) you chose.
Pairing must be one of the following: Criminal Minds character x reader, Criminal Minds character x character, Supernatural character x reader, Supernatural character x character, or Lesley Smith-Juniment x reader!!!
There is no limit to how many times you can enter! If you have multiple ideas for multiple different prompts, please send them all!
Please share with all your writer friends! The more, the merrier!
All entries must be tagged "#ofwilliamandwalter's birthday challenge" so I can find them! I would also prefer to be tagged in them just in case I cannot find them under the tag!
Challenge ends: one month from now, on my birthday — August 2nd, 2022
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Again, I wanna thank you all for being such lovely people! I can't wait to see everyone's beautiful creations and I hope you'll consider participating! It would make this birthday girl extremely happy :)
Feel free to send any questions, comments, or concerns about the challenge in a DM! I'm always here to answer 🥰
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↳ icon in collage by @scrapbookspence (full birthday icon pack coming soon!)
↳ other pictures featured in the collage are from pinterest. all rights go to the original owners.
↳ birthday dividers by @firefly-graphics
↳ tagging some of my moots who write!: @lunar-affection @rupurts-morgue03 @writer-in-theory @roguereid @fortheloveofwonderland @andiebeaword @samuel-de-champagne-problems @spookydrreid @arsonhotchner @foxy-eva @radiant-reid @one-sweet-gubler @lukeclvez @pretty-boys-book-club @letarasstuff @1234-angelika @wifeyreid @kbakery @sultrypotter @ellcsgreenaway @hotched @spencebunny @1967chevys @reidsbookclub
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Prompts featured are from the following posts:
↳ "10 Birthday Prompts" by @youneedsomeprompts
↳ "Birthday Prompts 2021" by @seaside-writings
↳ "Birthday Prompts 🍰" by @creativepromptsforwriting
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↳ "Birthday Prompts" by @mangoofthesea
↳ "Birthday Prompts!!" by @dialogue4urocs
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costellos · 3 years
Got any blogs you recommend?
OH BOY DO I. before I begin, though, I know I have quite a few minors following me on this blog. I ask that you please respect these writers’ boundaries if they specifically state they’re 18+! it’s an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved, and by interacting with their blog, you’re violating the terms of their consent. I’ve included quite a few sfw blogs for you to look at, so by all means -- look all you like!
@densecloud | multi-fandom 
favorite piece: what else can I do, except adore you? | ryomen sukuna (jjk)
BOY OH BOY. I love Leslie and literally everything she puts out there!!! she tends to focus on fluff and domestic pieces. and I know this is a given with these genres, but everything she writes is soooo comforting. not in a traditional sense, though. like if I had to describe it, her work reminds me of falling snow, a rainy day, or waking up at 3AM and being completely at peace. I think her piece “Chrysalism” exemplifies that best. there’s just something so serene about her craft that’s so unique from most other fluff-oriented authors. 
please go give her work some love!!! Leslie is still relatively new to the tumblr writing scene and she deserves so much more attention on her work. (also she’s like. the funniest damn person I’ve had the honor of interacting on here. pls read her tags.)
@j0succ | multi-fandom, 18+
favorite piece: a well-rounded education | multiple (jjk)
Nat has SUCH a playful style and I can’t even begin to elaborate how much I love it. you can see this best with their “A Well-Rounded Education” series, especially in Nanami’s chapter! like everything in this chapter is just so fun, from the way they describe Nanami himself to how they highlight Gojo’s lightheartedness vs the Reader’s seriousness as teachers. plus! the tension in their stories!! so much sexual tension!!! Nat does a PHENOMENAL job at building up sexc scenes and I am so envious of their skill.
they’re also just a super open person. v non-judgmental on like literally everything. their blog has a lot of content on chubby!Reader, so check ‘em if that’s something you’re looking for!
@ddarker-dreams | multi-fandom, 18+
favorite piece: scarlet ribbons | bucci gang (jjba)
okay so Lock is most known for her horror content, but I feel like her fluff isn’t recognized enough. I am in LOVE with her Scarlet Ribbons series. each chapter makes me feel so warm. I also feel like she doesn’t get enough credit for her timing? like, there have been instances where I’ve literally laughed out loud to her pieces with Mista. ofc that comes to play in her horror content too, but she’s just a really funny person as a whole and I feel like that should be recognized.
overall - you know how you can tell when someone is smiling when they’re on the phone with you? that’s the kind of vibe I get when I read her work. Lock puts her everything into her craft, which is incredible considering she’s a full-time student!
@dear-yandere​ | multi-fandom
favorite piece: almost god | dio brando (jjba)
you’ve probably heard of Vanya if you’ve been on the tumblr fanfiction scene for a while! and for a good reason too -- her work is otherworldly. my jaw literally dropped reading her “Almost God” piece. she has this crazy ability to get into a character’s psyche and write it in such an insightful way. like. my pea brain can’t wrap my head around it; just check out “Almost God” to get my point.
Vanya’s also a huge advocate for recognizing and protecting content creators’ work on this platform. she’s a godsend, I love her and her ruthlessness, but she’s also incredibly kind and I have sosososo much respect for her!
@storiesthatneedtobewritten​ | multi-fandom
favorite piece: pining | ryuji sakamoto (p5)
Emmy!!! my love. Emmy is a literal machine, she’s amazing at coming up with such fun headcanons on the fly. hence, she’s always interacting with her followers! she plays so many ask games and it’s always a blast bouncing off of her and her big brain. her blog is different form these in that she focuses more on short n’ sweet content, and if you’re looking for that kind of stuff, look no further!!
also? also. Emmy is literally one of the kindest and most patient people I’ve met on here. her blog makes me feel like I’m in a swanky cafe / library, and she’s the barista giving me personalized content.
@bigwriterenergy​ | multi-fandom, 18+
favorite piece: kissing as a distraction | bruno bucciarati, giorno giovanna, guido mista (jjba)
fun fact, Goose’s writing is what actually motivated me to make this blog! they have SUCH a strong grasp on literally every character they write about. like, their headcanons tend to fair on the shorter side, and they make the most out of literally every word they lay out. I try to emulate that in my own work, so I take a lot of inspiration from them!
Goose is also in the midst of shifting to multi-fandom; be sure you support them as they do so!! it’s tough engaging a new audience and they deserve every damn person on this platform to read their work.
@moonbeamwritings​ | multi-fandom
favorite piece: realizations series | multiple (jjba, hq!!)
Maeve is an INCREDIBLE fluff writer, oh my GOD. she absolutely nails the pining part of relationships in her “Realizations” series. it’s bananas how well she can exemplify that shift from “haha we’re just 2 besties” to “oh lord I think I’m in love with his moron” and how those characters settle into those emotions. hence, she excels in writing actions and inner thoughts. it’s something I struggle with and she makes it look so easy!
Maeve is another writer who’s shifting to multi-fandom -- please go support her! she’s settling into Haikyuu!! as we speak, so if you’re interested in tender volleyball content, check her out.
@violettelueur | jjk
favorite piece: s/o with eczema | itadori yuji, megumi fushiguro
literally the Jujutsu Kaisen content queen herself. it’s unlikely you haven’t seen her pop up in the tags if you’re in this fandom, but my god does she deserve it. Violettelueur is another fluff writer who puts so much effort to make everyone feel included on her blog. like... my favorite piece, the “s/o with eczema” one, is such a niche topic (where my dry skin girls at make some noise!!!!) and yet. she tackled it nonetheless. I’m amazed with how much effort she puts into literally everything she writes, because good lord do I wish I had the drive she does.
Vio is currently taking a break from writing, but I highly recommend chilling out and having coffee with her (ie checking out her blog)! there’s a ton to content to skim through while you relax.
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
So nice to see him recognize everyone who worked on the show.
Anon 2: imo Seb's insta post comes off super tone deaf. he should have just thanked the cast and crew and leave it at that. why bring back all the controversy. I also don't get why he would tag Pam as if to rub it in that the show won despite her lack of involvement? it all feel a bit iffy to me.
Anon 3: The antis are such assholes. That's all I'll say. To take a lovely heartfelt post and shit on him for it is just despicable. Why does anyone who hates him that much even read his IG posts, FFS?
Anon 4: People coming after Seb for his comments on the Emmy nomination are fucking stupid. I said what I said.
Anon 5: He was an unforgettable presence this award seasons & he made damn sure of it.>> Hulu did a great campaign, and he didn't look desperate. The ten nominations show that the actors liked the series, especially the performances. I know a lot of people wished a nomination for Fresh (me too), but in P&T Seb has the role of transformation: weight loss, showing off your body in a thong, learning to play the drums, singing, the kind of role actors love to nominate. His nomination was not a surprise.
