wickedlyqueer · 8 months
in both the musical- and book-verse, at what exact moment do you think Glinda and Elphaba a) fell in love with (or at least started caring deeply about) the other and b) realized they had fallen in love/cared?
personally, I like the musical interpretation that Elphie didn't realize she was in love with Glinda until For Good even though it makes me tear up to think about it lol
Oh god, I really need to grab my copy of the book again for this tbh. I haven't looked at canon in so long. 😆
Glinda fell in love during Popular but only started to realize this during Thank Goodness.
Elphaba fell in love during the mating ritual I mean dance at the Ozdust, but yeah, I agree she only realized until For Good. Or, at the very least, that's when she realizes it's mutual.
Elphaba falls in love when she goes "you ARE thinking!" and realized it somewhere during their week's long trip towards the Emerald City.
Glinda falls in love when she is ready to accept to live in the common dormitories after Ama Clutch gets hospitalized, but Elphaba steps in (for her sake!) and ensures Nessa comes to Shiz and therefore Nanny can chaperone them. Glinda only starts to realize she's in love in The Aftermath, when she returns to Shiz without Elphaba.
Wickedly Queer (for my own sanity tbh)
Relatively similar, Elphaba still during the Ozdust dance, but Glinda falls in love during Loathing.
Here's the difference: Elphaba realizes it when they ask Glinda to come with them to the Emerald City and Glinda realizes it after Elphaba kisses her in Defying Gravity.
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lotusfartstwice · 7 months
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I think, he never gets accepted as a genin in this verse. So, like, during the konoha crush shiz he’s probably like “wow shinobi wrecked the village I am going to die from the lack of surprise”.
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mallowmaenad · 8 months
Yeah man so this rich guy heard about my cloning operation on Instagram so he sent me a sample of some DNA found on the Shroud of Turin and wanted me to make a clone of Jesus Christ, so like I show him the preview and he's like, disappointed that he's not white, says he doesn't want it to be "too political", I know you can't tell this over the phone but I just did quotation marks with my free hand. Anyway so like he gives me a bonus to modify the genetics and uh... he came out... kinda feral? Like yeah he looks like the white Jesus from all the paintings and shiz, but he like, awkwardly gallops on his hands and feet like a Half Life 2 fast zombie sometimes and only speaks in re-arranged bible verses. Yeah. Like a YouTube Poop. Anyway aah... he got out, he bit me... or, it bit me if I'm being honest I looked into its eyes and eye-dee-kay if it even has a soul. So to hunt it down cause im like not gonna turn a profit if I don't get this bad boy down to Arkansas by July, I pulled some strings and got some DNA allegedly belonging to Lucifer and Judas and I like, synthesized an anti-Jesus to hunt 'em down but like I only had enough juice in the machine to make her 15 years old- wuh- yeah, she. Look trust me I'm transgender, that and when I was trying to comfort her 'cause all she does is cry, and scream to the heavens for forgiveness, and she straight up asked me "Why didn't you make me a girl?" that's more than just "egg behavior" if you ask me. Yup I did the quotation marks with my fingies again. Anyway if you've seen the shit they're showing on Fox, I'm pretty sure people are doing like, Bigfoot sightings of ol' JC and I'm pretty sure he's living exclusively off the flesh-meats of evangelical hikers. So aah. I got my new daughter on the 'mones right now, dunno what to name her yet. I was thinking "Judy" or "Lucy" but that feels kinda wrong I mean I picked my own name when I transitioned but like, that's besides the point. Does your uncle still do karate lessons? I have to like, train her to subdue the Jeezy Beast but also I think it'd be a huge boost to her confidence!
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gliyerabaa · 1 year
Who do you think said I love you first? Glinda or Elphie?
oh man this totally depends on context.
musical-verse, glinda 100%. elphaba's too dang repressed to even begin to express feelings. musical!glinda however is so lovey dovey with her comphet feelings for fiyero, I imagine those feelings would translate well to gelphie. personally, i headcanon some scene in between one short day and meeting the wizard being where they truly realize their feelings.
book-verse, it would be elphaba. even up to late in the shiz chapters, glinda is still embarassed to be seen with elphie. I do like to think they had mutual feelings during shiz, it was just harder for glinda to navigate because of all the internalized expectations she was holding herself to. I consider the "hold out, my sweet" line to essentially be a declaration of love tbh, which further cements my idea of elphaba being the first to confess to feelings
HOWEVER in this fic of mine, which is a weird hybrid of musical canon with a lot of book characterization influences, glinda's the one to say it first. take that how you like idk.
