#should I wait until tomorrow
sadboyanonymous · 2 years
is it too late to selfie
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plasma-packin-mama · 3 months
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Tiptop Kim and high femme Harry for @lifeless-discodancer :3 and some bonus doodles
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I...okay, listen, DE, you can't just make the most beautiful man and expect me not to be head over heels and heels over head and in need of 1999 this very instance.
And then say, oh, yeah, give him a great voice and I definitely didn't just go back and forth in a relay for reasons.
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And then, oh, and then say, oh, you can romance any one of them. Oh, DE...
Cyte-09 will be my new main for Gemini purposes.
Sorry, Harrow.
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fwoosheye · 10 months
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Did some whump fanart of Aithne for @limited-hero, just a little bit of possession of Majora. Was he chained down to trap Majora, or to make it easier for Majora to possess him? Who knows? Not me!
Edited to add image ID in alt.
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softinvasions · 10 months
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I'm the copy of a copy of a copy of a woman, you're the copy of a copy of a copy of a guy, but the way we behave towards each other makes me think that even this could be a lie.
DOMINO by @squalloscope. Collage assembled from National Geographic cuttings. Nov. 2023
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blackkatdraws · 1 year
Would you guys mind if this became a fanart reblogging account and @blackkatdraws2 became my art only focused account?
I've been really bothered by how disorganized this account is and I've been wanting to change it lately. This seems like the perfect opportunity to do it, besides this account has more followers so every art for me that I'll share here will get more attention...
Would you guys be fine with that?
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dazeddoodles · 4 months
Caduciea is the type of doctor who tells women that ‘it’s just anxiety’ and ‘periods are supposed to hurt’ and then charges them 500snails before getting mad that they’d get a second opinion
I said this before but she'd be the doctor that asks fat people if they've tried losing weight when that has nothing to do with the problem they came in for.
And she wonders why she's stuck teaching teenagers.
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voided-selfships · 1 month
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What did we say about making deals with the devil!
@fagthesis @comfycozycirrus @ghost--girlfriend @kylilah @arothroughtheheart-selfship @lovebandit42069 @love-birds-stuff @permafrown @cherry-bomb-ships @tropicalgothships
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jacqcrisis · 15 days
Okay another thing about this batstarion AU:
The reason Astarion starts recognizing he's developed a little crush is one day Ronan leaves for cleric duties to some fuck off place as he has to do every few weeks for varying amounts of time. With no one paying attention to what the bat is up to, Astarion decides to stretch his legs a bit and visit a village not too far away that's having a festival. It'll be his first time interacting with people as a person with his own thoughts and desicions since even before he escaped Cazador, and he figures it'll be good to remember how to talk to people in a way that isn't a) trying to seduce them to their untimely demise or b) squeaking and clicking at them.
The festival is fine, a little nerve wracking as he's constantly covering his mouth as he laughs, watching the crowd for anyone who could be a spawn searching for him, and the vague flirtations directed his way from strangers grates on him more than it once did for reasons he's not going to examine. As he's just thinking about perhaps this was a bad idea, who does he see just a few yards away but a trussed up liar of a cleric Ronan who most certainly is not here healing the sick or solving injustices or staking vampires as he is watching some performers and snacking on sweets bought with temple funds from a nearby stall.
Astarion pauses a moment too long wondering how he could use this information before he remembers himself and goes to scurry away but Ronan has already caught his eye. Ronan, of course, is not going to pass up the chance to chat up a pretty elf man he's never seen and he approaches Astarion, intent on at least accompanying him around for the evening. Assuming he'll brush Ronan off, Astarion and him have a pleasant first conversation, enough that when Ronan suggests he show Astarion around, Astarion finds himself agreeing as his other option is fucking around alone in the woods or The Drawer, and at least with the dragonborn, he'll have a 7ft tall meat shield if some agent of Cazador's does show up.
And it's nice. Dare say even great. Better than being a bat watching the coming and goings of the Temple or snoozing in a drawer in a nest of stolen linens.
Plus, Ronan's... fine to be around when he's not pretending to be the cleric's dear little bat. Astarion already knew this given he's witnessed more than his fair share of the cleric. He's used to Ronan, albeit in a very one-sided and strange fashion, but there's something to be said when the attention is all on him.
