#shiu kong fic
tripleyeeet · 16 days
SUMMARY: During a long shift, a certain regular catches your eye. Possibly your heart too, after treating you to a night of pampering. PAIRING: Shiu Kong/Female Reader WARNINGS: 18+ sexual content, oral sex (fem receiving), penetrative sex that turns somno, basically just a lot of soft, unrealistic domesticity really. A/N: Life's been hard so here's a super self indulgent fic about Shiu simply taking care of reader <3 I've literally been writing this for nearly 3 weeks straight so hopefully somebody likes it. WC: 9K (oof)
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After around the fourth or fifth Friday in a row of seeing him, you finally notice he's staring. With heavy-lidded eyes throughout the night, his gaze is seemingly locked onto your frame as you rush around the bar, tending to everyone’s needs. His body angled so that he can get a good look at you grabbing bottles and garnishes while carefully weaving around your coworkers like you’re dancing to the beat of the music that blares through the speakers. 
When you notice, you feel your focus flicker for just a second. As you stop to speak to a pair of women, chatting about something mundane and entirely uninteresting, suddenly it’s like there’s this target locked against the side of your face. The imaginary barrel of a gun pointing directly at you, ready to take the shot, causing your gaze to shift. 
Like usual, he’s tucked into the farthest corner, casually leaning against the bar. His expression appearing almost empty as you glance over to see he’s clad in a simple suit. His jacket discarded onto the bar top beside him, leaving only a button-up and a loosened tie, prompting you to raise a brow. 
He usually never stays long enough to take off his jacket… 
“Uh, hello!” 
Deep in thought, suddenly the drunken snarl of one of the girls pulls you back. A wave of annoyance washing over as you release a breath and look back, making sure to smile. “Sorry, what was that?”
Afterwards, you let out a casual laugh and joke about your bad hearing before they thankfully laugh alongside you, eventually repeating their order. The simple exchange giving you the chance to refocus on the task at hand, moving over to the ice machine to start filling up your shaker tins. 
“Seems like someone’s got an admirer.” 
While pouring various spirits, your coworker, Himari, gently bumps her hip against yours. A signal that she recognizes the familiar man, too. His presence continuing to linger in ways that make you let out another laugh, this time the sound echoing your nerves. “Calm down, I’m sure he’s just looking for a top-up.” 
Almost immediately, she shakes her head. “Nah, he’s fully giving you the eyes, babe.” 
At that, you roll your own and give her an almost smug look, your eyes flickering to see him almost smirking —as if somehow he can hear you talking over the music. “Yeah, okay.” 
“You want to go talk to him?”
You shake your head almost immediately, even though deep down you can’t deny your interest. Considering he’s practically become a staple over these last few weeks, there’s a part of you that wants to say hi. Maybe to introduce yourself so that you can better build that classic bartender-customer rapport. But then, you notice the huge crowd of people swarming around. Every one of them vying for your attention with drunken minds and heavy pockets, causing the desire to earn money to outweigh everything else. 
Which ultimately ends up costing you a lot of energy in the long run. As the night quickly progresses, you can feel your mind begin to cave in on itself. Each customer that comes after the next becoming more and more of a chore to deal with thanks to the intake of alcohol. Eventually, testing your patience towards the ragged businessmen who always demand Old Fashions or the group of young college kids who scream for more tequila shots. 
Every passing moment makes you wish you’d taken your coworker up on her previous offer. Especially now that the bar’s completely packed, leaving barely any room to breathe let alone speak, you wish you could turn back time. Stop the clock and wind it back so that, instead of just watching the man who still idly sits, almost acting unaware of the chaos that surrounds him, you could talk to him. Maybe ask him what he does or how his day went. Using his presence as an excuse to take a load off while you offer up all your usual jokes in hopes he’ll slowly warm up to you.
And the longer you think about it, the more the idea foolishly creates a sense of longing. Your stomach tightening at the sight of him shifting in his seat, wondering if that’ll be the moment he finally calls it quits. The sight of him only moving just to further settle on the stool making you scrunch up your face in annoyance, realizing how crazy you’re acting. 
Considering he’s nothing more than a stranger, the impulse you feel to connect with him is completely ridiculous. Nothing more than some silly delusion brought on by the exhaustion, you tell yourself. His residency amongst the rowdy crowd serving as nothing more than some false oasis that’ll inevitably disappoint you if you go over. 
So, you don’t. Instead, forcing your mind to think about the money, you allow every tip to fuel you. Each one navigating you further from his frame, your mind too immersed in the task at hand until suddenly last call rolls around.
At which point, you find yourself forced to talk to him. After you notice your coworkers pushed deep into the trenches of last-minute orders, you realize then that you just have to do it. To be the one to bite the bullet and find out why exactly this guy’s decided to pick tonight of all nights to linger and stare. Your tired feet pushing you to stand directly across from him, arms spread across the counter to hold yourself up as you offer a smile. 
“We’re doing last call,” you tell him, watching him slowly glance between you and the empty beer bottle in his hand. “You want one more?”
He ponders for a minute, his other hand moving to stroke his chin as he sort of smiles to himself, eventually shrugging. “Yeah, sure, why not.”
In response, you give him a nod and shuffle over to the fridge to get him another, grabbing the opener off your belt to shuck it off before trading him for the old one. “You got a tab to close?” 
He nods. 
“What’s it under?” 
This time, you nod, rushing away to grab his receipt —typing in the name to find a rather abysmal order of four beers, not including the one you just gave him. 
That’s all he drank? Damn… 
“So, how’s your night been?” 
Handing him the receipt after it prints, you watch as he pulls out a handful of bills and tosses them on top of the piece of paper. His expression seeming a bit distracted as he eventually looks at you and blinks. “It’s been fine. A bit dull, honestly.” 
“Yeah, how come?” 
“Nobody to talk to,” he simply says. The sound of his voice expressing such a casual tone despite the weight of his words hitting you like a brick. The implication of his admission making you swallow hard before awkwardly laughing, not sure if his comment was even necessarily meant for you. 
“Yeah, well, Friday’s are a little nuts, unfortunately.”
Glancing around, he takes a moment to take in the sight of all the drunken bodies crowding around, waiting for their final turn. The gears in his head turning for a bit before he looks back at you. “I’m starting to realize that.”
Releasing a low hum, you then wonder if maybe you should say your goodbyes or linger a bit longer, knowing deep down you should probably do the former. Seeing as it’s your job and already you can sense the frustrations of those who surround the space you’re currently occupying, looking at you with desperate eyes, it’s probably better if you just throw in the towel. Call it night and maybe try again next week. But then there’s a moment where you look back at each other and there’s this feeling. A pressure in your stomach that makes you swallow hard and start to settle. Your body practically leaning into his space as you narrow your eyes. 
“How come you’re here so late, anyway?” you ask, allowing the curiosity you’ve secretly harboured all night to finally release.
Once again, he shrugs. Only this time, there’s a faint smile pulling across his face. “Figured it might be fun to people watch for a bit longer.” 
Regardless of such a thought, a smile of your own appears in response —your mind unconvinced. “Was it fun?” 
“The people watching?” 
You nod. 
He shrugs. 
Then, both of you become lost in this strange limbo of charged silence. Your thoughts now drifting to wonder why all of a sudden he seems so… interesting as you continue to watch him lift the beer to his lips to take a sip. 
“S’pose it was alright.”
Slightly taken aback by his bluntness, you can’t help but snort in response. Your eyes rolling as he chuckles and you reach for the cash in front of you, taking a moment to count it, realizing it’s well over the asking price. “Well, I’m glad it wasn’t a total bore for you,” you tell him after, shoving it all into the pocket of your apron. “Otherwise you might not come back.” 
“Didn’t realize you cared if I came back.”
As soon as you notice the smug expression that begins to appear across his face after he speaks, your mouth presses into a thin line. Realizing then that your words are the perfect fuel for him to keep the conversation going. 
“I walked into that one, didn’t I?” 
“Sure did, sweetheart.” 
Again, he chuckles and takes another sip, continuing to stare. His eyes practically memorizing every move you make as you try to appear busy by reaching for a handful of dirty glasses and tucking them under the bar.
“Well, can’t deny that I’d hate to see you go. You’re one of the good ones.” 
“Am I?”
You grab a cloth and start to wipe down the counter, watching him lean back to give you more space. His expression continuing to showcase how pleased he seems at your words. “I mean, yeah. You’re quiet, you wait your turn, you tip,” you begin to list off a handful of reasons, each one piquing his interest as he watches you dart around, continuing to close. “You’re also not creepy. Unless you count the staring problem.” 
Despite your comment, he merely just takes another sip, completely unfazed. “Caught that, huh?”
“Hard not to when you don’t even try to hide it, Mr. Kong,” you tease. 
At that, you scrunch up your face in confusion. “Sorry?” 
“My name,” he clarifies. “It’s Shiu.”
Standing there for a few moments, you repeat the name in your head so it doesn’t get lost. Committing the sound to memory before you offer your hand across the counter, saying your own name in return. Immediately clocking the way he seems to repeat your tactic, allowing it to sink in.
“Nice to finally put a name to a face.” 
Still shaking his hand, you then hear the sound of Himari calling you. The sudden sound pulling you from this strange bubble of ease you’ve somehow settled in, causing you to swear under your breath. “Sorry, I uh—“
“It’s okay. Duty calls?”
Glancing between him and the never-ending line of customers still waiting for their final drinks, you release a sigh and nod. “Unfortunately.” 
“Good luck.”
It’s the last thing you hear from him after you offer an awkward wave goodbye. The tone of his voice, forever casual and polite. A direct contrast to the type of response you’re used to getting from men who try to talk to you, causing your mind to regret not reaching out sooner. 
Because maybe if you had, the rest of your night wouldn’t have been so awful. As you shift back into bartender mode, ushering person after person to order their drinks as fast as possible, maybe you could’ve felt content instead of disappointed. The feeling of satisfaction fuelling your drive rather than allowing the sadness to slow you down, knowing you might have to wait a whole other week to see him again.
And that’s if he decides to come back. Which, unfortunately, is a thought that plagues you even after you’ve finished cleaning the fridges and the floors and the—
“Saw you talking to Shiu.”
Your thoughts are interrupted again. The mention of him making you faintly smile even though the mere thought of him also kind of stresses you out. “Yeah. He’s… surprisingly nice.”
“I know. I’m the one who usually serves him.” Himari smiles almost proudly when she says that, her teeth peeking out from between her parted lips as she throws her bag over her shoulder, following you towards the door.
“You must like him then,” you joke, nudging your elbow against hers. “With the way he tips and all that.” 
Himari snorts and pulls her keys out, spinning them around her finger as you push open the door, allowing her to follow behind before turning back to lock up. “It’s definitely a plus, I’ll admit. But he’s a decent guy, too —fun to talk to.” 
She nods, distractedly pulling out her phone to shoot her boyfriend a text. Most likely telling him that she’s finished for the night and heading home like she usually does before glancing back up. “Doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes either.”
