#should i try to find a voiceclaim for link
amiharana · 2 years
i know you made a post of links singing voice but since you write link with dialogue what do you imagine his normal speaking voice to sound like? as a whole seeing how different people write link speaking is so fun, do you think link is more witty or stoic, rambly or to the point, loud or quiet, vulgar or formal.. 🤔
you're right this is a very fun ask anon let me kiss u /p. after ingesting this ask, i of course started having a flood of ideas in my brain so i wrote . a lot . again. so get comfy, sit down, and have a snack!
i can't remember where i saw this or if it's even considered canon, but i remember seeing something about botw link being from the country, and as you might have guessed from reading one of my recent previous posts, i am very much a link's-hometown-was-hateno-village truther. i believe in-game bolson's text about the house in hateno pretty much implied that link might have been the previous owner prior to the calamity, but my take on it is that it was link's family home and the guy who left it behind was actually link's father, who sold the house and took link with him to hyrule castle. anyways regarding link's voice as a kid, besides probably sounding like a high-pitched little brat, i like to imagine that kiddie link probably had a heavy country accent. i'm clutching my stomach in laughter as i type this, but i thought about that topher kid from that one tiktok as what kid!link would sound like. god this topher kid is so fucking funny sdkjfjdkfkj i bet this paragraph didn't end how you thought it was going to
from here on, we know that pre-calamity link somehow got a hold of the master sword when he was like 12 or something, and sometime between then and being chosen as zelda's knight, he chose to remain silent because he knew the entirety of hyrule had their eyes on him, which is a very nerve-wracking situation to be in. since moving to closer to hyrule castle town with his father to join the knights, link's country accent slowly faded since the noble kids would make fun of him and call him farmboy and that he was dirt poor :/ so link carefully trained himself to talk in the standard dialect, but his accent slips if he gets too emotional or upset. when he got a hold of the master sword, the nobles were real fucking mad, saying stuff like The Master Sword is meant for legends, not a pathetic farmboy born in a pigsty like you. yeah i do not like these fake hylian nobles i just made up very much lol...
i like to think that when he felt more comfortable with the champions and zelda, he started talking a little more with them but mostly stayed quiet and communicated nonverbally. my first instinct was to say that link's voice would probably be rough and dry from disuse since he wasn't speaking very much, but i remembered my roots as a singer!link supporter and now i'm thinking about him humming to himself as he cooks himself a pumpkin stew like he does in-game, or whistling whatever notes come to mind, or (get this) singing quietly to zelda's batch of silent princess flowers in her private greenhouse in the castle gardens as he tends to them because he think that will make them grow stronger and healthier. he has never spoken to the king because he outright refuses to, tbh, but if he had to, i think link would do his best to sound stoic and formal. i doubt that he ever received like. "noble linguistics" training or some more classist bullshit like that, but when he and zelda get closer, link actually makes fun of her royal accent once or twice. he'd be doing shit like this video of bts namjoon's british accent and zelda is facedown on the floor laughing her ass off.
overall, i think pre-calamity link is very quiet and soft-spoken when he feels comfortable enough to talk, so quiet that daruk feels like he has to stop breathing to try to listen to what link is saying. don't get me wrong though, link isn't meek or shy (unless he's around revali teehee it's like his brain gets rewired around the rito). he simply just doesn't feel the need to broadcast his voice to everyone in hyrule. i also really like the idea of link knowing sign language, but he only likes to use it with zelda when he prefers to communicate nonverbally and later on, with the other champions (revali takes extra care to study as much hylian sign language so that he can understand link :> ).
now post-calamity/resurrection link... whew! it's pretty clear in the game that link has some method of communicating with everyone else in hyrule since we're given dialogue options despite link not having an actual VA saying words. i have chosen to believe that link becomes a vocal menace when he gets resurrected. since he wakes up with no memories, he obviously doesn't remember his whole History Has Its Eyes On You mentality (sorry for the h*milton reference) and goes apeshit on his own vocal chords. mf is running around the great plateau screaming and shouting and cursing (that's the one part of his memory that was kept intact). he also ends up talking to himself a lot, because for a lot of botw, you're alone. yes, you go to villages and meet travelers along the way, but for like 80% of the game you are . alone. so link has to keep himself entertained one way or another, to make sure he doesn't go completely crazy, and yeah you know what? he does get rambly sometimes, because he doesn't spend a lot of time with people as he traverses through hyrule so he doesn't really know the best times to start or stop talking. he gets a hang of it though! he told a random traveler once who was interested in getting up into the great plateau that he woke up on the plateau, an old man made him go get these dumb purple balls in those shrine things for the paraglider that he just knew needed to be with him, turns out the guy was the ghost of KING RHOAM BOSPHORAMUS HYRULE, and then he jumped off of the plateau using the paraglider. the traveler dude looked at him like he was insane, so link was like yeah i'm never talking about this to anyone else ever again.
