#shits about to get wild in the wild west filled with trans people that is my blog
misano17 · 2 years
Possibly a bit weird, tw mouth stuff (It's shumika fic news but still)
I'm gonna go ahead and draft an outline for the scene where Shu accidently makes a hole in Mika's tongue and these weirdos proceed to get off on it.
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biorusted · 4 years
Let us hear it my liege
Ok! These are the premises for the my headcannon Mandalorian plots! ill go into more detail if someone asks, but for now these are summaries. I’ve been trying to think of plots that fill both the Arthurian and Wild West niche while also focusing on Din finding/ recruiting other Mandalorian in order to help/ escape from Bo-Katan as well as work through his own shit.  here’s what I’ve come up with.
The Princess (?)
Following the idea of the hired hand/ knight being roped into a bodyguard position for an heiress/princess, as well as the forbidden lover trope and the bad ass fighting princess trope. Din follows a rumor about a gathering of Mandalorians and comes across a bunch of them getting ready to transport a Princess back to her homeland, he joins them with the promise of being paid and the prospect of recruiting them back to Bo-Katan. The trip is filled with Exposition, Princess/Young Mandalorian shenanigans, and Other Mandalorian Cultures, but before the mission can be completed pirates show up. The Princess offers to go with them peacefully in order for no one to get hurt, but of course she’s rescued, and the job is done. (the princess and the Young Mandalorian end up parting ways with the promise of meeting up again. They are best friends after all)
Subtle ish things within the episode will expose Din to the complexities of politics, what a ruler would do for their people, loving someone enough to let them go, and show different relationships within Mandalorian cultures and with mandalorians and non-mandalorians
The Forgotten
Following the Idea of a ragtag bunch of children/orphans get the upper hand on the Big Bad bandits of the group and ends up becoming the enforcers when the actual law won’t do shit -- as well as the idea of Am I Still A Mandalorian and Gender™ and parenthood.(think Robin Hood/ peter pan’s lost boys), Din arrives on a back water planet and well, finds… well, a rag tag bunch of children. Their leader is not a child though, more of a big (once again 20 ish) Brother and its reviled that he is a foundling that was abandoned when he was younger and unable to uphold the creed. There’s a lot of discussion what a mandalorian is, because the foundling has tried his hardest to pass on his knowledge and care for the other orphans, but is that enough? Din doesn’t really have an answer. The main conflict à The bandits/ pissed off law people plan to get rid of the orphan’s band and they kidnap some of the kids. The foundling asks Din for help and guidance aaaand they defeat the bad guys and rescue the kids. Din ends up asking the foundling to join him on his mission to bring Mandalorians together again (bo-katan’s mission) and either Din gets a bunch of foundlings or the foundling stays on the planet. Not sure which one would fit best with the kind of growth Din needs to go through.
Important concepts in this episode would be foundlings! Obviously. But mostly children being children. I want to show kids being kids and a bigger kid doing his best and the general mystery of ‘if foundlings are the future then how was this one left behind’. Also the idea of retribution, and wither or not its desired and of course the idea of what is the minimum for being a Mandalorian. Also, gender. Cus I have the Foundling as being trans and the idea of ‘idk no ones here to help me so im figuring it out on my own’ is applicable to Mandalorian stuff and gender stuff.
 would love to hear y’alls thoughts and like i said i would also looooove to go into more stuff here if yall want! 
also ill say it again, Dave, Jon, Hire me
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theaurorfileshq · 4 years
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R I L E Y   M E T Z E R  /  A U R O R   C A D E T
AGE: Forty
BLOODSTATUS: Halfblood (No-Maj Born Father, Wix Mother)
IDENTIFYING FEATURES: That Sweet Sweet Louisiana Accent, Plaid Shirts, Dog Hair on Nearly Every Belonging.
(+): Seer (Post-Cognitive, Almost Useless), Vehicle Proficiency, Animal Skills.
(-):  Extremely Weak Magical Ability, Avoids Conflict.
(tw: mentioned alcoholism, murder, vague transphobia )
(i.) – childhood.
Their mother left early on, and when Riley was young their father hated him for the resemblance. He looked too much like her, even when he carved out a new body for himself, to better fit his shape. He’s the eldest child yet somehow the second son, always lesser somehow in his father’s eyes. There is a sense of otherness that haunts him through the years, one he can’t dwell too much on as he lays in his cramped bed, brother not more than a foot away on the other tiny twin mattress, in their tiny box room. Riley always blames the cramped circumstances of his upbringing for planting his anxiety in him, for making him afraid of big crowds and wide open homes.