Anon 6: I’m so sick and tired of people coming after Sebastian Stan and Lily James for appearing in this. They are actors. Do we think that Zac Efron supported the murder of Ted Bundy’s victims when he played him? Or do we honestly think that every actor that has portrayed Adolf Hitler is a Nazi sympathizer? No. We fucking don’t. Sebastian Stan brought up a VALID point that we are all guilty of some sort of exploitation and violations of privacy because WE ARE. He has stated, from the beginning, problems that this whole series brings to light and yes, we are ALL guilty of it. If you follow gossip mags to get information about celebrities, you are supporting, whether it be voluntary or not, some sort of exploitation of celebrities and people. The show isn’t about rehashing the trauma that Pamela Anderson suffered, and I’m sorry that it did for her on a personal level, but it brings to light a much bigger issue that no one seems to want to discuss because they are too damn busy blaming Sebastian Stan and Lily James for every single little thing about the show because it “violates Pamela’s privacy…”
Anon 7: Mods, are you guys just purposely ignoring the backlash going on or is it that no one is asking about it? I used to love Sebastian but this is the last straw for me. Why would he post that and then tag Pamela in it when all she has ever asked is to be left alone and for this horrible story to be forgotten??? That is some seriously sick and twisted stuff, I can't believe he would do all this for an Emmy he has no chance of winning anyway.
Lady Danger - I’m side-eyeing the inclusion of tagging her (or more the PR person who vetted and let that through) but it’s not going to stop me from being a fan of his. I feel he’s a bit naive to the controversy of it but same could be said for when he was involved in I, Tonya. Pam has her own Netflix deal so she’s seemingly doesn’t want it all to be forgotten.
Cosmic - I think it was an attempt to pretend the show had their backs….it didn’t.
Vamp - Not a great move. There is no reason to tag Pam or Tommy in that post. I don't know what he or his team were thinking....
X2 - lol, messy...maybe he ok'd it w/ them before he posted?
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unsoundedcomic · 3 years
What’s your favorite Metroid? How does Dread stack up? Not sure if I should get a Switch yet.
Super is still my favourite. I used to tinker with speedrunning it back when I had more free time. Lots of sentimental value too, as my dad and I used to tag team it. And even years before that, dad would play NES Metroid while I was in charge of drawing the map. Deadly team-up!
I think Dread is great! Dread is 2D Metroid repackaged for modern gamers. It looks good, it plays easy, it goes down smooth. It's definitely a different beast from Super and seems to take more inspiration from Fusion. There's no real emphasis on music or atmosphere or isolation. Adam is constantly yacking at you, EMMI is obsessed with you, there are even speaking NPCs. It's a fine game, but it doesn't do anything that other Metroidvanias haven't been doing just as well, and it does some things that they've done better.
Personally, the EMMI sections were so unfun that it interferes with my desire to replay it any time soon, but otherwise the boss fights were a good time. They are very pattern-focused, like Castlevania bosses, and once you get certain upgrades they're jokes.
Unless you care deeply about Metroid I don't know if it's worth buying a Switch for. Dread didn't do much that Hollow Knight or Ori games haven't done just as well. It's also very short. I mean, it's as long as it needs to be, but if you have to pay 360 bucks to play it, that's not great value for your money :3
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Updated pinned post!!
previous url: @hopelessromanticfanperson05 :) (i kept the url on another blog in case i ever wanted it again)
The list of alters and a little about each of us will be posted below the basic blog information after the keep reading
We tag our posts with whoever is in the front and made the post, so our latest posts can be an indicator
We will also write whoever is fronting here
Currently fronting: quill
So we decided some basic blog information as well as a DNI was very much needed so uhhhhh yeah
• yes we are a system! As of now we are a system of 20+ alters. not medically recognized or diagnosed but most likely osdd-1b
• if unsure who’s fronting, refer to us as cloud with they/them or it/its pronouns. Same thing if it’s a lot of us together, unless you’re wanting to speak to a specific alter
• adults can interact and follow just don’t be creepy a lot of us are minors and the body is as well
• you can always send asks and dm’s! If we don’t answer don’t feel discouraged we can be super forgetful (anon asks are on btw)
• you can ask for your triggers to be tagged and I will do my absolute best to remember
• we are on tumblr fairly often and more often than not wayyyyy past the time we should be asleep
• we also have discord, if you’d rather message there! However that is mutuals only
• be mindful of the littles. We try not to let them front on their own but it’s not always possible. Do not even think about hurting them. You will regret it.
• mutuals you are allowed to reblog any selfies we might post at any given time. Unless it’s tagged otherwise :)
• these are also some of our main interests that will be posted about ^-^: conan gray, extraordinary attorney woo, grey’s anatomy, dsmp (not often but neo does enjoy it and we also have a fictive from it), toh (raeda or raine mostly tbh) , heartstopper/oseman universe, spy x family, bluey, and others that i can’t quite remember 🥲
• these are also some sideblogs we’d like to share with the general public:
- @hopelessromanticyearns (yearning blog, hardly used as of lately. well as of awhile)
- @conangraymorelikeconanslayyy (conan gray fanpage, active from time to time, mostly reblogs however)
- @quills-creative-corner (writing blog, have a few fics posted, only used when both inspiration and time coexist, so once in a blue moon-)
- @local-mushroom-enthusiast (alyx’s blog that xe forgets about every time xe fronts. mostly mushrooms but i think xe does post some other stuff too from time to time
(idk how to change the name of a link but the above link is to a post of picrews of almost everyone)
And just a couple don’t’s because it seems necessary
Don’t ask about our trauma. We might make vent posts about it but don’t ask. Unless you are a trusted mutual we probably won’t open up about it either
Don’t reblog any posts tagged “vent” or “vent ish” it makes all of us uncomfy
DNI if you’re a pedophile, transphobe, homophobe, TERF, exclusionist, porn blog, racist, and/or engage in syscourse (not comfortable talking about it)
Please like this post if you’re a new follower to make sure you’re aware of everything :)
That’s it. Welcome to our blog lads!! :D
Quill, 18, check bio for pronouns and names (host)
I front the most, and I am absolutely obsessed with space. I’m autistic too. I love the idea of a cute romance but I am aromantic and mostly incapable of romance. Ignore the hopeless romantic though and you have a completely insane person <3 Anyways. Hey :)
Alyx, 19, xe/xem (co-host)
I am almost always close to the front in case something were to come up, and I have an accent when I talk, but we don’t mention it. Um let’s see what else. Oh yeah, Ximena is my girlfriend. Mushroom enthusiast!!!
Zym, 23, ey/em
Uh, basically I’m the bad influence around our littles, but I make sure they’re doing alright and honestly I just like to live life as we go. That’s about it
Ximena, 22, she/they/sun
I take care of our littles and sometimes have to intervene for our not so littles. I really enjoy reading and maybe just having a nice relaxing day, although dating Alyx doesn’t make it all that easy (I’m kidding love you babe)
Emmy, 8, she/her
I like to talk. Some peoples say I talk a lot. I no know but maybe. I really really like stuffed animals and dolls are fun :DD
Caspian, 4, he/him, lava/lavas and quack/quacks
He likes Minecraft. He really likes this stuffed penguin we have and also this one bear. He is nonverbal, and he doesn’t type. You will probably never interact with him
Dee, 13, he/they
Hello. I am kinda shy and not good with people. I tend to be very in touch with my emotions, especially the negative ones. I enjoy quiet time alone for the most part, but talking to the host’s friends can be interesting as well.
Orion, 12, he/she
Hi! I front especially when our host is experiencing a lot of overwhelming negative emotions and I have a very positive attitude towards a lot of things. I really enjoy hanging out with Dee and I like painting :)
Jess, 10, she/they/it
She is selectively mute, and while they can type it is choosing not to in this moment. She is terrified of meeting new people and might not want to talk unless a previous relationship with our system has been established. And I’ll let them say more later
Asa, 20 ish, he/him
Hello. I am a demon. I am very proper in speech and while I am not actually 20 years old, my appearance is of such. I enjoy reading and spend a lot of time alone.