now when link remembers memories of the past as he travels... he goes unnaturally silent for a while. of course, if he gained this memory while talking to someone, he still continues to talk to them, just... with less words. but when he's out there in the wilderness by himself get psychologically assaulted by shattered and frayed images of people he can hardly remember, memories getting replayed in his head and tattooed behind his eyes, all because this neat alcove under a tree in the rain looked kinda cool... his throat locks up and his mouth dries and he remembers even for a sliver of a moment, what his past self must have felt like, choosing to stay silent despite all the pressure trying to crack his ribcage open like a tree nut. those memories are on replay in the forefront of his mind for a couple days and he can't sleep. it was even worse when he went to rito village to fight windblight ganon, and link started have full body pains as he received memories of revali all at once, collapsing in pained sobs in saki and teba's roost. why did his heart so much? it didn't hurt like this when he remembered daruk, or even mipha...
also from the in-game dialogue options, link is very sassy and that's so #real of him. some of those options really spoke to me, like the dumb puns he makes ("Let's seal the deal!" oh you think you're funny huh?) or when he demands the paraglider from the old man ("Hand it over!" #throwback to my post about the paraglider). idk sometimes i can only imagine link with crossed arms and a hip cocked out and an eyebrow raised like yass come on mean girls! imagine meeting the hylian champion and you call him pretty and he's like awh thanks you too! and you're like omg thank you :D and he's like. so you agree. you think you're pretty? so yes link is a little bitch sometimes LMAO
i also think it would be funny if link came up with his own curses as he travels and when he curses in front of others, they're standing there like. what just came out of your mouth????? because link is out here saying shit like Suck my lynel guts you fuckheaded shitshroom Like dude is just stringing words together from what the hyrule compendium told him when he took pictures of the ingredients and items he was finding. just making shit up and saying whatever words he wants based on vibes and whatever feels right. impa takes him aside and gives him a list of proper/modern curse words, but link will still fight bokos and be like I'm gonna shove this ancient core up your ass and roast you on a spit shroomfucker. his accent definitely bleeds back into his voice when he does his weird version of cursing too, so link will save random travelers from monsters and sometimes yell at them while he's fighting them off if his emotions are running high, and the travelers are just like Who is this guy and what is he even saying
i think that link would still retain his soft-spokenness after some time, especially post-calamity fight when the champions are revived. like a lot of what i just said are more kind of special cases; screaming on the great plateau is a perfectly normal response to waking up with amnesia and then there's these red little pig-faced guys trying to bite you. and of course i'm not saying link is always talking to himself as he travels across the map. his horse would have kicked him off long ago from being irritated. but when he stops to rest and make food for himself and his horse in the wilds, he hums or sings quietly as he cooks, because it's comforting to him even if he doesn't remember why. sometimes he'll take a nap in some random cave or just sit quietly under a tree listening to the sounds of the rain falling around him. (link calms down considerably when the champions are revived, and he gets revali back, because now he's able to properly deal with his memories and eventually regains most of them peacefully. revali is horrified though when link stubs his toe and link starts hissing like Ah fuck this you keese-faced gutfucker Like HUH? EXCUSE ME?)
overall, post-resurrection link is just a traumatized little guy with no inhibitions and lets some his impulsive thoughts win. he's a chatty, charismatic prettyboy who also will go completely silent and stare with dead eyes and definitely jumpscared beedle like that once.
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tainted-sweet-meats · 9 months
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Another Vent Oc that I don't think I have shared here. This is actually a persona of mine. While I do have a main fursona I do have many personas that represent a lot of things in my life that I have outgrown in terms of toxic behaviors towards myself or things I have been through. Mainly jumping into toxic relationships as a form of self harm hence their character habits. N-1 Was created when I had I.Ded as NB at a time in my early 20's not realizing what I was in my transness and still figuring myself out..I had a ton of self-body hate as well. Keep in mind this character has been twisted into extremes I still use them as an Oc to vent with at times now as an oc you can read more about their info under the cut vvvvvvv
Full name: N-1 ( Negative-one) Gender/ sexuality: Nonbinary,??? Pronouns: They/Them Size: 9"1' Species: Demon of Coveting BirthPlace/Birthday: ???/ was never born Zodiac Sign: ???