Upon hearing that, you can’t help but swallow a bit. Especially after you clock the way her expression immediately turns mischievous. Her lips curling upwards as she wiggles her brows, forcing you to turn away and shove your hands into the pockets of your coat. Your mind foolishly starting to concoct his image without warning. The sight of his warm, slightly aged features shifting to the forefront of your thoughts causing you to narrow your eyes. 
“Yeah, I mean, I guess he’s… decent,” you lie, knowing deep down he’s definitely more than that because if anything he’s exactly your type. 
Which is why Himari quickly glances at you, completely unconvinced as she begins to walk, leading you around the corner to where the two of you usually park your cars. “Just decent?” she then pries, raising a brow. 
At which point, you know your reaction is a dead giveaway. Thanks to the way your mouth awkwardly opens and closes, unable to come up with a viable enough answer to make it seem like you see him as anything other than attractive, you know she knows. Prompting you to huff in response and look away, hearing her laugh as she pokes your arm. 
“You know he thinks you’re cute too, right?”
Your neck practically breaks from how quickly you turn to face her, your brows knitting together in slight shock. “What?” 
“What? You seriously didn’t pick up on that? Why do you think I was trying to get you to talk to him earlier?”
You shrug your shoulders, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed. “I don’t know, I just figured you were—“
“Trying to set you up with some random guy?”
At first, you pause, then you sigh, realizing yes. That's exactly what you figured she was doing.
“Is that why it took you so long to go talk to him?” 
You realize then you don’t really have an answer that doesn’t sound completely selfish, causing you to cross your arms over your chest and sort of pout as you walk the rest of the way to your cars in silence. Noticing from the corner of your eye another vehicle that's parked a few stalls away, a familiar body occupying its driver’s seat. 
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” you hear Himari practically sing then. Her voice filled with a specific air of humour that has you scoffing and lightly shoving her aside. The act causing her to retaliate with a shove of her own that makes both of you laugh, inevitably catching the attention of the driver. 
Slowly but surely, his eyes move to make eye contact with yours, stilling for a moment before lighting up entirely. And it’s a sight that makes your stomach twist a bit. As you watch the lines around his eyes become more prominent before they’re whisked away by the turn of his neck, you can’t help but deny your attraction. That undeniable pull from earlier returning with a vengeance as you deeply breathe and try to turn back to Himari, realizing she’s already halfway inside her vehicle, waving goodbye. 
“You’re leaving already?” you then whisper through clenched teeth —your eyes darting between her and Shiu who’s back to staring. The pupils of his eyes practically boring holes into your skull as you see him reach to pop his door open. 
“Have fun,” you hear Himari say. Then after a few painfully short seconds pass, she’s gone. The rumble of her old, worn-out car drifting into the distance as you continue to stand there, confused as to how you’re meant to proceed now that there’s not a bar top wedged between you or another body to turn to for guidance if the conversation gets stale. The lack of crutches making you shove your hands into the pockets of your jeans and awkwardly clear your throat, watching him move forward, his expression amused and soft. The kind of look that makes you both terrified and interested. A mix of anxious energy flowing through your veins as he stops in front of you, offering what appears to be the subtle etchings of a smirk as he mirrors the hands inside your pockets. 
“Long time no see.” 
You hum and nod, your lips curling into a small grin. “It would seem so.” 
“Have a good close?” 
Shrugging your shoulders, you turn to glance around the parking lot, immediately clocking the absence of the usual buzzing energy that surrounds you whenever he’s around. The lack of drunken bodies and blaring music making the conversation abruptly stop. Your mind suddenly failing to fill in the blanks as you continue to stand, distractedly picking at the fabric inside your pocket. 
Which is something Shiu recognizes as he lets out a chuckle and looks at the ground, his expression shifting from confident to nervous in a single second, making you feel weirdly calm as you join in, laughing over your shared silence. 
“Sorry, I tend to forget how to properly talk after a long shift,” you eventually admit, moving your hands to rub your eyes.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to talk,” he replies. “We can just stand here.”
As your hands slowly peel down your face, you can’t help but curiously narrow your eyes at that. Your interest piquing as he pulls out a carton of cigarettes, popping a single one in his mouth before pocketing the box, and switching it out for a lighter. 
“You smoke?” 
Cupping his hand around the end, he flicks his thumb against the spark wheel —the familiar crackle of flame sounding between the two of you before he sucks and sighs, releasing a plume of smoke strategically away from your face.
“That’s a bad habit.” 
You can’t help but snort, watching as he hands it over. His fingers gently grazing against yours in the process. “Bit of a hypocritical statement, don’t you think?”
“Oh, I don’t smoke.”
“Ah, of course. So this is one of those healthy cigarettes they’ve supposedly invented?” 
He motions towards your hand, nodding. “Good eye.” 
At that, you roll your eyes, fighting the urge to smile as you press your lips around the aforementioned cigarette. Allowing that familiar bitter taste of nicotine to hit your tongue as you take a deep breath and hand it back. His fingers brushing against yours for the second time. 
“So, what are you still doing here anyways?” 
You know it’s a bold question, despite the answer being obvious. More than likely he’s here because he wants to talk to you. To speak to you without the pressure of a purchase or a time limit lingering in the background. To vocalize whatever thoughts might come to mind without having to yell across a counter coated in the remnants of sticky cocktails.
All of it’s obvious to you before you even ask, but still, there’s a portion of your brain that can’t help but deny it. That small sliver of space making you question his intentions. Your insecurities lingering, making you wonder if he finds your pretty or interesting or if he just wants to fuck.
“Thought I’d wait to see if you wanted to continue our conversation from back there.” As he speaks, he motions in the general direction of the bar with his chin. All while his hand rises to take another few puffs of smoke into his mouth. His lips parting to push the excess out in a steady stream before he grins again. “Sorry, is that too forward of me?” 
You shake your head almost immediately. Then, you raise your hand for the passing of the cigarette, holding it for a moment as you try to articulate your thoughts into words. Eventually settling on, “No, I like forward. Forward’s good, makes things easy.” 
In response, he raises a brow, watching you part your lips and suck, his eyes never leaving yours even after you’ve finished smoking and have moved to give it back. His stare intensely making you almost shiver when his fingers bump against you. “Glad we can agree.”
You let out an approving hum and cross your arms over your chest. The urge to do something with your hands overwhelming your mind as you look down at the pavement and readjust your stance, moving a tad bit closer. 
“So, uh, do you want to hang out or just…?”
“Just what?”
His expression contorts again, the previous casualty of it shifting into some foreign and heavy. The weight of it making you clear your throat and glance at the ground again, trying to find the right words to say in order to convey your preference without actually outright stating it. 
“Hang out,” is what you end up saying, your tone a bit more suggestive, praying he understands the difference.
“Hang out or hang out?”
The moments that pass are awkward. A mess of silent tension and narrowed eyes. His gaze lingering against the side of your face when you inevitably turn your head in embarrassment, knowing you’ve fucked it. Whatever this is, you’ve absolutely, truly fu—
“Can I pick both? Is that an option or is it more of a red pill, blue pill situation?” 
You quickly turn to face him, unable to hide the surprise that appears across your face as you open your mouth, partially stuttering. “I’d uh —I’d be fine with both, yeah.”
He hums almost happily as he finally takes another drag. After flicking the excess ash that’s formed, he smiles around the smoke and takes a few deep inhales before he makes the pass, watching you shake your head before he drops whatever’s left on the ground to stomp it out. 
“You hungry?”
You are —starving, actually. But, at the same time as you look around, trying to gauge how to say that, you can’t deny the lack of options. The obvious late night hour forcing a potential limit as you inevitably look back and your eyes sharing a flicker of something you can’t quite place before you say, “We could go back to mine and I can make us something?” 
It’s enough to force his smile to branch out further. The obvious excitement taking over when you then ask for his phone, inputting the address to your apartment before you tell him you’ll meet him there. The anticipation of it all nearly killing you as you appropriately part ways to your respective cars, wondering what happens next. 
As expected, the whole way there your mind fills with various scenarios. Each one eventually leading to the same result, prompting you to instinctively tighten your fingers around the steering wheel with a heavy breath. Every end scene making you swallow hard and feel a bit warm, imagining what he might be like. How he might approach the hang-out portion of your time spent together. What his hands might feel like. Or his mouth. 
By the time you arrive, standing outside waiting, your thoughts are a mess. The wreckage of lewd thoughts mingling with more appropriate ones to create a buzz of nerves as you shift your weight on each foot. Your body slowly but surely pacing across the length of your apartment entrance as you quietly hum to yourself, thinking about how to greet him. Which, unfortunately, is a thought that causes you to spiral further. The expectancy to be charming and appealing suddenly becoming less of an afterthought now that he’s going to be entering your space. 
No longer in a neutral zone, you’re well aware you have to make some sort of impression that isn’t just flirting behind a bar for tips. You have to be nice and attractive in a less abrupt, business-y way. To give him what he wants without being too desperate. To be endearing. To keep him interested despite knowing next to nothing about him or what he likes or wants or needs. 
Biting your thumbnail, it comes to a point where you’re left exhausted before he even shows up, and stupidly, the thought of cancelling on him does cross your mind. Feeling the expectations are suddenly too high you debate waiting until he gets here to make some bullshit excuse about being too tired or feeling sick. But then he parks and gets out of his car, offering you that same soft grin from earlier and you kind of melt on the spot. All of your previous desires rushing to the forefront of your mind, causing your heart to beat a little quicker when you press your fob against the edge of the door and invite him in. No longer feeling as anxious as you walk up the stairs to the third floor, casually chatting about the drive. 
“You didn’t get lost or anything?” 
He shakes his head, following you down the hall. His face still sporting that same grin that makes your own mouth upturn without warning. “I’m assuming you found your way without any trouble, too?” 
You scoff out a laugh and nod, eventually reaching down to unlock your door when you make it there. Feeling your fingers twitch as you work the lock and push it open, suddenly realizing that he’s here —stepping inside your apartment like it isn’t the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve endured in a while. 
“You can hang your coat there if you want,” you then tell him, motioning to the hooks behind the door when he slowly closes it. Your eyes lingering as he casually steps out of his shoes before following your instructions; his own eyes glancing around. 
“Nice place.” 
Moving towards the kitchen, you drop your stuff on one of the stools that line the island, offering an appreciative hum. “Thanks. It’s a bit small, but it’s just me, so…”
After nodding, he steps further in to continue surveying. His eyes focusing on the overflowing bookshelf in the corner and the cluster of plants near the window. His eyes shifting position with each new object he takes in, clearly finding certain things more interesting than others.
“You ever get lonely all cooped up in here?” 
As expected, the question catches you a bit off guard, but you quickly recover by turning away to open the fridge. Taking a moment to scan the contents before deciding that some kind of stir-fry is probably your best chance at a proper meal. “I guess sometimes I do,” you eventually say after gathering your thoughts. All while collecting a handful of veggies from one of the lower drawers before turning back around to place them on the counter. “Why?”
He presses his palms against the marble that separates you, his expression softening when he looks up to see you already whizzing around to grab an apron and tie it around your waist. The speed of your hands afterwards darting to grab a knife off the magnetic strip on the wall, making him huff. 