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kaiju-overlords · 7 months
"What the hell? We just got here."
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Brief background lore for Shoko in this post
Main Account: @jazminetoad
Other hazbin OC blog: @yourfriendlywinnerbroski
Part of the Hazbin-Verse
Mod has 4 years experience of roleplaying, can go from simple text to novel style RP
Rules below cut
"Zilla speaking."
"Shoko speaking"
(Mod speaking)
🎤 Remember to be respectful ooc, what beef is in character stays in character
🎤 Let me know if the rp thread has reached an end or you're not sure how to respond, I will do the same
🎤 I got a job irl so don't expect me to be respond early in the day, I'm more available at night, but sometimes I'm just busy
🎤 No sexual 18+ rp, mun is aroace and not comfortable with random blogs doing that
🎤 Suggestive things are fine
🎤 Gore and dark shiz is fine, in fact this blog will absolutely contain content like this
🎤 This is a multi-muse blog, so while yes you can interact with Zilla, my OC Shoko is here too
🎤 OC Lore will be dropped and develop over time, just a heads up
🎤 More rules will be added if necessary
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normaltothemax · 1 year
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Which muse has the most aus or verses?
Max. Easily Max. I think, at last count, she had around 27 or so verses (including private, thread-dependent ones and some that I haven't used in a while (obviously not all of them are on her bio page)). To be fair, I've had her as a muse the longest. Several years before I took on another muse, actually. I absolutely love aus though, so if anyone ever has an idea for one they want to pitch for any of my muses, come at me with that shiz. I'll most likely jump right on board!
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dreamswapafterdark · 2 years
okay so confession when I was 15 and friends with the more popular people in the dreamswap fandom at the time I was part of a super secret dreamswap sin server. Anyway that was 5 years ago or so but I digress, I do remember there was an nsfw roleplay of Dream livestreaming himself raping Nightmare because "he's the source of negative and he must know how what he brings feels" (not verbatim but general gist bc I'm not digging thru old screenshots at ass o clock at midnight), and I kinda wanna start writing a fic with that premise and continue that rp, but more just like. completely write it from the ground up then taking what the roleplay had.
Of course now they'll be humans and shiz. I'm debating on whether Nightmare should be trans or not but I kind of want it to set it in a not-quite pre-TUSOUD shenanigans 'verse but close to it.
I definitely want Nightmare to Not Vibe with it but Dream does at least make it mildly enjoyable by like. using lube and wearing protection (what a good role model /s) and Nightmare just makes a lot of snarky and bratty comments and digs a metaphorical knife into Dream about their past n all that. because if he's going to be raped by what is practically his brother he's gotta have to at least get his own pound of flesh.
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botanikos · 25 days
"I'm sure you have an abundance of questions, but I doubt I'll answer any of them."
(Honestly this fits both verses, so your pick. Either way, North being a Little shiz lol
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He could be very P A T I E N T. . . It did not matter. One way or another, he would have his answers. If he needed to use force, then so be it. But for now, the prince would bide his time. He cants his head to one side, vermillion hues blinking slowly before narrowing. Stolas smiles and gently nudges a cup of tea across the small table between them. ❝ I have questions, yes. You will answer them; with time, we will each get what we want. For now, tea. It will grow cold and my servants prepared it for us. It would be rude to decline. ❞
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universal-legacy · 2 months
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I'm currently kicking myself right now, because I'm in an Assassin's Creed mood, but I also played myself in the fact that I have left multiple of the games unfinished. I know I need to sit down and finish Brotherhood and Revelations, at the least, so I can finish Ezio's story.
Totally might not look at picking up an AC verse after I finish bios and other shiz. Keyword AFTER.
