#shjdbfjd thats a lot but it was fun to write
lilyhoshikawa · 4 years
janey! i was wondering, if the p5 and p3 casts were to meet up, who do u think futaba would enjoy spending time around? like what sort of bonds would she form with which different members of Sees?
She wouldn’t get along with Akihiko at all, bc he’s too loud and between his tough-guy personality, his technology illiteracy, and the fact that he literally can’t talk to girls it would definitely end in disaster
She’d bond with Junpei over video games. They play a competitive game together and Junpei is shocked when she kicks his ass, then she teaches him how to maximize his character and play well
I headcanon that she’s kind of nervous around dogs but Koromaru is so friendly she’d come to really love him and spend some time at the SEES dorm lobby just playing video games with Koromaru and Morgana hanging around the couch by her
If Shinji is around in this timeline they’d get along incredibly well. Futaba infodumps abt her special interests to him while he cooks and he just quietly listens aside from the occasional “mmhmm” to show he’s listening, and then they eat together and he makes sure she’s god bc he thinks she’s too thin and doesn’t eat enough (he’s right)
She keeps stealing tech from Mitsuru which annoyed her at first but she came to find it endearing, and got to the stage where when she gets back from her work with the Kirijo Group she always brings back some new piece of tech for Futaba to play around with. They don’t talk much but Mitsuru probably takes an interest in her as a test subject or even challenges her to hack into the Kirijo Group’s servers to see how secure they are. When they fail to stop her Futaba goes “oh don’t feel bad, they’re still pretty solid. No common thief is gonna be able to pull of what the original Medjid is capable of.”
Yukari starts taking her out places to try and socialize her, goes clothes shopping with her, brings her to her favorite coffee shop, takes her music shopping and goes and sees movies with her, and encourages her bc she really respects Futaba’s unique fashion sense and personality and thinks she’s really cute and charming. As an elder trans wlw she also gives her dating advice dhjddb
Minato and Futaba barely speak to one another out loud but they get along extremely well, as two autistic and severely depressed kids who have struggled with suicidal thoughts. They’ll go outside at night and just sit in the park on their phones together, not saying anything but appreciating each other’s company. When Futaba gets paranoid thoughts or fears, Minato ensures he’ll protect her and helps calm her down, and then they go back to their quiet chill time
She also bonds with Ken over similar mother related traumas and situations, and they talk about tech stuff together since Ken has a growing interest in that sort of thing. They have a lot of quiet chats over a meal together and while they get along, they don’t really know how to act or talk to one another when they’re alone, but share a mutual respect and want to take care of each other however they can
She finds Aigis INCREDIBLY fascinating and spends a ton of time just asking her abt how she works, and just watching her behavior and being curious about it. She’s tempted to try and tinker with her systems and such but Minato reminds her that Aigis is an intelligent being and shouldn’t be messed with carelessly. Futaba knows this, she just gets excited over the ideas
She and Fuuka realize they’re incredibly similar and have very similar interests and are similarly shy but in very different ways! They spend some time warming up to each other which takes some time but once they get to know each other they get along very well! They’ll chill out in Fuuka’s room just listening to music and talking or playing games or texting each other or other such things, and both of them like to infodump to one another so they take turns doing that
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