“You said you lived alone,” he points out, watching you dip down to grab a cutting board from one of the drawers beneath you —your head bobbing in and out of view before returning not long after. “Got curious.” 
“About my loneliness levels?” You raise a brow at him, reaching for a handful of mushrooms to chop. 
“Yeah, what would you rate them?” He grins.
As you quickly guide your knife back and forth, you smile back and glance up for just a second. “Right now? Probably a two.” 
“Okay, but how about in general?”
You scrunch up your face, trying to think of an accurate number. “Maybe a seven?” 
“A seven?”
Sensing that wasn’t the answer he was expecting, you let out a nervous laugh, feeling your hands begin to still as you look back up, watching the shock on his face. “What? Is that bad?”
He lets out a scoff, shaking his head. “That’s a dangerously high number, sweetheart. Don’t you have friends that can help lower that?” 
In response, you roll your eyes before pushing your chopped mushrooms aside and reaching for some carrots. Your thoughts shifting to whether or not he’s simply flirting or if there’s a genuine hint of concern in his voice. 
“I mean, I’ve got weird work hours, so no. Not really.”
“What about Himari?”
You shrug. “She’s usually with her boyfriend.” 
He goes silent for a couple of seconds after that, causing you to look up and see him appear lost in thought before he inevitably catches your gaze. Both of you staring at each other for a couple of seconds, your eyes narrowing in curiosity until Shiu finally clears his throat and wanders around the counter to your side, holding out his hand. 
“You shouldn’t be cooking for me after a long shift,” he suddenly tells her. “Especially not if I’m the first friend you’ve hung out with in ages.”
You’re not sure whether to be offended or flattered at that moment, so you just resort to parting your lips and staring. The entirety of you unable to comprehend why this guy —this incredibly stable and attractive-looking guy— has decided that out of the blue, you’re his friend and he needs to cook for you.
“It’s not a big deal. I like cooking.”
Stepping closer, he starts to unbutton the sleeves of his shirt and roll them up, shaking his head the entire time. “Nobody likes cooking, sweetheart. Not after a shift of dealing with shitty college kids throwing money in their face.”
“No, seriously it’s—“
He cuts you off with a huff. The kind that instantly has you pressing your lips together, knowing deep down he’s right. Aside from the hunger in your stomach and the desire to impress him, the last thing you want to be doing is cooking. So, you don’t argue when he eventually pushes his hand closer, wiggling his fingers for you to transfer over the knife, or when he tells you to take off the apron and sit down. 
“Good girl. Now what am I making here?” 
When he looks down to take a quick inventory of the ingredients, you feel your stomach flip at his words. The very obviously suggestive term of endearment making your eyes slightly widen when you know he’s not looking before you quickly reset your face and reply, “I was just gonna make stir-fry.” 
“Okay, good I can work with that. Where’s your sauces?”
You’re about to stand when he points the knife at you, scolding your behaviour like you’re some sort of child he’s been tasked with keeping in line. The sight of him making your eyes roll as you point to the cupboard left of the oven’s hood vent. “Noodles are to the right, too.”
In response, he puts down the knife, appearing pleased before he turns to gather everything he needs. His arms stretching upward, causing your eyes to trail the length of his back with interest, admiring the view.
“Do you have any hon— were you just staring at my ass?” 
Looking up, you blink and part your lips before shaking your head in embarrassment. “No.”
“No? Then what were you looking at?” As if to better prove his point he looks down at the space around him, examining seemingly every aspect of the kitchen before he looks back at you with a skeptical look. “I feel like you’re lying.” 
“I’m not, I swear.” 
Holding back the urge to laugh, you press your lips together and breathe, watching him shake his head before continuing the process of chopping produce and putting together a simple sauce. Both of which he performs with a surprising amount of ease while cooking the noodles and making conversation. 
“So, how’d you wind up bartending?” 
“Started doing it during college and realized I liked it more than sitting in a classroom. So, I dropped out and started doing it full time.”
“Good money I’m guessing?” 
You grin and nod, prompting him to snort as he eventually begins to sauté. His wrist flicking the pan with every burst of flame that surrounds the base. “What do you do?”
When he hesitates to respond, you already know it’s bad. Or, at the very least, an answer both of you know has the potential to change the trajectory of the night. A detail you don’t particularly want to think about now that you’ve decided that he’s actually kind of… 
“I’m kind of like a mediator,” he eventually says, his tone unsure as he stares at the pan, watching the veggies begin to crisp above the heat of the stovetop. “Basically, I connect a pair of clients together and make sure the jobs they collaborate on go according to plan.” 
“Bit of an odd way to describe a job,” you point out, leaning your elbows against the counter as you hold your chin in your hands. “I’m assuming it’s a little less than legal.” 
That comment surprises him. You can tell because almost immediately after he’s looking at you like he’s angry. All narrow-eyed with pinched brows and a frown, causing you to laugh. 
“Relax, I work a service job in one of the shadier parts of town. I’ve seen my fair share of illegal things.”
He seems skeptical, but thankfully he doesn’t dwell on it for long. Seeming to accept your answer in at least some capacity, he instead moves on by turning his attention back to the food, combining all the finished ingredients to create a delicious looking dish that has your mouth already watering. 
“Question though, you wouldn’t happen to be a chef on the side would you?”
He snorts and wanders around your kitchen in search of bowls, eventually finding the right cupboard on his second try. “No. I’m just a guy who knows how to cut shit up and cook it in a pan.” 
“Hey, you made noodles and sauce, too. Give yourself some credit.”
This time, he rolls his eyes and hands you a bowl before opening a random drawer to successfully find your cutlery, causing him to grin. “You should probably try it before offering any sort of praise.”
“Fair,” you respond with a laugh, taking the fork he inevitably offers you with a dramatic before digging in without question. Your mouth practically inhaling the food he so graciously made with a hum. 
“So good,” you mumble, using the back of your hand to hide your lack of manners as he lets out a sigh of relief and starts to dish some up for himself. 
“Thank god. Imagine I made all this and it ended up tasting like shit. Fucking embarrassing.”
Too distracted to do much of anything but eat by that point, you merely chuckle and continue shovelling forkful after forkful down until you’re done. The entire concept of conversation lost as you focus on filling your aching stomach. Something you’re sure Shiu finds a bit awkward as he lingers near the oven, opting to lean against the back counter to eat and sometimes stare rather than sit next to you.
“You must be starving over there,” he eventually points out. "My food can’t be that good.”
Leaning over to rip a piece of paper towel off the roll on your counter, you pause to wipe your mouth before smiling. “Tourist season is so insane. I didn’t get a chance to eat dinner during my shift,” you reply honestly, dropping your napkin to prepare one of your final bites. “This is also really good, though. Better than mine.” 
You nod, finishing the meal off. Every part of you feeling satisfied as you sink further into your chair, watching as Shiu’s face subtly lights up at your praise. “Really good sauce. How’d you measure?”
“With the heart? I don’t know,” he says with a shrug, flashing you a smug grin that has the inside of your stomach doing somersaults. Your body shifting in your chair to set down your bowl and slowly stretch. All while trying not to think about the way his eyes seem to linger on your frame, taking in your sudden discomfort —studying it with slightly narrowed eyes that cause you to anxiously glance away. 
Which only makes the fear that grows worse, unaware of where his gaze might sit. Considering he seems to be far more curious and attentive than the average person you’ve experienced, the lack of awareness only serves to quicken your heart rate. The pounding drum of your organ making you swallow hard and slowly look back, watching as he reaches for your fork and bowl, turning his attention to the act of cleaning instead. 
“Oh, no, you don’t—“
Without missing a beat, he looks up at you with those same eyes as before. Two thin slits warning you to back off as he deposits each dish carefully into the sink. Then, without protest, each of his hands shift to grab your soap and sponge, lathering everything up beneath a steady stream of warm water. 
“You always this stubborn?” 
You frown, staring at his hands as he speaks, noticing the etchings of scars and freckles. Clusters of markings both grown and inflicted littering his skin like constellations. “No.” 
He scoffs out a laugh, prompting you to look up and see him shaking his head. “Hm, I have a hard time believing that.”
He moves each dish to the drying rack as he speaks, his tone lowering a bit, like he’s revealing a secret. “Well, first off, you’re clearly not used to the whole concept of being taken care of,” he points out.
You scrunch up your face at that, causing him to snort and shake his head again as he reaches for the tea towel that hangs off your oven door, using it to dry his hands.
“See? That’s a typical reaction from someone who’s overly independent.” 
“I’m not overly independent. I’m perfectly fine.” 
Well aware of how you’re merely trying to defend yourself, Shiu then breaks out into a small smirk and leans across the counter, resting his elbows on the edge as he inches forward. His body ever so slowly attempting to enter as much of your space as he can. “Then you won’t mind if I keep doing what I’m doing, then?” he asks, raising his brow. “Without complaint.” 
At first, you don’t really understand what he means. Thanks to the fact that you’re more focused on the proximity of his face to yours, the comment entirely flies over your head. The sultry tone of his voice failing to hit your ears as you narrow your eyes and cock your head, trying to make sense of it all.
Because truthfully, he doesn’t make much sense to you. With his pretty face and casually, suave demeanour, you can’t understand why he’d willing to dote on you merely for the sake of sex. Or, why, despite your lack of answer to his statement, he remains entirely still —his patience unwavering even after you’ve let out a gentle huff. 
“I’ll warn you now, I tend to complain a lot.” 
“During sex?” 
Almost immediately, you close your eyes in embarrassment, remembering that the trajectory of your conversation has since changed to that, prompting you to sigh. “No, I mean, just like, in general.” 
In response, he lets out a chuckle, causing you to pinch the bridge of your nose and release a deep breath, trying desperately to figure out how to recover until you feel his hand gripping the curve of your elbow, guiding it down to rest on your thigh with gentle fingers. 
“Ah, so not during sex,” you then hear him say, the cool tone of his voice forcing your eyes to open back up realizing he’s now at your side, twirling your stool around to face him. “Noted.” 
Somehow feeling even more nervous, you open your mouth to respond but nothing comes out. Your appearance resembling the classic fish out of water look —all dead-eyed and empty-minded. Every previous thought and feeling lost once you’re ripped from the crest of the waves only to become wedged between his fingers. 
Which is a look that, unsurprisingly, makes him laugh as he lowers himself down to your level when he sits down next to you. While using his hand to curiously explore the exposed parts of your forearm, you can tell he’s enjoying your response. The way your body slightly twitches forward to chase his hand or how you uncomfortably shift and avoid his gaze. It’s obvious he finds it amusing, because not long after he’s drawing patterns into your calloused palm with a smile; his thumb circling each patch of roughness he finds, soothing the aches and pains of scrubbing bar tops and serving drinks.
“You’re not used to this much attention, are you?”
As he chuckles, you huff, unable to hide the obvious. “Not really, no.” 
“That’s a damn shame.” 
Suddenly, you feel his other hand move to steady the one he’s massaging; both thumbs dragging down the centre of your palm towards your wrist, causing you to hum and flex your fingers, the desire for more slowly growing. The needs you’ve long since pushed to the back of your mind returning with a vengeance in ways that make you swallow hard and glance between his face and the efforts of his labour. 
