#shizuki the tanuki
just-somehuman · 1 year
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*slams credit card onto the table*
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bace-jeleren · 2 years
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Ooough, the full art of the new Kaito,
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: toichiro yuri | shizuki | kuro | oji | gaku summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: referenced death, hunting rating: sfw a/n: i will admit that unlike the rest which were randomized, i very much on purpose chose a tanuki for toichiro's mate. i have plans for those two, some devious plans.
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≿━━━━༺❀ toichiro yuri ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a tanuki. you were rather known around town for being a bit... dimwitted, though that was very much on purpose on your part. it's easier to make others look foolish when they think you are.
✿ you were 25, though you often pretended to be younger or older to simply fool people. toichiro was 23 and had been presiding in the capital for a few months.
✿ you'd been messing with a rather unpleasant man that you'd seen harassing a girl that was most certainly underage, when toichiro spotted you and possibly recognized you. you didn't much look like your father, but the charm on your belt that bore the art-dealerships symbol probably gave it away. so, he came over and... joined you in messing with the poor man.
✿ after that first time, toichiro would "accidentally" stumble upon you tricking people around time and generally making a fool of the public. you genuinely had no idea how he kept doing it, but you welcomed him dearly every time. soon, there was no one else you'd rather let in on the big secret that was yourself.
✿ toichiro found you magnifying in a way no one else was. he'd heard about the son of the man he did business with, a foolish young boy no one actually knew much about. but the moment he saw you, he knew that you were the exact opposite of all of that, and he didn't know how he knew. toichiro was fun. usually only people you could trick were "fun", but they got boring very fast. but toichiro, he just kept being fun. in no time at all, he was the only person besides your father you felt in anyway comfortable with. like he was always meant to be.
≿━━━━༺❀ shizuki ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a furi. nobody around town really knew you, you didn't like talking to people. the only thing anyone really knew was that you were often found in the forest, hunting.
✿ you were 12, while shizuki was 11. it had been barely a year since your mother died, in a "hunting accident". you'd just recently been able to go hunting again. shizuki was still with the senkitai.
✿ you were up a tree, surveying the landscape for your next prey. you were hoping for something small, which is technically what you got when shizuki walked into your line of sight. mistaking him for a rabbit with a winter coat, you aim your hunting wand at him, paralyzing him. thankfully, as you aimed your bow you realized he wasn't a furry little creature. you spent the next few minutes profusely apologizing while undoing the paralysis.
✿ every once in a while while hunting you'd come across shizuki. he was rather quiet, but you liked him. you liked taking him with you hunting, teaching him survival skills. you had no idea what was going on in his life, but you hoped it would help. then, one day, you just stopped seeing him around.
✿ shizuki thought you were rather cool, even if he couldn't really put it into words. you were confident, you knew what you were doing, and there was a fire in your eyes he couldn't explain. he'd never trusted someone as quickly as he trusted you. initially you were rather embarrassed, mistaking a pretty boy for a rabbit. but he did rather remind you of one, which for some reason ignited all the protective instincts in you. you had no idea why, but you didn't really bother thinking about it.
≿━━━━༺❀ kuro ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an okuri-inu. you were often found feeding the strays of the capital or helping someone home in the middle of the night. everyone thought you were quiet, but there was no one quite as helpful in the whole city.
✿ you were 18, as was kuro. technically, anyways. your mother had disappeared nine years prior, and kuro and the troupe had arrived at the capital about two years before.
✿ you came across kuro rather late at night, during your usual rounds around the capital. you'd offered to walk him home, which he eagerly took. he rambled the whole way to the troupe. you just silently listened, which is how kuro didn't notice you escorted him to his door rather than just to the barracks. and then you just disappeared, without kuro having even a change to say goodbye or get your name.
✿ kuro would sometimes on purpose stay out late, just so you would escort him home. and sometimes, he'd catch you with your furry friends and eagerly join in caring for them. you never shooed him off, but you also never really spoke to him. but kuro continued to find you, despite not knowing anything about you.
✿ kuro found you fascinating. a silent protector who appeared and disappeared as needed. once he tried calling out to you, and a few minutes later you showed up. kuro was rather certain that you were made just for him. initially kuro was just another person to protect, but when he started becoming a more permanent fixture in your day to day life, he became a comfort of sorts. there was nothing you awaited more than seeing him even for a second.
≿━━━━༺❀ oji ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a gashadokuro. this, understandably, made you a rather strange person. you really had no one in your life besides your father, which lead to you spending most of your time at the cemetery.
✿ you were, well, your body was about 28. your bones... older than you can comprehend. oji was of course around a hundred, and had been running raccord in the city for about a decade.
✿ you were wandering around town, following whatever whims your old bones had. you did it rather often, usually it lead you to places important to the people you used to be, or just interesting spots around the city. this time, they lead you to raccord. and when you stepped in, the bellflowers sitting on the counter made something inside you ache. and the eyes waiting for you behind the counter made the ache explode.
✿ you became a regular at raccord, even though you never spoke a word to oji or aoi. it hurt, coming there, but somehow it felt like you had to be there. oji, while off-put by your harsh demeanor, was patient in serving you every time you came by, expecting a day to come when you'd finally talk to them.
✿ oji found you strange, from the moment you stepped into raccord. your shifty eyes that looked far older than they should, the sad look you got when you looked at all the bellflowers and into his eyes, the occasional silent mutterings... but despite all that, he felt like he could trust you implicitly. looking at oji made you sad. you didn't know why, you only assumed that one of your bones knew an ancestor of his or something. but despite all the sadness and ache, you kept coming back because something in you couldn't stop.