Voiceclaim: N/A (bolded text is their demonic voice)
Speech quirk "I can never be what you want me to be..so I will love myself in self-injury!!" "Please show me your human love... conquer my heart..devour me entirely in unrestrained covet." "You're not very passionate..your love is clearly false..surely I should render your flesh from your body to show you my true affections." "I love breaking those who are mine... their submission to me is sweet. Oh, how they fluster me in such a way."
personality music
General info
N-1 is a creature that derives their life force from self pain, be it infliction to self or seeking out human lovers they know will never love them unconditionally. They are supernatural being that couldn't have come into existence without the help of humans. Human suffering through unrequited love created them. 
Do not be fooled by their pretty words, they love nothing more than to hunt humans to eventually grow bored of them and rip them apart. Their entire body is a walking weapon. They are entirely nude, even their faux heels are attached to their flesh. This is a part of themselves they severely hate. While they despise their femininity in every form be it body and more, they covet the femininity in humans. When they are in a state of mania their hair tends to attack itself, ripping away at their own skin to find relief from whatever is distressing them.
Their compacity for love is not human and is linked to extremes. Like most demons, their body and words are their absolute weaponry against mankind. A human should never try to love this creature because it will be their eventual demise.
Human interaction
N-1 is a highly coveting creature, with humans, they become entranced with the idea of a human versus the human themselves. They are enamored by a human's fragility and volatile emotional state of mind. There is something broken and yet complete about a human, that demons like N-1 enjoy. N-1 is entranced by their sense of choice, while they follow basic instincts, humans do not... humans are able to learn beyond it. An N-1 covets this nature of them.
With a human, they don't understand how a demon's body functions..... a human could easily succumb to their form of love. They give pretty words to their human lovers and reward them with bodily lacerations and even death. N-1 claims this is how they show their love for said human and they wish for said human to do the same to them. Though no human can truly conquer N-1, let alone cause a fatal blow to kill them. This angers N-1 to react violently to destroy and render said human, just to search for another who can fulfill their needs. N-1 claims if said human loved them enough said human would inflict the same pain they inflict on them. To show they truly love them unconditionally...
Likes: Human flesh, body worship, submission of others, self-lacerating, devouring lovers, women, coveting humans, collecting lovers Dislikes:  Their femininity, the dominance of a man
Summoning: Negativity in relationships, the sexual obsession with the flesh, coveting another, salt surrounding a bed or resting place Offerings: sexual rituals, gold, goat hearts, self inflictions at their alter
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drfcsters · 2 years
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(  brenda  song.  35.  she/they.  demi  woman.  )  are  you  a  CIVILIAN  ?  something  tells  me  that  lightning  dancing  on  your  fingertips  ,  the  need  to  do  what’s  right  no  matter  the  cost  ,  notebooks  filled  with  detailed  calculations  make  you  who  you  are  ,  𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐄  𝐅𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑  .  with  the  powers  of  ASGARDIAN  PHYSIOLOGY  &  ASTROPHYSICS  ,  you’re  sure  to  have  a  𝙳𝙰𝚄𝙽𝚃𝙻𝙴𝚂𝚂  ,  𝚀𝚄𝙸𝚇𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙲  personality  —  and  you  definitely  belong  to  UNAFFILIATED  .  were  you  listening  to  KILLER  QUEEN  by  QUEEN  on  your  way  to  the  subway  ?  it  suits  you  .  we  can’t  wait  to  see  what  you  do  next  !
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✰  |  character  name  :  jane  foster ✰  |  age  :  35 ✰  |  faceclaim  :  brenda  song ✰  |  voiceclaim  :  natalie  portman  ( as  jane  foster  in  the  mcu ) ✰  |  skill  set  :  genius  level  intellect  ,  astrophysics  ,  master  scientist  ,  asgardian  physiology  (  super human speed / strength / durability / agility  )  ,  energy  manipulation  (  lightning / electrokinesis  ) ✰  |  affiliations  :  s.h.i.e.l.d  ( formerly )  ,  the avengers  ( briefly ) ✰  |  family  :  unnamed  father ( deceased )  ,  unnamed  mother ( deceased ) ✰  |  zodiac  :  gemini ✰  |  wiki  link  :  x  ,  x
**  NOTE:  jane  will  be  based  on  a  mixture  of  the  comics  and  her  mcu  character  as  well  as  headcanons  of  my  own  !
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 001.  was  your  character  “blipped”  out  ?  if  so  ,  what  did  they  return  to  and  how  is  it  affecting  them  .  if  not,  who  important  to  them  was  blipped  out,  and  what  did  it  feel  like  after  those  five  years  have  passed  ?