It makes your chest ache pretty much instantly; the sight. Considering it’s been ages since someone has touched you like this —like you simply deserve to be— you’re starting to feel a bit breathless. The gesture of his hands ripping the air straight from your lungs as you open your mouth again, needing to speak. 
“Why are you doing all this for me?”
It’s a question that’s pretty much driven you from the start. From the moment he first laid that hefty tip on the counter in front of you during your shift, you haven’t been able to stop yourself from wondering what he wants from you. Why he’s been so kind and giving despite knowing so little about you. 
In response, he shrugs his shoulders, continuing his ministrations. Refusing to stop for even a second as a small grin peels across his face and he looks up. “I don’t know. Felt like you needed it.”
And it sounds like nothing when he says it. All nonchalant and casual, as if he does this kind of thing all the time, but to you, it’s everything. It’s complicated, yet simple. Painful, yet pleasant. A reminder that sometimes you’re human and need these kinds of things despite constantly brushing them off. 
More importantly, though, it makes you feel desperate as your other hand shifts through the air to cup his cheek. And again when you suddenly lean in, pressing your mouth to his in order to finally taste the smoke on his tongue from your shared cigarette. The bitter flavour embedding itself in the cracks of your lips, driving you to push through the voice at the back of your mind telling you to stop.
Because usually, that’s what you do. Whenever you feel any sort of tether, you take a knife and sever them off; refusing to get close. Defying the urge to connect in order to protect yourself. Avoiding the offers of hands that might want to hold you through the hard times. 
However, beneath your touch, as Shiu stills for a moment in response, you don’t feel that at all. Instead, you just feel magnetized. The desire to move closer taking over when he inevitably joins by moving a hand to your waist —another to the back of your neck to pull himself further in. 
Humming softly, you then feel him tense beneath your fingers as you hungrily pull at his clothes. The rough touch of your roaming hands trying to find purchase in a place where the distance will hopefully feel less separate, driving him mad as he lifts you onto the counter and groans. Both of his hands returning the favour in unrestrained pushes and pulls as he maneuvers you to his liking and grins. 
“Can’t say I was expecting that,” he ends up telling you after you part ways; his tone haggard and heavy. The obvious presence of desire gracing the base of his throat, causing the heavy puffs of breath you share to quickly become the only sound other than the shuffling of fabric as he slides his fingers across the waistband of your jeans. 
“Me either, to be fair.” 
His grin widens a bit at that. “Not in the habit of kissing strangers I’m guessing?”
As you go to shake your head, you feel his fingers start to fiddle with the top button of your pants. His knuckles brushing against the exposed parts of your lower stomach. Every subtle motion making you feel incredibly warm as your own hands find a home in the fabric of his collar. 
“I tend to leave before the kissing happens. If I’m honest.”
“How come?”
You shrug, not wanting to get into it. Instead, wanting to feel what it’s like to continue moving forward and propel yourself into the unknown as you rest your forehead against his and close your eyes. Your scattered mind gradually calming down when his fingers understand what you need and begin to discard the lower half of your clothes. Each piece of fabric clumsily shifting off your skin, prompting Shiu to curse under his breath while you laugh and lift your hips to help. 
“Could you wear tighter fucking jeans, Jesus, it’s like a damn chastity belt.”
You snort and feel his fingers immediately pull your underwear to the side once he tosses your pants onto the floor. The dip of his mouth open and already watering, causing you to let out a panicked sound when he licks a long strip up your slit.
“Just relax.” 
The immediate heat of his words only serve to do the opposite as you try and shift your hips away only to be brought back and dove into once more. His hands now embedding themselves into your thighs to get a better angle, causing you to huff. 
“Wait, it’s okay. You don’t have—“
You’re immediately silenced by the flattening of his tongue alongside his eyes which turn up in annoyance. His obvious distaste for your constant protesting becoming old, especially now that his mouth is wrapped around you, making your resolve quickly melt away when he applies a bit more pressure. 
Breathing hard, you then keep your eyes locked downward, watching him pinch your thighs and explore with his tongue. The act of him pleasuring you for the sake of nothing in particular causing your mind to fog up. All the nervous energy you once felt seemingly evaporating like a puff of hot smoke now that he’s trailing his tongue through your folds, languidly inching his way across every nerve in search of something new. Like he’s mapping you out while he listens to every breath that falls from your open lips. Each pant spurring him further, prompting him to push his nose against your clit, prodding it with every movement he makes alongside the fingers that start to part your entrance.
Which overwhelms you completely. The presence of too many stimuli at once making you whimper under your breath and try to sneak away again. Your body craving some sort of release once you feel his tongue forcefully slip into your cunt; the softness of it slipping up and around until his face is practically embedding itself in your flesh. Joining you as one in ways that have you reaching for his hair just for something to keep you steady.
Because right now, you’re teetering on the edge of something. A precipice that you know should feel familiar, yet remains distant in knowledge. The feeling of him wrapped up in your thighs, eating you out like a man who’s never known the taste of something so sweet, causing you to revert to basic instincts. To touch and feel and groan and listen —every sense melding together as he pushes you over the edge and the rush of that something becomes everything at once.
He’s all you feel as you come. Quickly becoming all you want, too, when he ultimately pulls away, breathing so hard you honestly fear he might pass out on the spot. 
“You okay?” you can’t help but ask, causing both of you to smile as he wipes you off his chin and laps it up with a nod.
“I should be asking you that. You look—”
He scoffs out a laugh and cups the side of your neck. Then, he shakes his head and runs his thumb along your cheek, gently caressing you. “No, you look good. Just a little out of it.”
In response, you hum and let your eyelids shift downward, realizing then that you’re incredibly exhausted. Your body becoming loose and low —relying on his touch to keep you afloat as you reach for his shoulders. “I’m a little tired.”
You nod, mentally preparing to apologize and explain why until he starts maneuvering you like earlier. His hands gently forcing your legs to wrap around his waist as he lifts and moves you further into the depths of your apartment in search of your bed.
“Where am I going?”
You point to the end of the hall, feeling him shift. The sounds of his feet padding across the hardwood becoming the only noise between you until he hits the carpet of your bedroom and thoughtfully hums. 
At which point, you’re already half asleep in his arms. The weight of the day finally hitting your mind when he lays you out across the bed only to linger above you, watching your eyes flicker. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble out then, causing him to raise a brow and bring his face towards yours. 
“What for?”
In your increasingly tired state, you huff and raise your hands to your eyes, rubbing them gently. “I didn’t return the favour.” 
“Favour?” He scoffs out a laugh, his head dipping to playfully bump your noses together. “What do you mean?”
“You just… you did all that stuff for me and now I’m falling asleep.” 
“Okay, and?” 
He sounds almost offended that you would even insinuate that he cares. Something that you figure shouldn’t surprise you at this point considering he’s been nothing but giving. 
As you trail off, you suddenly force your eyes to open a bit wider —to be more present as you begin to work through the weight of your own exhaustion and pull him down. Allowing yourself to be the one to take the reins by kissing his mouth again. Forcing this need to solely be kind and chivalrous to disappear as you both start to rush through the fumbling of more discarded clothes. His obvious desire to continue whatever this is between you causing him to let you sit up to discard his tie and untuck his shirt. Your fingers clawing at item after item in a mess of blissed-out confusion until eventually he’s buried deep inside of you, groaning your name. 
Which only fuels the impulse to be the one to take care of him. To show your appreciation for the company and the food and everything in between as you somehow shift to the top. Your body towering over his —hips melding together in a quick, steady rhythm of desperation.
“Relax,” you tell him then, leaning forward to run your hand across his cheek. “Let me take care of you this time.”
Despite the position you find yourselves in, he still manages to laugh. The call back to his behaviours making him merely roll his eyes and say, “Alright, go ahead then, sweetheart. Return your favour.” 
Smiling back, you do. Slowing down the movements of your hips so that you can work your way back up. Creating a tension of needy fingers that grip onto your sides, helping guide you through the ebbs and flows of his cock. And at first, it’s nice —simple. The constant drift between you making you feel a bit lightheaded as you both mumble each other’s praises between lazy kisses. But then, you feel yourself melting further down. Your consciousness beginning to falter with every push and pull until he’s left doing all the work again.
Letting out a laugh, he wraps an arm around your torso and kisses your face, still pistoning up. “What happened to all that… hospitality you were boasting about?” he jokingly chastises between breaths, glancing down to see that your eyes are already closed; your breath heavy as you let out a groan. 
“Too tired,” you mumble out. “I’ll make it up… tomorrow.” 
Your voice is barely above a whisper, but Shiu manages to hear it. And soon after, thankfully accept it too as he slows back down again, eventually stopping to breathe until he sees you lift your head and shake it. 
“What? You want me to keep going?” 
You just nod and drop your head back down again, hearing him scoff and follow through. Every muscle in your body feeling simultaneously loose and tight once he begins to move again, gently dragging himself in and out and quietly groaning as you slowly drift to sleep, already dreaming about tomorrow.  
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faithums · 3 months
jjk men accidentally walking into you when you’re showering… [pre-relationship]
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✎ synopsis: are they curt with respect? or downright flithy?
Inclu. gojo, nanami, choso, toji, geto, sukuna, shiu, ino
[an: not changing contact names n pictures for my personal well-being thanks pooks ♡ and let’s ignore the spelling mistake in suguru’s]
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loves4ge · 3 months
Hii I’m new to your blog and I love your work. I was wondering if you could do fake texts of bff jjk when they hear you have a crush on them from someone else. Thankyou🫶🏻
when they find out you have a crush on them !
incl. gojo satoru, geto suguru, choso kamo
thank you for requesting, this was super cute!!
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rainstts · 22 days
Not on purpose.ᐟ
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When they text the wrong person to talk about their feelings
✰ including. k. nanami, s. gojo, toji f., suguru g., choso k., sukuna r., h. higuruma, shiu k., a. kusakabe.
✰ warnings. MDNI, crack, fluff, early stages of a relationship, implied fem!reader
✰ A/N. Sukuna feels a little OOC but I'm a sucker for this man being soft every once in a while (and I'm emotional after CH 268, Uraume lovers lets hold hands)
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I DO NOT authorize plagiarism of any kind.
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated ᥫ᭡
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nanaslutt · 6 months
thinking about Shiu secretly getting off to you sucking Tojis cock while he’s on the phone with him :3
minors and ageless blogs dni (18+)
the poor overworked man has been crushing on his clients pretty little girlfriend for so long, craving to touch you for so long. each time you run up to the divorced black haired man in your short little skirt to greet him after a hard job, he’s unable to stop his eyes from dropping to your ass when the man lifts you up into his arms and spins you around. of course Tojis girlfriend didn’t wear shorts under her skirts..
so when Shiu had to make a last minute call about a job for toji late a night, he was surprised when the man called, and even more surprised to hear you gagging on his cock in the background. your noises were so loud and vulgar, it was like you weren’t even trying to stay quiet.