He does his best to learn to live life on his own terms, to take care of himself and his brother and leave their father unbothered. Riley learns to cook dinner, and help with homework, and smile strained smiles at the grocery store clerk. Their father teaches him things young, leads by example. He tells Riley that if he insists on being a man, at least he’d better not be some kind of priss. He drinks too much and passes out early, and Riley learns to ignore the stench of beer on the couch, and learns to hide the way he looks at other boys.
His brother is special. They learn that young too. At eleven he’s secreted away to a world that Riley doesn’t get to be a part of. Magic school. He takes after their mother in a way that Riley seemingly doesn’t. Sometimes, he feels like he’s missing out on something. He feels like he missed a moment of revelation, like something should have changed when he was younger, but he wasn’t paying close enough attention. Sometimes, he wonders if he could ever be special, hopes and dreams to be something more than he is.
He gets a job as a teenager and contributes to the family, and lets his father teach him how engines work, how to drive. He has an anxious heart, and he’s a fucking weirdo, he knows it. People don’t like him, and he doesn’t want them to. Riley gets bullied at school, and bullied at home, and he swallows it all down and forgets it.
He regrets his wishing that he could be more, when it starts at sixteen. The… visions? He doesn’t know what to call them, but he learns to tell when they’re coming. They build like a vicious and sharp migraine behind his eyes, leave him dizzy and half blind, and after they hit he breaks out in sweats and usually empties out his stomach. His father doesn’t even notice, and the school nurse tells him he’s fine, nothing out of the ordinary. But he sees bloody phantoms, strange things he can’t explain. He sees Nancy Walker cheating on a math test that happened two weeks ago. He sees the Ryan boys playing ding dong ditch last halloween. Useless things. When he tells his brother, the reaction isn’t good. You’re making shit up, you just want to be special like me. He doesn’t know how to explain them in any other way, so he keeps his damn mouth shut, just like daddy taught him.
Their father disappears when he’s eighteen. It isn’t a surprise, and he’s done it before. A weekend long bender here, an extended trip away. Riley doesn’t think anything could have gone wrong, until a full week passes and he doesn’t turn back up. It leaves Riley feeling hopeless and helpless. He considers the police, what his father would say if he told them and everything was actually fine. He considers missing person’s reports, and people eyeing him with scrutiny, and he freezes up a little. Anxious heart beating fast, body aching with nerves. Sometimes, he can’t make words come out of his mouth, can’t form sound. When he’s nervous, he goes quiet. A defense mechanism, a last line of support. He picks up the phone to call the police, and can’t get the words out, so he just hangs up.
Riley figures that everything will be fine. Dad will come  home soon, and they’ll go back to the way things were. School ends and he skips graduation, glad to escape high school, glad to work more hours at the gritty and dirty mechanics down the street from their tiny cramped house. His brother comes home from school for the summer, and he imagines that everything will be fine, and then he has a vision. A hold up on the road out of town, where the land becomes wild again, swampy land and his father’s car, his father’s blood. They do go to the police, finally, but it’s his brother that does all the talking.
(ii.) – an education.
He strikes out on his own, after their father dies. Tries to, at least. His haunting little problem only gets worse, and his anxiety stops his heart more often than not. He’s a broken shadow of a thing, a strange man that makes people uncomfortable. He loses his job at the mechanic shop, and then at the grocery store, and then again at the other one across town. He stops and wonders why he’s doing this, why he’s staying in this town where no one likes him and no one needs him.
It’s a flight of fancy that has him selling his father’s house and moving out, moving away. He packs up everything they owned and sells everything he doesn’t want, everything his brother could do without. He finds pictures he’s never seen before, his mother with shining eyes, and she does look like him. There’s another man in the picture with her, and he looks like her too. A twin. He scours through the rest of the tucked away boxes, finds a letter from her tucked away inside one, and wonders if the address on it is still good.
He isn’t sure what he expects from her, when he finds her. He isn’t sure if he should be angry that she left, or glad that she never had the time to learn to hate him. Mainly, he just wants answers from her. He just wants something. He finds the apartment from the letter, on the west coast, and decides not to write ahead, not to warn her of his imminent arrival. A letter is a lot easier to ignore than a son on your doorstep.