Autumn, ??, it/its
What is up people. I am not human and I am very slightly chaotic you might get annoyed honestly but I hope none of you mind. And I like sleeping I mean can you blame me
Willow, 17, he/him
I hardly ever front, I spend a lot of time deep in the headspace. But I do like drawing
Jay, 20, he/they
Hey, what’s up. I’m not human. I really like photography and scaring people, it’s quite fun. I tend to mess with Neo a whole lot, he’s really easy to pick on (in a friendly manner though)
Janus, 23, he/him
Hello, I’m a introject of Janus from sanders sides. I enjoy playing video games and I don’t tend to front often
Neo/Campfire, 17, she/they/he (co-host)
Hey hey!! I enjoy photography and cooking too. I am typically close to the front and can be found fronting often with Quill. I’m also really into mcyt :))
Evan, 20, he/him
Okay well hey what’s up. I’m really into sports and technological things, such as coding. I enjoy spending my free time exercising and also setting up pluralkit on discord because no one else bothers to learn how to
Will, 24, he/him and ey/em
Hello. I’m Will. I’m a Wilbur Soot introject. You can speak of my source I don’t exactly mind. I am unapologetically loud and will be annoying after awhile. I like to play video games and sleep as well
Grape, 7-12 age slider, any neopronouns or she/her
Hi there!! I’m Grape. I really like making crafts and gardening. I am not good at math or any school subject really. I like meeting new people and I like to talk a lot
Calliope (Cali), 16, she/they
Hello. I will steal all the gender if you wish me to. I like to be amongst nature and honestly I’m quite awkward a lot of times.
Dr Bellum, 24, they/them
Hello. Yes I’m a doctor bellum fictive. I don’t know what to really say here. I don’t mind being compared to my source or mentions of my source.
Dark/mist, no age, it/its and ne/nem
i am bodily in the innerworld an actual just like dark cloud like creature. very unemotional and highly protective. don’t screw up idiots.
Sombra, unknown age, they/it/he
yeah yeah my name is just shadow but in spanish. anywyas i am an alter mainly devoid of emotions, i make tonsss of spelling mistakes and also won’t hesitate to come for you if you commit a fuck up.
rizo/ricitos, 15/16, she/he
most likely a factive. she does struggle with english a lot and usually will not front alone in case he makes some mistakes while trying to talk with people. fun and bubbly personality, mostly very sociable. however she struggles with getting ideas across in a conversation
And that’s all of us at the moment. some alters don’t have an introduction due to their reasons but otherwise everything is updated. Feel free to ask us any questions we’ll try our best not to forget about the ask lol
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Hey so loved your black magic series! I read your post about using REE/Rafael. I’ll read anything you write but this idea to me is RPF and kind of squicks. ☹️ Maybe if you use another character he played? Nevada?! Someone sees “Barba” doing something super bad and they’re all “omg omg” and think it’s Barba? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I hear you, I do. HOWEVER, I made a "Version" of Raul Esparza in this story that is 5 years younger, and...I hate to say it, "more" famous?
IDK I wrote a 'prototype' chapter last night, so I'm gonna put this to you. I assume/hope you're an avid reader and I can gauge the public consensus, but also I want ALL my readers to be happy!!
So here, read this and then tell me if you still find the idea "Squicky".
That goes for anyone else! Maybe I should put my tag list in here....
The way I wrote him though anon, I truly feel in my heart that it's not RPF, because like I said RPF freaks me out as well.
Before you already go in skeptical, let me set up the plot I had planned. {As told to @madamsnape921 in an IM:
the thing was gonna start that someone sees Rafael proposing to the reader, and tells a tabloid that Raul Esparza is engaged to some rando. Because they think that it was him. And then Rafa, the reader and Chloe start to discuss on how either it's a multiverse thing, or a doppelganger thing because it turns out that Rafael and Raúl are very similar, like personality traits and the Broadway dream, except that Raul's childhood was basically the opposite of Rafael's so Chloe THINKS that Raul is Rafael from a "multiverse".
Right and then Raul goes to Rafael's office to confront him and then the reader and Chloe are there to take Rafael out to lunch and they're like holy shit!
And Rafael is super uncomfortable with the idea of the reader EVER being in a show with Raul because obviously they're like the same person and Raul probably has more in common with her
Oh and also Raul is five years younger, and thinner. So then Raul's like you shouldn't listen to him, I could really help you with your career.
Annnnd that's all I have so far.
Okay so read this really and tell me you honest opinion.
Screw it putting the tag list:
Tag List
You were walking towards the exit of Central Park hand in hand with your now fiancee, when all of a sudden two giggling girls came running up to you.
“Oh my god!!!!! Raul we didn’t know you had a girlfriend!” One of them started squealing.
“Fiancee,” He corrected. “Wait I’m sorry, what? Did you just call me Raul?”
“Uh...yeah, duh,” One of the girls made a face. “Raul Esparza?”
“What?” You bursted out laughing. “I’m sorry, you think he’s Raul Esparza?”
“Um, we know he is,” The other one crossed her arms.
“Um, no he isn’t!” You wrapped your arm around Rafael protectively, as if the two girls were going to kidnap him or something.
“I can promise you ladies, I am not-- whoever you just said,” Rafael assured them.
“Why are you doing this? Are you trying not to embarrass your lady friend here?” One of the girls made a weird face at you.
“Wha? No--” Rafael tried to defend himself but the girls were already clearly ticked off.
“Wow, I have heard of actors trying to get away from fans but completely pretending to be another person, that’s pretty low Raul,” One of them glared at Rafael.
“Yeah, it wouldn’t have taken you much effort to just take a selfie with us,” The other one added with a scowl.
“I...um--” He looked to you for help, but you just shrugged. You had no idea how to handle such a weird situation.
“I guess we can take one--” He offered.
“Oh no, forget it now,” One girl scoffed.
“Yeah, jerk!” The other one stomped her foot and they both sauntered away angrily.
“...What the hell was that?” Rafael looked at you in utter confusion and disbelief, you just gave him a “wtf” smile.
“I have no idea baby--”
“Oh my god, are you guys ok?” Chloe suddenly came running up behind you. “What the hell did those teeny boppers want? To rob you with water guns or something?”
“No they-- they wanted a selfie?” Rafael was still confused, trying to figure out what just happened.
“A selfie? With you?” Chloe snorted.
“No-- With Raul Esparza,” You looked at her with a confused smile. It was pretty entertaining to think that your fiance looked like a Broadway star.
“I don’t get it, you said that I didn’t even look like him!” Rafael looked at you.
“I mean I said I didn’t see it, and that you were more handsome,”
“....Yeah well you might wanna rethink that answer babe,” Chloe’s eyes were wide as she handed you her phone. She had googled RAUL ESPARZA, and the images that popped up were-- Rafael’s face.
“Oh my God…” You whispered, showing Rafael the phone. He quickly pulled out his own and started searching for himself. You handed Chloe back her phone and did the same. Pages and pages of articles about Raul Esparza’s shows, and accelaides, and all with Rafael's face plastered all over them.
“He’s….me,” Rafael whispered in horror.
“He looks more like you than you do!” You teased, he looked at you with a very serious face. Clearly he was not ready to joke about this yet.
“Holy shit. This is some multiverse shit,” Chloe muttered as she went through her Google search.
“Excuse me?” You asked her.
“You know, the multiverse theory? There’s an infinite amount of universes in every decision anyone ever makes.”
“Meaning…?” Rafael asked.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Chloe raised an eyebrow. “Raul could be Rafael, if he hadn’t given up on his Broadway dream,”
“Oh my god,” Rafael started laughing. “Chloe, did you get loaded in the park or something?”
“Oh okay, so you have a better idea, big brain lawyer?” She crossed her arms.
“He might not, but I do,” You piped up, showing her your phone.
“Doppelgangers?” Chloe read with a face.
“Yes, it’s a fact that there are 5 people in the world with the EXACT same face,” You continued reading.
“And he just happens to live in New York, where Rafael lives? AND is on Broadway, the one thing Rafael gave up?”
“Look sure it’s a million to one shot that those events would line up, but what’s more plausible: Doppelganger or ‘Multiverse’?” You looked at Chloe, who looked at Rafael, so you turned to Rafael as well.
“...Wha--are you asking me?” He asked.
“I mean it is your face,” You shrugged. “What do you think, baby?”
“I’m leaning towards a doppelganger, sorry Chloe,” He shrugged as well.
“Yeah well, you’re probably right,” Chloe nodded as she read her own phone, still on Raul Esparza info. “Most likely because he’s five years YOUNGER than you,”
“WHAT?!” Rafael grabbed her phone; as he read it, his face fell. “Oh God, no…”
“Wha--What does it matter how old he is, Rafa?” You furrowed your brows.
“Or the fact that he’s clearly thinner and more attractive,” Chloe added with a smirk.
“CHLOE,” You scolded her. “What the ever loving fuck?”