 TW  :  mentions  of  terminal  illness    //    jane  was  unfortunately  blipped  out  .  prior  to  being  blipped  ,  she  developed  and  published  her  revolutionary  theory  on  wormholes  (  aka  the  foster  theory  )  .  they  were  considered  as  a  candidate  for  the  nobel  prize  .  and  on  top  of  that  ,  they  also  started  traveling  the  world  to  give  lectures  .  it  was  during  jane’s  travels  that  she  finds  out  they’d  been  diagnosed  with  cancer  .  she’d  been  undergoing  treatment  for  two  years  before  getting  blipped  and  was  close  to  remission  .
 after  returning  from  the  blip  ,  they  did  end  up  in  the  final  battle  (  **  check  the  notable  changes  section  for  an  explanation  sjsjs  **  )  and  now  they’re  just  trying  to  return  back  to  living  a  normal  life  while  in  remission  .
002.  where  are  they  living  ?  are  they  living  with  anyone  ?
 at  the  moment  ,  she’s  living  in  an  apartment  on  the  lower  west  side  of  manhattan  with  a  part-time  caretaker  who  checks  up  on  her  twice  a  week  to  make  sure  they’re  okay  .
003.  why  is  your  character  affiliated  with  who  they’re  affiliated  with  ?
 while  jane  remains  unaffiliated  for  now  ,  she  was  for  a  time  affiliated  with  shield  and  by  proxy  sword  mostly  because  of  their  research  .  they  were  unwilling  to  let  shield  confiscate  all  their  research  and  well  !  she  ended  up  becoming  affiliated  with  them  for  a  time  .
004.  who  are  their  major  friends,  allies,  and  foes  ?
major  friends  :  darcy  lewis  ,  eric  selvig  ,  thor  odinson
allies  :  s.h.i.e.l.d.  ,  s.w.o.r.d.  ,  the  avengers
foes  :  enemies  of  those  mentioned  above
005.  whose  hands  do  they  believe  the  country  should  be  in  ?
 they’d  say  something  along  the  lines  of  someone  who  can  do  right  by  the  people  .  unfortunately  ,  jane  doesn’t  pay  as  much  attention  to  those  matters  as  she  does  science  .
006.  what’s  their  current  mental  state  at  ?  their  physical  state  ?
mentally  ,  she’s  ...  okay  ?  they’re  not  exactly  sure  how  else  to  say  it  .  they’ve  kept  their  identity  as  thor  a  SECRET  and  has  stopped  transforming  for  the  sake  of  her  health  .  physically  ,  she’s  recovering  from  her  illness  and  trying  to  move  forward  with  their  life  .
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 this  section  will  serve  as  both  changes  i’m  personally  making  just  to  make  things  easier  to  follow  as  well  as  include  any  headcanons  !  
 **  for  the  most  part  ,  i’ll  be  integrating  jane’s  portrayal  in  the  mcu  along  with  her  arc  in  jason  aaron’s  thor  :  goddess  of  thunder  and  the  issues  associated  .  i’m  still  tryna  figure  her  out  and  all  of  this  is  tentative  b/c  i  know  the  teaser  for  thor  :  love  and  thunder  literally  just  dropped  so  uhh  ...  please  bear  with  me  <3  this  section  will  likely  be  updated  as  my  portrayal  of  jane  becomes  clearer  <33
TW  :  mentions  of  terminal  illness  &  death
not  sure  if  they’ll  work  this  into  the  love  and  thunder  storyline  but  !!  during  the  time  jane  becomes  the  mighty  thor  and  wields  mjolnir  ,  she  was  diagnosed  with  cancer  and  refused  any  magical  treatments  ,  deciding  to  undergo  therapy
gonna  tie  this  in  with  the  events  of  ragnarok  where  hela  basically  destroyed  mjolnir  ...  uhhh  gonna  say  that  it  got  repaired  somehow  and  then  became  telepathically  linked  to  jane  .  they  gave  into  mjolnir’s  calls  and  that’s  the  first  time  they  became  thor
 the  mcu  likes  to  do  us  dirty  so  i’m  gonna  say  that  after  returning  from  the  blip  ,  they  were  actually  recruited  to  join  the  final  battle  .  however  ,  no  one  is  aware  of  their  identity  and  everyone  now   knows  there’s  another  thor
 unfortunately  for  jane  ,  anytime  they  become  thor  ,  it  purges  all  impurities  out  of  their  system  .  meaning  ,  the  therapy  she  went  through  to  treat  her  cancer  gets  purged  out  every  time  they  transform
 they  swore  to  themselves  that  the  final  battle  against  thanos   would  be  the  last  time  they  transform  into  thor  .  jane  knows  that  if  they  harness  thor’s  powers  one  more  time  ,  she  won’t  survive
after  the  final  battle  ,  they  went  back  to  therapy  and  is  now  in  remission  !  and  since  she’s  relocated  in  new  york  ,  jane  is  a  part-time  lecturer  at  ESU
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ofprydes · 3 years
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( zoey deutch. 26. she/her. ciswoman. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that 80s pop music vibrating through a cluttered room, a bright smile and a golden necklace of the Star of David reflecting light down a busy hallway make you who you are, KATHERINE “KITTY” PRYDE. with the powers of INTANGIBILITY, you’re sure to have a bubbly, impulsive personality — and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to WHY AM I LIKE THIS? by ORLA GARTLAND on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! || @reshieldedintro