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comiiical · 4 months
On the pc if anyone wants to do some shiz with me. Jon, Andy and Aleksei are the loudest, everyone ni the pinned post available as well. Kit loud af too. You have starter calls that are no more than a smut gif meme turned into a starter except you cannot check what the result is before sending it and it's further randomized. You can send memes if you prefer. You can also throw a starter at me for any of those muses. I'd rather write the characters in their main verses as well rather than in different times (thooe avaiaible for that)
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"Sup guys, what's the 411?"
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Mun's main account: @jazminetoad
A little hazbin info post from main
Other Hazbin OC RP blog: @kaiju-overlords
Part of the Hazbin-Verse
Mod has 4 years experience of roleplaying, can go from simple text to novel style RP
Rules below cut
Steve's account from when he was alive: @reverbcovelight
🎶 Remember to be respectful ooc, what beef is in character stays in character
🎶 Let me know if the rp thread has reached an end or you're not sure how to respond, I will do the same
🎶 I got a job irl so don't expect me to be respond early in the day, I'm more available at night, but sometimes I'm just busy
🎶 No sexual 18+ rp, mun is aroace and not comfortable with random blogs doing that
🎶 Suggestive things are fine, just be ready for dense character response
🎶 Gore and dark shiz is fine, just know that Reverb is a positive fellow who doesn't do well in response to stuff like that
🎶 OC Lore will be dropped and develop over time, just a heads up
🎶 More rules will be added if necessary
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thesinglesjukebox · 8 months
Unlike our past two songs, no relation to murder...
Nortey Dowuona: "C'est pas avec amour qu'on achète vêtements." It's a very cutting lyric once I found a translation of it ("It's not with love that we buy clothes"), and it's true. Jungeli, as a singer and as a presence (in the video at least), is a sweet, light-hearted kid who radiates joy in any room he enters. His voice is light and silken, and threads through the song even when he's not leading a verse. But it doesn't have gravity or weight, so everything he sings floats, including a Lingala verse close to the end of the track. His interplay with Abou Debeing, who also has a light tenor with a bit of bass, allows for a comfortable hand-off between the two. The lilting guitar melody that Jungeli mimics is light as well: it sidewinds through the drum pattern built by DJ Wills, who's produced for the likes of MHD, Bramsito, and Alrima. Imen Es brings a weightier heft to the chorus when she sings it. Her voice is the highest on the track but feels substantial and firm, a comfortable interpretation of the notes placed in the front of the mix. Lossa's deeper tenor can't do the same, simply dragging as the echoes placed below him fill the track to an uncomfortable and unengaging degree. (Imen Es's return is a blessing.) Alonzo has the deepest voice, the sharpest and most distinct flow, but it's such a short, sharp shock that Jungeli's looping verse lulls you back out of the abrupt switch in intensity. "Petit Génie" is so short that you think there's nothing more there for you, it won't put a career on Jungeli's back. But you listen again. And again. And once more. It's still at #1 — he deserves it.  [8]
Mark Sinker: Such voices. Everyone in the room seems to be making a gently scuffed, breathily perfect pop noise, high or low — but honestly I wonder if Imen Es hasn’t the most beautiful delivery I’ve ever heard, with a kind of folded shiver in it. I hurried off to hear what else she’s recorded — an LP last year called Train de vie – but I came back again, because I think this company is bringing out the best in her.  [10]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: That first warbled vocal sounds like something you’d hear in a Burial track. And really, this is a song about the pleasure of hearing vocals. Each new singer enters the track to revitalize. Best of all is Imen Es; she sounds like water, so pure and clear. [6]
Kat Stevens: It always amazes me when people release summer jams in winter. I can imagine Jungeli is hoping to get this track established well before the Paris Olympics to ensure some tasty beach volleyball montage royalties, but unfortunately it's way too late for a rhythmic gymnastics routine (that shiz needs at least a year of prep). The highlight is Imen Es piercing through the breezy beats like a territorial blackbird — a perfect accompaniment for a fluttering ribbon. Maybe LA 2028? [7]
Kayla Beardslee: “Petit Génie” mixes the frantic whistles and percussion stutters of gqom with sunny guitar and relaxed vocals that feel much more Afrobeats — but it’s all in French, with features from various hip-hop artists (and R&B singer Imen Es, who absolutely eats the men up). The result is pleasant, though the mix of influences feels less like stitching together a tapestry and more like throwing it all in a blender. [6]