“Well, I’m just saying-- Look at them side by side,” Chloe had a photo of Rafael from some mayor’s ball next to Raul Esparza at the Tonys, both in tuxedo’s. You wouldn’t admit to Rafael but Raul was definitely thinner, and...he looked a lot younger. It was probably Botox or something you were sure, but still….
“Okay but again WHY does it matter--?” You wanted to change the subject.
“Are you kidding me? Y/N-- This is what you want to do!” He gestured to Chloe’s phone.
“....I don’t want Raul--” You started.
“No, you want to be on Broadway though!! And, and what if someday, God forbid, you end up in a show with this guy? He clearly already has a leg up on me compatibility wise, and as Chloe so kindly pointed out, a leg up on me age and attractiveness wise, and--” Rafael started ranting and rambling, talking lightening fast, as he did when he got upset or excited.
“Whoa whoa whoa whoa, back up there counselor,” You put up a hand to his face. “Are you actually insinuating that if I worked with Raul Esparza, that I would magically fall in love with him?”
“Don’t say it like that,” Rafael was triggered by the mention of magic and love.
“Okay but I’m not even saying ‘magic’ magic, I’m just saying-- What do you think because he’s an actor, and younger than you I’m just going to think I’m better off with him? Just because he has your face?” You gave him a small “oh honey” smile as you placed your hands on either of his face.
“No, but if you have to play his love interest, and you spend every day with him, it might blur the lines--” He started grumbling.
“Rafael, baby--” You shook his head in your hands. “I am still in SCHOOL. I am nowhere NEAR being in a Broadway show as a freaking techie, let alone a love interest starring opposite Raul Esparza,”
“Yeah, I mean this guy is huge-- 3 Tonys, 2 Emmys, an Oscar--” Chloe rattled off, but stopped when she realized you were glaring at her. “What? I’m helping!”
“...See? He’s far too famous for me,” You pressed your forehead to Rafael’s.
“Right, and I’m just the lowly ADA,” He muttered.
“Lowly my ass, Rafa,” You hit him playfully. “You are the most respected ADA in all of New York,”
“I’m the only ADA of New York,” He made a face.
“Not true! Just the city,” You beamed, proud of yourself you did some research once you had gotten together.
“My point is Rafael,” You now put your hands on his collar and pulled yourself into him. “You are all the acclaim I need,” You kissed him softly. “You’re my everything, I mean for fuck’s sake you just held a one man flash mob to propose to me! Let’s Raul Esparza do THAT,” You laughed, hoping to make him feel better. As his scowl melted into a smile, you knew you had succeeded.
“That was pretty romantic wasn’t it?” He beamed, proud of himself.
“It was EPIC,” Chloe chimed in, for good this time.
“Your voice is beautiful by the way,” You had forgotten in the midst of all of the romantic hubbub to compliment him. “I’m really sorry you had to give up Broadway,”
“Yeah, well-- apparently some part of me didn’t,” He gestured to his phone.
“Well he doesn’t have me,” You pointed out.
“He doesn’t know what he’s missing.” Rafael grinned as he pulled you into a deep kiss.
“Now can we please just forget about--” You hesitated, deciding not to mention his name again. “Anything else, and just focus on our engagement night?”
“Well, I suppose--” He nodded as he put an arm around you, and the three of you continued to walk through the park.
Across town in a swanky New York Penthouse, an alert went off on Raul Esparza’s phone. He had it set to notify him any time his name appeared in a headline on the internet. He glanced over and picked it up, reading the notification. As he read it, his eyes widened and his face grew red. He stood up and yelled to no one in particular,
“Who the FUCK is trying to impersonate me?!”
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prettyboyswow · 4 years
The CEO pt. 2
Author’s Note: WOW!! I had no idea how many of you would want a part 2 for The CEO! I’m so glad you all liked modern! Tommy as much as I do! I’m thinking about making this into a 5+ part series, but let me know what you all think in the comments! Again, thank you all so much for your likes, reblogs, comments, messages, etc. It means the world to me to see all of your kind words!! I love y’all!
* flashbacks/texts are in bold and thoughts are in italics! *
Pairing: Modern!Thomas Shelby x fem!reader
Warning: none
Tags: @lucillethings @amirahiddleston @giowritess
The CEO Part 1
Tumblr media
“What was that about,” Emmy raised her eyebrows in confusion, her head nudging in the direction of Mr. Shelby’s retreating form. 
“He was just wishing us a fun evening,” I cleared my throat, handing Macie her water before sitting back in the booth. I breifly glanced at Thomas, catching his eyes across the room. 
“Could we uh, could we dance after my friends have left,” I wet my lips, trying to look anywhere other than his icy blue eyes. From the corner of my eye I saw him furrow his brows ever so slightly before nodding. 
“That’s probably best,” He nodded, taking a small step away from me. “Come find me when you’re free.”
The conversation at the booth jumped from subject to subject, nothing really catching my attention. Tyler had placed his arm around my shoulders in a feeble attempt at flirting. However, my thoughts were consumed by Thomas Shelby, the most handsome man I’d ever seen. All I could think about was his proposal to dance. What did that even mean? He didn’t ask Emmy to dance. He didn’t ask Kyle, Jessica, or Macie either. As much as I wanted it to mean something, it most likely didn’t. The Shelby brothers had a reputation for being popular with the ladies. 
“(Y/N), you okay,” Jessica frowned, watching me over her beer. I straightened my shoulders, nodding slightly. “Mm, yeah. I’m just getting a little tired.”
The rest of the group nodded, Kyle checking his watch, “Yeah, It’s getting pretty late. Maybe we should head out.” 
Emmy stood, stumbling into Kyle’s strong arms, “As much as I hate to admit it, I think I’m drunk.” She giggled as Kyle grabbed her purse, making sure to keep a strong hold on her. Everyone filed out of the booth, grabbing their belongings and leaving a tip for our waitress. 
“You guys go ahead without me. I’m going to head to the bathroom and then catch a cab,” I straightened my dress out and wrapped my arms around myself. 
“Are you sure? I can stay with you,” Tyler looked me over, leaning his head to the side slightly. I nodded and gave a small smile, “I’m sure! I’ll be really quick and I’ll ask a security guard to stand with me while I catch a cab!” 
Just leave so I can dance with my super hot boss, please. Tyler only nodded in response as I hugged everyone goodbye. Once I had seen the last of my co-workers exit the club, I made my way to the bar. I ordered a fruity drink and sat on the nearest empty barstool. 
Okay, (Y/N), you can do this. You can find Thomas Shelby and dance the night away. No big deal. I mean, obviously he wants to be around me. He asked me to dance! I can do this.
I took a large sip of my drink through the bright pink straw before swivelling the barstool to face the rest of the club. Time to scope out Thomas Shelby. Before I had even started searching, I locked eyes with the blue eyed man who was standing a few feet away. He tipped his head slightly at me, watching my every movement. I beckoned him slightly with a nod of my head before turning back towards the bar. 
A moment later, a large, rough hand landed on my upper arm and a pair of lips lowered to my ear, “I think you owe me a dance.”
I grinned, nodding slowly as I turned my face to meet his, “I think you’re right, Mr. Shelby.”
I placed my empty glass on the counter before standing to meet him. He gave me his arm, allowing me to latch arms with him. I could feel my heart beating hard enough to jump out of my chest, praying that I didn’t make a fool of myself in front of him. 
“You don’t seem like the type of person who’d dance to club music, Mr. Shelby,” I let out a nervous laugh, trying not to trip over my own feet as we navigated our way through the crowd of dancing bodies. 
“I’m not,” he stopped in the middle of the dance floor and turned me in his arms. He placed one hand on my waist, the other lacing his fingers through my own. My cheeks flushed red as we stood swaying in the middle of the raving dance floor, our bodies almost flush against each other. 
We danced in silence for a while as I racked my brain to think of something, literally anything to say. His scent was intoxicating and I could feel his gaze on me like a ton of bricks.
The thing about Thomas Shelby was that he was gorgeous. Like super-model-melt-your-eyes kinda gorgous. Not only was he beautiful, he was incredibly smart. He spoke eloquently and intelligently. He captivated the attention of everyone he was around. He was charming, witty, and so mysterious. No one knew much about his private life, no matter how hard the tabloids tried to dig. He kept to himself and his close friends and family. 
All I wanted was a peak behind the curtain. Who was Thomas Shelby when no one else was around? What was his favorite food? When was the last time he cried? What was his favorite memory? His least favorite memory? Did he sleep with the TV on? How does he like his eggs cooked? 