character name: katherine “kitty” pryde / shadowcat age: 26 faceclaim: zoey deutch voiceclaim: zoey deutch skill set: intangibility/phasing, skilled martial artist (and trained with the sword), genius intellect & skilled with computers, can “fly” (it’s more like floating and its very slow), skilled ballerina, limited invisibility (when phased, kitty is effectively invisible in dark areas).  affiliations: x-men, guardians of the galaxy, excalibur, marauders  family: Carmen Pryde (father; deceased), Theresa "Terri" Pryde (mother), all of the x-men are what she considers family, one time she did call wolverine “dad” and that keeps her up at night with shame zodiac: Gemini  wiki link: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Katherine_Pryde_(Earth-616) & https://www.marvel.com/characters/kitty-pryde’ note: this kitty is based on the comics (616) & headcanon, with an emphasis on her earlier lore pre-marauders 
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed?
No, she instead got to watch most of her friends blip, thinking they’d died (dying is just what the x-men do, right?). Having left the x-men and being in college at the time, she moved back and did her best to aid and hold down the fort in their absence. Dejected, and having a strained identity with the x-men that remained unaddressed, she eventually fled to space to “find herself”. There, adventuring in space and doing whatever she could to help on a more galactic scale, she eventually gathered herself together and came back to earth, determined to pretend like she wasn’t running away anymore. And just in time for everyone to blip back. Now she’s doing her part to help the displaced mutants out. She’s reckoning with her role in the world, and the anger she feels boiling under the surface.   
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
Kitty is currently in the x-mansion, in the same room she had when she was 13. She feels a little weird about it, but at the same time, she doesn’t have the heart to tear down all her old posters and start redecorating. She lives with everyone else who decided to stay there
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
Because she’s always been an x-men. Having joined at 13 (and a half, thank you very much), she’s always been keen on trying to save the world. hero first, girl second. she doesn’t know a life without them and she doesn’t want to. she takes mutant rights and issues very seriously, and won’t align herself with anyone who doesn’t. 
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
friends: x-men, she’d like to say all of mutant-kind but even for kitty, that’s a little too optimistic. but she’s also friends with a lot of people, on account of being friendly allies: anyone who is aligned with helping mutants foes: she thinks the avengers are stinky
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
As a kid, she would’ve said Xavier, but as she’s grown, she’s not so sure. All she knows is that it shouldn’t be who currently is. It needs to be someone willing to bring change, real and good change. And bring it the right way. She has a lot of ideas about this (shout out to X-Men: The End where Kitty was president #Pryde4Prez) 
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
mentally she’s a wreck, shaking with repressed emotions. physically, she’s probably in the best shape of her life. the Pilates has really been paying off
Details on lore changes
you can see this kitty as a simplification of her comics history. im keeping most of the stuff pre-marauders (yes she still is a wanted criminal in japan) and deferring the stuff more related to other characters to whatever we plot out
this isn’t a lore change but i think it’s necessary to remind everyone that she’s a dazzler fan. 
she also has only recently come to terms with her bisexuality (in that she’s admitted it to herself, and absolutely no one else), and really does not want to start thinking about her very suspect relations with her female friends
im also going to say her first love was rachel grey/summers because i cant be tamed, can’t be shamed (shoutout to when Claremont said they were supposed to be married in X-Men: The End)
also going to say that she just dates anyone named peter that’s a personality trait at this point
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psymond-arc · 3 years
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no shiny graphics because i do not have ps on this laptop ( yet ) 
( summer bishil. 37. she/her. cis female. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that champagne bubbles rising to the top, the sparkle of diamonds and a closet filled with designer clothes make you who you are, EMMA FROST. with the powers of TELEPATHY + ORGANIC DIAMOND FORM you’re sure to have a resourceful, obnoxiouspersonality — and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER by SHIRLEY BASSEY on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next!