Katherine St. Asaph: Groove is OK, but every vocalist here is about 66% as good as they needed to be. [5]
Taylor Alatorre: Am I wrong for thinking that this sounds like a Francophone nightcore remix of "Am I Wrong"? And am I wrong for thinking Nico & Vinz deserve a better one? [3]
Jessica Doyle: If I squint I can see something interesting in the tension between the stated text, pointedly superficial and unsentimental, and the musical atmosphere of friends hanging out and taking turns. I can see why this got popular: it provides a nice backdrop for an outdoor party. But I’m alone right now, so: [4]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I really do love posse cuts. "Petit Génie" serves as a helpful reminder of their benefits – take a collection of middling hooks and verses, staple them together over a pretty but anonymous beat, and achieve something much greater than the sum of its parts. [7]
Thomas Inskeep: A lovely, breezy blend of Afrobeats, hip-hop and R&B, the epitome of ear candy. [7]
Ian Mathers: My French is nowhere near fluent (or remembered; it's been years) enough to keep up with all the different speakers and accents here, but there's a lightness of touch and group-level joy that comes through here, whatever the text actually is. Posse cuts like this can suffer from a lack of consistent quality on the one hand (cf. how annoying I found ArrDee on "Body (Remix)") and not having distinctive enough personalities on the other, but "Petit Génie" doesn't break a sweat threading that particular needle. [7]
Isabel Cole: Feels bigger than it is, in a good way — a sense of richness, lushness even, achieved not through maximalism but through the careful deployment of each component part. I was surprised when I looked at the length by how short it was, also in a good way, as if the song had created such a complete sonic world that time ran differently there. I like how each vocalist brings a slightly different emotional shading, even when they’re singing the same melody. [9]
Leah Isobel: Damn, life is pain. [8]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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hmpolar · 2 years
Lil dicky professional rapper lyric gunus
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Hand-me-down My dirty drawers gettin' worn, can you blame me now? You think I got $4.50 up in quarters on me, well I fuckin' don't! Ayy, where the gold at, baby? (Yeah baby) Ayy, where the clothes at, baby? (Yeah baby) Ayy, where the dough at, baby? In the bank, you know I ain't tryna blow that, baby Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I'm judicious) Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I'm cost-efficient) Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I do it different) What we do? We gon' save that money I ain't never hit a bar with a cover (Never) Low thread count, hard with the covers (Woo) Free trial memberships, though I never join the shiz though (Ayy) Fuck you think this is though? Frequent flying like a motherfuckin' finch though (Brr) General Tso, half a dozen on the stick Just so I can whet the appetite a bit Whatchu talkin' 'bout? My AC never doing nothing, blow fans though (Ayy) Walgreens card shoppin' all the off brands, though (Ayy) Boy go hard when collecting, got Venmo (Ayy) Save every motherfuckin' roach, tryna smoke (Ayy) Check the clothes in my drawers, I ain't playin' around It's LD, lil boy, Mr.
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Quan what's this have to do with saving money though? You know what a full verse would have been too expensive anyways I think Trap, trap, trap I ain't parkin' that unless the meter green, homie (Please) Hair cut several months in-between, homie (Always) Hit the mafuckin' lights when I leave, homie (YOLO) Single ply TP, ass bleed Airbnb the motherfuckin' lease, I'm never there I'm out in Cali, why the fuck my company in Delaware? At happy hour takin' out the chicken, I don't even care And that applies to both dating and wings Peep matinees, phone bill got the motherfuckin' fam on it (All the fam) 401K, rollin' over bands on it (Ayy) Coppin' sweaters in the summer when the sale on 'em (I'm hot) The fuck you rappers bragging 'bout? You overpaying for it Ayy, where the gold at, baby? (Yeah baby) Ayy, where the clothes at, baby? (Yeah baby) Ayy, where the dough at, baby? In the bank, you know I ain't tryna blow that, baby Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I'm so Jewish) Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I'm so frugal) Ayy, we gon' save that money (I'm so imprudent) What we do? We gon' save that money All of my luggage is Louis V, I swear to God, nigga All of my bitches be scared of me, I put that rod in 'em All of them bitches actin' thoughtless, I disregardin' them All of them bitches actin' holy, ain't got no God in 'em I can teach a lil' nigga somethin' like a preacher I can take his ass to church fresh as hell, no Easter I can make his ass burp like a baby without no hiccup I could.