As I stood lost in thought, Thomas pulled me closer, our chests touching ever so slightly, “You’re awfully quiet, aren’t you?”
“I’m just thinking,” my cheeks burned as I looked up to meet his glittering eyes. 
“About,” he questioned, laying our intertwined hands on his chest. 
“Just about this,” I gripped his hand a little tighter, “Why’d you ask me to dance?”
“Because I wanted to,” he said it so matter of factly that I decided to leave it, even though every bone in my body wanted to ask “why.” 
I nodded and chewed on the inside of my cheek, “Right.”
He let out a small chuckle, looking down at me with a tiny smirk on his chiseled face, “I asked you to dance because I think you’re interesting.”
I scrunched my nose up, giving him an incredulous look, “You think I’m interesting...?”
He nodded, moving his hand on my waist a little lower. “I do. You’re different.”
“Oh. Well, um, I think you’re interesting too, Mr. Shelby.”
“Call me Thomas,” his smirk only grew as he watched my cheeks blush. 
“Alright, Thomas. Call me (Y/N),” I gave him a weak smile, feeling myself grow more anxious under his gaze. 
“Alright, (Y/N),” he squeezed my hand ever so slightly before letting go of me entirely. “I need to get going.” He nodded towards his brothers who were loudly arguing with the bartender. 
I let out a laugh and nodded, “I think you’re right.” 
I took a step back and watched as he looked between myself and his brothers, “I enjoyed our dance. I’ll see you soon, (Y/N).”
And with that, he paced quickly to his brothers, grabbing them by the shoulders to get their attention. He shot me a quick smirk as he dragged them to the exit. 
Did that really just happen? Did I really just slow dance with Thomas Shelby?
It had been about 2 weeks since I had slow danced with Thomas at the club. Since then, I’d only seen him in passing around the office. We’d made eye contact a few times, and I’d caught him staring at me from across the room a handful of times. I was trying my best not to read too much into anything, especially since we hadn’t spoken since that night. However, my heart and hormones were totally in control in this situation and I couldn’t help but daydream about my beautiful boss.
I desperately wanted to speak to him, to be near him again. I hadn’t told anyone about what happened, not even Emmy. I didn’t want to get either of us in trouble, even if nothing really happened. I’m sure it’d be frowned upon for anything to happen between the two of us. He’s the CEO of the company and I work for him after all.
I was sitting in my car in the parking lot on my lunch break, scrolling through Instagram when I got a text from an unknown number.
When I opened the message, my heart nearly burst through my chest.
Unknown Number: (Y/N), it’s Thomas.
How did he get my phone number? Why was he texting me? Snap out of it and answer, girl!
Me: Hi, Thomas. How’d you get my phone number?
I waited for only a moment before my phone vibrates against my lap.
Thomas: Your application. I wanted to ask you for it, but I haven’t been able to speak to you lately. I just wanted to say I had a nice time the other night.
Me: Oh, I see. I had a nice time too. Thank you for the dance.
Thomas: I’m glad. I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me tomorrow night? I could pick you up around 7.
WHAT?! He wants to have dinner with me? Okay, focus, this could totally just be a work dinner.
Me: I’d love to, Thomas. Should I send my address, or did you sneak that from my application too?
I grinned as the three little bubbles appeared, disappeared, and reapppeard on my screen.
Thomas: You could send it to me so I feel less like a creep.
I let out a laugh, quickly typing my address out for him. A moment later, my phone vibrated with a notification.
Thomas: Great, I’ll see you tomorrow at 7 pm. Have a good day, (Y/N).
Me: You too, Thomas. See you tomorrow.
I quickly put my phone into my purse and made my way back into the sleek, modern building.
I can’t believe I’m going on a date with my boss. Is this a date? Do I want it to be a date?
I stood in front of my mirror, zipping up the blush colored dress I had bought specifically for tonight. My hair was curled into loose waves and my makeup was light and natural. I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard, or like I thought this was anything more than a casual meeting. For all I know, he was going to tell me I was a terrible employee and fire me on the spot. I mean, it was highly unlikely but not impossible.
I checked my phone every few minutes, checking the time and for any texts from Thomas. So far, nothing. It was only 6:37, but I was pacing around my apartment like a crazed woman.
My phone vibrated with a text from Thomas, making my heart jump to my throat.
Thomas: On my way. I’m excited to see you.
Oh my God...breathe (Y/N)!!!
Me: Ditto!
Ditto? DITTO??? What am I even doing? He’s going to think I’m some weirdo.
I sat on my couch, huffing as I watched the three dots disappear from the screen. I closed my eyes and tried to take deep, relaxing breaths.
There is nothing for me to worry about. He’s my boss. I’m his employee. This is a business dinner. I need to calm down! He’s human just like I am.
A knock at my front door jolted me from my thoughts. I quickly stood, running my hands over my wrinkled dress before making my way to the door. I looked through the peep hole to see Thomas standing in a nice black suit. He looked as gorgeous as ever. I unlocked the door and swung it open to see him smiling at me.
“You look beautiful, (Y/N),” he gave me his arm to take. I quickly shut and locked the door behind me, taking his arm to walk back down the hall.
“Thank you. You look beautiful too,” I bit the inside of my cheek as he let out a small chuckle and a “thank you.”
“So, where are we going,” I questioned as we stepped into the elevator, watching as he pressed the button for the first floor.
“It’s a surprise,” he looked down at me, letting his eyes scan over my appearance. His gaze was so intense I turned my head back to the elevator doors, “Good thing I like surprises.”
AUTHORS NOTE: sorry for the wait yall!! Please let me know what you think and if there should be/you want another part!! I love reading your comments! ❤️
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theuniversalwoman · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡ -  Jade!
PRONOUNS! ♡ -  She/Her
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡ -   Cancer
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡ -  Taken! My Boyfriend does not rp on tumblr otherwise I’d link him here
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡  -  Frogs are my favorite animals! Tree frogs specifically if I had to pick, but I like all of them! I think I got it from my aunt, she was a big fan of frogs and I ended up stealing getting a bunch of the stuffed animals she had of them
2! ♡ -   I have two cats! Emmy and Catra! They’re both sweetiepies! Catra has a brain condition that makes her walk around really wobbly and do a few other things a bit differently, but she’s adorable and can climb up a sheer cliff if it had places to shove her claws. Emmy is a scaredy cat but super sweet and does not care how busy you are when she wants pets
3! ♡ - I play D&D every monday and friday! Both 5E games! I DM the monday ones but am a player for @universalwisdom and @mooncellmaster’s game on friday! I play Min Huang, A paladin/Warlock who is married to a big ol dragon lady and they’re very gay
PLATFORMS USED! ♡ -   Discord and Tumblr!
FEMALE, MALE OR NONBINARY! ♡ - Female! Though I tend to pick up others as well. I just have a strong preference for female but I think that’s a gender thing if that makes sense.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡ -     Mutli shipping! And I love shipping so much! So if you ever wanna ship, or have a ship in mind, or wanna make one, or think we should have one, just let me know! I tend to get nervous with it but I will bring it up if I get the courage to, so I implore you to do the same!
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡ -     I’m up for all three! Tho I don’t write smut a lot and that’s only for discord or my nsfw blog. I haven’t written too much fluff here but I really do adore fluff! And of course I love angst too, like duh of course.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡ -  Hit me up with any asks to reply to memes or any ims/asks/messages/anything about plots too! I love writing with people and the reason I pick up so many muses is for all the unique interactions they carry, so I’d love for people to interact with anything they can think of!
TAGGED BY! ♡ -  @brevetempvs thank you for the tag! this was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it a lot :D
Tagging: You! Take it! Tell us about yourself! It’s fun!
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adampage · 4 years
twenty questions
I was tagged by @cowboyshit 🥰
what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
I prefer Emiliana, Emi/Emmy, or Em. Mimi is fine if your name is ryan @adam-page
when is your birthday?
one month exactly from today :)
where do you live?
three things you are doing right now?
cooking food, texting a friend, typing this questionnaire up
four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
we’re back on our bullshit, lads. supernatural, qwrestling, red dead redemption, and also black sails which is SUPER recent and all thanks to ash 😌
how has the pandemic been treating you?
like shit. I’m very exhausted of it and I’ve had many bouts of sadness in recent months and I’m just ready for it to go away
a song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Forever After All by Luke Combs
recommend a movie.