“y-yeaahh, yeah i’ll take the job, sounds easy enough.” Toji said nonchalantly, his voice deeper and more relaxer than usual. “what about you baby? you think I should take this job?” Toji asked you, who was currently occupied with his fat cock stuffed down your throat.
Shiu honed in his ears, not wanting to miss a single sound. he prayed the shuffling in the background would quiet down so he could hear you gag on Tojis cock better, giving him a more vivid fantasy to work with as he groped himself over his pants, his cock leaking precum inside his boxers.
a muffled answer could be heard from the other side of the phone, followed by a loud gag and a cough, making Toji groan before he laughed. “yeah, my girl thinks I should take it too.” Toji said, emphasizing a few words that could be taken as suggestive in the right context.
Shiu felt like his head was spinning, he gripped his cock harder through his pants, wrapping his hand around the outline of his cock harder as he imagined your hand in place of his instead. Shiu let his head tip back against his sofa, his legs spreading naturally as he got more and more involved in his fantasy.
“hey, you still there?” Toji said, his voice making Shiu jolt back to reality, his hand ripping away from his crotch like he had just been caught touching himself. “Yeah i’m here. I’ll let ‘em know you’re takin the job.” Shiu responded, thinking quickly.
“sounds good, thanks in advance.” Toji said cockily, knowing he would already succeed in his job. Shiu was just about to answer Toji’s irritatingly confident response when he heard your familiar voice whispering on the other side of the phone. “give it to me, cmon fuck me.”
“Yeah yeah, no problem man.” Shiu forced himself to speak, desperately trying to think of something else to talk about so he could hear you whine longer, but his dreams were cut short when Toji said something along the lines of “I’m ending the call now” sending a shock of disappointment through Shiu’s body.
Shiu said his goodbye and listened closely to any other material he could use to get off while thinking about you. His efforts paid off, as he pressed the phone tightly against his head and scrunched his eyes in focus, he heard you speak again, “gonna give me ur dick now? want it so bad.”
Shiu let his hand still tightly gripping the phone fall agains the outside of his thigh, his other arm covered his eyes as he sighed heavily, feeling his cock twitch needily behind the confines of his pants. With a groan. shiu unconverted his eyes and was faced to look between his thick thighs at the massive hard on he was sporting from perving on his clients girlfriend.
Shiu placed his hand over his sensitive, neglected cock and began rubbing while he worked on his belt with the other. It was looking like another night of jerking off to the thought of you bouncing on his cock while he watched some cheap, shit porn video on his couch.
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moechies · 5 months
toji & shiu ❤︎‬ darling . . teaser .ᐟ
it’s not easy being shared between toji and shiu. both men are so headstrong and insistent , you barely get a minute to yourself when surrounded by the two men. having being toji’s girlfriend, you were used to it. but of course, he’d let his best friend shiu get a piece of you; their sweet darling.
toji likes . . pestering and teasing you. he thinks it’s adorable, especially during sex. he loves making you ask and beg, just to say no. he entertains himself this way, watching you pout and whine for him, for more; which you know you’d always get anyway. he likes messing with you in the moment , but is always sure to help his pretty baby finish off until she’s unable to form coherent thoughts. he’s too much !
shiu likes . . cherishing and praising you. he’s not much different from toji though, as he loves messing with you just as much as his friend does. it’s why they’re best buddies in the first place! but shiu is much sweeter, so handsy (which toji hates) but he lets it slide, because he thinks it’s hot anyways. king of talking you through it , anything really. he loves ‘his’ pretty baby all dumbed out and sensitive just from his words and teasing touches, just like toji. ♡
so you bet when they get to put their hands on you together , you’re in for soo much more than you can handle. but it’s okay, because toji trained you and your cunny for it , for them both , and you couldn’t thank him enough . ♡
full fic coming soon . . !
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lemonlover1110 · 3 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝
Toji Fushiguro
[Chapter 13] Payback
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Chapter Warnings: MDNI, Shiu x Reader, Smut, Handjob
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Toji takes you out to dinner, bringing Megumi along so it’s not seen as a date. He takes you to one of your favorite places to eat, and you’re sure he has something up his sleeve. What can Toji possibly do this time around? You try not to think too much as to what Toji can possibly do since you are eating something you like, and something your baby seems to enjoy.
You’re mostly talking with Megumi, completely forgetting about Toji’s existence while the two of you talk. Occasionally Toji chimes in with something stupid, it does earn a chuckle from you each and every time though. You eat in peace, and you almost feel like a family.
“We have to talk about something.” Toji ruins your peaceful moment after you order dessert. Your eyebrows perk up, and you wait for him to speak up. What does Toji need now? He’s not going to beg when his son is right there.
“What is it?” You ask him, not being patient enough to wait for him to spit it out. Megumi adverts his gaze, too embarrassed to look at his father.
“I’m seeing someone.” Toji reveals, and your eyes grow wide. The same man that was begging you to get back together not even a week ago is telling you that he’s seeing someone. It’s fair to say that you’re speechless with the announcement. You have no idea what one says with this type of announcement.
“That’s good…” You try to remain stoic with the news. He wants a reaction from you, and you’ll make sure not to give it to him. You have a lot of questions, but maybe it’s best if you keep them to yourself– Maybe ask Shiu or even Megumi. 
“Don’t you have any questions?” Toji asks, and to his disappointment, you shake your head. Megumi still isn’t looking at his dad, and Toji sighs defeatedly. “I have to use the bathroom, I’ll be back.”
“He isn’t seeing anyone.” Megumi quickly reveals when Toji gets up and leaves to use the bathroom. You furrow your brows, knowing that a teenager is involved in his father’s affairs. You can’t help but roll your eyes, knowing that Toji just can’t help but share everything with the world, “There’s a woman that visits him and does like him a lot but he’s not into her. They went on a date… But he’s just doing this to make you jealous.”
“I figured as much.” You chuckle. It does make you feel better, but it also upsets you. He goes through great lengths to make your life more difficult. You click your tongue before saying, “Your dad’s a dumbass.”
“Tell me about it.” Megumi responds, and you two change the topic into something more lighthearted. The conversation dies when Toji comes back from the bathroom, but luckily for you, dessert gets to the table.
You dive right into the sweet treat, noticing how neither of them grab their spoons and begin to eat. You knew they would agree to order dessert but proceed to not eat any of it. They’ll just say anything to please you.
“Do you want to come over and watch a movie?” Toji asks, catching you off guard. You can’t help but roll your eyes at the audacity. First, he says that he’s seeing someone, then he proceeds to invite you back to his place; you know better than anyone that Toji doesn’t mean anything platonic when he invites you back to his home.
“I can’t.” You proceed to put your hand on your bump. “Baby makes me sleepy and I’d rather not fall asleep on your couch.”
“I’ll carry you to our bed.” Toji says, and you bite your tongue. You shake your head disappointedly.
“Aren’t you seeing someone, Toji?” You point out, and he remains unphased. He’s seeing someone but he couldn’t make it clear that he doesn’t respect them enough. Right then and there, the best idea comes to your mind, and you blurt out, “Plus, Shiu wouldn’t be okay with it.”
“What does that idiot have to do with anything?” Toji quickly asks, wondering why you're bringing his best friend into this. 
“You’re not the only one seeing someone else.” You lie to him, and you know that it’ll cause some issues for Shiu but right now the look on Toji's face is priceless. He’s gone completely white, completely speechless.
“What do you mean?” Toji tries to see if his ears deceive him. But your next words reaffirm what he just heard,
“I’m seeing Shiu.” 
“You..” He begins but for some reason he can’t finish his sentence. Toji Fushiguro, who is never at a loss for words, can’t speak. “You’re seeing my best friend? Romantically?”
“Yes.” You nod in response, and the man has to take a sip of his water to calm himself down. He’s a little too young to have a heart attack, no? Why is his heart beating so fast?
“Megumi, keep an ambulance on standby. I’m going to be sick.” Toji says, putting his hand over his chest, and Megumi rolls his eyes at how dramatic his father is.
“You’re so dramatic.” Megumi mutters, crossing his arms. “I thought you were seeing someone too?”
“She’s seeing my best friend!” Toji yells, and you take a deep breath. All eyes are on you. He’s so dramatic over nothing.
“You kept sending him over, what else did you expect?” You ask him, adding fuel to the fire. You don’t want to sit by and watch Toji act as if he’s a victim. “I’m not really in the mood tonight, Toji. If you need anything, text me.” 
“Wait!” He yells, but his plea falls on deaf ears.
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An hour after you get home, there’s a knock on your door. Your mind immediately goes to Toji, and you’re about to ignore it since you’re not really in the mood for talking. But after thinking it over, and as the knocking becomes more desperate, you realize that Toji wouldn’t be at your door yet.
“Shiu… He told you.” Are the first words to leave your mouth as you open the door. He doesn’t look as mad as you expected him to be… Matter of fact, he looks amused. “Sorry, he just said something and I wanted to piss him off.”
“I’m not mad. Well, maybe a bit.” He licks his lips. You’re trying to read his expression, trying to decipher what he’s feeling. Shiu is just like Toji, hard for you to read. But you luckily got to know Toji enough to be able to read him like the palm of your hand; Shiu, on the other hand, is still foreign to you.
“Why?” You ask him, moving aside to let him into the place. He takes the hint, stepping inside the apartment. He takes off his shoes and loosens the tie that’s around his neck before making himself comfortable on your couch.
“You got me in trouble with Toji and I didn’t get anything in return.” He says, and you can’t help but smirk. You walk over to him, sitting down beside him.
“What do you want in return then? I’m at your service.” You look mischievous, and he’s about to match your energy. You’re moving closer to him, and he doesn’t even try to move away.
“A nice candle lit dinner will do.” He answers, though it’s not what you have in mind. And you know that it isn’t what he has in mind either. You move closer until you’re practically breathing down his neck. He knows that whatever you’re going to do, you’ll do it with the sole purpose of getting back at Toji. 
“How about I give you something else?” You whisper into his ear and a chill runs down his spine. He bites down his lips before nodding in response. He doesn’t care that this will have consequences. He can’t just tell Toji that you were lying because it did happen.
Your lips lightly press against his, quickly pulling away before you ask him, “Do you want this? I can stop.”
“I want it.” He confirms, your lips going back on his but not pulling away. Your tongue swipes over his bottom lip, before his mouth parts. Your tongue enters his mouth, quickly pressing against his own tongue, while your hand caresses his thigh.
All of Shiu’s blood rushes to his dick, and he could moan even if you’re not doing anything yet. Since the moment he laid eyes on you, Shiu has wanted to do this. He’s been waiting an eternity to feel your lips on his, and he can’t control himself when he finally feels you.
His hand goes to the back of your head, pulling you closer as his tongue takes control. Your hand goes to unbuckle his belt, struggling since you only use one hand. He helps you out, in a rush to feel your hands on him.
“Are you sure?” You pull away from the kiss to ask him. He feels your hand play with the waistband of his briefs. He wants to scream yes into the air, over and over again. He’s never wanted something more. “I don’t want to ruin your friendship with Toji.”
“You already did.” He chuckles before his lips land on yours again. Your hand goes into his briefs, your thumb circling over the tip of his cock before your hand moves down to the base. You begin to lazily stroking his cock, and the man moans into the kiss even when you’ve yet to do much. 