She isn’t there, when he knocks. But the other man is. The uncle Riley never knew he had. His name is Alastair and he looks at Riley with sad eyes, and he has a kind smile, and he explains that she died a long time ago. Years and years ago. Before Riley ever knew where to look. Riley turns to leave, but Al invites him inside and lets him stay the night, lets him stay for a week. When Al asks if he can do magic, at all, Riley shakes his head. There’s nothing magical about him. He’s a squib, that’s what Al says, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t part of the magical world. But even that much isn’t right.
He’s at Al’s when the visions shift. Ever since his father, they’ve taken on a bloodier edge. No more math tests. No more ding-dong-ditch. Riley is the eternal victim now. He’s attacked, murdered, more than once. And apparently that means he might not be a squib after all. There’s magic in him. Just a bit. Just enough, and he’s very special indeed. Al gets in contact with an old professor, who gets in contact with an expert in the field of seeing the future, who gets in contact with an expert in the field of seeing the past. Riley reports the crimes in his head to the police, to the aurors, and forgets how to sleep at night without dreaming of death.
Riley learns magic from his uncle. It’s too late for school. He’ll always have missed something formative, something necessary. But he wouldn’t have thrived there, wouldn’t have blossomed. He learns all the theory, but he can’t manage most of the actual magic. A few spells here and there, but the rest is beyond him. He can boil a kettle, open a door, turn on a light. He can’t make a shield, he can’t throw his body across time and space, he can’t turn a teapot into a turtle. So, he doesn’t expect to go far in life. He gets a job in a diner and for some reason, Al lets him stay in the spare room of his apartment, his mother’s old room. There are pictures glued to the wall that he can’t get off, attached with magic that he’ll never be strong enough to counter. He could ask Al, probably, but he doesn’t have the heart to.
(iii.) – career progression.
Things go as they always do. He lives. It isn’t quite happy, his existence, but for a brief few years it’s the best it’s ever been. He has an uncle that loves him. Someone to count on. But Riley Metzer isn’t a person who is allowed to have comfort, and everyone he loves turns to ash eventually. Al dies, just like everybody else. Well, maybe not. It’s an accident, brutal in its simplicity, one of those strange things that could happen to anyone and everyone. He leaves Riley some money, and he’s gone, grief left in his wake.
Riley buys himself a trailer he parks out in the woods, and buys himself a dog. Tiny little thing named Titan, sweet and comforting, unlike any human he could fill his life with. He gets a job in the nearest city, at an all night diner, and tries to cope as best he can with existence.
There’s  this problem he has when he can’t ignore the things he’s seen. He’s become an eternal victim, and there are horrors unfolding before his very eyes. But he’s also the kind of man who hates to be seen, to be noticed, to be scrutinized. He knows now that his visions are real, but they’re still difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to no-maj police. It’s hard to walk into a station and give information about a murder no one is aware of, to give details that have never been supplied to the public. If he doesn’t want to be mistaken for some kind of weirdo serial killer, he has to do better than that. So he becomes the master of the anonymous tip. Phone calls from old, practically defunct payphones. Notes written on random scrap paper.
It’s easier with the Aurors, who understand at least in the vaguest sense that Riley gets his information through traumatic recollections of things that never happened to him. They understand he knows the details because he lived them, because when he sees a murder he lives in the victims shoes for a day. He’s been strangled, stabbed, and left for dead. Once, he was buried alive. He knows he can go to them and for the most part, they’ll get it – but he’s still strange, still  unusual, as far as seers go, and he still hates it when they talk to him for hours at a time. So he tries to cheat that system too, uses Al’s old owl to send notes to headquarters and hopes that they never track him down for further comment.
Of course, someone does track him down, eventually.
They appear in the diner in the middle of his shift, order coffee with too much sugar and a slice of pie. Sol LeRoux has kind eyes and what must be the brightest smile in the world. He must be a few years older than Riley, but he looks younger. Something sweet and bright and innocent inside him that sets him apart, where the opposite is true for Riley, old beyond his years. He flashes a badge that says he works for Central Squad, and Riley thinks his heart is going to beat right out of his chest. Sol is there for him, because of something that he saw, because he’s the man with the insider knowledge, and there’s a serial killer on the loose. Riley helps in every way he can, but there’s clearly more than that going on.