Sonic the Hedgehog
how old are you?
the way I forgot how fucking old I am. lemme think for a minute. I should be 25. what the fuck I’m 24 legit was thinking 23 at first omg
school, university, occupation, other?
nope I work 70 hours a week and I don’t wanna talk about it.
do you prefer heat or cold?
cold. ya can’t shed your skin off it gets too hot but you can always find more blankets or sweaters :)
name one fact others may not know about you.
my husband and I almost got t-boned by an eighteen wheeler once at 3am
are you shy?
I’m shy with people I find intimidating. if I don’t find you intimidating I’m annoying
preferred pronouns?
biggest pet peeves?
when someone says one thing in a conversation and then immediately says the opposite three minutes later in the same conversation because I don’t know what you fucking want from me. so you want/believe the former or the latter? beats fuckin me 🤷🏻‍♀️ and it pisses me off :)
what is your favorite “dere” type?
what is this
rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
7, I think. I don’t want for much but I feel like I’m not free.
what’s your main blog?
this one!
list your side blogs and what they’re used for.
@hangmox is my edit archive. I also started posting my gifs there once I finally caught the archive part of it up. @lagenerica is my Sami Zayn blog. @thesamiandkevinshow is my Sami/Kevin blog. @cahir-mawr-dyffryn-aep-ceallach is my Witcher blog. @softarthurmorgan is my reference blog where I reblog shit I think is informative to me as a person that I used to use as a poetry blog.
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I’m not good at keeping conversation. At the beginning, I’ll tell you anything and everything because I feel like I have to catch you up. Slowly though, I lose confidence in myself and my worth as a friend so I stop telling you everything. I feel like I’m being annoying. And I stop starting the conversations and things that I would’ve told you before, I don’t. It might feel like I’ve stopped being your friend and that’s not true. But the more insecure I feel, the less likely I just say whatever pops into my mind. It’s no one’s fault. I’m just big idiot. I only have like one person or two that I consistently speak with.
Tagging: @kyleoreillysknee @wardl0w @snarkandsarcasmftw @rampagewriting @catchpoint @champbucks @tetsuyainthesky @adam-page 💙💙💙
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sdra2-candyland-au · 4 years
you are the running child!
You are running around, and your name is...
??? - Magorobi Emma!
Emma - I'm starting to get kinda tired.... Hajime is only chasing around me!
Emma - I haven't had a single chance to rest.
You can't help but let out a frustrated sigh at that, wondering why he hasn't changed targets yet.
Emma - It's starting to get a bit late, so we should be done playing soon.
Emma - Unless we play after dinner! That's always fun, playing when it's kinda dark.
Emma - I think it's a bit past 6:30 now, nearing seven?
Emma - It's been a bit over 20 minutes since...
Emma - And that happened at 6:30, so...
Emma - Yeah, it should be about seven, maybe ten before?
Emma - I learned about things like quarter before, quarter until, all of that the other day!
Emma - It's cool, but the others say I use it too much.
Emma - I think it's just a quarter before "they understand how awesome this is" o'clock!
Emma - Some people can be so rude...
Emma - Like Hajime, right now!
Emma - He just wont get off my tail...
Emma - Isn't there someone else for him to chase!
??? - Hajime, go get Iroha, let Emmy have a chance to breathe!
Hajime - But I don't know where she went!
??? - Check the oak tree!
Iroha - Hey!!!
Hajime - Oh! There you are!!
Iroha - Nooooo....
Hajime - I'm gonna getcha!
Emma - Huh? Emmy...
Emma - Oh!
You watch happily as Emma turns to look up at you, while Hajime and Iroha screech away in the background. You have a very super special announcement to make! But it can wait a second more, when Iroha gets tagged, she'll be it next game. She always goes off to hide near the end so she won't be it, and you can't stand for that!
You are...
{You just got back from Irohas house, as everyone's parents, yours included, are currently there. You rode your bike there and back as quickly as possible, and you're proud you were tasked with such a important job}
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chyteawrites · 5 years
Torn: Chapter 14
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Story Summary: You start work as a make-up artist for The Umbrella Academy and meet two of the most handsome people you’ve ever worked with, both of them vying for your attention.
Chapter Summary: As filming comes to a close for The Umbrella Academy, David asks you a question he’s had on his mind for a few weeks. 
Chapter 14/15
Word Count: 1,549
Pairing: David Castañeda x Reader
Warnings: So much fluff
A/N: We’re almost there! This is the last chapter and then all we have left is the epilogue. Thank you so much for your love and support throughout this series and my super long hiatuses. Much love!
Tags: @superapplepie @diianawonka @spacearttraveler @ynm1505 @stardust181 @loulouloueh @reblogserpent @karlitabi-rrito @wh3n-1t-ra1ns-1t-p0urs @berrygutz @dawnson-hargreeves @bunniegrrl @dpaccione 
“According to Steve, we’ve only got a couple more days of filming left.” David said quietly as I set his foundation.
“Good thing I have another job lined up after this. I have to apartment hunt in L.A. for a little bit.” I told him with a sigh.
“Your next job is in L.A.? Just stay with me. Save your money.” He said as I painted the scar in his eyebrow again before adding cuts to his face.
“David, I can’t do that to you. It wouldn’t feel right.” I murmured and looked away. I felt him stand up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist.
“Mi cariña, I’m trying my hardest not to smack your pretty ass and all but drag you to my place when we wrap. I want you with me.” He purred in my ear and kissed my neck.
“Behave yourself.” I chuckled and swatted his hands, meeting his eyes in the mirror. “Give me some time to think about it, okay?” I whispered and turned to face him.
“Of course, beautiful.” He cooed and kissed me gently. The kiss evolved into a deep, passionate make out session. If I hadn’t heard the all too familiar clearing of Justin’s throat, we could have been caught in an even more compromising situation.
“Oh, fuck. Sorry, Justin.” I mumbled and blushed.
“Don’t be.” He chuckled and sat down. David kissed me and smacked my ass gently before walking out of the makeup trailer.
“You ready?” I asked half-heartedly, my eyes not focused.
“Yes, but something is on your mind. Talk to me.” Justin told me.
“So I have a job lines up after we wrap. The job is in L.A.” I started as I mixed foundations for him. I mentioned that to David and told him I was going to be in the area to look for an apartment.”
“And?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“David asked me to move in with him.” I sighed, my head bowed.
“So what’s the deal? Do you want to?” He looked at me like he already knew the answer.
“I would love to, but I don’t want to impose.” I replied nervously.
“He asked you! He wants you to live with him. If he thought you were going to impose, he wouldn’t have asked.” He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. “Do it. He loves you so much.” He added with a smile and a gentle kiss to my cheek.
“But…” I started before he hushed me.
“Sweetie. If you ask anyone else here, they will tell you the same thing. That man loves you more than anything in the world. Yes, he’s an actor, so you won’t see each other all the time, but that’s the business. He loves you so much and you’d be s fool to turn that down.” Justin essentially lectured me, his eyes and voice stern but kind.
“Fine, I’ll do it. I don’t see how I could really go wrong with living with him.” I chuckled and blushed, looking away from him.
“You guys will be great. I’ll see you later?” He asked with a smile.
“Yeah. I’ll tell you how it goes with David and Rachel.” I smiled and hugged him before he walked out with a smirk.
“How what goes with David and Rachel?” My best friend asked as she walked up behind me.
“Oh. I need to talk to you about something important. Sit.” I said nervously and motioned toward on of the chairs. She sat down and looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes.
“What’s on your mind, dear?” She questioned me as I paced in front of her.
“David asked me to move in with him.” I whispered.
“In the words of Robbie, ‘ex-squeeze me’?” She chuckled and stood up, hugging me tight. “That’s amazing! What did you say?” She added with a smile.
“I told him I needed to think about it. I wanted to talk to you before I gave him an answer, but Justin talk to me first,” I replied honestly.
“Please tell me you’re going to say yes.” She said, grabbing my hand.
“I was planning on it.” I chuckled nervously, my eyes searching her for an excuse not to.
“I know that look. You want me to try and stop you. Why?” Rachel muttered.
“It’s – it’s been a while. I don’t want what David and I have to change because we live together.” I started to explain before she stopped me.
“You two love each other. You want your relationship to grow into more than a work fling, don’t you?” She asked me. I nodded while she wiped my tears. “Then let it grow. Not everyone is like him.” She whispered and kissed my cheek.
“You’re right. He’s so wonderful. Alright. Are you sure you’ll be okay without me?” I asked her with a smile.
“Well, uh, funny you should mention that. I’m…moving in with Robbie.” Rachel revealed with a big smile, her beautiful blue eyes wide with excitement.
“That’s amazing! When did he ask you?” I squealed and hugged her.