Ronan is quiet, contemplative, respectful with a capacity for taking in Astarion's more sharp comments and turning them back around on him in a dry, observational manner. He's isn't forward like the others had been tonight but he isn't shy about his intentions either, keeping it under a gentlemenly guise of paying for things, genuine compliments, and the familiar, unfamiliar weight and warmth of his touch when he guides Astarion along. It's almost-
Charming. By the end of the odd night, as the last of the performers are beginning to wind down and fireworks are set to light up the night sky, Astarion's in a strange headspace. Ronan doesn't know him; of course he doesn't given this is the first time they actually talked but Astarion feels endeared to him like they've been conversational partners for a while. Ronan makes him feel safer and it's almost like Astarion actually enjoys being around him like this which plagues him as they find themselves alone, in a part of the village away from the festivities and Astarion shockingly reluctantly reveals that he's stayed out far too late and needs to go.
They have a bit of a back and forth about how far away Astarion is supposedly going and how Ronan will not see him again before Ronan asks if he can have a kiss to remember his perfect stranger by. Astarion acquieses and one kiss turns into Astarion chasing Ronan for a second turns into a third turns finding himself pressed against the wall of some house with his arms around Ronan's neck and a hand creeping up his top. It's the first time in possibly forever Astarion's felt any sort of want toward anyone and it's the godsdamned cleric who he has to moonlight as a bat around.
That thought crashes into him, and Astarion abruptly separates himself from Ronan, citing that he really must go. Ronan agrees, tells him that he 'will be thinking of you every day until again we meet' and Astarion flees before he makes a bad decision. He flaps his confused little bat self all the way back to the temple in time for the sunrise where he spends the day sulking in his drawer.
He's got the butterflies in his stomach. His dead little heart is trying to beat. He keeps reimagining the night over and over again.
Astarion finally feels any kind of longing or desire of his own volition since before he died and it's for someone who would stake him without hesitation if he found exactly what Astarion was.
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accidental-hero · 7 months
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Kept seeing this post pop up on my dash again and so I decided to do a slightly updated version of that costume since the art was from like 5 years ago. And yes this version has both the headband and the hood.
(This is in no way related to loshweek, I just had some free time and still really love the design.)
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hannahwashington · 9 months
okay yeah im gonna start being abnormal again. have you guys heard that i am fucking obsessed with time loops
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sillieststraw · 3 months
it's 9pm and I shouldn't eat so late but damn I could really go for the garlic bread we have rn
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
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Future Family Web Donnie for the win
Before you ask "Hey, this is family web. Where's Donnie's other arms?" The Apocalypse timeline is very brutal. Early on in the invasion, an incident happened that caused a lot of damage to his arms, especially the secondary sets. Knowing they didn't have the medical tech or knowledge to even think of repairing them, Donnie chose to have the four most damaged limbs removed. His primary arms had suffered some pretty bad damage as well, but he could at least use them (though it does leave him with chronic pain in his hands and difficulty moving them sometimes, particularly later on when some early onset arthritis sets in.) (the incident was something along the lines of a human and/or yokai raider group was trying to get access to the super secure 'Vault' they've heard about some turtles running. So they grabbed the one that looked most likely to know how to get in and started asking. via broken bones. Needless to say, once Donnie's family arrived, that raider group didn't exactly survive the encounter.)
(headcannon that Donnie built bunkers under their lairs, the one under the subway is giant and is called the Vault. b.c he's a nerd. but in the apocalypse timeline the Vault and Bunker were the only things that kept the resistance safe for so long.)
Alright! Design wise here's how it goes!
Donnie wears his coat 24/7 (with the now empty sleeves pinned so they're out of the way. They also act as padding/protection for whatever stumps may be left there.) b/c 1, it's safe, and 2, it's comforting. the resistance can count on one hand how many times they've seen this guy without that coat over the years. And it's usually when Leo puts his foot down and steals the thing to get it washed.
His Battle Shell now covers both front and back, and his spider limb battle shell has a variety of different style limbs to use (he's got like a dozen stacked away in there. two of each time.) goggles were shrunk and streamlined and the wrist display made fully holographic for convenience.
He wears compression gloves to help with his hands and arms with the bracelet/gauntlets also being there for support/ to supply the holo display.
the logo on his chest is his own tech logo (the same one on Casey's cloak), but they've lost Raph by this time so he added a red line around it to remember him.
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sherlock-is-ace · 3 months
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hella1975 · 3 months
we r returning to the motherland everyone boo
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mikesbasementbeets · 3 months
is it too late to post a gifset..... is anyone even online at this hour
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