character name: emma frost age: 33 faceclaim: summer bishil voiceclaim: vanessa kirby skill set: so she’s got her powers of telepathy and diamond form. she’s one of the most powerful telepaths ( we’re talking rivalling xavier here ) and can do everything from reading your mind to erasing memories to giving you psychic pain. her secondary mutation is diamond form and it’s exactly what it says on the tin - her skin turns to diamonds. she’s a lot stronger in this form and nothing can really damage her because diamonds. she’s also immune to telepathic attacks. the downside is that she can’t use her own telepathy in this form and she’s even more colder emotionally in this form.  affiliations: the x-men. she doesn’t trust shield or sword to have the best interests of mutantkind at heart.  family: winston frost ( father ), hazel frost ( mother ), adrienne frost ( sister ), cordelia frost ( sister ), christian frost ( brother ), stepford cuckoos ( daughters/clones ) zodiac: scorpio wiki link: it’s [ HERE ] but obviously things that haven’t happened in the mcu but happened in 616 don’t apply to emma. also no affair with namor. idc idc i’m not having it. 
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? ( if your character is a dc muse:  what were they doing when they passed through the portal? )
no they were not! a lot of mutants and the x-men were blipped out and emma was devastated even if she didn’t let it show. mutantkind is already a small population and thanos made it even smaller. she spent those 5 years trying to continue what was left of the xavier institute and finding new mutants. she’s glad to have everyone back but knows things will never be the same as it once was. 
2. where are they living? are they living with anyone?
emma is currently living at the x mansion. though she maintains homes in massachusetts, aspen and new york whenever she’s needed in those places. and whenever she needs some peace and quiet. 
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
the x-men. like i said above emma doesn’t trust shield nor sword to have mutants’ best interests at heart. 
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
major friends would probably be scott summers and hank mccoy. she knows a lot of the x-men don’t trust her due to her past and so they tolerate her. fair enough since she’s allies with sebastian shaw and the hellfire club. foes would be the enemies of mutants. 
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
her priority right now is the mutants. she will support whoever supports mutants and puts them first. 
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
she’s exhausted. she won’t let anyone know but she is. the last 5 years have taken a toll and trying to keep it all together has done a number on her. it will take a while before she feels better. but again, she’s not letting anyone know. physically, she’s great. 
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stxrmfxrged · 3 years
( chris hemsworth. 35 [but it’s complicated]. he/him cis man. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that the smell of rain on the air, honey mead and roasted meat, and hair standing on end make you who you are, THOR ODINSON. with the powers of THUNDER, you’re sure to have a courageous, overconfident personality— and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to EYE OF THE STORM by GARRETT GARFIELD on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! ( airri. 28. any [she/he/they]. gmt+10.5. )
character name: Thor Odinson age: 35 physically, but really unknown. faceclaim: Chris Hemsworth voiceclaim: See above skill set: Can create, control, and dissipate storms. Summons thunder and lightning. Flight, super strength, enhanced healing, stamina, and the like. Minor magical abilities (the ability to summon and dissipate his armor at will, summon Mjolnir, conceal his identity to most mortals, etc.). affiliations: The Avengers family: Odin (father, deceased), Frigga (mother, deceased), Loki (adopted brother, ??? [assumed deceased]) zodiac: Leo (August 10) wiki link: [Comic Wiki] | [Movie Wiki]
Please note: while I am pulling from the movies, I am playing a bit with canon, here. Especially pre-movie canon, and obviously what happened post-movies. Otherwise Thor’d be in space, still.
was your character “blipped” out? If so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed?
While Thor himself wasn’t blipped out, the event left him deeply effected. His home, destroyed, almost his entire people wiped out. And then Loki, killed by that monster. It more than broke him- it left him a husk. He fell apart. It was only being pushed by the ragtag team of surviving heroes that he managed to push on, to defeat Thanos.
After all was said and done, Thor walked away from New Asgard, from Earth, for a while. To try and give himself space to heal. Space was vast, empty. It gave him room to examine himself, to sit with being worthy, still. To what he could offer Earth, and his friends. He had been gone two years, when he returned- maybe not completely healed, but ready to start working towards his role as protector of Earth.
The loss is still heavy in his heart. So many people he cared for perished. But he cannot give up fighting. Not again. That would be an insult to their memory. So he will be among them- and watch. Fight the fight when no one else can.
And maybe one day... he will find the strength to be King once more.
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
Currently, Thor wanders the city of New York. As much as he misses his people, he’s not ready to go back there- there’s still too much expectation. But he helps keep an eye on things. And he is too proud to ask for help- he wouldn’t be a burden on old friends, not like this.