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LD, AKA The Independent Variable Trap God, I was servin' out the hallway ( I want my money all ways) Ayy, where the gold at, baby? (Fuck I need gold for man?) Ayy, where the clothes at, baby? (Fuck I need clothes for man?) Ayy, where the dough at, baby? In the bank, you know I ain't tryna blow dat, baby Ayy, we gon' save that money (I'm so thrifty) Ayy, we gon' save that money (I'm so stingy) Ayy, we gon' save that money What we doin'? We gon' save dat money The rap game got it all wrong We ain't 'bout to go and spend money just to flex on 'em We ain't really got it like y'all (Yeah, baby!) I'm a type of motherfucker that'll check the check Do the math, I ain't never gettin' robbed (No) Those margaritas not goin' on my card (No) I ain't 'bout to split a damn thing for convenience sake I'm at the restaurant workin' that waitress Hold up You ain't heard of Lil Dave, Yung L the Jew biz major? (Ayy) Fuck you know about the world he raised in? (Fuck) I've been savin' money since a motherfucker 13 I wear the same pair of jeans every day (It's true) Free sandwiches, homie, two stamps away (It's true) Book flight December but I leave in May (I do) Drugs are generic but still work the same I get logins for Netflix from my cousin Greg Thanks, Greg!
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gliyerabaa · 2 years
What's a nonshippy Wicked headcanon you have? Like about the worldbuilding or about the characters' personal arcs or something like that? Asking because much fan content (for any fandom) revolves around shipping and I'm interested in your ideas beyond that.
(If you want you can send me a Wicked or Phantom of the Opera ask back!)
not a headcanon so much as it is just Thoughts but like... I wish we knew more about the extent of magic and magic users in musical!verse Wicked.
Elphaba uses magic, she's shown to be proficient at it even without any training. Sure, some of her magic is done by accident at first but as soon as she starts formally studying, she excels at it.
Glinda uses magic, she's shown to struggle with it at first but by the end of the musical, Elphaba leaves the Grimmerie in her hands...
Morrible uses magic, specifically weather based magic. But it's never really revealed if her magical powers extend beyond the realm of weather, is it? She's the teacher of magical studies at Shiz, so it's assumed that she has a wide *knowledge* but that still doesn't answer what her specific powers are
And then there's the Wizard. He, of course, is a fraud, but in the public's image he is also a magic user.
What's interesting is that all four of our magic-using characters are public figureheads (or in the position to be) at some point or another. Do the citizens of Oz inherently trust magic users more in positions of power? Is being a magic user (or at least pretending you are) a requirement to being in a position of power in Oz?
So many unanswered musical-verse questions....
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scuddle-bubble101 · 3 years
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reblogs are appreciated!<3 but not obligated >w<
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jokulmacr · 3 years
original post here
     The streaking lights of Huldufólk on a Midsummer’s Eve and the shouts of human men in chase swirl together in one dizzying cacophony in the young nation’s head. She’s running, chasing or chased, darkness filled with voices behind her and a flash of oak-brown hair disappearing around a birch before her; bare, stick-thin legs aching and lungs heaving yet no rest in sight.
     She is crawling into Aleks’ lap before she truly realises she is awake, nuzzling close for affection and reassurance, that of which she hasn’t sought out since her creation. An isle of ice and ash, isolated from all but the most daring of explorers; this little she-bear with fire in her veins is nothing more than a needy cub in the wee hours of the morning.
     Her voice still doesn’t come easy after centuries of disuse.
     “Mhm.” A soft hum of affirmation, Yrsa (a recent name, a name of only a few years) reaches up with small, pale hands to grasp the larger one of her new brother, and presses herself closer to his chest.
     Silence reigns for a few precious moments, the younger happy to listen to the strong, steady thump of Aleks’ heart beneath her ear - feel his warmth seeping into her cold, brittle bones. But soon she grows restless and mumbles, “You too? Should be ‘sleep, storebror.”
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