≿━━━━༺❀ gaku ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a zashiki-warashi. people had a habit of calling you a child, despite the fact that you certainly were not. you just happened to look very young for your age. the problems with being half-spirit.
✿ you were 25, no matter what anyone might say about it. it had been over a decade since your mother left, which is when you started seemingly aging slower than everyone else around you.
✿ you rarely left home, it felt like a betrayal to do so, what with your role. but sometimes, you needed time for yourself. you were looking for something small to buy (while surveying the vendors, you're very aware that your patronage meant fortune to people), when you stepped into a little trinket shop. in there, you met gaku, who was looking to sell some stuff he'd made. and you absolutely fell in love with one of his creations, a little children's toy.
✿ you were a bit mad after gaku called you a child after you expressed a desire to buy his creation. but you still became a regular patron of his, always ordering small toys. gaku was certain they were for you, until he saw you playing with children, the toys he'd made all around you.
✿ gaku genuinely thought you were a child the first time you met, until he looked you in the eyes. they were far too old for a child, and it's then that he realized who you were. and he'd never been happier to have someone shout in his face. you were pissed off at him initially. how dare he call you a child, you were clearly an adult! but that anger didn't last long, weirdly enough. and he made such pretty things... you decided that you wouldn't hold it against him, somehow you felt that you never did.
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the-ayakashi-inn · 3 years
Toichiro x reader or Koga x reader, whatever you want, reader gets sick or injured but wants to keep fighting or working, please? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’m happy to see another blog in the ayakashi fandom 🤩🤩🤩 Thanks for the attention and the effort 🧎🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
Our first guest! Welcome.
I already have a Koga piece in the works, so i decided to go with Toichiro. Give all the boys the love they deserve.
Toichiro was enjoying afternoon tea when there was a knock at the door. He perked up. He was expecting the delivery of a newly purchased vase. A vase was purchased through your father, which usually meant you were the one to deliver. He was very much looking forward to a chance to tease you once more.
However, he was in for quite a surprise when Shizuki announced your arrival.
"Dear me, you look like you were hit by a train." You looked pale, and the dark circles under your eyes made you look like a tanuki. "Are you feeling alright?" Toichiro asks as he gets to his feet. He walks over to you and gently places a hand on your forehead.
"I'm just a little under the weather." You explain, waving the fox spirit away. "A little under the weather?" Toichiro raises and eyebrow at you. "You look like death warmed over."
"Master Toichiro is correct." Shizuki chimes in. "You should be resting."
"I'm fine." You insist. "Besides, I still have a lot of other deliveries to make today."
Toichiro sighs and shakes his head. "Well, then, it seems we have no choice but to stage an intervention." Before you can respond, Toichiro lightly taps your forehead and your entire body goes limp. Shizuku is quick to catch you before you hit the floor.
"Was that really necessary?" The snow spirit glares at his master. "Oh, don't give me that look, Shizuki. You know our little Onmyoji would rather die than admit defeat." Toichiro gently takes you from Shizuki's arms.
Shizuki sighs. "I'll go fetch some blankets." He states as Toichiro sets you down on the couch.
Shizuki quickly returns with an armful of blankets. He left the blankets with Toichiro and went to see that some soup would be ready for you upon your reawakening
Toichiro gently drapes the blankets over you. Making sure you're warm and comfortable. As he makes to leave, your hand slips out from under the covers and grabs onto his sleeve. Toichiro stops and looks down at your hand in confusion.
He sighs. A small smile touches his lips. "You really are quite a handful, you know." He softly murmurs as he sits down on the floor beside you. "You're lucky your cute. For a human." He adds as he absentmindedly starts petting your soft hair.
You left out a happy sounding sigh in your sleep.
Toichiro gave a soft chuckle at this as he continues to pet your hair.
"Master Toichiro." A short time later, Shizuki comes into the room. Only to find Toichiro lightly snoozing from his place beside you.
"I'll come back later." Shizuki quietly makes his exit from the room.
Thanks for reading!
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just-somehuman · 2 years
Y'know what I just realised about the modern au?
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Matching hair.
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just-somehuman · 2 years
Somebody... ANYBODY...
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These two look like pigeons.
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He looks like a cockatiel. (I gave mine away a couple months ago 💀)
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Flamingo <3
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Okay this one's not a bird. Angry Yura just looks like a grumpy frog. Or a grumpy toad maybe.
I really don't know how to explain it. They just look like animals.
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just-somehuman · 2 years
Here is the snowflake ♡
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"M-master Toichiro, p-please sh-shut up uwu"
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just-somehuman · 2 years
It felt so weird logging in today for Shizzy's birthday and not seeing the 25 diamonds 😭
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just-somehuman · 2 years
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AWWWWW 😭❤❤❤❤
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bace-jeleren · 7 months
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Bloomburrow Kaito Shizuki. Obviously, he had to be a Tanuki!
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just-somehuman · 2 years
Shizuki would never insult Toichiro-
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Ayo someone's gonna die tonight, and it ain't gonna be me-
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just-somehuman · 2 years
Follow-up post on Out-Of-Context Shizuki. This is from the Glimmering Snowflakes (?) event. Mini spoiler but, eh.
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And a little more Toichiro-Shizuki fluff from the same event ✨
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he was talking about Toto
@colourless-hydrangeas here's your context btw
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