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
While Thor would trust his friends with his life, he doesn’t feel qualified to meddle in the affairs of Midgard- not on the kind of level SHIELD and SWORD do. He is, after all, not Midgardian, and it would be wrong. He fights instead for all of Midgard, when threats arise that no one else could stand against.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
Any Avenger- former or current, Thor would consider a friend and ally; and he would call them all shield brothers. Furthermore, the Guardians of the Galaxy have found an ally in him.
Foes are trickier- by most records, his major enemies have all already perished, but there is time yet to find more.
Loki... is a wildcard. And even Thor’s not sure where he stands with his brother. Would stand, rather.
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
It would be untoward for him to have a strong opinion on Midgard matters of state- Thor would instead prefer that to be left to Midgardians. He will ensure that their world remains safe enough that they may do so.
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
Mentally, he’s better than he was. There’s still damage to confront, loss to mourn. But healing is a journey, and he is prepared to walk. Physically, Thor is much better- he dropped the extra weight, tidied up a bit, and addressed his drinking habit. He’s much more the man he was before the snap, and fighting fit.
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brxinixc · 3 years
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an introduction: querl dox // brainiac 5
( daniel kaluuya, 31, they/them, agender. ) are you a HERO ? something tells me that the clicking sounds of a keyboard, always inventing something new, and gritting your teeth through a conversation make you who you are, QUERL DOX. with the powers of 12TH LEVEL INTELLECT, you’re sure to have a INTELLECTUAL, HAUGHTY personality — and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to I CAN’T SAVE YOU by TIM MINCHIN on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next!
character name: querl dox
age: 31
faceclaim: daniel kaluuya
voiceclaim: daniel kaluuya
skill set: 12 level intellect, extending limbs and neck
affiliations: legion of superheroes
family: brainiac 4 ( parents ), brainiac ( great-great-grandfather )
zodiac: brainy does not entertain the idea of horoscopes ( they’re a libra )
wiki link: here, here, and here. my interpretation is heavily based on the legion of superheroes animated series, with some post-zero hour mixed in for the sake of a more fleshed-out backstory. i do really like jesse rath’s portrayal, and i have a playlist of some brainy inspo HERE
what were they doing when they passed through the portal?
brainy was making a few tweaks to their force field belt in their lab when the portal opened up straight behind them. with their mind on their work, brainy didn’t even noticed the brightness of the portal until it was too late. they stepped back to get a better look at the equipment, getting sucked right into the portal and being pulled to the other side.
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
brainy was on the struggle-bus when they first arrived, having no current currency or means of finding roommates. they eventually found an apartments with a few other 30-somethings who also work in technology and won’t ask too many questions.
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
querl knows which few leaders to trust based on their track records of good work and reliability. that said, they are never too trusting of any one facility or organization, as there’s bound to be corruption somewhere. brainy makes choices based on action, not words.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
losh: superman / superboy, saturn girl, lightning lad, ultra boy, timberwolf, other
allies: supergirl, miss martian, other
foes: lex luthor, imperix, fatal five, other
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
this is an impossible question for querl to answer, because they like to see results before coming to a conclusion. what is very clear right now is that the current leaders aren’t doing enough, but brainy doesn’t feel they have the information needed to make an educated choice on the matter.
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
frankly, they’ve been better. brainy keeps trying to rebuild their inventions and equipment from the 31st century, but there isn’t much they can build with in NYC. overworked and stressed out would be a kind way of putting it.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Percy Jackson OCs Masterpost
Nicole Morgan Series:
The Silence of The Storm (Book 1) Summary:  I swear I didn't ask to be a demigod. I never wanted to be the daughter of a Greek God. One moment I was a normal kid, going to school, doing my best to stay out of trouble- you know, like any kid would. But no kid can say they accidentally turned their history teacher to dust. Nowadays, my life is nothing but battling monsters and trying to stay alive. And why did this happen? It all started when Zeus accused me of a crime I didn't commit- and you never want to make Zeus angry...... Quotev Link  The Poisoned God (Book 2) Summary:  You would never guess by looking at me, that my father is Ares, God of War. Being a Half-Blood should come with a warning of things that will happen. One of which should be that a God when angry, can send random monsters out. One of which, can then ruin your good school record. And that's just the start to where things went wrong. With Zeus mysteriously poisoned, we have to find a God of Medicine and fast, before everything gets destroyed by a sick god..... Quotev Link
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Name: Nicole Morgan.  Godly Parent: Ares.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.  Love Interest: Georgia Kendler (Later in Series). 
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Name: Georgia Kendler.  Godly Parent: Dionysus.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.  Love Interest: Nicole Morgan (Later in Series). 