Sol looks at him like he’s something sad, but something with potential, and his heart doesn’t stop beating too fast. They stop a serial killer, and Sol tells him that he’s wasting his life, tells him that he could do so much more if he put his mind to it. Apparently, Riley’s tips have helped them close a dozen cases on the big squads. When he points out that he did all that anonymously, that he’d be useless as an auror, that he can barely do magic anyway, Sol smiles at him. He smiles and he shakes his head, and he looks at Riley with kind eyes. The words stay with him for a long time: well, i’ve seen your future, Riley Metzer, and I think you’d do pretty damn great.
Sol gets him into the academy somehow, and he passes as best he can. By the skin of his teeth, or by the grace of god, he does become an auror. Riley calls his brother to share the news, and the conversation is tense, the way it always is. Part of them will always know that Riley isn’t meant for this world, that no matter what anyone else says, he’s a pretender through and through. Still, Riley wants to hoard it selfishly, wants to be part of it for as long as he can, before they realise their mistake and take away his badge again. They assign him to the squad in Louisiana, and then to Washington, and then to Tennessee. He never expects for more than that, to be passed around to where he’s needed most, to be loaned out whenever he has a vision that might help.
He doesn’t expect MACUSA or Pacific Squad to come calling. But eight months ago they did, and then he began a life of bigger and better things. He moved his trailer and his dogs to the west coast for good, moved into a big office with way too many people, and had to fight just to make himself say a word. He’s still waiting for them to realise that he doesn’t belong, he’s still hoping that they never do.
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dreamsanddreams88 · 4 years
We bought chickens AND bunnies at the same time, really hectic,I was tryna cuddle the bunnies but they would bite sometimes. At one point, in AC origins game trying to hide in a house full of Roman ppl from one of the phylakites that was killing everyone indiscriminately, very scary. I was female character, did the cool thing where i cut ropes on a chandelier and rode the other rope up onto something, one handed. Then i was in airport with alex, we had gone to Japan but then I got freaked out cuz of Corona and we both forgot towear masks
I was in a thrift store and didnt like any of the stuff I grabbed so I went to put it back n leave cuz I was only on lunch break anyway, the shop girl made snide remark about my hair needing to be dyed? She was like, thanks for coming in, come back when ur hair doesnt suck or something. I said fuck you and your orange hair, cuz it was dyed red and faded, but I stuttered n she made fun of it. But then she followed me cuz we all had to go to some meeting? N she was a little nicer. Sat at these tables waiting for alex, we were about to see a show with a drag queen. It was in a mall or something
Was at west again but getting lost, then was back in 4th grade maybe? Looking for new class? Then I was starting to date alex but someone else like jenna was in the room with us, he was spooning me but trying to be secret, jenna thought we were fucking, also I took a shower w him but needed another one, I had taken like 3 showers that day. I was staying w my family somewhere in hotel maybe. Then saw this girl I thought maybe was his ex katie, creeped on her instagram she actually was mixed black girl w blonde hair, was cheerleader n basketball player, really badass and mean. Brian lemaster was in there somewhere. Ar some point I started drinking juice boxes filled with milk before remebering I was lactose intolerant
Dreamed I was signing up for a matchmaking service to get married? It was via snail mail, and it was all girls who were mostly indian I think, or maybe bosnian. One girl was named Imina and sent me some of my writing that she edited, I found it very snooty and rude. Also had accepted someone else before seeing I had a letter from her. Also something with different video games that were scary, but all took place in the same house. One was 5 nights at freddy's themed, one was victorian ghosts, etc.
