#short sweet and to the point today bc im eepy and have to work in like 2 hours
mirrortouchedsea · 9 months
Day 6
Kaname: Tatsumi-senpai, would u still love me if i was a worm? 
Tatsumi: Hmm? Why do you ask Kaname-san? 
K: Oh its nothing, dont worry about it. 
K: i was just wondering ig 
T: Well I suppose I would still love you if you were a worm, as we are called to love all of God’s creations. 
K: kinda figured u’d say that. But thanks tatsumi-senpai. 
T: Are you feeling alright? You’ve been distant recently. 
K: i said it was nothing! But… 
K: agh, i cant hide anything from you huh 
K: its my brother. Ive told you about him right? 
T: I believe that you’ve mentioned him, yes. Are you two fighting? 
K: something like that. He really wants me to do things a specific way but its so…idk stuffy ig. Feels like i cant breathe sometimes. 
K: I know he means well but… 
T: I see. Have you talked to him about it? 
K: Ive tried but i just never know what to say. Hes my brother but we barely act like it. I wish we were normal siblings. 
K: sorry. For dumping all of this on you like that. 
K: But thanks for listening. 
T: Of course. Is there anything I can do for you? 
K: you already do so much tatsumi-senpai. You really should take more care of yourself 
K: dont worry about it. Well figure something out im sure 
T: Just let me know. I’m here for you Kaname-san. 
K: obviously. I love you
T: I love you too. 
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