You pull away from the kiss, taking your hand out and spitting on it before going back to pumping his cock. You peck his lips, before kissing his cheek and making your way to his ear. Your teeth begin to nibble on his earlobe as Shiu throws his head back and moans into the air.
He’s red, already sweating and out of breath with how good you’re making him feel. He shuts his eyes, moaning your name as your hand twists on his dick. It’s just a handjob, nothing that warrants the reaction that he gives you. But he couldn’t care less.
“Fuck– Like that.” He moans as your hand picks up speed. His cheek is pressing against your head, his hand gripping your shirt as he feels his release near. His mind is focused on you, and only you. Lately you’re all that he’s thinking about, and this isn’t going to help him.
Shiu will do just about anything for you.
He’s moaning your name over and over again until a groan leaves his lips, his cum ruining his shirt and coating your hand. He looks at you, eyes filled with lust. He’s in need of more. But just in a brief moment, guilt takes over.
“Do you want more?” You ask him, and he does. But he shouldn’t. He shouldn’t be doing this in the first place, he swore to himself he wouldn’t do this to Toji. Moreover, you’re simply doing this to get back at Toji, and it doesn’t feel right.
Shiu was willing to do this no matter what at first, but tonight he doesn’t want to be used. Maybe his feelings for you go deeper than mere lust.
“Maybe another time.” He answers, and you get off him. He stands up and makes his way to your bathroom to fix himself up. 
“Will this make up for the candle lit dinner or do you want something else?!” You shout, while you look for some tissues to clean yourself up as well. 
“We’re even!” He yells back, and you’re fighting back a smirk, biting on the inside of your cheek. You know that he’s going to want more even though he claims you’re even.
You just have to give it some time before he comes knocking at your door again, asking for more.
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chosolala · 3 months
please make toji headcannons !!!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ toji headcannons
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sorry this took so long anon :[ but here u go!!
here are just some of my silly little toji headcannons (mostly relationship stuff)
his love language would probably be physical touch so whenever he can he would just have an arm around or be cuddled up to you
also has a hard time voicing his emotions so when he’s feeling negative he literally just comes up behind you and hugs you
whenever he gets paid from missions and stuff he always takes you on vacations, weather it’s to a foreign country or just a nice hotel in the city :]
not to be weird but i feel like he’s a d1 freak 😭😭
probably pretends not to like watching your shows (like any cartoon or reality tv) with you but asks you to put them on
sleeps in stupid graphic pajama pants, like he has coca-cola logo pajama pants for some reason
the type of guy to ask you to come to the living room to hand him the remote (it’s literally a foot away from him)
probably a really good cook if he actually puts energy into it
the type of guy to ruin every picture he’s in bc of that smile (im so sorry)
whenever he gets paid he comes home with new clothes for you that shiu helped him pick (even if you don’t like most of it A+ for effort :]
he’s a night owl, he’ll stay up late with you but he can never sleep in, his body doesn’t let him
whenever you’re tired he carries your purse for you like proudly on his shoulder and everything (don’t be shocked if you get it back a few dollars short)
if you’re really really tired he just picks you up with ease and carries you home
he’s really into conspiracy theories, even if he doesn’t believe them he shares them to freak people out
tried to convince shiu that the earth was flat and they genuinely got into a fight over it
oddly good at like handy man stuff, broken toilet? tojis on it. water pressure off? tojis coming with his tool box
very street smart :3
he’s only able to fall asleep if he can feel that you’re near him
he wears headbands sometimes to keep his hair out of his face
laughs at horror movies when the dumb main character gets killed (everyone saw it coming)
sometimes he randomly goes from joking around with you to really serious and he only does it to freak you out, he’s fighting back his laughing
curses a lot when he talks even when he doesn’t need to and especially when he shouldn’t loll
he feeds stray animals but very sneakily because he doesn’t want anyone to catch him and think he’s soft
the type of guy to hand you an empty bag of chips and be like “here you can have the rest”
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blueparadis · 1 year
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LEMONADE + SHIU KONG // f!reader ( she's a sniper), smoking, mention of murder and violence, implicit smut, semi-public ( happens in a car ), little tension between them, rivals to fvck buddies dynamics, he is such a tease here. 1.3 (w.c)
special thanks to @poohbea for beta-reading. without her, i really wouldn't have posted this. i had something in mind and this is entirely different. so i said better luck next time to myself and found the courage to post this. | back to nav. | also tagging @yuujispinkhair
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“You’re not nearly as inconspicuous as you believe yourself to be.” Kong mutters off-handedly under his breath, reaching for the latch of your belt. His minty tobacco-laced breath paired with that familiar musky cologne threatens to send your nerves into a frenzy. He’s too close for someone who claims to ‘just wanted to undo your seatbelt’. He had no reason to but he did it anyway, probably because you were asking too many questions. He could have easily pressed one of those buttons on the driver’s side door, the one that unlocks all seat belts at once. The car is fancy enough to have those kinds of luxury features anyway, but you can’t help the racing of your heart when his fingers brush your skin. It’s only when he sits back in his own seat do you register his remark. Did he just scold you? The possibility alone has you licking your bottom lip nervously. 
It’s not as though he never has, but given your history with him, he rarely comments on your professionalism. He has been your handler for almost a year now and has yet to actually correct or complain about the way you do your job. He’s proud of your skills, he has to be, otherwise, he wouldn’t be hiring you for every sniper-kill case he gets.
“I heard you were back in town,” he starts, tapping on his cigarette packet before taking one between his lips. “But I couldn't contact you until I got the green light. That, and I’ve been too damn busy with the bounty offers that keep coming up.” He digs into his breast pocket to fish out a lighter, the flame flicking to life as his thumb rolls over the spark wheel. You look at him visibly confused, something he acknowledges with an amused huff. “Were you really so busy that you couldn't read the briefing I sent you?” He is definitely scolding you, but for what exactly? Trying to stay neutral in the face of his crude teasing, you let out a small breath, choosing to keep his gaze despite the nagging need to look away. He’s changed a bit. There’s worry in his eyes, more than usual, eyebrows creased as he continues. “Ah! I can't let you slip up now — ” 
“Why am I here?” You interject with a frown. 
“What?” He has the audacity to look at you surprised, as if he wasn’t the one to call you here again.
“This is the third time this month you’ve had me meet you… and in case you haven’t noticed, I have a bit of a busy schedule.” Kong lets you speak for longer than ten seconds for the first time in a very long time, his bad habit of interrupting taking the backseat for once. When he doesn’t answer you, you click your tongue, irritation evident in the furrow of your brow. “Why am I here, Kong-san—?”
“Shiu.” He corrects. Guess you spoke too soon. “And you still didn't answer my question. Did you or did you not—”
“I did.” You respond sourly. “And it told me a whole lot of nothing. Which is why I'll ask you again. Why am I here, Shiu?” Despite your irritation, the glaring fact of his contributions to your career as a sniper sits heavy on your shoulders as you sit in weighted silence. He knows it too, and never fails to bring it up every time you try to walk away, try to tell him you don’t need his help. He’s pushed you farther than anyone else ever has. Certainly, you owe it to him, but his ego is already big enough without the offer of such a confession, and you would rather put a bullet in your skull than admit that. 
The air inside the car grows thick with smoke as he takes drag after drag of his cigarette, not that you minded, you’re a smoker yourself, but just to spite him you opened the window by your side. “Isn’t it obvious?” Kong soon discards the butt out of his own window, studying you all the while, observing the mix of question and frustration that creases your forehead as your frown deepens. His lips tug up in one corner ever so slightly, too slight for anyone else to spot, but being around him as often as you have, you knew it was coming. “I’ve missed you.”
You blink. Once. Twice. Thrice. What a horrible man… he’s toying with you.
“Hilarious,” you mutter, offering him a sarcastic chuckle. He doesn’t waver, doesn’t look away, that small smile growing at your skepticism. The realization has your heart beating in your ears, and suddenly finding it difficult to keep his gaze.
“Want me to prove it to you?” He dips his head slightly, the leather of his seat squeaking in protest as he leans closer.
“No.” Your reply was instantaneous but you do not move, his hand reaching to play with the necklace resting against your collarbone, the very someone he gifted you after your first successful case. “Aren't we supposed to be doing a job here?”
“You tell me. Haven't you read the briefing?” Again with the same question. He is far too calm in this situation, fingers caressing the hammering pulse that lies just below the surface of your skin. “You weren’t lying to me were you—?”
“This is going nowhere.” You huff, finally breaking the intense staring contest he had trapped you in, finding the courage to withdraw from his touch momentarily. 
“It could if…” he guides you back to him, grasping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, gaze dipping to your lips. “If you wanted.”
You bite your lip lowering your head to hide your merriment. “Like the last time?” You ask with a knowing smile. If you wanted. Yeah. Sure. As if he didn’t. Because during the ‘last time’ in question, things were entirely different. You two weren’t out for a job. In fact, you were in a situation similar to this one, in his car, engaging in your usual back and forth. It’s unclear exactly what came over you that day, but those sly eyes and that cocky smile had you seeing your handler as less of a mentor and more of the man he was. The conversation devolved into his lips against yours, his hands against your hips as he encouraged you from your seat onto his lap. Thunder rumbled the heavens and rain battered against the windshield, the perfect mask for inevitable heavy breaths and throaty moans. Your skin tingled beneath his touch, his lips, his teeth, the press of his thigh between your legs that had electricity crackling up the base of your spine. His name fogged the windows, each syllable working its way through the tresses of your mind till that was all you could utter, all that truly mattered. He reveled in that, in the way you gave yourself to him almost entirely. How your body grew hot with every caress, every thrust, every kiss. What did you even call this feeling? Neither of you knew, but it was clear that either didn’t want it to stop. By the end of it, his presence spanned your body, inside and out. 
Shiu laughs at your subtle accusation. It has the kind of warmth that reminds you of cozy mornings during winter. There is a pregnant pause after he says. “Yeah.” Bobbing his head in a ‘yes’. You shake your head slowly, an amused breath leaving your nose as your nerves buzz with memories past.
You sigh, assessing him with narrowed eyes, trying to figure out what exactly he’s hiding beneath that elaborately organized talk of his. But the man is a vault, hiding behind dark eyes that threaten to reel you in again. It has you playing with your tongue, curling it against the insides of your mouth before smacking your lips. “Was there really any job for me to begin with?” You retort. 
Shiu Kong smiles, his carefully crafted demeanor crumbling in the face of the woman he’s slowly beginning to fall for. “There wasn’t.” He says bashfully.
@angelshub @public-safety-network @underratedcharactercorner
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carbondioxidewater · 17 days
The girl is yours
What happens when Shiu falls in love with Toji's gf?Randomly had that in mind, enjoy! (I love angst so much hehe <3)
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Toji x fem!reader, Shiu x fem!reader
warnings: angst, mentions of killing
word count: 834
Intense, passionate, transcendental.
That's how you would describe your relationship with Toji. You two were inseparably and irrevocably in love. Anyone could see it, especially your closest friend - or could you even call him that? - Shiu Kong.