Was going on charter bus with work and other ppl, were leaving my old house. Kept forgetting my earbuds, went back in to see maids deep cleaning the whole place. Bus went out into cold winter wilderness? I made friends w bus driver, guy looked like william h Macy a little bit. Then i was Rey, kylo ren had captured me and was gonna make me squirt bleach into my eyes so I'd be blind, fought him off and escaped thru the back of a cupboard. He was on island surrounded by stormy sea, freezing cold, and big blocks of calcium formations kept crumbling into it. Force ghost Luke Skywalker appeared to me to tell me death was real but I could escape. Then I was with jenna or sarah, went to hotel looking 4 my parents, nice old ladies were telling me they saw my lost mittens or something? I brushed them off super rude
Was in big house with mafia family. Lots of cars n helicopters falling out of sky, crashing thru glass ceilings. Trying to leave the house, calling business guy when a car falls on him owned by one of the mafia guys. Smthn with a chef from the house, hes really strict when teaching kids how to cook, indian food cant have lemon juice in it? I was licking the glaze off raw chicken and salmon
Was in Laos in war zone, Belgians were bombing the shit out of it and these rare plants called dragon plants were burning, it was way sad. Then it was xmas at parents house but also dads bday, had to help mom take down all xmas decor temporarily until we could open dads presents. Also I didnt trim my zucchini plants and one was like 12 feet tall. Then at work taking break on some huge metal train. Also something about being in some state or royal building, running or hiding from someone
Was with alex in old doornbos house, he was asking me who was in my "network" meaning who had I slept with. I said a bunch of people and he got mad, I was high and tried to explain it was in the past not current. Then I was in theater at the high school across the road, had an improv scene with abby thomas but hadn't rehearsed at all. Went to rehearsal, everybody from hs was there, dawson was teacher, saw shelby drive past. Then smthn about walking bay in the mountains, were super high up in the snow and saw other ppl walking dogs
Something about having traded bodies with ian brauer when we were younger? Or not even traded, I had somehow accidentally possessed him and then had to go to school and pretend like I was him, and then only when I concentrated really hard I went back to my own body which was passed out on the floor of my room.
In a school, had brought imhotep back 2 life n he brought back his gf so we tried running and hiding. Then he was darth Vader and he caught me. Then dream about being on wild ferris wheel kinda ride with mom and Lauren who was sometimes aunt ellen, then in a family of talking dolphins whose step mom was a whale, the dad was joking about how him and the mom might perish at the bottom of the ocean. Then something about a demon possessed lady
Scary dream 1st where I was out walking at night in the forest, looked kinda like lower area of ECOS. The light in a street lamp didnt work, had to use flashlight. Alex showed up with bay who was now a white shih tzu, a frat guy in skeleton costume ran over to scare us. Then I lived in this village/tribe, everyone had hotel rooms kinda. I was back in town going to everyone's rooms, my mom had a room next to mine but she was gone somewhere. Then we were playing guitars, I picked up someones weird acoustic base to try and play. Then I got invite from JC, him and his friends were having a joint wedding in 2026, invite looked like DND character sheet. I was in the forest when scary evil ash cloud exploded out from the ground, kinda like in neverending story or moana. Ran back to village and was safe inside this like, sacred circle? It meant that I was actually the next in line to be the tribal chief. The tribe purposely kept everyone's parentage a secret so it was like the whole village was our parents, but this meant my dad was this one rando young guy who wasnt even the chief? Anyway he hugged me and it was emotional. It meant I had this prophetic duty to defeat these creepy evil eels like in the little mermaid. The water/ocean was this weird quad, with each quadrant being a different depth and color blue. I had to scuba dive to the bottom on a certain date to fight them, matthew/mikey was gonna hold my breathing tubes or something? If I tugged twice he could pull me back up.
In world where mr bean guy was a king n had lots of bodyguards, he was taking on corrupt religious mormon police like in Utah who rode camels and abducted like 500 people for slavery.
Had private teacher lady for something, 8 of us. I couldnt concentrate on test. She gave me spare key to let her dog out, i go in her house and the skylights are open and room full of snow. Then she has dinner party with me, snape, Adonis, michelle/jenn, and a doctor. Ends in screaming match, I'm mad cuz Michelle keeps flirting w Adonis by dropping shit on purpose and making him pick them up. Then I go to doc about weird vaginal discharge and being depressed, hes kind of a quack and doesnt help or listen. Then I was trying to get job at restaurant but all the servers had been at the party and thought I was crazy. Also smthn bout seeing a concert and shawn goggins was in it, jc and elliot were there and I started laughing at him about how that was a girl he cheated on me with but she turned out to be a trans man so he had sex with a dude
I was in world like video game level, in a class w people. Started in weird castle that had secret passages, and then onto these floating balloons above black holes. Tried to jump from one to the other without falling, very scary. Then with alex in a hallway, waiting for some event to start. We climbed up to ledge where there was like a gem/ring stockpile, I started stealing them. Mcgonagall was there and saw us, I was too afraid of heights to climb down. Then event was starting but it was some creepy cult wearing animal masks, I had to pretend like I knew what was happening
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