“Last night at dinner. And then we went back to his place for some amaaazzzinnnng sex. Girl, that mouth. He knows how to do more than just talk with it.” She laughed and winked as I rolled my eyes.
“Get out of here.” I chuckled and pushed her away as Emmy came in and sat down.
“Hello, beautiful. How are you?” She asked as I walked over to her.
“I’m doing good. I’ve got find David and give him the answer to a question he asked me.” I told her as I started her makeup.
“Please tell me he finally asked you to move in with him.” She said with a cheeky smile.
“How long has he been planning to ask me that?” I asked her, my eyes wide.
“At least a month. Did you tell him about the job in L.A.?” She replied.
“Yeah. I guess he was just waiting for the right time.” I mumbled with a lovestruck smile.
“I love seeing you smile like that.” Emmy whispered and kissed my cheek. “Now you go find him and tell him the good news.” She added with that big smile.
“I’ll see you for touch-ups!” I shouted as I ran out of the trailer to find David. “David!!” I shouted through the mazes of trailers.
“He’s in costumes.” Robert told me as I ran past. I ran to the costume trailer and bumped into him, seeing him with a sling on his arm.
“What the held did you do?” I huffed, out of breath from running.
“Costume.” He chuckled and kissed me.
“Oh.” I smile and caught my breath.
“What brings you here, mi cariña?” He said, his accent making me shiver.
“Yes. Yes, I’ll move in with you.” I laughed as I hugged him.
“Mmm. You have no idea how happy that makes me.” David said with a smile before kissing me hard.
“You’ll have to give me some time to get everything started because apparently Rachel…” I started with a smile.
“Is moving in with Robbie.” He finished the sentence, his brown eyes locked on me.
“How long have you known about that?” I asked with a chuckle.
“Only a couple hours.” He replied and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“You and me both.” I murmured and kissed him, my arms wrapping around his neck.
“Did you ever think that when you took this job, you would see you and your best friend fall in love?” David asked with a glimmer in his eyes.
“Rachel falls in love everywhere she goes. I’m not the same. Somehow, I met you and you tore down a wall I’d built. You took brick by brick, leaving enough room for you to come in.” I told him with a chuckle before kissing him and tangling my hands in his hair.
The kiss was long and slow, his lips tasting like his morning coffee and a hint of spearmint. Sometimes, I never took the time to kiss him and let myself get lost in the way his lips tasted or how his hands roamed or stayed put on my body. Today was different. David had made me love again. The way he kissed me gently or held me on my bad days reminded me that being vulnerable is okay. The way he gently wiped away my tears made me remember what it felt like to be loved.
“I love you, mi cariña.” His whisper laid softly on my lips as his forehead pressed against.
“I love you too, David Castañeda.” I murmured, pressing my lips softly to his. “Now, you’ve got a job to do.” I chuckled and patted his cheek.
“Can’t I just do you instead?” He crooned mischievously. His brown eyes twinkled with excitement as he gave me a devilish smile.
“You behave yourself and maybe you can later.” I purred, kissing him and pulling his lip with my teeth.
“Yes, ma’am.” David chuckled before grabbing my hips and kissing me. I felt him slap my rear before leaving the trailer, causing a smile to spread on my face.
“That’s what I get to live with.” I muttered to myself with a wide grin.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
More Crissmyglitz Wedding Guest Angst: part 2
OMG they won’t let it go. Crissmyglitz-Guest Gate. The ccers are still obsessing over the #CrissMyGlitz guest list. As I pointed out in my first post (X), every single photo posted in round one of Crissmyglitz-Guest Gate was taken while Darren was working. That’s right, every single photo the tinhatters presented as “Darren and a real friend” was taken at work. For a fandom who constantly remind the world they are astute and ALWAYS PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAILS, it was a supermassiveblackhole.  
In part 1 they presented Elvis (X), Alan Cummings (X),  Jenna Ushkowitz (X), Laura Osnes (X). In part 2 they added Jane Lynch, Matt Bomer, Matt Morrison, Kevin McHale, Lena Hall, Ricky Martin and Edgar Ramirez.  Idk what was worse, that they didn’t learn any lessons after part 1 or that the fandom egged them on in utter delight.
Keep on.
I love your guys’ game 🤣🤣🤣 
I like this game  
(This got SUPER RIDICULOUS LONG so under) 
This is the LAMEST shade ever thrown and they were eating it up. Abby spent her Sunday adding to the nonsense and trying out sarcasm. She brought up the algorithm nonsense again and I can’t stop shaking my head.  The fact that it’s easier for them to believe that someone wrote an algorithm to determine the guest list for Darren and Mia’s wedding rather than simply to acknowledge that they don’t really know Darren at all is absurd. Rational people would see Darren’s guest list and realize that they got it all wrong.  Rationale people don’t see wedding photos and spend 7+ months proclaiming it’s all fake because he clearly is much better friends with former coworkers, Edgar Ramirez and Lena Hall than he is with Jennifer Coolidge and Pamela Aldon based entirely on the fact that nobody posted social media pics with Jennifer or Pamela. 
Mysterious absence part 2- Let’s do this…
(see part 3 (X) for further information)
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(Opening Hedwig LA 11/16 from Lena’s IG)
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(From Lena’s Twitter and Instagram July 28, 2016 (X). They were Flying to perform at DNC see pic below) 
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(AGAIN- same night as #1-Hedwig’s opening night LA 11/16)
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(Dec 12, 2016-I don’t know the context of this one. It is obviously her photoshoot and he popped in for a pic.  See below: another pic from this photoshoot posted to her IG. This is actually a nonword photo)  
ajw720:guess the algorithm eliminated her for joking weekly that DC had all the privileges of homosexuality but none of the responsibilities…… 
(Oh ho ho ho...the shade of it all).
chrisdarebashfulsmiles: Probably.
ajw720: Or perhaps it eliminated her as when D was kissing her on stage, he was giving his PBB the finger?  Remember that time 
(No, actually I don’t because that is nonsense. Darren flipped someone off from stage? Right because that is such professional. You believe that perfect, well-mannered Darren Criss would flip off his fiancee while working? That’s very inappropriate behavior during working hours, especially in front of a big audience of people- each with a cellphone. It’s also very risky to flip off the woman he is engaged to- the cc secret might get out.  If Darren is terrified to come out and terrified to breach THE Contract, why would he risk if all just give Mia the bird? Giving someone the bird is hardly a satisfying diss for anyone over the age of 12).
flowersintheattic254: Maybe the algorithm excludes those who like way too many posts on that had Ch/ris in them? 
(OMG- Lena “liked” some pics of Chris....a pig just flew by my window. It’s almost like Hollywood is a small town and people know each other. 
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(No dates so it’s impossible to know what the context of the posts but that is typical of the tinhatting- they aren’t concerned with accuracies)
leka-1998: When the difference in chemistry is undeniable even in pics that show nothing but hands, that’s probably an issue. 
(I have never in my 51 years heard someone claim a married couple had no chemistry as evidenced by their hands in a photo taken specifically to show off their nail polish or that a PR photo for a Broadway show showed more chemistry than the actual couple. I mean seriously?)
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(I will give this one to them as as personal photo )
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(Is “hand chemistry” a thing? I’m only speculating here but is the degree of hand chemistry a function of the depth finger-penetration-on-finger-penetration?  Cuz.....that would make total sense amiright?)
cc-still-going-strong: Keep on.
I love your guys’ game 🤣🤣🤣 
ajw720: Seriously is that his wife on the left…..oh 
(hahahah nice try Abby, you have every single photo of Mia memorized- its actually a very sweet photo) 
(I can’t with this entire post. She wasn’t invited because he kissed Lena on stage as per the script? Oh wait- no- she was not invited because he kissed Lena on stage and he flipped off Mia (how they know he is flipping off Mia is anyone’s guess. I like to imagine he is flipping off the tinhatters). But wait- is he actually flipping off anyone? No, no he actually isn’t because that would be terribly unprofessional. Darren is at work and his bosses would not appreciate him flipping off anyone the audience. No actor who wants a career is going to  flip off someone in the audience while just-fingers crossed- hoping the message is received by the intended person and not a critic or investor.). 
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(Work Pic. He is NOT giving anyone the finger- his finger is actually just in the shadow from Lena’s outfit). 
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(Lena is working: As for Mia banning Lena from the wedding- in a recent post by Lena,  she talks about catching up aka they don’t haven’t spent much time together lately and notice the Mia hashtag) 
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(The tinhatters like that she alls Darren wifey but in fact she calls all the Hedwig’s “Wifey”. She has a lot of Hedwig photos on her social media- the vast marority are NPH).