It was true, you spent a lot of time together - the three of you. He was Toji's handler after all. Whenever Toji could take you with him on a mission, he would, protecting you and showing off at the same time. How crazy he was for you.
When he couldn't, because the mission was too dangerous and he had to fully concentrate on it, he left you with Shiu. He trusted him.
Even if Shiu refused at first - not wanting to play the babysitter for Toji's girl - he didn't really have a choice, so that whenever Toji was finished killing people (or whatever was his mission), the first thing he could see was you, the first thing he could do was kiss your pretty lips - hungrily, as if it's been years since he last had them on yours. And Shiu? He eventually grew used to your presence next to him.
He grew used to it so much that it was straight up torture for him whenever you weren't at his side for once and accompanied Toji on his missions. It wasn't long before he craved you and he knew he was doomed. Not only Toji was undeniably in love with you now, you managed to evoke the same feelings in Shiu.
But no one noticed, because he swore to himself he would never act on those hidden feelings, keeping them safe and secret from the outside of his rapid beating heart.
And Toji didn't notice - not until that one time when Shiu protected you from a sudden threat not even Toji would have been quick enough for to block. And when he hugged you after, Toji could see all the longing in his melancholic eyes, his emotions pouring out into the soft embrace of his strong arms around your much more fragile body.
But Toji didn't say anything, he didn't do anything, he just glanced back at him knowingly when you found your way back to him, sliding your arm around his, and bid goodbye by a simple nod upwards.
From then on, he noticed even more the feelings Shiu harbored for you and he couldn't believe he had been so blind to all of this before. But he didn't treat him differently from then on.
Because after all, he still trusted him.
And he almost felt bad for him if it wasn't you he liked, because you were so oblivious to the slight change in his behavior whenever you were around that no one would even take the possibility of him being infatuated with you into consideration if they didn't know of it beforehand.
Toji could see the hurt in his eyes when your gaze shifted from Shiu to him after coming back from another rough day, seeing how you immediately lit up in his company - your smile filled the heart of one and simultaneously broke the one of the other.
Shiu even helped you surprising Toji oftentimes while breaking on the inside because he knew he could never have you, that this side of you will never be dedicated to him, that you'd always be Toji's girl.
But that was only half true, because one day, Toji didn't make it, one day he didn't finish his mission. And Shiu knew it, because before Toji even went on this mission, he pulled him aside and had the talk with him.
To know Toji knew of his fondness towards you for so long shocked him less than the fact that he still let you around him after this revelation.
"I'm entrusting you with her safety. Love her for the both of us, 'cause I won't be able to anymore."
Those were his last words. And he promised him he would fulfill his last wish, even though he knew Toji didn't want to leave you with every fibre of his being, he just got himself too deep into dangerous affairs.
And Toji smiled, because after all, he still trusted him. Now more than ever.
And slowly, after a lot of time, he kept his promise. If out of hurt or out of comfort, you gradually started to let Shiu in. You let him console you with his love and eventually accepted him as a partner. But there was always a glimmer in your eyes, a glimmer of sadness that still made you cry yourself to sleep some nights - after so many years. He couldn't do anything. The loss broke you.
He was your partner, but not your lover.
And he knew that you'd never be able to truly love him. Not the way you loved and keep loving Toji. He is the love of your life and will continue to be.
Now he had you, but you were still Toji's girl.
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tripleyeeet · 5 days
this is me loosely writing down my wip list so i don’t forget to make an actual detailed post about it:
8 kinktober fics (will make an actual masterlist for this tonight)
shiu/toji/oc kitchen au
miguel o’hara/deadpool reader
nanami/baker reader
loki/avenger reader (aka the sex pollen fic i’ve been working on for literal months)
maybe another install of shiu/bartender reader???
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faithums · 3 months
asking the jjk men to be rougher with you in bed…
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✎ synopsis: ooo does this take them by surprise or have they been awaiting to let their primal instincts take the wheel for a while now…
<suggestive as hell><fluff>
Inclu. gojo, nanami, choso, toji, geto, sukuna, shiu, ino
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loves4ge · 3 months
asking to put makeup on them !
incl. yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, sukuna ryomen, toji fushiguro, inumaki toge
guys i wanted to add nanami sooo bad but literally had a brainfart, i couldn't think of anything
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m-ayo-o · 1 year
j u j u t s u ₊⋆ t e c h
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satoru gojo
suguru geto
megumi fushiguro
toji fushiguro
naoya zenin
choso kamo
kento nanami
yuji itadori/ryomen sukuna
toge inumaki
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heian-era-housewife · 3 months
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Corporate Affair, pt. 2
Synopsis | Business becomes personal when you're invited to join Toji Fushiguro and Shiu Kong in an after-hours rendezvous.
Content | MDNI 18+, f!reader x toji x shiu, threesome, piv, double penetration, oral (f & m receiving), swearing, some fluff, soft!toji, a single booty smack.
Word Count | 2.4 k
Read Part 1 here
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White noise pressed in on Toji's ears. Spells of heat and dizziness fell down upon him in disorienting waves. Leaning his back against the wall, his hands groped numbly, aimlessly for support. His mouth was dry and his words were lost somewhere deep in his chest- caught up in the disbelief of it all.
After having walked in on a less-than-kosher scene involving your mutual handler, you - his friend of many years, someone he always thought of as strictly "off limits" - had just agreed to a threesome with him and Shiu Kong.
He watched, slack jawed, as you sauntered toward the grinning handler, lifted the cigarette gently from his lips, and took a long, slow drag. Never breaking eye contact you blew the smoke enticingly back in his face. Shiu's teeth nearly chattered as you returned it carefully, tracing the thin hairs of his mustache with the back of one finger as you did so.
A foreign feeling took the form of a dull ache in the pit of Toji's stomach. Was this...jealousy?
"Ten minutes." He interjected, finally finding his voice. Both you and Shiu turned to give him a startled look. "Ten minutes," he pleaded, a note of desperation in his words neither you nor Shiu had ever heard before. "After that we can do...whatever. Just give me ten minutes alone...with her." Your eyes grew wide in surprise as Toji met your gaze with the sincerity and trepidation of a lovestruck schoolboy.
Shiu, having suspected something like this might happen, was already reaching for the tv remote while waving the two of you off. "Yeah, yeah." He said with an eye roll and a knowing smile. "But if you're not back in exactly ten I'm starting without you," he finished with a lewd gesture.
Toji pulled you into his darkened bedroom, closing the door behind you, hands placed firmly on your shoulders.
"You sure you're okay with this?" He questioned, scanning your face for the faintest hint of doubt.
"I'm fine. Are you?" You returned his worried look.
"I just never thought... I mean I'm thrilled... Surprised, I guess... It's just I- well it's your decision too so... -can't really just..."
"Toji, you're babbling."
"I want you first." He asserted, suddenly crystal clear. You blinked. Silence fell between you like a curtain of snow. A soft chill crept up your spine. You stared intently into Toji's steady gaze. You were certain he'd never been more serious about anything.
"Take me, then."
The remaining minutes were filled with panting breaths and desperate kisses. Years of unrequited feelings rained down in dripping sweat and heavy thrusts of stuttering hips. So rapt you were in each other's perfect rythm you'd nearly forgotten about the man in the next room.
"Time's up you two!" He called in playful mocking.
Toji took your face in his hands, aligning your gaze with his. "Listen," he spoke softly. "Kong's actually a decent guy...and a great fuck," he added callously. "I want to have a good time with you both. But you just keep those pretty eyes on me, okay?"
"Whatever you say, lover boy."
He pulled his pants back up over his hips watching as the shirt he handed you swallowed you up, slinking off of one shoulder, the hem just brushing your thighs.
A string of mumbled complaints could be heard coming from Shiu who sat just as you'd left him, on the couch in the center of the apartment's main room. Leaving the bedroom, Toji crossed to the back of the couch in three easy strides while you pattered along barefoot behind him. Suddenly emboldened by your recent rendezvous, he scooped you up in chiseled hands, swinging you over the back of the couch and plopping you onto Shiu's lap where you gave your hips a taunting wiggle.
"Miss us?" You teased taking the last of his cigarette from his mouth and inhaling deeply before flicking the butt into a nearby ashtray.
"I was starting to think you guys forgot abou-"
Taking his face in your hands you broke off his words with a feverish kiss, tongue sliding past his teeth with a gentle flick. You opened your eyes just long enough to wink at Toji, who was still standing behind the couch. Throwing himself over the back, he landed on the plush cushions with a hefty bounce, giving your barely covered rump a hardy smack before stretching his arms behind his head as he laid back to watch the show.
Shiu's hands groped eagerly at your ass while you moaned your way deeper into his increasingly desperate kisses. His fingers roamed your hips and up your sides, lifting the shirt ever higher as they climbed. Toji palmed the front of his sweats to the beat of your probing tongue wishing it was his mouth you were still exploring.
Meanwhile, Shiu's pants stretched tight beneath you, his throbbing length pressing forcefully upward into the back of your thigh. You rutted your hips down against it feeling the growing stain on his pants dampen your leg. He groaned with an ache of pure longing, bucking his hips up into you with growing urgency.
Wanting to move things along, Toji reached forward bringing you gently down onto him where he lay, removing the oversized teeshirt in one swift motion. The outline of his cock strained against his pants just inches from your face. With a downward tug you freed him, reveling in the sizeable "smack" as it sprang back against his abs.
"Thatta girl," Toji praised, eager to have your attention back on him.
Shiu, meanwhile, was just as happy on the sidelines. He rose from the couch making quick work of ditching his pants and tie. He stood, white collared shirt undone, bare chest exposed with glistening sweat, black boxer briefs clinging to the wet spot over his throbbing erection. It was his turn to palm at his front while he watched you take Toji's length into your mouth humming playfully as Toji jerked his hips in anguished pleasure.
With one hand Shiu freed his throbbing length, fisting his cock at the erotic scene, while using the other to trace patterns over your rounded asscheeks causing goosebumps to chase his calloused fingertips.
You continued to bob on Toji's length taking him deeper into your throat until, noticing the way the light glinted off your slick, Shiu used a thumb to part your glistening folds, making you whine and sputter.
"Dont worry, doll." Toji reassured you, pulling you up to lay on his chest where you nuzzled into the crook of his neck. "I gotcha."
"You still okay with this?" Shiu asked with an uncharacteristic tenderness to his words.
"Yeah," you breathed. "I'm ready."
Keening your hips upward, Shiu tapped his tip against your swollen folds swiping it up and down the length of your pussy, painting you from entrance to clit and back with your own arousal. Steadying himself at his base, he thrust deep into your core groaning in relish at the way you swallowed him fully.
"Ohhh fuck yeah," He shuddered. At his words you felt Toji's cock twitch beneath you.
He moved in slow and steady strokes, savoring rather than plunging impatiently. Each drag against your walls felt like a breath being forcefully drawn from your lungs. You rolled your hips in carnal bliss moaning softly while Toji ran his fingers through your hair, several minutes passing this way before anyone spoke.
