#should i start incorporating aus slang into all my tags and comments on here
hier--soir · 9 months
I always read your posts in an American accent, but I want to try it in an Australian one!
On a random note, is it really an Aussie thing to call your Dad by his first name? I saw Chris Hemsworth’s post on IG and in the video his son calls him Chris. And they’re both okay with that? But people from outside of Australia were commenting on how disrespectful that was of his son to practice that?
hahaha i’m spitting naur’s in the dms like no one else😮‍💨🤝🏼
and well, i don’t call my dad at all lmao. i do use his name when referring to him, but that’s just cause we hardly talk and dad feels too familiar.
i know people that talk about their dads using their first name, but usually not when speaking directly to him. definitely nothing disrespectful about it in my eyes though if it’s a normal thing in someone’s family!
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timelessoldiers · 6 years
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Summary: Who knew meeting a stranger in a dive bar after midnight would lead to your life changing so drastically. And it all started with a simple question. Pairings: AU!Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count:  981 words Warnings: I don’t think there’s any warnings in this one. Author Note: After a long day of hard work, you and Steve decide to cash in on the much needed drinks. When he takes you to a new dive bar, you can’t help the grin that spreads across your lips. Part One | Part Two | Part Three
After what felt like the longest work day of your life, you were more than relieved when Steve finally locked up the office for the evening. Slipping on your jacket, you followed behind the tall man as he entered the elevator, watching him tap the ground floor button.
“Same place we always hit up, Steve?” You questioned, your mind briefly flashing to the corner booth of a slightly more sophisticated establishment.
A smile played on Steve’s lips, shaking his head in response.
“I found another place while Bucky and I were pub crawling last weekend. It’s a kind of hole in the wall place. I think you’ll like it.”
Pressing a hand over your heart, you feigned being offended with an exaggerated gasp. “You went pub crawling without me? I think you’ve broken my heart, Steve!”
He laughed, entirely too amused by your reaction. Once he settled his chuckles enough to speak, he flashed his signature grin your way.
“I believe I did invite you out, but someone was too busy binge watching Netflix and indulging in too much wine.”
Your eyes rolled to the side, mind quickly reminiscing over the previous weekend. The memories were slightly fuzzy, but from what you could recollect, he wasn’t lying. It had been a night in with one of your closest friends. Natasha had just come back from an extensive trip over seas, bringing back a few bottles of expensive and exotic wine. You couldn’t deny the redhead a night of catching up on her favorite shows, and sharing a new experience with the strange wines.
“Oh, yeah. I remember that night now.” The elevator doors slid open, and you both stepped out. “If I remember, you came stumbling into my apartment at two in the morning without knocking. Again.”
“Listen here,” he chuckled, “I wasn’t the only one stumbling.”
Again, you rolled your eyes. “I like how you skipped over the part where I said about knocking.”
Steve held the door open for you, motioning for you to go first as he spoke. “I’ve knocked before, y’know.”
“Twice in the span of six months,” you retorted.
A shrug rolled off his broad shoulders. “You should lock your door. It can be a dangerous city after all!”
Smacking his arm, you frowned. “It was locked! I don’t know why I gave you a spare key.”
“Because someone seems to lose hers when having a night out with the girls.”
Once again you were tempted to roll your eyes at his remark, but managed to suppress the urge. He wasn’t wrong, but you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of voicing it. Instead, you decided to switch the topic of the conversation to something that didn’t incorporate your drunken nights out.
“So how far is this place?” You questioned before adding, “Because after today I’m not in the mood to be walking for hours.”
“Honestly, it’s about ten minutes away, so you don’t have to worry about collapsing from exhaustion,” he teased.
Stifling a chuckle, you nodded in acknowledgment.
“Besides, you know I’d give you a good ol’ fashion piggy back ride there if that was the case.”
Steve’s next comment caught you off guard, earning a raise of your eyebrow. “You’re not old enough to be using that kind of slang, boss.”
Raising a hand, he huffed out a quick reply. “No ‘boss’ outside of work. How many times do I have to tell ya’ that?”
“Yeah, yeah. It just slips out sometimes,” you mumbled, shaking your head.
When Steve stopped abruptly at the opening of an alleyway, you shot him a questioning look. He seemed to sense the concern that crept into your eyes. Placing a guiding hand on your lower back, he started leading you into the dim alleyway.
“Ya’ know, if you wanted to get rid of me, you could just fire me and not kill me in a back alley,” you joked, adding a completely fake ‘nervous’ laugh.
Stopping in front of a what looked like an aged oak door, Steve pointed upwards, and your eyes followed his finger. A dimly lit sign that read ‘The Brickhouse’ hung over the door. It flickered briefly, signaling the possible age of the establishment.
“Yeah, you weren’t kidding about the hole in the wall part.”
Steve gave you a gentle nudge, once again pushing open the door for you. Murmuring a thanks, you tentatively stepped inside the building. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why he had brought you there, the memories instantly of that night flooding back. The lightly was low, the atmosphere quiet except for the soft music emanating from the jukebox. There weren’t many patrons scattered around the small building. The ones that were there, cast quick glances as the sound of the door shutting behind new faces caught their attention. No distrusting looks, no lingering stares, and absolutely no hostility from the regulars sitting at the counter.
“I can definitely see myself liking this place,” you mused, a smile tugging at your lips.
“I thought you would. The night I stumbled into your apartment, I was excited to tell you about it.”
“But you never mentioned it?” You perked a brow, sliding onto one of the stools at the farthest end of the bar.
He chuckled, slouching onto the one next to you. “I got distracted by someone cursing more words than I ever knew existed.”
Pretending to be oblivious to who he was referring to, you mumbled a reply. “Yeah, Natasha sure has a mouth on her.”
The laugh that rumbled passed his lips had an instant smile spreading across your face. It was the type of laugh that always managed to reach his blue eyes, and it was in those moments that you were so thankful to have met the man beside you.
“Let’s get this night started, Steve.”
“I couldn’t agree more, Y/N.”
Tag List: @fuckthatfeeling
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