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Name: Cornelius Hargrave/Cora Hargrave.  Godly Parent: None, is a Satyr.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Lucy Walker.  Godly Parent: Hermes.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Jonah Hyde.  Godly Parent: Nemesis.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Roger Banks.  Godly Parent: Ares.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Wyatt Green. Godly Parent: Ares. Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Beryl.  Godly Parent: Doesn’t have one, is the Goddess of Poison.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Violet Tee.  Godly Parent: Beryl.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Cassie Morris Series: The Missing Sea God (Book 1) Summary:  Look, I didn't want to be a half blood. I never asked to be the daughter of a Greek God. I was a normal kid, attending school, drawing instead of taking notes, avoiding the girl who hated my guts for no good reason. And then the snake lady happened. Then stuff just kept going wrong. Now I have a weapon on me at all times and fighting monsters is as common a past time to me as after school clubs for other kids. This is the time where my dad went missing at the worst time as it turns out, Zeus and Posideon, Gods of the Sky and Seas, will go to war over anything.... Quotev Link  The Stolen Sun (Book 2) Summary: “If you looked at me, you wouldn't guess that my father is a Greek God. Who knew that being a half-blood would get harder? But it does. You can't even succeed in having attended school for a whole year before some monster comes along and ruins your day. And that's just among the new problems. Now someone's stolen Apollo's sun chariot, and if we can't find it in time, a large threat will be reborn, one from the depths of tartarus..... “ Quotev Link
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Name: Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Morris.  Godly Parent: REDACTED.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.  Love Interest: Marisol Whittaker (Later on in Series).
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Name: Marisol Whittaker.  Godly Parent: Apollo. Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. Love Interest: Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Morris (Later on in Series). 
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Name: Alfred Russey.  Godly Parent: Athena.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Lauren Moore.  Godly Parent: Hermes.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gale Driver.  Godly Parent: Zeus.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Diana Cosgrave.  Godly Parent: Poseidon.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
The Next Heroes (Gaia Rewrite):  A World Without Death (Book 1) Summary:  None of us asked to find out we half-bloods. None of us asked to be children of Greek Gods. And none of us asked to find out around the time death has suddenly stopped. But that's life for us half-bloods. Never being able to control anything. Not even prophecies. My name is Rebecca Gelli, and this is that part of the prophecy where dying is suddenly impossible. And trust me when I say this, that is not a good thing..... Quotev Link
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Name: Rebecca Gelli.  Godly Parent: Hades. Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Ezra Patel.  Godly Parent: Aphrodite.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Cara Wallace.  Godly Parent: Hermes.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Marceline Ramsey.  Godly Parent: Poseidon.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Ackley Patton.  Godly Parent: Demeter. Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Casper Hart. Godly Parent: Hecate. Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Francisca Duran. Godly Parent: Nemesis.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Spruce Terran.  Godly Parent: None, is a Satyr.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Legacies Of The Gods (Percy Jackson Next Generation): Vengeance Of The Sky (Book 1) Summary:  Legacies. Descendants of Demigods who aren't always targeted by monsters and are rarely called upon for quests. Meaning we should stand a chance at a normal life. Should. My name is Luria Jackson and this is the story of how it turns out, being children of Olympus' heroes means old threats returning will target you first..... Quotev Link
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Name: Luria Jackson.  Parent(s): Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Pearson Jackson.  Parent(s): Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Bianca Di Angelo-Solace.  Parent(s): Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Hayden.  Parent(): Tyson and Ella.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Hilda Rodriguez.  Parent(s): Clarisse La Rue and Chris Rodriguez.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Jade Valdez.  Parent(s): Leo Valdez and Calypso.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Hugo Valdez.  Parent(s): Leo Valdez and Calypso.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Maxima Zhang.  Parent(s): Hazel Levesqure and Frank Zhang.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Remus Zhang.  Parent(s): Hazel Levesqure and Frank Zhang.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Beau Underwood.  Parent(s): Grover Underwood and Juniper.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
Helen Hyde Series: Summary of The Wrath of The Storm (Book 1): “Never in my life, did I ask to be a half-blood. I never asked to be the daughter of a Greek Goddess. My life wasn't perfect before the trip to the art museum. I was an unlucky kid who was just trying to survive. But after I vaporized a museum worker, my life is now having to survive monsters as well as other things. This is the time where my existence ticked off Zeus, who also believed I took his master bolt. And let's just say, you never want to be on Zeus' enemies list....” Quotev Link 
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Name: Helen Hyde.  Godly Parent: REDACTED.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Erica Flores.  Godly Parent: Persephone.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Walter Peck.  Godly Parent: Enyo.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Pierce Lake.  Godly Parent: None, is a Satyr.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Neil Cooper.  Godly Parent: Zeus.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Mallory Turner.  Godly Parent: Eris.  Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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