"He never shuts up about you, you know." It was Shiu that broke the silence. Toji tensed at his words, a hint of red tingeing his cheeks as you looked up to into his uneasy gaze. "I'm serious," Shiu laughed, still thrusting his cock deeply into you, a firm grip on your hips.
"Sure, it's me he's been fucking, but it's you he really wants." He continued. Silence followed his truthful confession, the tension so thick, you could cut it with a knife, but Toji knew there was no point in denying it. Instead, he reached to the coffee table to grab a cigarette and lighter. Rather than place it in his own mouth, he leaned forward under your weight, arching your back as he did so, and placed it thoughtfully in Shiu's- a gesture of their shared friendship. He then lit it, setting the lighter back on the table before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I think we're all warmed up enough," Toji announced, eager to cover up his sentimental feelings. "We gonna have some fun or what?"
"What exactly did you have in miii-ohhhhh-" you were cut off abruptly as Shiu pulled you out by your ankles while Toji helped flip you over. You found yourself lying flat on the couch, Toji having slipped away, the two men now towering over you. Each one taking a leg, they planted sultry kisses down your ankles, nipping and sucking their way to your inner thighs. When the gap narrowed, Toji took the lead letting Shiu pull back to massage and bite around your calves while Toji eyed you preditorially from between your legs.
He waited a beat. One...two...then he plunged himself forward lapping voraciously at your folds, splitting you on his tongue as he inhaled your nectar. His eyes rolled in his head while an animalistic groan ripped from somewhere deep in his throat. Shiu's strong hands keeping time, playing you like a fiddle, he ran his fingers up and down your legs.
"Mhmm, so fucking good," Toji moaned into you, his voice reverberatong up your spine, sending a chill that crept up into your flushed cheeks.
Toes curling, thighs clenching, Shiu steadied your legs, spreading you further apart, giving Toji room to bury himself deeper in your throbbing heat. His tongue pierced into you drawing shuddering gasps as he dipped in and out of your fluttering hole. His nose found your clit and hit it just right moving his face in sinful circles that sent a rush of heat straight to your cunt.
A distant sound pulled at your senses, growing louder with every scandalous swipe of Toji's tongue. Darting your eyes in search of its source, you caught a glimpse of Shiu that made you yearn for him. Still spreading your legs wide, he thrust his hips against the open air desperately chasing relief that wouldn't come. He groaned, hungrily, watching his friend devour you while he himself was starved of pleasure. In a mix of pity and pure, unadulterated lust, you barked an order that surprised yourself as much as it did the other two.
"Shiu!" You snapped, pointing a finger to where Toji was feasting. "Eat up!".
Chucking his cigarette into the ash tray he dropped to his knees, face, lips and tongue nearly flush with Toji's. Both men began eating you out in tandem. Tongues moving languidly around your clit, taking turns gasping for air as they surfaced. A blur of heavy groans, sloppy kisses, and scratchy stubble overwhelmed your senses.
Reaching down to lace your fingers in one of the men's hair (you weren't sure whose at this point) you arched ravenously against the couch's cushions, keening into your orgasm with a strangled scream as you gushed against their lapping tongues.
Sweet moans filled your ears while they drank you in, trailing their kisses back up your thighs, watching you come down from your shuddering climax.
"That's my girl!" Toji praised, scooping you off the couch with ease and placing you straddled on his lap. "We're not finished with you yet."
He bucked his hungry cock up into you, walls still fluttering as the remnants of your orgasm melted into the new sensation. You struggled to remain upright, limbs like jelly after finishing with such intensity. Laying back, Toji brought you down on top of him once more, strong hands pulling your face into the warm crook of his neck.
Somewhere from behind, the couch shifted and creaked under a new weight. Shiu was positioning himself behind you, tapping his tip this time near the entrance Toji was already occupying.
With a husk, Toji whispered, "Remember what I said..."
What was it he said? You were drawing a blank. Pupils blown, you scanned his face for any hint of-
Oh God, the stretch. Burning tears brimmed your lashes as you craned your neck to look at the man behind you.
"Hey now," Toji spoke in little more than a gruff whisper. "You just keep those pretty eyes on me, doll."
They moved in rhythm opposite each other so that you were always fully stuffed, no doubt relishing the way their shafts slipped seamlessly against one another pressed tight together deep within your heat. The stretch was more than you could handle and yet you rutted your hips so hungrily for more. Words eluded you, all three of you, as the walls reverberated with grunts, groans, and the delicious smack of hips and asses.
You could feel your second orgasm building. Feel the heat boiling over in the depths of your stomach. Your walls began to flutter when a gutteral roar left Toji's chest, hands digging rabidly into your plush hips. He pounded your sweet spot sending wave after wave of hot seed spilling into you just as Shiu pulled out. Rutting against your ass, Shiu unloaded heavy ropes of hot cum onto the small of your back, having used the last of his willpower to pull out of your quivering cunt in respect for his friend.
The three of you gasped and panted, collapsing on the couch in a heap of heaving chests and fucked-out expressions. Toji's warmth leaked out of you in rivulets that trailed down your thighs. The air was thick with the heady scent of great sex.
Toji pressed tired kisses to your sweaty temples, praising your for taking them both so well.
Once everyone recovered, Shiu took his leave, grabbing his still-burning cigarette from the coffee table ash tray.
"You kids don't stay up too late," he jeered, straightening his tie as he stepped out of the apartment door. "Can't have you flaking out on your missions tomorrow." He chuckled as the door swung shut behind him.
"So," Toji sat up, eyeing you earnestly. "What do we do now?"
"Oh, I don't know," you said with a shrug and a wink. "Wanna get drunk and complain about our boss?"
Toji broke into a wide smile. "Thought you'd never ask."
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haruchi-slit · 8 months
a/n: Shiu needs more attention ):<
synopsis: shiu has a unhealthy marriage, While you have a toxic relationship with your husband, so to soothe your frustrations, you started seeing other men... specifically Shiu.
"mhm, so what happened next, fuck- baby!" Shiu babbled, thru his kiss in your lips, tasting his lemon flavored lolipop, lustfully kissing your red swollen lips,
"Ha-! he fucking brought his woman, and had her moaning so f-fucking loud!" you hissed thru the kiss the two of you were sharing, pausing every breath as you told him,
"Oh yeah?~, then let me make you moan- so fucking loud it'll never compare to that girl's moan hmm?" Shiu says, leading his kisses down to your shoulders then to your chest, "I'd love that- s'fucking much" you answered, squirming from his touch, your lips once again collide, as he skillfully removes your bralette that was hanging for it's dear life,
"Mhm, I'mma make you scream sooo fuckin' loud." he chuckles, "should bring you oh- home sometimes, that- fucker!" you retort, struggling to form a sentence, as he trace your body with the tip of his index finger, he scoffed. He leads his hands down on your wet laced panties, he chuckles,
"Are you this stressed, Darling?" he coos, massaging your vulva in a circular motion-
"mhm, i'm so fucked up i might lose it- ah!"
you exclaimed, Shui continues to massage your vulva but he purposely miss your clit, making you beg and become soo fucking needy, so needy that you pressed his hands on your gapping pussy lips, pleasure spikes to your spine- squirming, as the pads of his palms hit your clitoral hood, holding his hand tight on your pussy, bucking your hips back in forth giving your self pleasure with every thrust you make
"Can't wait? such an impatient lady." he teased balling his hand up into a fist, preventing you to please your self using his hand..he removes his hand from you panties and sat you on his lap- removing your panties with a slight of hand,
"Please, shiu you know how much i need your fucking, it's a remedy- fuck!" you stumbled upon your words unsure if you'll convince him, he swirls his lolipop in his mouth.
"I'm all ears babe, maybe beg some more and I'll fuck your brains out huh?" he replies, playing with your vagina, teasing your entrance, but never going in it, your pussy was dripping wet on top of his clothed boner, his pants was wet from your arousal,
"Shiu, fuck- honey please...i need you, i want you so fucking much, i need you to fuck me, please, please, please, pretty- fucking please!" you cried out you had enough of his teasing and gave in, lowering your pride "please.." you said once again begging him with such damn beautiful puppy eyes gripping so tight on his thighs, he finally gave in throwing you to the couch- unbuckling his pants, freeing his boner, his cock quickly sprung out off his pants as soon he pulls his boxer out, he then loosen his necktie and removes it from his neck- he ties it around your eyes, blindfold it, you were all in fours in the couch as you let him blindfold you.
"don't come crying and complaining to me that your body hurts, you begged so good for it" Shiu says as his pants dropped to the floor, grabbing his belt from the ground he once again approached you, he grabs your ass cheeks and spat on your pussy, you jolt from the sudden contact, he smears his spat with your wetness using it as a lubricant, he pounds his hips in you leaving you with a hanging mouth, his slightly curved cock helps him to reach your gummy walls, hitting and obliterating your g-spot, abusing it at it's limit, he snaps his hips until his balls was so deep in your pussy.
"you're being too spoiled at this point
he says smacking his belt on the fat of your ass, "aghh-!!" you screamed, as your ass vibrates from Shiu's consistent spanking with his belt, pulling your hair and his necktie on your eyes at the back whispering all the mean things that he could fucking do to you, he lets go of your hair, then he reached down to your puffed clit, rubbing it so slow, so slow that it was painfully hard to resist to become so fucking needy- your arms was holding tight on the cover of his bed, your arms were numb and hanging for its purpose, you failed to keep your arms to support your body, so your arms gave out with your hands beneath your chest and stomach, Shiu held your ass up as he props himself to thrust faster in you,
"hold my lolipop for me babe-" he says as he pops his lolipop out holding it as a cigarette, putting the bottom of the stick on your butthole, "Shiu!~" you whined as you feel the lolipop stick in your ass
"try to keep that still and I'll give you your reward sweet plum." he says as he went ballistic thrusting in and out off your pussy, making you scream in pleasure arching your back for him to hit deep in your womb, as he thrust non-stop you felt the familiar knot building up in your abdomen, you were close, and you knew that.
"shit! shit! shit! im going to c-cum, Shiu- shiu- shiu- shit! im going- im going to fucking cum!" you exclaimed as you came on top of his shaft, cumming messily on top of him, but that doesn't stop him from thrusting and rubbing your clit, he makes you see stars, stimulating your much more to the edge,
"F-fuck, y/n, baby.." he groans thrusting non-stop, "Shiu! s-stop wait i think- ugh im going to pee!" you panicked telling him to stop but he cackled at your worried state,
"your husband- hasn't made you squirt before hmm? let me be the first then~" he says thrusting once more in your overstimulated pussy, "Shiu- fuck sooo good, shit!" you screamed squirting on top of his cock as he cums in your gummy walls, shooting thick ropes of cum, your tongue lolled out, crying from pleasure, he kisses your forehead and shoulder,
"you did so fucking well baby~" he whispered on your ear as he carries you to bed.
You woke up beside him, putting on your black suit, fixing your necktie, ready to go to work- "you're going to work?" shiu says as he rumbles out off bed "yes i am- coffee's on the counter, and uh..see you, see you next week?"
"yeah see you next week y/n." he smiles, as you walked your way out, "take care" he adds as you left out off his house.
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