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(Lena’s Christmas photoshoot as mentioned above)  
(I probably should have led with this but I wanted to prove them wrong in all the ways possible  Lena was busy on February 16, 2019 performing at Lincoln Center. She may have very well been invited. See my update (X) 
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 leka-1998: Yet another person missing on February 16
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(PR for ACS: A photoshoot for promotion aka PR) 
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(I am not sure about this pic. Darren posted it on his Instagram and Edgar responded  “love you brother”- that’s sweet and all but what does it prove- nada. I am sure they really had a great time together filming ACS and felt close, but they haven’t maintained that relationship-at least not publicly -since they end of awards season. I’ll give the tinhatters half a point for this one- but  bear in mind- I’m being generous because it looks like a PR pic) 
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(PR for ACS; ”GQ Style & Hugo Boss Celebrate Amazing Spaces”- see photo below). 
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(PR for ACS Emmy: This is from the 2018 Emmy “For Your Consideration” on 3/19/18.)
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(PR for ACS. This is hilarious....so Edgar is doing a red carpet interview and Darren walks by him and Edgar walks away with Darren. OKAAAYYY-what does this prove? Again, they are at a work event- so far all the pics with Edgar are from work events except maybe 1) 
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(PR for ACS- photoshoot. While the sentiment is sweet, Edgar hashtagged it #ACS and #Emmys. OMG how much ccproof do you need to understand that this is PR? ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Me think not cuz he freakin’ tagged it for you and you still don’t understand that it was promotion for the Emmy. He-lar-E-ous!)   
chrisdarebashfulsmiles: I like this game 
(of course you do- it’s catty, bitchy and pointless.  I’m glad it makes you happy because this has been eye-opening as to the extend that you are collectively super bad at separating Darren’s personal life from his work life) 
ajw720: @leka-1998​ this friendship seems very contrived to me, constantly calling each other brother, they aren’t nearly as close as say D and J/ennifer C/oolidge or B/en F/eldman or P/amela A/ldon…………… 
(Ohhh ho ho ho sooo funny. It’s so funny I forgot to laugh...har har har aha  Since Jennifer, Ben and Pamela actually got invites to the wedding, it is clear that they are indeed close to Darren or Mia, soooo the joke doesn’t actually work. As for Edgar being his closest friend because he called him “brother” during a big ACS promotion push-I’m not feeling it.  What is so baffling to this “stupid stan” is how the tinhaters CAN’T SEE the details right in front of their faces.  The Darren-Edgar love-fest was hot and heavy during the promotion of ACS and then it stopped all together...THAT is the definition of PR. I am sure they actually did like each other during the production of ACS, but when the project ended they both moved on to other projects and other friends. I’ve had coworkers -and I’m sure many of you have too-that I adored and I never wanted lose the connection we shared while working together but alas, the romance fizzled after we no longer had the workplace in common. Obsessing about the meaning of the almost-2-year-old photo of 2 strangers is pretty silly)
ajw720: The Algorithm is a very scientific way to figure out the wedding guest list-no doubt it knows who D is closest to and would not lie….. 
(The problem is simple- there are no social-media pics of Darren (or Mia) with Jennifer, Ben, or Pamela which means, according to the cc-logic that it didn’t happen-aka they aren’t friends. In order to explain why the trio were in fact, at the wedding, the THE Algorithm was created. This Algorithm is a very scientific way to figure out the wedding-guest list-no doubt it knows who D is closest to and would not lie. The cc posse hate it when they don’t know what is going on Darren’s life which is why we are talking about a fake “CrissMyGlitz Invitation” algorithm 7 months after the wedding).   
ajw720: @chrisdarebashfulsmiles It is seriously my new favorite game and there are so many people that the algorithm eliminated.
(Seriously? There are what- 2 or 3 photos that aren’t definitively traced to work This game isn’t working out the way the posse believes it is. This is however, THE definition of confirmation bias clouding their judgment).  
ajw720:Poor KM didn’t make the cut either. Perhaps his invite was eliminated by the weird algorithm for tagging d at his 30th right below c, yet d not pictured? He clearly considers d a good friend as he invited him to the party.
(Did Kevin suggest he was devastated to miss the destination wedding of his former coworker? Kevin and Darren went out with their former-Glee castmates maybe once or twice in the last four years- they are hardly besties. I don’t remember Kevin and Darren as being particularly close while Glee was in production. They are literally former coworkers.)
(Kevin inviting Darren to his birthday party doesn’t indicate that he “clearly   considers d a good friend”. It seems like I remember the party was a surprise party?) 
ajw720: Thankfully I think they’ve made up as d had no problem straddling him recently.
(OMG seriously? They are former coworkers in which some level of friendship exists. Darren straddled his leg while sitting on a very crowded seat- he wasn’t riding Kevin while they had sex in public.)
(ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Darren invited the Glee peeps that he has consistently been close to over the years - Max, Harry and Chord).
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ajw720: So many mysteries. But hey D&M’s new straight couple besties, Al/len & his wife, made the cut!
(Nope, no mysteries at all. Darren simply cared more about inviting people that mean something to him and Mia rather than those who mean something to the tinhatters.)
flowersintheattic254:  @ajw720 I expect old habits die hard with K and D. They were always flirty and fun. Maybe Mr and Mrs Le/ech are stricter regarding lap sittering. That’s probably why (nods head).
(nods head and wonders if tinters were drinking early on Sunday because this thread is petty, dumb and not at all funny or clever.) 
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ajw720: @flowersintheattic254​ they are WAY too comfortable together, way more chemistry than D has with his bride.  I’m thinking that was the algorithm’s issue.
(Comfortable? Chemistry? WTF, he looks like he is passing a kidney stone and Kevin is coaching him through it.) 
flowersintheattic254: @ajw720 especially when you consider that the only similar pose with M has D holding his own arm to his chest. No chemistry at all!!!!
(Do you guys actually believe the nonsense you write or did you give up on 2/16/19 and you're just blowing smoke up each other’s ass now because I gotta tell you, the second-hand embarrassment is really uncomfortable now)   
 flowersintheattic254:It’s the pic on the boat with the fam. Can someone add it as I cannot find it?
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ajw720: Not even close, if i didn’t know, i would say KM&DC were the couple and i t think the algorithm knew.  It is magical how that algorithm works.
(Ooooh right...it’s so confusing, I can totally understand your befuddlement!) 
(In all seriousness, watching this fandom’s toxic nonsense is like watching Kellyanne Conway and Lindsey Graham defend Trump’s baloney.  Everyone knows they are full of shit but we are powerless to stop it. The damage they are doing will take years to repair- if not decades)   
(Oh....Will you look at that. That is a screenshot taken from a video that is actually cute and shows a smitten Darren cuddling with Mia. Color. Me.SHOOK) .  
standingoutsidethefire: I thought of another ..
That the algorithm just didn’t seem to include ...
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standingoutsidethefire: Clearly these two don’t have any affection for each other
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standingoutsidethefire: Not friends at all
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standingoutsidethefire: I get why MM wasn’t included ..I really do 
(Maybe a personal- photo though likely at an show or industry event)
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ajw720: Hate each other
(Once again, almost all -if not all - work pics)
leka-1998: “He’s just a really, really good, grounded person, and I think someone who I’ll probably always be friends with.”
- M/att B/omer
(Holy shit, Matt said something nice about Darren when asked about him by during an interview... no doubt when they worked together either on Glee or ACS) 
(According to Bride’s Magazine, “How to Make Your Wedding Day About YOUl” June 2017. 
5. The guest list is one of the most difficult decisions. Should you invite your mom’s work associate? Great Aunt Gertrude whom neither of you have met? Everyone from the gym? Communicate communicate communicate. One piece of tried-and-true advice is ALWAYS invite the person who said nice about you to the national media. You won’t regret it and most likely that person will give you the best gift).  
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(Work event) 
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(Work event)
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(Wait -isn’t this Blaine and Cooper?)
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(Work event)
Leka-1998: But the great algorithm said no.
ajw720: My understanding is they despise each other, cannot stand to be in the same room together. 
(Nobody ever suggested that).
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ajw720: #funny #so many of the univited #queer
(seriously “#queer”? No, not cool)
True they have clearly and from the beginning disliked each other intensely.
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ajw720: But see @leka-1998​ there is D calling him handsome, we don’t want to have anything that even hints at d talking about a boy in that manner at the sham mockery, i mean nuptials……………….  Because D is the STRAIGHTEST MAN ALIVE!!!!!
(OMG,,the sarcasm isn’t working).
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